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The News from Paterson, New Jersey • 1

The Newsi
Paterson, New Jersey
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fc "iX. 1 yi4n 1 1 nib. tt ana? flSSlBatr' A THE WEATHER mrf I i A av a. A A I. Fair Inntaht mnA Ihmhhw FINAL EDITION -5i 5 (Complete rather report on Paae 17 Sun rose 5:27 a.

eti 8 21 p. iff -JT fan Moon set a. The Newt Thermometer registered: f3 it t. 73 at II a 78 It 1 m. First In ater sonAn Independent Newspaper For All The People iv PfilCE FIVE CENTS CompleH Wlra AiuxJal.d frwt and Ulld eras 40 PAGES PATERSON, ff.

TUESDAY, JUNE 2, 1953 AtRn YEAR Vfll 107 matter O. Pilm, Dm. U. IN, vast A Mar I. 117 oonu icn VUL.

lor rWMw mi ssbbji vmda Ihm rum. CROWNED ELIZABETH Scenes from London Via Radio Coronation Today's "God Save the Queen" Roar Swells Abbey Prince Charles, 4, Arrives Just in Time To See Ceremony LONDON. June 2 17 Britain Icrowned Elizabeth II today ia a magnificent spectacle ancient aVflkemamnnaRmfl 9at 9 4amama9fcLnmmml pomp and pageantry, before the wondering eyet of her little ton Charles, heir to the throne. The thunder of gum tnd the pealing of bells proclaimed to millions CnjpiliHBtM missed in Iindon't itreett the formal tcceition of Eltubeth the Queen, the flrtt coronation of a woman linco Victoria. 116 yean i ago.

i rndiii miid 2S to 35 deen ac claimed the queen going from Buck ingham Palace to Weetminater Ab ana I'-agggtivanmvr-ni IIW1II IW II be), and coming home again, uniy 7 Sim) nersoru were In the abbe). but millions more could tee the two tnd one-htlf hour ceremony by toks- vition, for the nrti time Cries of "God uve tha iueen blended Into a mighty roar from thoustndl of throats tt tho queer purple and golden coach loft the ELIZABETH II art Um rrwi of I mland )tut after It was I iced en her head loday la We AbheT rrrrannnlei Pht from BRI lelrTllon WieeMaM TM raw fr I onoon labhey for tne miin roroniuon pro-ceiiion. five mtlet tnd more through tho center of the old cipi- taL Tt.o (mie.vear.nld Prince htrle Straight St. Man Killed, 2 Injured in Blvd. Crash in line to bo the.

next British sovereign to receive the crown In Welt-minster Abbcv. reached the coront- rhnivh ikI before the trrn- Sleuth Testifies Against Adonis Notes Showed Gambler Born in Italy, Says Deportation Witness bishop ct Canterbury placed on hit mother i hood tha Mitotic crown ci VAmmrA In symbolism of her i See fhoU Eate 17) Sen lea pole and thn rolled over A StmKht St. man vh fatally aereral tlmt. corner ration to God tnd her eom ablo to Intured at 1 SO tbtt momlna when! A far a police learn, the car wtt going north on monwetitn The crowning ctmo after the ceremony had been under way Mrlta Blvd and when It neared tter Abbey. (AP irrpheU via radio ffom London I THOI SANDS JAM Traftlgtr Square London today to tee tho tlueen pott to the litytl rorrtago eornnto to bo rrewuod at Wettmln the Circle, It struck a highway more than an hour.

In tno earlier tttgri Elisabeth had boon ta tho "undoubted queer taken her oath oa the Bible and Koto Right' tgn on one of tho ivlinds Tho driver then apparent he pinned under an overturned auto after It rareenad out of control at Mclean Blvd and tho I nth Ave and E- Mrd St. circle Two other men were Injured Tho Circle hao boon tho acono a number of cetdonta. The victim. Franh Minor. M.

of TRENTON. Juno 0Vns Now York detective todtr teeWied at a ly lott control and the ctr sped Planes on Wing in Race to srr.Ms th island, atrvtt tne euro deportation hetiing on Joe Adonis that notet of ItM arrest showed (he notorious gambler wat born in then been anointed in tno ceremony that dcdicatet a ruler to the church Italy MO Stralfht St died at 7 thla The tuns of London boomed out US with TV Coronation Film wj-onsjgu vadv i ii i A td irlinmr took off from Lo-don City Officials Confer on McCrowe Case Mayor Letter t. Titus met thla morning with members of the Park Board tnd City Count! David L. Thomas Conloy. who said he mornlni at tho General Hoapiui as the archbishop, Dr Geoffrey a memner or trte New Tort police Rhee Agrees To Cooperate R0K Leader Softens After Ike Message-Demands Chinese Go force lor and now la at 32 yeart Flther reverently pureei tne live-pound crown on the queen head ontinued on Pago 17.

Col. Produce Men Warned About Blocking Walks It the Brooklyn district tt- IVeT, efUIir -JjaVPV we. a thortly after tho Queen wat caowoed today, ftrting once In a i lM.rl.ia 1 iilrtlme air rsce io put ionnaiiin reirmuuwi (Continued on Page 31. Col 41 tomey office, told the hearing at Now Jersey Stale Mton Adonis was arrested In 1923 for felonious vision screent bojore London crow at nove oono cneenng ppg trnrtn Comoetina networai ana teie- Cola on two ordinances under which Robtrt McCrowe. Jr.

would Produce merchtntt In the Wash named superintendent of parks He tuffrred head injuriea. Tlkt mjiired are Thomaa l.a Telle. M. of i 1 oni St Fair Lawn, who tuffrred a fractured left shoulder and abrasions of tho -its' and Myron inner .17. I IT Jertey who tuffered ehott and hip mjorioa.

LaVolle owner and drlror of tho 1990 Hudaon club roup. I good condition at St. Joseph Hospital while Sklnnor. a pat" tho General Heopltal. It In ftlr condition.

Sklnnor and Minor were passengers In tho tuto ington St. tret who block the side and Fred Heutecr the tasisttnt Con ley said he made the trrott himself on Fob. 5 IBS tn gartge on President S' In Brooklyn and (hat he made this notation when he look Adonis to tho police Memorial Day Chair Vandals Sadden De Yoe Driscoll May Testify Friday In Crime Probe TRENTON, June 2 (APi-Gov superintendent. is on newt services wore ven an tven ttart from London with all film aboard Rwl Ajr For Cm-berra Jet' The National Broadctttmg Com-panv bett the sun by nearly two hour with i 924 am. MM tike- av

walks wort warned last night that they are In for trouble If they con McCrowe posted the Civil Serv tinue to violate the city ordinance -Joteph Doto ltv.Ua:. shoe lea on for the tuperin-lendent 1 pott out tho Park Board Wlllird I De clerk 2M Third An." Vn. Ir.tav v-nlred his sorrow It tie off or itmtur tnoerrt jet j- Driscoll may be a wit Asked what the "Italy meant look no action on tne Cfen erv ice certlflratton tt lit lait meet let of vandtllsm tgalntt the Pltu rying llm ol tne pre t. oiorsermn. w.

'neas Fr dav- to tell speutl les. Coniey said that showed Dotos birthplace Doto took the alias of Memories on Memorial iav evw ...4 lha bone tbst the Ing. Lawyer Beniimin J. Split, art pirrvraiufi or ytmiir lur.t i Haekett wai lative rommittee his rale In New- All thrtt occupants were thrown from the auto a It careened crat-IU across the Circle Into A ribllc The Board of Aldermen ordered Police Chief' James Walker to latue summonses to merchtntt who violate the regulation against blocking mora than Inches of Ukt sidewalk. railowing protests from Mh Word Aldarrnan ark le the board alto Aflonlt when he became a gambler forced to turn bark two hourt mveetiaitioni 'of misrretnts would soon be caught ing for McCrowe.

hn written to tho Civil Service Commission, call Adonis cltimt he "as born in ROBERT Tt'CKMAN and nit shinn SEOL Juno 1 uT) President Syngman Khee tald today South Korea will co-operate with tho U. any rotf but declared ho will Hiatal to the end oa wlthditwal of Chinese foreet front North Korea after an ereaiitrre. Rhoo tald he had received a thrce-ftoint measage from Prow-dent Elarnhowrr. but relused to disc lose itt contentt Tho 7B-) ear-old leader's ttate-meat came on the hoelt of a report from Wathington that he had propoted to Kitonhowor raututl defer pact plu subtttntlll 8. financial and mllltar aid at South Korea's price for acooptlng Allied truce terms rd neirlv htlf wtv to Boston ,,,1,., ervtrttfon this despirsnie mtir imirn- but the government hoaever Deeaue of a defective es new ow evel 01 mancioui ing attention to resolution of the Park Board which 1 In offa he f-l unk I The Governor who canoot ht wrott ,0 Tho contends hit birth rrrtlftrtte is forgery and seeks deport him ald.

tnpolnted Mr The RAF Canbena wa. Mhed- suopnoaaeooas 7, was with grett torrcw. ha ulcd to unload filmt for ill not- wBnesavVfore the committee. i (hat. rfld of another act works and televlnon newt services, hich began in rquln into eHormed against the unanimoualy voted lo notify Streotjon grounda he en'ered the United William Turner Ihst Illegally jperlntrndenl" by gDing him td dltlontl dutlet In hit former rt Rafts Spread, Boy Drowns In Quarry uih.ii -old school bov Samuel Paige.

New York attor at Goose Biy. Lahrtdor. approai- enforcement rep 21 ana nat neio irbl rBIlr, which you ptcitv at foremaa. ney lor Adonis objected, lo the 'To gay mind." Spur wrote, la the Itw mutt be enforced. Clatsstt Waaardsj Creasjod Atdorman tee toM hoard mem-bars that tome of the fruit market 1 clear tubterfuie for the purpose taking of teatlmnnv from Coniey.

saying it wts "not pertinent" to the deportation ate The objection of violating tho letter and spirit of matelv five hours after leaving Lon 123 publir hearings since nen ia the cltv of Peterson andllto don tnd ill houn after El ubeth' Drlifoll ann unced in ule Mirch Memoflsi. II ia crowned, at the cllmat of the he wanted to tppeir hefore frnhellishes Thoro taotti-Co onttion torvlnr. icommittee tosL is id he would tun- the vlclout act wat From Goose Bay two compeUng mlt to hy IU rciiwel (nrmM) 0B of Memorial wilt trantfer film to Auguttut Studer Jr. of ew- g' fi.Vtl.r fnr ark V- A w.n h. (4tl- drowned Utt night In water pit In an abandoned quarn on flratK! merrbants completely block the sidewtlks.

cieating a htiard for a dismisses Conloy took the stand on the aoc- i Continued on Page 17. Cot. II noor Slator St while P'vl' pedestrians. (tut of grttllode the I rro that we eo operate with 1'. S.

at any anil. We muat a- fa 1 .1 iva rnnt irrniinfemas r' a The witn a group oi oriyi in covered and tnnrehendod Continued on Pago 17. Col. Tourist Home Owner Fined $110 In another atroug move laat night tho board notified ownera of (be hit ii" nnvrp. ph davi when New York puhliaheraVur.e Nelson Stamler tot- I'tterton Recreation Center, of lPth hlred racing stoops to bring thelrjtlfled Drua-oll Prjrused him the good cltliens of rtterscn mus sroued over this detplceblo atfalr whKh louchet a new low level of ll.l....

ontinueri rn rige 17. Lot. 01 tuomiwueq on rtge 01. Ave thai they must ttko nut a license to operate their tkattng link In 10 dayt or be rlod by police nf. -r-k.

la nat a Cat- Official City Greeting for Sen. Tobey The board it lis Utt meeting. David Honigfetd owner of a tourist home at 724 Broadway, wat fined total of 1110 by Magistrate John A Matiello this morning on two iolitlont of c.t ordinances In- Continued on Pat IT. Col 11 passed tn ordtaancg licensing kit Britons Scale Mt. Everest In Time for Coronation rafts The vourgster.

Curtla I flawothers son of Mr and Mrt. Thomas Smothers, nf Jortw tllpped Into tho deep water whit) trying 1o atof from one raft to another. Valiant effort tn roocuo Men wort made by a playmate, Joseph Aldermen Drop Ma or letter Titus and Harry ing rings in tne rtl) me a year, tho tame amount charged movie thentera here. On ftfst retding the hoard approved an ordinance fixing tho salary range for License Inspector Ed Haines, publisher of toe Pater' son EvaaaUag-tfowt, will loin In wet solving a garage building at the rear of that address. Hon i it eld- rounhel.

I Schwtrti tndlrtted he would appeal the sewiaaoa. The iiunet war made by As-Ittant Building Intpertm David najtynt an; thing the t. H. Preot-denl wants, bht ttlow Use f'blno-men lo slay us onr eosmsry It Bimilar la oeceptlng a death se ate nee Bhot aatd. Saying ho It la a vorv difficult poaiiion Hbee did not elaborate on bia statement Indicating South Koree bltUr opposition to tho latest N.

truce proposal may be softening Although Kiaenhowot message to Rhoo wat tlotfleu ia terror). (Continued oo. Pago 17, Cnl I Bloomingdole Gl Killed in Action 1 BLOOM INUD ALE Pvt Henry G. Worman. son of Mr and Mrs Henry S.

Worman. of Highland St KATMANDl' Nepal June 2 UE) r- The British Union Jaek waved today where mtn -never bad itt foot before ttop 29 002 foot- ward Caaapulla tt M0 lo ooo hith Mount Everes (Continued on Page IT. Col lllllin P. rtllltn rk One tated that Hon Junk Yard Law, Mayor Wins Out The much debated ordinance to repeal an nrdlnanee Um4 ng Junk varda ka tho etty die. loot ntgt-t for tho arcnnd time In recent when none of the sit mew of the Botrd of Aldermen I TI SMOTNF.H Oroatt.

Jr nf igfeld Dialed a Flre-Pollce Board coming Senator narles Tobey, who bt roanmg to thla city tomorrow night, tt the guest of honor at a dinner under auspices of the Peterson Committee. Sttte of Isrtel Honda. Barrtort Temple In announcing their acceptance lo participate ia the Sentlor fobe, Dinner Chairman llrrmah Ynrht also reported the program for the dinner of welcome I ew 1 beekeeper and Tenalng Bhutlt tox the wis scheduled 'o irugged She'pa retched the greatest dsy of her life 'summit the preylou'lv union Prime Minister Winst I. tun 1 hiehear mountain "liname payed In 1930 by per mlttlne orrupsnrv of the tarago at Girls Sought in Theft from Purse SI Oliver St.

ton of Patrolman Croosi Voung dove "al timet but wtt untklt to grab the a dwelling, although II has no street or htfhwis frontage as required b) iLst Frlda) and plin'ed thi Brit- Mv rongrttulitiont on thli 1 I I i ri 1 I. the ordinance drowning boy The other romplaint ihsrged Vtt home for second inn rmsi ran lo -d ibout It. are I nroaal then Two iH him with permitting the garage to tS.ut sit blocks twt told. ht for que.tlonlnr of .1 mrmnrauip oniei amir.rnirm in.urra oi They sent down a signal thai whlch the whole woi Id hat been In-1 moved It "Ail tt that man llaallv h. to manv vesr.

Churchill! reading won his greatest physical victory Mjd l0 a message to the climbers Mayor vr aeture snd the" elenjenf the vlctorlout etPedltion twiceLMd tt hers in. eirTieni- xhe victorious etpeomon twice ti he ued as a double bedroom with I. Tltut In April leneaiiaa oruinenre out fUtt obtaining a certificate of ocruptnry from the Board of the theft of MM from chtnte purse in second floor kitchen tt IN 19th St ls( night Hunt, leader of ih' prrvinu.K hod assaulted tho kmg In the famed I Senator from New Hampahlre. Among the civic tad community who will lake port la tho program, he said will ho Rthbi Vbrtm Creation, Earner! Temple Rabbi Arthur Rurh. Btrnrn alter It had been paiod by the Mrs Chrisiltn IVVuvtt.

teneni talher wno was Rrottl called headquartort and then hurried to the acono. Patrolman fieold Healoy. natng a hook recovered the body ibout IS feet off tho re A rotutrltttor wat applied but Dr rapeouivn iminwiairii ai me nimsis)in inuniams ano dispatched a runner to Katmandu the third attempt waa 1 rare netret town of EvirrM dan e- aa-alnit time. woa killed In action la Korea on May 24. according to a Department of ferfrnae telegram received by hit parent! In hit first teller homo since he srrued oteateea about May 1.

Pvt Worman wrote that he wat In The tt Ihtt tddrett said tho elrla had prosi bed her In her roar yara joua tloPet. with tha lad news Hunts rhmbers s'deimen April me majo. dared the jrlty bad enough Junk ytrda Aa old ordintnre limits tho rltv to 40 )unk yardt Rut legal opir. ion by city Counael Jamoa Trmple David Creenbera and Na than Kluger roehalrmen of the nlaht and trleo lo sen n-r ted lo toll She refuwe, fuwed to Works Srhwgrtt contended on the first i Continued on Ptge 17. Col Gas Effects Fatal To Elderly Man tnst ine mission nta oen bed before Queen FHubeth 111 PagplT.

Cnl 4 sin team hl 0Jf other unaurc-easftf; British etpedt 11... ii 1. 101 1.. 0.1. iki.i..

Continued Pair-son Committee for larael Sai. Jk Clam ll.rmtH Vital. the alrli entered the hou'e Monk acene of heavy fighting 'coronation ranvaaood tho flrgt flaajr ten- Writing from in outpost 2i' varus Runner Takes 1 Dayt mmmKwm on yMd made at the roquett 01 Alderman Anthony Paaejuarlollo antt, livnm voe ue pi airian par ll Innk Ik. nmiur lhr. rtav.

In In Today's News grind marshal ol Bit. I)a on, wi Hd mat ne 14: Paul Sega JojtPh Shi.U(h chUwi iood wlth mor. in MM iornitein and ioaeph ihl, ,0 June reach here. Tho newt qulrklv was Mountain cllmberg previously It Sho sold lh were teen aolng to i Continued nq Nfn 17, Col. ente i.o.noerg the three tanaduaout nearly at will Ninth Ward stated that tho Sew Jersey Supieme Court In a Lodt decision had ruled It la Illegal limit )unk yardt Ai lisneo in nuctingosm raiace had tried to conquer BVOfntt frorr and Britslna young queen was 'awakened to hear it only a fw (Cnntinuednan Page Col Since the dinner wnl be cllmts .,01.

that Aa elderly mm discovered ua-costariout la hit home from the effects of gat vtwterday. died at IBM campaign for Ih, Ing the Spring Page 1 rtfes H-19 Page 17 Pago tt Paae 11 Itroel Bonds .1 halmven t.reenherg n(iBlrv Heglnient relieved the fire Damages Dcalhe EdHorUt 1st Audlnn and Kluger win repo" on ''irirot Marine Di i.ienThreo week 4 05 today it the Oeneril Ho Pftol The dead man la Peter Boeaini 93. who resided alone at S4 Alois revioue to bit letlof. Pate 19 Continued on Page 17. Col 1) Driver Avoids Disaster, Drives His Brakeless Truck Off Hill into Bonk The letter a 1 Ilea on Ma four dayt bnfore hU detlh.

snd was Old Serwnd Obllusrles nodio Sortal Slery Clifton Home An corty morning fire hadlv damaged the one family home of Hen- Mr Inch. 610 I'tssate Avtn Clif PI Mrs Helen Condon, a neighbor received by his brother, Prod, short- Ptge J7 rage FtgeoM Paiet tg-tl-tt Van Biert waa tnkea to Rt Jo mrlled gat and notified the mtir Twitll Arrive Pork Deer Family man In the housing projert Wist Wrlinlii ton, causing estimated 93.000 lo i home ar The ildermen let tae origin ordlntnco die whea they failed tt Ceoilaued on9 IT. Qhi fl Todoy's Chuckle A leng dtauare apoeoloe answered a roll from a enataoser aba said I aM ta call la fthaeee.el. Wiahlagton Haw do yna aawU the. plaao "Goad beeveaa apeeaUr.

lha oaaanerated vstroa replied. "II I rew 14 aawU It. I would wrrthef tin rmn HALKDON A 21-year-old Clifton man averted disaster tt 10 thlt moriing on Gtrdet Hill when be drove hit nrtholosn dirt filled truck Into the rurh while avoiding atrik-mg two crews eat Public nervier amnlnves found the aged msn lying en the seph Hospital by the Haledoo Emergency Ambvltytro. Van Biert waa coming dow-(iaedes Hill, Pompton Rd wber at Wottatde firemen lo ight the hlair which Twin fawn, airled floor of the htin I) before the tolegrtm arrived Pvt Worman entered the aervlre en Oct II. 1991 He wta raduated from Sutler High School in June and was employed at a ma rhine operator hp 'the American Hard Rubber Company.

Butler Ho wai born In Bloomlngdile and attended the local elementary school Word Otoso BI'Bt'RBAN I Tho cold in the attic for two hours Park Sundat m.unlne The rauae of lh lire un4etor-and thlverlng twins were the truck! brakes became ftuit mined Oamage was nmued to tne bark and loilh in tneir rage wnen attlr and floor wllb watti sptDtted 'he park scout ctr at tha truth overturned, (itching; fire and Norman Van Biert 22. of At he 'approached tho leva Plgea It-II-ft Pagoa Paae tl arrnunllne- for murh nl the lost a am The rew add lions to he turned his truck into the curb Gts wis escaping from aa oven let In tha kitchen stove It be 1 thai Roaimi had turned on the jot to warm tho house hut either I or got to light ft or the ftimr wis estingulshod In tome minner Dei rtivei Jimn K'i ind aeph Motley Invnttlgatod. In addition to ht parents and hit rnmnanlea I and reannnded WestairU arr ved nne week after I 24 Van Wagner Ave. who leaned from the rib of the truck, received nt'tu" S.u,u. BtWeto yred Pvt worman siao Tha truck It owned by the Home Owners Co.

of Markat RL, Patet In (be alarm Assistant Fire chiefs doe housed In Etstaide I'srt gse I in "in'l ssihle frtrturet of the hip tnd twins jhat tsro aistora. Viola and Jsnet In charge wert Mario Celantano birth to bef second set of mm snd John Stone twltai year Psgwt I Pasaak 1 r'f.

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