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Our Living and Our Dead from New Bern, North Carolina • Page 1

New Bern, North Carolina
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

w' 111 1 1 I J- I 'A rSJry I I ft -1 a. I power or th? pcWe 4um1 the sn BST In this cclumn we desire to publish such poetry as is commemorative of events which occurred during the war, or of the liir i-w- y. say py' sentiments and feelings of those who par E-FIELDS. thority, dtcgAbtl for thj? ptirkse nf that government lienevor, iu thr opinjon.iti its function. were perverted and! its ends' defeated.

By viitae of ttii authority iho time and occasion rcqnirta thed Iu ei-prcise it lavieff rrivsl, the ovireigft Stat, here represented liave seceded fruzd that Union, and it is a gribsaabtise of laa guage hi dtnomiuate ihel acil rehellioa or revolution They have, formed a netr alliance, but in each State its govt minent ha remained as beforo rights of person ndproicrty ha not been disturbed. The agency through which thej have communicated with foreirn nowers OR, TESTIMONY ticipated in it, andji memorial sketches in 1 n-i verse of gallant o0cets and men who fell in battle, or signally' distinguished them NEWBERN, 1 I JUX.T 23 voii. i. selves. Our poetry on hand is less than any other imatcrial, and we re ranks of the Regiment giving OrUP.i-K.

i I Satnrdav ievipninir" nntil "tnn.T-iT- nnrntnf- fb 10th. As we progress in our researcn- spectfully ask those who have such as is snitixl tn tho mirhoso for which wo' de- the. After thislbittleL it ntfapli.l to fieid through Gen. Garland was pierced c'i 11 1 11 1. i Al i as wfl II an iinu.

mat iuo in uijux uuu cm. body by a mihnie bal while lie Wa3 resisting the enemy's passage of the Mountain. Jrcgiments and; battalions, i-u'Tfrn'tlns nolunin; to- add to our small the remaining The duties of the cnlmand then devolved from which no reports were made is even VnTtli Carolina can boast of sevtS- oh Col. P. K.

MeRie of the 5tli Are North he first greater than in ral (ladies who have jop Troops. We held possession of should re- tions from Cummings'-'N. and batteries. Tbex remainder of the brigade was! also within supporting if it had been needed. On the afternooa'of 3Iaytlst 18G3, Pettigrew with four large regiments took the cars at Kington for Virginia; doubtless intended to take part in the battles which to occur hear and which ended sobner-than either Hooker or lje6 expected by the precipitate retreat of the boastful yankee Geieral, from the bloody fields of Chancellors ville and the "Wilder ness.

When the I brigade reached Rich Carolinians SAtisfied that this the gap against and kill- in tbe Mountain, until after dark, Ical talen ts of high order, and from ilipm we should b'o pleased to hear at all survivors of bloody an incomplete, imperfect the numerous foreesof McGlellan ed their celebrated Gen. Reno; main so Are war willing that After the .1 times-' "'-A IV A Toucii of Nature history should go down to posterity, in Garland 'si Brigade D.Tt. Kill's Division. In the battles around Richmond, namoly Mechanics Cold Harbor, and Malvern 'Hill, it was engaged and sustained loss of 187 men in all these engagements. On the 19th of August 1862 we took up the line of inarch for Manassas, having been placed in Xit.

Genl, Jackson's corps. "We faile to Manassas in time to participate inl this bloody battle. I vAf ter sev-eral days hard crossed! the Potomac into Maryland and engaged in the battle of Smth Mountain Seat. 18G2. Here fell Gen.

Garland, before the centre cf the regiment an ofheer loved and admmid by 3yery soldier ia the-" command. Capt'. Glenn of company il Vwas also killed a warm hearted true an3 ac- great fight at Sharpsburg, the Regiment crossed over into thp Valley of Virginia, and aided in the defitrriction of the Balti which one-third or more of the organized commands of the'Btato are unmentioned, more and Ohio; Railroad. Recrosing the. 4 s.

BY JOHN nnrl in' which the remaining two-thirds hai teen changed, but this docs not necessarily interrupt their jinternationaJ relation. -'-Af AjA. fl Sustained by a conscioiisnesa ihat oaf transitioh' rora the former. Union 10 the present Confeieraej hai not i proceeded from any disregard on our part of our just obligations, or nuy failure to perform ev ery constitutional uty--movod by no La-; tention or design to iatade jthe rights of others anxious to cultiriite peace and commerce with all uatioui 'i ire may not hope to avoid war, we may aticast oxect that posteiity will actjui ris of baying needlessly engaged in it. fVe Wro doubly jijstilieil-by the absence ot'wixmg a our part, and by waiitbu aggression ouj the part of others.

"There cw be 110 cause to doiibt that the courage snd patriotism of telpeixple of the aonfcdito States, ill be XouhJ 'equal to any moav.uea of defence which may be repiirel for iheir sipcurity. Deyoted to agricultural their chief iuterest is th expoitof a commodity required in every maurTfafuriug country. Our policy is peace and the freest trade mond, the fighting was over, and part of it was sent to Hanover Junction and 1 the re- Iv instida done them? As Blue Ridge, itjarrived in time to pate ia the victorious battle of Fredericksburg Dec.i;X3th -ISm. In the spring and summer campaign of it tva3 coar tinaally with tie amy NortheTtiVirgin- we go forward in our work, and note the mainder to meet tJiStoneman raid. Sab- i seqnently, the wh61e" brigade was ordered 1 that surround us, we bo- many difficulties .1 from thence to' red- to.

the Junction ad deterniined to' overcome in time to undergoing all thb long and wearisome it arrived vhero come uig more encksburg, fYifm -i rart of tho expedition into! l'eim- marcnes necessarily tncident to the second and tp placo upon rec- those, complishcd ofTicer whose loss was Reyerelv felt his cornrades: in the line. "On the svlvfiriifT Honceferth our individuality isi Maryland and Pennsylvania campaign blo, to do so, a fair and ord, if it be poss in the During the yearV it lost swallowed mi in the crreat 'water of participated i i oi wnac iiorcu uaroiina 17th, it i participated in battle of Sharps-b iVg txnd bore no. small part of "the impartial, accoun ttysbnrg the army of Northern Virginia. But even i battle of Chancellor ville Ge i it and her sons did, in tins vase tnrong, tno regiment maintains its pride and ha3 attracted not a few Hagerstowii, Moitonsfdrd besides varioulheavy among them. tho skirmishes near Warrentou and Mine Ran Va.

ii This Regiment fought with compliments for its courage, gobvl discip FKOSJ iTII13: KOLL OF IIOXOK. line and soldierly bearing. On the fatal IN', cvrr. Two armies covered hm.kmT plain, iTiere Jiapahanhocf wafers Ran deeply crirasone.l Ji i Vi tain Of tattle'a reG'eiit-blafeilitera. f- yf llio clouislavpi(t-iea liko tents, In'meal8 of lieaA-euli aai-o And eadi drf-ad riui ofithe Slept iii its Iiid emlrjnir9.

The breeze ro ppftiy blT- 1Pa4o No forefibleaf td qravfi-, And Ine pmokv of the ritidom eannonado Rolled ly from -tl river. 'And rio-n- where HrelipgJ jtiiltrf looked dqwn "With cannon grimly pLmted. O'er lifitlep camp a BHent town Tho goldeii sunset blted. 71ien oh the fervid air ijiere camo A strain, lfowrichviioten-ier nihsic pe mod iticlfjaflanto With day's dt-paftifig sj-'lendox- irj necessities will permitir It is alike our field of Gettysburg July 1st and 3rd I the jtnpaTalelledJ.rier and gallantry in all of tlio above mlntijned battles and skir A Brief Sketch of i the IClcvchth loss of the regiment and of the whole brigade was -jarful, and its behavior not ex iuterest and that of all thpsd to whom tfo would sell and ffom 'would buy that there Bhould be the fewest practica- mishes, eliciting the high enoomilms and praise for ti tring celled by that of any other, troops in tho i TT! 'it 111" 1 y4 1 struggle ot; that day. The loss sustained in both these was about one half of thoe darried; into action.

Ou the 19th we crossed the Potomac and, were now attached, to Pender's Brigade, A. P. Hill's Division. After remaining in the valley forj some time wjS marched to Fredericksburg and participated "in that battle Dec. -13-th 1SG2, losing sixty men, iii killed and wounded.

The regiment pa'ssed the winter on 'the Rappahannock, eight miles below Fredericksburg. Oa the 22nd of Febrnary ISfvV, being at ou provost giiard dutv, we made a forced rn.arch.of fifty miles to Chancellors ville and arrived at 0 o'clock P. M. I on Satur The 1st regiment iorth Carolina Volun com- cooiness ana aexermmarion, py action, nere tue ganann uoi. uventuyrpts was severely wounded and afterwards cap teers, (Bethel regimint) having sprved on manding Oin the rlrst day battle .1.

meri at Chanct'llorsvjEHe its gallant fan the itj term. I sis moiitiis and been disbanded, was reorganized at Ral tured, and Major Rosse' was killed. Oat of forty officers present fifteen were Skilled torious young leader -Maj. D. P.

Rowe fell eigh- as thellth regiment N. C. Troops on the 31st of March 18(52, by the, election of the Victory, mortally wounded while at the hen column, heeriu his men on to At the time Major llo we was shot, and rif feeri were wounded or taken prisoners, and the loss among the men was nearly as greatj iu proportion to numbers. At Bristol Sitntion October 11th, tho 11th of Col. Collett L.eventhdrpe, 3-lth he was Froops as Cidoutl, Major VTilliam A.

suffering from the effect of a gun shot Owens, 8-Mli CJ Xt. and wound received on the 27th day of Jnne formed paH of tho (two unfortunate i brig day: May 2nd 1863. It was formed on the jlajor. Xho companies, tanen iu 18G2, iu the battle ofjl Cold Harbor. For ades sent iii fo engage whole corps of ble restriction upon interchange of com modifies.

The caii be but litllo rivalry be- -tween its and any mauiifactiifmg or davi- gating community, sucii as the north wea-i teru, states of tho American Union. 1 i It must follow, therefore; that mutual 4 interest would invito gpoihiw ill And kind- I them auIT usly If, however passion or lust of-dominiorf should cloud the judgment and iuilamo tho ambition of these States, we mu.H prepare to met -vN Emergency, and maintain by Mia liuataf bitrament of iho thp positiontl tra have assumed among the nations, of tho Wo have now entered upoa onr careenof in lipea I JUC3 and it mint bo ih flexibly pursued; ji manj year3 of with our Jate the Kiy-thern -btates, ve have vainly endoayo red to secure tian- 1 second line and on the front. I it '-opened alphabetical order1, were commanded re coOlpesa, bravery and iutrepiditv, 3Iajor the eitemyjstrongly posted pchind a Rail spectively by Captains Rosse, Arm field, Biseb Browh, Nickols, Small, Major, IZli- road tracjciand witrt abuntiant 'artiiiory- to snminrt, tlwtn vr TinsSon ason. verier aua thvongh deadly to the hail storm Juliison dt-clining -his'ioositiou, ou'tlio Railroad ahd'drov tho ynk ee3 living ne- rtm of April, Capt.

Vj J. -M; fore it. But sxt to wait in oo -v-r vacancy iui vaiu tori re- the Troops was jeieCted to lii Eowe had not only won the confidence and esteem of ids fellow officers, but also that of the whole bornpiar It was devotedly attached to him arid id his death the church lias lost a faithful and the army" an efneieut i During'' second day's fighting Ghancellortiville, the Regiment wa by Lielit. Col. Robt.

D. Joh-usjidn'clf thj 23l jC. now.Brig. Gen. ijllt Uio battle of jetty8-burg it into action by its ef danger of boir.

in of and g' cap- (Joi. Owens having- On the 6th of May1, Lt tured eutlrje, the drder to Ifall-ba was A Federal Lajjd, rhie't dm and jn'm-n riaved measnre's brav and nimlila; Had jubt struck ny) horn And lively elastt cymbal. Down flocked the eftdieio "'tho baiika Tih, marline I by. i Oncwooded shore wan with Ad one was gray Tl eii all was slilU atid Jn thdjand With movement lijrhfaHijl stream an-t-fr4 iii'faud fctrand, with: 'Hi" confeion8" Ptreh.m: fi-vfty. he.l Wnt rrn 11 Ki1; thr dovr With vejlhi-of ber eiectediiCahuiel of tlko'58th OtliiOUIiHlCI Ol LIO UK I LI S.

U. eariutd position fUrren- given ami yio hard ana vjaprj tiered. In; tho. reti eat ut. U'U.

Ji irtm was Major- Ma.rtih R'sKt Major, h'y promote ame il over The ivgintcnt, to was severely wonhued, and tho I. Gri liakely promoted, was killed. (Jar loss 1 wis fur tilled', elevcm wounded, the for i quility and obtain respect ifor th4 rights to which wo wore entitled. As a necessity not a choicej we haV reported to separation; and henceforth our energies nlust bo devoted to the condactina bfjour own af a ficient and young Lieut. and May -kh 'ISC It rohiained Coh S.

Davis, Assisted by MMor. R. LHti'ict of litnct on amy oi tno Wii Alston: TiiofieL dj officers at the pres and forty-three missing. Tjio skirmishing at Mi u'e December thej history of thaiii' itarr movenitSnts'6f th6 reg-" the fight, the next morning, Here our Ios3 was severe, qui of 375 carried Jin, only 135: werc brought out." Col. Scales wa wounded severely in the thigh.

'On the 13th June was Brigadier Gen. and Coh'J. Hi nyuian wfis promoted to Colonel. tho morning of the lGth June the regiment took'up the line of for Maryland. On the 21th we crossed the.

Potomac at Shepherdstown, and proceeded to Fayetteville; Va. Here we rested for several days. We participas ted in the greajb battle of Gettysburg on thelst 2nd and 3d days of July, sustaining another loss of 14.) men: Begun the retreat oil the night of the 5th arrived at Hagerstown-" were immediately formed in-I Lne of battle, whei 'we remained until the II when-we crossed the Potoinac at Failing Waters. with an additional loss of twenty men. At.

Bunker Hill, Virginia, the regiment rested for 4 nine when it marched to7 Culpepjier Court-House, thence to Orange C. remained on jKcket duty until the 9th of October. Marched, to Madison C. II. pursued Meade's retreating army to Station.

On the night of withdrew to Brandy Station on tho Orange, and Alexandria Railroad, at which place we the. Cape FJjkr, Octdler Cth ISCiJ, du fairs and perpetuating tho Confederacy cut time aro Henry under its'ad- riug w'iicui uaiciit jyatcn- of (3., Colonel (former of this Regiment); we iiave formed. If a just; perception of mutual interest shall permit us peaceably to iinrsue'our separito political mirao nqt! perieetioii in -1 1 111 1 Captain 'of Com panv William S. Davibf I iriur iwiucii iius driii and.S'.4iil!er:v ue; a iWa couu 1 Lieut. fur tu yene jlSH', nndj it has signalized ihe opqiiiiig fit 'tho pejw by a fresh girdiij.i Vip of loins for the strife, lesti-fyiug o-ir ountrymcn and" toj the foe bv a uiifrtiimflns re-enlisiment that no Acr fin apsnsP.

and the'V "nib, "Jf I And tafm most earnest desire will uave oecu Jul NY. Alston of Warren Colonel; and Root been iiWLtii th'o exception oi filled But if this be denied hs, and, tho Co'uiffcy, Sinjce the organization of -To whidi lite jsiioree the fol- been under the Regiment, it has respito fruk- our labors is allied i until the e'eed iu-a cjh to froai the coast, and sundry, excursions to Kinstou to-meet thej expected advances of the eiseniv, nothing integrity and jurisdiction'' of our tcrri-f assailed, fit will but remain for us with a firm resolve to'appeal to arms ami Jlrifr. Geuerals loving general iloffipers: soil, and ve invader is tuiven. from our have fr ourselves, oin Gi 1 rla ud Bra Ifitcer. Wittiei-3.

Mall by the bles- Iveioou and JoHns on; Major vienerals sings of Or()T, an honorable peace, invoke the blessings of upon just cause. 1' stirring ofciirrpil during these if hey-'i; ro-stiij oiidly regarded by the regi- Hi Hill and. Roues; HUger, Lwell, lh The folloir-iiig t.ibtilar statement 1 shows and mcnt As a consequence of our new Constitu acli Lieut. Genera's J' have belonged to 'the recrimont butter, day of liavo since Irani-! Ji ow riany sbn and Rwelli Gen-nston and Robt. E.

their soldier: life. Tiy erala, Joseph E. iJoh tion, and with a view to moet our antici pated wants, it will bo necessary to pro fi'om its organization to Jauuaryflst 1801 ed't' takedliiO bread without tho I is now in corhforta- Lee Tno Ilecrimenti jllOS when they can get it. "IiCaving 'Wiiuiinjr-' vide a speedy and emctent organization of umber ot oluuteers. Conscripts, hhi winter eight milejs east CO the several branches -of Iho" executive de ton, t.i:e litu ordered; to ljlackater The men are well of Orange CJ.

7 I'i- The lanarhhig- rib'- ahorSworl Hew To Jh sl.TiJ;i:r i 1 HliriMied i'if svirm.iig Buyd hi '131 a Deiiance to. the x- i. And vet raore tho lujle" ean Abova the Ptrjiy No shontilvin tiip There reigned a hvfy qui I. Jv. The jsail.

idem- pf rQam. flood I'oured-oVr r1trirenhjf All silent-rrov tho v.yo cod A'l t-ilent etood thitrbelti. a -No lizard rMiit plaiiitive ijotcjs yet Il4fexe'" h'ul ntirre 1 TLe'JiidJe'jj fouuiH Of Here; shod, well fed. and! el gautly in with lleadoilirttfrs at I'raijklin, 'Va with some eavali-y and nrlilterv, a Total are now encamped, Oct, 28th 1863. Very Respectfully (Signed) i i2tfJmIr H.

Htman. md to- every, respect. '-i pjubmittgd, liespectfallyj oi tlisrerso, r- Conimandingr other regiments of; iuTiailry, Col Je tb 1 1 hprxj rd ed for three luouthtaJiiKj; of oiyj-niileU' against 1 33oim T. Gkegokt, Signed Killed in battle and died of wourfds. lent, aiid Adgti 1st XTGUKALi! ADIKESS 12th ll; C.

Troops. Discharged. Transferred, Deserted, a iorce -o: tiif, -enemy varying at different tnn iive to pi'4eu tliousaind. Xu the-'ra-pidity of it. -5 rhaphes thb rfgimeut rivaled .1158 no 115 (U 7 So 218 578 i.

30 302 ng. i the enemy, y. F1103I TILK KOL3L OF HONOR. 'Jackson's Lpt cavajlry, and though in the kkii-rnihes iu which it en- witii tn regiment, battl the differen OS. gngedr no vei idss was sustained on Wounded' iu (Signed) Of blue r-r 13tk iiiue, yet enetny never eireeteJ a tlic i i As bv th W.

J.j Mautik, i i .1 i of fairy, 'nearit the Jive loetTaieaL on iao wear, side ot the river. Thecttrjro jafc frco-s, lit; Col. Jit, Coi Leytiutoifpo i vtd received the partments haying special charge of i. our foreign intercourse, finiicialt and military affiiird and postal servicc; For purpose of defence, the' Gonfederatej lfi(tatos "may, under ordinary, circuraataces; riely, maiLiy upon their mil.tia; but it is deemod mlvis-able in the presnt cpuditiph of afTairi, that there Bhould be ai well-instructed, disciplined army, more numerous than would be usually required for a peaco establishment -'A "-'-hiH-i! I also auggeHt that for thiprotectionof our harbors arid commerce on tho; high seas, a navy adapted to those objedt I La built up. These necessities have doubtless -engaged the attention of Congress, With a constitution dillanngi.onlyj 'In form from that of our iu so far as it is explanatory of their Well known in-, tents, freed.

from ectional conflicts wh.ah -have so interfered witli tho pursuits of the general i elf aro, it inot unreasoua expect'tliat the Suites, from which we have parted ''may iihite their fortunes with ours uuderthel we have instituted Fir thi your Constitution has jtuade adequal6 'I he cabin the prairie, thanks of hio com'maiding (lenevals for the. To Major James H. Foote, A. A. Geul efHcient manner in which ho managed Ins FROM T1IE HOLtJj OF IIONOIl The, 13th N.

C. 'Regiment was organized -tAW A A As a pTvrt of the history of the times, we reproduce from the journals s-of February -AA 'A-. IN.UdCF.AIi A11)KESS OF JEFEKSON DAVlSj deliWred at Montgomery, then'j the Capital of tub Southern Confederacy before) a largof and enthtisiastic audience, fLSsejCDs, bled 'to' witness the birfh of a hew natiii-alii: Gentlemen of tho Congress of the Confederated States5 of America: Called to the dinieult and -responsible station of Executive Chief ot. tho Proyisiohal Gaverii-meht which you haveinstitntedil approach the discharge of the duties assigned me on I ho 16th day of May 1861, at Garys Or cold orwrm'-lris n.a'ive i' feje with beauty hini. Sf.eri thioach tho tbar ndst iii hi yej Ilia loved onea t-ta; id before hitii.

defence. Just before' leaving with his regiment, relieved by Brigadier General Roger 1'ryor. In the advance bum JS. O. The neia omcers A lirief Skctb of.

the lUth Reg- rwere elected: WM D. Pender of Edgecombe 'cquntVy W. S. Grey of Gran of the I-Vdernls rom towards imenfc. Kinstoii; DecljUh.

tho Ilth was ordered A fadea the ins after rj-ai-hT ville Lieuti Co and D. Itdlam Abjutxn-? Opfice, "12th T. to the latter poiu to reinforce Gen. Evans ilton of the Hillsboro! Military Ins itute that -In Airils Cearf a verjih.erlr The vision And daylight I'led'to-jctiiSrl i after. and'-arrived' tiio ni the Maior.

This regnxientjwas tho thirdi place had Tiiu next fallen Ijid ha: ori-irn vf left the State for Virginia, then known as "Jrtnuary 12th, 18G4 Foote. A. a I. it Major Jas. lay, in ordi'r reyent ii flank attack.

after- oluuteers 15 was KJ. i I i i iii. ijien. sd tillt. ,1 1 portions of I have tlio' houor to submit the folio abilities, with an -huinblo distrust'of my ldtii, commencing winxr Gen.

RoborLiiv il-S dismouuted cavalry, and of State Tr but with a conhdeiice in ihe wards numbered the ro ho 1 0 1 regirh which was organised Siibsotpieatly wisdom of thoseVrho are to aid and guide iiring the war Hmmii ilonf ne plAt -North Cafolma and ijor Moore's! 'artiilerv. the historical The Second Regiment N. C. Aroluutejer; low tho 12th Regiment N. C.

Troops (vas organized at Garysburg, N. C. on the llith day of May 1861, by a soetiou of 31 me. in administration of public affairs, oops Tno two p-. regiment remained- in ,1, 'holu'uhder Gent to A in drill in tirapi.esl Sub.

hmd the heart, MadoligLtt tho-'iic'Uurd inl fair tli form of UFc fiiWiCi', That celfcrtiai-reAlto-e ho 'niid vrar'! enibattl Hnea Gave this oho touch, of nature. weeks, being i'ustrTiictej Hall, with insiructious to burn the bridge- to Suffolk wtieu they were orderet electing Solomon Williams of Nash coun-ty, Edward Cant well, of Wake fo 10 and remained til Yveuii-o. iu on the approach of the eueiny, and to his The order was not was of next ordered to Bevi's C-urch in Is given too sooii; for, after a march, and an abiding faitk in the patriotism and virtue cf the people. Looking for ward, to the speedy estabiish men of a profisional government to take the place of tho present one, and, which by its great moral and physical powers Will be better able to con-tend with the difficulties -which arise from the conflicting interests of separate nations I enter upon tlierduties of the office for Wight county, foui miles from Smithheid. At this place it was thrown into' Pember-tqh's first Brigadej Huger's DivisionJ The tnore was barely ti me to sot fire to the bridge before tho head of the Federal' column camo They shelled the pickets TJio KightJi, inttinn(I Teatli -i beyond this, if I mistake not; the judgment and will of the people xmr rfj-iiniorr with 'the States, from which wo have separated ig neither practicable or desirable.

To rn crase power, -de velojj the resources, and promote tho happiness of this Confederacy it is necessary tliat there should be so much homogeniety as tht the welfare of every portion be the aim of the whole. When this homogeneity docs' not exist antagonisms aro engendered which must and should result iu separation 'y A Actuated solely by a desire to protect and preserve our own rights in ind promote our own-welfare, the eecesMlbo of the Con- federate States has been marked by no aggression upon others, and followed by no regiment while in thi3j section of Virginia was not engaged id any battle or skirmish about an honr Uat night without damage." The "Roll of Honor" filed in tho State jjoc loin, tiiev urousiit up their whole excessive 1 which I have been chosen with fie hope, bat was rcqiiired i-to 1 perform force atia sketches -i lded ejtte I that tho beginning oLOUr careerias a Con- Library furnishes from the 8th, the 9th, orl the with great my. Owing the north sit to of the iie( on guard duty, tho posts loi which five miles along James river, to the swamp Oth regi inchi county, Lieut. Colonel; and Augustus iW. iBurton, of Cleavelaud county, Major.

jWith these accomplished gentlemen and efficient officers to guide and direct the old twelfth was ready for the field, and bid Jing the Old North 1 State a- reluctant farewell, ou thp 22nd of May took tl cars for Richmond. At this important jjuneturo of time, all eyes, were turned towards the city' of Norfolk, upon which jxn attack by the enemy was momentarily frtpeeted.v The Regiment was ordered to report to Brigadier Geireral linger, then Commanding tho department of Nor "oik. He to it remained on picketduty with Gen. Mahone's 33rigade, until tho evacnation of that city, the 6th dayjof May 1862. The ding fica- hment could be used to river, onay onM Fort Island.

Old Town and Bagged advantage and! four houm the gallant tiohs were erected at tljiej last two nes. tor pi 11th stood sii fire from iffiu, JJevi Unjircii; or camp ments. There is a 'report', from company A of the latter rtjgimf wjjibh will ajipear as soon as others caii inv b.tuiived. The records of the 10th were! ptibably as, com-plete aS those of any otbeifreginieiit, jiji to ilrt i twenty pieces 0 1 a 1 1 eg i domestic convulsion. Our industrial pur idge it named in honor venerable Ji Bulhn, of North Carolina, chu after rerim en ifahtry, as has seldom OX 1 11 'es leueracy may uot uu ouBiruuiBu, ujr uusvuc otposition to tho enjoyment of that separate and independent exisfcencejwhich we have asserted, and which with the blessing of Providence viti; inteiul to mamtaiil.

Our pfcseiit position has beehj achidved in a manner unprecedented in the history of nations. It illnstrates1 tho (American idea that go vjernment rests uponj the consent of the governed, and that it. is the ritrhfc of the people to alter or I abolish a eeu concentrated on so slioit a is ast as one line was broken, ans- the 1st of April; 18G5. Eypry thing of. in suits have recsivjd cultivation of our fields has progressed as bete-; to and -even should wo be involved iu war, there would be no.

o6nstderitble dioi- I inutioa in the production of the groat sti- pie which constitutes and iu another would come up in israliant were, made in the held jomcers of" tho meht. Genl. wa.n erred to Charleston having promoted to Maj. Gen. Brigadier Ii.

E. Colston took! Command of tho een terest hadiheeh toted and preserved, and only to be shattered by tlie relentless bul- Gen. Itcgimeut wm reorganized on the 1st! day ets of our boys. pwjng to 01 May l.So'J, by re-electing its favorite. Bri- lie tiGres and took shelter, ogs behind which dnr nreu to ade.

Pender was transferred commander, Viliiams as Colonel, government whenever it become destruc- which the commercial world has an inter-tivo1 of the ends for which it was estab- est scarcely less than bar is com the loss of theirehi as sonie company af the regiment participated' in almost every engagement in Vir. pnd Iastern Kortli Carolina its history would have! been an esceelingly in nieh.t was small (7 killed C. the command of tli 6' Gth regiment Captain Bemamin Wade, of Company -I 1 --1 ml A 9 aim -ju wonnueii winie tno consumer ijieut. Uolhei, and JLi. Jones, ifor mon interest ot producer atu State Troops, to 111 thJ vacancy occasion uemy not be-giouud' with ing so protected ti wed the can only be interrupted by estoruaSi force.

Company, Major. Iin- ed by tho -death of Col.ii lsher, kule mer of m'di itelv after at of their dead andifwoiinded The'r loss in the evacuation 'of Norfolk, vJant. 'i Adred m. coais killed was more than tenfold ours. As 1 ne iicgi merit was ordered to report to company.

II. was unanimously -elected I.118G1.. The on the 10th of October hey removed tboir wounded! in the night, lie number is hot known. Failinrr in their regi lislied. xnc i declared 1 purpose 01 rue compact of Union from which wo have withdrawn were to establish "justice, eusure domasti tranquility, to provide for the common defence, to promote the general welfare anil to secure the ble.sgings of liberty for ourselves.

"Eaiid our posterity; and when in the judgment of the sovereign States uow comprising this Confederacy it had been perverted, from the purposes for ment remained at campjKufun, till teresting and important' -jfhe. In April 1865, all regimental paperstWjere substan-! lially packed and pent bv it clerk in the Adjutant's office t5 Concorl. for safe keep-; ing. have before usdl letter of that I clerS, stating that, after tlior close, of the war when; Concord was dccipid by Peder- design at Whit Hall, Federal column vhich would obstruct shipments to foreign I markets a course oj conduct icli would 13 detrimental to ana commercial interests abroad Should reason guide the action of the govern mint from which we have separated, a policy so injurious to the civilized worlds Ue Northern States included, could not bed ofated even by the strongest desire to -iifllict i iajarj iept up the South side of tlie! Xeuse to ie Confederate troops Goidsboro, and- I i lob2, when it was ordered tp the Peninsula. We'marched and were there engaged on picket'' duty.

Thcregi-, ment was re-ogaiiiiedlon the 2oth day of April 1802, bv re-electing A. M. Scales xt were also ordered to that poui't tho he day, but reachefd it after the fight at tha which it was and had ceased to pi.ivvs, ucij Jine leriuieuu, was uow Colonel; Thomas Biiffinl jwas elected Lieut. i-upou liut it otuerwtse re Major Gen. B.

S. Kwell, who tempoijjd'ily assigued it to duty with the 'command of Brig, Gen. L. 'O'B. Branch, at Gordbiis-vilie, Va It wuis then sent to the Rapi-tan Station for icltet duty," throwing! out scoat-i and pickets in the direction of Ciil-pepp-r C.

H. Va. It was then brdered to Hanover 0. II. 1 and participated in the battle of on the 27th day of May 18G2.

Soon fhtteafter, it was ordered to rejoin Mahoub's Brigade," which was then befare and with the Brigade took an active pirt in' several skirmishes with the enemy previous to the seven days battles around tiie On the ilsfh day of Jnne, it as transferred to Gen. assigned to Gefi). '-Phttigrew'sibrierdde. and Colonel, aud J. T.

Ilambrick. Major. iThe I all these papers jvhich had been prepared with so much 'carp'-A'Crfi destroyr pd. We tlierefore respect fully ask Cap-I'" tains of the several conii-vailieW to pj epare ink- continued tb forin! a part of 'it since. regiment then in rtx)hgstreet's Division The winter, unlil th6 middle February, took up the line of march for Williams- answer the ends for which it was established, an appeal to the ballot box declared that bo far as were concerned the government 1 created by that compact should cease to exist.

In thivthey merely asserted a right which the lXctarationof Independence of 1-77'J defiaed toj bo inalienable. Of the iiuie arid occasion for its was speut in Goidsboro, Wehlou and Mag at this pike burg. lu ma or jiave prepared, a lnstoryUof each com-pjiny and forward io hat a regimen- nolia, without ny loccurreuce! worthy of Thb 11th w4s then de'ached from the brigade, sebt to Gredn ville, tat record mav oe made, i We trust ha uflicien ilicrii a 1 a are exercise, they" as sovereign, were tho final the regiment participated and three cjom-paiiies fought the eaeniry hand to bjaud and Afero in close ctdmbat for the short time that the yankes stiod their ground. In justice to the galan men. of these companies, it is not amias tb particularise the courage shown in thlit F-hort- biit blqdy a rl a i IS rrad e.

D. II. Hill's Division- 3 udges eacu inr iiseii -it ne impartial ana exisiing to enable uie sui-viying omcers oi ixli'lf ml 1 ir i i enlightened vfruiet of maniiind vijul yijudi-oite the of onr conduct and He sponsibility will ret uppu it; and the saf-fering of millions will bear testiaiouy to the folly aud wickeduass of onr aggro- i sors. In the meantime there will remain to us, beaules the ordinary remediej be- fore sugge-tedi the well knowu resource for retaliation upon the commerce of onr jj Experience in pjublic statioiw of" subordinate grade, to this whch kindnesa has conferred ou me, has taught mo that cjktc and and dbappointrneuts ore tho price of ciiivjud elevation, Yoil will have many errurs to rgiy, maayj- deficiencies to tohrutc, but ou will not Cud in mi either-a waut of nd or fldfclitydo a caitao that hflsmy hop ss and iuot en- 1 tiring atlcCtbu.1 Your generosity haal bestowed upon uYe an itndescrycd distinct-ioii -jac which 1 1 toil hvr sought i nor Uk a uie out ana regiinema- io- iiirnisu and with this.cotnmaiid, it passed through the. hery ordeal 6f tho seven days sangiiu-ary battles around Bichmond losinrr two Isketrh nf fs who kuJvvs'thb ihearts of lou wiil julgj Tho meu locked: bayonets and three heroes disabled-) have labored hundreVt and twihty-seven (227) men arid rofliers but of fonr hundred and forty -five Is ft not apparent' to every Veader that "Nortii Carolina's war records must be made at home who carrv the marks of the to protect that yankee raids and to draw-c opimiMary supplies.

"While here, the regimlmt forlaied part of an es-peditibn under iGeuj. Glu-nefc tb collect" con from withid the enemy's lines, in the neighborhood jff which as successfully acolimphsheLl, and also took part in the ot Gen. D. H. IXill against Wastiington, N.

C. On this; the 11th 'gaiuedjj hejv laufels I at lilo iut's Creek, where it met aud repulsed a force fro'm Newbern. if We had, liowever, almosi an impregiiableositioU, cf the credit of the action is due to artillery, sec- carried into action. .1 and bayonets upoiil persons. Tho to pres-ere the guyernosi-nt of oar, 'fatuer, iu ijts spirit and va thosoj rights tiaher'-jfat iu it which wex4 proctaimed at the'blrth of tliet States, iaud which have now that what is filed iii tho Roll of With the Army of Nortkorn Virrrinid.

it) loss snstainAd in thiii hs itflo was sevcm ry IHpnor" is lifflcient tppromate went hrough the first campigu five killed, wounded nd misiug. iu tue Bills been allirmed isanl re-ailliruied regiment then fell brfck ton even what was done Of); the first vith our army to 61 June 1862, it liichmoud. Ou the lst participated in the battles of South Mohan. tin uiid Saarpshurg in the former brJttlo its iaU.anfc BngaJle cumrhauder 'Gen. G)af-laiid iell.and iusSiantlv exoiie'd vhil.

11 heu vas of Bights 4 of tho scleral St.itt s. they tilt-red- ibtu the Union of 17J, it 'regiments, there is no: record of the bt 8th and 9th, and but of company 1 le of Saven Pihes engaged in tho bat i- YA- oil witu the uudcuiabh iccoruitiou ia the aud remained ou thai victorious lield from CniitniMi on tnd jMwi I 1 ..1.

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