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The Philadelphia Times from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania • Page 7

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
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THE PHILADELPHIA TIMES. FRIDAY MORNING, AUGUST 23, 1895. AUTUMN COLORINGS CARE OF THE HAIR HINTS OF THE MODES FASHIONS FOR THE FAIR DOINGS OF fl DAUGHTER OF EVE A Trip to Town Gives Her Some New Fashion Ideas. autumn hat. Ignorance Brines About Unattractive Locks and calp Diseases.

According to a certain distinguished hairdresser, women do not know how to comb their balr. Their sins of ignorance are almost Innumerable, and the result la not only unattractive locks, but headaches and scalp diseases. A cheap comb and brush, according to this authority, belong In the same category with cheap soap. They should never be used. Cheap combs do not have smooth teeth, which will make their way nureslst-lugly through the hair, but are rough and tear and break long strands.

A comb with some of its teeth mining does effective work In ruining the hair. It can never be mn through the hair without breaking off some hairs and dragging others out by the roots. Ktili tier or shell is the proper material for a comb. The teeth should not I too sharp or they will lacerate the scalp. On tbe other hand they must not be very blunt or they will not be effective In smoothing out tangles.

Brushes should be chosen with equal care. They should not have metal backs, no matter how attractive silver may appear, for the metal makes them too heavy. The back should be of light wood and the bristles should tte long and thickly set. Moreover, they should be bristles, and not weak Imitations. After she has purchased her 'tonsorial supplies." the woman who aspires to have beautiful hair shuuld learn how to use them.

She should brush her hair for five minutes nt a time twice a day, using long, even strokes. At night she should part her hair and let it hang lu two loose braids. Once a day she should rub her scalp with her fingers to stimulate the circulation. The brushing is absolutely necessary, for the hair attracts dust and dirt with fatal facility, and this, combining with the oil of the balr, makes it malodorous and unpleasant in the extreme. A monthly washing with cast lie soap and the dully brushing will keep it clean and glossy.

Bifhta of Servants. Two recent decisional by English Justices will be of Interest to housekeepers this side of the sea. In the first place the servant sued her mistress for the sum of $1.25, which sum having been deducted from her wages for breakages. The Judge decided In the servant's favor, holding that she could not be made to pay, except under a special agreement. In summing up he said: "She Is not liable.

If she docs not suit you yon can get rid of her. Without a contract you cannot stop wages for breakages." In the second place the servant sued for wages, claiming she bad been wrongfully dismissed. The testimony of the defense was to the effect that the mistress was fl great invalid and a person to whom quiet was essential, and tne servant was a persistent and noisy singer, caroling the popular songs of the day all over the house. Hue would not stop when she was requested to, and the Judge very sensibly held that she made herself sufficiently a nuisance to deserve dismissal. Many American housekeepers have known what the nfflietUm of a singing servant is.

In the Lodging House. "Look here," said a lodger to his landlady, "your daughter has been using my brush and comb again." "I beg your pardon," Raid the landlady. Indignantly, MI never allow my children to meddle with my lodgers' belongings In any way." "But 1 am sure she has been using them," said tbe lodger, "for there arc long black hairs on thetn, and she Is the only person wllh black hair In the bouse." "Oh, now I rememlier; she did have them to comb and brush our dear old poodle," said the landlady, "but I am quite sure she did not nse them for herselfshe's too honest to be guilty of that sort of thing." To Soften the Skin. The cucumber Is supposed to have won derful softening and cooling properties. In stead of throwing away the peel, put it in a jug of water on your dressing table and wash with the Infns'on.

Slices of the pulp may be used instead of soap in very warm weather and will leave the skin doliolously fresh aud soft. DOES WOT WANT THE ROAD The Courts Asked to Keep a Trolley Lint 0B Old Second Street. Joseph Vf. Hunsiekcr, through his attorney George T. Hunslcker, has filed a bill In equity lu Common Picas Court, No.

4, agnlnst the Frankford and Southwark Philadelphia City Passenger Railroad Company, and tho Klectric Traction Company, in which the court Is asked to restrain the defendants from laying their tracks on old Second street, or the Kensington and Oxford turnpike, lu frout of the plaintiff's property. The bill relates the present condition of affaire In that section of the city, and then avers that the defendants have no authority under any private or general act of Assembly, or under nny law of this Commonwealth, to lay railroad tracks on or otherwise occupy old Second street or the Kensington and Oxford turnpiko, but by an ordinance of City Councils approved June 28, IKM, permission was granted to the defendant or Its lessees to occupy old Second street with double or single tracks, turnouts, etc. It Is complained thnt without any other authority than the said ordinance of Councils, the defendants are tearing up the said public rond. filling up the gutters, dumping or throwing ground, earth, rcftme and other materials upon the plaintiff's premises, widening the road, cutting Into the bank, and are about to raise the roadbed, to put down double tracks with trolley poles and wires, and generally to occupy the road In front of the plaintiff's premises, which will thereby render tho rood dangerous and less convenient to public travel, the use of the plaintiff's cnrrlage and driveway dangerous, Inconvenient and almost eut irely Impracticable, subjecting him and his mud to additional servitudes, taking away his property without compensation, uud otherwise doing him Irreparable injury. Mr.

Hunslcker snld he notified thp companies that they have no legal right to proceed with tile work, but they refused to desist, and he therefore asks 'the court to issue an injunction restraining the defendants from occupying the road, end lo order them to rcBtore the rond to the same condition It was lu before the Work wus uegun. A RuBh of Mandamuses. at the City Treasurer's oflico yesterday; $2,023.77 was paid out. The following persons received the appended amounts for ser- 42.75; Uobert B. Deady, fM.Tfl; Gilbert viinmuj, 510.

i rnilK Elliott, Zl.i.lii; t-iw'''m rtii'siiiiuer jriar vey, George It. I'eddlu, For widening Oatlmrlne street It. L. Austin ot Hie estate of Kamuel Sluts, for change of grade of Twenty-fourth street got of grade of Terrace street, got $481.37, To Make tbe Rcserroir Bold Water. Director of Public Works Thompson said yesterday that ho expected to have the plans and specifications for the strengthening of the Queen Lane reservoir rendv In about ten days.

As soon as this is done ho wm imvfniBc ior mus. no expressed himself us anxious to have the big basiu hold water at us early a date as possible. A Beatyite Elected in Cayan. v. auiu, avaiy Ite, was elected to the Parliamentary seat ior me Tfi umsiou 01 varan in place of Mr.

ItV V. KiKIT bntl.Pttftlnlllfa chosen in the recent election both for Londonderry and West Cavan. As Mr. Knox elected to sit for Londonderry, the West Cavau seat became vacant. Bow Nature Modifies the Gowns Wo Wear These Days.

If yon wish to get an Idea for the coloring of a new hat. nothing can give yon a better suggestion than nature, as seen from a hammock. Say you are twinging on a veranda. AH about you are the green lawn, the trees laden with apples, Just turning, and the waving corn, and in the dim horizon a thick wood of pine trees. In the foreground are a few beds of flowers, all of rich coloring, which suggest the riper season.

Now, let some friend with a white hat appear within your range of vis'on. and you Immediately decide that white Is not the color yon want. On the other hand, if she wears a butter-colored straw, a deep red hat, a golden brown or a green, there you find the coloring which pleases the eye. White seems appropriate for the early summer, when all vegetation has not grown to over ripeness. With the approach of the harvest moon, however, as the richer colors appear in nature to we prefer them in our gowning.

A very striking one Is of butter-colored straw, and is handsomely trimmed with blnck plumes and velvet. A buckle of brilliants under the brim gives a touch, a flash of sunlight. If you will. Plumes, by the way, will be much worn during the coming season. Bit of Fashion.

Black organdie Is distinctly-chic and appears with great heaps of multicolored Dowers scattered over Its surface. Made over a lining of thin black satin or a color to harmonize with the flower pattern, the effect Is smart and elegant. The whim of wearing skirts of white pique, with waists of color, is decidedly novel and Immensely fetching. At Newport they are quite the rage, no one being quite up to date without at least one of these combinations. Waists of delicately colored organdie, of Dresden silk, or any of tbe Infinite variety of suitable stuffs, are worn, and are pretty.

Gloves of soft-tinted dogskin, heavily stitched with black, and having large buttons of black, are the most truly swagger. Two pairs of gloves should be carried in the small tannd-bng, one for real service, the other to don when leaving the train. There should also be a goodly supply of handkerchiefs, all pure white, without even a suspicion of color In their border, which Is now considered bad form. Collars and cuffs are to be worn again, the newest ones resembling the linen sets prepared for widows' wear. They are brood and square and finished by a wide hem, headed by an Insertion, and sometimes finished with a lace frill.

Some of them are made of thin linen, tucked and hemstitched, or even embroidered, such us were worn fifteen to twenty year sago. Huckleberry Fritters. Mix a pint of prepared flour with a pint of milk and stir In two well-beaten eggs and half a pint of huckleberries, washed aud drained and dredged with flour. Bake on a griddle well greased with butter and serve) us soon as cooked. A Woman's Tongue.

"Tbe boneless tongue, so small and weak. Can crush and kill," declared the Greek. "The tongue destroys a greater horde," The Turk asserts, 'Tthan does the sword." The Persian proverb wisely salth: "A lengthy tongue, an early death." Or sometimes takes this form Instead: ''Don't let your tongue cut off your head." "The tongue can speak a word whose speed." Say the Chinese, "outstrips the steed." While the Arab sages this impart: "Tho tongue's great storehouse Is the heart." Prom Hebrew wit the maxim sprung: "Though feet should slip, ne'er let the tongue." Tho sacred writer crowns the whole: "Who keeps his toiiguedoth keep his soul." IRELAND'S NEW VICEROY Lord Cadogan Eaters Dablin in State and it Cordially Received. Dublin, August 22. The Earl of Cadogan, the new Viceroy of lrelond, made his formal urate entry Into this city this afternoon.

Upon hiri arrival at KlngHtown he was met by the CommlRslonera of that plaee, who presented him with an address of welcome an he landed. In reply to the add reus the new Lord Lieutenant said that he would spare no efforts to promote the material Interests of I re hind, and expresaed hope that the administration of his Vleeroyalty would conduce to the peace and happiness of the country. Upon hlfl arrival In Dublin he was presented with an address of welcome by the Dublin Chamber of Commerce, hue he was not similarly received by the corporation authorities. The streets were lined with military and crowded with sightseers. Taken altogether, his Lordship's reception was yery cordial.

Two Deaths iDTesti gated. A verdict of suicide while temporarily Insane was given by tho Coroner's Jury nt the inquest In the case of Jacob Kroft, aged years, who died at the Episcopal Hospital Tuesday from the effects of a pistol shot wound Inflicted by himself at his home, 1S7 West lauphln street. A brother of the dead man testified that Kroft hnd been ailing and Just after he had left the house to arrange for his brother's removal to hospital the latter fired the shot whieh caused death. The testimony lu the ease of Michael Fres-toru aged 45 years, of 4 IS South Fifth street, revealed the fnt tbnt his death was not due to a fall from a trolley ear, as was at first supposed, but to cauoer of the bowels. Oscar Wilde Insolvent.

London, August 22. A statement of the condition of Oscnr Wilde's 11 minced, which has just been issued, shows his liabilities to be with 110 available assets. Ills in solvency Is ascribed by him to the failure of his action for libel against the Marquis of Queeusbury, who Is uow a petitioning creditor seeking the payment of the costs of Ills defense, which tne Court ordered Wilde to pay. Wilde's Income has averaged 2.000 a vour fhfDttv doft veil frnm lil llFnrui-V 11 ml dramatic work. He has been Insolvent two years, his expenditures having greatly exceeded his Income.

Git Its Permit at Last. The Moyamcnslng Avenue and Penrose Ferry Passenger Uallway Company has nt last got its permit to lay Its road, and the work of construction will begin at once. Tho company has had an up-hill fight to get permission, but at yesterday's meeting of the Board of Highway Supervisors the committee which had been irp pointed to look into the protests mnde against the road's building reported that there were no grounds for the objections, and the permit was accordingly issued. Charged With Malicious Libel. Max Franckel, of 440 North Fourth street, was held in $1,000 ball for court yesterdny by Magistrate Carr on a charge of malicious libel preferred by Nathan Grieve, of Fifth, and Diamond streets.

Franckel, who is a correspondent for a number of Hebrew newspapers published outside of the city. Inspired and had printed in these papers, it is charged, articles which were defamatory aud libelous. Clobmen Ears a Narrow Escape. Indianapolis, August 22. The clubhouse at Kagl Lnke owned by Chicago residents, was burned last night, With all Its contents, the truests uarrowlv escaping.

The loss was (50,000, with Insurance of $12,500. Powdter LaU August Days Snow But Very Few Real Ifovelties. Duchesse satin continues to be a (treat favorite for evening toilettes and for dress accessories. It ia popular for three very good reasons. It la extremely pliable, yet Is very rich and heavy in effect, quite nnltke many of the soft satins now In use.

It has a lustrous surface, and, again, It wears better than most of the satins now manufactured. Judging by manufacturers samples, there will be great use made tills fall of pretty checked goods in two contrasting colors and two different weaves. The checks vary in pattern from the pin-head or shepherd's weaves to those from half an Inch to an inch and a half wide. These checks will appear In satins, all-wool stuffs, and sllk-and-wool mixtures, A novel touch In the finish of Jackets Is to continue the one or two darts up to the shoulder, these darts Are stitched slightly apart, sufficiently to show about a quarter of an inch of velvet or faille of a slightly darker shade between. The latest in sleeves Is a modernized bishop, which Is full from the shoulders to the wrist.

It has a lining, of fibre chamois to retain its graceful contour. White satin shoulder capes veiled with white or black aecordeon chiffon are much worn at the watering places. The much-admired box plait now forms part of the back of many of the fashionable skirts. Its graceful effect la due to an interlining of fibre chamois. Braided white mohair blouses are worn with black or dark skirts.

A Peculiar Industry. Every day In Londou there are hundreds of babies lout out by greedy mothers or care-takers to beggars, who find them worth their weight In gold In gulling the charitable passer-by. In the streets of Whltochapel babies may be hired by beggars at the rate of thirty cents a day, and a city missionary Informs me that several people make quite a decent living out of this disgraceful traffic. One woman lu particular, who keeps a day nursery, at which the children of factory hands and women working In warehouses itinr Im kept, charges five cents a day for taking care of each hnby, and then, probably, lets out the Infant to a street beggar for another. Should she keep dozen babies and let out half the number, she makes at least day, after deducting the cost of the children's food, an item which Is usually very scant Indeed.

As a matter of fact, many of these men and women who lend out babies make more in a day than the mothers of the children earn lu week. Very Inquisitive. A smart old lady being called into court as a witnesa grew impatient at the questions put to her, and told the Judge that she would stand down, for he was "really'one of the most Inquisitive old gentlemen she ever saw." The Royal Baking Powder was Introduced to the public over a quarter of a century ago, and from that time the era of good bread, biscuit, cake and pastry commenced. BREAKFAST FRIDAY Trait Oreal Ine with Sucar and Cream Pcramoied Krrs Potato Puffs Corn Fritters WaUlss Coffee LUNCHEON Neck Clams uilvea 60ft Shell Crabs Tartar fiance Potato Chips Grapes Tea PINNER Cream of Lettuce Sotip Baked Blue Fish New Potatoes succotash uttered Beets Cuciunber Salad Wafers Apple Float Cheese Coffee utes, with about three miles additional track to cover. Tho Empire State express, which Is the fastest regular long distance train In the world, has traveled once at the rate of 112 miles an hour for five miles, and several times at the rate of 100 miles an Iratir for the same dlstnnce.

The Empire State express reels off mile after mile in from 45 to 55 seconds. On the Jersey Central trains are run frequently at the rate of 87 and 'JO miles an hour. The long distance record of the world wns established ns long ago ns lSTfi, when a special Pennsylvania Rail mad train, carrying Jnrret Palmer's theatrical company, was run from New York to San Francisco, a distance of 3,313 miles, in 84 hours and 17 minutes, or a trifle over three days and a half. This was at an average rate of forty miles per hour, including seventy-two stops and seven changes of engine. The train was moved from New York to Pittsburg by the same engine without a single stop, covering four hundred and thirty-eight and a half miles in ten hours and five minutes, a rate of forty-three and a half miles an hour.

Thei maximum speed on this trip, strangely enough, was made on the Union Taciflc Rail road, where the train attained a velocity equal to seventy-two miles per hour. On August 27 last a special carrying1 members of the Knights of Pythlns, mnde tho run from Jacksonville to Washington, a distance of seven hundred and seventy-eight mites. In llfteen hours and forty-nine minutes, an average speed for the entire distance -of ilfty-flve and a half miles an hour. RAPID SHORT RUNS. The record of exceptional or test runs mnde by trains under extraordinary circumstances Is very Interesting.

The present World's record was established on August 27, lKSU, by a train on the Now York division of the Reading Railroad, which ran one miie between Neshamlny Falls and Laugh orne In 31) 4-5 seconds, or at the rate of 00 miles an hour. The 12 miles wore covered at an average speed per mile of 43 2-5 seconds. The train consisted of engine 200 and two ordinary conches and President McLeod'a private car "Reading," which Is equal to two coaches In weight. The run made to Atlantic City on April 21 last by The Times newspaper train -over the Camden and Atlantic Road Is regarded as a record-breaker. The average speed was 70 miles ppr hour for 5H.3 miles.

On tho Reading's Atlantic City line a speed of a mile a minute Is not deemed notably rapid, i and a mile in less than 50 seconds is no un-4 i common achievement. The trains run by the railroads of this country are Invariably heavier than those of the English roods. Some of the fastest trains are more than 200,000 oounds heav ier. A very small additional weight makes very inrgc uincrence in the average speed of a railroad train. BYZANTINE RUGS Our own manufacture and the most popular among medium-priced Rugs.

They look well and wear well. The stock of new colorings and designs for the Fall of 1-895 is now ready. SirA Prlc. Single Door. .75 "Buivau 1.25 2( inch 1.U0 80 inch 2.25 4-4 30 in.

1.25 4-4 1.70 3.0x 0.0 5.00 3.0x12.0 6.75 3.0x15.0 8.50 cox ao 7.rx n.o O.Ox 0.0 0.0x10.0 0.0x12.0 9.0xJ3.U 0.0x15.0 12.0x12.0 12.0x15.0 12.0x18.0 Price. 13.50 15.75 ..18.55 21.00 23.S0 20.25 30.00 37.00 50.00 cCALLUM McCALLUM 1012-1014 CHESTNUT ST. HAVING called the attention of mothers to the inhumanity and Ignorance of nurses into whose care they give their chlldrn, it Is now high time to say a few words to the parents themselves, which we hope will be taken In good part, for they are uttered In ail sincerity, trusting that some baby sufferer may have Its burden lightened if its mother will but heed these brief remarks of warning. How many mothers realise the injury they are doing their children by holdlnlg their hand as they walk. You see a little tot of 18 months or 2 years with Its little band and armf lifted high above Its head to hold the hand of some grown person, sometimes, one at either baud, and the poor little creature In this unnatural position with a strain on the heart muscles, to say nothing of the arms, is dragged along the street, and as If that were not cnouga the child Is obliged with Its tiny feet and legs, to keep up with the pace of the parent or nurse, who never realise how many steps the little feet have to take to their one.

Let any grown person see how long they could walk with their arms raised higher than their heads without flurrying, and thou let them try being dragged along at full speed by some giant, four times their own size. Few could endure the strain more than a few minutes. And yet we dally see mothers scolding their little children for crying at being dragged long distances In this barbarous manner. Children who can walk at all should be allowed to walk alone or holding the hand of some other child near their own slae. It Is better for them In every way, and will save many a crying fit caused by overstrain of the nerves and muscles.

Man's Gaudy Neckwear. Look where you will and windows are filled with neckties. It seems as though man, recognizing the fact in everything else be must be prosaic, has set his mind to work to devise ties of nil shades and de scriptions. He has succeeded in bringing out some startling effects, to say the least. And It seems, too, as though he hnd Written in fashion's book.

"Any color will do so that it is red." There was a time when a red necktie was held to Indicate insanity, or worse. Now the most soler paterfamilias contemplates Its adoption without a pang. This has been announced so often, however, that It must be becoming an old story. The truth Is that wo, meaning fashion and other oracles, will not be content until every one has some bright bit or color at tne hock. Then will come the revulsion, nlid the black stock will probably follow, but In the meantime nieu will have grown to look like something elso than professional mourners.

A Delicious Summer Drink. A very delicious hot weather drink may be made by boiling together for a few minutes three pints of water and two pounds of white sugar. Juice of two lemons and two ouuees of tartaric acid. Set it away to cool. Heat the whites of three eggs to a stiff froth, sift In 0 half cup of flour and stir until smooth.

Then flavor with half an ounce of wintergreen essence. When syrup Is nearly cool then stir In the eggs. When coot put In a stone Jug which lifts been scalded until perfectly sweet. Cork tightly; keep In a cool place. For a drink me two tahlcHnooiifuls of this ft run In one glows of water, and Just before drinking add a quarter teaspoon ful of soda and stir well, New Ice Cream Moulds.

New and popular Ice cream moulds pro duce Trilby, Napoleon Uncle Sam and the bicycle. For the cream used to fill these moulds each caterer has his particular flavor and name. Some new favors for children's parties shells, lishes, little dogs and lambs, stuffed with bonbons. Some of the favors are quite inexpensive, as they are only mnde of paper and colored. Pretty favors for a girl luncheon are little heart-shaped boxes of paper Imitating the china bonbon luxes that have the dainty miniature paintings of famous French women on the cover.

It WAS NOT MISS CLARK The Story That the Missing Teacher Was Seen In Rome, II. Proves Unfounded. Rome, N. August 22. The police of this city have discontinued their search for Miss Lucretla Clark, the missing Plnlnfleld school teacher.

They have ascertained that the story told by J. N. llnyward, to the effect that he was acquainted with the girl and saw her and a strange man alight from a train and go to Reilly's Hotel together on the night of August 0, Is unfounded. Hay ward and John Edson Sweet, of Syra cuse, a brother-in-law of the missing woman, came to tbls city yesterday. Hay ward had a long conference with Chief of Police I Insert y.

He claimed to be ft detect ive, hailing from Buffalo, ond sold he wns working on the cusp. Later, to Assistant Chief Smith, lie said he was a traveling agent for a Massachusetts woolen manufacturing company. He told his story to the police officials and Assistant Chief Smith went with him and Mr. Sweet to Reilly's Hotel. was found that no woman had been registered there between the 5th and 9th of August.

Mr. Keilly was positive that no woman answering to the description of Miss Clark had been in his house. Late last night Hayward admitted that ne wns never acquainted with Miss Clark. He nuld he had no good reason to believe that the girl hnd been In this city. When he rend the story of her dlsiumenranee he recti! led having seen a woman answering to tne description given or Miss dark aud a man leave a Central train and go to Reilly's, ho thought, on the night of the itth of August.

He spoke of tho occurrence to A friend and the friend cuinmuutcuted with Sir. Sweet. Hayward is about 50 years of age and does not appear to be extraordinarily bright. DISABLED AT SEA Tbe Holyrood Broke Eer Crank Shaft and la Being Towed In. Captain C.

Gavin, of the British steam ship Laurestlna, which arrived yesterday fiotn Matnnzns, reported that he had passed the steamship Holyrood, bound to Hamburg, with her shaft broken. Captain Gnvlu offered assistance, but It wns declined, as another ocean steamer was olrnady along' side. The haurestlna left Mntansas Au gust 17 last, and had fair weather for the nrnt two days, tm the It blew hard from the east, bringing up a heavy sou. jukc uircr ui uuurnt a nnrc in warn npn In the northeast. Cantaln Gavin i immedi ately headed the Laurestinn in the direction of theslenals of distress, nnrt Uv f) in ihv illuming targe Hicamer was Righted laying too, with another steamer a few miles distant.

The big vessel proved to oe me. sieamsnip jioiyroou, tiptatn Miner, wuini n-ii run 1 nmpa August 10, DOUml to Hamburg. When three days Out, in a heavy sea. she had broken her crank bnft and was lying helpless. Tho other steamer was me aiuiiinnco, uaputln Hutchinson, hound from ITogreso for Hon ton (Jap Hutchinson had alreudy arranged to tow tbe disabled Holyrood to Newport News.

She got a hawser on board, and when tbe Lnurcstlna parted company the Salamanca was towing the Holyrood about 4 knots an hour. The disabled vessel and her tender were then about lf0 miles S. E. of Tybee. All were well ou board.

THE TARSUS INCIDENT Mavroyeni Bey Says the American College Was Not Attacked. Washington, August 22. A statement received at the State Uepanment from Mav royenl Jtey, the Turkish Minister to this country, indicates that the reported attack on St. Paul's College, au American institution at Tarsus, Armenia, was erroneous, and was baaed ou nothing more than a trivial incident. According to the Minister's account, which was furulnhed him by his government, some Turks ouarreled with a servant employed by Professor Christie, formerly of Ualll-more, who Is connected with the school, and the servant was attacked and beaten by the natives.

Mnvrovcnl Hey savs In his statement that the offenders have been arrested and will be promptly punished. A British Warship Launched. Portsmouth, August 22. The new British battleship Prince George was sno launched here this afternoon In the presence or tne inike aud iMtcbess or York, Sir. George J.

Goscheu, First lrd of the Admiralty, and a large number of other dia tinguisbed persons. ALLEO away for the day from this charming resort I found some compensation oven in six hours In town, for the went was pleasant mid added to this agreeable fact waB another, that of news gleau- ir sas lug from a fttreign ad buyer who very m- lnbly prave up con siderable of bis valuable time In order to toil me nil the latest fashion kinks in Paris and London. To bORiu with he paid that Paris has none bicycle mad. The Chalet de Cycle, situated opposite Longchanips, is the morning resort for gay partU of the smart set who come out Utr tlw-ir dejeuner and who dress quite in accord with the picturesque surrounuings. No dowdy serge or cloth suits for la belle l'arisfenne.

but instead dainty bloomers in paletak. blue or while pique with leggings ami i.j'st correct shoes. A jaunty little Jacket of pique opens over a soft muslin or lace frout and sometimes a conar ana neck tie are added, though the stock is more fre quently soon. As fr head wear the Ameri can wheel woman would open her eyes In as tonishment at the choice. Great big affairs are de rigneur.

They are turned up at the back, whore masses of flowers nestle against the hair, while in front plumes wave saucily. French women are bound to be chic 110 matter what pnwtime they take up and according to the description- of my gltde trotting in formant they must look absolutely ravishing on tne wneel. Touching upon other topics bearing on woman's attire I learned that the godet skirt In Tans is no more. Instcnd the fullness fails at front, back and sides in even proportion, It being no unusual thing for a skirt to be eleven yurds in width. "How about sleeves?" we queried, hoping to obtain some startling: information regardiug their diminution.

"Big as ever" wns the laconic response, "don't you believe one word about coat sleeves returning to favor. The voluminous model is still in vogue and ns a natural consequence capes will be the tiling the coming winter despite the hue and cry that jackets will be the season's favorite. "Persian effects will be seen In ribbons, silks and wrap materials. Not to own Persian 'bodice will be to argue yourself quite out of date." Acting on this suggestion I at once secured a remnaut on this order, which by good fortune bad found its May among tile marked downs. Hlaeks, browns and blues will be the leading colorings and crepon In black the favorite material "Von do not know how difficult I found it to got away from crepons," said this buyer, "It being the only new material woven In years.

The markets over there are crowded wllh It. Lots of bnyers came home with the colored variety, hut I believe that black will be the only sort to outlive a second season." When I once more turned my face mottn-talnward I was charmed with the thought that there is a certain black crepon still uncut at the dressmaker's, for this is the only Instance that I can discover connected with my illness that has the least shadow of economy about it A Pretty Flower Holder. A novel dinner table arrangement Is shown, having a slender gold frame with glass flower holders, ill smoked chrysoprase, recalling its softness and lucidity the jewel of that name, In the shape of letters, with which the word "Salve," "Mispah" or any appropriate motto can be formed, or the Initials of the guest of honor may be spelled out In flowers. The most graceful sort of compliment or pretty sentiment may be conveyed by a hostess in this way. FASTEST LOSG Ofi HECOflD AN ENGLISH TRAIN'S GREAT SPEED ON A FIVE HUNDRED MILE TRIP.

BETTER TIME ON SHORT RUNS Tbe Trains in Tbls Country Have Far Outdistanced English Flyers for Short Distances, But Such a Race Has Never Been Attempted Conditions Different In Many ItespecU, Beginning With Greater Weight on This Side Some Doubt About the Figures. The cablegram announcing that a train on the London and Northwestern Hallway had made a run of 540 miles in 538 minutes. aroused considerable interest among railroad men in this city yesterday. It was conceded that, if these figures are correct, the trip of the new train 1b the fastest for that distance not only In England but In America, though It doesn't come anywhere near equaling the American record for shorter runs. For a month or more there has been a great railroad speed contest between the roads that run from London to Aberdeen, Scotland.

The east route is eight miles shorter than the west route, and tho west route, to get the travel, 1ms been compelled to make up the difference In length by extra speed. Every time it did that the east route has clipped off another fifteen minutes, until the average speed gut to be about fifty-two miles au hour. Then it was thought) the limit wns reached. Wednesday the western system, according to the cable dispatch, succeeded In lowering the record for the G40-mile run more than an hour. THK AMERICAN RECORD.

The beat long-distance run in this coun-try wns, it Is claimed, made In 1891, over the New York Central. The train consisted of engine No. 870, New York Central private car No. 247, Wagner Palace Car Company's private cars Traveller and Mariqulta, fl total weight of train 10 tons, or 400,000 pounds, about equal In weight to an ordinary passenger train of five cars. The run from New York to Albany, 43 miles, which was made without a stop, occupied 140 minutes; the distance from Albany to Syracuse, 14M miles, was covered in 14i minutes, aud that from Syracuse to Kant Buffalo, 140 miles, iu 147 minutes and 84 seconds.

The change of engines nt Albany required 3 minutes and 28 seconds, the change at Syracuse 2 minutes and 58 seconds, and a hot journal nt Falrport occasioned a delay of 7 minutes and 50 seconds. The gross time of the trip from New Yoifc to Kast jsunaio miles was 431) minutes. in eluding all stops, while the actual running time, exclusive of stops, was 425 minutes aim 44 seconds for the 430 miles. Between Yonkers and Oscawann the speed of tbe train varied from 05.77 to 08.24 miles an hour. Between Garrisons and PoiiErhkeensIe the slowest mile was made at the rate of 5.4.40 miles an hour, and tho fastest at the rate of 72 miles an hour.

Between Hhlne-cliff and Hudson the rate varied from 02.32 to 71 miles an hour. The run of 143 miles between Albany and New York was made at tbe average rate of 02.11 miles on hour. Between Albany and Syracuse the train ran a Dart of the way at the rate of 60.72 miles an hour, and between Syracuse and Buffalo 75 miles an hour wob the average for several miles. BOMB VERY FAST TRAINS. The fastest regular train In the world for a like distance Ik claimed by the New Yorg Central and Hudson River Railroad, whose Empire State Express, makes the trip from New York to Buffalo, a distance of 440 miles at an average running speed of 52.12 miles per hour, the highest rate scheduled being 50 miles an -hour over a stretch, of 80 miles.

The Royal Blue Lino train between New York and Washington covers the distance of 226 miles in five hours, including stops. The Congressional Limited Express of tbe Pennsylvania, Is scheduled to run between the same points in 5 hours and 5 mln-j The early THAT DISTINGUE AIR It la Possessed by tbo Woman Who Wears Her Clothes Unconsciously. The fashionable woman of the present day wears her clothes with an Indescribable air which makes her a decided point of attraction among so many of even well dressed women who shamble along somehow, with an air as If life was one long enduring bore and even to promenade In one's prettiest and most fetching finery was a misery Imposed upon them. It's a great pity such women should have pretty clothes, for they only look the more pitiable in their toggery, not knowing how to sot them off. There are hundreds of wealthy women today who make a really poorer appearance than their own servants, provided these tatter be of the semi-renncd class, who, having kept their eyes open during their years of service, havo acquired an air of high breeding.

something many of their mistresses cer tainty lack. A woman need not be dressed In silks or satins to be stamped a lady; Indeed, she will look exceedingly vulgar In Bush richness If she lacks the possession, so neces sary, of graceful bearing ami good breeding. Moreover, a woman may te as plain ns possible, but let her gown herself modishly, not expensively, assert her good taste In her ctotblng, and then carry herself with an air which bespeaks her own perfect self-respect and her perfect consciousness that she is a lady; let her step out in the gracefully athletic way of the fashionable woman of the day, and hold her head proudly, and ten to one the result will be she will be called "a deuced flaedoeklng woman." Plenty of Evidence She (pretending huff) "Are yon sorry you kissed me?" He (making sudden In asmueh as your little brother Is under the sofa and your father standing on the stairs." SOUND MONEY An AotlwntatiTt Definition of the Term by C. Stuart Patterson. Charles Heber Clark, editor of the Manufacturer, on Wednesday sent tbe following letter to O.

Stuart Pattersoti, chairman of the executive committee of the Sound Money League of Pennsylvania: "On the 22d of July last the secretory of the Hound Money League of Pennsylvania wrote to me to inquire respecting a passage In the speech made by me In the Capitol at Harrlsburg tipon tbe money question, I responded promptly and In a fuunner which appeared to give satisfaction. In my letter of response I anked the secretary to tell me what definition of the phrase, "sound money," la approved by the Sound Money League of Pennsylvania. Up to this time I have received no answer to that question. Being Informed that the matter has been referred to yon, I now respectfully ask you to respond to an inquiry which seems to me to be not only proper and reasonable but of such a nature that the Sound Money League or i'nnsyivajiia might be expected to re Jo lee at it as affording an opportunity to ex plain its theories of the constitution of sound money. In advocacy and defense of "una mo ifuguu wM urKiiiiiMcu.

Xt uailllOt for a moment he doubted that you will be glad to enlighten any Inquirer respecting the precise meaning of a wliieh is emoouicu in me very name or. tne organization. My wish Is to make public use of any response I may receive." To the Inquiry, Mr. Patterson yesterday sent the following reply: "I have received your letter of the 21st instant. It gives me great pleasure to re ply 10 your 'Sound money is of only two possible kinds.

First, that whose market vnlu a commodity Is equivalent to its face vaine na money; or, second, that which Is representative in Its character, uud, having little or no marsec vaiue as a commomty, is convertible at par into money of the first kind. It Is obvious that within the terms of this definition, gold alone Is sound money of the first kind, and legal tender notes, national bank notes and the money of small change, HUbstdlarv silver, nickel and copper coins are sound money of the second kind. It Is also obvious that so long ns the Government of the United States let able to redeem Its silver dollars In gold at par those silver dollars are sound money of the second kind, for their monetary value 1h dependent, not upon their market value as bullion, but exclusively upon their convertibility at par Into gold. It Is also obvious that its money of the second kind, representative money, sliver dollars are more bulky, more inconvenient to handle, more costly to produce, and no more effective than notes. It is also and equally obvious that if silver were to be admitted to free coinage at the legal ratio of 1(J to 1, under tho independent action of this government, it would not be possible for this government to continue to redeem Its silver dollars at par in gold, and such silver dollura would, therefore, not be sound money." Reduced Rates to Boston, Mass.

One Pare for tbe Round Trip tta Pennsylvania Railroad. From August 23 to 2ft Inclusive, the Pennsylvania Kallroad Company will sell excursion tickets to Boston, going and returning by tbe same route, at a sin gle fare for the round trip, account the twenty-sixth trlennlnl conclave of Knights Templar, to be held In Boston AlitriiMt 'M tn 30. The tickets will be good to return leaving Boston not later than September lo, and must be used to destination on Pennsylvania Kallroad not inter than midnight of (September 11. Excursion tickets good going via one route- and returning via another will be sold on same dates at a slight advance over one faro for the round trip. CONDENSED CABLEGRAMS Viscount Mlura has been gazetted Japa nese Minister to Corea.

Since the outbreak of cholera In Jonan there have been 25.0U0 cases of that disease and 16,000 deaths. General Takasslma hos been caxetted Vieo Governor of tbe Island of Formosa and com mander of the Japanese army there. The boiler of the steamer Tannn cxnloded While that vessel wns nt Kancff, Kunsia. Several persons were drowned ond fortv people were Injured. One of tho latter wiii die from the injuries sustained.

CUIUDnnillft LADIES, HAVE TOUR dnAKlrUUinU Hair Sh.mnooed. SOcMrs. 8, KA1N. 8. ELKVS.NTU near WALNUT.

PRESERVES FOR CHARITY How Housekeepers Can Easily Help Aloof a Good Work. The desire to be charitable Is born In women, though limit I'd purses may very frequently restrict the scope of their good work, therefore when a chance comes along for them to do something that la thoroughly within their rench and la genuinely produo tlve of that sense of worthy action well done, the opportunity should be grasped at once, At this sou sou housewives are busy with preserve kettles and canneries and It would not mnke the tank a bit harder If out of each lot they were to set aside one Jar to be sent to the Samaritan Hospital Fair, which Is to take place In the Academy of Music next November. There will Ih a table devoted to the sale of Jellies and preserves and all that are not disposed of at that time will be sent to the sufferers at the hospital. It is a simple and easy way to help along a good cause and we feel that the readers of the woman's page will need only this hint to set them actively on the road to coMpera tloh lu a real charity. The Girl in Tellow.

An American girl who Is passing the sen-son In London Is called "the girl In yellow," because she wears nothing but gold color In the evening. A gown recently worn by her Is thus described: It bad a very full plain skirt of yellow corded silk, while the bodice was fashioned of arcordlon-plaltcd chiffon, with a slight fullness to the front. It was trimmcdwith bands of gold galloon, three of them being drawn down over the front of the corsage, while one band wns placed down the sleeve, reaching to the elbow. Two rows of this same adornment were used in the back, and the entire effect of the glistening gold against the soft yellow chiffon wns charming. It was finished around the shoulders with a narrow band of marabout, and this wus also used around the sleeves, nt thd elbow.

Yellow satin stockings and slippers, with a tiny gold buckle and a great fun of yellow cause, completed the toilet. MONEY FOR BONDHOLDERS Lombard Investment Company Affairs in Bhape for a Dividend. Hampton L. Carson, referee and master In the statement of account in the equity proceeding of the Union Trust Company ngoiiust the Ijombanl Investment Company, Milton H. Whitney, 8.

Folrchild, Ilnrry K. Mooney, Sanford B. Lftdd and Frank Hagcrmnn. tho receivers or the com pany, and the Fidelity Mutual Life Associa tion, baa tiled his report In Comon Plena Court No, 4. Tbo case Is a complicated one and relates to certain contracts between the three companies by which a system of "cumulative bonds was operated.

Mr. Carson finds the balance on hand, ac cording to the account rendered, to be from which $2,301.8:1 expenses are deducted, leaving a net balance for distribution of Clnlms aggregating f.H,. 114.00 were presented, .43 of this be ing the claim of the Fidelity Association. Mr, Carson awards a dividend of eighty-one per cent. EMPLOYMENT AGENCY FEES An Association of Colored Men Which Claim, That It Doei Rot Cons Under the Law.

City lYpnsuror Oellem la detormlnpd thnt pvory one couriuctltig an employment njft'ncy must nay Neons' foe. Yestenlny ho niul reported to Mm an nrpihtzntlon of colorwl men Known ns the Alpha ABaorlatlon. with headquarters at 40U South Twelfth dtreot. Its features Include a beneficial department. an employment department and a building and loan department.

It wns reported uniter the previous ndmlnlstrKtlon, but the question of Its HnMllty was not settled. When the odleers were sent for they set np'the claim that they were not liable, as they did not receive any payment for securing employment for members. They admitted, however, that they collected dues, and were the menus of (fettliift work for worthy colored men. The Treasurer has referred the case to the Uity Solicitor for his opinion. AID FOR ARMENIANS Mlssionarlet Asked to Co-opuate With the British Government.

London, August 22. Oeorge M. Curaon, Under Secretary for Foreign Affairs, stated In the House of Commons to-day that under instructions Vice Consul Hainpaon had visited tho district of Hassoun, in Armenia, with tho object of havlin; the foreign missionaries act In concert with the dlxtrlbu-tlon of food and other supplies for the support of the Inhabitants of the villages In their vicinity during the coming Winter. In regard to the Christ 1ml prisoners arrested by the Turkish authorities, he said. since the decree of amnesty Issued on Julv 23, the prisoners conllned In Constantinople naa oeen released, Dut tuere was reason to suppose that number of prisoners were still detained In Angora, Bltlis, lilarbeklr and elsewhere, and the attention of the I'orte had been called to this action of the l'rovlnclal Governors.

Cape May and Sea Isle City-" ThioeS Art Different Bow. One hundred and Are minutes to Cane Slav. 07 minutes to Sea Isle Oily; smokeless locomotives, new and elegant conches, Pullman purlor enrs and club smokers; a refreshing up-to-dateness all around. These are some of the changes resultant upon the establish ment or the new Royal Keadlng-South Jersey route. The ouiekest and most comfort able trains for Sea Isle and Cape May go from Chestnut street and South street fcr rles.

The French Railway Scandal. Paris, August 22. The Figaro says that the report made by M. Flory. the official accountant In the Southern Railway Inquiry, supplies overwhelming evidence against the members of the syndicate, most of whom ore and Deputies who were known in connection witn tue ueiuacn ranama Canal syndicate.

Everybody is Going to Tolcboptor on Sunday. Give your family fl trent by taking them to Tolehester on Sunday. Leave Broad Street Station R.OO $1,90 will take 70a there and bring you back. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U.

S. Gov't Report Li Ca asfgssa Adsolutely jpuise I r-. ifr-Jjj.

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