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The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 2

Brooklyn, New York
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BROOKLYN EAGLE. WEDNESD Y. FEBRUARY 28. 1910 Telephone MAin 4-6200 For Chutified 'Ad Results cu, 21, sa.c ryot, xhrec Murder By Screaming at Itanriit Pension Fight Simmers Down As McEllisott Resumes Duties IJi Archduke Otto Will Fly to lT. S.

Lisbon, Portugal. Feb. 28 UW Arrhduke Otto of the Hapsburgs, Mias Julia Delofrio, 21, of 28-23 indictments set Queens Group Again Pledges Aid to Fair 21st Astoria, was carrying Order Flier Pay $2,751 In Air Death I Chamherlin Must Compensate Family to 1200 navTnll vesterdav to the Con- Fire Commissioner John J. Mc-. mlssioner McEUlgott appeared Elligott, who resigned on Friday as mark the end, for the time being.

prr tender to the former Austrian tiirone, arm last nisht to board a C'iipT lor New York, probably i Nassau Record Dayton Frets Over Way to Prune Budget Albany Aid Needed For 21-Million Cut, Estimate Board Told commissioner and retired himself as of the pension controvert launched v. when the commissioner, Just before! 23d Long Island City, where he resigned, ordered not only his she Is employed, when ihe found her fire chief at a pension of $11,250 a year, was back on duty today although ill in St. Clare's Hospital, 415 W. 51st Manhattan. own retirement out that oi eigm on thp SPrond floor oiner rite wpanainu oumiu im iandlnlr of th.

huildinir Homer Slated to Co On Trial in March as Slaver of Salesman by a man quiet and who ordered her: "Be Ui Itarnslornier on Thursday. He went to the home Saldanha, a Portuguese Rv.ih.-t. had left Paris secretly Sunday. Members of his entourage defied taat there a.s any political tisn.licanoe to his American visit, saying it had been planned last September and postponed on account of the war. An order from Mayor LaGuardla, pensions higher than they would be in the form of a letter sent to his entitled to under the new pension bedside, directed him to "resume I law after it goes into effect in July, the duties of commissioner to he! Three of the pensions were per-extetu of your physical possibili-; mltted to stand, for disability.

The hand over dough." Although she thought he was Albany, Feb. 28 (Clarence D. Chamberlin, transatlantic flier, has armed with a gun, the girl screamed the Brooklm Eaglt on4 rh ctronopf trnlr har nn lh and the stranger struck her on the. Gibson Stresses Value Of Full Co-operation In 19 10 Program The World's Fair today had the support of Queens for another year. At a luncheon in the Administration Building at the Fair yesterday members of the Queens executive committee for the Fair were the quests of Harvey D.

Gibson, chairman of the Fair's board of directors. New York City this year faces Its That Included signing relief others, it appeared, would be set- Mi Feb 28 Jack Clifford been ordered by the state Labor De i i ii j. i huri itWt hlnn) inct i-i-Mjt outcome oi raw instrument, 19 former Long Beach life- i 74 tn the most difficult budget problem since pennon cnecus and simuar auiies.jtied on tne Dasis oi me nd similar duties tied on the basis of the partment to pay 2 tne $200 when! bars. Chief, a doctor arrived from St. John's tnrtiV.tnrt tn the of family of Capt.

Harry Hublitz. who 1934. Budget Director Kenneth Day signed to a special orders bulletin All five except Deputy died, in an air ton warned in a report to the Board yesterday. James W. Heffernan, wno was in nospiiai.

ireatea ner ior scarp cR.vpar-olrl lew- plane crash Oct 21. 1935. at Troy. The Mayor's order automatically charge of Brooklyn and Queens, erations and took her home. Police' salesman on Feb.

20 at Long relieved Deputy Commissioner Elmer! were returning to duty without said he probably did not have The order as I Ijj You'll be happy with a Homer is said by police to have iiuui ius uuty nciiiiK pre juaiciliK uirir 11 ure icb suu. (ire commissioner, but Assistant; test should entitle them to the high-1 Fire Chief Patrick Walsh continued jer pension. Deputy Chief Heffer- as acting fire chief. nan has said that he intended to Al li nn nnlnf)Dl of Estimate yesterday. In which he jointed out that economies aggregating $21,000,000 must be made to balance the next city budget against mandatory increases.

Mr. Davton said that the budget will require $30.000000 in new monev. made up of $22 000.000 in mandatory items and 18 000.000 in other requirements. Of this Will 111U11 UVlllVIRlU The resumption of duties by Coin- I "stay confessed the murder last Sunday night. A Nassau County grand jury indicted him late yesterday and after his arraignment Homer was placed irf the County Jail to await trial.

It is not expected that the trial will start sooner than the end of March or early in April. The indictment against Homer ho expressed gratitude for the issued, the de-backing given bv that boroueh la-st partment said year, and told them the Fair de- today, because pended on them for a great deal the aviator's of support in 1940. chamberlin Speaking for the committee. Sher- Flying Service, iff Maurice A. FitzGerald and Hublitz' Louis C.

chairman of the employer, was committee and president of the declared to be a United National Bank of Long Is-; New York con-land, assured Mr. Gibson the com- cern subject to mistce would give its aid. the workmen's Others attending were Fred Hul- ompensation Parley Is Called On Sanita Impasse To Die for Slaying Benjamin (Little Benny) Ertel, 25, 000.000. he said. $9,200,000 was out sioe tne consntuuonaw percenitax comkled of first degree murder on was one of three handed up jester a nn tio rpnia nitiir fwi i rAn tpu oo tt 1 1 I liicii tne iormer Kann estate was 1 L.

day by the grand Jury. This was us on tv. Feb. 14. todav WH-S sentenced to die in ton town board believed to set a record in the designated as hniH nf 1 In (Via fholr riiirinu tho wpelr rnnntv 000 is within the limitation and there is only $385,000 carried over from the 1939-40 budget to meet it, he declared.

law. 1 committee, will confer with a com-Imittee to be named by Mayor La- of April 8 by General Sessions Judge I Xne other two were against Aifred would be accepted by New York as final. larence bert. executive secretary oi committee; Martin urer; J. Wilson Dayton.

George Jacob Gould Schurman Jr. It was Gatti, 28. and George Dolnv. 22. who Chamberlin was acq uitted two weeks ago in a Guardia in an effort to iron out the i.uji WILL MAKE ECONOMIES i-uiimitti 'Sanita Downing.

JarvU S. Hicks. Ernest MacDonald. Charles D. Nutt.

Harold W. and (JOUri OI Ullirss uir urgm ui fit. itv suit by the Queens Arthur H. Kreutzer announced here JltMldiiH rae Special Sessions, wnicn oeciareu u.r 1 yesterday. Stutzman.

u.j't r-H -hevnnri rea-iare now protected by law. the had not proved "beyond rea-'are now i. State The Welfare Honor Fund of IO 1 the first death sentence imposed by 1 are charged with the murder of Judge Schurman since his appoint- Samuel Chiccolla, a candy store ment to the bench last December. proprietor of 84-36 102d Ozone A blue ribbon Jury found Ertel Park, at Beacon Hill Road, Port guilty of the slaying of Detective Washington, on Dec. 1.

Chiccolla Michael J. Foley during a holdup in was taken for a ride, shot through a restaurant at 144 2d Man- the head and robbed of. a small hattan, on April 10, 1937. amount of cash. Gatti and Dolny Seven men took part In that hold- are already under Indictment in PLAN Hl'GE ARENA enable doubt- the busmess was a 000 000 barrier cannot be removed.

Tin inn in New York City Sanitation Depart- Mpxico clty Fe() 2P Fair officials, it was learned, have New York, rather man a ise i- rlar-istaH tn iun'ir tlio hnoo Km i-t spv CornOratiOn. COUrSC. We will, of course, make etono-l, cit to Presiden Cardenas workers in take-off crash in the new budget, he re- ot, Kahn which -said he wo Pavilion with a Datriotic amohithc-: Hublitz died in a ater and arena for the presentation while "barnstorming'' through New i porieo. Many oi uirm wiu or thpy acpuire1 as a reCrealion cen- Mexico's -stry today to take, up and Ertel was the sixth to be Brooklyn, charged with the slaying a accept the dismissal sentenced to death. Three already; of John E.

Glass of West Engle- of daily dramatizations around the England and New rutin iun mU pr for members At a public hear wage cut hm. mrienin onrf th He. vinhAtt nvifltrix was gravely 1 uu liui, nv in? before the Huntington town of 3 000 employes to effect a saving have died In the electric chair and II ol its glorious Hi- I torv dating from 1853 and be- I wood, N. during a holdup in a rn ade IU UUVUIlt velopment of the United States. injured in the crackup.

'ije Ln5aJJ, of 24,000,000 pesos (nearly $4,000,000) the sentences of two were commuted Brooklyn bar on Thanksgiving Day. It is planned to have an open air Mayor LaGuardia suggested that an MOVE TO FORC T.W MLa rngrr i.vmfvt to life Imprisonment by Governor Homer is accused of murdering Lehman. i Rappaport, with robbery as the mo- According to Assistant District Uve, after the jewelry salesman had (theater seating 5.500 In wliich to in six years, ne explained, effort be made to solve the problem I stage program. of music, folklore; "Neither Clarence nor city has made $97,000,000 worth of bv tne conference method. At the caue nf the genuine value it I.iszl yilased a George Steels and prai-ed it.

I acner owned a C.enrge SinrL ticft it in romnntiinlt and playlets by groups of foreign his flying service carxiea economies to meet, manaaiory salary the Mayor said that the yearly. The government expropriated foreign oil properties March 18, 1938 following a lengthy controversy in which the workers demanded large wage Increases and a voice in operating the concerns. Attorney Joseph A. Sarfite, who called at the Homer home, 552 East increases, to finance various public onr-acfrv in Am.rioan ifo oo n. rnmnensatlOn insurance, lliuuowim Welfare Honor Fund could not pay conducted the Ertel prosecution, the Beach Long Beach, to call on Homer's mother, a prospective full taxes on the property but might seventh man, still at large, is Isa- 1 "Parsifal." Music lner of modi'st means ill find tions of Latin-Americans.

German-' Commissioner Frieda S. Miller stated Americans, Czech-Americans, first! in announcnig the award. 'Unless jonoroHnri TWeh mil i mito ormirvc the case is reversed on appeal, I be able to pay some. He said that dore Perlmutter, 25. l.eorpe r-tcrks wen nnm rearh.

from S29.) services and improvements. "It must be evident that we cannot keep this up," he said. Economies in the 1939-40 budget, he said, were hampered by State legislation, refusal of county officers to take pay cuts. mmmmmmmmsmtmmm I will be brought from various parts shall proceed with all means at the of the country for these State's disposal to collect the award Baron Stefan Ropp, Polish high for the Hublitz family. commissioner to the Fair, an- "The evidence that Chamberlin's nounced a plan to have wealthy business was a New York concern Polish citizens in this country ler.d pretty impressive 18 different their art treasures for an exhibit to recorcis filed with the U.

S. Depart-raise funds for Polish relief, nf Commerce, many of them SPECIALLY PRICED FOR THIS WEEK DAINTY LITTLE GRAND Price mith Streets 1 24 5 likt HYOi- Flu, Pneumonia Cases Increase The number of pneumonia and influenza cases in New York City increased during the week ended last Saturday, but there was still in cnamoernns own iiaiiuKimuK. list Holmes Airport. Queens, as the permanent address." Chamberlin asserted that Captain Hublitz at the time of the accident was not in his employ. The industrial board some time ago held that Fulton and penaenc oi me ronsn uovernmeni exhibit.

He estimated that worth of art work was owned by Poles here. Word came from Dublin that I Ireland would not participate in the 1 1940 Fair because of the interna-j tional situation. FIRESTONE SIGNS Mr. Gibson announced that the COMPANY the testimony of Bernard Capehart of last 2 tluys our 53 J'LUrU'SH At. BROOKLYN manager of the old yueens Airport.

ino -unusual prevalence," the num-and fellow pilots Indicated HubUte Rnd dfaths was in Chamberlin employ. lbeow fs game Chamberlin has 20 days to appeal nBrinH, Prices slashed to the rrrv limit! Firestone Tire and Rubber Company, one of last year's major ex hibitors, has signed a contract for the decision participation again this year. The! rotunda of the company's building' in the transportation area will be $3lM) Awarded 3Iail POTS to a report yesterday to Dr. John L. Rice, Health Commissioner, by Thomas J.

Duffield. registrar of records in the Health Department. New pneumonia rases totaled 402 last week, continuing the begun February Fur Sale CLIMAX VALUE transformed into a West African Lost and Found 10 jungleland, with extensive rubber Hit by KunnillJS tOV he plantations With a warning to persons who Feb. 10. Deaths totaled 116.

also an BANKBOOK List; Nn D33 nf Srnoort Svm Bank; payrafnt has Visitors will hp nhle to see the -Wlinr over" fellow- increase, so tar mis year, However, teen s'opped. Plrase return to llie bants VAiirn nnprntirm's in nhtnininp rnh- timra haup Knon nlt, ORIO satnc otiX ICR! S' ih nff th. iti tiro nedestrians. Mimictpal Court Justice; 7J5 ol our February CLEARANCE SALE hlfbeen factory producing tires from start Pette yesterdaf awarded $300 dam- 5.662 cases and 1.379 deaths at this toped. return the bank.

to finish at the rate of one every vfnt Rprnstein. 28. of time In 1939 and 2.681 cases and 639 Enstrrn parkway fiTfi9. Bay RldRp. BANKBOOK Lo' Nn Ha must bp made Dr new ocnjt be 6a Issued.

four seconds. MH HollLs for inrurles: 1'087 deaths in 1938' 104-19 201t Hollis, for injuries Influenza cases incrpased bv one i i i suffered when he was knocked down to 44 last week, although deaths fell 5eekS rit to Iteweo Western vnion Telegraph mes- from ten the previous week to seven. Ilp. tiif Ir Influenza incidence has been slowly tier Mepiather senger. nsing llnce Jan 27 havf BANKBOOK Lo.s; 188788 Bay Ridse Bank, al; c.a;m mu be made ith.n or.e ween cr bock be limed CASE Ir.

b.ack Pmtapp.e St. New Bedford. Feb 28 Tne company, namea as oeienu-1 bpPn 206 influenza cases and 35 Probate Judge Mahew R. Hitch con- ant. failed to convince Justice Pette i deaths reported so far this vear as sidered today a petition by which in Flushing that there was no liabil- against 923 cases and 92 deaths in Her.ry: booki reward.

GRamercy Mrs. Ellen Howarth Garcia, 22, seeks itv "on the part of an employer the same period of 1939 and 134 correspondence regularly $139 to $225 to annul her marriage to her step- where his errand boy is in charge of cases and 41 deaths In 1938. DOG Los-; E. 17th St. and Cor-'father, Manuel S.

Garcia, 44. in or- no animal, vehicle, tool or other iwau. u.v.ii niiu tfu.i tcrtlC. Hewgrd. INsersoii 2-6517.

der that they might rewed in a State property of the employer and jostles iwhich permits such alliances. a stranger. I Married two years ago after the The jurist held that the messenger 'death of Garcia's first wife, the two had been "acting within the scope Cady, Bean Steeves DENTISTS S. E. cor.

Fulton Smith, Brooklyn JXXOUNCtMENTS accept-id until 10 I'M for publication tht iollovimg dot from 8 AM. to 1 PM. (11 A.M. on Saturdays I for publication in th.i nrxt availablt edition of the tame day'i taper. were convicted of morals charges 0f his employment" when he darted and sent to prison.

A State Supreme mto Bernstein in a corridor of an Court justice ruled recently that no ofIlce building at 1410 Broadwav. crime had been committed and re- Manhattan, last Aug. 25. Bernstein's voked the three-to-ftve-year sen- giasses were broken and he suffered tence imposed on Garcia, who had a laceration over the left eve. served aDout 18 montns.

Mrs. uar-cia previously had been paroled Final Reductions On Entire Stock Many Below Cost! Featuring our 3 "Best Sellers" at give-away prices PERSIAN LAMB many reduced over 50 MAin 4-6200 from a women's reformatory. Open Thurs. Till 9 Jacket and Skirt- Your Spring Duo 35 Coats formerly $450 to $675 20 Coats formerly 338 to 450 25 Coats formerly 258 to 338 MOW $338 NOW 278 NOW 198 MINK DYED MUSKRAT at lowest prices! 1 8 Coats formerly $168 to 1 98 NOW $138 20 Coats formerly 198 238 MOW 168 1 xyAft More for your money grmifWii when your nick- tmr' Jh I el goes for the tasty Vo'w' drink in the tall, tall bottle. More rSs i and more of it, too.

ff Be thrifty when you're thirsty. Join the suing glf II to Pepsi-Cola. Iff 1 Step be gay fl vJ I tha Peptl-Cola way. bm 1M 'l HUDSON SEAL DYED MUSKRAT at final reductions! () li 15 Coats 25 Coats formerly 198 to $238 NOW $18 formerly 233 to 298 NOW 198 Some of our Final Low Money-Savers! I' 'WW) Order rlSI 5 2435 Tweed Jacket 7.05 grey lV T.ed tc rpd 1 3S5-C ii 5 jes $198 158 formerly $258 to $378 formerly $238 to $298 Persian Lamb irey Persian Caracul dyed Lamb Alaska Seal Hudson Seal dyed Muskrat Natural Tipped Skunk Baum Marten dyed Skunk Letour Raccoon Hudson Seal dyed Muikrar Northern Mink tlcd Muskrar Black dyed Skunk Natural Siberian Squirrel Baum Marten dyed Skunk Caracul dyed I.amb Sable dyed Squirrel Grey Persian Silver Fox Jackets Sheared Beaver Jacket? $258 formerly $358 to $495 Sheared Beaver Petsian Lamb Alaska Seal Grey Persian Safari Seal Caracul dyed Lamb I Si fcndson seal dyed muskrat black cross persian lamb gray cross persian Iamb natural gray kidskin tawny leopard spotted cat tipped skunk jackets mink dyed muskrat natural ombre muskrat silvertone dyed muskrat skunk dyed opossum coats with muff Quantities and sixes are limited- Pay 10 rfoirn, 10 monthly IVo Interest charges fur salon third floor All charge purchaxei billet! April Int Open Thursday 'til 9 TR. 5-4700 Shetland Skirt 3.95 Slin.

-hipped ond pored (or swing. Novy, black, copen, or grey in sizes 36 to 46. Attention! 22 FUR JACKETS $38 Formerly $58 to $98 Use our personalized budget plan Open Thursday until 9 P. M. BaUU Price MAIN FLOOR IS HANOVER PLACE Just Off Fulton.

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