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The Liberty Vindicator from Liberty, Texas • Page 3

Liberty, Texas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR) PURL EV ERYFB1DA Y. On i A. li i hi Enteret! at the Postofficc at libetlv. Texas, as Second Class Malter. Heath of MH'AI, vs I 0 Miss Nonie l'min is here on a to the DeRlanc.

Showor at visit aleh a received from aont last 1 ridav afternoon, annoum ing death at that place. Ilithe San- A. Hardin, at the residence of his Mr. W. li Nolan.

Judge Hardin left here about a month ago, ind while in feeble health his death Mr. and Mrs. A. Ciopton oi ion spent several days with relatives here this week. Mr.

las. Perryman over from Houston Sunday. Miss Cora Crain of Humble in the ity. the guest of Miss Pearlie 'hambers. Editor lNoic rou Last week vs ill be long remembered by the people of the Inside Prairie, as a season of spiritual enjoyment.

revival of religion was a blessing which had been prayed for, but which had been withheld so long our faith had grown weak, when all at once, it came on in a Pentecostal shower, reviving our drooping hearts, and strengthening our faith in Him who hears and answers prayers. There were davs and nights when His holy Don't rriile The time to cure them is the minute they start. I he remedy needed is the best one made. Mallard's Horehotand Syrup is the prompt certain and harmiess remedy for all throat, lung or chest trouble Mr. I strong, i linton.

a prominent tlriig- gisti says: 1 sell forty different coligli remedies, but never in my experience have sold so much of any one, as of Horehound Syrup. 1 say 1 it is the most perfect remedy for coughs cold, consumption, etc." Price For the I.arirost Watermelon. presence tilled the house, and was rcnts. SoUl bv H. O.

Ager. fleeted on the countenances of those! who shouted and praised His holy 1 he manliest thing in this world is name. Strong men sobbed and wept, to do your duty in that state of lift in Mr. and Mr- 1). M.

who as they confessed their back-slidden which it shall please Cod to call you. were racenUy married in San Antonio. state- and promised 1 to do better the )(y in.ulu.ns II having completed their bridal tour, ar- future. Christams strengthened the iiic, Hunt's l.ii'htning Oil. Hunt's Cure for I here are many growers of watermelons in I county this year, and in to know who the party is that will raise the largest one.

we will give the ViNmc.vnm one year free to the person bringing to this office the largest watermelon, this season, and six month's to the party who brings the next largest. Each melon will be weighed and at the end of the season, the name of each party and the weight of his melon will be pub- 1 i. Cot Professional Cards of W. I nOUi.I.A HUGH i P. Chambers and two little returned to their home in tnon Wednesday night lished stingy Rev.

O. A. Shook and wav He was (ifi years Chambers yyiil attencj as delegates the and if not native county. Methodist district conference to com- jiad lived here since his early aood. He was at one time sheriff of vas not so soon expected by his friends, 'intiI a week before he when he having completed their bridal toiir, ar-! tuture.

v.nristains strengincnetr me Tonic. l.ightning Oil. Hunt' unc seri slv ill, and grew weaker rived here' Wednesday night, and are taith of by telling yvhat the I ord u-tu ia sin lav after 'until the 2oth, when he -at home" to their friends. had done for them. Prayers for mercy, 1 fin from K.

k. 'lied In the de.vh of tudee Hardin shouts scngs of gladness 1.1*! ucu. Ill tSIC uc.t.u in i i.uum I I I pUon to your lioic. of hr t.u mother of tic -old land of Snook ami the you not hear the iberty passes He was years hambt rs yyid attend as de lcgav- tIn. Heavenly' stra ns even in old iberty, 11 (iM, i '1 ui II xl Mr.

i Hrc. (ilaptist )1 per. Re and our local Hro Chisttan (Melodist )1 worked together for the good of all (as all good shpuld) all church lines and differences were laid aside, i ofRie had hetd for n. 1...1 I he result of the meetinti was four 1 Attorneys at Law AND I.ANI) AtJKNTS. BEAUMONT, (Jedetson Co.

)TEXAr. Federal Now. don't be bashful, nor 1 ourts 01 brin you: big fruit Spccial Attention Given to Bnyinf and Selling Lands and Pcrfect- mg Have Complete Abstracts ct Land Ttt'oi LIBERTY and CHAMBERS counties. in the State and ourts of Texas. Subscribe to-dav for the ini ion l'o advertise our work, twelve pastel portraits, life wanted.

Send photo with sam- pie hair, (ell color eves and clothes. Stamped envelope. 1 essons in landscape and maHne painting 1 ptar Artist. I O. tialveston mence at today.

thin your blood with sassafras his countv. and time of ins death or poison but aid ot the peace oi 'sjature using Iattle Early the famous little pills for 1 he was a mem- patios and stomach and I Eodge, 0 48 A. V. iV er troubles. I'heV are purely vegetable.

Yy, was the fatfuful. ealotis 1 'der said lodge at the time of his death. three children. Mrs. Madam C.

J. Huncan came in from volan. and Eillie Hardin, to wliam countiy home war, and had ever been a devotyd day and the day in town. ind indulgent father. Resides a large amily connection, he a brother, Mr.

Hardin, who was with him h.e died. 1 'he remains were ompamed her by Mi. W. Nolan his entire family, Swan Hardin, ind also by Hon. W.

E. D.ouglass, who is appp.inted by the Beaumont lodge a guard of honor. Saturday afternoon he w-s buried at he Protestant cemetery, the funeral ervices being conducted by Eiberty odge of free and Accepted Masons, otned bv a large concourse of ng friends and neighbors. Peace to ashes. Cohl Storuure.

Several telegrams were tec civcd here for car loads of melons this week. One boni Memphis, Tenn A very neat and convenient new market house has just been erected, and in a few days more, Mr. W. B. the entetprising proprietor, will serve his customers with ice cold steaks from his new market.

yome interesting items on opposite I an page. Read them. ev See ad." on opposite page to Bids will be opened Saturday. Mr. W.

B. Creen Judge Swilley returned last Friday night from his trip to Nashville, Tenn who conducts the lhe rtunion W4, a thi market. an enterprismg alld rauch enjoyed the old Jile is building a cold storage annex to market, which have a capacity 3 pounds of ice. The carcases Mrs. McDoqgall, of Harris county, is several animals can be stored i here on a to her si ter.

Mrs. Kate and the meat kept perfectly fresh Abshier. ind sweet for weeks at a time. and was much enjoyed by the old soldiers. cc-sions to the Baptist church, who took the vows and were morning.

I'he meeting closed Saturday night with deep interest. The are now revived and in line working order, ready for Bro. meeting which will come off in Some of our triends said did you 1 not send us word, so that we, too, could have come and claimed a blessing." It all so unexpected we did not have lime to publish it. We have a good Sunday school numbering ini hiding officers and teachers, and preai lung every Sunday. think we have tin: Banner borhood in Eiberty county, kind and (social, enlivened by picnics, socials, md ice cream festivals, our dreams are ven now and then disturbed by a serenade So you see Mr.

h'ditor, we do not live entirely out of the the world. Our beautiful crops are parched and burning up for the want of ram and now since Cod has poured His spiritual blessings on us so abundantly, may He send abundant showers of rain to bless the farmers before it is tou late. The rain omes sight nearly every day but passes us by. A Thlni, fur Von. A -nsu'tiuii in wtitffcl, yotu nuot iUiratUltiR.

slek tur- teil tuiigue, im er, a tlit isauU Ukt arc caused cuimtiuatiun aitd livor. Cascurets Catidy Clmhartie, ttic tU-rlul liver ntniiulant und inUsueu' touic arc bj Ito cui' or money ref und I a 'l'ry a box to-day; We, bauipleand booklet froe. Bee our bit ait C. F. STEVENS.

Attorney at Law, Oftice adjoining jnimc vi ottice. Mltl'JM' V. Strayed, from the ntuh isignes, one iiiown and while spotted goe size, branded or 71 connected, belonging to me. Will pay for information. Winliehl Shelton, Iroi.wood, iberty county, ex.

Dangers of Piano and Organ Notes, I mm dh jndicatok wishes friend Creen the he deserves in this enterprise, vhic is calculated to be of so much and convenience to the community. Melons for Sew Orleans. I ast Monday evening, Mr. ho has his place about a mile from depot, shipped a car load of wa- melons to New Orleans, he car ontained about 1 h) melops ng from iK) tu pounds each. The inDit rok delights to chronicle such as this, which shows pluck and aterpnse in Mr.

Shirer, and we hope i shipment will prove remunerative to him. Wednesday evening he shipped anther tar load of 2 (M)to Minneapolis, dinu The general average of this ot was 31 pounds, which, Mr. Shirer ivs, is the largest average on a car ad he ever knew. Hurrah for Eiber, county, and Shirer, the Californian. Peters Mr.

O. Middlebrook is moving etc this week from Houston. He to make this headquarters for a lille. Eugene 1 levore came in a few days from Polk county, where he had en buying cattle. Frank Abshier has been shipping attle from here this week.

IE B. Tinker spent a day in this week. Middlebrook will have some tore horses here this week, and every oily that wants a hoVse can get one. Rev. A.

Shook commence a ted meeting here tonight. Rain is needed very badly in this tion ot country. ITkrihu A' iihi si. It is a accident to be burned or s( aided; the pain and agony and the disfigurements a i be quickly mie without leaving a st ar by using Hazel Salve. IE O.

A Awarded F-alr, i Midwinter Fair. DU lie shook and shook, til! shaking wns butt If of Cheatham's hill chronic, He then bought 'Ionic. He said to hts friends, though a sl.akei of yore, to the I am a shakei no more. Soitl by R. K.

Itonner. Messrs. E. C. Steusoff and E.

B. Pickett ir. were in Houston last Friday. Keturii With IIiurli Honors. he iftieth annual commencement exercises of the Ursuline Academy, Calveston.came off last Thursday night, and the next day.

the pupils began to disperse to their homes all over Texas, the Eiberty girls Misses Marie vat, Kate and pearlie Chambers and Lottie Pickett returning Friday night, and Orra Kelley a few days afterward. The exercises of this renowned non of learning were, as usual, highly interesting, and according to the veston News, relict ted great credit on i all concerned. Of course the parents and guardians are naturally much gratified, indeed proud, at the success of their ihildren (for they all bore off honors) each of the Eiberty girls having received a gold medal. But when we state the fact that there were about 1 10 pupils, among whom gold medals were awarded, and that five (one to each) were awarded the erty young ladies, we think all the good people here should entertain a lively feeling of pride at the re sult. Mr.

Wm. U. Eandwehr and Miss Ceorgia E. were married at Christ's Houston Wednesday evening. The bride has many friends here who, we are sure, will the indicator in wishing her much happiness.

A 50 cents Iron 'Tonic, Milua concentrated, and puie Amorphous is contained in Tattclc 'Tonic, making uilie Ii on the market. It is a true tonic, strengthener, appetizer, toner up of the system, and blood jntiihci. 'suit! It, K. Ij i. r.

the ispiCA tor success and it old Editor every got)d blessing dose. M. Eien Notes for payments on and Organs sold on installments are generally sold or transferred toothers, hypothecated with banks or factories, or traded for other goods. Eien notes generally carry an additional to per cent fees for collection. Elen notes, when plat ed in banks for collection, may injure (hand's for loans when needed, hem 110 bu ne man should Pw lu 11 in-M amcrt ai nl Manufacturers who consign Pianos and Organs demand lien notes when instruments arc old; these people must have their money when notes are due, regardless of consequences.

Eien notes liable be held anywhere between lexas anti New consequently those who sign them have no opportunity to plead for extension until too late. Responsible houses who buy for cash do not demand notes they are useless to them. Agents and dealers who de-man i notes on installment sales generally state that notes do not pas, from their possession lb TtitS II PO THEY KE THEMi The usual contract is ample security in itself. Agents ami dealers who say lien notes will be protected it not promptly paid, neglect to state that the notes are liable be in the hands of parties unknown to them to whom manufacturers or others may sell them. Some agents Wishing demand deeds of trust in addition to notes.

This system takes away every Will practice in Court of Eibt ami Chambers coam Loans Negotiated, Bought and Soln W. K. (Ml AM HKKS. Attorney Xiaw. (t Miice in ourt I lou t.rur.RTY* them kind vestige of protection from customers.

1 will' We do not demand notes on installment sales, we simply take a lien C. curity, hence our patrons know where to apply when misfortune prevent from making payments hen due. Valuable Pit scription. We can how over live 'Thousand case where we trended payments trom Editor Morrison of Worthington, three to twelve months to deserving parties after being due, even one of these writes: "You have a would likely have lost not only all the paid, but instruments also, had valuable prescription in Electric Hitters, they bought from dealers and agents who demand notes, and I can cheerfully recommend it for mm WOltll ON CONSK.MOn IMANOS IMMMtUANS. constipation and sick headache, and as a general system tonic it has no Mrs.

Annie Stehle, 2H21) Cottage Chicago was all run down, could not eat nor digest food, had a backache which never left her and felt and weary, but six bottles restored her health and renewed her strength. Prices 50 cents and 100 Get a bottle at 11.0. drugstore. One of tllit Scruteli Hltitl, The last legislature of Texas passed! a law the effect of which will put a stop to sharpers and shrewd who travel over the state from one I school district another, and sell all kinds of furniture and supplies to trustees of schools taught in four-by-six houses, which practice (heretofore too frequent) has robbed the children of a large per cent, of their school fund, Hut, now. the law as construed by state superintendent ar lisle, prohibits the expenditure of such money by trustees for any purpose whatever, except tor salary, building or rent of house in which to h.

Since the a tment of this law, some of the i ties who hold such claims against certain st hool districts are trying all kinds I of schemes to collect their accounts, One of the parties sent a claim ty treasurer Chambers, who, we learn. I informed the party that he could not pay it, and at the time called his attention to the law. The laim was instruments are what cannot Ik old to dealers who buy lor cash. Should they be from fa' lories in good standing, they are liable to be what may be left after selections are made tor ash buyeis. Consigned instruments are shipped and reshipped to agents from town to town, and may have been in the houses of several families and back to for polishing, before hnallly sold.

IRE onsignment agents almost invariably demand not- on installment ales. Don't buy consigned instruments ii you want a reliable article, and do not give notes nor deeds of trust when you buy on installments. We have beci) established in CATV MS'TON sintv iK 6 and have houses also in Dallas. San Antonio, Houston, Austin and Waco. We am everything in the musij line.

TIXOS. a-OGrOAN BHO. imi i I .) 1 melons were shipped by schooner on the 23d from Smith's Point to Houston, says the Age. Me Iron made out for apparatus" and Quinine upon being informed by the aforesaid treasurer that the law would not 1 thorize him to pay it, the aforesaid claim holder wrote back and suggested that the treasurer scratch tus" and insert furniture, but the c. t.

answered by saying he was not one SOrm -liM (FiCG, 'J ICTT 3- fi I il Double Daily Train Service Butfot SloopoJVi NEW OKLEANS AND GALVESTON. SAN ANTONIO ANIJ GALVESTON. 1 TA DA (tit El v.v/vt; thkoi SLEJ.EEES TO in MJ XH'O Might and Morning Connections at New Orleans with Eines to York, Philadelphia. Washington, Atlanta. Cincinnati St.

Louis. Memphis and Chicago. N. HEIN, I I. J.

A 1 Practices in all courts of the Nint ludicial District. Buys and sells lam and negotiates loans. HENRY 0 ACER, DEVI ER IN DRUGS. MEDICINES, PERFUMERY Vork. Toilpf ArtiHps, Sta! ioiirr.y, I CARS ANO TOISACCO.

Prescriptions Carefully Prepared All Hours, LlhKirrV, TKX AS Bro Dealers in appreciating the necessity anti conve. nience of the people, have just ived and yvill keep on hantl at all times, a full line of BUHIAt CASKETS, COFFINS, ETC. all which they to be soltl below Era. tie lay and extra expense herealtei when you are compelled 011 Have rec ently openetl in onm lion with then business, an 1j umY IT ft rcX, and will keep (instantly unhand .0 assortment of llnimli IIiwsimI I i i iiihpr. tni Order lor Sash, and promptly uted at the FI UN ITI UK hak to our business that furniture, of which we wall keep ai assortment suited to lhe want, of ou uslnmcr, (liven-, your MMTHkS HAVI I III LARGEST WD Till BEST ASSORTED )l UR Sil LINE ONVtNT.

CREAM VV, li, Johnson, Newark, ays, Minute Cough Cure saved my only child from dying by It has saved thousands of others suffering Irom roup, pneumonia, bronchitis and other serious throat and lung troubles, H. Ager. The Galveston News the anii- rnob bill was parsed on the last day of the session. The legislature Is to be congratulated on making its last day the best of the session. Some for ten, some for twenty and some for thirty years have suffered from piles and then have been quu kly and cured by using DeWitfs Witch Hazel Salve the great remedy pih and all forr.

of of th saves you cure ter K. Ilo rati out IN TOWN. iu no n.thaul's Chill t1 I'tit uji in iii rent Galveston, Texas. -----A ISoaidin-anti Da.v Seliool l.a«ti-s Get my Prices KSTAHl'iTsilkl) IN Rev. A.

Shook was absent ly all last week, at Hill, ori the west of the river, Rev. J. Murray in a protracted meeting at that place orne town yesterc ourth of Rolhns, bill postt lay advertising Ik dy celebration. was in monts This large, beautifu kind in the the cultivation of moral am A full ulty of experienc tjuiring the highest prolific in ht. Water Terms easy Institut: lient ft orincipl lit.fore Von Vour Orders, ind in the fi I of it- ra refined, education the are of health, evceiitionai advantages for In'trunienta! ism Paintinf rticuiars.

aotdv to They are way down Th JOHN irst II rocer' ou Mot f-4 pcrior Not only pile of the very orst kind can be cured by DeWitt Witch Salve, but aid br and ot si, troubles ran 1 i Stand hy tm County Mortise The W. 1). Smith le. of land, in liberty county, ori oi Trinity river, I or terms apph Cameron, Swilley iV ftr, Eiberty. E.

Whitaker, Topeka, Kan A ir I- i t1.

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