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The Daily Times-News from Burlington, North Carolina • Page 11

Burlington, North Carolina
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THI Will NO TON (N.C.) DAILY TIMlS NtWS, jATUHDAT, OCTOBER 21, 19J0 Catawba College May Queen And Attendants Cole Motors Is Given Honor I Former Army nastas and for the cards in A Yes. Vou enter your rcore in two parts. First your bonus CWH reprfWit'lnis csskU and other bonuses. Sior.d your card count representins a plus for A simple liitln matter like keep ih4 score shouldn't hother canasta; lilaycrs. hut by my mall! it d.K s.

Here are a few ques lions and answers. the start of the last hand! sitlo had a score of SW and: lue oimouems 4240. Thev wenti Latest dealership to be admit ted to Pontiae Motor Division's "Hall of fame" is Cole Muim' of Burlington, which was today named a "Better Dcale!" by Pontiae factory executives. Cole Motors, lias repre sented the Silver Streak line here; 1940. The firm is In ided by its founder.

B. C. (role, who rves as president. With honor. I lie cdmpanv was presented a reproduction of lhe1 famous (lalullne of Pontiae.

Chief of the Ottawas. the treat tribal i leader Tor whom the car was: named. The presentation was made; by E. M. Krotine.

manager of! Pontiae Charlotte Zone. In hi: presentation. Mr. Kroline cited Cole Motors. tlie "MUM jtiinrmn us tiemersnin oper its the i inilj Under the terms of the Better Dealer Program, cads Pontine dcnl tied cii tlic i.i;iin iin ii! of his physical property, ihi' ucr iina quaiitv ol trained personnel service facilities and eouin ment.

pnrls inventory, used ear lot ind local advertising ni 1 Of paramount importance is the dealership' services to the local I The dealership is considered one of the finest and most modern in Hie 'late. The huililine nic.i inv square fect and includes a i oinplrtety.eiiuipped service de partment. The tlitiwiuom. which is 10x5(1 foot, is of the Jewel Box" ityise with 12 foot plaie class on shies.

Oilier members of lhe Cole Motors orcanijation are Sieve iCole. treasurer: Ma.M Morris, jrhnrgc of N'ew Car Sales, who lias with the dealership since il wis founded: .1. C. Hay. Jr.

secretary and office manager, who had II) jears experience with jlhe i iiiupmiy: M. iWinU Hackney, service Manager, three years: fienrr Hunt, parts and RCressir ies manacer. four veara: HuhiTi IniL.i fl.uul slliil 1 inn. E. It.

Itiley, used car sales urn. 10 years. In addition, the ploys li oilier people, makin total of 2'2 lo lomideli to r.cciis id the iimtu pulilic in lluitinlon area. JACOBY ON BRIDGE IIKltE'S Lesson' IV PFKCLNTAUK "Plea se sclltc a question of, uses." requests a Knxiklyn "When Ibis hand was pla i ed. South nut and also sained points on us on the nest hand.

When totaled the seme had S31I0 and Ihcy had a db. Tlicy claim that tliey win lhe same sime tliey out and ouiivoied ml the last hand. A Til mid he lhe inasla clear Miie liial if lilh sides cross Uilll point mark the side with re.Hi number ol paints jns and they slauelilercd i A The laus ves thai cans lints and lluil inuceiiiiie and win the bin game Tlini FIain' Success Anaii ail your melded cards am! a minus for all your unmeldeil cards. Th? net card count is usually ptui. When our opponents went out we had melded a rinasta of five kings and iwo deuces.

Our only olhcr meld ftas three Jacks. The cards left in our hands count ed 90 us. Our oppunenl; claimed thai we wrre not'enlltled tn the canasta bonus because we had to use some of the cavils in our' canasta so pay for the cards left in Dur hands. Wilt you comment? A The opponents are Once you make a canasta the jlMiiius is yours. Of course, if the 'cnunt nf lhe cards left in your I hand ti more than the count of the cards left on the lable yea isnhlracl this card count from your 'score.

In litis particular rase you had a honus count of 31)0 and a 'plus card count of 3D, or a total fit 330. The hand ended before our side hart made any meld but we did have three red I revs on the lahle. Our opponents claimed that we should h.o'c points subtracted (roili our score Inr the red treys. Were Ihcy correct? A Yes, Ihcy were. Your red treys arc a liability until vou have jniade a lpRiilar meld.

However, iouce you make any regular meld jyoui red treys hecoiun an assrt. You do ll lit need a canasta to get" credit fur them. will also be a party at Wrlshis' store. 1 Alamance Conference Mrs. Itusscl Rogers of IIS N.

'Marshal SI reel, Graham, will be hostess to Alamance County Con recence group lor Ihcir regular meeting tomorrow at 4 p. m. Word pictures from the Bible will be" presented after the business session. liev. O.

A. Hazell. pastor of the' of Durham, will speak at the First Archer, of Moines ville. the Catawba CoHeue iloincconiiiu; Queen. Shown above an Miss Natalyn tec.

and her attendants, Miss Sarah oil the right. The queen will i eccive wm presnytrruin college on November 4, and wilt lie niescnirn at Community Christmas Concertl Again Planned Following a tradition that is almost a quarter of a century old, the lusiinaton Music Cluh will acain sponsor its annual Community Negro News And Activity and Miss Jackie Bosl of Rockwell, nf the homecoming fonihall game me Homecoming dance. News From Haw River By CLEORA CATES ENTERTAINED The Junior Choir of the Chris tian Church was entertained Saturday night with a wiener roast at the home of Rev. and Airs. W.

Smith by Mrs, J. (J. Wilkitis' Sunday School clais. Marshinal lows were also toasted. Alter the wiener roast, the group went into the living room for which were directed by C.

Wi kins and Miss rtutr, Williams. Mike Bason won a prize. ison presented Lnuis Sinip guesl from Elon Orphanage. with a gift from the class. Those present for the occasion ere Rebecca Cates, Sue Fngle an, Ann Cairs.

Betty Long. Tom my Bason. Mike Bason, Bruce Dawson, Judy Buygs, Sandra Staines, Mary Fogleman, and Louis Simpson. BUFFET SUPPER Dr. and Mrs.

J. C. Wilkins hon ored Mrs. Frances Bartlett and Harvey Byrd with a buffet sun. per Tuesday night at their home.

Mrs. Bartlett and Mr. Byrd are District Deputies Grand Matron md fatron of the Tenth District of Grand Chapter of North Carolina Order of The Eastern Star. Others present were Mr. and Mrs.

Xorth Lynch and Mr. and Mis. C. A. Cates of Graham.

After the sunDer the imnn went to the reculiir meetinc of the Battle of Alamance. Chapter of iiaptisc Liutrcn himaay night at 7:30 o'clock. ALUMNI MEETING The Alamance County Teachers College alumni club will meet with Mrs. Princetla Jenkins on Ireland Street, Monday night Octoi boV 3(1, nf BiOO n'clock. Mrs.

M. Sharpe; Mrs. A. M. West and Thnmas nienn will inin at.

Church Xcm The first session of North Cain Una Muck Conference will be held at S. A.1I.E. church tomorrow, at XI) p. in, with Bishop Savage All members of the conleieiicc arc urged to he present and make full reports. Three prices will be given.

The choir ami Congregation ol St. Matthews A.M.fc. Church will worship at Queens' Chapel A.M.E. Church Inmorrnw at 11 a. m.

Hev. Walter Howard, pastor of Open Level Christian Church, iitul nienibci will render program at Melville Congregational chinch tomorow niglit for the missionary union The Senior Usher Board of the First. Uapiisl Church is celebrating Us Twelfth Anniversary tomorrow at the church. We are asklnu all ushers from the various churches lo attend, and also members' and friends, Wo are asking that all ushers he uniformed. This nieeting will he at 3 p.

m. liev, w. il. Lake, pastor at r.Deneier chin speak tin the missionary union of lliu First Baplisl Church tomorrow morning at .1 1 a. m.

The cho jiiruual travelers will furnish musk fur the service. Res D. G. biweicr is paslnr. Tarty i home of Mrs.

Lillian Graves to nlf'bl for the iiiMn lit or Chapel Chrisllnn Church. Every invitett (o attend. There kens In entertalnine: the group. Alt. cut.

W. T. Hay, president. Slll.t. TRESinENT DIES.

High Point. Oct. 2B. William Lindsay, 55, president of Cluilford Hosiery Mill here, died it lus home earlv th mnrnino. A native of Davidson County, Lindsay has spent most of his life tn High Point.

He Is survived by his wife and Iwo sons and several brothers and sisters. He had been In declinina health for several months. Funernl will be held tomorrow lirrnoon nt 3 o'clock. Grid Captain Is Casualty r'Ut'. 'Jet 2 U.

Tom I. laplaill of Amy's 1IIH N.niD sal t'olleiali ch.impionshiii team, has been killed in action in Korea. iiis death incurred ui pl. but the news HUl net I cacti his family dun: Washing Ion un til I l.iiutijrdo first played on the Hid Arnij team, which swindled from tin sinde imiil: hi lnriila lion. Itr was a uuai lei hack anil reached In lrtll when the fa Dav Hoc P.

lull lilas Illal led An tu i iiildren, t.iaiibai'ilii Ii.h: I. re Philadelphia Graslano Has Close Call With Janiro New don't want aim was talking. TI who l.isi mi l.v Miueakeit WVIIerv. ciclil i iusl oi' Vnuiislnu il. Dhio in a close lO rouiidcr al Madlsun Square Garden.

I The riK'k flailed blond Tony. Ile Iwccn savage misses ho raked with an unexpected Inidy aitack. He jarred iiis iiimitlipicci' with looping lipids, tlnce he i'ii Tiny throuRh the rope. But he never knocked him down. Through flic early rounds young ony made him eat leather from sharp lelt jabs and hooks.

ucii Inughl a draw, decided nn the nte oi lhe referee wan scored it ven in wands. 5 5. and 1U 1I) in points. icniiiliii I ailn Mas i lniu' licleiTM tubv Coldsu'in and Judge ynellii saw it fj. Coldslcln gave liiTiziaiio an edge in polnls Kl and Agnelli! 7 fi Arlie Schwartz found for Grnzmnn tl 4 in rounds.

On the AP card il also was a 5 with Graidaliti a pnitil winner. Graiiano Insl lhe fifth round on all cards because of a low blow. hotisefrock or int ci cotton! It's a beauty, deodorizing long lines. Deeo yokes, sweetheart, neckline and snihcrs flatter your face: Pattern 49B0 comes in sizes 34. 36, 33, 41).

4S. 44. 4(1, 411. 50. SUc 36 takes 3 34 yard 39 inch.

This pattern, easy to osc. sim In sew. is tested for fit. Has implelc Illustrated instructions. Sond Twenty Five Cents in coins 243 West J7th New Ynrk It, N.

Y. Print plainly Name, Address with Zone, Sl2C and Style Number. Send Twenly Cenls now (io coins) for our Fall and Winter Pattern Bunk by Anne Adams. The best of the new season fashion in easy to sew patterns lor all. Christ gifts, tnn, plus Free a ihriflv pattern for making a child's dress from a man's shirt.

World's Largest Tobacco Grower Dies At Maury Maury. Oct '28. iPi Clarence L. (lardy, 73 reputed the biggest tobacco grower in the world, died at his last night, lie had been ill about a year. Hardy owned more than acres of land In Pill and Greenei counties.

He also kad other in 1 (erests. Including manufacturing nnd real estate, and was said lo be one of the richest men In North' Carolina, SIZED UP TO SO mmmi Your new i which the Grand Matron and Pa lute tron made their official visit. WITH THE SICK rnrii Wnnris i a nn then going llwo Christmas, Concert this year as a I was announced tooay. The concert will he presented I the First Baptist Church on D'e sinber 10 at 5 p. m.

Clarence O. Southern, of the Southern Music Studios, has been named director of the chorus. Mr. Southern is well known In musical circles in Burlington as i a finished singer and an ex ncrlenced and cannble direclor. Hid in nast years has contributed lieuerously both of time and effort ti jirdni! the combined chol the city far the Christmas pro gram, it was pointed out.

Rehearsals start on November 5th at. 2:20 p. also at the First Br.ntLst Church. There will be only six rehearsals. Music will be furnisncn to an ho participate and no more than 125 voices can be accepted.

All choirs of the community have nm notified and invited to be a in this community prelect. But nmr nne who sinas is cordially invited to attend the rehearsals 'jnd be a part of the chorus. Grove Park Church Plans Family Day Family Recognition Day will observed tomorrow at Grove Park Baptist. Church In connection with the 19511 51 theme of Snnthern Daptist Sunday School and churches ol "Take Your Family To Sun day School and Church. Special recoKiiiliun will be jtiven each complete family present at either the morning or evening services, and Rev.

C. Chamblee, pastor, will speak on lopics in keeping with the theme at both services. The topic at the morning service will he "Why Marriages Fall" and the evening service subject will he "Young People and Dating." A film strip entitled "Boy Meets Girl" vill be shown at the evening program. The public is invited to attend the services. We gain 85 per cent of knowledge and control 80 per cent el our actions throuuli our eye: BARBERREE STUDIO Nationally Known Photographers We Moke Old Or Young Specializing In three rounds nf iimns end.

dum ry, and iricd tin; club id du i tast iimk I of clubs, he cashf I Then the defenders could sit hack and wait for a diamond ick "After the contract had In in ol liow it have been plaved. mucin said that declarer uliould (OfALFfi) AKQf KSS 974 KJ10 vul. South West North Pass 1 A 3 A Pass Pass Opening lead 2 led out lliree rounds of dia monds after dean inn Irnmnt Then, if diamonds broke 3 3 las they did, of cunise) South could rid of his losing heart on dum ys last liiamcnd. 'julit Iflat a Hifl nmi.H i T. 'iii; it tins sind could be cd only ,16 per cent of the gave him a 50 per cem chance.

Is III 15 U'ue. and was lie i. fura following percentage in trying houth statement about the per image's are absolutely correct, lit his conclusions were The club finesse was mare likely to succeed than the diamond break out it wns nevertheless better to try for the diamonds. The reason is thai the contract is set automatically if snes auer tne Clubs anil loses lo the queen, However, if South Irirs out tne uiamands and finds that nicy uo not ureak he ran still fall back un tl.f 1 1 1 example, suppose South the first trick with the kins of hearts, draws llncc rounds of umps. and then civri; un iMh.

moon iricK at once, tsutuulindy returns a heart (best, defense), knockina nut dummy's ace IV clarcr then cashes dummy's lor diamonds to see if (he suit breaks If diamonds break, the Inst dia. mond is cashed, nnd South riis iiis losing heart. The rest i ras.v. even two elnhs lost. If I lie diamonds do not break, he cnnlrnct is far from set.

De 'larer must lead a club from dum my. If East club, Soutll inuKl then wnetnei to play the kins jack. He dnesn't need two tricks; he simply has to win the i si or tne second trick in th I. If South is a eooii tibivoi should have somewhat better than 50 per cent chance to make the correct play in this situation. In short "there nn J8 I3 IB A 7 4 A 5 2 35 I ti A1072 J105 103 QB6 tS54 A732 I To Every Wife That Wishes To Make House Cleaning EASIER! Wilson or aloigrinton.

on the left, her crown m. haiflime ceremonies By Music Club tribute to the spirit of Christmas, FredBcal Will Speak Here Tuesday Fred Bea of Durham, who an uouiiced several weeks ago that he favors a write in to elect Sen ator Frank Graham to the U. S. Senate, was in Burlington week and said that he would sneak at the Union Hall on Worth Street Tuesday night, Beal. who says he will tin all can to point out the dangers of Communism to the American people, is a former Communist id author of the Red Fraud i espose of Staiimsm.

He also is former Inhor leader in the East and South and suent four vears In prison lor loaning tnc riots tne famed Gastimia strike in 1929. After spending three years in Russia, he escaped and has heen conducting what he cail3 a one crusade against Communism public is invited la hear Bur Mil Sets New Dividend Greensboro, Oct. 27 A quarter ly dividend of 50 cents per share jmmon stock payabie Decern her 1. lurid. In stock holders of record at the close nf husiness i today by the' directors of Burling ton Mills Corporation.

The board met here this morn ing. Also declared were regular quar terly dividends of $1 pet share on the Corporation's four per cent Freferred Slock, B7 1 2 cents per share on the 3 1 2 per cent Preferred Stock and 8714 cents per nn the 31 per cent Con vertible Second Preferred Stock. These are also payable December 1, 1950, to stockholders of record November 6. 1950. 1.00 Only one offer to person.

Minors mutt be accompanied by parents to nf of to The old nil lrlrk, 1n which the personality man with the gift of gab capitalizes on lhe gullible one, worked in llili linaton yesterday to the tune ol 53S. Left holding lhe hag this time 'ere two nogiu lub.ncu r.iiiiitis llurliiiLiloii Koute 2. Only this ne they were left, not holding bae. but a handkerchief stuffed Willi toilet tissue a handkerchief liirh ihoulii I'iyitlii r.rd sum of money. iatlhew McCoy and Cal in tV.

said they cie iwclied by two negro men yesterday after Cuii.iirtiiy The men. indicaling they ilrancrs in tuwn, imivii SEtlon in which they said they had trouble. ifted onvnrsatifln then around to the subject of the strangers indicating they hod "sizeable' sum which they like to put in a sale place. It seemed that some wlule man had oli'ercd lo keeD the money rur them hut wanted to charge an unheard of fee of 25 cents on the dollar. After cmrirr.

ri.av. and persuasion, Cla' and McCoy they would until tne money or safe keeping wil limit any charge. Expressing their appreciation il .11 In: St in I catpd. linwever. that Lo show their honesty in the matter, McCoy and snou.d put some ol their owl.

money into the handkerchief containing the strangers" savings. This request lair cmuiiih to' McCoy nnd Clay, and they obligingly deposited ijX? into the handkercmei. one ot tne strang then wound tne handkercblet tisht around the money and sluff aftcr promising to return for it sMurL while went on nis way. The other stranger talked or two to McCoy and Clay muttered some excuse about into a nearby building. The farmers wailed about for a while bef01c curiosity Bol the derius how much money was in the handkerchief.

Uoon citatnininiJ the haildkcr chief they found, net the "considerable" sum ot money supposedly beionEine to the strangers, not the S37 which they themselves had deposited hut alas only toilet paper. An automobile aicni ni lasi night at 7:45 o'clock on Trade and North Main Streets caused damages of $200 to a 134G Oldsniobilc and a JUitt (urn mvoivcr, pdiku reported. Kent Bclmore, Hickory, driving the Oldsinobile, was reportedly go ing south on Mam made a rigni turn and struck the Ford driven by Bobby McDanielly, 101 Guthrie Street. No injuries were reported, but Belmore was charged with a traffic violation. Damages to the Oldsmobile weie estimated at S75, to the Ford $12a.

Students Give Safety Program Snrpntnnuille. Oct. 28. Stu dents ol Ataander Wilson School presented a program on safety a meeting or tne raieniienLii Association in the school audi torium Thursday evening. Second grade students prcsent 1 a program of songs and slo gans on the theme ot satety in the school room and a group of high schonl students presented a skit stressing (he importance of eful driving.

A program on home safctv was given by I tie ninth grade and the Bus Drivers Club gave a skit nn highway salety. The devotional, in keeping wtih the safety program, was given by grnup of seventh grade siuoenis. As a Dart of the program E. Carl Pratt, personnel director ot Virginia Mills, presented cciuip menl for the safety patrol sored by the Swepsonvilie Lions Club in connection with the school, Members of the patrol include Kenneth Williams, Junior Wood. Larry Isley.

Tnmmle Ronnie Crutchficld. Milton Clapp. McAdams, and Robert Merrltt. Another feature of the P. T.

A. program was the presentation ot a Uri ted Nations lag to tn( srlinol bv Mrs. J. It. Phillips, rep resenting the Home Demonstration Clubs of Alamance i.ramiy.

Music during the evening was by Barbara and Louise Henderson and Lucy Loman Fleming. Our Doltev of democrailc social ism li the only dynamic altei na live to toUlilarlan communism. Tr ine only way we can get peat and tociu justice. Clement Atlee. Here's a grnnii of hcuiseholrl ne tcssitics from Jcflrcys Taint and Paper Co, that nil! make your job easier.

The Easy Way To Remove Crease Spots Grease Spot Remover For Wallpaper "Tamms" Rid Spot Only 35c Tomm's Zinc Soot Remover For Cool Stoves Just Pitch Some on Hot Coals, Only 35c Savogram Wox Remover 25c Magic Foom Upholstery Cleaner 69c Wiiard Glass Wox 39e Wigg's Waterless Cleanser 25c Golden Lustre Furniture Polish 75c Old English Scratch Remover Polish 25c Tat 60 Roach Kill jr Spray Pump 49e Tat Ant Trap I Kills Sweet or Grease Eating 25e coin Memorial Hospital at Lincoln, i has returned here after being iTJZll'l TO HAVE PROGRAM The Missionary Society of the Christian Church will have a program entitled "World Commnnitv Uay" Friday night, November 3. They are inviting the Missionary Societies of the Methodist and Baptist churches lo meet with them for this program. It will be held at 7:30 p. in the Christian Church. PERSONALS Mrs.

Lucile Humphrey and daughter, June Carolyn, spent Sunday on Blue Ridge Parkway. They were accompanied nn their trip by Mr. and Mrs. G. H.

Sharpe Greensboro, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Humphrey and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Humphrey and children of REVIVAL Kev.

L. Carl Chandler nacinr r.f me uavis lapttst Church, at Davis, will tic guest speaker in a series revival sendees at the Haw Miver jjapttst Church which will eegin tomorrow and continue tnrougn mov. B. Services wilt Jbe Held each jntng next week and specia' music will be a feature of each service The Melody Girls of Bethel Meth uuisc wiurcn win he on the pro jgram at the service tomorrow eve ning. Rev.

W. V. Brown, pastor of the cuurcn, win preach at both ices tomorrow ith the visiting rain Monday, services on The public is cordially invited altend alt of the services, Sco res By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS EAST. Georgia 19, Boston College 7 Waynesboro 25, West Va. Toch 6.

Lock Haven 13, Ithaca 6. Gannon (Pa.) 27, Hillsdale 14. SOUTH. South Carolina 34, George Wash The Citadel Prhvin Lenoir Rhyne 31, Atlantic Chris Miners Teachers 6. Stnrpi Wittenberg 28, Georgetown Ky) MIDWEST.

Detroit 14, Drake 13. OUorbeln 32, Marietta 6. YoungstowTi 14, Niagara S. Kent 58, Northern Illinois" T. FAR WEST.

rc)fl IB, Whitman T. Eolse JC 26. Northern Idhao IS, Children's Photographs declarer to choose either the dia 'or lhis l''lltcrn to ANNE ADAMS, inunds or the chins as his ot Times News. 61 Pattern Will Be At The EFIRD'S DEPT. STORE Burlington, N.

C. Monday and Tuesday, Oct. 30 31 To Bring You A Special Portrait Offer CLOSING OUT All Stock Wallpaper 25 Off Book Prices Buy Now And Save One Beautiful 8 10 Portrait In BJclt and White for Only chance for lhe contract. His boil plan is to try hntii suits, and this can be done nnlv hv Irvinir diamonds first. Truman Plans (Continued From Page One) "summarize and restate the issues of the Campaign." Meanwhile Harold Stasson called i Mr.

Truman to give public an vers to some Far Eastern nnllcv questions particuiarly as to whether the British got State Department assurance that the United i after the British did Stassen. president nf lhe Tlni. Truman a letecram with a mm' lo the GOP National Committee warning against award of the Chinese scat on the United security uouncil to the Ci mmun Ist regime. Slassen has expressed belief She administration plans to cttlelly encuuralo thia after Ihn election. A Regular $4.95 Value SEE OUR PHOTOGRAPH DISPLAY JEFFREYS PAINT PAPER COMPANY Corner 133 N.

Church St. Ruff in Street Dial 6 6246 No Appointment Necessary ALL WORK GUARANTEED.

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