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The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 7

Brooklyn, New York
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ANGELO-MARY. of 272 Sump- MacKINNE BROOKLYN EAGLE. TL'ES MAR 26 Igjg 7 DANIEL W. hiCKEY IS DEAD; Mrs. Lucia First, Street, on March 23.

1946. wife March 23. 1946. beloved the late Frank Aiuelo Sur- Bm Latham ved by five Jack. Michael, of Constance E.

2 hotel executive 35 years nf Navv Mothers 7 IT 2 on the eve of hU 60th birthday mac Hotel. He became realden, Ul n0" 1 Hotel, ROCing TOX To RUSH Vfr HomCS Morrison. Assembly O. Building Grbs Set Peter. Eutne and Albert, and and Madeline M.

dauahters. Frances. Constance, neral Wednesday from hts Adams. Fieaerick Koka. Mary fcjrbaio, John Kuni.

Joseph rrj Patrick Lawler, Joseph Bimagura.Luca Lelbrock, Richard Boorum. Helen Leonardi, Peter Bradford, Mary MacKinney, P. Brvnraii. Michael M.ilone, Thomas i Hin nf phni. anntvprsarv Daniel Webster Hickev manager of Hovel Manser, later i Mrs.

Lucia First, long act ConUi Pag. 1 muwted from Page I Kungi solemn Kequiem nans, a.m. Tuesday. March 26, 10 a.m.. ALONE THOMAS sud- "flS oI tn manaKtr of Hotel Navy Mothers of America, and Ita is not continued by be adminiatered on a local level.

June Citizens committer have been set tntrrriu St March 23- im- hus' York hotel man for 35 veers, died Several years ago he managed eral years, died yesterdav in tl Cm Brown. Douglas Marlborough, L. Buckle, Edith' McKeon.John Bmie Frank Moore. William oana oi me ia.e B.atneiine earrea; yesterdav of a heart attack in his the Engineers Country Club in Sterling Nursing Home a The Stephens bill which ointatns ip in each comniunlty screen all provision, however under which building applications. Even if pro-pw dwelling construction would posed projects found essential, father of Marie A Mullln.

gl tne noltl Roslyn. He then became associated week illness. She lived 1 DOIG JOHN. March 25. 1946, I leen m.

luck ana warren ivia- Mr Hickev who was burn Ful- the Hotel Commodore. Oxford St. Campbell, Patrick Miillaney, Jesse The funeral will be held Thnra.i Mm Mm nr not be subject to rent, IW it be made to defer Noyes, Flora Bay Shore, L. Lj Ohtano, Mary Anselo.Mary brother of Mrs Elizabeth Don-iMichael Malone Funeral Wednes- eraDn OBerator at 17 and after see- riav from the Fairchild eraduate of the training school underwent I long debate. them as long rn possible Pfalzgraf John Prosper, Mary FHA J-HiiH.

Jonn aldson, Mrs. William Stewart and jday, 9:30 a.m.. trom the McManus lng much o( Ul. United States be- 89-31 164th St Jamaica, followed the old German Hospital. Man- Long Debate Held James Doig.

Funeral services at the Funeral Home, 2001 Flatbush Ave-came passenger agent In 1908 for by a solemn mass of requiem atlhattan. now the Lenox Hill Hospital An attempt bv the Democrats to ill applications for Mathilda Pvle. Emma n-iori'is I Y. Sullivan timers! Home, nue, rteq.iicui oaaaa it i.ciurn ttM, York Central Railroad at 3 am al lie Church ot tne Her husband, the late Joseph First. Into tho hill foreman in the com- itut an new residential housing Wednesday, March 27.

at 7:30 p.m. mem vnammi. business at the Hotel Ulira ana sneiton Ave. Jamaica Interment Green-Wood Cemetery. I MARLBOROUGH March 25 In 1911 Mr Hickey became night Surviving are two daughters, Thursday.

ttitjan nf lira eth manager of the Hotel Plaza. Man- Mrs. Elizabeth Sweeney and Mrs. IhnlnmJ artfe nf th)Tlaf7wmwS: tttttn. Subsequent ly he was a.sso- Alice Gries: a brother.

Frank First, Lucia Ryan, Joseph M. Garvey, Rev. C. Ryer Moore, i 1 1 a Elizabeth Schwartz, F. Gunn, Robert W.

Skarbek.Mary Gunther, Herbert Stead, Arthur Hall, L-eila Stedman, Hin, Michael Mons. Joseph HiUerichs.B. M. Steneck, AnnaG. Johnson, Mildred Van Stone, Pearl Keane, Beatrice Welner, John J.

Kehm, Janet Alice Hickey a I nf with the managerial staffs of Hickey. and Erhpiie. Chesterfield and Ala- of Syr posing room of the New York Sun. construction would be Included un- died four years ago. She was th, prop()set 8laU rem aJST 111.11? tU.

mother of Herbert and Michael 'off a dUeugfton, but 25 wVKn rTm First, both of whom also are printers, was beaten bv a voce vote The the former with the Racing Form Ugoendaamt, sponsored bv Demo- and the latter with the News She Assemblyman William Pct Affected was a member of the Woman's Iciancy of Queens, was supported by Specifiually the order require I Auxiliary of Typographical Union t)ie Democrats, but wa defeated Govemiient permission to start a No. 6. when most of the Republican ma- constriction or repair Job above Besides her sons she is survived Voed it these 'Amits: iby a daughter. Irma First, and a Houaes, including farmhoases and loved wife of Vil.v devoted mother Al of Rita A. Vireinia and Pfc.

"thy. Arthur, Walter, Joel and Ray, Carl .1 Paulino Armv: sLster mond Shannon. Funeral Thursday nf Mrs. Hueh. Soark.s.

James. a from Funeral Home, 7722 F. Tyson, Lawyer, Henry W. Speight, ADAMS FREDERICK 0., of William and John Oleksa Wl Avenue. Requiem Mass Our Walnut Street, Baldwin, on Funeral from Schaefer's Funeral'iuy of Angels Church.

granddaughter Hazel S. First the residatuU garages, $400 Fusion Leader Last City GAR Vet McKEON-On March Hcgels. resorts, ajjartment home JOHN of 1391 Putnam 10 a tomorrow at the New York Hnllse 10 wd? new im consiruciion would permit 'greedy den: i.i nitiidmgs to he oc- 6unday, March 24. 1948, beloved parlors. 4th Avenue at 42d Street, husband of Jennie E.

(nee Morton! Thursday. March 28. at 9:30 a Reposing at Wiegand Brothers Fu- Requiem Mass St. Michael's R. neral Home.

24 S. Grand Avenue, church. Interment St. John Cem-Baldwin Services Tuesday, by more than five families, loved brother of Mrs. Sadie Postal, Frank L.

Ty.NOn. a lawyer, who Gladstone. N. March 2S- Henrj Lawrence. Elizabeth and Helen! formerly was Queens chairman of Washington Speight of 4019 High- Oxford St.

Burial McKeon. Funeral services wii; be Hie Citv party and a canal- land Boulevard. Great Kills. SMtenit inri. him remeterv aiid would affect the future of New.

or servlf1 tabluin. p.m. Funeral Wednesday. 1 p.m. pijx LUCIA, on Monday, held at B.

Thuring Funeral Par- date tor the Supreme Court in the Island, the city's sole surviving me, 45 lor, 1178 BUShWlCk Avenue. weane-W nucucnu UHKS aiN yesieiaay memoer oi me urana jMarr! Uieaters. warehouses and gal jiiervice stations, $1,000 Floor leader in opposing the amend- Pfc. A. Harring, 22, men', called for its defeat on the RARRATO March 1946'jlate Joseph First, and dear mother greens Cemetery Thursday at Cafeteria, 306 Fulton St.

He was home of his eldest son. Alfred cnurcnes. nospitais. scnoois, puo- JOHN, beloved husband of Molly; or Irma. Herbert and Michael.

a.m. "veo av awi munis opeigns. jum one inonin aner ne lie buildings and charitable insti grounds that it would "emasculate" the bill by stifling much-neededi posing at 187 S. Oxford MOORE March 25. 1946.

WIL- Malvelne- naa reacnea nis luum oirtnaay Missing Airman new construction Services Tuesday evening, 8 o'clock. I LI AM beloved husband of Oer-' Mr- ryson' 'no had been Prac' He left his home Staten Island dear father of Alfred ana ueorge. Reposing at Walter B. Cooke, Funeral Home, 1218 Flatbush Avenue until Thursday. 10:15 a.m.: Sol- During the debate a publicity Lean- re 01 uu wul cafeteria during Feb.

24. to join In a famiK cele- I.iMed mu-int in action ir. Hie cimpaign of the National Assort: der and Mrs. Philm brother tutions, $1,000. Factories, lumber camps, commercial airports, piers, railroad buildings, research laboratories, motion picture sets, utility structures, including telephone and telegraph, and oil, gas and petroleum refining and distribution buildings, $15,000.

it which bratlnn here. tlnce laai unmtff Pfr lion of Manufacturers for the li'fl Requiem Mass St. Atnanasius of Mrs. Charles Lindquist: member C. Church, 10:45 a.m.

Interment late Charles and Ellen Garvey nf Re- lle conducting against the tn 1862. as a boy of 17. he joined Arthur Harrlng of 85-08 56lh ing of price controU was subjecw-d St. John's Cemetery. Ellen Burns); brother of Clarence, chAIX 137 Penn.iylvania Railroad in the Union Armv Transport Service Elmhurst.

has been declared dead to crituLsm from both Republlef.i ajrjKty BERRY PATRICK March 25, teortre Alice. Anna. ana I Soiemn Requiem Brwl(l'n Federal Court. His oltice on Hie Mississippi River Three bv the War Department. He was and Democratic side; 104a' Survived bv brother, James.

Bernadette Divine Office Wednes- 1 a.M was al 277 Broadwav. Manual tan. vears iater he was an assistant en- 22 and had been overseas lor more 'Leader Ives termed the otner Buildings not previously campaign asinine. covered. $200.

Mlndoro Despite heated opposition rhe order Funeral from Byrnes Funeral Home, dav. 10 a.m.; Solemn Requiem S( ltT In. He was a iMtue 01 gmPPr on lhe South Atlantic Squad- than two years. 2382 Avenue. 0.

at St Boniface Holv Cross Cemetery. and was Kfaduated 43 years ago ron. serving on the Mercldita. the Private Hairing the routing VOktd by the increased WU bllLs following: mtroversial flight to Luzon with 28 others fhnrrh mam Interment St aacreo Heart uemeiery cntchogne.i jiae. oeiovea a tan, scnoiany ngure.

Mr. iy-irier. Work already begun I he went west to receive a unit citation lor part.lci- contained in the O'Dwyer adrninis-(beln(t cj," I Cemetery. I brother of Charles, Thomas. Hugh, son took an active part the af- After a lew vears later paling in the first, daylight raid tration legislative program, there t.ia- been BON ACHtRA LUCA.

March 25. BETH; beloved wife of Frank, Marcll; Funeral from theMemprial Day laid a wreath on the vedrBl- where he was over Hongkong. The transport plane was every indication the Mayor and building repainting repaper- Casey Funeral Home, isi victorj vianerne memorial 10 me neiues oi ln Funeral from har IL. nt wauir ntici mm nm wiiimuuu -7 iing joos; repair am devoted father of Felix. Mi- r.rattan w.

emolove of the Department of no trace of It was found his public rhael. Joseph. Anthonv Mr- Pin- re-idence, 887 St. John's Plare.iQ v. R.qlliem Mass at Church of! In legal circles he liners of Finam-e and retired in I al In fnl- Before entPilnff the service tn emerge bv nightfall line pauaaino.

am. mom wetniHay, ant Requiem Mass of Oood counsel at 10 mired attorney ing won two of Iow ni5 llobby of rns)ng and fish- June. 1942. the young airman was the battle fought out eover tiieir coastmction or Veterans Adminls- Bnd Arthur. Funeral Horn Ins of St.

Gregory. mterment Holy Cross Ceme-ithe largest awards ever granted bulldlngs, buildings dam residence. 1237 84th Street, Thurs-1 Holy Cross Cemetery ing oil me snores oi ureal juiis. a lens grinaer wnn a uienaaie: Each Memorial Dav Mr. Speight optical concern.

He was a graduate Republicans Switch o'tm local Federal Court. aged by disasters such as fire and flood. nh the Civil War contingent or Newtown High School. ijjjj, was indicated by the Re- riav. 9 a 111.

Solemn Kequiem Mass -al Si Bernadette Church. 13th1 GUNN- ROBERT on Sunday, NOYES FLORA C. a oh oid sstpt in om' Tn- March 24. 1946. beloved father of 24.

wile of Seldon 1 mother Riun Sealy T'son; daughter. along Riverside Drive. In 1936 hei Survivrng are his pare 'us publiran-controUed Sistate's pass- termentSt. John's Cemetery. Margaret Haffner.

Mary D. La jot Nan N. Kingsbury and Dorothy It does not apply to road building, streets, sidewalks, railroad tracks, fences, silos, bridges, tunnels, subways, pipe lines, power lures, sewers, mines, wells, dams or 1 Jr. hority bill by a vtvte of 39 to 14 en four up-Stair hi: Salvatore A Farenga, Director. Point.

Marion scnappeue ana n. sproui. services weaneaoay Ty-imaw Albert Joseph. Funeral Wednesday, Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, were nine left, and a year later there and two brothers, Kenneth and were only five. In 1944 only he and Donald.

two others remained. Last yeari 9:30 a.m.. from the Funeral Home.lcentral Park West M.i 23, 1946, beloved wile of after first, having voted against the switched their canals. finrn.tin ttamin nri de- Awilue Mass New York City. there was only Mr.

Speight, and for. mother of Ralph W. and theEpnrems C' Cnurctl- i PFALZGRAF JOHN March ate Arthur G. Boorum. Reposing! nnNTHER Randan March 24 2.

liS. brother of Elizabeth Pfalz- I'-e first time no G. A. R. veteran Ernest Albert, 88, votes to permit its 'enactment by a necessary two-thirds of the Senate's 56 meinjers under the Services Tonight For Arthur Stead See Small Homes rode in the Memorial Day parade.

187 S. Oxford Street. Services! I946i HERBERT, of 5204 7th Ave- raf' Services at late residence, 141 "Im too old and too Ho law. I Tuesday. March 26.

The measure, shich would permit Rn IHina BOOtTI Painter, Designer cteaiion of an authonly to control terment Cranbury. New Jersey. Thornton A. McGill, Director. oi Henry jr ana Mwaro H.

runera Fraternal services for Arthur services at the Harris Funeral ac 1U-JU am- Ic.j -j New Canaan, March 26--- 1'. Continaed from Page 1 Chapel. 5012 4th Avenue. Wednes-' rRUSfiK war, frist with the British Navy two daughters, Ada Speight BRADFORD MARY THERESA (nee Ready), native of Tralee, land" GOP- where. chief, who said building materials rf nf war Wlin ttie united stales mis.

je.ssie oinciair, ana es by Corner Stone Lodge, No. the late John; beloved mother of children Coiiiiiv K'itv. Ireland, at her home, 367, F. A. M.

iMrs. Jean Kappa, and sister of Mrs. tnp home of his daughter. M-s Tliad- 839 Hancock Street, beloved wife of Michael, and loving mother of HALL-LEILA MacARTHUR. nj SJ and JSft wood, deus A.

Du Flon, OW Stamford Commissioner Moses gained ap-'ooo building sites available in the proval of another of his proposals Brooklyn-Queens area and that Last Rites Held John, Thomas, Eugene, William, M.inriav March 25. 1948. heloved UitHuu. m.norcl from her hmne held with whom he lived. He was the Assembly, shortly Mrs.

Nora Welch. Mrs. Josephine 000 plans for one and two-family wife of the late James s. Hall, and 1 1602 E. 98th Street, Canarsie, lowed by I the Fresh Early in life Mr.

Albert, who had Romeo and Mrs. Agnes coates. Funeral from the home Wednesday, mother of Percival Robert S. Kenneth H. Hall and Phyllis Palm- Pond Crematory.

For Charles R. Gay, Wednesday at Requiem Mass Church of the Holy Family, 10 a.m. Direction of Daniel J. Fullerton. studied painung and designing at lM Bri(ke anj nouses nave been med.

or are about to be. with the city Department of Housing and Building. Assailed by Realty Leader with Requiem Mass at Our Lady ot tquist. Private service at the Fair- Mr. Stead, who since the war had been serving in the office of thei the Brooklyn Art School, 'New York City Tunnel authorities child cnapei, bo ijenena Place, on Good Counsel cnurcn, to a.m.

terment St. Charles Cemetery, nankin: piion at. Louis, Mo. to become by a 104 PYLE EMMA March 26, War Shipping Administration, died'; of Pope's Theater. Later, Chicmo Wednesday at 10 a.m.

cials and representatives of church. and welfare oraanlu Evidence of how the Legts-i Criticism of the Federal order ime promptly from George H. BRENNAN On March 24, 1946, ou mouiei "rorgB he was one of the designers of the 'u'n, tions joined in paying tribute to Charles R. Gay. former president lateSe and came tT this' country Survived bv one wn four daughters.

Wednesday from John Metzner's'day, March 29. from her home. 578.25 years ago. When war broke out between 1892. He was elected to the Chi'i Gray, president of trre Brooklyn Real Estate Board, who warned that the order is "entirely too in of the New York Stock Exchange, Society of Artists and later served 'liim(K this afternoon as Dm- i.ariv of Great Britain and Ger- fP F.ulors.

2890 Atlamic vciiue. Re- i8Ui I heme al services today in St. Mai line the Assembly ana drastic and will mean a 1 many laay ne enlisted in Canada from his residence, 953' President Mftss' 10 st" Michael Perpetual Help Church, 59th Street, 1. Methodist Church. Ave.

and! After returning to Newr York he session until 12:30 0 u8 service the British Hivy. Beverly Road. The Rev. Ralph retired from theatrical org in mil i Ine oraer ne simpuiwa KM Street, Wednesday; Solemn inwuueui ou ewi wuere ouicmii neMuicm ivib Mass St. Francis Xavler Church.

(Cemetery. offered, 10 a.m. img. Each! At 11:45 o'clock last night, after i fttenUon be given to provid- (After more than a year's service he jwas discharged and returned to the United States. Soon after Pearl Emerson Davis, pastor, oillciatefl.

to give full time to pa it Appraising the life of Mr Gay. year since 1931 his work for many years vice chairman of exhibited by the Nation ing materials for ajiartment houses." Interment St. John's; HILLERICHS BERTHA Sun-. RYAN-JOSEPH of 113 E. 3d Harbor he enlisted i i m.

Assembly day, March 24, 1946, beloved mother1 of Helen J. Karpf; loving sister of I Rules' -fr. regional head 01 Ule National Housing Agency, siraol mirfWpnlv March 91 DMA l.i, in'il i ll 11 (I 1 piUfi He brought in a special in cn-ioi declared that work already in prog- beloved husband' of the He was a Mason and a'the church rferred t0: of the founders of the Allied Artists pnrl calUng fM ('niiiuttee Florence H. Bass, Marion Ho- BROOKLYN COUNCIL 60. K.

of Brothers will kindly assemble on Wednesday evening, March 27, at 8 p.m. at New York and Brooklyn h0, Villi all his'of Ameru-a. taken and 39 ofl' ule founda- ityan inee ucvulcu mPmber ol the American Legion. "Cu" "1,7 I tall. These w- ition have been laid or frame- i Class, father of Joseph Surviving ar aoiniv ana vanous iniereaie, m-i Besides Mrs.

DuFlon, he is sur- 43 en his thoughts and vfved bv hi wife Mrs Hell bart, Grace H. Bejidikas and Edwin W. Hobart. Reposing at Funeral; Home of J. Clement Kearns, 1461 1 Bush wick Avenue.

Services Wednes-j Walter. Richard, Barbara Chapel, 187 S. Oxford Street, to) efforts unselfishly 111 the advance-'Walker Albert; a son. Ernest Albert 'Tempers Becoming Frayed Jane Ellen; brother of Timothy, Elizabeth Stead; his father. Albert Stead Sr a brother, three sisters and an uncle, Harry Stead of Bing-hamton, N.

Y. Walter, William, Mrs. Catherine day at 1 p.m. Interment "The Woodruff and the late Stephen F. men of others." jr and another daugnter, Mrs.i Sign developed in the House ing of the sod, filing piaas or Vocal solos were offered by George Rodney Gibson.

1 that tempers were becoming frayed'ing contracts" would not com MorrtsSey and Arthur under the pressure to adjourn atnel real beginning, he said. friends of Mr. Gay Burial was to be die today. In one flareup in the Will Handle Auoeata JOHNSON MILDRED ANNIE, Monday. March 25, 1946, daugh- Deatjjs Memorial Cemetery, Cold Spring hamber, Assemblyman Danleli 4.

J. Reposing at Edward r. Hlg-Funeral Home. 1286 Prospect ue. Funeral Thursday, 9:30 thence to the R.

C. Church Immaculate Heart of Mary. of the late William Harvey and I pay our respecus to our late urotn-er, WILLIAM R. MOORE, Who died March 25, 1946 Francis T. McCarthy, Grand Knight.

BROOKLYN LODGE No. 22, B. P. O. ELKS Brothers Funeral services for our brother, JOHN J.

WEINER, Tuesday, March 26, 8 at his residence, 200 Lefferts Place. MILTON SOLOMON, Exalted Ruler. Thomas F. Cuite, Secretary. 171- tne p.

A. said hi Emily Hart Johnson Service at her Francis MacKinney, Ex-Bank Employe hranriC Mark ItlllOlf Mr. Gay, who lived at 440 E. 19th esidenre, 1028 Bushwick Avenue, Southwest Pacific, charged attempUlJj handle anDMls He bbtpH where Solemn Requiem Mass will be celebrated. Interment Calvary Thursday, 8 p.m.

Interment Friday morning, Green-Wood Ceme- being made to hurry up and wt th Mr. Ascher definition of Cemetery. 1. work already tn progress and added the last mintue. construction not designed for RYER -MOORE MARY loved wife of Henry W.

and deMitvU Hosoital at the age of 70. He! mother of George R. and Helen nis Jennie) Campbell Bowdish. whom he mar-Herbst Sons Memorial. 7401 5th 1898.

and a son, William' Avenue, Thursday afternoon. i Campbell Gay of Haleaite. who also! VAN STONE PEARL on is a member of the New Yoi Stock March 24. 1946, beloved wife of Exchange, bert. devoted mother of erans homes could continue "where the credit teingut Leads Long Debate KEANE BEATRICE (nee Dady), March 24, at 104-28 110th Street, March 24.

1946. beloved mother of long me 01 mp materials have already Martin J. Moore and Catherine! and personnel departments BROWN DOUGLAS of 93-08 219ih Street, Queens Village, on March 25. 1946. beloved husband of Richmond Hill, beloved wife of thej late William dear mother of debate during the night on a Sen- een mcrPorated Brindley; sister of Sarah Collord, Rose iithgow, Thomas and Martin Collins.

Funeral from Walter B. ate-approvea measure wnicn wouia rrving itusi company. Manhattan, will be held tomorrow from his home, 1311 E. 24th where he died Only which Jessie Horton, loving father of Harold Hlggins and Evelyn Locker. Solemn Requiem Mass Wednesdav, require local tax bills to carry John, Raymond, Mary Coder, Fran- Mrs Georna BuekU ces and Dorothea.

Funeral from "cor3 shown to be it of State- Saturday night. A solemn mass of lu a.m., et. Mary uate or Heaven receiving. Boulevard. Wednesday.

9:15 residence. 176 Smith Street. Solemn "a oerii receivea nere i requiem will be offered aid the localities a Steingut offered a R. C. Church, 103d Street and 101st Requiem Mass St.

Francis of, Requiem Mass St. Paul's R. C. the death yesterday at Grant' jm Our Lady Help of Chn ta the bill in an attempt 4 'ireh. 9:45 a.ra.

Interment Cntirch. Thursday at 10 a in- raas, oi us. mu autaw, r. c. QBHOL MM anri 29th uougias also survivea Dy Drotner, Raymond.

Seiwices at the Stutz-mann Funeral Home, 224-39 Jamaica Avenue, Queens Village, Thursday, 3 p.m. BUCKLE On March 25, 1946, at Sacred Heart Hospital, Medford, Avenue, Ozone Park. C. J. Koch, Director.

KEHM JANET. March 26. 1946, Calvary Cemetery. terment Calvary Cemetery. 65.

a resident of Elmhurst for Bunal wUl be tn Holy Cross tax bills show also how much Newment was forthcoming from ti SCHWARTZ FREDERICK, of WEINER JOHN on Manh 24. Tw. 82-78 88th Lane. Glendale. L.

it his home. Place! V- England, and the wife! Mr. MacKinney. who re I red irom were contributing to the State! por one brief period Maor uf Te V-jthe Irving Trust Company 11 years! Treasury in taxes. 'o'Dwyer's representatives here uere beloved wife of Louis, devoted mother of Isa belle Masters and Oregon, EDITH, beloved wife of Survived by his beloved wife.

Ellen. ed by his beloved wife. Ellen. Monday, March 25, 1946. Survived Janet Hengler; also survived bv ud devoted mother of Vlo- bv three nieces.

Mrs. Ida cole, Mrs. granddaughter. Norma Inwood. Life; Jessie Wear and Mrs.

Madaline Slrois, and a nephew. John member Evangeline Chapter No 51, llet Morch, Edith Martinson, Eileen I Flowers, John, Edward, Douglas and Valentine Buckle and the late Ivy Orman. Funeral from her home at Funeral Wednesday, 9:45 a.m.: Sol- tm lor a num- By a party vote his amendment thrown Into a sUte of worried, Requiem Mass Church of the of n- Anwng her aumvori ber of years by Turner and defeated. When the argument ipense Nativity, 10:15 a.m. Interment St.

'npn a JStBW 5Si of 21 Slate wa.s rataed agataat hU move that rolI.fall th, alrport Joseph's Cemetery. Waukesha, Wis. re Pkwcrs- and a son- Valen-'St Manhattan. amending the bm would cause the autnonlv of enollJfl I I Sullivan Director tm- Surviving are his wile Mis Bm tUUtm of tne Legislature to be pro- for lt, T( h.d 3 J. J.

suiuvan, Director. Qther survlvo two jath.n MacKlnnev, daUghter. longed. Mr Steingut declared: JSHSuwimA Eastern Star. Reposing Walter B.

Schwartz. Religious services Cooke. Funeral Home. Warneck Funeral Home, (8-us Flatbush Avenue. Notice of funeral Grants Pass, Oregon.

BYRNE FRANK on March In CQcmoriiim With the measure hovriring b-reen passage and defeat four up- Myrtle Avenue. Glendale, L. I on Wednesday, March 27. at 7:30 p.m. Funeral Thursday.

March 28, at 2 p.m. Interment Lutheran Ceme- KOSKA On March 25. So. 1946, retired member N. Y.

P. beloved husband of Lucy C. Byrne. Services at Walter B. Cooke, MARY (nee Havurka, beloved three sons, Edward of Forest mST'' Macnnfy' at aillaMe us to HSf Tt'h.

No! hi! William Lewis -ended bil1" SSTSS ICy11 of Louts; devoted mother of Albert E. Koska; daughter of Mary and Funeral Home, 1218 Flatbush Avenue, Tuesday, 8 p.m. Funerali Wednesday, 10 a.m. Interment rinino ana cnaries j. i-aore.

Repos- Funeral services for William Modify Sales Tax The Republicans switching their Lewis, 71. 1 retired custodial en- Critics ol the bill which give the! vottt were Senators Arthur H. SKARBEK-MARY (nee Plecka), on March 24, 1946, beloved wife of Julian; devoted mother of Mrs, Irene Nagle, Lenora and Richard; grandmother of Patricia Nagle. Mrs. Anna Meyer, Mrs.

irene ue- Tullio and Charles Hayurka. Repos gineer with the Board Ol Eduea-j O'Dwyer administration the author- lclcs of Kingston. Waiter Ma- ing William A. Martin Funeral Green-Wood Cemetery. CAMPBELL PATRICK or March 25, 1946.

Survived by daugh iion, who died Sundav 111 the shore, n.v 10 doubie the citvs present. 1 01 Road Mnratna Home. 4B 04th st made tin final Cooperstown and W.tjmm Bewley Home, Classen Avenue corner Ster- Solemn Mass of Requiem St. in. March 26 Funeral -will he held at 8 nm tomm-m- at efforts to modify the measure here 0( Lockport.

A Senator Wick ling Place. Funeral Thursday, 9:301 ter Mrs. Mary Towers, and three Ephrem's R. C. Church Wednesday, 10:45 a.m.

Funeral from the Chapel for Frederick Adams. 66, the Fairchild Chanel Sfi Ifferts yesterday. changed his vote he remarked Kequiem Mass St. Teresa' give Ul 23 ears PI There also Masonic Church. Interment Most Holy jtiavrichlldren.

Funeral from residence, 234 Clermont Avenue, irsday, March 28, at 9:30 of Joseph G. Duffy. 770.1 5th LONG In loving for the United Fruit Company. Willi rites. I'lTinity cemetery.

STEAD-ARTHUR, suddenly MK brother HERBERT E. LONG Requiem Mass Queen of All March 25. March 23, 1946. his! Died 4larcn i. be held at 7:30 o'clock tonight at1 Mr.

Lewis, a native of England, 'leading delegation of about 100 Welgand Brothers Funeral Home. 'came to the T'nited States 50 years businessmen and women, sought a 24 S. Grand Baldwin Theiago. For the last two vears he had limitation under which the citv SUter, JEAN. of 69-11 64th Street, 46th father of nits R.

C. Church. Jo m's Cemetery. Emilia Billet ter. Lena Hecht.

Marie Glendale, beloved husband of Eliza-1 LONO In loving rrfdHLIitfMSM. Rev. Merton Wilson. of All been living at Pompton Lakes, would have the authority to levy COSTANZO MARY IDA, of 3009 Leunlg, Elizabeth Brennan, Emma atSsS'diVes rirar brother, HERBERT E. LONG Saints Episcopal Church, will offi-lN Stead nis wue.

me auaiuonai penny tax ior oruy March 23, 1946, beloved! father. Albert Trauth, Augusta Briceland; also Died Mnrch 26. 1942. MvtfdauuU Burial will take place 10- mm Martha. A 1wis and i year instead ot tnree.

unanie Willi of Saverio; dear mother of brother, Albert Stead and three I morrow afternoon in Evergreens George Lewis. vivea by lour grandchildren. Funeral from Moadinger Funeral Par-j lors, 1120 Flatbush Avenue, Thurs- ancu Costantlno, John and Jt phlne: sister of Colombia Porzlo, sisters, Elsie. Edith and Annie, living in England. Fraternal services Cemetery.

I legislative leaders, the committee! 8 at Ueorge Mr. Adams, a native of England BCY 11. 8. VICTORY BONDS sent a delegation which conferred Who oame to Baldwin 10 years agoj jiD SAVINGS STAMPS with Governor Dewey No state-1 nela Cafiero, John and Edwardi uro. Funeral from Chapel, Church! 83 HA.NSO PLACE tb.

LL R. IVpoi and TMI Sih Aa ri 1 hiili Ames BBOOKLT N. Y. ly, 10 a.m. Interment private.

LAWLER On March 24. 1946 81ster, 8TEU.A. MACHEL In loving memory I HERMAN MACHEL, who die March 28, 1939. OLLIE and the CHILDREN. Baque Funeral Home, 614 woodward Avenue, Ridgewood.

Religious services Wednesday, 2 p.m. Crema- iiiom orooKiyu, aiea nere ounaay at his home. 6 Walnut St. He is (survived by his wife, Mrs. Jennie Morton Adams.

JOSEPH beloved husband of Ann Lawler (nee Hanburyl; also Kresh Pond crematory. day. March 27, at 9:15 a.m.; Requiemi Man Our Lady Help of Christians Church, Avenue and E. 28th Street. Interment Holy Cross Cem-' urvlved by one niece and one Members of St.

Albans Lodge No. 56. F. A Long Island Grotto Past No Ilia in Hie Mucin 1 Cook glon and members of the 7th Regl-1945 Ma.sses offered. nephew.

Funeral from his residence, 662 Manhattan Avenue, on Wednesday at 10:30 a.m.; Solemn Requiem Mass St. Antony's Church. Interment Calvary Cemetery. Joseph V. 8esa, Director.

are rcspeciiiuiy inviten 10 i "sMnsiALr- BY VtUTI'S of Writ of STEDMAN Rt Rev. Monslgnor 3SEPH F. on March 23. 1946, j. j.

uaiiagner. Director. LEIBROCK RICHARD March SctvicQ ate Heam Sexvic Every minute detail of funeral arrangements is provided for when needed. Your every with nd desire is carefully ministered to ind everyday adjustment made simple and easy by every attentive service. Service With Uf ConicieMioni Ooigetlen Sl'undaril DIGNIFIED FUNERALS A OUR FUNERAL HOMIS ISI LM BMbvUdimliiitor 4 1200 SO Avenlw-MAln 2-8SS5 UU FUtbuui 2-0216-7 chaplain at the Monastery of thej 25, 1946.

devoted brother of Ernest. Funeral service at Walter B. Funeral Home, fi.1-32 Forest Avenue, Ridgewood, 3 p.m. a changing world, the high standards which have distinguished Fairchild Krvict for 60 years remain constant. ruicip sons PVNBMAl DltECTOtS SINCE 1SN BE.ARDALL Birthday brance of mv beloved ALICE BEARDALL, wl away January 20, 1945.

LEONARDI PETER Mareh iR of 5904 Avenue beloved son of' Eleanor M. Dunlea; dear brother of the Rev. Edwin J. Stedman. Reposing at the Monastery of the Blood, 5300 Fort Hamilton Parkway.

Solemn Mass to offered Tuesday and Wednesday at 10 a.m., Reverend Sisters of various Orders are respectfully invited to attend; Solemn Mass on Wednesday, also Solemn 5TlFominv.WIBilttitoa ClbiilU2 505 Boat i0 3(f St Brooklyn. Y. I. i4-m dtl March 22. rs Mattm Fm ir 1 Hum Jhn J.

Ford. S. Marahal. K. y-J mh23-6t oeu I TBAPKMARK WQT1C NOT1CK IS HEREBT OIVEfpTHA Greater New York Waterproofing Co.

of 197 Throop Avenu. Brooklyn, N. ha filed with the Sretiry of Ui Stale noticS is'i'ierkbI CflTv Tl A if 9S Montane, of IS Court Btrr-ct. Rrooklvn. -5 hu fllwi with the Seo retjof th.

Uat of Nw York v-n-name iwated' at Mi iml I. in of Frances GRAHAM In birthday Charles, Prudence, Domonick and Rose. He was a member of the 2-1155 brance of EDWARD CHARLES GRAHAM. Wm. Dunigan Son FUNERAL DIRECTORS Holy Name Societv attached to Mary Queen of Heaven ft a 117 VMta Si MOtl HlM t-0272 Requiem Mass Thursday at 10 a.m.

Church. Solemn Requiem Mass! IAMA18A GARDEN CTTT Om triipbont Stvv Slun" for Clergy and Religious Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. i nriintw II wttrCHIITIR 214 MUmmnck rulm 31 ES. Mm tnlfMnfti-) Obiito 4HSLA. 1 I III i mrr terment Holy Cross Cemetery.

J. J. Gallagher Son, Directors..

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