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Logansport Pharos-Tribune from Logansport, Indiana • Page 6

Logansport, Indiana
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"That Deathly Feeling. Often Speak ol "Deathly Seiisatious." What are tbe Actual Sematioiis of Death? Are There lleaJly Any Feelincs of Pain When Death Comes? Everybody hoard or used ibe expression, "thai Owtubly sensation" By it in meant ibtu uwful sinking- of terrible dropping wa -y frOOD aa ll vitality, as principle wanta and toward death. DaaVb- HesH la douhdtss painless, but the awful slaking e-eneaiion wblcn precedes do-ith been described as worse than HH.IU. Nervous pi-ioplci frequently have this dreadful Mid many wtohavo been through tba experience, will rocopniy.a nt dencrlp- tion or R. J.

Swukwell, of WattaDeld, whootiyt: "I hud nervous tlOD, ttfi'l "If lo n(3 k'd mcwr, of tho 11 HIT two It took the form uf inantu. and I thought I murl soon I'. nervousness and kept, frrowioir worse. "I was unahlu to ao any work Ihoro wtro tlniis, wnen for a week, I did not, sloop rmrrllv tiny. When I got up I was more cxnau.rifd than when 1 to beri.

I deathly eensaUon, wors-o Uiati fiuy pain. "My stomach was torrircly weak, and my food riicire-isod row terribly. I was completely iirontruted. I paid largo sums of money lor and treatment hut they did no good. "I employed the bust msdloal advice In this State and NUW Yo-k.

hut got no bettor. Then we BIIW Or. G'-'aene'a Nervura blood nod noi remedy advertised and I desiui miued to try It. B. J.

STOCliWEI.L. "I had not used one bottle before I folt better. I continued to steadily Improve under its use. I am now a well, healthy woman, able to do my own work. Ihavogood digestion and appetite, sleep well and am always cheerful.

"This is what Dr, Greene's Nervura blood and nerve remedy baa done for me. I heartily recommend it to everybody. It la a wonderful medicine," The whole world la amazed at what IB being done by Dr. Greene's Nervurs blood and nerve remedy. Nothing like it has ever beeu known before.

Jt makes the nerves stroog aa steel, the blood pure and rich, the ekln soft and beautiful, and gives to theeyee that brightness sparkle which indicate perfect health. There are thousands upon thousands of weak, nervoua people depressed In mind and debilitated in body, particularly at this season of the year, who can bo made strong-and by this splendid remedy. It will be found the best spring medicine that one can take, Jor nothing so quickly and surely Rives strength of nerve, invlgoratlon of blood and healthful action of all the organs, as Dr. Greene's Norvura blood and nerve remedy. It is not a patent medicine, but the prescription of tho most (successful Jiving specialist in curing nervous and ohronio diseases, Dr.

Greene. oJ 35 West 14th street, New York City. He has the largest practice in the world, and this grand medical discovery is the result of hia vast expert, ence. The great reputation of Dr Greene is a guarantee that his cine will cure, and the fact that he can bo consulted by any one, at any time, free of charge, personally or bv letter gives absolute assurance of the beneficial action of this wonderful medicine. Always buy Rlnehwt'a Worm Lozenges, they remove both the and worm nest.

Sold by B. F. Keei- Hog Keyttone drug Itore. INDIANA NEWS. Told in Brief by Dispatches from Various Localities.

Thirteen VearH for April 8. George charged with William Foust's murder at EHvood July 8, got a sen- of thirteen 3'cars in prison, the result of twelve hours' deliberation by jury after an eight days' trial. The case is the one that attracted. much attention last year from the fact that it remained a mys- for eight months, the arrest jeing- made but one month ag-'o There will be no appeal. The defendant's attorneys, however, state that ie is innocent, and the man who killed j'oust will be placed under arrest by men they have at work on the case at jresent.

The trial ol George and Sphraim Cru.ll and William Cox, under arrest ivs accessories to the murder, will cornc up April 17. Klllod by a mow. LA.POUTK, April Fahrenheirn, aged 24, went to his home Saturday nig-htand attempted to murder his wife. Her cries for help brought Jacob Ott and his son from an house. Fahrcnheim at- Ott with a hummer, but was mocked down by the latter.

His head struck the edjfe of a table, death rertiilUnpf within an hour from a Tactured skull. Ott gave himself into the custody of an officer and was lodged 111 jail to await, tho action of a preliminary examination. He says he struck l-'urenhc-im in self-defense, not ratend- to kill him. Mrs. Karenheim is Ott's aud has been the sublet of her husband's brutal treatment "or the last two years.

it; In an An.rlum. April S. Patrick Ford, aged 82, and a pioneer, is slowly' dying in the county poor asylum. Thirty-five years ago ho came to this city from his homo in Sweet Ireland, the Irish settlement west of this city, after a marriage license. On tho way lorae his liorse took fright at a dog, and threw him.

As a result every muscle in his body was paralyzed. Tho wedding never occurred. Ford remained iu this condition twenty years, and then concluding he was a burden his friends, voluntarily entered the aoortiouse, where lie has since remained. Starch Works iXuitroyocl. COLUMBUS, April American starch works, with buildings covering- 10 acres, were burned Saturday.

The plant was being- run night and clay on account of a rush. In fifty minutes from the time the llames were clis- jovered, the building was a wreck, and had gone up in smoke. The amount oC insurance- is, as far as can bo ascertained, $85,000. When the walls of the building full Lewis Wade (colored) was caugiit under them and burned to death. Kofoey Knco Track to Ho Sold.

Cnow.v POINT, April nupreme court has affirmed the decision of the court, below in the case of Alexander M. Allen against the Roby Racing association, in which the plaintiff obtained a judgment for and order of sale for thn race track and buildings at ttoby, from which the racing association appealed. Attorney Wood says an order will be issued to sell the lloby track and buildings thereon immediately, and a suit will be begun on the appeal bond. Died from A-NGOLA, April evening as Mrs. Eupene Aldrtch and her daughter were driving- from Angola to Pleasant Lake, their horso became frig-htoned at the crossing- of the Lake Shore road about 2 miles south of Angola at some culvert stone recently unloaded there by the railroad company.

Tho horse shied, but did not run. The young- lady sprang over the dash alighting unhurt, and her mother, who remained in the carriage, died from fright. Lumber Doctor In Trouble. CHICAGO, April C. Rahn, of the firm of Eahn Ireland, lumber merchants, with offices in the Tacoma building, is locked up at the county jail on the charge of being a fugitive from justice from Winchester, Ind.

Rahn, it is said, solicited shipments nnder false pretenses and failed to make remittances. Ho will be taken to Indiana. Company. RICHMOND, April announcement was made that Frank assistant superintendent of the Metropolitan Insurance company, has disappeared, taking with him some of the company's money, most of it being had been sent him from the general office to pay the agents' salaries. Acouved of Muscte, April, TV.

Soarles, of this city, is under arrest in ew York upon the charge of grand larceny. He had, representing that he was connected with western papers, procured a steamship ticket for Havre valued at S231 and credit at several hotels and other concerns. Easily, Quickly, Permanently Restored. SHOBT SPECIALS. John Rackum is thought have been burned to death in a 530,000 firo in Mass.

Tho elevator and granary of Haseti- winlde Cox at Hudson, was burned. Loss, insured. Prompted by jealousy, John Winfield fatally stabbed Sarah Taylor, of Natchez, Miss. Both are colored. Spartanburg, N.

will have another cotton mill, having been subscribed. It will have 12,000 spindles. The 107th anniversary of the first settlement in the northwest territory was celebrated Saturday at Marietta, O. Burglars wrecked the safe of the Cherry Valley (K national bank with dynamite. The amount stolen is unknown.

Daniel McCabe was killed at Peoria, 111., by the blowing off of a boiler flue cap, in the plant of the American Glucose company. The commissioners of the Baltimore Centennial exposition to beheld in 1897 Easter Monday next will take formal possession of Clifton park, the site. The Bellaire (0.) steel plant is closed and will not be operated until a wage- settlement is reached, the men objecting to a 10 per cent, cut in wages. William Cook, aged about -10, was struck by a Chicago Alton passenger train in Joliet, and instantly killed. His home was in Pittsburgh, Pa.

Nelson Andersen was sentenced to fourteen years in the penitentiary at Leadville" for attempting- to kill August Strom, of whom he was jealous, one week ago. Ninety- three farmers from Colorado, Nebraska, Kansas and Illinois are now in the southeastern part of North Carolina looking- for lands. They are an advance guard. The steamer I. T.

Khea, engaged in the upper Cumberland river trade, sank Saturday afternoon .30 miles above Carthago, during a heavy wind. No lives were lost. President Evans the Ottawa, 111., street car line has stopped all cars and threatens to remove the road unless the city buys it. The road has run down and does not pay. George C.

Sharp, said to be a son of Jacob Sharp, of New York, has been arrested at Omaha on the charge of swindling- Charles W. Frickey, of Denver, out of $400 by false pretenses. John Mtiddox. postmaster at Geuda Springs, ran away with StiOO government money three months ago. tie was traced to Texas and captured at AVinfield, within 20 miles of the scene of his exploit.

JAPAN'S DEMAND. Clilnn Must Puy Ulj." rico for Coren to Ho PARIS, April stated on reliable authority that Japan has proposed the following- conditions for the conclusion of peace; The independence of Corea, the cession of southern Manchuria, including Port Arthur; tho cession of the island of Formosa, the opening of Chinese ports and rivers to commerce, the payment of yen aud the occupation of a number ol strategic points until the indemnity shall have been paid. Tornado StrlBftK TVxas Town. PITTSHUKO, April tornado struck Wiudsboro, demolishing-a church and unroofingseveralbuildiijgs. One child was killed and several persons were injured.

A DAY OF CRIME. How the Sabbath Was Spent by Some People. eblHty, n.nd all the train evils from early errors or excesses, the results at merworS. sicknesa, -worry, etc. strength, dovel- cpnwu and tone given to orpin and Sunple.nat- 1 lt ii improvement Been.

Failure impossible. references. Book, explanation and proofs mailed (sealed) iroe. ERIE MEDICAL Buffalo, H.Y. Grain, Provisions, Etc.

CHICAGO. April Good export cull and light local demand. Quotntious wore as follows: Putents.iSi50@2.t)5: straights, clears. 8il6Si30; seoonds.81.003S.00; low (trades, 85, Pntenis, S3 straights, bilkers'. J1.85Q2.25: low grades, 01.80; Bed Doff.

Rye, WHEAT Moderately active and unsettled. Cash, MKtJWci May, July. Conn Quiet and easy. No. 2 and No.

Yellow, -We; No. 3 and No. 3 Yellow, nominal May, July, September, OATS Lower, with fuir "84o- July, Samples steady. No. 32KO33o: No, 3 White, No.S, BOaSOJie; No.

2 White. ifj Market Qrm. Xo. 2 In store, 54Kc; sample lots, outside choice; No. 3, obout493Mo; May delivery.

Wo. Kemuln slow. No. 4, No. 3.

for fair to choice, and No. 2. c. SeroonhiffS at $16 00317.50 per ton, Muss Trading was talrly active and prices lower. Quotations ranged at $11.753 12.00 for cash regular; 811.75311.00 for April: forMny.andSriOOaiiiS for July.

Rather quiet and easier Quotation! ranged at for casli: 75.ft6.eO for for May, and 5fl.07K©'?.0= for seller July. LIVE Per pound: Turkeys, 13c: CD tokens, Ducks. Geeso. pordozon, J3.OOif5.CO. Bui-mi-Creamery, dairy.

TQISo; Packing Stock, WMsky Quoted steady at $1.20 pa' galloa tor hlghwtnes. NEW YORK, April 8. State and western quiet; easy. No. 3 red.

quiet; steady. May, COS 9-lflcj July. September, 01 61Ko; December, (B-ifttec. No. 2 quiet, linn.

May, Sljfe; July 9-l8o; September, Xo 2i OATS-NO. 2 dull; steady. May, 33jjc July state, western, S4040KC. Firm. Extra moss.

Monerace Qomana. fonoy, State large. do. fancy colored, 11V4C- do. white, da small, part skims.

full skims. IXQSc. Liberal receipts, easier. Western, Live Stock. CHICAGO, April and feeling firm.

Prices nltfhor. Sales ranced at Jor pigs J4.S035.15 for light; 54.75a4.95 for rouRQ pact- IHR; £4.8535.30 lor raised, and aS-DOg 5 10 to packing and shipping lots ratheracUve.fe'ellne stroni prices uccbanged. Quotations ranged a' for choke to extra shipping Steers for good to choice 9025.35*0: laic to Rood: J4.3034.S3 for common to medium S4.00C4.50 for Butchers' Steers; JorStockers: fS-SOQiiTS for Feeders: SJ.75-.iS.80 lorCovrs: EaJXli00 for Heifers; S2.5035.00 for Bulls: JC.2fx35.65 for Texas Steers, and 6.50 for Veal Calves. Negro Desperado Kills Two Men in Crime at a Church Door. CKSoyvnxE, April Glenn, commonly known as Kid Charlie," a HCRTO gambler and des- ran amuck here early Sunday norning- and as a result two men are dead and three wounded, one of them fatally.

The killed are: Na- )oleon Stucks, a negro porter employed a Bickers saloon, shot in the throat and his neck broken; Edward Minor, joliceman, shot through the heart. The vounded are: Jim demons, a negro, commonly known as "Rag- Jim," ihot in the right thigh, artery thought to be severed, and may die; James Minor, lieutenant of police, shot in the rig-ht ankle, wound slight; negro bootblack, name unknown, shot in the right thigh, wound slight. Stucks was the first nan killed by Glenn, and it while resisting arrest that he killed Policeman Ed Minor and wounded the others. Stucks was killed about o'clock Sunday morning in the ''Rab- jit Foot" saloon, a notorious negro dive on AVest Hay street. A Kanxnit Trusreily.

WICHITA, April Scott shot and killed his wife in the entrance of the Christian church at noon Sunday, and then placed listol in his mouth and fired bullet into his brain. Both died instantly. Scott was 21 years old and his wife 19. The tragedy occurred just as the worshipers were leaving 'ch-ui-ch and was witnessed by large number of people. Scott and his wife were married two years ago.but the young man's dissipated habits caused wife to leave him.

Recently Scott decided to reform and on Sunday at- wnded religious service. After the congregation was dismissed and the People were leaving- the edifice the murderer and suicide met his wife who was accompanied by her father. He pleaded with her to return to him, but Mrs. Scott declined to accede to his wishes. Immediately following this declaration Scott drew his revolver and fired.

Killed by a Jflut LA POBTK, April ITahrenheim came home early Sunday morning- in an intoxicated condition and began abusing his wife. Her screams awakened her father, Jacob Ott, who came to her assistance and struck Fahrenheim a powerful blow with his 'fist, killing him almost in- tantly. Ott surrendered to the police. An Old Alii" Mui-dorisd- April Bon- aka, a German without known friends, was found murdered at noon Sunday in his shanty on Seventh avenue. The old man was last seen alive last Thursday, and the supposition is tiie murder was committed Thursday or His pockets were turned inside out.

and the old man was killed by some one who thought r.ti might have money hidden in his hovel. POTATOES FOR THE POOR. Three ilunflrod Acres hi Lonff Inland Now DetHC L'lowod uiul Fertilized. NEW YORK, April hundred acres lying north of Long Island City are being plowed and fertilized for potato farms for the poor of New York. Three thousand five hundred city lots have been offered, and these will-be put in shape for cultivation as rapidly aa possible.

All over the country this scheme of relief for the worthy poor is beingfavorablv considered. Duluth, Omaha, Toledo, Passaic and Syracuse have already commenced on farms. ll victory. HOME, April government has received information from Massowah that the Italians, after a series of skirmishes, hava succeeded in capturing Salama, where they took forty-eight guns from the enemy. Gen.

Baratieri has occupied Afjama. An Italian syndicate is projecting a railroad from Massowati to Kassala. Sick Unto Deatb. LAUIMX, April Marvil's condition 5s announced as hopeless. 4.SHIXQTON, April man'Charles H.

Mansur, of Missouri, deputy comptroller of the treasury, is dying. His physician says he may live for twenty-four hours. Thuniton SalU for Hmnall. SAX FBASCISCO, A. Thurston Hawaiian minister to the United States, sailed Saturday for Honolulu.

He said the date of his return is problematical. He has received no news, from Washington since his departure from the capital. Gone to Protect WASHETGTOS, April Kirkland has cabled the navy department that ihe flag-ship San Francisco left Palermor. Sicily, early Sunday mom- ing for Smyrna to protect the American missionaries in obedience to orders sent him. SAX FKASCISCO, April annual 100-mile bicycle relay race from San Francisco to San Jose and back to Oakland was run.

Seven clubs contested, and the Bay City -wheelmen, ol San Francisco, won by about two minutes, making the 100 miles in four hours and fifty-eight minutes. Fire A OPI'ARHTABLE MAN. The Good Deedi of Eathoiijutlc Old 1'hllmnthroplil. Lord Shaftesbnry, the philanthropist, used to repeat, chuckling with' amusement, the speech of an old beggar woman to whom he had refused alms. As he walked away from the importunate beggar, she called after him: "You withered specimen of bygone philanthropy'" Miss Cobbe, in her "Life," remarks that his lordship's philanthropy, unlike that of some other noted philanthropists, was never scantily kind to those immediately around him, while very benevolent to those afar off.

He exhibited an enthusiasm for humanity on the largest scale. A score of great charitable undertakings rested on him. He did a vast amount of good by promoting legislation which protected women and children in factories and But'he also remembered to perform all sorts of little kindnesses to individuals, and never did ho omit an act of courtesy. Not long before his death Miss Cobbe had an interview with him in his study. The conversation had fallen on the woes and wrongs of the poor girls and poorer women of London, which he had learned by personal investigation among the slums of the great city.

Overcome by his emotions, saidr "When I feel age creeping- on me, and know I must soon die, I hope it is not wrong to say it. but I cannot bear to leave the world with all the misery in it." The old philanthropist found so much pleasure in doing good that even the joys of Heaven were less attractive to him than the work of mitigating the sorrows of earth. It required no moral effort for him to do good. lie did it not as a duty, but because he loved it, MANUFACTURE OF WILD MEN. Children Are In China, and Slowly TraiiHformcd Into Ilruinl Condition.

There are many curious trades in the world'but the most strange must surely be the "artificial manufacture of wild the Philadelphia Times. Yet a well-known English doctor in China has just certified from his own personal experience that this art is regularly practiced in the Flowery kingdom. First a youth is kidnaped, then bit by bit he is flayed alive, and then the skin of a dog or bear grafted piece by piece upon him. His vocal chords arc next destroyed by the action of charcoal to make him dumb, and the double purpose of causing "etiolation" of the skin and utter degradation of the mental faculties is effected by keeping him immured in a perfectly dark hole for a number of years. In fact, by treating him like a brute for a sufficiently long time lie is made into one.

At last he is exhibited to the entirely credulous Chinese as a wild man of the woods, and his possessors reap a rich harvest. The priests, it seems, are adepts at tho art. When a kidnaper, however, is caught by the people he is torn to pieces, and when tho authorities get him they torture him and promptly behead him. Such is life under the rule of the Son of Heaven. utif noiiaa uuiicy- Mn.w April T.

Day, who was president of the defunct Plan'kinton bank, was arraigned in the municipal court Saturday upon a charge of receiving deposits when he knew the bank to be in an insolvent condition. Mr. Day came into court on crutches, having broken his leg some time ago. He entered a plea of not guilty. No date could be fixed for tho trial owing to the absence of District Attorney Brazee.

x'cci Formally LONDON, April a crowded house at 3:30 o'clock p. m. Monday tho speaker of the house of commons, JU. Hon. Arthur Wellesly Pec), arose and announced his resignation and delivered his farewell address.

lor CHICAGO, April Fires throughout the country during tbe week- ended on the Cth -were fewer in number and less destrnctive than the preceding- week. There were only two fires during- the week in which the loss exceeded $100,000. The total loss was A Knunifment. ROME, April Giornale announces the betrothal of the prince of Naples to Princess of liaxe-Coburg. PiUG iroilncrs rostilis In 31 sett jowcrfsilly ijiiH-Sly, OIWK wK-n si! uUmn, (tit.

'ouuxtncu will roijaiu their old nou will ivsowr youthful VIKOI- oy using IKVIVO. It quickly and suroly NCTMOIM- ncss, Vitality, iiniiotuiier. Xislitly JCmlNsionn. Memory, al! tilfrcts of fiilf-almHi! or PxciwsaaiJ indiscretion, lot only cures starting at, tho soat ol but Kruflt blood (wilder, brlnd- baclt t)io slow lo imlr rltwISKandta- toring tlio lirn niir olT Jusaaity Consumption. on liovinp K1CV1VO, no It lw iu vest By mfcll.

Sl.OOperjiaclt.-isc. or eiM tor with ptMl- ive written to euro or refund ho nionev. Address ROYAL MEDICiHt 63 CHICAGO. ILL. 1'OJl SA1.K B.

F. Keesling, DrugKlst, Logansport. Consumers arewillinjto pj a liltleiore ftffl fte price Aaged for tlie ordinag trade tobaccos, willjindto trand superior to all others BEWARE CflMITWKWS. ANTAl-WIDY 1 These tiny Capsules are Balsam of Copaiba. Cnbebs or Injections and CTOE IN 48HOORS the same diseases wit inconvenience.

Sold A Chill is serious at any season of the year. At the first symptom of stillness in any part of the body apply an Allcock's Porous Plaster and thus ward off what may prove a very dangerous cold, resulting in bronchitis, pneumonia or consumption. Every One of pot-cm plaiten ii imimion of ALLCOCK'S. Accept DO other. Allcock's Corn Shields, Allcock's Bunion Shields.

Have no equal AS a relief and cure for corns and bunions. Brandreth's Pills overcome that most prevalent of all diseases, constipation. "52rar REV1VO RESTORES VITALITY. Man of THE GREAT WEAK VIBOROUS. H'DIT.

What PEPPER'S NERVIGOR5ld! It BCts powerfully nnd quickly. when all fall. Yoimst roioiln lost nmnnooa: oia men rucovor youUif ill vlcnr. PMBI-- nntccil Vitality, Mdhtly Pawer. cither Vnlllnir Memory.

cniui. nnd all effect! KU alnut or rxcum and Wnrds Off iDimnlty and conimmpllon. on you it ngrmu-r pront. inmrtoo nil JVEKViaOB. or Bond tor II- Cun bo curried In vent pocket.

I'repiild plMn per. Wl per box. Or 10' wlvll A. Wrlttcu Unaruntce to Cure orKeftind thj Pamphlet froo. Sola by anuvlBta.

AaoreM JitK.UlC.JLL, lib Sold by B. F. Keesling and Ben Fisher. and visor quickly illicitly emjMtiont, Hurrly liy IXWAI'O. Miu with by ion iMslicr, DrURRist.

LOCANSPOKT, l.ND. Children Cry for Pitcher's enns'ulvania Lines. Trains Run by Central DallT. Snndif. Bradford and rxrfcrobus a 2.45 a a a Richmond Cincinnati Ou a a polls "1150 am 2 IS am Effner i Peoria (new 2 55 a a Crown Point ChlcaKO a J5 a ra a Richmond Cincinnati 45 a tlLW Crown Point Chicago a in 7 25 Montlcello i Kffner 7 15 a ti2 BraoforU Columbus 7.60 a S.JO Ellner local trelght -J a tu.60 Indianapolis Louisville L20 Richmond A Cincinnati Bradford Colnmbus 1.50 I ij Philadelphia New York 1.50 1J Montlcello 2.JJ J-J l.JU ChlSfo 1.65 Kokomo :i.W) a 4.00 5.45 Mailon AcomodHtlon 5.50p J.

JdcCULLOOGH, Agent, Logansport, EAST BOCSD. New York Express. Ft Wayn-j sicept Kan. City Toledo except Atlantic Express, dally AccommcKlmtl3D for East WtST JBOCWD. Pacific Express.

Callr Accomodatlon for Kansas City Et, except Sunday Lafayette except Sunday 8t tonU Bx- daflf Eel River Logansport. "West Side- B.20am U. 05 am 4.5* 1.15pm .1200 and Chill- EAST BOBTTD- locommodaaon, leave except a Aocommodatlon, arrtve except oonday 9.00 a C. G. XEWEIX.

Afent. VAN DAL! A LINE. Trains X-OKansport, Ind FOX THZ KOBTH. No. 25 For St.

Joseph a No lot Joteph FOBTHI SOUTH. No SIForTtfwHaoU. 160 except Sonday. For twmplete uon icardL ditec all tralni and ana lor toll inloraaUon at Ito tbroocb can, addrma, J.C..

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