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The Daily Times-News from Burlington, North Carolina • Page 10

Burlington, North Carolina
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THE BURLIXCTOy (N. .) DAILY TIMES NKWS. THUHSDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1044 TEN First Aid for Tax Experts Examiners Favor Expanded Deaths And Funerals Carolinians Promoted In Army Cash Donation To USO Serve Sunday Sapper To Service Men At Center Air Service To Small Cities Skinner, vr. J. Barker, snr! Dorothy In part by granting mutes to new carriers committed to a policy ol economical operation suited to reed er line service.

2, No general expansion of air service using only pickup operations should be authorised, except when postal service needs require lt: pickup operations should be combined with passenger operations. One thousand six flea services were rendered service inert at the tjeo during Uh fcast week end. SandFiv' slipper of somrwichrs, ple. ftnH rhnfYilat milk and COflee WHS served frurn CBill rtonatlolrs to the USO. Sandwiches were given itlso by Mrs.

E. W. Hurvlel and Mrs. 11. Comic boolrs erc contributed thr wnKpr hv Hnlibr TCJllllEton.

Mrs. A. J. Ellington ond Mrs. E.

L. MeAdams 01 tne canteen Groups served breakfast Sunday mornirip lit the Center. Senior hostesses serving at the rentrr were Mesrtftmes T. S. Fou 3n, Harry E.

Adsthi, Jessie 1. Form 2 furnished you by your employ showlm wogea received and tax withheld. 1. Form 11Z5 sent you by (he Collector of Internal Revenue with the blank forms for ISH3 showing tun reported nd mount paid for Ml. I.

KAMR 4. AUDHKSS 5. SALAJtV, WAGES, ETC. Jf you hove worked other places, list each) i. UNION OTHER EXPENSES! 7.


CONTRIBUTIONS: CHURCH COMMUNITY FUND CROSS OTHER CHARITIES 1L INTEREST PAID ON LOANS OR MORTGAGES TAXES PAID: REAL i AUTO LICENSE AUTO USE GASOLINE TAX: HO. OF MILES. one" pilot shouid 'je authorized ho operate in a combination pickup and passenger service. The examiners said lt was "apparent that the prospects for any larse passenger volume for air service are not encouraging, Tlie relatively low average length or passengers from small cities is particularly significant. In weighing the air passenger trarflc Madden and Beilel said that commercial helicopter versions "exlRt GRAHAM NEWS oasy on tns drawing Doaru" ana that it was "difficult even to estimate the time when the first helu copter suitable for commercial air transportation will bo developed.

ff you intend seeking assistance of your internal revenue oflice In making out your income tax return, government (ax experts will to able lo heSp you more effectively if you present them with the Information called for In the ahove form. Clip and fill In this questionnaire and tnke It, together with government forms mentionud ill (1) and (2), to your local income tax buiejiuy Washington. Feb. 10 W7 Two examiners recommended today thut take steps Immediately toward' ex pansion of air service to small cities, but that consideration of proposals "until each time be commercial helicopter are available." me recommendations were maoe by Examiners William J. Mudllen and Albert B.

Beltel, Thev cautioned against expecta tions that air transportation could be made available Immediately at every urnait community, explaining that tt appeared "unlikely that any considerable expansion predicated upon providing service Into small cities can be accomplished without mail pay exceeding reasonable compensation for malt service these: 1.. Extension of air transport to small cities should be accomplished in part hy adding points to existing "main line" air routes and Ih M.i.l.ti North Carolina: Cloudy with tit tle change In temperature tonight tent sllghtlv warmer in moun tains, oloudy Friday and sUehtly Smith Carolina: Mostly cloudy with little change in temperature tonight. Friday, cloudy and rJUfht tuitrs. TEMPERATURES Charlotte. Feb.

so Official weather bureau records or the temperature and rainfall for the 34 Injurs ending at 7:30 a. m. in the principal cotton growing a elsewhere: Station H. AsbeviUe 45 31 .30 Augusta 52 J1 Binnlnsliam 52 40 Charleston 63 13 .30 ICharlotte 45 30 39 Denver 41 0 Detroit 32 Evansvillc 57 31 j.uvesKm 64 50 Greensboro 39 2fl Jacksonville B0 53 Little Rock .57 .42 Los CI 45 MemphLs Meridian 50 Miami 74 07 St. Paul 17 II Mobile GB 51 MI 32 21 Orleans t33 50 New York 29 20 Son Antonio 07 55 Gun Francisco 57 41 Hbortnnnurg 40 34 .70 Tampa 72 65 Washington 36 20 Wilmington 50 37 33 NOMINATIONS.

Wushington, Feb. lfi.fff1) President Roosevelt has ient these North Carolina postmaster nominations to the senate: Hnbgourt, Ruth K. WmtL: LaudL. Culi V. Llnnj Moncurc, James R.

rjrutch SSjl IF THE WAR ENDED TOMORROW tj. llstl WHAT BUY? wB Holvncld. Misses Jessamine oin hnm. MaiT Womlile. Puulelin Adair.

Martha Moseley. Nancy Green wood, and Mnrjtnrer. ninnie. hostesses who served at Ihn cenler were Misses Harr 1 Atnlctt, Joyce Justice. Juanlta Stowc.

Gertie Bildd, Ruth Holland. Doris Jeffreys. Jewlo Mac Amelia Flowers. Miljorlo Mildred Winona PIcknrd. Mart in Barnwell Frances.

Barnwell Joe Cloer. Frances Teajtue, Mary Hope, Evelyn Love, Margaret Bin lock. Adallne Storev. Mildred Lums den, Nellie Creech, Bertha Futroile. Mary Louise Butler, and Alice sit sick.

leader, Mrs. Zolllc Foster. The devotional was conducted by Mrs Ccfriann Isley; and Mrs. Evelyn Tedd was in ennrge ot trie program. Twenty zueinbers were present and Mis, Kathleen Thompson was a visitor.

Tlie hostess served re freshments currjing out the Val entine motif. Circle No. 9 met TJesdij afternoon tnth Mrs. iirotver McPherson. Mrs.

rhlt Dixon, circle leader, presided. The devotional iras in el" tec uf Mrs. Amos Hayes. Mrs. McPher son discussed the study book.

"Stewardship ol Serving." There ft. the HETlE AMD TUtllE. Of Newport News, Mr, and Mrs. Walter Newcomb and son, Jeff, Irom NCTpnrt Mews, wc re vreek end rruusta of Mrs. Newcamb's father, Thomas R.

Harden, id Mrs Harden, at their home snulh of Graham. Greenshuro. Mal f.nit dauehter. Mrs. Steve Williams, Ji and Mrs.

Ed Hunter, of Greensboro, were guests on of the former's sis tor, Mrs. A. G. Burgess. Mr.

Neal To Tushcltce. Aim. turned to 1''' posv at Tllfwc Army Air Fled, after i pcnrimj a Mr. and Mrs. T.

H. Harden. Ueu tt nJDt Harden was wioncd In December 154.1. and was aSFln ed duties as a flight instrctor at Tuskegee. Ray J.

Nally Advised That Son ts Missing In Flight Over Ocean Kay J. Nally, Tintes Timcs staff iiicuiucr, i.i cd hat iiis son, Ray. 23. has been RuW ir.r: sinnr January vilh the of a navy bomber in flight ovt The Information was contained In a letter received here today By Mrs Nell? from fr Hani Hull linscb. of Uncoln.

Nebra skn. The ntlsslnt: navy oimn, tuuio man first, clnss, enlisted In the ser vlpj. In llw.aukpe Wisconsin, on April 10, 1941'. It is believed the miHlnr plane was In fllsht tram the mainland of the united States when it disappeared. I IAN (JED KOIt MURDER Laadan.

in. pw. 1. Waters. 36, Of Chicago Hellllts.

11.. was tmlay fnr the r.urder of no Is Staples at Henlev Thomas, Cttfordshire. lost July 14. CHARTER IS ISSUED RalcUth. Feb.

10 (in One ncate of Incoroore.tlon was filed tndny with the. secretary state tlon of Sheiby, ta operate ft radio station; auuionsed capital srorj StOU.UOO. subscribed stock S00 by Lee B. Weatiiers, O. Max fjardner, D.

W. Rovster. .1. 1.. Suit! find Clyde a Koey.

fill of Shelby ANSWER: ih io nomas i jfe n. ife ii Ai FAKH.IIS WOULD UY H'ff ll'W'ihTP ft A Ull PI AMIIH5 WOU1D BUT BjTSilBBSSSH ftftilftft 1' fAMIHES WOULD SPeSESBlH a KAfiBl 1 FAMILIES WOUtD HBSBHSBeW mm rAMRllS WOULD UT METHODIST S. C. S. CIRCLE UlEUriNGS HELD.

cdetr ol Christian Service ol the Methodist held their res Circle Uu. 1 roes Monday everuns FDU51 Thompson with 10 members ed 'The devotional and the first chapter Irotn the study hoot. "Tlie Charles Gates, assisted by Mrs. Morris Bttrke. The hostess, assisted by Mrs.

Burke, served light refreshments Circle NO. 2 met Tuesday after chalrrann, Mrs. J. S. Bnwmau, pro Tun chapter from the study presented hj ivlrs T.

M. Johnston. The neit meeting will be nh Mrs, Llflit refreshments "vere served by the hostess to the 13 members present. noon with Mi's. J.

Dcwltt Foust. Tne leader. Mrs. George Stailord. presided.

There were 11 merooexs Bible study, based on "Hie iiadlant Heart." al the conclusion of the meeting: the hostess served refresh CltClc No. met Monday alter noon with Mrs. B. H. Gilliam.

Eleven Green, the leader, ijicoloed, and nud liiu Scripture lesson, uhioll was followed by a prayer by Miss Alice Green Reports of thi month's plans lor the yews tiiioeoi. were adopted. The hostess served refreshments. Circle No. 5 Monday evcntr.r with Mis.

CC. Burke. Miss Rachel Williams was Joint hostess. The meeting was cull to order by the NOTICE AMERICAN LEGION AUXILIARY MEETING FRIDAY NIGHT, February 11th, 7 o'clock DINNER DUTCH $1.00 A Special Invitation Eittndcd to All IVorld War II Veterans 1 Attcnit Thin Meclini Tills Ad Courtesy Of Alamance Laundry Dry Cleanen BANKS CLAFf Bunks M. Claju.

one 63. died sti eet, yesterday inornlng at 11 nd was critically Ut a Funeral will he conducted. Iiom church, ntaay aiterncon ai i o'clock, by the Rev, George E. 'in Pino Hill csmotery. Reformed churctl and belonged to ihn vru Hljifp rotinell of the Junior Order.

ciaup; a daughter. Miss Grace L. rM nf thfc thiw sons. Otis. lot Durllngton, Herman of Huih Point, and the Rev.

Carl II. Olapp, of Pltcalrn. four sisters, Mrs. B. K.

clapp and Mrs. J. Lee Frailer, of Jldlon, Mrs. Elizabeth Dick and Mrs. J.

H. Oliver, of Greensboro, fovrr brothers, Henry, of Greensboro. Wyatt of Burllns of Juliuiu five grandchildren. MRS, MARY ANN FKtiG Final rittis fur Mrs. Ann Peig, jape 31, were conducted from tale Gibsonville Methodist church, yes I terday atwrnoun at 4 o'clock by the i the town cemetery, Flowers were in charge of Mrs.

Georgia Clapp. aho was assisted by Mesdanies iisther Oakley. William Belf, J. C.Woodard. Lois Faucette Rub'.

V.ijdard. Active pallbearers were J. P. Etlwards. William Self.


Funeral rites for Mrs. Lvlu Hudd Hushes, were conducted at the nflnmi. at 3:30 ovloclc by the Rev. Kenneth Register and Dr. G.

O. Lank ford. Burial was in Shallowford Christian church rem TJlon Music was furnlihed hy Miss Mary Lee Fos iCconipanlea oy Mrs. J. u.

Foster. A member of the fahallowiora Christian church. Mrs. Hueties died fenduy. February 1 Pallheorers were; J.

w. Matlock. Brown, W. R. Freshwater, Egbert Trultt.

Wilson Cable ood Ueu Flotcer hearers were MeidRmes Mattle Parker, FrnnHle Long. Mary Vickcra, Clara Noah, Florinee Hroa n. Myrtle Matlaclr and Kain leen fanford and Misses Pat Wall, Minnie D. Rcltzel, Josephine Fnirn Alta Simpson. Lolt Bast, Holly huh iai lnn.

Fvelvn Rivers. Nncv Cuddcll. Annie Mac Caddcl) and Edtth Erannock. MRS. ALMA HOLT WILSON Mrs.

Alma Mao Holt Wilson, age it vears. died at her home on ievmour street here this morning uioo o'clock alter two months if critical Illness. She had been r. i'. itth frr flvn yenrs rhc rife of Walter Lee Wilson.

was a native of Ala eonnty. and a member the CJraham Methodist church. Funeral services will be conducted Mt. Pleasant Methodist church, ear Klmcsvllle, aaturday afternoon at 3:00 oclock by the Hev. J.

pastor of the Graham Methodist church, uasisicd by the Rev. Roinn Glocs, Mt. Pleasant psstor. Internient will be In the t' a. a rr.

Surviving: in addition to her hus jaiid are: tnree sons, pre, Tat Ige Wilson, U. 3. Army Pvt. C. A.

Wilson. Canvo Fickett, Va.r and George Wilson. Graham; i two daughters. Dotty and ters. Mrs.

W. Aldrldge. noute 4, uurllngton; Mrs. W. Keek Graham: one brother, Basil Holt, of Ilaw River: a step mother.

Mrs. Cora Holt, Route 1, Burlington: GHOIIGF. ELMS TATE Gourtc fills Tate. aa 20. of ttoure r.

Jsjlantl, died yesterday a ll ociook illness of seven weeks. Funcral will he conducted 'mm Mt. Zion Chrlsttin church tomor fw afternoon at 3 o'clock. Rurvlvine fire his father find mother, Mr. and Mrs.

John Tate; three brothers, Tom, with the United States Armv In Misnlssln ni. Dan and Max Tite. of t.bp home; three ulsters, Misses Huby iee. aetty ana KtertKy Tate, ot JOIW HENRY JOBOAN Rmera services lor John Heurv lain, will be conducted from the joutn iiori; Frienui church. nonow afternoon at 3 o'cloclc by he Rev.

J. Norman Osbourne. In terment will be in the church Willkie Asserts He Will Receive GOP Nomination Eaker. Feb. 1u pi Wcn Uell Willkie predicted in a brief speech from a railroad car here last ngiit tint ne wouid be nominated the presidency by the Rcpubll party.

The into GOP candidate, an our of Western United States, tpoke curing a 13 mlnutc halt en otite to the Pacific northwest. "I'm going to he notnina'rl for he president of the United States tlio Republican ticket, lie said vlthout elaboration. DAUGHTER TRANSFBRHFJ) Switzerland: Feb. 10. CVPl Zurich dispatch ti the news tKiper La Suisse said today that daughter of French Conlmand Gen.

Henri Glraud had been ransrerrcd to Germany after her la Tunis by An! troops mil had died there last month. Washington, Feb. 10 The ar department announced today the temporary promotion of 17 North OarollnlnriB serving as army officers. (Major to Lieutenant Colonel): William Qaffnev. IOD.

aonn Medwood Charlotte; J. W. Hlnton. AC, 210ft Itldjecrert Raleigh. (First Lieutenant to Cantaui): Harry Jay Berry, OH, 30 Normandy EdcK.

11 Carolina Ave, Bur Ilngton: Harry Stuart Hickman. MC, Lenoir; James Martin Parks, en, Maple BC ReiaartUe; Dor narl Beraark Vlek. AO, 305 Chls holm Kanfnrd. John Clyde Hanes, Int. 151S Belve dlre Ave.t Charlotte; Ftancls Ora hant Moffitt.

Inf. Coats; Joseph Richardson Jester, AC. Rt, 1. Durham; Edwin Earl Buckner, Big. MeAden Graham: Francis Lee Bryan, CE.

201 W. Main St, Mar shatl; Roy Clifton Moose, AC, 9. Academy Mootesville; Chnrles Marvin Allen, AC. Norwnod; Worthy Berrmah Morcliicoii. AC.

Sanford: Henry George Gores, AC, Wcaven'Ule; Avery Cobb Low. OD. 7ns North Boulevard, Wilmington. Frank MUlor Nlfong, bcoc 433. Winston Salem, was appclnterJ a first lieutenant in the medical corns Aus.

t. William Harrison Williams, MC, Charlotte; 2nd Lt. Margaret Elizabeth Toil, dietitian, Wil mington; 2nd Lt. james Aian Bailey, AUS, Winston Salem. Tire Famine Covers Wide Field Today Washington, Fcg.

10. UFi For armed forces and for in dustry, ns well as for Joe Motorist, the tire famine is on. Along with the rilsclnsuro that civilians will get 20 to Iff percent fewer tires in 1944 than expected. Rubber Director Bradley Dewey hinted that essential truck aud bus hauling might have to be curtailed. uroducllon of tires fur air planes, combat vehicles and other military uaea, Dewey cold, and "urs even more severe" shortage Of heavy duty truck and bus tires.

"Great effortn Bro being made to close theso gaps to a point where nnlv a minimum of essential sport might have to be curtailed," Dewey told a news CDmemice yes terday. Inn held down deliberately to about a month, Dt which only 150,000 ore being rationed lo t. public. The rest gomg Ir.ta serve lor possible eroergenaeE Fnr civilian drivers. Dewev eur med UD the situation in these words: "Tight, but no sign of disaster." of the year, he predicted, then will continue for the first six montlis of tlio year, he predicted, tllfttl will loosen up; they will not become stringent.

jJaps Driven Off Course By Chinese New Delhi. Fab. 10. Chinese trnniK have driven the Japanese fioia their strong positions eight: Burma, an Allied ccunmuulgue said kidiiv. but ran Into determined en emy resistance 10 miles northeast 01 iaipna oa in uieir arive vj cleir the way for the New Ledo Farther to the southeast British patrols operating on the Arakan front, where Japanese forces have mode Blight advances, discovered Tuesday nlgth that the town ot Taung Bazaar which fell into the enemy's hands last week, had been evacuated.

In the TSddlm sector of the Chin lulls British troops were consolidating their positions around Fort White. Other forceH smashed two enemy units near Sumprabum. so miles north or MyllKyina in ruortn U. fl. medium bombers and fight bombers on Tuesday strafed the highway between Myltkylna and Simiprahuni.

Other formations blastd a Japanese camp and installations a few miles south of Myilkwlna. American ajsin yesterdaj' ond blanketed the Jafiuuese held town of Helnnymbya, south of Butherdaung. returnliiE puors reported nres visible for Japanese Convoy Is Cleaned Out By U.S. Fighter Washington. Fel).

10. GPV The wiping out of ft four ahtp Japanese convoy by the Destroyer Burns as American forces swarmed into the Marshall islands ten days ago was announced lost nlsht by the Navy The action, located onlv as "in the Marshall Islands area," occurred 31. west longitude date. The 2,100 ton Bums, launched 1n tlie fall of 1842 at Charleston, 3. and commanded by Sd yeor old Cotndr.

Donald T. Teller of Petersburg, was accompanying a enrrler task force oasfgnen to the central Pacific Invasion fleet at the TermrarU; granted from task frooe wliile she picked up Naw filers whn had heen fntwri down at sea thjj Bums was rcturn Ing to the assumed station wiien MARKET LETTER BY VICTOR EUBANK Now York, Ifeb. 10 W) Timlr buylnr; continued to drop rolls and other scattered stock market fav orites today but many leadors still support. Customers with cash Tor specula tlon or investment again Inclined to keep relatively Urmia became ot the possibility of a fairly early European Invasion. There was the feeling also that, while selling recently has been negligible, demand has been insufficient to absorb li quidation even of the Ughest sort except in radwuy and specialty is Prices, uneven ut the start, failed, to establish a real direction near the fourth hour.

Dealings were slug Eish throughout. Ahead most or the lime wert Southern Pacific, Sopthem Railway. Texas Pacific, Atlantic Coast Lino, Chrysler, General Motors, Scars. Roebuck uild International Harvester. Backward were U.

Steel, Bethlehem, American Can, Anaconda, Douglas Aircraft and Montgomery Ward. flareler honrls wem RelectlvelT higher, Cornmodltles steadied. SWAP. RIME r. Jlclrarjr.dock, ran 'li Hock.

Hi frludl vJvlJli't wltj Iticknry, dickory, Jock. COATS $19.95 Soldier Death At Charlotte Being Probed Charlotte, Fob. 10, Pollce an etnuiltory authorities sought for questioning today a soldier i pinion who registered with a who signed his name as Pvt. Lee M.

Wley at Webster City. In a downtown hotel two days before Riley's nude body, a sweat shirt twisted about the neck, was lound sprawled across the bed by a chambermaid. Both men wore army unlioims wnen. tney resisutren at trie bci wyn hotel hire at p. m.

Monday, police said, hut no identification discs was found on Riley. Police sola thev had established that Riley was on ills way rrom Webster city to Bl'uetbcnthal Field, near Wilmington. A coroner's report said that RJliy died from strangulation. Tuesday molding a chambermaid went Lo the room to clean Lt. saw the nude body lying across the bed, and quickly withdrew.

Yesterday morning, when she returned to clean the room, the body was lying In the same position, and she called the hotel management, who summoned police. who wae travellnn with Riley hod assumed the name of soldier at Bardley Held, Conn, was checked, preset there. HUey was on a furlough, which expiree; at 11 o'clock lest night, the police said. roe ponce were auviscu cany today that' a sussed In the ease, whose name was not disclosed, had been picked up In Columbus, o. Caldwell Hits Interference With Dairies Winston Salem.

Feb. 10. (VFj ILiliy B. CalUWell, or Greensboro, master of tile state Grange, SRitl In an address here yesterday dairying interests were seriously hundi Ciiuped hi cHOlIs to Increase production by unnecessary governmental red tape, Csldftrh. speaking at the annual (ncctlng the North Caroline Guernsey Breeders' association, re ft i syrchlcalij' to a War Food AdmijiLstratlon order selling up contrrl program for Winstou Saiem.

Greensboro, Durham, Charlotte, High Point and Ashevllle. The intended purpose of the ortiet he said was to divert milk to the manufacture of butter, cheese ond dry skim milk, while the fact that Nulttl Carolina is Importing pounds uf nulk a month far consumer demands and has no surplus milk to divert Into these products. The association elected T. F. Cooley, of Elkin, president; w.

K. Homaday, ot Greensboro, first vice president; C. McNauKhton, of Heudersonvllle, second vice president. Dr. Will Mura'C, of Rtf1 ielgli, secretary and treasurer.

A. L. Brown, of Kannapolls; W. W. Fitspatrick, or Rougomcnt.

on tiMcNaughtcu, were named di rectors. One egg of the wingless Aepy ornls, an extinct bird of Madagascar, Lt equal to a gross of hens' eggs. COFFEE CARAJA, AA ground to order, lb.Av PEACHES 97c SUGAR Pound 6 LARGE NEW SHIPMENTS Spring SLACKS and TROUSERS Cashmeres, Coverts, Gabardines, Flannels, and Worsteds. New Spring Patterns and Colors $3.50 to $12.50 Red Star Market "A Better Place To Trade" 144 South Main St. Graham Week End Specials SUNSHINE CHEESE IT 10 SMALL BOX 5c ORANGES, dozen Lirte (3 20c) iT GRAPEFRUIT C' Van Cimp's (3 Tor lc) TENDERONI WHITE HOUSE COFFEE, lb.

28c GRITS 10c snv, Nip GRAPEFRUIT JUICE lJC VEGETABLE SOUP 10c COUNTRY EGGS, doz 45c Pnunfl LARD STANDS 45 VAMSW fkesii meats. ntvr.ns PHONE 758 BRYAN'S GROCERY SPORT $15 to FLOUR 25 Red $1.33 FREE! 1 Lb. Pkg. Blue Bonnet OLEO with purchase of 1 Package at 27c SOAP FLAKES Satisfaction A lbs. Guaranteed 0 for 0 JB he slfihted the four jap ships a BEEF PORK STEAKS ROASTS FRYERS FRESH DRESSED ritifl raft.

Opnr Nr.rlolk. Jn Feb sha aonk.

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