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The Herald-News from Passaic, New Jersey • 1

The Herald-Newsi
Passaic, New Jersey
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I FINAL EDITION Full Win Srvk of AP, OP, CDN Forolflfi Service ond AP Wlrephofa WFAT On Your Dial FAIR TONIGHT Low, 57. FAIR tOMORROW High. 75. A44ltJa (i I Weeiher mN fill AM'ti UFA? 11 HEX Price 5 Cent 81st Year in the Service of the Public PBescott 76000 PASSAIC-CLIFTON, N. SATURDAY, MAY 23, 1953 20 PAGES Hum Air Force Arrests Vet, Returns Him to Korea Steelworker First Held Under New Military Code; Charged with Murdering a Civilian TOKYO (AP) A young Pittsburgh steelworker honorably discharged from the air force almost six months ago has been flown back to Korea under guard to face charges of slaying Kil Bong Soon, a South Korean civilian.

Rushed fa Korea Air force headquarters said Robert W. Toth, 21, landed in Ko- Washington yesterday first word of Toths arrest said: "The alleged crime was China Says It Grabbed Allied Ships Nationalists Report Seizing Britishers Aiding Enemy Reds NEW YORK (UP) The central Chinese News Agency reported today that the Nationalist Chinese navy inter' ceptad 31 ships of British registry carrying iron, steel and munitions to Red Chinese ports over a three-year period. Amons 51 Ileld The news agency, quoting an official statement from Chiang Kai-shek's ministry of defense, aid the ships were among 59 vessels Intercepted by the Nationalists between August, 1949, and September, 1952. The others included 12 of Communist Chinese origin, nine under Panamanian registry, two of Norwegian registry and five unidentified. The 28,065 tons of cargo aboard the intercepted ships was seized by the Nationalists, the report said.

Robert F. Kennedy, assistant counsel of the Senate permanent investigating committee, said in Washington Wednesday that British-owned ships hsve been hauling Chines Communist troops. The British Information Service replied yesterday that there was no evidence to back up the charge. Mundt "Demand" In Washington, Senator Karl Mundt (R-SD) saicf today he will demand that the Eisenhower administration take off the "blinders on ourselves and reveal the names of British ships alleged to have transported Chinese Communist troops. Senator McClellan (D-Ark) promptly announced he will back Mundt move to demand cancellation of an order making the ship names an official secret Both are members of the subcommittee.

TEACHER OF THE TEAR AT WHITE HOUSE Mrs. Dorothy Hamilton, of Milford, right, "Teacher of the is introduced to Mrs. Oveta Culp Hobby, left. Secretary of Health, Welfare and Education, by Mrs. Eisenhower on the White House portico, yesterday.

Mrs. Hamilton conducts a "Problems of Democracy class which keeps close check on happenings in Washington. ROKs Fail to Kick Out Reds at Fallen Outpost Bayonets and Knives Flash in Savage Fighting as Allies Attack Five Times SEOUL (AP) U.S. Sabre jets destroyed one Communist MiG and damaged another today as Allied and Red pilots tangled high over North Korea for the first time since Monday. Rain Soaka Front rea last Monday-five days after he was arrested at work by military The air force would not divulge details of the charge against Toth, but a spokesman said it would be at least a month before the investigation is completed and the trial begins.

Toth is the first former member of the armed forces to be returned to military custody for court martial under the uniform code of military justice. Under the code an ex-serviceman charged with committing an offense punishable by a prison term of five or. more years for which he cannot be tried in civilian courts is subject to arrest for trial by court martial. Called Premeditated Toth has been charged with premeditated murder and conspiracy to commit premeditated murder, an air force official said. The official announcement in Ll.

Gen. William Herriwm Take It Or Leave It Europe-Tokyo Flight Heads Over the Pole Taking 40 Workers To Korean Hospital Over Arctic Shortcut OSLO, Norway Jf) A Scandinavian Airlines plane took off here today on what was believed to be the first commercial flight from Europe to Tokyo via the north polar region. Carrying 40 workers assigned to relief duty at the Norwegian field hospital in Korea, the airliner Hjalmar Viking left Oslos airport at nearby Gardermoen at 10 a.m. (5 a.m. EDT).

Actual flying time for the trip is estimated at 33 hours but the plane was scheduled to stop at Anchorage, Alaska, for 16 hours and at Shemya, in the Aleutian Islands. A Scandinavian Airlines announcement said this was the first time the polar shortcut had been used for a flight to Asia. It said the flight was made possible by the establishment of U.S. air-bases in Alaska, The line is negotiating with American authorities for use of the Alaska bases lor a regular Scandinavia-Japan route. The system is a co-operative, partly state-controlled organization made up of the national airlines of Denmark, Norway and Sweden.

J- Storm Sets Off Million Dollar Elizabeth Blaze ELIZABETH (UP) One of the worst Elizabeth fires in 30 years leveled a huge semicircular building near the heart of downtown Elizabeth today; causing damage estimated at almost $1,000,000. Auto Workers Hope GM Has Broken Ice Firm Agrees to Alter Five-Year Contract For New Cost Scale DETROIT WV-The CIO United Auto Workers turned the heat on the remainder of the auto industrys big three today to gain the same wage concessions it got from General Motors Corp. yesterday. Walter P. Reuther, president of the CIO and the UAW, already had said Chrysler and Fprd would be asked to alter their five-year wage contracts if General Motors did.

GM historically has been the contract pattern-setter. After GM agreed to alter its contract which it legally could have refused to do until mid-1955 Reuther remarked: "I hope after companies will catch on to the idea real quick. The concessions granted by GM raised the average wage of GMs 350,000 employes across the country to $2.05 hourly. About 700,000 other UAW mem bers are employed i other auto makers and major Shortly after the GM-UAW agreement was announced, James B. Carey, president of the CIO electrical workers, announced GM had given 40,000 members of his union similar concessions.

It was the governments decision to abandon the old cost-pf-living index that brought about reopening of the contracts. They specifically were tied to the old index of the Bureau of Labor Statistics until 1955. The new index, the government says, is a more modem reflection of consumers buying habits. It gives greater weight to consumer durable goods and service costs and less to food costs than the old index. Jap Yule Trinketgto Cost 10 Pet.

More Than in 1952 KOBE, Japan (UP) Japanese made Christmas tree ornaments will cost 10 per cent more in the United States this year than last, due to a shortage aggravated by aggressive American buying, local exporters said today. Tough South Korean infantrymen killed or wounded more than 300 Chinese Reds in small-scale but savage hand-to-hand fighting along the rain-soaked battlefront Scores of Allied fighters and bombers streaked over North Korea as skies cleared after two days of wind and rain. Todays MiG kill was credited to Maj. Vermont Garrison, of ML Victory, who scored with two bursts of gunfire in a brief aerial duel 40,000 feet over Suiho Dam just south of the Manchurian border, the air force said. ROKs Attack 5 Times In Eastern Korea, South Korean infantrymen charged five times against dug-in Chinese who late Friday seized one end of Outpost Victory.

But at nightfall, after 24 hours of bitter close quarter fighting, the 150 to 200 Chinese still held the western end of the ridge, the Eighth Army said. The Reds grabbed part of the elongated outpost two days ago, but were thrown off the same day. South Koreans used bayonets and knives to hurl back Chinese who hit five other outposts along the 155-mile front, the army said. Russian Plane Strays, Crashes in Yugoslavia LONDON (UP) A Russian plane which "strayed over the Yugoslav border from Soviet Austria caught fire and crashed Monday near the city of Zagreb, the Yugoslav agency Tanjug reported today. The pilot, Lt Roman P.

Bondarenko, who parachuted to, safety, was found Tuesday near the scene of tne crash 12 miles north of Zagreb, Tanjug said. The dispatch gave no clue as to the type of plane involved or the cause of the fire, nor did it say whether Bondarenko had been arrested. committed last September when Toth was on duty with his unit and involved the shooting, without apparent provocation, of a South Korean citizen. It said he was discharged "prior to discovery of evidence relating to the alleged Mrs. Jacob Mertz, Toths mother, said Toth was arrested at the plant where he worked and did not get In touch with her for several hours.

One of his friends telephoned to say Robert had been arrested by military police and taken back to Korea, Mrs. Mertz said. "We were frantic and called all the military places we could think of even called the FBI but nobody knew anything about it," she said. At 9 oclock that night she added, her son called from Pittsburgh airport to say he was being taken to Korea by military police. He asked her to pick up his work clothes at the airport because be was back in uniform.

Call Off-Duty Men The general alarm blaze, touched off by a bolt of lightning at the height of a torrential rainstorm at 2:30 this morning brought out virtually all of the citys fire-fighting forces, including off-duty firemen. The 220-foot wide brick structure housed the 20-alley Elizabeth bowling center, a branch office of International Business Machine and an Acme supermarket Firemen said the alleys, a cocktail lounge, luncheonette, recreation room, lockers, storage facilities, IBM equipment and the entire food stock of the supermarket were destroyed. Newark Gets Smoke Two fire captains were overcome by dense clouds of smoke which blacked out the entire area and reached into the suburbs of Newark, eight miles away. Both firemen were treated at the scene and returned to duty. The flames, fed by strong southwest winds, raged out of control for more than three hours and was still smouldering six hours after they broke out on the roof of the building.

Firemen said the roof collapsed quickly, dumping tons of hot water on firemen who had worked their way inside in an effort to save the first floor. The weight of rubble collapsed the second floor and left only a shell standing. Later, the sides buckled. Brooklyn Bridge Marks. 70th Birthday Tomorrow NEW YORK OP) The Brooklyn Bridge, now getting a seven million dollar rejuvenation, will mark its 70th birthday tomorrow.

Workmen on the current reconstruction job will participate in ceremonies during which a plaque will be dedicated to the builders of the bridge, John Roebling and his family. Red Hot Idea, Eh, Comrade? BERLIN (P) Something new in fashion shows was unveiled today by a Communist state store in Werder, near Berlin. The store fired its models to save money and presented its gowns on hangers carried across a stage by sales clerks. May Seek Compromise MUNSAN, Korea (UP) The United Nations chief negotiator arrives here today with a take it or leave it war prisoner proposal to use in the last round of his truce fight with the Communists. Before leaving Tokyo by plane for this Allied truce camp, Lt Gen.

William K. Harrison held a final conference with Gen. Mark W. Clark, Far East; supreme commander, on tactics to be followed. Tim Running Ont Harrison warned North Korean Gen.

Nm II, chief Red negotiator, three weeks ago that time in these negotiations is fast running out. It was thought here the final1 Allied offer a revised version of the May 14 28-point formula rejected by the Communists would set a deadline for agreement or disagreement on the one issue blocking an armistice disposition of prisoners who do not wish to go nome, The revised proposal to be handed to the Communists Monday when the eight-day recess In the talks ends apparently will take such a firm stand as to risk disapproval of Americas allies, Washington dispatches hinted. Observers here speculated unofficially the new offer would attempt to compromise major differences in the existing UN and Communist plans, the latter an eight-point proposal which the Allies believe eventually would force prisoners to go home against their will. The only big issue standing In the way of a truce is the method by which that fate of antl-Com-munist Allied captives would be decided. Congress Won't Push Probes of Literature WASHINGTON () Congress today appeared unlikely to make any further investigations of obscene literature.

A House committee last year looked into the problem of such matter of newsstands accessible to juveniles, but concluded Congress could not undertake censorship. A bill by Representative Kearns (R-Pa) to renew the probe probably will remain shelved in the House rules committee, Representative Leo Allen (R-Ill), chairman, said yesterday. Act, which has been strenuously opposed by union spokesmen. At least three of the six Democratic committee members met in the office of Senator Murray (D-Mont), ranking minority member, to discuss a Taft-Hartley program which the Democrats can present to the full committee when executive sessions start Monday. Actually, however, the proposed draft of changes is only a working paper written by the staff of the labor committee, Senator H.

Alexander Smith (R-NJ), chairman, said. He disavowed any implication that they could be considered as a "Republican program. The draft was evolved at recent Republican meetings, about which the Democratic committee members were not kept informed. -i Hit Two Points The changes most objectionable to the Democrats and the CIO appeared to be these: 1) A suggestion that states be given the power to regulate all strikes, picketing and lockouts even in disputes involving interstate commerce. 2) Another giving the National Labor Relations Board the power to waive jurisdiction over disputes involving unfair labor practices and representation, allowing state agencies to handle these questions.

Broxilions Giving Queen $50,000 Diamond Necklace RIO DE JANEIRO, Brazil (JP The Brazilian delegation to Queen Elizabeths coronation next month will present the young British ruler a necklace of 647 Brazilian diamonds and aquamarines, reportedly valued at $50,000. The gift, to be given in the name of -Brazil, has been made possible by individual contributions. Someone Found the Leak BUFFALO, N.Y. Someone checked for a gas leak with a match-and found it, saiJVo-seph Burger, acting battalion fire $400- chie. today.

He estimated I damage to the fraime pouse. Clifton Jeep Jockey May Ask "Flight Pay IN KOREA (UP)-Cpl. Earl R. Jennings, a "jeep pilot who dashes almost daily over a road exposed to Communist artillery fire, said today he is thinking about putting in for flight The soldier from 284 Lake-view Avenue, Clifton, N. has completed 26 daylight missions over the three-mile stretch of road in the U.

S. 45th Division sector, which is under constant enemy observation. You just put the windshQd down, camouflage the jeep a little and then take off like Jennings said. Beer Strike Vote Monday NEWARK MP) North Jersey brewery workers are to decide Monday whether to strike against six large breweries in the Essex County area. If the strike is called, it would be effective Monday and would involve 6,000 workers, No immediate shortage of beer is anticipated.

The strike issue will be taken up at meeting of representatives of the AFL joint executive board, comprised of three local unions. The decision to meet was made yesterday after the New Jersey Brewers Association and union representatives were unable to agree on proposed pay increases. The breweries stood idle yesterday as the workers met to hear reports on contract negotiations. The breweries will be closed for the week-end, a normal operating procedure. John W.

McCaffery of the brewers association said the 21-man AFL joint executive board rejected an association package deal which would have provided a 23-cent-an-hour increase for brewers, bottlers and warehoustmen, and 11-cents-an-hour for watchmen, porters, checkers and stock handlers. major issue was retroactive pay. Negotiations have been under way for two months. The breweries Involved are P. Ballantine and Sons; Joseph Hens-ler Brewing' Pabst Brewing Anheuser-Busch, G.

Kreuger Brewing and the Leibmann Breweries, Inc. In addition, the negotiations involve the Hoffman Beverage- a division of Pabst, Soft drink workers of Hoffman, -members of the AFL Brewers Union, are demanding the same wages and working conditions. The trade spokesmen said no shortage of beer is anticipated immediately. Although many taverns and package stores get daily deliveries, they have been stocking up during the negotiations, Here's a Tip to Mice SMITHVILLE; N.Y. Attention mice: The Ontario Cheese Factor; in this northern New York community will be closed Monday, because of lack of business.

Taft-Hartley Proposals Outrage Some Democrats WASHINGTON (AP) Democrats on the Senate labor committee were reported outraged today by a committee document containing a score of proposed changes in the Taft- Hartley law. 2,000 Pupils In Physical Ed Show Photos on Page 2 Worse Than Original- Some of the Democrats were reported to have agreed the changes would make the law much worse than the original Taft-Hartley Flood to Pour Through City Four or Five Days LAKE CHARLES, La. (AP) sleepless weatherman warned today the crest-swollen Calcasieu River would keep pouring flood waters another four or five days through this city and eastern outskirts where 15,000 persons fled partly- drowned homes. HST Silent Until Fall CHICAGO Former President Harry r9- Truman plans to make no public appearances until at least next falL Truman has Rejected a bid to address the International Ladies Gorment Workers Union (ILGU) convention, David Dubinsky, president told 1,000 delegates yesterday. Mr.

Truman told me that This Is no time for me to explode, Dubinsky told the convention. "I asked him if I could relate that to you delegates and he replied, 'by all means." Dubinsky said he had written the former President inviting him to address the convention and followed up the written bid with a telephone call. Dubinsky read to the delagates Tumans letter declining the invitation. It read, in part: I am not making any public appearances until at least next fall. Barbara and John Home from Capital John Monahan, the North Jersey entrant in the national spelling bee finals, and his runner-up in The Herald-News 16th annual bee, Barbara Kiely, of Dumont, arrived home today from Washington, D.C, where they spent a week as guests of The Herald-News.

John placed 38th in the national championship spell-down Thursday. Barbara and John ended their tour of Washington yesterday with a bus and boat ride down the Potomac to Mt. itemon. Later they attended the annual bee banquet, where John was presented with a check for 540 as bee prize money. Accompanying the youngsters for the week were Sister Mary Violette and Sister Mary Angelia, of Immaculate Conception School, Lodi; Sister Francis Marie, of St.

Marys School, Dumont; Sister Francis Anita, of St. Nicholas School, Passaic, and William V. Benken, Herald-News public relations manager. The youngsters were agreed that the highlight of their trip was their half-hour mletlng with Vice-President Richard Nixon in the Capitol Wednesday, but added that more interesting was their breakfast meeting with Representatives Frank Osmers and William Wid-nall. Prospector Finds Ontario Diamonds FORT FRANCES, Ont.

(UP) Diamond prospectors were lured to this border city today by ie-ports that two huge stones, one possibly worth $100,000, had been found on the banks of the Rainy River. A A jeweler said he had examined a 20-carat stone found Wednesday by EJmer Corrigan, a prospector from nearby Emo, in the blue clay of the river bank. The jeweler estimated the value of the stone at $100,000. A second stone, its value and weight not yet determined, was foundyesterday near the same spot. Fort Frances lies just across the border International Falls, Minn.

An Ottawa geologist Recently described Ontarios Rainy Rivdr district as part of a volcanic area capable of producing diamonds. Lightning Hits Pole, StorrnDamagesRoad Last nights storm caused a road cave-in and knocked down high tension wires in Passaic. Patrolmen Joseph Weber and Salvatore Patti were detailed to Myrtle Avenue and Harrison Street at 12:40 this morning when neighborhood resident reported lightning had struck a Public Service Company pole, knocking several electric wires Into the roadway. The patrohneirdiverted traffic from the intersection until a Public Service emergency crew finished repairing the lines. At 2:30 this morning.

Patrolmen Joseph Russo and Nathan Levit found the heavy rain had caused a cave-in in the roadway in front of 55 Passaic Street. They reported a sink-hole about a foot deep, over an area eight by 10 feet. Patrolman Frank Pocsi arrived with barricades and light bombs which were set up to warn motorists. Sergeant Saves B-26 SEOUL (P) Fifth air force tonight credited a quick-thinking staff sergeant from Milwaukee with saving a weather reconnaissance B-26 and its crew when he grabbed a handful of flaming wires and smothered a fire on the planes crawlway. -The plane, a B-26 modified for weather study work, had just taken off when protective cables on a series of wires burst into flame in the narrow crawlway passage to the nose of the twin-engined plane.

Staff Sgt. William M. Siegel, of Milwaukee, crouched in the crawlway and tore the wires from the side of the plane with his bare hands. Then he smothered the flames without breaking the wires themselves. Police Doubt Child Wandered Into Woods MENOMINEE, Mich.

(UP) Authorities suspected today that a two-year-old girl was abducted and left to die in upper Michigan woodlands while hundreds searched for her. Sheriff Edward Reindl said it was "impossible that little Beverly Bradley had wandered in rough timberland for two days before she was discovered yesterday. It looks almost inevitable that someone had been holding her captive and left her in the woods few hours before ihe was found, he said. A rtast guard helicopter crew spotted Beverly lying on 1 er face behind a stump in the woods around Carbondale, yesterday. She was rushed to St Josephs Hospital here, where she was reported resting quietly today.

Vondenberg Off for Bogota LIMA, Peru (UP) Gen. Hoyt S. Vandenberg, retiring U. S. Air Force chief of staff, leaves today for Bogota.

Colombia on the latest stage of art inspection tour of U. S. air missions in Latin America. $16,600,000 Damage The flood-crippled area, with hundreds of homes in water up to window level, counted damage 10 million dollars. Week-long floods throughout Louisiana caused a loss estimated at more than 100 million dollars and caused at least -eight drown-ings.

No casualties were reported here but residents were advised to get typhoid shots. While the creeping paralysis of backwaters ripped through one-third of this southwest Louisana city, the waters spilling into low-lying neighborhoods appeared to be levelling off, but not falling. -A decision was expected on whether to relieve conditions by dynamiting holes in the east-west Route 90. The road, built on an embankment in swampland, dams the south-bound flood waters. Orange, an Industrial city of 10,000 some 35 miles southwest of here on Route 90, was threat ened by the rising waters of- the Sabine River which divides the two states.

Paul Cook, a weatherman, said, "Lake Charles will just have to sit here four or five more days with flood at or near its peak. He said an Immense amount of southward flowing water wax still piled In miles of swamplands north of the city. Parents watched yesterday as more than 2,000 Passaic school youngsters went through their paces in the annual physical education demonstration, held at the School Stadium. After a threatening morning the skies cleared and the show went on in near-perfect circumstances. From the openirfg number, a square dance by high school girls, through to the concluding mass drill, the whole program took less than an hour.

About 500 girls took part in the high school number, and close to 800 youngsters were on the field for the mass drill. The high school square dance was performed with the services of Marion Kamerling, one of the students, as caller. Marion, 'who calls square dances regularly week-ends and summers, gave the performance a professional touch: Other outstanding numbers included Cheers for Franklin by 2,000 Pupils, Page 2, plan to satisfy young and old alike: The students stayed at the prom until it ended shortly before midnight Then they and the chaperones piled into six buses chartered by the PTA and drove 35 miles to the Hotel Astor in New York for more dancing and partying. They "Stayed there until the wee hours, then the buses took them to the Roger Smith Hotel in New Brunswick for breakfast The kids got home about 6 a.m. Robert C.

Carlson, high school principal, pronounced the plan decided success. Mrs. Charles Coffaro, PTA president, said she was "very happy at the way the whole thing worked uf The students said they hoped would become a regular event for the future senior classes. Parents Solve After-the-Prom All-Night Night Club Problem Mt. Everest Peak Attempt Tomorrow NEW DELHI, India The British Mt.

Everest expedition reportedly will try tomorrow to reach the unconquered summit of the worlds highest mountain. Reports from the Nepalese capital of Katmandu said the expedition leader, CoL John Hunt, will send two teams of climbers on separate routes toward the top, weather permitting. The Indian governments latest meteorology report said the weather was "generally fair" in the Mt. Everest region of the Himalayas. At least 10 teams have tried to scale the peak but have failed.

In a serious vein during his brief address, Eisenhower applauded the sparkling courage of such typical Americans as Jane Froman, Ben 'Hogan and Cpl. Duane E. Dewey. Miss Froman, who helped entertain at the dinner, walks with leg braces as a result of injuries in a plane crash. Hogan, seriously hurt in an auto accident a few years ago, has fought his way back to golfing prominence.

Dewey was recently awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor by Eisenhower for throwing himself on an enemy grenade to protect his marine buddies. Eisenhower declined a toast in his hohor, a traditional gesture of the and asked that it honor the men in Korea' Instead. Ike Does a Boogie Woogie Solo As Liberace Pounds the Ivory NEW BRUNSWICK (P) A gay night in New York by New Brunswick High School seniors last night was stamped with approval today by parents and 'school officials. The elders had supervised the whole thing. It was an effort to halt a growing problem in recent years of unorganized to night clubs after prom.

i As in many other schools, the prom in the high school gym was becoming simply a-place to meet to start for somewhere else. The prom band was playing to a practically empty floor and to chaperones who had been left behind. So tis year, school officials, Parent Teacher Association and 'student leaders hatched this WASHINGTON Some hot licks on a boogie woogie piano wrung a solo Hey! from President Eisenhower1 last night He came in on cue and with a solid beat, much to the delight of the White House News Photographers Association, at whose annual dinner he was guest of honor. Liberace was at the piano, whipping through an eight to the bar, with an occasional "Hey! chorale accompaniment Why not try if solo, Liberace suggested. It would be a good chance, he said, fqr the President to demonstrate that, as reported, he was a boogie woogie fan.

On the next round, at the proper time, Eisenhower let out a "hey! that rang the rafters and evoked whoops and applause. 'J I N. vx.

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