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The Daily Times-News from Burlington, North Carolina • Page 7

Burlington, North Carolina
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Ada Cornplon Clans Held Reunion. Khrint haus Returns From N. V. with Johnson; Hankers tnsprcis ed by Ualanced Budget. Raleigh, Auk.

1. North Carolina awaits New York for the Interest rate on the recently renewed notes which Governor Khrlnghaus and state Treasurer Charles Johnson flew to Oothani to sign. Governor tuiringhaus said yesterday on returning to his office lhat North Carolina's legislation and the guaranty of a balanoed budget have done wonders to steady ihe state's, credit. V'hlle he was in Ncv York Mr. Ehringhaus spoke briefly on the safeguards" that the state has thrown around its tremendous investments The executive would not say that the new interest rate will re under the present Ave per cent rate, but that la whBt tr state is dusuussiug with the New York bankers and not without hope Of getting something of a concession The state had patd throughout the depreslon the high six per cent rule, the penalty for running a deficit which nobody wis wise enough to foresee.

Governor Ehringhaus has had the fortune to be at both ends of I Congreii alto aiised Ihe VYaqner hill providing lor a aa wen I tloaal lysiem of employment ollicei ani lor federal JSSllt I Tht preiltent aikrt ana ill parmiuien trim Corgm to rocralt an army ol 275,000 unwnpioytd min lor work in I Tin pniideit wji lulhgrlzee to privlfe lha nun wUh 'oie. CMhlng, inn lleDill attentloc. lid cash li he tarsia id.isiUH. The army WJI given lln Job al handling Ihe "Goatervatloa cords." I Tht preiidort hid jourg men Mlioled ntnu Ismiics ho'oent hen lorih. aiahlanee ot (hair slate employment agencies, Feeerai funds lo feed trie Hungry, i ir Skids Under Judge Clarkson If He Continues To Fight Wets, Is Belief Public Works Advisor For Seven States lam'tai! WHITSETT NEWS Whltsett.

Aug. l. Eneclal ser vices to continue one weak, will beBin at FrieGens tvutheran chuTch at p. m. on Sunday, August 6.

Rev. R. G. Fisher will assist We local pastor, Bev. Enoch Kile.

Mrs. Hazel Thompson has as her guest. at her home here, Mrs. E. L.

Sparks and children, cliailrs and Norma Jean, of Wilmington. Mrs. Thompson and her soil. John. will return home with them for ft week's stay, nnd while In Wilmington will attend the Feast of tht Pirates.

Dr. C. L. Miller, the suDerin tendent ol the Iron Mountain Schnnl for boys, wns the special tpeaier for ft meeting ol the ncrthern district of the brotherhood organization for the men of the Lutheran church, which war held at 3 p. m.

on Sunday afternoon at Cable's church in southeastern Guilford Rev. and Mrs, W. R. Roof, ot Unoolnton, are spending a part of their vacatlun visiting relatives in this part of the state. On last Friday evening Ihe member nf the Whiten Home Demonstration club cave a shower party In honor or one of llieir members Mrs.

L. Beamon Tuvlor wh0 has recently moved into licr handsome gifts for the honorce and the occasion proved to be a Rev Enoch Hite is planning lo attend the summer school this week at Lenolr Rhyne college, Hickory. Mra. W. J.

Huss is at home again after a week spent In Ru Wrgh tittending the exercises at wil to I ante in co crdinatlrg sXT: State collene during the 13th cOn vention of the home demonstration workers of Ihe state. Addle Houston, home demonstration agent for Guilford county, was a pleasant visitor Friday. The obi Seoutj who are now In camp st Fousfs Mill, have been making some interesting excursions over the surrounding territory locking up matters of 10 ra I history. A number from this place are planning r.j attrnd the celebration of the 94th birthday of J. E.

Story, which is to lie held tonny at hla home near Oislpec Altamahaw. TlM address for the occasion Is so be made hy Dr. W. T. Whltsett, lupic vill be 'Retrospects and Prospects." The annual Rcltiel reunion has for many years drawn a very large crowd, of relatives and friends, it will convene at Eticlllanri church, near Liberty on Thursday, August, 3.

Miss Lcma Tesh gave a delightful iawn party to a large numbs; of lier tnends on Friday evening nt her home hern. lOnl AUTO ACCIDENTS Hnriisburg, Pa. (UP) Failure of automobile drivers to "pay attention to resulted in 7.001 accidents. In the first si months ot the year. In Pennsylvania toe department of revtnua said recently.

There were HI deaths In accidents in which driver. were charged1 with being "inattentive" and 4148 persons were Injured. Records of 15 nations show that 8.461.586 men were kliled and 21. 0SS535 wounded in the WorW George L. Kadcllffe, more banker aliowu here at WKW f't li is ueak, has been appoint uti ree'onal advisor of 'ib timt.

works rov ihe lentil re PH''. frt Rioii embracing Maryland. gj)B( Bakau Weel Virginia, Virginia, aalllB 'Uj; 'M Kenlunky, North Carolina. 111 ani he this uncertainty, when took ofhee he could not aee the way through. The national administration two months later took charge and the slate's task was greatly lessened.

Not until the nation declared: a bank haliday did the governor order the suspension of banking business. There has not been a day since when the financial affairs of Lh state did nnt show Improvement So much of it has been shown that the governor faces the remainder of the work In his office with creater hope. Ho thinks North Carolina has done a good job of setting Its house in order. the picnic dinner. Impromptu speeches were made by Dr.

A. H. Kerr, of Kcit, N. 0., who recited a short poem from John Chos. McNeil, lhat created mirth and goud humor, A.

L. worFan. of Greenrboro. gave an lnleiestluE talk nnd James Cooper, probably one of the oldest members of the Cooper family there, concluded the i a spicy talk, which was rillerf with wit and humor. Mrs.

A. H. Kerr, ofKerr. sweetly tanf the toast to the "Old North A business session whs held and Mrs. D.

A. Hester, was again elected president with Clyde Compton, as secretary treasurer. The Mowing committees were appointed: 'Time nnd Mesdames Murray Ferguson and H. E. Wilkinson, of Mebanc, Mr.

and Mrs. J. F. Malonr, of Prospect Hill, Historian for Compton family, Jack Satterfield. of Dur served watermelon.

EVANGELISTIC SERVICES Evangelistic services being held streets, by Jasper H. Frensh and Howard Musgrave, ars free. Nd collection has ceen, or will to taken in thew services. The last Mlbiect was r.hp "Hu Birth." First, thc seed. Second, feet of being corn again.

The three things lhat God "cannot" dD as recorded in the scripture may ho a part ol the subject 40,009 CHILDREN IMMUNIZED Montreal (UP) fatty thousand children in Monlreal havo been Immunized against diphtheria since the beginning of the year by the department of health. the department started its campaign against the disease three years ago, a Ifltal of 80,000 Is She? Rktgevlile, Aug. l. Stinday at the lovely country homo, "chestnut or Mrs. Ada.

Compton, the second annual tarnuy reunion Dr the Coopcr Compton clan, was held with, nearly 200 present foi delightful occasion. Af 10 rtVlnr lf the relatives and friends of both families began to lather and the spacious grove lent ihade plenty of seats had been nmvlrlPri and hire relatives and friends talked of 07 gone days and comparer! times 01 looay wjki those of long ago. At 13 o'clock, in. D. A.

Hester, president ot the reunion and one who has been engaged in educational work Tor the past twenty yeaTs. now a member or the Olive Hill school ficultv. called the meeting to order and hi a few wen chosen words, presenter ner brother, Chas. B. Compton, of Richmond, who is an Interesting speaker and he mad tile welcome address at the conclusion or which, every one present felt glad they were there.

Jack Satterfield. of Durham, a grand son oh the Cooper side gave the "Cooper which showed much research work had been done and enlightened many as to who and where their kinship lay. Mrs. M. W.

Ferguson, of Mob ane. gave some facts concerninc the Oomptoii family ana Miss Nina compLon, ol wuinuigluii school faculty, was presented and marta historian for the Compton famllv. followlns this. Rev. Rov F.

Whitley, Presbyterian minister of a splendid devotional, basing his theme on: "Home and Ho then presented Rev. Dir. M. Baiter, Presbyterian minister of Mebane, who offered the Invocation, immediately after this, all were invited io partake of a bountiful variety of delightful food, served plcnlo style, on a long table In the arove. the center uf which was attractively dccor.

itctr mtu liowers, anil a big white birthday cake, on which one tiny, candle was lighted, in honor of the first birthday anniversary of the Cooper Compton Reunion. Prior to the picnic menu, barbecue was' served, and then all were invited to complete their lunch with MODERN WOODMEN CIRCUS August 1770wmiamCiaTke, explorer, born. ot settlement. frarvm 1lirrn. msn2 miwaip me union.

zither state? Who i HORIZONTAL 1 The lady in the pi 12 An emanation. 13 Bright constellation. li mid. 18 Receptacle tor rrylng dishes. 17 Home slate of the Girl in ihe picture.

IS Bundle. 13 Possesses. 20 Corded cloth. 22 Having openwork. 2GTo deposit.

30 Corroded. 31 JJartere. 32 Covered wt glared clay blocks. To jive 30 Norse. mythology.

37 Distinctive theories. 3S falsehood. 10 Call for hels Ansner lo 12 Venomous. snake. Type of Indian, IS Forrn ot moisture at Blank haw.

53 To analyse a sentence. St, Lacerated. 56 To vend. 67 To TPh out. ti Entrance.

59 The gill in the picture TIMS Hie of the laat Olympic The average price of an Open cars are always enclosed auto la sail and the average de with sheet when they carry Mo preelallon gist; a year. hammedan women In Arabia. ter being four years on the bench as associate. Judge Adams was appointed by Governor Morrison to auceeed the late Justice E. it.

Allen who died in 1921. And Judge iarksDri was named by Governor Morrison on death of Justice. Walker. There has been no hint of opposition tci him until now. But the defeat of Senator Morrison Sy Senator Bob Reynolds, and the triumph stacey w.

wade over James A. Hartness, secretary of state, have a peculiar boarlns on other state polities. Judge ciarkson is known to have prepared much of the material which the United Dry Forces are using. They recognise ih him the quality that Tom Warren ascribed to the late Judge Allen on thi United States supreme court. Mr.

Warren smiled at Mr, Wilson and said: Mr. President, Judge Allen is an exceedingly rlr.ver politician." The Information did not help, historians say. Judge Clarkson is a very clever politician. And It may cause him trouble. Of course.

In the event Df opposition to Judge Clarkson, many of the wettest Democrats would come to his rescue than run the risk of getting a mlsflflt on the high bench But ao long as the trend away from the lath amendment is so strong friends of JudBe Clarkson sec n. steady menace to his renomlnntlon and election. There, is small doubt that Senator Morrison would put his personality end such other help at the disposal of Judge Clark The Judge is now rusticating In Little Switzerland. He will be away until the new lawyers come to Raleigh to get their license In August. But the progress of the repeal campaign with all signs of a heavy victory for the renoalors doesn't make Clarkson supporters any too happy a the prospect of very much hotter wot and dry campaign in 1031.

Sylvia Sydney En Route To Europe; On Studio 'Strike' Hollywood, Aug. 1. (UP) Sylvia Sidney, motion picture actress, was speeding eastward by nlrplane today en route to Europe after a sensational "walkout" from Paramount studios, Tho actress refused to comply with her company's order to resume work on a picture, interrupt ed when she underwent a throat operation two weeks ago, according to Rludin announcement. Miss Sidney's physicians advised her against picture work for some time, while doctors sent lo examine nnr tor me siuqio saia sne could Maurice Chevalier iriimel Golfing Drive For Year's Title Gets Going Over U. S.

Portland. Auir. 1. nrpj Public links golfers from all parts: of the United States and Hawaii i will open their drives today for; One hundred and sxt.v were scheduled t0 compel lor the Btandlsh trophy, held by R. L.

Millar, of Jacksonville. Fla. Today's schedule includes la holes qualifying medal play. Following tomorrow's IB bole, rounds, the. fli low renrers will form the championship sight.

pretender to the throne of Afghanistan. Royal Air farce planes had flown over the village two days ago dropping leaflets lhat, warned the tribesmen the village would be bombed unless the agitators 'were handed over by today. As the airmen dropped their hombs today. British troops proceeded to oosrate against the upper Monamanns. wno ieo ny unuiam Nabl.

a 12 year old boy, recently raiaea trtocs rrtenaiy to tne un; Ish. THDEC QJEKK Timea Neivs Bureau, Sir Walter Hotel. Ralehrh. Ati. 1.

Judae Clarkson activity in the anti re peat campaign is interpreted by many wise observers in North Carolina as an invitation to the wet forces to bring out a candidate against hirn in the 1924 campaign. Justice Ciarkson who was antxtlnt ed by Governor Cameron Morris Oh in 1S21 to succeed Judge Piatt D. Walker, is up for the Ions term Beginning January ib35. onioi justice W. P.

Stacev and Associate Justice W. J. Adams are alio to be nominator? nnd elected in 1034. There Is no hint of opposition to them. They are known to be taking no part in the repeal, campaign and beyond ruling that it is constitutional to vote on toe 18th amendment at the special election in they have had no word on cither side.

That dec! son disuleabed the United Dry Forces who thought the repeal campaign should have been delayed antll 1834. Justice Clark iwn held that the legislature could not call the election in 1633 because there were constitutional prohibitions. Trie four brethren of the bench held in their rulings that time is not an element in a "general" rleetlnn nnd that the general assembly always can set a time and make any special election "general" In its scope. It Is known that the court differed sharply on this leaue and that the United Dry Forces feel lhat the nigh tribunal followed the trend In national politics rather than the letter and the spirit of ttie state constitution. The 1032 election on rabeal may delnrrr.lne whether the sunrcme court inombers will havo opposition or hot.

none Of tne three, Btaey, Adams and Clarkson. has had oddo sition. Judge Stacy was nominated in a primary over a targe neio, But he was oppolnted chief Justice af Large Throng On Hand For Singing At Gray's Chapel A large crowd gathered yesterday at the big all day singing which was held under the arbor at Oitvs Ohanei church. Accord ing to estimates more than. 1.000 people were present with IT dlf icrcnc Bmging units taking part.

R. P. Smith, of Libertv. was i charge of tbe program and opened the services at 11 a. m.

by singing "Where We'll Never Orow Old," led by D. H. Latiey, and The following singers were then heard as follows: Orav's Ohanei choir. Central girls. West Burlington boys, the York girls.

Mt. Pleasant girls, the Thomas girls, and the Laslev mixed udarteta. The audience was dismissed at 12:30 lor a bountiful dinner which was aprcacl on the tabic ana loved bv all nresent. At l'JS the neanle assembled and sang "Revive Us Again." led by R. P.

Smith, after which the following singers gave a Tal Interesting program enjoyed by all present; Gray's chapel choir, Tabernacle, West Burlington, White House, Central, Burlington and Alamance male quattcts, Mt. Pleasant, the Little Four. Ram seur. Central and Burlington girle quartets, the Llsley mlsed quartet, the York girls and Die Thomas Rowmnn and W. R.

Ruth directed some congregstlcnal number during the singing and came to a close by singing "Obd Be With You Till We Meet Again," led by D. H. Lasley anil benediction by Mr. Carl Johnson. British Aviators Bomb Tribesmen In Afghanistan Calcutta.

India. Aug. 1. (UP) British Royal Air force airplanes today bombed a village belonging to Halauri tribesmen, on the In dian Afghan frontier, because the trloesmen. adhering tn Mohammedan traditions of hospitality, refused to hand over three agitators who took refuge with them.

The agitators, associates of the Man iumr," inciuoea an alleged Lydia E. Pinkhun't Tablet Relieve and Cootrol PiHabdwPaiiM CUatcal tern pron. k. Taka ihaai ioda for wiknm cut nd com ftm. Take than najatait fwna oat nut Previous ihe picture la 3iTo rsaiime.

VERTICIL 36 Grew, regard, I Covering ot a Neuter 2 Constellation. (Yellow Reddish Hawaiian bird. colored. 42 Oaaeer. 4 Foolish old 43 Killed, person.

i4 Game. Wraths. 6 Residue from Trump score pressing in pinochle. grapes. 7 To bellow 47 Boies.

STn inter 45 Flight lets polate. bird a To weep. ID Ireland. Id Palm leaf fill lilolnl. ivflrianil 52 Tree.

It Knlhlng. lHuriah. I feel closer to my cigarette each time I smoke I really Can't help it. After all, one dees develop a personal regard for thing that comes in such intimate connct with one's at sea. gnniea? The rlrl in 5r.

Japanese fish, i IS 13 I 5 Lr gfcF SI 3 SE saL jmile at my feminine reasoning. To thm the character of Luckies' fine tobaccos seems mow important. But my woman's intuition tells me that the purity of "Toasting" is never to be forgot ten. And so, the more I smoke, the closer I feel to my cigarette. And since I am i woman, rSBMkVJnVVV Hps I do appreciate the fact that my Lucky Strike never offends my rttddioui sense of daiaeioes.

Men LtfflT iV. EST WD HEAVIEST WB kWWH GASES Of WHAT WETAL FlJe LrfI He raaneaicfc No 4 itM tr ip I mi mm im settawfcwalM, if to. prate..

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