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The Liberty Vindicator from Liberty, Texas • Page 2

Liberty, Texas
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

AUG. 10 1 MB. New Timo flirti. Libertj County ntion. The county convention was called to order at 2 last Saturday afternoon, bv county chairman Charles Wilson.

Every precinct in the county was represented, except onctrd and Fuqua. On motion of Joseph Riviere, the convention proceeded to the election of temporary officers. I'. J. Chambers was elected temporary chairman.

J. L. Ellis sec retaey and C. C. Lamb, sergeant at arms.

On motion of Joseph Riviere each precinct delegation selected one of us This is the correct time of the trains! members to serve on each committee, arrival here under the new schedule: as follows: On permanent organiza- ound tion and basis of representation; on No 10 sun-et limited, due 7:45 credentials; ou sde. non of dele- No.8< resent city express. 8:38 p.m. dlflcrcm No. local passeng'r, due 4 50 p.m.

No. 4 local 10 5 a.m. Riviere, Spencer Cherry, has lsi ound Hertrand, Middlebrook, No. Pac. st.

Exp. due 8:52 a.m.; 'Padlock. Joe Doucette, Finley, No. sunset limited, due 10:42 m. 'p Lilley and Campbell.

No. local passeng'r, due 2:11 p.m. The committee retired for delibera- No. 5 passeng'r, due 7:25 p.m. tion and the chairman declared the B.

ayks Ac i nt convention at case until the sound of his gavel. The committees being ready to report the convention was called to order. To the Hon. T. J.

Chambers, temporary chairman democratic convention We. your committee on permanent organization and basis of representation beg leave to report as follows the temporary organization be On basis of 11 I) A Good Housowifo a bargain a three committees were composed of bargain, and they cost. day, every article Goods must be sold, will go reirardless oi inspection is all we ask. Store. I.

When you want a flour that really makes the best of Bread. Rolls. Cakes and Pastry, ask for Ouoltoo The Flour of Quality. JOHN L. ELLIS.

Fiiehtfiillr Burned. Chas.W.Moore, a machinist of Ford City, id his hand frightfully burned in an electrical furnace. He applied Bucklen's Arnica Salve with the usual result, and perfect Greatest healer on earth for burns, wounds, sores, eczema and piles. 25c at drug store. Have you paid your subscription? From C.

N. Smith. Mini in Arkansas. the luokiest man in writes H. L.

Stanley, of Bruno, the restoration of my health after five years of continuous coughing and bleeding from the lungs and I owe my good fortune to the greatest medicine, Dr. New Dis- Agricultural and Mechanical College ior 1 mvvnui'ivia from experience will cure consumption Ol 6 3 S. if taken in time. My wife improved The Tec hnologieal Branch of the with first bottle and twelve bottles University. Agriculture.

Horticulture, completed the Cures the worst Cleveland. Texas. Aug. 7, ir Fds. indicator Liberty, Texa Please all on W.

L. Bingle ai the atatement I sent him written A. Isaacks, in regard to mysel print it. Send me your bill. my thanks to those who in the primary.

And this to Mr. Jett: I call upon you to produce authority for your unwarranted a upon me in your circular of 261 lather produce your author and le be branded as a liar, or admit tl was the work of your own hands. Respectfully, C. N. Smit Cleveland, Texas, July 31, 190 Referring to Mr.

J. A. Jett's lar of July 26th, 1 will say that Mi N. Smith had nothing to do with circular Animal I lu.b.-indiy, Mecha.ical, Civil roughs and or money refunded Electrical, Pextile, and Architectural At 50c and $1. Inal bottle free my to as Liberty property is as good an investment as you could possibly find.

OOO If the mayor, or the marshal, or somebody else does not soon have the weeds cut we are going to get lost. OOO Hie fanner who hasn't an extra made permanent good crop is either a mighty poor farmer or a mighty lazy man. OOO The county officials evidently think the high grass and weeds in the court house yard pretty. OOO The indicator tho neVer posing as being infallalde, would have it distinctly understood that in giving dates for official notices we never make mistakes. The dates always appear just as they are given to us OOO Returns from over the district show that our next attorney is 10 be j.

L. Manry of Livingston. The people of the district have chosen Vindicator he will make another prosecuting attorner ai was Carter. 30 ooooc 3 oaot MEAT AND ICE The Very Best and Coldest. i Engineering, Tuition free.

Actual necessary expenses, excluding clothes I and books, One Hundred and Fifty-five dollars per session. Qualified applicants eighteen or over enter on certificate without examination. Careful Read the indicator occurred. Mr. C.

N. Smith had right to sign my statement for he Me Was in I rouble. not present at the time, nor did he was trouble, but found a way the letter I wrote to Mr. Bingle, in out of it, and Fm a happy man again, swer to one received of him, befor since New Life Pills cured was mailed. L.

A. Isaacks ree n. very. COOPER. Phone training given in the general subjects, Ine 0f chronic says E.W.

English, History, Mathematics, Modern Coodloe, 107 St. Louis st. Dallas, Tex. No. I'll Appreciate Your Order.

vzr. He who after a hard fought political battle. forget and forgive all the mem things his opponent has sard ainst him. and 11 he is defeated, it to the result cheerfully, believing 4 whatever is best administered is best." is a man far above the average. OOO Ho you still climb to the top of the fence to look over the weeds 10 your ni inhbor's house across the way In Liberty nearly all enterprising atuens (ut the weeds around their fences, but when we want to see a frittid across am of the several squares, it is necessary to mount a 10-foot ladder, sentation we submit that each precinct be entitled to one vote for each 25 votes cast lor tiovcrnorat last election and one vote for any majority fraction thereof, as follows: Precinct No.

1 1 vote; No 1 vote; No. 3 3 votes; No 4 Hevers, 2 votes; No. 5 Liberty, 5 votes; No. 6 -Moss Blulf. 2 votes; No.

7 -Cleveland, 2 votes; No. 1 votes; No. i) -Tarkmgton, 3 No. Dayton, 4 voles; No. 11 Kay 1 vote; No.

12 1 vote. Respectfully submit ted. Joseph Riviere, Chairman, and eac of the committee. On motion, the report was unanimously adopted. Next, the ommittee on credentials reported the following delegates present and entitled to» in onvention: lrom Doucette.

Johnston I Fmiey, Tilman. () Middlebrook, Ben Brown, Burch. Riviere, II Marshall, Kilts, Baillio. Moss Campbell. Lilley.

Lamb -Chas Lamb. iadlock. Berry, Briibin, I kson. Bertrand. Numa (itllard.

Ktspec 1 fully submitted. Joseph Riviere. Chairman, and the entire committee. Report was uiianimontly adopted The committee to si let delegates to the several conventions reported that two delegates and ten alternate Languages, and the Applied iences, 1 Guaranteed 'satisfactory, which form the foundation for Techni- for saje by Ager. cal Instruction.

File your application now. Catalogue free on request. H. II. Harrington, LL.

D. College Station, lex. President. Price 25c. Read The Vindicator.

In this state it is not necessary to serve a live notice for eviction of a cold. Use the original laxative cough syrup Laxative Honey store Ve think they are great. No opiates. Sold by Sells. For bloating, belching, sour stoma bad breath, malassimilation of foe and all symptoms of indigestion, Rin 1 )yspepsia Tablets are a prompt a efficient corrective.

Sold by Ager. Cet a 5 cent box of Lax ets at our I land in your dollar now. calm, dignified and able manner. Mr. TO EASTERN AND NORTHERN kett told ol the hard light, laborious QIIUUCD DCCfiQTC campaign through which he had gone OuMmtn making it necessary for him to anvass The Louisville Nashville Railroad ten counties, which he explained as his affords Fastest Time and Finest Servic reason for not having had the pleasure from New Orleans and Memphis to all of addressing people of his county, ex-1 the noted Summer Resorts 111 the East cept on one occasion.

Mr. Pickett, and North. Tickets will be on sale with muc feeling, alluded to the loyal after June 1st at very low rates to Ni- and almost unanimous support that he agara I alls. Mammoth Cave, Put-in- had rec eived from the people of his Bay, Old Point Comfort. Waukesha.

St. home and native county. He said as Paul and Minneapolis, French Lick, 011 can see Pme-ules one of the most gratifying recollec tions onomowoc.Moimtain Park c'cars out kidneys and bladder, of his lite would be the generous and and to the Mountain Resorts in 1 single dose at bedtime will show you earnest endorsement of the people of nessee and Kentucky, tickets being morc upon rising the next rnor- Liberty county, as shown by the vote limited for return until Oct. 51.1906. n'nK dian can be expelled from the sys- he received in the primary; and that The Louisville it Nashville operates tem any other way.

dis- this endorsement he esteemed more i double daily trains out of New Orleans solye the impurities, lubricate the kid- highly than ne would his election to the and mcmphis lor all resorts mentioned. cleanse the bladder, relieve pain Senate without the vote of the good Trains are wide-vesti hilled and carry kache speedily, people of this county. He explained modern Pullman Sleepers, elec tricligh- permanently. Sold by Ager tnc vote that had been for himself i ted Dining irs and Coaches and Free and for each of his honorable Reclining Chair Cars. For rates, time notices (being strictly enis throughout the district, and said tables and further information, address nature) are charged for the that on several occasions Ins vote and below-named representatives of the same as the five standing in the race had been grossly Win Itulln.a.I, misrepresented by certain correspon-j p.

Morrow. T. P. A. Houston, Tex.

dents of the daily newspajKirs, and for jj. Ridgley. D. A. New Orleans, these little two-by-four reporters, who One or Malaria is easy to contract in son localities, and hard to get rid is, if the proper remedy is not used.

Just test these toothsome candy-like Laxative tablets for constipation. drag along with a dull, billi- Chill Tonic frees any ot sour stomach biliousness bad breath feeling. You need a pill, from it promptly and thoroughly. It muddy complexion, etc. Risk 5 cents Little Karly Risers, the guaranteed to cure any kind of chill: and sec.

H. Ager. famous little pills. Do not sicken or One bottle or less will do it. Sold all druggists.

cents per line rate had wiliully misrepresented him, he had supreme contempt. However, he wished it distinctly understood, that he, as much as any man living, had respect for the honest independent newspaper that he esteemed highly and recognized the journalism ot the country the jjreat bulwark of safety behind which the best interests ot the Why Fret ami Worry when your child has a severe old. You need not tear pneumonia or other pulmonary diseases. Keep supplied with Ballard's Horehound Syrup, a positive cure for colds, coughs, hooping cough When a woman suffers from depressing weakness, she then keenly realizes how thoroughly worthless she is. Dr Shoop has brought relief to thousands of women.

He reaches disdases peculiar to women in two direct specfic ways a Iscal treatment known bo druggist everywhare as Dr. Night Cure and a constitutional or internal prescription call- gripe, but results are sure At Sells. NTEVEXS PICKETT. LAW YE UN. LIBERTY, TEXAS.

Will give prompt and careful atten. tion to business intrusted to their care. 'I'. C. TAItVER, Successor to Cameron Abstract Go.

om i i i te A us 1 act 01 Tm.i 1 ib erty ountv Liberty, Texas, in Court House. C. N. SMITH, Attorney nt Lnw Notary Pnblic and Land Agent Lands for Farming, Grazing, Timbei RICE and OIL, BOUGHT AND SOLD Prompt personal attention to business Cleveland, Liberty Co. Texas.

people had and would ever find defence wondertul Ballard Horehound Syrup and protection against wrong and op- on children for five years. Its repression Mr. Pic kett's address was have been wonderful. At Ager well received as evidenced by long and and bronc hitis. Mrs.

Hall, of alls. S. D. have used your ed Dr. Restorative Dr.

is applied locolly and at It words while you sleep. It B.M,O'BRIEN&Bro Dealers in BURIAL CASKETS, COFFINS, ETC Right Goods. A Car of Buggies, Hacks just arrived. An To-1 line and prices right. FOR CASH.

('all and examine stock. L. A. ISAACKN, levclaml, Texas. hearty applause.

On motion the convention adjourned sine die. Jf. (Chambers, Chairman J. Kllis. Set retary.

i suits have been wonderful. We can jirint it. IIatl an Vnful I'inif But Colic, ('holera and Diarrhoea Remedy (aired Him. It is with pleasure that I give you this unsolicited testimonial. About .1 year ago when 1 had a severe case ol delegates (one from each precinct) be Kaufman countv didn ttreat olcjuitt elected to each ol ihe conventions, as icily right Ihe home-coming re- follows: State Stevens and II Marshall, ilt legates Judge llighti.wer, Joe VV 1 Fmlev, Brown, James Worthy.

I Lilley. Lamb, A hundrcd the best physi- Charles Wilson. Spencer! berry I lan WOuld give you a medicine lor, Baillio, Bertrand. I hcart stopping to consul. I 1 a hard rain cr wllal lt mighl havcun lhe l.v- lhc stomach lllanc and A Jaivrtl.

al- )n Uus day cough and ternates, (. Bam it. medicine invariably bind the bo- (jco A Marshall, Swm- 1 his is wrong. Laxative Smith. I Smith, 1 Lowe.

Cough Syruit with Honey and Tar acts I 1 Hunmcuit Cameron, A on out the Chambers, Lee Lopcr. dears the head, relieves all coughs, clean and strengthens ihe membranes of the throat, chest, lings and bronchai tubes. Sold by Ager. ception and the vote the following Saturday didn't tally. It is mean to make a fellow fee I like he us the whole thing and then let him down so suddenly voting against Bulletin.

In our opinion, and according to our of thinking, there is nothing meaner and the contempt and indignation of all honest and fair men is not too severe for the make-behever. She is a book She tobe a female. Sue has a southern Court Civil Appeals magazine and her tenoriied in ker and I. Bingle, delegates; tims of the beauties and nobleness of alternates, II Whittington, Dab- southern is justified in ney, Hill, Win McMutry, 11 11- chivalry, for that bert, Willis lelt. Ralph Wright, al! that saves her from being kic ked Met Iowan, DeVore.

Ur out of many business places. When Ninth Judicial District lhe fails to connect with a subscrip- Marshal! and (1 Lacour. trou in a hurry she berates and insults gates; I Fin her viftim to an extent that her sk-rts and southern chivalry are all that Clough lleiuierson save her fiom a thorough ner. Henry Jackson, (J II lloli'l llliie and lose interest when help is wiihin reach. Herbine will make that liver reduces infiamation it stops discharges.

have added to our business that perform its duties properly. J. B. it heals, it soothes, it comfort it cures Furniture, of which we will keep an Vaughn, Elba, Ala. writes, a Dr, Shoop Restorative (tablet or li- assortment suited to the wants of ou? constant sufferer from constipation quid form) is a constitutional, nerve customers.

Give us your patronage and a disordered liver, I have found tissue tome. It brings renewed strength, Herbine to be the best medicine, fcr lasting ambition and vigor to lifeless Lumtoor Yft these troubles, on the market. I have women. I'hese two remedies, singly, or and will keep constantly on hand an used it constantly, and believe is lo lie and Iwtwcls. 1 had an awful time and had it not been for the use of Colic.

Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy 1 could not have liv- a lew hours longer, but thanks to this remedy 1 am now strong and well. I have written (he above through simple gratitude ai.d 1 shall always speak a good word lor this remedy Sam H. Gwin, Concord, Ga At Ager's used together, have an irresistible.pos­ itive. helpful power. Try them a month and see.

For sale by Ager. Can't we do your stationery? Vindicator for stationery. assortment of Dressed Lumber, Shingles Ktc. the best medicine ol 11s kind, and wish all sufferers from these Uoubles to know the good Herbine has done me." For sale by Ager. 1 a sviiie Chluiticle worked Liberty some su tcb jgoandher 1 oiiduei is still fresh in the un nioiy of our people The woman is representing Bob mag- a inc.

Mid because of acknowledged ability as a the people of Liberty subscribed readily and on but few did she have an opportunity to cast her insuhing, unwomanly remarks. Stomach and Liver a- my PA I. William i lietroil. Mich. I- ll Il.tultTKiu i htv impaired, relieved me ol a bloated leel- Simmons, 1 I lug and caused a pleasant and saiistac- movement ol me Price at Samples bee.

Sour Stomach are a mighty good thing, linger nails, but 1 don't believe they intended soreh lor sc ing, though 1 used nune largely for that purpose lor several years. 1 was sorely affec ted and had it to do. One application ol Hunt's Cure, however, relieved my itch and less than a box cured me J. M. Ward, Index, Texas.

Sold by all The Vindicator ior stationery. For Stomach Heart and Kidneys Dr. Restorative is a Caue Cure not a Symptom Core. Nurna Gillard and Joseph Riviere, delegaies alleni-! nes VV Faulk, I MIman, I Jones, Ballilo, DCampbell, Willianison. Sani Youiig Ivi Prueit.

i Lvans. J. Representative Harrison and II allernates, Doucette. Frank A Lacour. I I anner, Irons.

Willts Hav ard. I Berry I i Bertrand Ixivett. Read he indicator.«« Il th- Il trUfii'Ul 1 i .1 ir MlwuUuu ri. f) i.i!Dot uf thtfrava Viurtl on- trol chrauM'lvMa v-(' 1 0 rit ll Ifc hlt ,1.

h. euwoA 1 ti locarti jrn. txfirb- Itji 'vi ki4- li i rve wki I i trtiored ut ituv knttwu mi Or ni top, ut Hw ii jr in bu nnri di rvn 081 il Uurt lIlK Jlr 11 i li )ft nil noi MI, 1 I trvkU I mi I III i wlti0b Ih Ut l'iUM hwl nu lw Ijii Ukf 1 114 io i 4 b- Im I li HENRY 0, AGER. I hr having proceeded thus lar with anduna nimit) oi kcntiRunt, (be it said to the i redit ot Liberty county) Riviere, ho is a leading spun in ex ratir on vend ms. and never ihe chant to do the right al ihe proper lime, the resolution; Resolved I hat it is the sense of this convention that W.

Bryan should be the nominee oi ilu mocratu party lor preituh nt in and we believe, il he is nominated he be antis elected, (ttreat applause) hainuan ('lumbers in putting the cpiestion Shall lhe resolution be a- dojiied i those voting attir. mainely to to their leet. And every delegate with the number ol tors present lhe spai court arusc with a whoop, and no one was lelt to vole nr-y Just as die convention was readv to adjourn i noticed ihat k. ett. )i i anduUte lor Slate Senator, had entered (tie room when he wmtni) iu me coflven-i tion And lie 10 uiuall Id lit re ii III Pain never as do children who are lering lrom hunger.

is the cause ol all babies who cry and are ireated ior when they really are suffering lrom hunger, his is caused trom their lood not assimilated but devoured by worms. A lew doses ot ('ream Vermifuge causc adopted, ihwtn to ir.Miij; begin I'he old-time method of purging the system cathartics that tear, gripe, grind and break down the walls of the stomach and intestines is superseded byDade sLiulel.iverPills. They cleanse lion as they In healthy stomsch. tile liver, and instead ol weakening, combined with Ihe freaiest known build up and strengthen the whole and reconstructive properties. Kodol Dys- hcadacht.t a nrst Artm Sold by Ager.

No appetite, loss ol strength, nervousness. headache, constipation, bad breath, j-neral debility, sour risings, and catarrh the stomach are all to Indigestion. Kodol This new discovery the natural juices of at once it a trial. Sjld by Ag i pepsta Cure does not only eure indigestion and dyspepsia, but this famous umedy stomach Koubles by jRrifying, sweetening and strengthemnf the mucous membranes lining the stomach. Mr PtII, oi Va I for tweniy 1 urtil iroi it In milk for Kodol Digests What You Cat.

oniy Si 00 hoMlnf 2'j trial whith tor 50 Praparad sV I. 0 OaWlTT A OHIOAQO. SKLLS DRUG CO I ul 1 li CALIFORNIA One Way Colonist Tickets VIA Southern Pacific Sunset Route. ON SALE DAILY After Saturday nig rink will not Ik once a week, Saturi noon and Night. Until Saturday the link will be run oMial.

I liiborty Aiiiuscmcirt o. etc. Say a good word for us. liruiiihlc when your joinis ache and you suffer lrom rheumatism. Huy a bottle oi Ballard's isoow Linimeni and gel instant relief.

A positive cure lor rheumatism, contracted Its. sore eic. Mr. 1 Hogy, a prominent merchant at Point, Texas, ihat he Hilda Uailard Snow Liniuient ihe beat all round liniment he ever ed. Lor sale by Agar.

I I Feb. 15th to April 7th. INCLUSIVE. OIL I )C( )M )T IV ES. No Dust, No Smoke, No Cinders.

J. ANDERSON, G. P. A. Houston, Texas.

JOS. HELLEN. A. A. Usuline Read lhe Vindicator.

I liionhei allr, liolcra and i Itnea IteNii ti) Keller Ilian 3 lloelora I hrce years ago we had three dot tors with our little boy and everything that they could do seemed in vain. At last hen all hope seemed to be gone kie began Cholera and Diarrhoea Reioady and in a lew tie begin to improve- day he is as healthy a child as parents ecmld wish lur. kill couch CURE thi LUNC8 New Discovsry Academy CALVE FUN, TEXAS. AND Villa Academy URYAN, TEXAS. pPNSI)MPTION CUfirtfi and PiCa 50 Ik 1.00 Fiee ftnci (Juro for nil THROAT und LUNG 1H0UB- LBS, or MONEY Linton Miss, or sale by Age-r Pell us the news, so we may tell our Mrs.

J. Johnston, I Select Boarding and Day Schools, conducted by the Ursuline Nuns, well known as the pioneer educators ol male youth in Tcaas. both lions offer exceptional advantages of the highest intellectual, moral and ligious culture. Special attention given to Music and Art. Clavier will be taught Ly uioc- petent BACK-ACHE Thf mfdifinal ohtsined irora the by the medical protoiiou lor cantuues.

n1 Native that araof la rebev. Backacfte, Kidney, and Troubles. A dose at bed time will usually relieve the niubt severe wase before morning. HENRY 0. AGER,.

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