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Passaic Daily Herald from Passaic, New Jersey • 6

Passaic, New Jersey
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

PAESAK! DART ITETUUV MONDAY, Jt'LT 10, 1932 need not be aurpriserd. 't HAIL Arrua. Timely Topic WHAT OTHER PAPERS SAY six 1 PASSAIC DAILY HERALD --Y evening (niiMeye ear.predl til TW 39 ltd Lealagtsa Aveair. rsasave. Jdd Tunkin aaya when hi political Job had to vorv YOUR HEALTH By "OYAL B.

COPtLAMO. aa. a Health Ctmm'ailaoK, Krw Vark Crty thin lovely monument by a coat of Jimewab remain to be eeen. But on one point all the angry critica are unanimoaa: Aged dirt ia honorable, and the grime of Weatroinater la an Jn-tcpal part of the ahrine. TA: -ut! Nothing la harder on a woman hour giy io f.

nj MFLtCTION Or NATION'! VlfWt new hat than one of her i emlei. OUGHT TO MOV HtLMJL twenty-two hour to boll cnt Waahington Star. F.IM Journal. Me Oietuexng Shlg tubaidy Kditara Think rnt- lay the girl they only flap Atc iru.n r(iPT A. Brlalor.

SMIlne an Fenll.hef, -re Sf an S'iMl. irfbc.f a.i i'lertaeiitt prM. pr wk I'-rrt prr eel UrBd, f-r yr Hit Xoliere Ai! eii aherTlpiieee parable I i4'tm In th good old uaed to flirt. Now Charieaton Mall. tive Will tntlt Hama Vita During Hua HE COULDNT TELL The bue waa tilting alor.g at good.

ped when an elderly m0 5 Jt ia reported that Tehitcherin baa reaigned, and every compoaitor and proofreader In the roiuitry hopea ao. cat11 That th member of th Houa ar fortunat In be What Nausea May Mean. Vh moat unhappy birthday I evar had wa my 12U or 1 3th. hav long ainr-a forgotten what waa th raua of th troubl. but th memory of th day-long naueea and vomiting 1 almeat Invariably rauael by atomach troubt.

Thi 1 far from th fact. Not ona time out of a dosen I thi aymplom tra'-eabl to tha atomaeh. Tha lowar prt of th brain connect wtth th aplnal crd by a fhlrkenad portion rf th latter lying Inaid th akull." Thi part ef th nervoui ayaiam la called th ing able to get th opinion of th people "back horn Te Peele nr14 m) rl fl-e rein of iw pee mnr be rarrle-e In tw. following wh.e wii! t) ref-eea t'eaeale. 'li.

3iill' 1S.M- 4f I tl, last kmaerfeed. Isrietedl, To II to a rip old ag one muat ample proportion threw avoid being picked when green tb th wind by falling into the Toledo Blade. In trying to alight while th, mi in motion. It uarea.on.ble. but aa- ir) ore rlrl' leg.

becem beautiful In th befor being compelled to act upon th pending ahlp ubldy meaaur I th view of many of th dttori! writer who ar diacuaalng th aubject. Th line of .4 th. ajrL, I WC' cancTemnatlon or of favor (till I very charply drawi Eovr'a alibi that it ia blind often aavea it from being arrtiwd of naing mighty poor judgment. Atfempfa to form a woman bloc in polltlce will fall. woman wanta to ruled by a woman.

old day. th horrified mother length- daahed after th vefcst, I'rrae entitled a ft? a'l efrniten If of elhrwl "medulla oblongata" nriliteg tR tliie b4 Siee Ike lecsl sews paullah. but at prnt th queatlon of ectlonaUam aeemi to hav diappar4. Moat of th debet on th fulnea of th aubaldy hing on bather it really 1 tntrrel it poet it restate, X. i-.

nd her klrt. Memphi News with frantic apeed. Scimitar. i "Didn't you fail tff. 'ductor?" ahouted.

It to take a lot of demon-) -Yes, air." atratlng to convince peopl that the- "Then why didn't you too?" eafeet wy to croaa a railroad track! ejaculated th eecead riaee matter. tha only way that th march nt marln can avd 1-esW itaco ie' to for th nation. Editor generally aeem agreed that the hip muat held available In caa of futur war. the I aftr th train ha pad. wa I io know, you wanted do It again?" Km, wuke Fentlnel.

get on ana JCity ftnr. only dlfferenc of opinion being whether th aubaidy really la th better An American going into Mexico cannot rery well aay how Jong be will be there. In ita relationship to Tbe Hague, international atrlfe ia homing pigeon. THE WANDERING SHEEP. Wonder If th thlrty-ono Prlnc-ton grduat who they have never klaaed a girl will II about Ai'.

our vafioua function ar controlled aomewhar In th brain. For Inatane. ih canter of epch la altuatad In on particular ara. If thla area la deatroyd by accident or dlaaaa th powar of apaarh I I oat. If It la auppliai) by an unuaual amotint of blond due to Irritation, eongeatlon or Inflammation, apeac I tlmulated A fw (laaaat of win, may produce anouah congaatlon of thi area to eirlta a great flow of language.

It may not ba vary cenalbl ronvaraatlon. but It I producad In great quantity, Th vomiting center I located In tha Any-thing which atlmulala thla rntr will proi-dc nauaea and vomiting. Tumora of th brain. Inflammation of th tleaue at th baa of the brain, fracture of tha floor of th akull or a vtr blow on th akull which may not eurftctent to crack It all thee may hav vomiting a a Irritation or Inflammation In th atomach Itaelf a- In th view of th AfBCRT PARK PREPS the fact that th Houa I in raceee will afford a aplendld The Paetor idrlvlng to church tff co jtwiet Ike ihaP1 It. SO! SJ ti TM opportunity for th member to gt th actual aentl-; other thing, alao.

Harrinburg fa- ment of th nation toward th ubldy. Thy will be trlot Remenoff hna leen barred by Japan, bnt there ia atill China. hi, It aaya, "to before th public th favorable view of the pending aubeldy tneaaure that ia held by th admlniatratlon. It may that th public will perauaded. It may be.

on the other hand, that tha paer-by "Wher ar you gait, JohnT John "To church In the next j. ish." Paator "1 don't like that. WTu would you aay If your shep nry, to ome one else)' propert; John "Well. 'far as that ge. Th Intention of ome men are honeat, and then om men inalat they hav th law on their aide.

Birmingham New-. I-el" eongreaaman will find themeelvea up againet th uul atnn wall, of opposition or apathy nd return to PEPPER TALKS CCOROf MATTHKW ADAMt clte vomiting. Oaatntia. Indigeatlon du to th taking e) Ut -gaiii Wahington determined to let tb meaaur die, for the There la a erelty of girl tle- wouldn't say nothln' If the paitor of Impropar food, and aaa formation ar cauaea. better." Kaap (StocV Chronh? alcoholic, th morning after, when they her phon operator In Japan.

Cant4je wgs omon start a driv about it to holm), rale fund In th United States? lye i the tlnkl of in th pitcher ar lemptt to 'tfrlnk a lot of water. Vomiting I almoet aura to follow' pa 1 preaent ealon at Btlll. thr BALTIMORE SEWS rannot endora that method of reasoning bcauae "anyone who take the troubl to atop th next hlf do.en peopl whom meet on the atreet and aik them their pplnlon of th merchant marln will pecbably cur reaulia that Detroit Press Press. Whan vomiting I due to aome paaainc difficulty It I of lltt: coneequence, but when it la aaaoclated with or-aanlc troubl In th atomach It become of more Impor A baby wa born In an airplane traveling over Pari last week. If aro Intereailng, but will crtalnly not aecure r- 1p 8 lra 1-M af tance.

For inatanc. ulcer of th atomach and cancer hav vomiting aa a aymplom Th particular octlon ult that ar particularly relevant to tha very teen this AhlM fnptVa onf to Ke hiah of th troubl In th atnmacl. dttermln th tlm of pennt -wisn F.RIH economt Wlu ti an Erin Kallrad tralo Btroek an au-linuol) truck on th Park place fr-rmniitg Tburailar morning, the rronning galea were not Erplntin Icen mm! that there in but cf; gsfciiism for two Erie croaking that riris.itj, ihp unguarded rroaniog -gates being 1 ftfid lowered by romjircKKcd air from Ihf ncarhy crossing ahanty. Thua a gateman's wage, are aaved. And thud a gatfman'i wagea are lout in paying ilamae.

to the owncra of the motor truck. TrtfS)c In growing; tlie jxijiiltion i gn-atcr 1ay. will be more frpqnnnt Bfil jury veriicU bighor. A a plain bnliie j.fAjwiwlf ion of tlie which :13 be r.iandatory, eve ntually the Erie Eail-roa-1 Company ought to le able ti 'e tlm tccwity of beginning at onre to plan for the of trurln through r8nlr, Clif-tn ii ami I'MttTxun. rti'ron, Vblf btia won Ita gradrt rowing, Cftrtk-'l urcr'fully through the V.

H. Huprfine Coiirt, mill apply oon for an order ronijx-liing th Erie rfiuove iln trndm from lr. -Alhfrt O. JlilW, riiic'a rlly belle ea that the Erie, forced art ifi the raternon fa, muy do the 1'aMttic 1 I'ateron elimination work one Job. It would be a (treat undertaking and the greateht f-n that I'astnlc fould wlnh foe now.

nlcal question of how may beat handle thla prob- )n th rnrnt, lem. Tha chanees for an Intelligent eolution will gain nothing from popular referendum per con are aa roan, vomiting. It 1 located near th ntranc Into th atom ach th vomiting may com Immediately after eating If ulrr la near th ant from th atomach it may tak th food an hour or two to reach th or anot. f'erann who hvv reached mlddl-llf with no Your Eyes And Your Health Ijfflfeatl if A3 tbi It 5t I 'i-S BU I trail i-i as at cnrisplciioua dlgratlv troutil, and then audden'y develop dyapepaia and vomiting, hav aymptom which ar (uaplclnu of organic atomach trouble. Appendlcltla and hernia wher vomiting davelopi mtlat given anergatie and hrole treatment.

unleaa th peopl can be mde to see how they must plc thlr -reliance In expert opinion." Granting, however, all thi I th PHILADELPHIA BULLETIN arguea that "no-eongreaaman ahould permitted to com to a vol on th bill with any mlaapprehenalon of hla constituents' desir tn the The early belief that th Middle Weet opposed the aubaidy la held arroneou by the LEXINGTON LEADER In vlw of th auraneee by Malcolm Stewart, "who I mor Intimately familiar with aentlment on that queatlon than any other and tt declares, after reviewing th nereaalty for getting veaael a now tied, up at th dock back Into aea aervlceMhat "If there 1 a better policy than that or th President aom Democratic itateaman ahould rla an give ua th For nauaea and vomiting th bt thing to do at flrat I lo "aweatan" th atomach. A teaapoonful of bicarbonate of oda or a aoda-mlnt tablet will rellv mi nlt 1 a mild caa. A email do of aromatic aplrit or am 1 monia may toa th troubl. 1 'I Mow You Get Up. tonf ttn 1 dcMel that I would 0vr enntmfl a human hin lot hla mlaiakta.

Meat hava bn vary murh down at ttmaa. It a how man up that count! yaara I heard a dahata httwin an (Jnv.rnnr and a Confraaaman. Tha Conrraaa-man vaa cut for tha aealp of tha ex-Oevarnor. Tha at-Oovrnnf aiwka nmt and ava a wonderful apaarh. full of alnearlty and arladom.

Tha ernwd aa avldrntly hla. Than tha fnmraaaman apoka and for over an hmif and a halt ultarad noth ng hut a tlrada aaalnat all that tha ei-Ofivarnor haj tried to aeeompllah CurOif a uarful Ufa. Th crowd waa quirk to fuaaa hla rallber and, ao, cftan hlaaad. Tha ailnvarnor had hut a half hour for ra-huttal. Ma ai.4 out to th front of th platform and In hla own manly etyla.

Hear of voice, aimka thta eantenra; would rathar hava haen a nmnkay twenty yaara aao. and a man now. than a man then and a monkey now!" Th Cnnarcaaman malted away. It lan't how you cat down, hut how yd rat up. tt'a tha aplrit of your datarmlnatlnn tn mk aomathln- of ynuraalf that eounta, that aatahllahaa your naht to tha world and all that It ha to alva.

You may very weak after your fall, you may aran ataixer and ba unataaly. Hut If you will to atami. am? atlck lo yaur raaolutlon until atrenfih aradually mm, you may ntr th rank of tha atronfeat and ba unafraid. tt'a how you ft up and what you derld tn da after ynu hav rlaen-rthat will mak th futur rneet you. Kvery man la tn debt to all mankind.

And ao our dabta ahould paid th beat mejlum ara ahla in tarn tad av. If ynu fall tlr tlraoa, aat up th thirteenth! Karp ona lap ahead of Failure all tha time, and an ma of theaa day, failure la cln( to aat very tired and Itaalf drop by th wayalde, leaving you ona of th powerful and helpful figure of lh world. It a hnw( you get up and why. Remmhr that. tn a mor pronouncad caa th atomach hould The Hearth A bright, cheery hearthfirc with the household gathered arouni It constitutes tha picture of happy, contented hom I'U A living room with-out an open Are place lacks thi "homey" atmosphere that shnuM reign there, THE HOME, wa ara tempted to say SHOULD BE BUILT AROUND THE HEARTH.

When selecting materials Jor your fireplace, you will find It worth your whll to look over our large assortment of FANCT BRICK and HEARTH TILE. Campbell, Morrell Co. 1 Park Place Passaic, N. J. Ihni seal.

7J emptied by drinking large quanlltte of tepid water, fM i and poaalhly by adding a teaepoonful of muitard to a If your eye are normal, they dally require forty per cent, of all your nervou eneigy. If abnormal, they require more, which means eye-atraln, which la nerve waste, lower your resistance disease. That's why you should have your eyes examined. That's why glaasea frequently produce almost unbelievable results In improving tha henlth by stopping the waste of nerrou energy. 1 glaaaful of hot water.

Thi opinion also I held by th UT. LOUIS leartl tc on th yiomch or a muatard plaater to th pit of th atomach. will control aom caaaa TV'et a piece of blotting paper with alcohol, aprlnkle tt with grated GLOBE DEMOCRAT which point out that have on our hand a voracious foundling whoa keep la moat expenalve. If, In leaving It on another' dooratep, we can put In th baaket money enough to nur that it will kept and railed to uaefulneaa, why thnuld we nutmeg in4 place thla on the kln ovr th tomch Thla will atop nauaea and vomiting In aome eeaoe. 1MH i tims Iwiati -fit Wl Anawara Health Quatin not do particularly when It will be ralad betterl Q.

Wilt you pla tall whether It I dangamua for a man Jl year of age to hav hla tonalla removed? than could raise It and can save something by doing?" H. like A. If your tnnall dlaaaaed I would advla their GEORGE FTTZSIMMONS removal. Thi operation la not aerloua If performed by a competent eperlaHat. YEARS AGO IN PA5SAIC Q.

hav been troubled with an Itching all over Ar I OWTICIAN I eUJe- "ON-weetrai 1 I igNca TT I wee mrmJ' jioeili yftul tl h'ltt 'hor I my boly for oni tlm pt. Thr ar nut eorea and acratche all over my boJy. Kindly tall what to Co for thi N. N. 8.

Thr ar many form of Itch, and th treat- MAIN AVE PASSAI. N.J ment depend upon th raua. Ton ahould conault a akin cpeclaltat or attend A clinic fur an mlnallon and advloa about treatment. A fdend pfptln recently dil from apoplexy. Would worry raua H.

A. Worry would not rau thi rondltien. but It might help ta bring It on. Apoplexy I a hemorrhage Into th brain, due to the burating of a weak blood-veaael. 1 Fiv Year Ag T4ay.

Abram Kanter, who had petitioned for a liquor lice nee tranafer from IH Third treet to ill Monro atreet. withdraw hi application on advlc of Commissioner Keho. Joseph Randier, a High School boy In th Naval Reserve, w-aa horn on a furlough from Newport. R. A testimonial banquet waa given Charles Lvy, on hi retirement a treasurer of Court City of Paaaalr, No.

II, Foreatar of America, by th members of the lodge, at Vlcker'l grill. Realdent of Qrov alrt petitioned th Roard of Cemmtealonere to change th nam of th thorough-far to conform with that of Ita other nd, Grov terrac. JUST FOLKS tDOAH A. OUIIT EISELE KING Minkera Nw Tart; sag rkHaaatpbU to Exckang (i.ieton ninu wnooL The Tborlurn adndnintrntlon la laying Clifton 'a newer but the Connora ImlnUt ration 1 1 building ('llftou'a ach'Xda, This waa evident Friday evening nhen three toMul-era of the ltoard of I'duratloii who were appointed by Tr. Cunnora 1eorpe A.

Eunton, harbi I. LbMich and Walter Atbreht-toti-l to a.dieit bi la on the Ititrrett Croaby ir a tiew Clifton Rehool on the race trsuk aite. Erneat If. Kemlg. a Tlmrbnrn e-pointee, nil John II, Adumaon, a Connora appointee, whi became a Connora antngonlf, coieprii-d the minwity, opposed the project.

neid a new high acboot building, tin-d'ibtedty. Kor la It planning ltd new arhool at'the tipene of grade arlimd construction, fr Clifton haa lieen building three grammar drlioola while Paiflle hna lieen planning Ita ro fvvotul Ward building, Ticetber lth It Mtfr prftjram, nweary ton, Clifton la money at a lively rule. The rcmilt be proa tug paln, hleh umially come with rapid community evpatihlon, jut aa they An In growing children. Another rcault will be the nipieg out of Clifton'a lower tai rate advantage hifh, ulth the iudiierinenta of more room nd cheaper land, haa taken Pale'a overflow population lnti (liflon. Pf rrelnd wilt aaiwat far readera af tkla pa per oee lion en aieolcat.

kglene nJ aanltatloa anhjeeia that are of general Interval. Wher lha nlJi-t at letter I lui-h tkat It raaaet be puMlekra) la thla eulura, lr. Ceneland will, wke ike aueeilea la proper en, write ynu pereonally. If aelf-a44rMal atamaed enrelupe la enelnaed. Addreaa ail taqulrtaa I Dr.

B. "ilan4, la rare af raaaale (lally Uaraia. 6 FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS $500 $1,000 THE GUARANTEE Mortgage and Title Insurance Company Nw Building STOCKS OUR CHILDREN ANGILO PATKI PHnlpl, ah N. 4S, Tha Irwna Tn Yaar Ag Ttiy. Julius Koch.

Christ Fink and John Ratsch. of Crl-tadt: Henry Mitchell, of LyaMhurst. and J. Sllveria. had a narrow ape from dalh whn Mr.

Koch's auto craahed Into a telegraph pot on th Pater eon Plank road. William Van Aaaen. 401 Highland vnue, won th flrat prise, a Bulck -valued at II. M. In a provrb contest held by a Pateraon newappr.

Robert B. Stoke. 441 Highland venue, won th fourth prist, a MO trip to Bermuda. nenrg Arnold, vice-president of the Forstmsnn A Huffmann Company, dld In Muchn. Oermany.

ac Wm. J. Weiss, Mgr. Peoples Eanb buildinr A Little Brown Spaniel. eckl wa a llttl broan spaniel that looked ol Tt aaaJa, N.

J. pleading toft eve when ah could ahak hack th long cording to a meaaage received by Mr. ArnoM at hla horn. 241 Hrrlon slreet. Frnk McKon, II Jeffron street, known a the oroon nair mai nung over them, Hh had a -p.

on ner nr-ei jiiat enough white tn Armiess onaer returned, teiung or ru walk to Chicago and back. With awU(le te 'IM-a Celaeaa Slumber Pandits. Plaap a one a gift of mine, Rut liny taken It away. Itohhel ma of my traaaur flna, Flllaaad at break of day, ptoli-n In on allant feat IJk a plundar-aeaklng rraw, And my gift of alumbar awaal Taken. Juat aa bandit da.

befor tby earn I alept Till the morning aun wee high, An! my droway couch I kept. Hearing never a pir hy; 'raklng wagon on th rret. Shrieking rail of man er b'y, ttahglng doora or nolay feet Muinber rharm could n4 deairny. Put my prednue gift la gon. They hv toln It kway.

Furlnualy I'm puned upon At lha breaking of th day. I who one could lp till nine, Now am wid-k at all. i nilagad of my traaur fln Py sutregeou blow and kleka. On my halplea form they laap. flattering wlih chuhhy flata.

All I vain th will tn alrap urh a ift attack rimi: Her Ihy about. And I know ftial aleap la dnna, Tr I not lb heart to rout "andltry In kiv Maap waa onea a g'ft of mine. put thayva etolen It ay, Whan th aun beam a to ahtne I'm tha (lumbar bandit' pray. Iut I'm rtrher far than thne Who mav alai tha morning throuth Nevar rebhed of Ihur repoa an i aa pirate crew, miim ner in nainty tourii at ber throat that all ladles love to have, Her tall waa a plume of aofteat broan allk and aha need It to tell you how much she loved you how grtly aha ha 1 n.l,1 you alnc the garden gate had cloaed after our h-ela thla morning ah slept en the fnot of th bed Juat it Peter big to. If moved that toe fleck' followed Ik eel Oeae Jlrai 5.H.iI?JIE, p.

EAI ed I saked TBAFFIC st Tolumhua HIM wket he 1R I a Huh. i Fifteen Yaar Ag T)ay. John Tyrell e'aven. 21 Vreeland vnu tell three tnrle from a new building on Columbia venue, op-poait Rnat place, and escaped with only a broket wrtst. Captain Charlea A.

flailing, aalled for Europe, wher planned to mak a da week' tour of Franc nd 1 1 I Til Ih. e'ckel anuggled down contentedly against It. If Peter stirred am'i years old ME fo ME for In th night. Bikl raiaad an Inquiring nnt. an one or talc, talichf.l bck a lornlng ear.

and II. HI'S and when ke lit: by me IVIM-. kim tic, AND UK answered "PI'T IT In Ike BANK end ke VIS Ikat Mr Now (ad and and wai.hel. No furlher elgn remlna ah woni.l flOT fKATEO I aiked HIM wkal renera HI! wa aelllng and Hr. Aaw FRrP'-Ureet1 aroKR tt aeitla down agamat the I 1 1 let under the he Mr.

amf Mr. Henry A. Huhachmltt returned from their wetting trip to Yarmouth. Noa Scotia. Maple atreet, Clifton, was staked out by Township rlothee.

AND I IX te tbe Oat.D, Jim. tkat HH I a rertalnly aTAHTIXO right, hi CH MTTI.B fellews A HE wake great MN an.l I hrrv thikio af y.r.n aiNi E. itm HI' F.AH OLD sad 1 rAvriv A I ITTIB SHAVr.R is KNFF, PANTS, sad HFN HR tiOT Ot'T AT llT II a. ke TIPI hie caa and A IP. "Tkank ya, am-" hut I felt I IKK thaakln kin.

HK rertalnly I r.rT SOME laipreealra AND Soya; t99m or TIIOIOHT. on Ona n'ght Peter nude a anund of d'atreaa and Engineer Wis. betid him Ineianllv ah puehed her nne eeeio.t gMil iail inj we talked BAK nter tn Jerter ANP MB leld me A NT SAV Jtra. THAT went I llf; VV AKN'T kne JfHCMii. In the Hie, araee PATTIMK end eeld inirrru t.

A hore attached to a brewery wagon tppd cn the head of Louis Rarhlea, eight. Howa avnu and Garden street, when th boy ran a team with his wagon. his fc ani sniffed ahe noaed a cheek and llrke.l It one or iwlc; but peter mond nd choked and made nn effort tn airoke her head, a ha alaava d'd Heckt hopped off Ih bed nd trotie.l down th hall nne PL' 1 r. Tr. in If.l KIKHli Tit' ArtgHStXIX (.4 HE TOI kle fnlkee tVfMM) an ke TUIT lie! Thirty Yeer Ag Tdy.

Gerard Van Schott. sight year old. whll play to mm her room and called her aharrlv. In the morn, ing they look Peter In an a nihil la ore tn th h.nii.i Tn KrUt s-melhlng PAfgK coat klea f.F PI.AYINU aad ON ASP A kalf rente HR aaeten te an left Berkl wllh her noa prexed asaln-t the lower of tha gate Hhe whined and ing (round an escalation on Monro atreet, wher hla fa 1 her waa erecting a house, fell under the whla wllh her tail, but of lourae ah rould mil an. and ihe of a dump rart and received a fracture of the right leg Jam menu an Mrs.

McClellan. of Patrrson. enial pro. eealon al off, lavng a dletiea.J Utile In Wonder and rieve. were married.

lieckl aat Ipeule th gate for a lout time a. u.J Y.A Ro. Arthur Hughe. Robert Watson and Richard lUrrts left for Fsst Orsnge, L. on a blue flab tt- EACH and ka enld be a rick eiaa Peoples Bank and Trust Company 585-587 Main Avenue Patsaic, N.

J. Resources $8,000,000 RIPPLING RHYMES WALT MAION th poet men ram nd ah aliened out nan him THE IM PORTANCE OK DIRT To the amall boy dirt la a barmlena, necea ry purt normal existence. Children are ntngiilnrly direct and their almplieity of mind It ome'iiin-a a tmer Instinct than the faMld loim-ea of their aetilora. The puiiU cornea to mind In connection aith the ad atrife rending london Town. Th I-ntjf ia nothing lesa than the llmea aching of Wextmlnntcr AI.U-t.

The chief cb arm of the abbev, aa ita vUitora will tentifv, la the mellow inoiintiine of ita walla ami atatuea, the time-etiiined attine of which ai-cma to ipr hi-lory. The a1mophere la nnininiakably aigntfl cant, and the mot rannl guet rmereea im preimed, even If he dva not recngnUe the fur hi mood. The amer i dirt. The no-Ilow monotone, beloved of Whiatlcr, la lirt. The velvety eha-do here lurk the pt are dirr.

hirt glorl-fed and rew-rted. 'iw, aome time aomeone told King Oorge thnt the aUcy waa in bad way, and the King, very crrditab atarted large fund fir the retoratlon of tlie abbey. Many thou-a-ie of pounda buve been arrumulated. Achl and bulldcra are consulted. Their opinion I and devaatatiug: The aecert of decay ia aimply dirt; tlica.ilu-t -n a eel r-f linie h.

folloaed the road Ike ambulance took ti through a alrnnae prt of th loan, wher the house A ft Kilg etend taw oDcea at Main enue He had recently been admitted to lb bar as an at- torrev. were rrowd'd aeiher and rhll Iran p'ayed- In crowd on the atreet Nw ,,1 then aome on' would call to her, bt sh reaed bit no. rloe to th tra.l and trotte long ram to lb galea of a bull.liig where ther was a garden Ilka the one at home The caiea i. VOICE OF THE PEOPLE her than IVeikle could arc. hhe aat down In feont r.t the bg gite.

poked her no.e ihroush an.1 whine I euruv i agnai i.t reirr that ehe waa Ihe- A big hoy fotlo.ed bv a group cf (mailer onea. rame thundering and a hooping along, lie aplej Becki and mad a at ber She d-ew ha, and crouched oeer tn tha fence, lie ai her and ah. Feery day a. faeeele plle ReraM repenee will a.k a tueatma ef a nnwer ef pens -a. gaeil.g ikelr saawara aa gitea.

Teday a queaiiea la: era Hav yaw a favent keekf Asawga fleerg Mufson, Ut Monro (treet. (t4nt I might say the Outsk' of that gueas haven't sny favorite." Miss Genevlv Thurlew. Ill Atlanllc avnu Hack-enaack, bar ao man f.r.n,.. thorwighly red out. anaprel at him me rn.iaren arreameit anil hnjted: "Mad drg" The svoumlaman to the hoepltal galea ssw tha luila rrramre snipping and lrkloa ana Passaic National Bank Trust Co.

Capital and Profits $2,000,000.00 Sawing should be a habit as refultr as earning Th peraon dee pnt ipctlng a atroka of luck, but make hla Job produea th raah-capltal 4 Oo to th bank regularly as nsturally aa yo-i go to work. slavering Aa owned the e.i. 'kle ran In The in, rlangrl behind bee Tlie Sufferers. Jim fteetwai ha a grvvlou corn upon hla tuna, white to, and all day long hla baard la torn, ba rnda It In hie aw, And whan I pauaa beaM hla gt to paaa tha tim o'dny rni: (t nt th hinar fata that lrtura h'm th'a day i'fWa of th mrn. of that tent lha but givaa th fa-ta about IV eorn.

to nfy lM tlda.l Ha doaa roi th landarap wula tha ing alla of gia.n but U'ii plaatrr ha hta triad, eh.h fa lt t- eaa the pain Jeho a iot liraa rati ma, irm hv rotun ta bant, tul 0 a a.iit ta All rf an) ftTV. al- V. 'im'-a tuilti ha from aar aar Ma i.u. h'rrta llf 1 a in Ht of I Ml rMm, PT be- I a.t. rhr.

h. Ko.ia. n.n t.l.,..,, i'i th uih nii felt eafe. down nn nose the house a her Pet.r rir ho had gor off ao aicangeiy in Ihr mnrwlng ifhiut eee a word or a v- i -ce a eeitiin pcinre Ir.triMluced i of kill, lHkint; hii there bi-cn i The gri.un.'.meii ratne la. ailn a aianeed tap'dlr un to IWkie phe shook h.r in.

Tiivciv nf a mar of niilm, ha.r en- r-f her eiea lut lo-e enn, ,9 tear a a. h.r ruaafr ic anoun nae an.l her ai- Fternai br Hall Cain. I on that I am partial to-Loul aradlaa Monro itreet. helper "Th eeeava of "chorenhauar ire favorite wltb me. frs eeue thai man a, of thirga I.

pf.B rery lni-pr. tat. on cf my and feeling nul on alaa agree wrtn Pf hnpenhauer' Mia. How librarian 1 can i aeem tn nam nv an book and mr ofka that I am a wave fond ef ni hr in r-d manv tim.a are- Th. kerara Vanite reir'-The by Haw.horne.

and mo.t of C.eorg, Jr Jt 1 1 ef the K-eas by fVekena, Vrl a Penthun B.rt.n stonl r. f. (fc ranv Mi im read numh.r ef ihem aa lui I ran I mat 'rai cm 'f-'rr llin'V i'h I.trie-, i i a ti a 3 root in it aiit 1 voi i 1 ia Tn ati of tin- ja -o- n. i ari lae j. hiaienral hv Ih.Misul.., i he aa ge'lleg la Peter "VV ia a.w tu' moanel ih dads I sv-d k.

Member of Federal Reserve System Resources Seventeen Millions on given mi. M- ah.erta i her hen, h.r i I a nil loi ij.Ji i -t in, ml. 'hi i Tenerraw-t ummer aia.

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