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The News from Paterson, New Jersey • 20

The Newsi
Paterson, New Jersey
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

JionnuH jiesiys oeeatziI papir HZ PATEESOHEVEHIHO NEWS TUESDAY, APEIL 10, 1934 LEGAL ADVCftliitiiKJlTI very line of human endeavor, everything mill. If yon get a chance to spend a night ea bnt don't get the yaffil habit, wri la useless, tv1' of being aa a yacht will soma day com 1 t0a best experience i ever bad waa working aa a bov J14 etor We sot ealy bad to know all about oda crackers te alao had tn tat la tkd Hoover abiDit, said yeterdsy la tho flret of eerie, of locturog at Prlnctrm nntvecxl-If oa 'Democrscy end Nstlonsl. ism in Europe." After tbo greet victory tried s-s if it would ho com-psretlvely ossy metier to mske eerurs tboso objects for erklctr wc bed fought," SUaiMa stid. Now fifteen peers sfterwsrda. these hopes seem to kit crnmblod into bx In our hands.

Th miseries of ss uops relied economic d-prereion bsv enveloped tbe earth, inetesd of pence we see violence all around us. Indeed of law and stability, revolution end change have (wepf over ihot of th Envoy to Ireland Dies at Dinner Responding to Dc Valera Welcome, New Offi- dal Drops Dead DUBLIN, April 19 (U.PJ The body ef American' Minister William W. McDowell lay today at tb United States legation, which took, over officially only two weeks ago on hla first diplomatic mist Ion. After an active career as a mining man and political leader in Montana, McDowell was given tb post of minister. Last night there was government dinner In hla honor.

As he was responding to a 'speech by President Earn on De Valera, he fell dead. Tbere will be bo coroner's Inquest. Heart disease was believed 4o be th cans of death. It waa expected the body would be taken to th United States. t2.eo.99 la Atlantic Citr budget.

Th bUWol loved a recent order ot Walter R. Darby, state auditor of municipal accounts to the Atlantic county tai board, directing Inclusion of 92,491.99 additional In tb Atlantic Cl'9 budget for debt service charges apparentljr Ignored by' tbe official of the municipality. At present negotiation are In progress for sraling down debt charges. Mandatory under statute, the order would require tb county boar4 to strike a tea rate for Atlantic City more than twenty points hightr thaa that of last year. Under tbe law now la effect, municipalities must Include in their budgets tha total Interest sad amortisation on bonded in-dobtodaesa.

poarusas MU provide thst when 19 per cent, of th bondholder agree to accept reduced Interest and amortisation, tba county tax board may redoes budget Rems. Assemblyman Pasco said a moratorium on amortisation ef bonded indebtedness would save $49,909,999 in the state. Would Include Laws of 1934 iri Proposed Revision Nine-Year Task Nearly Completed, Reports Commission TRENTON, April 19 After Bln yean taak. tb commit-aloa (or th i-evteloa and consolidation of public atatute reported to tbe legislature last nlgtit It had nearly work, but re-eommeadod It be expanded to include all law, enacted at tbe current teeaioa. Tbe commission urged also It be glrea additional ssslsUnc to prepare the revision for considers-lion of tbe legiilatare, which enact It, either late thla pear or early in 1921.

The work cost more than 9600,090. Some of the revlAd statutes, the commluion reported, have already been enacted, but other Including those dealing with property," "crimes" and "criminal procedure" remain to be passed, The commlaelon.aald that un-lex 1914 act Were Included, coa-fualon nnd Uncertainty would patient and Lolita to tho buyer, so matter how 'l Iniciy. Then I worked la a shipping office, a just aa polite to a steerage prospect as to th I the suite de luxe, needed them nil to flu I need them all to Alt' the newspapers i Always keep mple; never get high-hat; costs nothing and good manners cannot be put on raslona. If you are not to the waitress, Ui a time fall to be polite to tbe hostess. And, a Kintt IT they are all alike under he skin.

Industry are the boot of nil virtue. 0 Keep a sense of humor and be kind to everybod 1 develop superior trelte, even If you feel you ar smartest folk 1 have known have been tha that we were living In a dumb world, bat best of It. Be affable to damphoole who think thev portent; yon ner can tell where and when they I a good turn. Nobody la really" of much ltoportonf4 the whole life of the "greatest man la brief. mind that life la too short for you to be email.

Our office has sometime beea Impatient with I happened in the newsroom, when some poor, bartU soul was pleading to keep a line out of the pjr lbo4ri! boy never a bed boy, mind yon but it would erabatTius Eight New Laws In N. J. Statutes One Permits Merger of City-Owned Sewer, Water Systems TRENTON, April ID (JP) There are eight new law on the state statute books today. The signature ef Governor Moore, affixed to legislative bills 1st yesterday, added tb following measure to th law books: Cole, Sussea Permits municipalities to consolidate municipally owned water and newer gystems. Kuser, Somerset Requires seasons and bag ilmita for game to eonform to federal regulations; continues closed season on female pheasants for flv years.

Woodruff, Camden lugludei mortgag Investment corporations la acT governing mortgage guaranty corporation. Albright, tlloucMter Permits the department of Institution nnd agencies to make contracts for Institutional building and repair before money is actualy available, Wolber, Eeeex Permit compensation ef physicians employed by government unit er school districts to be paid tot additional work under emergency relief administration. Adams, Ocean Forbids display of foreign flag unless accompanied by United Staten flag of equal dimensions. Slracuos, Atlantic Requires flllng of mileage reports by interstate buses for collection of balf-cent mile tax. Waugh, Essex Require refunding of money erroneously paid by licensees to state under 1.2 beverage net of last year.

AX BOIK4RCK, 4t MIiiim Ucn Cl Mtrffcanta Ik City it OHtiBH be th Board ef Aldermen is th City ef fataraoB, a follow: ORmmoii -A retail cool merchant" to any par woo, firm or corporation engaged to tki Mia and delivery of cool to rotmt consumer nod haring; a wharf or railroad aiding, and wo loading, atorage. delivery, weighing, aaiaa and service facilliieg adequate -to the Dtada of the retail trading rea nerved, and maintaining ao of-fico aecessihl to th public and a competed pereon on duty therein, provided, however, that In the retail rading area where wholesale facilities are available and where eoai in cold at wholeaala only, a retail coal merchant dependant upon and ueiBf such fee Hit lea ehali nob be required te poeooaa a wharf or aid lhg or aatoadJ ng or arorage faeUl-tie, or acaiea but ahall conform in all other reapecta to the, require meat a specified above. fiaettoa It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or eerperatted to noli coal la the City of fatorson in Into pf fir hundred pound or more cnleM equipped as aforesaid althout first haring obtained a 11-' therefor front the Hoard of Aldermen of the City Of Paierooa, so to da lootton IL Tho feo for such JU -eensa shell ba fifty dollars ($00.00) all Ucenoaa ahaHtermlsato on December Slat, of the pear In which they aia i-sued. Soon license fee to Imposed for revenue purposes as well as for tha purpose of regulating the business of retail ooai mer- rhnte. Beotian II Appllcatloa forauch Means shall he made in writing te the Registrar of Licenses of the City of Paterson who ahall refer said application te the full Board of Aldermen.

Any application for a license may be declined nnd any license issued may be revoked for rauno upon hearing after five days' written notice to tho holder thoreef. lootton IV, Every retail ooal merchant; Arm or corporation licensed under thla ordinance must display mstal license plate with the number of his license and the year for which It Is issued on each and every vehicle need for the purpose of delivering coat, In such a place do to bo viaibla to the nubile. One metal I teens plats shall be lssusd upon tho payment of the license foe of fifty dollar par each additional metal license plate required by the license, a charge of two dollars (129) shall be paid, heel lea Any person, firm or borperatioa failing to comply with the termS'Of this ordinance shall bs subject to a fine not exceeding two hundred (SH It) for each offense, to be recovered In the Recorder) Court In the City of Paterson. heetton Thle ordinance ahall toko effect immediately, hot ten. Notice Is hereby given that the above ordinance was introduced and passed flret reading at a regular meeting of the Board of Aldermen, held Monday evening, April 2nd I fit 4.

and will further considered for fine! passage at the next regular meeting of the Board of Alder mon to be held Monday evening, April 14th, 1414, at I 0 p. at their meeting rooms, the Council hamber, City Hall. Paterson J. EDWARD DU PRRB. City Clerk Fees $21 11 aprl.10 Hopea for Peace Have "Crumbled.

Stimson PRINCETON, April JO VP Th hop for pears which America cherished the cltae of the World War, hav "crum bled into ashes in our hand. Henry I Rllmann, (erretary of LUU ADVERTHEHEXT in the neighborhood If tbo paper printed the fact h. V-- I VMl Jdbjjj In iri are the kind of poor devil wh9 should hava lUtls' ci! shown to them. The more kind thing yon do, the hapsiw will be. Tbej-eal basinets of newspaper te protctL' public from politician and rich high-binders, who liv leaders of the community whil they lift your watch, Let me reiterate: Every contact yon make in life will com hi handy In profession that deal with every 1 of life.

Sometime a policemen will giv yon on of j0rV beats; other time It may coma from a judge; if you are polite, you will And yourselves cashing in along line y4 1" dreamed of. I recall ono election night la the old True ran office. They had all tha return complete save ony County. Savory, who was a great news editor, wa tearlogT. hair as the prea hour approached.

I had -been worklngi a beaver all night on local table, and finally appealed to to know If there wasn't some I could get th final fn. Union County. I want to the telephone and called a nttabl! in Elisabeth and, after a few pleasant worda, asked the etb end to dig up th mluing districts. "All right, Jimmy," the role and in twenty minute he called back with erorjibiu complete. When Savory heard me aay, "Good night, Governor I'll give you a pleasant mention In the paper some day for thlr he almost dropped dead.

Then he cam to and asked: "vio got the for you? Aad I told Mm ray friend. Gorsru. Voorhee. He almost wept with Joy. Then I informed him tlr I had a working understanding with th Gov-nor, hy thick I went to the State House early every morning and openefi ii hi personal mall, so that I might get a few early wire for the Newark Kewe to buy bread for my babies.

He flabbergasted. So make every contact- you can, high or Ire life la the great thing after alL Affectionately, FROM A NEWSPAPER MANT0 HIS SONS (Continued rrom Page 17) paper judgment is not always right But It is th clear duty Of th newspaper man to maka aa honest endeavor todo th right aa God gives him to see th right. The editorial dad is the second line, and there not only feerleesnets. but a decent regard for others, la essential. What la th square thing gad what is tha beat thing for the community should ever be uppermost In the minds of the editorial director.

And when you have made a good flewapaper, and hava kept in mind all that la owing to the community. In the way ot lead-rahlp and generous giving to thing that maka for a better place, comes th problem of mechanical production. That ran only be acquired by patient study and clot attention to details, When you have the product ready, th next step I to get it distributed circulation. That, too, needs th closest attention, In, order that every poeelble reader may bevTarnered. Of what use la It to produce a newspaper, with lots ot character behind It, if you are not going to have the widest distribution? Lastly comes the gathering of the advertising, 'which, too, must be done with a decent regard for the merchants and others with whom you are dealing.

They are apt to think'-only in terms of dollara, which la natural, at they have to pay the freight. Always remember that they are enUUed to consideration. and try and put yonreelve In their shoe. They struggle hard to make financial head ay, and they hav a right to feel that everything should be done to see that they get thetr money's worth. My policy with them has always been that, ante they find advertising with us profitable, we do not want their business; wa are not benefice monks.

Where they ran beltropeyly favored, I am for doing It; In that way I have always gotten along well with them. They know I am anxious for them to succeed, 'because, unless we can help make a fine city, where labor is well pgid and people are comfortable and happy, we hav failed In out Job. Always keep in mind that In our businesui. which coverr- Gloucester Posts Filled by Moore Albright's Desire for Action Clears Path forjudge, Tax Official TRENTON. April 19 (Two Gloucetter county apiintinenu top the lateet list of nominations submitted by Governor Moor (6.

tb Senate for approval. Th Gloucester appointments aimed Elmer B. Wood, of Pit-mn, to tho county bench, te sue ceed Judge Austin H. 8 wick hauler; sad D. Union Silvers, of.

Clay, ton, to the county tax board. Tho filling of th two posts has been delayed by Senator Wm. H. Albright, of Gloucestsr, because of certain political opposition, but th fact that Albright will toon retire from th Senate to become elate treasurer has mad Mm desirous of clearing up pending appointments In his eounty. Tha governor tent flvo other nominations to th Nenate last night beildes the Gloucester appointment.

The others were: Commissioners of Juries: Atlantic county. Joseph T. Hawkins, Atlantic City, rename); Somerset County, George R. Botmer, Bound Brook, renamed. William W.

Davenport, to the Bomeriet rounty tax board, to succeed Edward C. Cooper. Max H. Goodenough, Summit, renamed to the state srlstlou commission. Joseph C.

Turbett, Newark, to the tenement house inspection board to succeed Manning Merchant. The Benate, before ending it night serelon. confirmed Joseph Binlth. of Millville, to be Cumberland county jury commissioner. Smith succeeds Lewis Hogan.

Favorably reported hy the Ju-dlclsry committee were th following nominations: To he the three cltlxen-mem-hers of the state relief council Dr. Joseph G. Coleman. Hamburg; John A. Cullen, East Orange, and Mrs George Tash, Camden.

To the Edison Tark commission- Joseph F. Deegan. Perth Amboy, and Arthur Hurrell, Glen Ridge. To the Hunterdon county tax board: William J. laurrndale Lambert rllle.

The pllotaae commission Harry Bowen, Port Republic. To be Warren countv Jury com mlssloner: William T. Cyphers of Washington. May Allow Towns To Drop Bonding Costs in Budgets Siracusa Bill Passed by Assembly Would Aid Atlantic City IX CHANCERY fif NEW JERSEY Georg Bnntaklngy anfi Julia Baahkingy, hi wtf, alee known aa Gorga Baakingjr and Julia Raaklngx, hto wife. By virtue of an order of th Court of Chancery of New Jreey, made on tb day of the dal hereof, to a eauea wherein Bruy a A.

Gian complainant you and othra ar defndanta. you ara rqutod to appeal1, and Plead, demur ar anawar to tha aompfainant'a hill oa, or fe fora tha llth day of Mae next, or tha aatd hill will ha takas aa qoo-feeead againat you. Tba aaid hill la filed to foratloaa a certain mortgage made by Mary Campbell, unmarried, ta United State Truet Company of Palereon, Ke Jaraey, dated Marbli llth, 1024, In the amount ef 000 00, covering land In the City of Patereon, in tha Ceunty ef Paaaaic, and Rtata of which mortgage waa aestgned by United State Truat Company of Pataraoa, New to complainant, by assignment or mortgage dated February 10th, 1024 And you, Gerga Baahklngy, aieo known a Georg Baaklngy. are made a defendant becaun you ara tha owner of the premiaea aought to ba forecloeeo And you, Julia Baahklnrv, aleo known as Julia Baaklngy. ara made a defendant beeauaa aa tne wife of aald George Baahklngy, alao known aa Georga Baaklngy, you claim an Inohoata right of doner in tba premiere Bought to he foreclosed.

Dated. March llth, 124 W. A A PE TOR, Nollrltora of Complainant. Address 12 Market Street, rataraon, N. Feet.

$10 74 mar29 27-apr 10 TRENTONY April lS W) The Slreru bill, municipalities to drop Inter! and amor-tlutton charge on bonded In-debtednees from their budget when bondholder accept reduced Income, wa passed by the Assembly last night. The vote was 92-1. Piraeus sa'd the measure would result In -a saving of over FATHER. i 1 L- i lo 111 50 1 ftp tlO ol ar. 1 I ICC IB ij M1 LEGAL AUVCRTISENEX1S.

ix rHAxrmv or mew jersei To Basal Olaher: By virtu of an order of tha Court of Chancery of Naw Jaraey, mode an tha day of tha data hereof, in a cause wherein Frank Hastings to complainant, and you and others ara you are required ta appear, and plead, demur or answer to the complainant's hill on, or be-fora tha 9h day of May next, or tha aaid bill will ba taken a eon feaaed against you Tha said bill to filed to foreclose certain mortgag made by llaaac Lowenstein and Paulina UowanMain, hit wif, to United States Truat Company Paterson, Naw Jaraey. dated May lat, in tha amount of $1,000 00 covering lands in the City of Paterson, In tba County of Paaaaic and Stato of New Jsraev, which mortgage waa assigned fritted States Truat Company of Paterson, New Jersey, to complain ant by assignment of mortgage dated February 2, 19S4 And you, Beaaia Olaher, ara made a defendant because you ara tha owner of tho promises sought to ba foreclosed Dated; March Ith, 1914, J. W. A E. A DB TOR.

Bollcitora of Complainant, Addroaa 120 Market 8iiat, Pataraoa, N. Feat, $1104 n.arlO Napoleon Issued challenies, but youll remember, That, finally; to his dismay, he met his Waterloo! The owl avoids all boasts and claims he rests his case on facts; He says: Try Essolene yourself and youll KNOW how it. acts! Wc invite you to compare Essolene with any other motor fueL Make your own test in your own car in your own 5 9 way Try a tankful today and notice the difference. See tor a yourself why Essolene guarantees smoother performance 1 49 Essolube Motor Oil In the crankcase enables Essolene to do its best AT REGULAR GASOLINE PRICE ix 4Hiir.Ri or akw jr.ner. B(wn JsAUiae U.

Kldrld, Ptl ttonr, and Hord Eldrldga, Defendant. Notice of Order of FublUatiftfi. To the shot e-named Defendant; Rv virtue 4f an order of th Court of hancery of New Jaraev, mad on th day of th dal hereof, a certain- cauee wherein liouia O. Kldrlda la petitioner, and you are defendant, you ar required to appeer and plead, answer or demur to petitioner petition on or beforo th 4th day of June, next, or, in fault thereof decree will taken against you aa th chancellor ahall think equitable and juxt. Tha object of aaid suit to obtain a dre of divorce, diMolvIng the marriage between you and tha aaid petitioner.

Dated; April 2. 1924. J8AKWWIK AAfU.VnwiTZx Bollrltor of Petitioner, 2 10 Market it, Jateraon, Feea, $91 14 vfcprlO NOTICK or BALK ll.1M.eoe A TViTITUTIONAt, CON-STRITTION BOND, KERtES BT ATE Of NEW propel, for 12,114, 0 Rial Institutional Construction Bond, ot th. 8tt, of Now J.rHt, will ho roc.lvod by tho Issuln Officials, at th, offlc, of tho of th, Kioto of Now Jorsoy, In tho Btato Houm, In tho City of Tr.ntnn, Jersey, clock nooe on April tl, 1914. Raid bond, will ha dated April 214 and will mature tn the prtn clpal mount of fll.on April in oack of tho yearo 11 to born tnclueleo.

4 0 on April 1 in ack of the year, 1 Co l4f, both IneluolTo. 4t oa April In act, of tho yeara l4d to 14, both Inclusive, 144,40, on April 4, la oack of th, yeer, 141 lo lit, botk Inclusive, 7 on April 1 In oach of Iho yearo lit to l(l both Inclusive, 1 1 0.00, on April 1 in each of tho yeara 1(4 to 11(1, both Inclueivo, ,0 on April 1 la oach of Iho yeara 1HI to 14, both InelualTO, 1104,00 on April 1 in oach of tho yearo IMS to 197 both Inclueivo, on April laa and 1114,0110 on April 1. HO, and shall bear Intereet at the rate of four per centum (4 per annum. Internet oa Hid bonda will bo pay able eeml-ennually on tho Brot day of April and-October lid ea year, Biddera mutt bid at least par. i Tbo tight la reaerved to reject any or all.

bid, and to waive all informalities in bids Including tho two per cant, deposit In tho ease of a bid by a (ovsrnmanial acaacy. Both principal and Interest of aid bends will bo paid In such funds as tr on the respective dates ot payment of the principal of and Inlareet ea tho Bonds, leaal tender for debts dua the United Ptarea of America at the office of tbe Broad Street National Bank Trenton. Trenton, New Jersey or at the option of tbo holder, th principal office of Tho New fork Trust Company, lit tho City, County and gtaie of Now Tork. Tha bonda will bo lesued as eou pon or registered bonds as tbe purchaser may dealra, and If It-usd ee coupon bonds they may ba registered ea to principal only or may bo surrendered (or fully rcgletared bonda. Sold bonda will bo a direct obll gallon of tho (tato of Kw Jersey, and tha faith and credit of tbo fttato la pledged for th payment of Interest tharooa as tha same shall become duo sod tha payment or tbo principal at maturliy.

Tha principal and Interest of ouch bonds will bo oaempt from taxation by tho Btato or by any county, municipality er other taxing die trtet of tho gtato. All bids must bo accompanied by a oortided cheek or a cashier's chock or treasurers check of responsible bank or trust company payable to the order of Albert Middleton, Treasurer of tho State of Now Jersey for two per centum of tho bonds bid for. The chocks of unsuccessful bidders will bo turnod upon tha award of tho bonds. No Interest will bo allowed upon tho amount of tho check tbo successful bidder Such chock will be deposited to be applied In part payment for the bond, or to bo forfeited as liquidated damages In case tho bidder the 1 1 withdraw bis bid or ahall fall or neglect to pay for and taka mid bonda ahnuid the same bo awarded to him. Is addition to tha amount bid, tho successful bidder must psy accrued intereet at tho rate borne by tho bonda from tho dst of tbe bonda to the date of payment of tha purchase price It In expected that tha permanent bonds will bo ready for delivery on or -after April It.

124 hut until permanent bonds can be PAIPAIC COrYTr lRROATBa OFFICE, la tha matter of tha estate of Joe Francois Allaln, ala known aa Jaan Ulaln. deceased. Pureuant to tho order of Robert R. Armstrong. Surrogate of tha Countv of Paaaaic.

made on tho 1st day of March 10J4, on tha applies tloa of Jra Malar, Administrator of th atat of Jaa Franoola Allaln, alao known a Jaan lltain, deceased, notice is hereby given ta tha creditors of aaid deceased to exhibit to tho subscriber, administrator aa aforesaid, tfasir debts and demands against tha said aetata, under oath, within six months from tho date of th aforesaid order, or they will ha forever barred of their 'actions therefor against tho aaid subscriber. Dated Patereon, N. J. March 1st. 19)4.

IRA MAIER, 110 Fifth Avenua, New lock City, Fees. $12 00 IUYAT THIS U0N TWi tie 20 0H0 Pm Sumsi HipMim Irma Met LffMMM rareet tk kwiii a artoertt 4 ike warto leedial ail er 4M. Smoother Performance II (H4MWtr or NEW JKRfiE To Walter Feller, Trud FIler, wife, Lina Richter, Alkin Tope! Kmiii Dietael, and Mary Schwalbe virtue of aa order of tha Court of Chant ary of New Jaraey, made on tha 6th day of April, 1934 In a rauaa wherein Marla Dreg complainant, and Omar fichmld executor of the Estate of Louie Matt he, de eased, and other, are defendant, you ara required to appear and anawar th bill of aaid complainant, on or hefora th 0th day of Juna. 19297 or th aaid bill ill be iakart aa coafaaaad againat you. Tha aaid bill Is Iliad to forecloe certain mortgage gien hy Ixiui Matthea, alao known aa Louia Mathaa, widower, to Marl Droge," dated tha llth day of April, 10.12, on ianda in th City of Clifton, in tha County of raie, and fitare of ilew Jersey; and you, WALTER TRt HK FEILER.

hla wife. LINA RICHTER. MBINK TOPKL, KMIMK DJ fsFZKf and MARY SCHWALBE, gro made defendant becauea ou are legatee under the l-at Will and Testament of lsouta Matthea, deeaed. which iniereMt la a Hen on th lands da-etribed in aatd mortgage. Dated, April 9th, 1034 DAVID H.

fiTKMER, fiollcitor of Complainant, IS Kwchang Place Jersey City, N. J. Fees, $10 20 ACCOUNT, Notice I hereby given that tha accounts of tho subscribers as Executrices of tha estate of Jennie Parker, deceased, will audited and stated by the Surrogate of tha County of Paaaaic, and reported for Final settlement to tha Orphans' Court of said County, on Thursday, tho ntnsteenth day of April, 1934, at 10 a. bl, at which tlm application will msdefor tha aitcmance of commissions and counsel fees. Dated? Paterson, N.

Jw March. 1, 134 FLORENCE MAT RORERT DICKSON, ANNTB 8TORS, Executrices under tha Last Will and Testament of Jennie Parker, deceased. CHAR 8 VAN Prenor, 140 Market Street, 7 Paterson, Naw Jersey. Feoa, $9 00 marl2.20.I7-aprUI.10 PA9AAIC 4 01NTY fit RROGATE'S orrirtc. In the matter of th estate of Elmar 7-abrlxkle, deceased.

Pursuant to th order of Robert R. Armstrong, Surrogate of the County of Paseaic, made on tha 7tb day of April, 19)4, on tha applies lion of Marv E. Eabriaki. executrix of tha qatata of Elmar Zabnskt. deceaeecU-aotlca in hereby given te of aaid deceased to exhibit to tha subscriber, executrix of aJoreaaid.

their debt and demands against the said state, under oath, within six months from tha data of tha aforeimtd order, or they will be forever barred of their actions tharefor againat tha amid subscriber. Dated. Paterson, N. April 7lh, 1934 MARY KARRIfiKTE Fa, $12 00 aprl0, 17, 24-may 1,8 NOTICE. Taka notice that Louise Agnes Harms Intends to apply to feth Board of Alderman of tha City of Paterson for tha transfer of a Plenary Retail Consumption license from 150 River Street to IIS Rir Street, Paterson, N.

J. Objections, if any. should be made in writing to City Clark of rotorson, LOUSE AttNKS HARMS, Harrison fit, Paterson. N. Fr $2 20 Prepared, the Issuing Official! may, in their discretion, and If tbo successful bidder should desire It, ta sue tn lieu of such bonds, temporary bonds or certificates.

Is such form and with such privileges ss to registration and exchange for permanent bonds ea may bo determined by tbe Issuing Officials. Aii proposals, together with security- deposits, must be enclosed la seeled envelope marked "Proposal for Bonds'' and must ba directed te the Comptroller of tho Treasury, at tho giato House, Trenton, Now Jersey, The opinions ef tho Attornoy-Genaml of the gists ef New Jersey and Messrs Hawkins. Dalafleld and Longfellow, hew Vprk City, approving tha validity of tho bonda will be fureishel the purchaser, and circular. Including forms of proposal may obtained upon application to Harry B. Salter, gtato House.

Trenton. Now J.roov By order of the Issuing Gffletala tod. March I. JOHN koCVTCHEON, ef0trr ACCOIRT, Notice Is hereby given that tha Accounts of tho subscribers, as Administrator tha Estato of Theodor fihermattg will bo audited and stated by tho Surrogate tho County of Passaie and reported tor final settlement to tho Orphans' Court of said County, on tho 2eth day ef April, next, at which time application will ba made for tho allowanoo ef commission gad counsel fee. I Dated: MArefc 19th.

1M4. ABE DIAMOND, JOSEPH PLATT. Fee. mar20.27-apr$,10,ll ACCOUNT Notice Is hereby given that tha accounts of tha subacribar, aa Executor. Estate of Beaaia Hopper, deceased, will be audited and stated by the Surrogate of the County of Paaaaic, and reported for final eat tlement tha Orphans Court of said County, on tba Sixf day ef May.

next, at which lima application will mad for th allowance ef com-missions and eonnael fees. Dated: March 20, 1920. DAVID S. HAMILTON, Executor Estate of BESSIE HOPPER, Deceased. Fees, $M0 AN A OIL OM PAN OF NEW JER CT.

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