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The Daily Times-News from Burlington, North Carolina • Page 6

Burlington, North Carolina
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Eurlmgion The Hosiery Mill Center of tt South; With Numerous Other Progressive, Diversified Indus Si THE DAIIY TIMES NE WS tly cloudy Thursday with tered thundersbowcrs. PRICE FIVE CENTS FULL NEA SERVICE BURLINGTON, N. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 28, 1939 YOL. 55 NO. 103 ANGLO JAP NEGOTIATIONS TO START AT ONCE Gallantry Begins At Home Galento's Auto Hit By Another Tar Heel Hits 32 1 2 Cents Conferences To Be Held In Tokyo On Tientsin Blockade House Dems Keep Compromise Path Open For F.

D. R. Hour Minimum Orange, N. June. 28 A car in whleh Tony Galento, heavyweight boxing challenger, was riding from New York tc New Jersey was in slight accident today, but the Orange bartender escaped injury.

John Burke, one of Galento's handlers, said the left front fender of the car in which Galenic was riding was clipped by another at a street intersection In New York City. Determined Administration Leaders Rebuff O. P. At Lewis Urges Wage Chamberlain Announces 'There Is Reason to Hope' That 'Intolerable Insults' Are to End As Confab to Settle Differences Between Two Nations Spurred. tempt to Clinch Senate's Drastic Curtailment or rres ident's Devaluation Powers; F.

D. Roundly Criticizes Senate Action. Hour Minimum ot 25 Cents to Stand. ANDREWS RULES LOUISIANA INERB REJECTS STIFF DEMANDS Prime Minister Chamberlain I announced today that nego PflMTNn Tlf TTIF tiations would start immed 1UlYllllU ill in Tokyo effect a IN UNION FAVOR Atlanta, June 28 (AP) A spokesman for the Southern industry asked Wage AFL'S CHARGES settlement of various condi Washington, June 28 (AP) Administration leaders beat down Republican opposition' in the house today to keep the way open for a possible compromise of the senate's drastic curtailment of President Roosevelt's monetary powers. Hour Administrator Elmer F.

TURMOIL OVER PROBE SERIES LSU Head Missing Charles Fahy, General Counsel, Andrews today to reject the 32 1 2 cents an hour wage lions relating to Tientsin." He told the house of commons that in view oi Japan's agreement to begin discussions the British government assumed that Japanese soldiers' treatment of British sub BRITISH TALKS Virtual Surrender of British Aid to China Expected. Says Favoritism Charges 'Baseless' and Washington, June 28. (P) Charles Fahy, general counsel of the labor relations board, told the minimum recommended by a majority of the textile indus The tally was announced as 209 try committee. J.CU. Rallying overwhelming Demo jects which week Chamber lain called "ir.toierable insults" would house labor committee todav that Testifying at a public hearing be cratic support, they won a vote to! send to a conference with the sen all the criticism heaped on the" tore Andrews, t.

iJ. Bewis ot Dui JAPS TO DEMAND With $500,000 Now Said Embezzled. PWA, WPATO BE PROBED ALSO "Reason To Hone" ham, N. president of the Amer board by the AFL was "without MONEY BACKING ican cotton Aianuiacturers asso a shadow of substance. "There is reason to hope fchah that will be the case." the prime ciation, said the Southern mills In vigorous language, Fahy sug agreed with the alins of thi: gested the committee reject as Tokyo, June 28 Wi The (minister said hour law but felt that conditions in Earlier the cabinet had received baseless and unsupportabie government unnoimsEtl for federal comDlaints that the board the industry demanded caution.

Favors Present Workings Baton Rouge, June 28. yP) A spreading series of investigations centered on Louisiana State used its powers under the Wagner act "to the detriment of the AFL Lewis suggested that the present general wage minimum of 25 cents! university keDt this state in tur because of some imaginary pro mally today that at the request of the British government it. would negotiate with Britain at Tokyo on arbitration of the two wek old Tientsin dispute. Britons hoped the negotiations would be limited to the Tientsin CIO bias." moil today while police of the na The committee is considering tion hunted the schools lorrner nresident. who is accused of is ate conflicting versions of a bill to extend those powers beyond the Friday midnight expiration date.

The house previously had approved continuance of ail of them. The senate, however, rewrote the house measure to provide extension of the $2,003,000,000 stabilization fund but to end Hie esidenc's power to devalue the dollar further and to buy foreign silver. It also voted to fix the treasury price for domestic ally mined silver at T7.57 cents an ounce, Three Way Task The principal task before the conference committee, therefore, will be to decide whether the senate, house or a. compromise version of dollar devaluation authority shall prevail. Shortly before the vote on sending the measure to conference, the leadership knocked down, 216 to 184.

a Republican move, to win im amendments to the act. proposed by the AFL and others in an effort to lessen discretionary powers of controversy, but Japanese were de an hour, which automatically win be increased to 30 cents on October 24, be tried out before "attempting to establish a more drastic change." "Much liberal legislation, possibly including the NRA, has been wrecked by attempting too much in too short a time," the textile spokesman told Administrator Andrews. "In ialrness to the industry tne board. Fahy took up item by item the termined to include me question of British support of Japanese currency. The announcement today, confirming previous unofficial that the two powers would negotiate, said merely: "In resuonse to a British propo testimony ot John p.

Frey, president of the AFL metal trades department, "With reference to Prey's suing invalid notes totaling half a million dollars. As the new governor, Earl K. Long, promised a complete investigation of LSU" and other state in sf.i rut inns, police lost the trail of the missing university head, Dr. James Monroe Smith, at Memphis, Tenn. Today the search for Smith centered in the Detroit area, after an Illinois Central ticket agent at statements that much of the op 4 itit' ci nri i Carrying Ids international gallantry into the domestic field.

Prime Min position to proposed Wagner sal the Japanese government have on the side of a more cautious ap 'slcr Neville iwambenain stoops lo pit up a rose dropped by a girl news of Japan's readiness to open, negotiations and had approved Chamberlain's statement to commons. This statement was similar to the communique Issued earlier in Tokyo. Chamberlain said: "I am now able to announce that as a result oi an exchange of views between his majesty's government and the Japanese government it has been agreed that conversations shall take place in Tokyo in order to eifect a settlement of various conditions relating to Tientsin." He added tjiat the talks were expected to begin at once. Supplies of perishable foodstuffs at Tientsin continued spasmodic and only a fraction of normal, he said, but the local British authorities were takL steps to remedy this. The prime minister said, however, there had been no reports that any British subjects had been stripped or subjected to other indignities in the past day cr two as they had been earlier in the Japanese army's blockade of tlw British and French concessions, now in its 15th day.

"Relate To Local Issues" Chamberlain said the Tokyo "conversations will relate to local issues." He was replying to a question whether they would 'cover proach, and earnestly re i amendments from AFL unions was "stimulated" by agents of the board, Fahy said NLRB representatives Frey named had flatly denied that decined to conduct negouauous lu Tokyo with a view of solving vari you disapprove the recommenda SILENT SCREEN tion nd reler the matter back the committee." Before Lewis testified. Adminis ous 0 ties: ions relating to the present situation at Tientsin, Japanese officials concerned in Tientsin will be summoned to Tokyo ior the tney nave ever attempted to ex sreise any pressure or imvrouer influence upon. AFL unions to op mediate house concurrence with i Memphis reported a man identified the senate limitations. as Dr. Smith purchased two tickets Republicans strongly opposed the early Monday at Memphis for De move to send the measure to con troit.

Smith was accompanied by his ference, their strategy being to de jwife when he Baton Rouge lay action on it so that all the Sunday night. trator Andrews ruled the CIO and pose amendments." He added: A of textile union would not STAR IS SLAIN Treasury Slashes Foreign Price On Silver Cent, Half bs ymuiri'd i u'. i am niJl'V swilt Beginning txpccica Neither the foreisn ofiice nor the i do not say that the board's field representatives have never information setting out the number Thorough Probe Ahead British embassy were informed as discussed proposed amendments to and uisiriDuuon uy laLaies 01 dues president's monetary powers would expire with the end of the present fiscal year at midnight Friday. Rep. Fish (R NY) said that the paying members and establishments Arrest of Margaret Campbell's Son tne act witn unions.

I do not see how our agents could be The grand jury here, under the guidance of Attorney General David M. Ellison, settled down to a whtcn which they nave contracts. expected to refrain from such dis to when Ltle Tientsin representatives would arrive, but they were expected within a few days. The conferences may begin berore the week emd. Dome! (Japanese ruws ency) policy ot buying foreign silver ASKed Oy Hollywood route Alter Her' Hammer Murder.

Hollywood, June 28 lP) a cussion. But do say that there Replying to a request by Tyre Taylir, attorney for the American Cotton Manufacturers association, that union omcinis be subooenaed is no proof, and no evidence has Washington, June 28 W) The treasury cut its foreign silver price today from 40 to 38 1 2 cents per lice teletype broadcast ordered the ueeu called to the boards attention, that its agents have ever 'in reported from Tientsin that the Japanese army's minimum demands to produce that data, Andrews held nt was not relevant or material to arrest today of Campbell Mnc Donald, 23, whose mother, Mar spired' or 'stimulated' AFL ounce. for ending their mocKaae ine British and French concessions in The second reduction in a many the proceedings before him. Taylor also had asked informa to express tnemseives tibn to the amendments. wider demands that have been put forward by Japanese spokesmen." He did not reply when Major rrrnpi nl Sir Alfred W.

F. KhOX. "wand waving," crystal gassing" policies of the New Deal. eare throwing American dollars down the sewer to buy foreign silver," Fish shouted to a crowded chamber. "I don't think there's a member of congress who approves the policy." He urged the house to reject a garet Campbell, silent screen actress, was killed in what appeared to be Hollywood's second hammer days following the new policy of Tientsin were: tion from the union as to wage Meanwhne.

at the other end of dirterentiais between JNortn ana the treasury inaugurated within 24 1. Joint British Japanese control of terrorism. the capitol, Senator Eilender CD slaying within a week. hours after the scnaie voted cauetl some Ot tne labor South, if any, as yet out in their contracts with employers. Andrews leans for an inquiry "Into alleged WPA irregularities in the state and the PWA began a.

check up of its own. Observers, meanwhile, anticipated a fight between three large banks and the state administrationor the university to deter rr ine who should stand the loss of the $500,000 which Ellison said Dr. Smith obtained. The attorney general said that Smith had obtained $300,000 from I one New Orleans bank, $100,000 1 from another hi the same city, and conservative, asked whether British negotiators would point out that 2. Suppression of anti Japanese Mrs.

Campbell, 5G. dead 24 hours board's attorneys "unstarts" who fcrbid further purchasing of for ai v. i Uie or iouiul ikU; vc aermtv nc lci lniorm uion mi mi: rel suouia do Britain had exercised greater pa durhic the oast fortnigiil eign silver by the treasury. 3. Fill: cooperation on economic made his comment during evant and indicated he might order it produced "provided such docu developments in North China.

On Monday the foreign price than any other great power in testimony of a witness before the lying half nude across a bed. Near her head was a biood stained claw hammer. Beside the body were a religious tract and a police rin surrer.aer ments are not privileged irom pro iiad stood at 43 cents. senate labor committee, Martin The prime minister also was si Jieuey of ChiL'iiL'o, wlin nrv.isprl 'O Ucuon on recognized grounds. accused, By coincidence, today's price was wnistie.

hoard representatives of coercing He said Taylor's request in its Arrest of her son, a former WPA employers. lent when Geoffrey L. Mander, opposition asked: "Is Doctor Goebbels (German propaganda minister) correct in Chinese dollars 'currently about held in British banks in the concessions to the Japanese sponsored Feiping government. This money belonged to the Chinese Nationalist government, deposited nf'ni liir war. $100,000 from a Baton Rouge bank.

I present lorm was "To be frank," Eilender ooserv almost exactly half of the 77.57 cents per ounce price also voter! by the senate for silver mined in this country. crossing watchman, was sourht as police chemists checked finger broad and indefinite" and asked 1, "we've had a lot of conmlaints that a more particularized petition iaying tnat Tientsin is to oe mie prints ana wisps oi nair iouno Ellison said the banks would have to stand the loss because the notes were accepted by the banks without the authority of the state i of this sort. Some of these up be filed. Both Taylor and Gordon McKel Thnse nr.inl.s are to be nlaced be Although officials declined to give starts young lawyers who flon'i know what it's ail about some The dead woman, secretary of the conference with the senate the confiicting mea sores each chamber already has passed. But Chairman Sabath (D I1I) of the house rules commitee, remarking that the original house measure "has been emasculated" in the senate, pleaded with the members to send it to conference so that the house decisions to continue for years the president power to devalue the dollar and to continue foreign silver purchases could "become the Jaw of the land." Back To Wall Street? Sabath caleld attention to President Roosevelt's statement yesterday that the sente crion in ending his fievluation powers would turn the control of money oyer to Wall Street and international vcy of Nashville, attorney bond and tax board as required by.

iore the negotiators in Tokyo, the Domei dispatch said. spiritual assembly oi tne nanaj times they act hastily. I believe any formal reasons for the cuts, they indicated that they were in for small Southern mills, entpred rrrrn.m tne board ought to weed them out. obiiv! rx to Cie Tusisrinp, the transaction was le tended to prevent the dumping of Great Britain arrreeJ 1') back ihe POLES FIRE ON NAZI WARPLANE ministrators' orders, indicating gal, however, Oliver G. Lucas, urientai pniiosopny, was moving pictures in the early twenties.

In 1924 she married Josef Swlck nior.ev. larere amounts of forcijrn silver in panrH 'ociernl court action might be taken should president of the New Orleans Na this country before congress final 1 with which Tokyo has been trying the administrator approve thi France Asks Nazis To Free Quartet ard, an actor. tional oi commerce, saia: "(His.) bank holds a note of the minimum wage recommendation. determines the future silver PuUCf are tin explained that his represented approximiueh St Louisiana State university for This represents a loan death of Robert Byrne, middle aged dog fancier, whose body was Reports From Gdynia Tell of Inci Caught On Island Yesterday when the irice drop per cent of the mill spindles in the ih. covereci to drive out Chinese dollars ill North China since Inst winter, it would ge tantamount to placing the assistance of American and other foreign businessmen bdiind the new Japanese money.

Outlawed Chinese Dollars (Japanese outiawed Chinese dollars on March 10 in favor of the made to the university on tne authority of duly adopted and certi ped from 43 to 4U cents per Friday. A hammer, with which soutn ano mat yt i 4 per cent those heard from opposed' the pro dent; Benin uenies iriane was 'Shot Warsaw. June 28 iPj Reliable Montbeliard, France, June 2S (fl') French authorities disclosed oiiiccrs said he probably hau killed, also was near his body. posed wage order. ocrats.

Republicans or Independents itimated tne Fenera! 25 cents was the first time since March, VXJS, thai the price had been changed, although the foreign silver price always has been maintained on a day to day basis. an hour wage minimum which wentj int oeflect last October had raised we can not conceive tnat tne president has acted other than prudently and wisely." Sabath said. "To tafc ewaav this power would OUTCH BOOST DKFENSES. The Hasue, June 23. (VP) The today that four young Frenchmen missing since Sunday had been arrested by German customs officials while canoeing down the Rhine.

Immediate release of the four fied resolution by its board of supervisors. We regard this loan as a valid and binding obligation on the university." Censorship Rears Its Head Meanwhile a representative of the New Orleans Times Picayune, attempting to see the board's books, was reminded by Supervisor of Public Accounts Prank S. the hourly wages of 31,000 textile federal reserve currerxy, although the Chinese money continued firm in Feiping trading for some time because, it was reported, two Brit Netherlands government introduced today a supplementary defense bud reports from Gdynia, Poland's port closed to the Free City of Danzig, said today German military plane had been fired on by Polish coast artillery. The incident was said to have occurred Monday, not yesterday as other reports had said. bs injurious to America and to the BACK FROM THE DEAD Durham, June 28.

(Pi Bob best interests of the nation, conceded even bv the arch i oi 33.000.000 guilders W). raisinfir the estimated total was requested. French sources said the foui ish bmuas contributed rj.uuu.uuo pounds (325,000,000) to a new cur stabilization fund created by ili. ii. ii 1339 to were arrested when thev stoooed Page, a son of the late Wake of the president that the American dollar demands a premium all 380,000,000 guilders to rest on an island near Kemps Shattuck that under state law rec (In Berlin, the air ministry de county Sheriff M.

W. Page, who workers and tne cent minimum effective next October would boost the pay of 70.0DO workers, 68,000 of them In the South. "The task of achieving this read justment and assuming this burden, in the light of present and predictable market conditions," he said, "will be no small achievement, and the industry shoulo be (riven an on the Chinese government. through me wona. wnat nas been nied reoorts that any German bclleveu ni lub fe American and loreign misiness cr.

on which narnea wire en Lanslemt nts had been placed as Francisco earthquake, visited rola mm in estimated that en ords of the board "to further protect the faith and credit of the (Continued On Page accompiished should no be de stroved." Meanwhile, Senator Fittman (D oart of Germany's Siegfried line of plane had been "shot down" but rumors persisted that a German plane had been fired on near the Polish naval station oi Puck at the tlves here and at Morrisville this I forceinent of the ban on Chinese week. I dollars add millions to Japan's war laeienses. usually an administration TEMPERATURES for the LAST 24 HOURS simp.u ti. r. took issue with portunity to adjust itself to the I He had left 1897 for the Klon chest.) ke gold fields by way of Califor Official sources exjressed the be extreme end of the Polish corri jdor, Pomorze.) president's remarks on the senate's vote to fix the government price Churchill Seconds Fear nia and had last been heard from by his family before the quake.

(Continued On Page 7) The Gdynia sources said it was for domestic silver at, run cents nuroen oeiore greater ones an placed upon it, Six Year Climb "In this connection, we wish t( emohasize that coneress has al an ounce. tonight and Thursday with a few scattered thundersliowers in inter i That Grave Crisis Impends not known whether the supposed German plane, allegedly flying over prohibit territory at the northern tip of the corridor, had been hit. Pittman said in a statement that he had "voted for appropriations On Anniversary Of War, lowed six years In which to make ior lliis afternoon and Thursday for billions ol dollars to make Ios the transition from 30 to 40 cents anemoon. London. June 28 (JF) Winston 'AH preparations are apparently beinn: made bv Nazis to force Po ing loans and pay bonuses to the (to tne general wate minimum for Polish circles here charged there Churchill, Britain's World Wjar first Europe Races To Another an industries! land to yield to their demands and producers oi certain exporting ricultural nroducts that did TEMPERATURES Charlotte, June 28.

APi Offi Lewis argued that a hithr hour had been numerous violations of Polish frontiers by German planes in recent weeks. Poland does not yield ail prep ic rd ot tne admiralty, seconded today the fears of French Premier Daladier, who sent France's parliament home yesterday with fore ly wage might not in the cial weather bureau records of the arations are being made night and day, hour by hour, to attack her benefit my state, because I believed that it was the president's policy to raise and stabilize (fix) the London, June 28 (Pi European nations, beset bv fears of a new The reition of the Hel Peninsula analysis produce a larger income, skirmishing cn the Mongolian Man chnukuoan frontier. In Rome, fascist military lead temperature ano latnlall for 24hours ending at 7:30 since employment aiso is a deter which juts into the Gulf of Danzig with very large lorces ootn irom bodings lor Europe peace. conflict, grimly marked today two price of such products to the tne. nti noma) cottou crownii: mining i actor.

Jie reierrea to tne prohibited tor ingnc ana oiisn ers talked of Italy's ability to win anniversaries or tne wona war Churchill, hi a luncheon address the west and from the south." "I was not deceived last year. artillery has been instructed "to oroad national program Without a pause in ram tc areas ana eisewncre: Station H. 1 "The government does not Day to the City Carlton club, said he did not regard war as inevitable but government had annlied to the Churchill said, "and I want you shoot in case of any attempt by a war speedily through lightning attacks of a perfected organization and the spirit of fascism. This build mightier and deadlier the silver producer any bonus. In Asheville 88 not to be deceived this year.

The South 's chief cash crop, cotton, con foreign military, aircrait to pass declared: Atlanta 92 forces of accression are actuary over the area. tinuing: Twenty five years ago today the If one were to consider oxulv tile as tne tneme ot Armed Forces Fascist Italy," a book published Augusta 90 in this regard, tne South knows Birmingham 86 fact, tne silver producer pays tne govenment a bonus the government now takes half of the silver, and coins the other half for the producer, giving him standard assassination Sarajevo ot Arcii duke Franz Ferdinand of Austria German preparations, the tone of their government controlled press that despite the high purposes under government auspices. President Host garnered," Churchill said that "a state of extreme vigilance has been Instituted for our. defense forces" and declared Britain was ready if the program, objectives witn Hungary was the spark which setj German Frcss Triumphant The Naa press in rtprlip em and the speeches of nneir party leaders there could be iio con on tne worio war. which we are in agreement, a major part ci our foreign market has Dhasized Chancellor Hitler's suc silver aouars ior it, or suver certificate covemn ni, oicdii; The treaty which 27 nations signal should be given.

cess in smashing the Versailles Been lost, perhaps permanently; would happen and happen quite signed exactly five years later at rm nn A ll vioverriurs At Home In N.Y. write Park. N. June 28. (iFl treaty, his voeiKiscner aeoDacn Depends On One Man "Whether it will be riven or not." soon.

versames was intended to oring warehouses are bursting with cotton and it has been estimated that approximately 1,009,000 men have itself with the silver it so receives ac $1.29 an ounce because it can issue such silver in the form of currency and pay its debts with must consider I think we "lastinrt Deace." tint a nurmca he said: "deDends of the mood. Charleston 80 Charlotte 92 Chicago 88 Columbia 93 Denver 92 Detroit 88 Evansville 88 Galveston 86 Greensboro 8R Hatteras 78 Jacksonville 84 Key West 88 Little Rock S2 Los Angeles 76 must all of us consider July, Germany that pact was proclaimed ter asserted, "The dictate of Versailles is dead," and added: "in the consciousness of our strength and at the side of our firm friend. Italy, we carry out on this day been displaced in the production of August and September as months "dead on an anniversary omeny it at such price. F. D.

Criticizes Action this great recalled by "Black Day." Europe in wmch tension will earner, witnesses rem en ms become most severe. I of remembrance never again The senate action in striking out much of the monetary bill was French Guard Unreiaxcd France's nariiament went home. labor unions had told Administrator Andrews the industry could Versailles!" "In Entire Accord" "I am in entire accord with the The most urgent question at the adjourned yesterday by Premier French prime minister that we ar temperament and decision of a single man who raised himself from an obscure position to a summit from which he could perhaps I say perhaps let loose on the greater part of mankind an immeasurable catastrophe and tribulations. "I wish I could convince Hen Hitler that the British nation and surely also the British empire have reached the limit of their patience. We have receded and acquiesced time after time in breaches of criticized roundly yesterday Dy President Rsevelt.

talking with reporters at Hyde Park, N. Y. moment for Britain and France Dataaier with a ttecia ration tnL Thirteen Democratic and nine Republican governors, from states as distant as Arizona and B'lorida, were President Roosevelt's luncheon guests today. At the suggestion of the president, himself a former governor oi New York, speeches and politics were barren while the state executives sat at tables under the lofty trees on the Roosevelt estate. Wives, children and other relative houfthls the guest, list up to stand the proposed 32 1 2 cents minimum, perhaps an ever, higher one, without danger to it or any substantial displacement of work was the Nazi claim to Danzig, with France faces the greatest interna in a period oi danger more acute and more ladon with ugly facts than anv which vis have even tional crisis since the end of the per cent German population Failure to renew his power to devalue, the dollar, he said, would but with economic control by World war.

bewls cmncrenn, savini: that known in the hard, disturbed period His Desslmistic statement and his in the ten year period 1926 35, the throueh which we have lived our reminder that "on our frontiers There were fears that Hitler industry had experienced onty lives." Meridian Miami Mpls StP Mobile Mt. Mitchell New Orleans New York Raleigh San Antonio San Francisco Spartanburg might order a surprise swoop on: Danzig. Some had guessed to Churchill said the present situa solemn promises and treaties. there are three million men, without counting semi military units" foreshadowed worried summer. place control over money once more In the hands of Wall Street and international speculators.

It also would undermine national defense, he continued, through weakening of the United States' position in foreign trade. The nresident oointed out that 63. Mrs. Roosevelt and the presi four profitable years '27, '28, '29, and '33 and the present outlook was uncertain. tion was similar to that of last "Herr Hitler would mane a profound mistake if he persuaded day's anniversary had been mai'k ed down for the day, otners put! Brittain.

harassed hv Janan's dent's mower, Mrs. bara ueiano Roosevelt, were hostesses. The governors drove to Hyde Among the causes for concern he Septerrtbor (the Munich crisis) "But with this difference this very important differencethat Mils year no means of retreat are open." challenge oi ner interests ine it as August 4, tne date oi German entry into the World war. Park from Albany, where they have listed a shift of the Industry at home from an expanding to a contracting one; increase in foreign fo rfive and a half years he had. nut Britain and France sun far east, pressed diplomatic et forts to bring soviet Russia Into the British French front.

Russia himself that all these retreats were merely the result of cowardice and degeneracy If there Is any act of Nazi violence which lead; to actual war wc shall not in this country seek to stand aside." After referrim? to Eritam's guar honed Germany would keep hands been holding a conierence, and entered the Hirasevelt gateway shortly after noon, held the right to devalue tne not (Continued On Pane 7) off. herself was involved in border antee to Poland (to help defend Polish independence he said (Continued On Page 7).

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