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Logansport Pharos-Tribune from Logansport, Indiana • Page 21

Logansport, Indiana
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JOHN MOBE OF THE BEAUTIFUL Holiday Handkerchiefs Is, as usual, the beautiful shown in ihe city. It is only necessary for us to announce our annual holiday "hdkt" sale, as you know from experience our's is the place to buy. Bine Lick Water Fuund In the idams- boru Well, Bat tbe Quantity not so Great AS Found la Man; Other Wells. Tna Insurance and Leans. All kinds ot Insurance and Bonds -written In first class companies.

Money to loan 6 per cent, S. M. Pearl St. INSUKANCE Of all kinds Written by GEO. GONSER.

UDUUE Physician. Ofllce in Houfie, Cor. Thirteenth and North streets, Professional calls answered promrtly. E. H.

GRACE, D. D. S. DENTAL PARLORS, 816 Market Street. New Aluminlte Rubber Plates.

Tbe well at Adamsboro was drlllec In yesterbay. It Is not a gusher, but there Is enough beautiful Blue Lick waier In it to supply 8 meager demand for such a thin fluid. Bob Baroett, who raised the funds to drill site well circulated tbe report two weeks ago that a strong smell of oil was emitted from the well aad that drilling had to be aoandoned of nigaw for fear of tbe smell taking fire and consuming the derrick. Yesterday the directors of tbe company were summoned to appear and be present when tbe drill should enter the oil-bearing sand. "They obeyed the summons and watched with eager Interest for developments As they shivered In, the wintry air their hopes became as chilly as the frozen ground when the announcement was made 'that water instead of oil had been "struck." The flow of water is not so strong as found in many other wells, No indications of oil were discovered.

Tbe contractors are still drilling today, and Trenton rock will be penetrated some distance before the well Is abandoned. CIRCUIT COURT. transport Messenger Service. H. A MOOSE has put unon the streets a Mrcel delivery wamra and respectfully so 1- Bltt the public patronage.

Parcels and lifrtt. prom oily delivered to any part of the Lea TO urders at Eel River Livery Barn, Phone No SS New No 91 Undertakers. 308 Market street, Hoppe Building. Daniel Killian Co. promptly attended to, day or night.

Mr. Killlan was for many years foreman lor Cbarlte L. Woll. Telephone old 281, new 817 Term Adournedby Chase. Judge HENRY WEBER, The Merchant Tailor, does first class work.

Stylish and well fitting clothes made. Cleaning' and repairing neatly done. See him. 324 PEARL STREET. MADAME BUDDHA, The Clairvoyont is ready to nlve Consultation on all matters of I fe.

The Mudanic cnn be found at 4U North street, ooar Masonic Temple. DE. C. D. EVEBSOLE'S DBETAL PALLORS Orer Porter's New Drug: Store, Corner of Fourth and Market Streets.

Dr- EL- S- Hunt, All tke latest llscoTerles in medicine and appliances to relieve pain In extraction or fill- Wf of teeth. Modern methods, modern prices, AM work guaranteed over John Gray's On Fourth Htroeu Telephone No. SSS. McConnell McConaell $50,000 6 per cent Money to Loan. Call now Office Opposite Court House.

Mrs. Martin Mock Granted a Divorce and $1,000 Circuit Court The November term of the Cass Circuit court was adjourned today by Judge Chase. The Mocks, of Adamsboro, who kicked up a sensation recently were divorced today. Mary E. was granted a divorcefrom Martin, with alimony in the sum of $1,000.

The money was promptly paid. Martin's matrimonial ventures have been rather expensive. The following divorce cases were dismissed for failure no pay co'sts: Fannie May Green vs. David Green; Laban Coppqck Emma Ooppock; Ann Oldna.m vs. Charles Old ham, am Lucy M.

Dempsey vs. Jamen Dempsey. Tho court ruled for the defendant in tho cases of the State vs. Rober and Robert with violations ot the liquor law. Thij cases of Nancy C.

Hall vs. L. Clouse, and Wm. P. Powell vs Thos.

Barrett and others were dis missed and tbe costs paid. Wm. H. Newkirk vs. John Hildeorandt; judgment ID favor defendant reduced from 1100 to $30 The Paanw Tomorrow.

The Pharos will be issued at one o'clock tomorrow afternoon, In order to allow employes to enjoy the after- part of the day in Christmas observance. The Fulton Well a Failnre. The well of the Fulton Oil company drilled In at Falton yesterday is a failure. It is full of Blue Lick water atid the company has abandoned it. There were indications of oil when the drill reached ten feet in Trenton rock.

ITEMS. DAILY FHAHQS FRIDAY DEO. 24, 1897. OITY There were no oflen ders In the police court this morning. Peter Lingqulst has gone to Rock- Jord, to spend the holidays.

George Hayes, the Vandalia con- duotoi, visited In the city yesterday. Miss Mayme Lensen, or Indianapolis, is visiting Miss Kate Hoff- nao. We have some elegant pocket books lor holiday Johnston's drug store. Miss Bertha Ferguson will spend the holidays with her mother, near KurlingtOQ. Fried oysters, potato salad and a ine hot lunch tonight at Fred Heppe's, Third street.

Charles Capple, the milk dealer, one of his fine horses to Jacob Miller, of Peru, for Tbe Malcolm Love piano pleases the most highly cultivated musicians. Sold by JVC. Bridge. 410 Broadway. Mr.

and Mrs. Blngaman left last might for Pittsburg, to spend the holidays with his brother, John M. Btngaman, and wife. James Burwick, the railroad evangelist, and family, have moved Into the residence, 1103 Toledo street. Mr.

Barwiok is preparing to begin a of meetings at El wood. He will conduct meetings in Onto during jrtbruarr and March. RAILROAD BREVITIES. Short Items of Interest Gathered From Many Sources. James Burwick, the railroad evsn gelist, 18 here for the holidays, aftei a protracted absence.

All freight brakeman on the Wa bash have been provided with steel badges bearing the names ot their poiitions, which they are to wear while on duty. P. M. Arthur, grand chief 'of the B. ofL.

is lying seriously ill with pneumonia at his home in Cleve land and grave apprehensions concerning his Illness are entertaiued. He has been grand chief of tne order for nearly twenty-five years. Exciting Runaway. A pony belonging to Peter Castle, the Pearl street liquor dealer, caused considerable excitement at noon to day. The animal was hitched to a sleigh, and had been lett standing in front of Mr.

Castle's place of business, and becoming frightened, ran away, dragging a fifty-pound weight, to which the hitch-strap had been tied. It ran north to Broadway, thence west to Fourth street, where it collided with a horse and buggy belonging to DeHart McKaig, of Noble township. Mr. McKaig's horse was knocked down, but escaped Injury. Mr.

Castle's pony was captured after it had broken away from the sleigh. But little damage was done. Will Observe Christmas. There well be a general observance of Christmas day. The banks, city and county offices, railroad shops and offices will be dosed for the entire day.

Local freight trains on all the roads will be annualled for the day. A majority of the stores will be closed at noon. The postofflce will be closed the entire day. There will be one general delivery in the morning. Christmas Weather.

Generally fair and warmer tonight and tomorrow. Mrs. Butler and are in the Mr. and Mrs. A.

S. Rose. daughter, of city visiting Dressed Miss Maggie Sheerin will spend Christmas at Indianapolis. Selling out, and everything must go at Walden's shoe store. Foster Harris of Chicago is visiting dis aunt, T.

A. McGovern. Mrs. Harry Thompson will spend hristmas with relatives in Kokomo. John Shurte, of Anoka.

has gone to Ohio to spend the holidays with friends. Mr. and Mrs. W. J.Conroyand son went to Gas City today to spend Christmas, Those chairs which have 'been de- ayed are now ready for inspection at Ash Hadley's.

The new Norfolk mufflers and verythicg else new and very cheap the New Otto. Misses Blanche and Maud Stuarl, are spending the holidays wiah relatives at Carthage, Ind. Pork roast, raw oysters, potato alad and celery at William Carmell's tonight for lunch. The Elks band is preparing to give corn carnival at the rink the first jighteen days in January. Emery H.

Grassmeyer and Laura Hoover were married a few days go, west of Royal Center. Even If you have but little money, we can fit. you out with beautiful Christmas jeweler. Information from New Castle is to the effect that Hon. R.

Shroyer is slowly recovering from bis recent jjgU ness. Again we call your attention to the New Otto overcoat stock. A late lucky purchase means a big saving all around. members of Wea Hay Loft No. 10J, are requested to be present tonight.

Important E. Grubbs, C. of The Ladies' Aid society of the Bethel M. E. church will serve supper Saturday evening, Jan.

1st, at the county infirmary. All invited. Mrs. Arroa Patrick, of the Northside, wet to Chicago today to visit her son She was accompanied by Miss Laura Wagner, of the Northside. Besides the Malcolm Love and Bush Gerts, J.

C. Bridge baa other reliable pianos in stock that he is offering at special bargains for the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. A.

L. Anderson and Infant son of Gosben are spending the holidays with Mrs. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Harris of the Westside.

Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Wipperman are entertaining for the holidays Rev.

W. F. Mayer, now of Chicago, late a stated supply at the English Lutheran chuich. Jim Murphy, the letter carrier, says that Dennis McCarty, another popular carrier, Is the author of a ballad entitled: "A Mail Carrier with Snow White Wings." Mr. and Mrs.

George Graas, of Union City. are ID the city to spend the holidays with their daughters, Mrs. Fred Graas and Mrs. Fred Drompp of the Westside, Mrs. John W.

Kerns, of Indianapolis, and daughter Julia, are in the ciey the guests of Dr. and Mrs. B. Shultz. Mr.

Kerns will come over this afternoon to eat Christmas iurkey in Logansport. Word was received here yesterday of tbe death of the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Wilson H. Howe, at Greenfield, Ark.

The remains will amve here for burial this evening. Tbe uneral arrangements will be announced tomorrow. Arthur Stoughton, of Noble ship, and Lloyd Pittinger, of Harrin DfiWQShip. will lead two rival hunting parties tomorrow in a search for wild game. The side securing the most game will be banquetted by tbe defeated party.

Another mad dog- scare occurred last week In the neighborhood lying between Lockport and Georgetown. A dog belonging to Mr. Golden caused the excitement by going daft and biting a horse and calf and several dogs. Tbe horse and calf soon showed spasms and were killed, as were a number of dogs. An exciting incident occurred recently near Burrows.

Nicholas Barnsdale and two ladies were drlTlnjr along the road, when ther met a drunken man, who whipped out a revolver and leveled Jt at Barnsdale; Either tke fellow too drank ta shoot or he was bluffing. Mr, Barnsdale felt Inclined to "go after" the man, but the ladles persuaded him to driiie on. No arrests. pleasant winter weather today is rarely equalled here at Christmas time. We can fit you with Willey's cash shoe store, Third and Market.

Rev. F. W. Meyer of Chicago Is a guest of Mr. and Frank Wipperman.

Earl E. Barker, of Mattoon. Is visiting his father, E. Barker, of this city. The local agents of the express companies report an unusually large holiday business.

Miss Anna McCandless, operator at the Western Union office, will soend Christmas at Marlon. Judge T. J. Tuley will leave tonight for Edlnburg, to spend the holidays with his daughter- QAn overcoat, valued at 840, and a valise containing articles valued at $75, the property of George Cotopton of Indianapolis, were stolen last night from the Panhandle station. Mr.

Compton was en route to Chicago and thoughtlessly left his coat and valise at the station while he went to get a luach. Prof. Tlerney, who appeared in the sparring exhibition at the rink last night, does not drink, chew, smoke nor use profane language. His real name is Powers and he is a St. Louis scrapper of note.

He was brought here as a ''ringer" to take on-'Pomp" Bailey, but tbe latter's backers were too smart to be caught In the trap. Woman's Influence. A Swedish writer, Frau Hansson, In fcer "Das Bnch der Frauen," thus describes the relation between modern men and women: "It is a peculiar sign of the times that in spite of the many restrictions of former days men and women have never stood wider apart than at present and have never understood one another more than now. The honest, unselfish sympathy, the true, I should like to say organical, union, is still'to be observed in the married life of old people, seems to have vanished. Each goes his or her own way.

There may be a nervous search for each other snd a short finding, but it is soon followed by a speedy losing. Is it the men who are to blame? The men of former days were doubtless very different, but in their relations to women they were scarcely more sociable than at present. Or is it the women who are at fault? "For some time past I have watched life in its many phases and have come to the conclusion that it is the woman who either develops tha man's character or ruins it. His mother and the woman to whom he unites himself leave an everlasting mark upon the impressionable side of nature. In most casps the final question is uot, What is the man like? but.

What kind of a woman is she? And I think that the answer is as follows: A woman's actions are more reasonable than they used to be. and her love is also more reasonable. The consequence is .1 lessening of the passion that is hers to give, which again results in a corresponding coolness on the part of the Tailor and Draper, BETWEEN ONE ANOTHER we manage to tarn oat tne but fit- tlng.eiquisitely finished and dUWn- gue suits of clothing to be seen In Logansport, We take -palne to select the latest and handsomest faorics for your Mtoctioo. Just now we are making nobby in soft finished worsteds, cheviots, tweeds, cassimeres, and English mel- ton, beaver and kersey lined with silk, at prices that can't be matched. Garri W.

Keller. 311 Market St Holiday Presents. Pocket Knives, Sleds. Game and Meat Carvers, Children's Knife and Fork Sets, Skates, Nut Picks, MATTIEL. JOHNSON.

Hardware Store, 408 Broadway. An Affflian Sew Woman. The new woman has penetrated even to the harem of the ameer of Afghanistan, where she wears male attire and does precisely as she pleases. The ameer picked her up, says a writer in The Ladies' Pictorial, on his return journey from the northern pare of his dominions a good many years ago. She hud been brought before him by an indignant father and proposed husband for punishment.

She would not conform to the usages of tho country and enter the married state, though she had then reached the age when it became incumbent upon her to do so. The girl declared she had run wild all her life and did not wish to give up her freedom and be shut up in a harem. She sought the ameer's protection and obtained it. "All said. "Since you wish to be free, free you shall be, but free yotunnst also remain.

That is your punishment. You wish to live like a Before selecting Christmas Present Or Furniture to adorn Your Home we Desire to call atttention to our some and complete line of tbe very Latest Designs and Novelties Furniture and Upholstered Goods consisting of Roman Chairs, Tabbor- etts, Divans, rockers, couches etc. at Low Prices. Cor 3d Broadway. City XMAS HOLIDAY SUPPERS! Best Patterns! tfesi Fabrics! Very Best We never had such a display before and tbat-'s saying enough fos tbe shoe trade, we are headquartears on slippers.

You win rob yourself It you purchase elsewhere. We bank our reputation on our good goods at reasonable prices. Call and see us before you buy. Winter Shoe Store, 510 Broadway, BETTER TIMES. Many Business men want office help.

Frequent calls for bookkeepers and stenographers, r.arpe number or our students have taken positions recently Hall'? gupinepp AMUSEMENTS. OLA.V8 OPERA HOUSB. Tuesday, Dec. 28th. Edw.

E. Rice's Superb Spectacle "IS IS TO LAUGH" The Girl From Paris Is headquarters for office help. Business men of our own and of other cities, send to us when in need of bookkeepers or stenographers. If you want to secure a position attend flalTsJjusiness flollege. Broadway and 6th Sts.

Logansportlnd. C. F. MOOKE. Pres't.

man. You shall live like one, and for your own protection you must wear men's clothes." On her arrival in Kabul she was given the title of sirdar, or chief, and was made the harem messenger. She comes and goes as she pleases or is ordered, I if I were ordained. 1 help both by night and day, and no one, even ers whenever they wish me to fill pnl- in slanderous Kabul, has ever breathed pits on Sunday, and this does not interfere with my work here. I have spoken at Jenkin Lloyd Jones' church.

I have helped Dr. Thomas and others. I can do this any Sunday and am glad to be able t-ohelp. But I am not certain about a word against York Tribune. her fair Tbe JSng-Hsli of It.

The lady lawyer, Mile. Chauvin, seems likely to gain her heart's desire and to be allowed to practice. Lady barristers will certainly be a novelty, and there seems no particular reason why they should not be a successful novelty. "The gifs of the gab" has always been a woman's attribute, and when to this she adds discretion, knowledge and good looks she bids fair to prove a. formidable rival to her male competitors.

Whether her prudence will be equal to her zeal, her tact equal to her enthusiasm, remains to be proved, bnt in cases where women have conducted their own cases they have generally done it efficiently, as those who remember Mrs. Weldonand other ladies versed in the law must acknowledge. A fresh career will now be open to women, who are already running a neck and neck race with their male Graphic. are Jiuw Addanu. A number of Chicago clergymen tho advantage to be gained if I were ordained a pveacber." "Mint Marion Hyadman.

Miss Marion Hyndman, assistant editor of Tbe Templar, Canada's prohibition weekly paper, is a young woman whose talents and efficiency have advanced her speedily. She entered the office of ihat paper a short time ago as stenographer in the correspondence department and was soon promoted to act as secretaryfor the editor, who was also general manager of a large fraternal insurance society. Miss Hyndman was made assistant editor a few months ago. The Oldest Haiden Ladj. Philadelphia has the oldest maiden lady in tbe United Scales.

Her name Miss Mary Ann CroiEers, and she is 1 04 years old. She goes up and down stairs alone and -up till nine years ago walked Vmlf a mile to church and bade every Sunday. She has been a ooffee strongly urging Miss Jane Addams. of drinker all her life and is and always Hull Honse in that city to become has been specially fond of candy. She regularly ordained minister.

In speaking of the matter Hiss Addams gays: I deXnot yet see the jKlnatagft jay to tell why never married, but aaaerts that it had no opportunity. MA9N1FICENT SCBNVaV, GORGEOUS COSTUMES, BXCELLENT CAST. BBATTTIPBL I CHORUa I 30PBOPLB. 1COO NTGHTS AI'THEDUKK OF YOKK THBAIEE, London SIGHTS AT HERALD FQUABB THBAT8E, NEW YOBK. GREATEST PRODUCTION of Many Surpassing in -Splendor Rice's Past Triumphs Littie Christopher.

Yon safe in baying jvnr Shoes at WILLEY'S SHOE STORE, as is the BEST 'on are sore of getting EST POSSLBEEf PRIOEL Third and Market.

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