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The Daily Times-News from Burlington, North Carolina • Page 2

Burlington, North Carolina
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THE BURLINGTON (N. DAILY TIMES NEWS, FRIDAY, MARCH 22, 1940 PAGE FOUB a mark of distinction on the breast of THE WALL ST. BLUES the one for some extraordinary feat of war. Walter WinchelJ On ShoaditiMf But what does this giory actually mean, to the one side or the other? Does it mean the agony of men going NEW YORK HEARTBEAT New York Thinking out loud: FACES ABOUT TOWN: Herbert Hoover, to eternity beneath the waves? Does it mean men piled a heap before looking crushed over the news of the Finnish finish, in the Waldorfoyex Mayor La duardia without a 4 alarm firo Joan the muzzle of raUliiig machine guns? Does it mean any real contribution to civilization and human progress? The doctors are learning about garlic. They are using it for high blood pressure and In several Other kinds ol cases Tlw healthiest people I can think it at the moment are Italians, notable garlic consumers, also oiive oil addict.

There may be anaemic: Edwards, the sweoiweeter, sounding off key as slid on her rumble seat in the Times Square slush Oscar Levant, the poor man's Is the sacrifice of youth worth while? Is it sane to destroy by madness in a Woollcott or "The Man Who Came to Lunch" year, two or three, the work of scores Alton Cook, the Telly radio colyumer, Who Is rumored. Inheriting the vacated radio THE DAILY TIMES NEWS Ml South Spring aureei PutUshotT Daily Except Sunday By THE riMflS NEW PUBLISHING CO. Stale; A Coot Managing Editoi Rudy M. PoavlUe Advertising Managei D. 0.

Johnsou circulation Manafcei a D. Joyaer Mechanical Superintcucieni SUBSCRIPTION BATES BY CARRIER (Payable Weekly or in Advance) One Year tf SU Sis Months 3.9U rhrea Monttu One Month One Week Jj Entered at the Postufl'ice at Burlington N. a second class mall mattti under act of Congress March 3, 1873 ADVERTISING RATES Classified Advertising per word 2 cents Minimum charges 25c. Display advertising ratee on request. National Advertising Representative THE JOHN BUDD COMPANY New York, Chicago, St.

Louis. Atlanta. Dallas, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Portland, Seattle. Member Of Audit Bureau Oi Circulations ASSOCIATED PRESS SERVICE Tne Associated Press Wire Service is usea by Tiie Dally rimes News and is entitled use tor re en of all news dispatches credited to It or not otherwise credited this paper and also tile local news published Herein and also entitled to all rights of republication of special dispatches. editorship at Time mag Philip Holmes, actor, fondling a bowl of sugar at tne He Just returned from abroad, where Italians, out mc don't live In our town.

I know several Italians and I notice they don't complain of dry skin, chapped lips, cracked fingernails, as do so many of us Americans A group of my friends may be of years gone by, putting forward scores of years that must be dedicated to reconstruction? While the boats lurk as assassins, while bombers fly in the night, while the land armies are at bayonet point, Isn't left In bowls on restaurant tames Austin, the assemoiyman ivom Al bany, who introduced a bill lowering the mar riageable age from is to jiarat ror the film "Seventeen there is something altogether wrong could it. mister? fed Allen, who had ntog at Joe and a urn of a quip on the air the to wit He said that those wno wort over at Sadie City realty think that when they die restaurant, I li where there's just Thud rtOooo! fllA iV Pc a WHAT IS tAW I WiTrt YOU Gt with the human race. Even as such conflict' has gone on since the beginning, there yet may be something to work for: peace and good will among nations. This without powder and steel, without bloodshed but with fairness and justice to all. they go to the Rainbow oom.

SALLIES IN OUR ALLEY: A dl ortae was a ghostly whiff Df garlic in. the steak, and the spaghetti has some sort of mysterious flavor that must be somehow connected with that miracle working vegetable Rose ls a middla aaed widow. Shra telling Eady uucnm cr SW with you!" Jerry Btotoe, labors tremendously in the latch. who likes to wear gray, walked into sue presiding over cnose lamt na ors and subtle spicings that make ood last night aura from hat to gray sueac snc BIBLE THOUGHT FOR TODAY tiie food different. Healthy? You cracKea about a And he shall spread forth his hands lightweight, who had rapped him Why don't you seek him in he he was asked "Aw." he said, "thatd be 11 ke couldn't kill her with a brick! Hard work, long hours, garlic, olive oil and plenty of gocd food.

That's Rose's recipe for long and happy life In our home ws don't go in for garlic as the Italians do, but my wife knows Just how and when to give the pan or skillet a swift swipe with a garlic An 3sJiowAhifL DAILY LENTEN DEVOTIONAL Prepared by Dr. Gaiu? Glenn Atkins for the Federal Council oi the Churches of Christ in America Village Idioddities was making a nuiwm.1 IS in front of the Brevoort Supper club. in the midst of them, as he that swim meth spreadeth forth his hands to swim; and he shall bring down their pride together with the spoils of their hands. Isaiah 25:11. We rise in glory as we sink in pride.

Young. pod ana sne always nas a sup nlv at hand. We keen a shaker of garlic salt, mixed with powdered garlic, in the spice cabinet. I like a sprinkle of it on stews and what's better than a beef stew, FRIDAY, MARCH 22, 1940 'Look," said me annuvsy i. let me call you a broom?" Memos' of a Midnighter: Harvard's step at Aim Sheridan, the ocmphatte movie ares inspired Yale to invite her to a dance to her jionor Her studio' had to spurn the compll menshe's making a flicker The crew walked off Stanley Griffls' yacht MiamL Waste trouble He's the millionaire wed 2 Whitney Bourne They are making five million smackers per annum from those comic books for kids, we hear One of the 52nd Street dives is in for a mess of aHth Musicians" union The seasoned, with vegetables in COMPLETE WAR moderation? My wife's beef stews are real works of art.

She drops XUE GATE Or THE CROSS lioofl Friday, March T. And Pilate save sentence that it should be as the? required Kead Luke 23:13 21. six or eight allspice grains into the AAA nroxram: on the other, a WIN IS TO save everything to lose ie to lose all." With these fighting words Paul Ray black dot for each group of 250 But the cross could not have become all that, faith Screen Actors' guild catalogs interviews as work larms wmcn annuany preuuee less artfl Kie rfars mU5t De DH1U and devotion have made it (Club CATTON'S WASHINGTON COLUMN the kettle, adds a sprinkle of garlic powder, maybe a tablespoonful of Worcestershire sauce '1 never make it just the same way twice," she says. "It depends upon how I happen to fee! about it. Always a few onions are cookei with the meat, generally a few carrots.

To a lamb stew I add celery, too." WelL believe me, I'd come home from Wyoming for a bigr plateful of one of those stews! WhAT DO YOU WOW ABOUT NORTH CAROLINA? By FRED H. MAS tnan Si.uuu worwi oi crops. The two maps don't mesh at all areas where the dots are most unless what it stands for is Gieason says things are so tough in show deep in life itself. For what husin.Ms even the elephants can iuushiuci the when they worked last! else naud, new premier of France, this morning presented his new cabinet to the parliament. In a short, blunt state rnent he told parliament that "France is engaged in complete war" and that "a powerful enemy is transforming and Concentrating all its human activ numerous in the money paid out map are not the areas where they're heaviest in the other map.

In other words, the bulk of the payments go principally to the fanners who need challenge to si' MIDTOWN VIGNETTE: Recently, a young lesser thins for a greater at OUESTIONS. srirl, apparently talented, walked lmo me ins nMlrf ro pnlinn mom to ask for a Job. I. Why was the North Carolina A. F.


Bv BRUCE CATTON Tocc in nlinvc e. verv said: Sorry tnem tne least. JACK GARNER LIKES "WESTERNS." touay wu cl "jvv, the bidding of duty and love. The cross asks us to forget ourselves for holy causes, to follow love's road to the end, to heed filg'h calls at any member of Custer's calvary not slaughtered to the battle of the Little Big Horn? 2. What percentage of North Carolina farms do not have a milch Walking along West 33d street, I saw a little drama that made me stop, smile, poi.der pleasantly, and start talking to a stranger who was likewise bemused by a flash wavpri "the anoUcant out the wnms door The Daily Times News Washington The caller opened a aoor aim "I'm sorry, I Corresponocnl.

Washington, Mar. 22. sitting at a desk. She said: A messenger boy was dispatched from the Congressional Library the other dav with six boots which had Tne man of childhood. an Smith's Wagner act amend on them? 3.

Where is the oldest cotton mills, ill in operation, in North Caro I wanted mist Qe trie wrons (jitiue isked her what she wanted ity into warfare in order to triumph. Premier Reynaud did not mince words about the Soviets, either. "Aided bv the treachery of the he said, "it (Germany) is carrying the fight into all quarters and working Three little sirls, ranwiie froai been requested by Vice President ments have had one un iooKeci ioi cost. The cross any cross though it seem to stand slarkly arresting across life's road is really a irate. If if.

be a cross to surrender the selfish, the safe or the stained for love's effect: they've slid the A. P. of L. lina? audition lor Alirea aire Go right ahead." replied Mr. Lunt, and now John Garner.

En route the boy cot (lurlous about the vice rjresi high command about three to five, were walking along, hand in hand. Their clothes were "serviceable, but ill fittting and not too well put on. Their ne prowgee ui jjluiv ij denfs taste in literature and ex 4. To what two important con entions did the state send repre entatlves to February 186 vill have a part in their forthcoming duty's sake, then by that gate we win and where it is will out all the blows which it is giving with The jrlory or what we sain takes she'. laces were dirty.

Knowing tne neielibm hood, I should say that 5. In what, year did the first train cooperate slight ex amined his load. The books all "westerns" most of them or 10 years old. CAA IS JUMPY AWAITING RECORD. a sort ol genius lor destruction tnat the pain out of what what we love. Christ the little girls had been outfitted tent, at least NEW YORCHIDS: Kaymonu raisp Loin a break for Americas com we certainly do not fail to recognize as heals the hurt with the touch of hi witn clothes largely donated oy the Labor reach Raleigh? G. For whom was Crowell Crossroads in Halifax county named? ANSWERS. well to do families that had ceased hands and in that sign wc i posers and an even better one for America's eitnhpn Tow street's best seller, Most painfully nervous folks in presi to have use for them. You would not call them well dressed.

But Washington rlg nt nuV, bar nnne "Decade." tiie ten year madness from 1929 to art the Civil Aerwiaulhs Autnor of dent Green issued his state 1. Sergt. Daniel a. Kanipe, ity people. It there are no fatal Marion, had been sent bac to head other children who had worn the same clothes had been decidedly well dressed.

ment he said commercial airline crashes by quarters with messages before the he still thought The rant, intense, admiring es And from the ground then? blosscir cross that Iiftest up my head, I dare not ask to fly from Thee: I law In dust hfe's glory dead. Life that shall endless be." Amen. Indians, led by setting aun, rnace their attack on June 25, 18'6. Ka niDe and one other man. named March 26, commercial aviation will have finished a solid year without a fatality; as the date nears, CAA is touchlng; wood and crossing its needed amending, '39, A pip of a movie trom laonei Grace and Charlie Herbert's song pto luts at Tony's 52nd street Elman's Hobby Lcbbv show via CBS, always lisfcnsMe Jose "Morand's fhumba rhythms at La Conga The Merry Macs Decca recording of Ma, He's' Makto" Eves at Me" Glenn Millers TjuncUon" Sections to the storekeeper who got a tot of pubUcity hiring ex show glrls and then slowly let them go two that smitn Martin, were the only to escape presslon on the three faces first attracted my attention.

They were watching a hero. He was about nine, wearing well worn knee pants nngers at wie arop oi a nac. ut erybody' wants to have a big party to celebrate the Occasion, but no there were hlRh nowered conferences id. sweater, oareneaaea. Young Hero was scooting alonr one dares make any plans for fear tne massacre.

tianipe oien aii Msrion In 192S. 2. According to United tSates census reports one third of North Carolina's 273,493 farms do not have a milch cow, or heifer two years old or over, on them. 3. The Rocfcv Maunt Cotton mills.

among the A. P. of L. high command. Before they took place, something happened which hadn't occurred previously in a long, long ilia; mignt put tne jinx on, inere will be a party, beyond doubt but it'll be WO per cent impromptu.

time: A. F. ot Ls oenerai coun Let the Chips Fall Where They May at the falls of the Tar river, Rocky sel Padway had some friendly, cooperative chats with Labor Board at a time umn me ik" NEW YORK NOVELETTE: About a year ago Jack of Jack and Charlie's the owners of told the column that it dealt unfairly with a man, a dear pal "You ditto mention anv names." added Jack, "but he the only one setting stock In oU ventures out there to movie people, and people assume you mean him. But it's all wrong, I tell you. He's very rich himself and doesn't care about making monrv.

He likes show folks and wants to help Mount. This plant was ongmany built to 1818 by Joel and staff people in reprd to the matter ahead of the group on his bright red scooter. He was the spirit of reckless bravery. When he had gone thirty feet or so in advance of his audience, he lightly stepped off the scooter, let go the handles, turned to his yo ng. admirers, smiling like a tight Lire artist in the big top.

As for the red scooter, he let it rush on, zig zagging across the walk and into the gutter crazi ly. Such nonchalant daring impressed the young ladies beyond J' sion oouitryman, saifl today uiat me O. i. u. ao.snt swin man, ntnntlful nnrl e.Vipjiii nm MACHINES AS TAXPAYERS (NEA Service! Henry A.

Donaldson, and has remained in the Battle family since. I Today it is the second largest cot i ton mills in the. state. It ls the Contrpss. A.

v. ot L. .7 carries qtiitu a bit of weight. If it should decide to go down the line but that tliey would be scarce and high priced this fall. He suggested that fanners preserve them by the water glass method for consumption when farm ess production is low.

In oefeme w.a;, ihr htiard Hfrer since the firs' rr rrh thought up the i them get on Easy Street. He doesn't want you tt mum, iK owin but both oldest mnT' '11 in operation rr Carolina. 3 i. The ce. inference at Wash outlook might be a good deil cright not only awe inspiring but at the same time hateful.

By this fact alone the state of this war to the end is the whole stake." Reynaud was not particularly warmly received by the parliament. Only a few handclaps greeted him as he mounted the rostrum. Similarly only a few responded when he had finished his declaration. But his words about "the treachery of the Soviets" brought outburst from the Rightists. There is no way of knowing at this time just what France is to gain or lose in a cabinet shake up.

But it is at best a rather serious situation. Government changes under the French or British system do not take on the seriousness that similar changes would in this country. The people are still pretty much united as a nation regardless of shake ups in the governments. But it is still serious. If, as the premier said today, France is engaged in a complete war, with all hope for peace for years gone, then it is essential that as much unity as possible prevail if the Allies are to vnn the war.

Germany's spokesmen said they regarded the change in the French government as purely internal disturbances and that it would in no way affect the determination of the Nazis to push on to victory. Faced by such determination as that, the Allies must find and maintain r. i Uu a ington, and the Confederate States forward, mouths open, eyes bulging with wonder and admiration. siem ra lX on 10 seP rne 01 to know he's okav and not to fall government greased, the people's enthusiasm bum steers that way" So towoi faxes has been about equal to that to happened? Nothing Important ward smallpox and scarlet fever. Unless you consider Jack and Charlie's loss LARGE COMPANIES GET BIGGEST SUBSIDIES.

A small, intelligent looking mict le aged man was watching too. I The AAA oeooie were mildlj em No one has vet de th r.e n. rr.eihod of siin. iOO the same veiuure impui FURRY BEAST said to him, "Ah, what could you and I do to capture the imagina before it hap Moral: Read WinchelJ harrasserl recently when it was of taxation, and no one ever will. To be of the ladles as this young pens and save siru.w.

shown that the biggest soil conservation payments have been going fellow does?" We walked several fecf, it must be patolesf. And taxe. ever form r.hey are levied, are nnve: blocks in conversation. to tne insurance companies wmon hold vast farm acreages. Four MANHATTAN MURALS: Tire cateiY or Lexington Avenue near 45tii named Wfl.u Corrisan" Wc had for "I was employed in penal wok companies got over apiece until recently," he said.

"In the Gotten him completely Tire chorines tne last nann out, anu eeven penitentiary wnere woritcct we Answer lo Previous Puzile RiERiiaDj6iNfeEa'FiNfe more topped $100,000, hart a great many boys from tlild seated at drug store soda coimters dining on sandwiches and cola debunking Uie legend tvrnf. thov live in wnthouses and eat caviar. neighborhood. I was tnin.Kinij as I rrven more surprising a comparison of the conservation oavments as a whole with the uen this bright little fellas perform that there should be playgrounds and gymnasiums ana re. Lois Andrews being present company, of course The Grand Central post office which is Senator Joseph C.

Wyo.i however, has a scheme he thinks would go a long way toward solving unemployment and establishing an equitable tax basis. Senator OMalioney ha it out like this: Men who work pay laxes. When macidnes come alonj and replace the human workers, tiie jobless men are no longer able to pay taxes. Therefore, tax the machines, in proportion to the number of jo'os they are taking away. 11 Pound.

14 Learning. 15 South Africa. 20 It lives in regions. 21 Careens. 23 Whole numbers.

25 Boisterous play. 27 Branches, 28 Rootstock. 30 To Tebuke, i pLtre tor him. I lust erai situation in regara to rurai poverty. The department recently published two maps of the united States.

On one map there is a black HORIZONTAL 1 Pictured valuable while coated beast. 7 It is a species of 12 Thin. 13 Stingy, 16 Thick 17 Coal 18 Indian gateway 19 Pig. 20 Convent dweller 21 Novice. 22 Biblical 24 Bone, hope he won't bo amazing tha ladies with stolen diamonds a few years from now.

dot for each paid out under belns renovated and aireaay icotis so a postcardU feel outta place there The Uttje midtown restaurant which features: "arsonized steaks" Huh? The faded Ronev Plaza tans on men about town making them Icok silly Lindy's, which is be eomln? a. hazardous olace for newspaiermw biums are oeing torn flown ail it town. We could snare five Regardless of what may be the fate of Sen 31 By. STAMP NEWS be borne jto visit for a late snack. Monday at 2:30 ayem ator proprosal, it In mind that unempioyment is or six blocks of them here, and we could use the space as a public playground.

These poor kids have mighty little chance to become n.p were six press agents rrauy puuin ion the first columnist or loth ass't ldcht city unity because, in any light we can find ha; too deeply into Amer editor who dared to walk to ine gin, 37 Roof finiaL 38 Knives, '41 Unit. 42 Railroad. 43 Old wagon track. useiui citizens. tyHE scientists group of the U.

S. Famous Americans series will be released durine ADrii. Dates to observe it, the war is headed toward life to be destroyed mere readjustment of whose specialty in Yes. I my boys from the the tax structtu'e. No matter how they may be 'double meaning soni prison now and then.

Most cf and places of first day sales of 25 To bring mem, lm giaa to say, want to bo to' perfection. 44 Corded fabric. these five stamps are: John James Audubon. Francisville, April a serious affair and internal disturbances can well determine who is to become the winner if there are winners in major wars any more. disguised, will have to total precisely 011 Reese what they add up to now.

if not. more. And BROADWAY BALLADsTa gorgeous creature no matter how they may be re arranged, they ankled into a Main Stem place, and every straight, once they've taken their punishment. I met one the other day who always apologizes, 'every 26 Half an em. 46 Transposed.

27 Lasso. 47 Person Dr. Crawford W. Long. Jefferson.

Aori) 8: Luther Burbank, i7 Church only official 35 Kind of sail. 33 Biscuit. VERTICAL 39 To seize. 1E1I. 40 To divide.

2 Riddle. 43 Strap. 3 Principal pipe. 45 Papa. 4 Small hotel 48 Russian 5 Copy.

village. 6 Its fur is used 49 Highest note, on robes 50 Spain of royalty. 51 Drivine 7 Tumor. command. Tree.

54 Mortodin dye. wiU ultimately be paid the same people who i head turned "Boy!" exclaimed 2.9 Street named for time ne stes me, ne nit me across the nose with a slug one dav, but him. "how'd you Santa Rosa, April 17: Dr. office. arc them now.

the wolves to the 31 Point. he didn't mean to. He was aiming like to be alone with her on some desert island?" "I dunr.o." yawned Murray Kor Senator O'Mahoney would giant tax crediL'i CHOICE TARGETS another onsoner. The two of 32 Reverence 34 Bast fiber. 35 Rumanian I to employers who ued more human workers, man, "can she play pinochle?" Morey 50 Barbarians.

52 To contend. 53 To' pass away. 55 Noun ending. 56 Its tail, has a rrLitcrd5.rr. rclayc tr.e c.

tuui and nrosoerous son. who for years had heeded Walter Reed, Washington, D. Aprii 17; and Jane Addams, Chicago, 111., April 26. Collectors desiring first day cancellations should send self addressed covers, not to exceed 10, to postmasters of cities of first day sales, together with money order covering cost of stamps to be af 36 To fit up. 1 1 tv, ur riiaemnes.

would be to halt KNOWING THAT the giant British I the inroads the machine is making at the ex ships Queen Mary and Mauretania arc I pense of employes. them were trying settle an old grudge when I stepped in to sep arate them, and I got the slug that was meant for the other fellow. I never held it against the poor guy." his mother's warnings to stay away from girls. ras 40 years oia ana had plenty oi aougn, the mater, a trifle on the selfish side, oultl work in some cases, but acain rjlvins the orjen spas. this, time i Ferhaiis hated the thought of sharing any of it with scarely be expected to remove the on a mission to pour more thousands of B1 15 I I5 LFT17 I I8 i9 l'Q 1" jir "Br Br flaughter in iaw.

nnauy, ne leu oeepiy in fixed. Each cover should near a men against it, Germany's naval com "You've always been a good ooy, sne Oonstittuional convention at Montgomery. Both were held on the same date, February 4th. John L. Bridgers, oi Edsecombe; D.

L. Swato. Buncombe, and M. W. Ran said, "and I'm sure you always will be.

She "and corner, designating numoer must be a line girl if you love her go ahead I oi stamps to rje piacea on ine id marry her. I hooe you have five wonder cover. warren, wore sent to Mont tui children and I hope you il always Be nappy. gomery as observers, not as delegates. Thomas Rugin, John M.

ijoirt worry amt me orcp aeaai mead. David S. Red. D. M.

Rumania has announced a new issue of six airmail semi postals to raise funds for national aviation. A series commemorating the SOUNDS IN THE NIGHT: In the Gaucho: 'She used to be hard to set now she's hard scourge of unempioyment. Tiie development of new machines represents progress, and you can't stop that. It is all right to experiment with new methods of taxation in the hope that some, day the fairest possible system will he achieved. But 10 million men will not get jobs by mere Juggling of taxes.

Taxes will pretty well care or themselves when everyone has a Job. When men are out of work, the remaining taxpayers must not only assume the jobless' share of the burden but must actually help providing for the employed. Unemployment must be tackled from the ground up, not from the top down, Unequitable tax burdens on some are of unemployment, not causes, to get homel" In Bill's Gay SOs: "She's recent meeting of the Balkan En Barrlnger and George Davis were members of the Washington delegation. 5. In 1340 when railroad servic was established over the Raleigh and Gaston railroad.

tne censored chapter in his lire story" In the 3tork: "Broadway ls where they'd rather give nromises than keeo them" mand will try every device available to blast them to the bottom. Destruction of such luxury liners not only reduces the utility of the ship to impotence, it reduces the national wealth of the country losing them by millions upon millions of dollars. Daring young men will peer through the periscopes of their boats a little more anxious to spot these boats than some of the others, their fingers oil the delicate controls, their torpedo tubes poised to release their cylinders of high explosives. For these young men there is waiting back home the coveted Iron Cross, piece of metal symbolic oi" heroism b. Tradition says this crossroadB In Cafe Society: "Every time she opens her mouth her foot falls out" At El Morocco: Am I seeing double or is that Elsa Maxwell?" In Leon Eddie's: "Phony? When he dies they're gonna melt him Into lead char was named for John and Edward Cromwell, brother of Oliver Cromwell, English liberator.

After Oliver Cromwell's fall and the restoration of the Stuarts, the two brothers fled tente is also forthcoming. Cuba's comnemorative honoring the 50th anniversary of the Pan American Union will bear a portrait of Gontalo de Quesada Arostc gui, noted patriot and the island's first minister to Washing Great Britain will issue a series of four stamps to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the postage stamp. The stamps will be i placed on sale in May. ters" In La Conga: "The trouble with too many 'cute tricks" is that so many guys to America in 1675, They are said to have changed their names by dropping the in Cromwell so as to form the npme of Crowell, and settled near the Roanoke river. BROADWAY CONFUCIUS wonders what It will not be Jong before the beginning of the cherry blossom season to Washington when tourists drop in to call on their congresimen who wander around disguised as tourists.

ever became of the editorial writer on the Their name was given to a cross N. Y. sun who said he didn't stand a China mans chance. roads near iheir estate..

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