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The Independent-Record from Helena, Montana • 3

Helena, Montana
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rJ TEE ftEtEKA DAllT WILL WALLACE PEDESTRA1N VllA'r IE1MI it i i .1 SIGHS I mm mk tm Begin September 30 and End October S. Ih southwest Ihal' runs near A spring that does ao I ha vs the elgk openly die-played, I have even ea Ineaano where the wgter wee so far from the regular lhall that epeolal signs hev been made tv show where If Is. I remember ana In-stance among tha Shoshone where there wsi a large moaument'of Hone with an eatra long flat Mention' top pointing toward tho eprtng. After going In thli direction for nome dlatenre 1 cams upon another similar monument, and before I got to the spring I found live distinct monuments showing the way. Told af gtteeeseful rery.

sometimes, howsver, these circles may nof 'ifesn waler at all, and then It Is necessary to understand the Intricacies oPthAlndlan'mlhd Yo understand Juet what he la driving at. I remember onoe when I was hunting on the Republican rlverl cams across ft circle of buffalo skulls, which attracted my attention because of their peculiar arrangement. Sis-teen skulls were set In a scml-olrcle with tbelr noses pointing ilown the rtver. In the center of the circle was ft skull on which wore painted Id red lines. Near the skulls were two small sticks placed upright In the ground, and at the top of each stick was tied two( bunches of hair.

A Pawnee Indian was with me, and told me that Id Pawnees had cimped 'there. They had made a raid Sgnlnit ft camp of Comanche containing id tents and had taken four scalps. They were now returning home down the river. To the ordinary observer 'this arrangement of skulls and sticks would have given no more Impression" than the Idea that some one hnd been amusing himself by playing with these buffalo Ta the Indian the arrangement waa a complete fttory. Urea There aad Goat Os, -Indians use signs for several speciflo purposes, the most prevalent being that of guidance, but they are also used for direction, departure, Intention, condition, warning and claim or demand.

I was hunting with a party of Utes In southwestern Colorado and we had separated with the understanding that we were to meetagaln at a. specified placeaadall go back to tho village together. On reaching the appointed place one of the party was not there, but the rest started to the village, paying no attention to his non-appearance. I asked If they were not going to wait until ho came back, but they said he had been there and had gone on to the village without waiting for us td come up. When I expressed surprise Ijwas shown along atlck standing In thft trail with a bunch ofgraajfaatened to The Finest Grand Stand The Best Race Track The Most Horses The Biggest Crowds The Best Accommodations Of any State Fair between Minnesota and the sea will characterize this years week of recreation, and education.

For the first time in. Montana specially built racing motors will engage in a thrilling race for the automobile championship ol the state. DECLINE IM SECURITIES ft Ml (Concluded from Flrt Page) going Into consumption. Tho meeeee are prosperous and spending freely. Our farming classes are richer then ever In their history and bet Ur abls than ever owlthstand any agricultural setback, fortunately, there la no prospect of the latter at this writing.

The only sign of recession In any direction Is that referred to above, tho stoppage of now business ontorprlees Imposed by tho limitations of tho money market. Baakera A re Conservative. Banker In all parts of ths country are brooming exceedingly conservative and ars effectively applying the brakes oa questionable operations. In no pftrt of tha country caa any pessimism be discovered corresponding to that which exists on Manhattan Island south of Pulton street. That seems to be the bhieet pot on earth Just now.

Many of our Ifeit corporation leaders are much disturbed and displeased at the recent activity of government and state ofBclale. For this they can hardly be blamed, since not a few state attacks are Indiscriminate and Ill-Judged. Nevertheless, an era of reform In corporation management has already begun, the effect of which will ultimately be beneficial to the stockholders and will do much towards removing the political and social discontent whUh ba been rising in a threatening degree for several years past. There Is the best of reason for stating that the federal government has no trust smashing policy In view. There has been much exaggeration as to tho Intentions of the government In this respect.

and" all that Is likely to be enforced so far as can be ascertained Is a quiet but firm policy of compelling the great corporations to obey the law equat-ly wlth thq humblest clllxcn, Of-Cpurse, there Is more or less publte hysteria con neoted with these movements, but this In time will disappear, and the results of post agitation will unquestionably leave us with permanently higher standards of corporate management and responsibility. I warning for Cnutlon The outlook1 for the stock, market tuu-ly promising. WeJian. only-oontlnvw our ouustomerstobecau-tlous In getting Into debt. Stocks even at these prices cannot be regarded as cheap aa long ns money commands Its present rates, with the prospects of going still higher.

There Is no real cure for the present congestion In the securities markets except liquidation, which Is a phlnful, but necessary remedy, A considerable short Interest has been developed, tho covering of which may at any time cause sharp rallies. No permanent rise In the market, however, can be expected until money rates return to the normal. This cannot be accomplished until securities have" touched- lower tevel. Tha pi ospects, therefore, are for an Irregular market; occasional rallies being followed by still further dips downward. Much caution will bq necessary In stock market operations for the next few months.

Warning. If you have kidney and bladder trouble and do not use Foleys Kidney Cure, you will have only youreelf to blame for results, as It positively cures all forms of kidney and bladder diseases. Parchen Drug Co. In four yean $2f, 826.28 has paid to Montana producer a premiums on. actual U-i IOW Ran MCI OK TUB TRAIL iiiimiVi With oth TIUVKUDM.

7 1 SAYINIS WITCCUT WORDS iJ 4Ui Alri U(wmMm Ud Mr wkr, Indians Wkt Hava Oaa Alaf ki Raa AkMiltaal biallM af Maw Tey Warh. 4 Man Franolsoo, Aug. 13. Aa tlma rpaseed and civilisation hse changed In illan condltlona, under the Impree-Ion (hat our red brothera had- forgotten Aha uaa elm In their travels, and aa I waa loitering about the hllla In Blskl you county a few wastes ago 1 came across A genuine Indian sign, such aa 1 1 had not aean for a doaen yaara or more, aaya a writer In the San Francisco 'Chronicle, It waa a almple little algn In appearance, but It waa full of meaning to, thoao who could read A long stick with one end atuck In the ground, jh other loaning add pointing up the The atlck waa elevated at An angle only about 10 degrees from the ground fftnd waa aUpported on a atone.1 It told omo Indian that hla friend had been along there and had gen ahead In the direction pointed out by the allck. I marveled at It, but on Investigation found that the Indiana pf California" still use eigne to convoy Intelligence to each other.

I found that among the Cooophae, Cohulllae, Plmaa and Yumaa the algn is as much In ue aa aver. Pointing 0 Water, While traveling Iq San Bernardlnd county nome months ago I eame across a peculiar grouping of atones, end at tmee aaw that some Indian had left a rign, ao that all other Indiana might 'know that water waa to be found in ft Certain dlreotloft. The atones were lying In a complete circle, and In the center waa long triangular with the sharp point Indicating a special direction. Th sign "was plain Jo ona versed Jtn'ftuch hingfy and' la order -to see 'If 'the same sign was universal, for I had leenTTelaewhireTi followed In the direction pointed out by the long stone and found a little spring. This arrangement uf stones I had seen In a dosen different, places In the middle west, and as a variant which was also found In, California, 1 have ween a mound of stones, similar to a mineral with a.

pointed stono resting on top, pointing toward inter. 1 Thirst Through IsraornnCe, In many parts of the counsry, especially In tho desort parts of 'California and Arlaona, the question of water supply for travelers Is one that requires serious consideration, and I have known men to pass within a few hunderd yards of water without knowing It, because they could not read Indian signs The sign was In plain view, and was placed there because the Indians recognised the necessity of telling all who came along that they could find water. True, there was not a big board set up with water' painted on It, but fo the Initiated It was equally plain. There Is not a train In all No work in Montana has done so much to encourage agricultural progres and a widerjrange ocropv A property worth has been acquired by the State for $20,037.22 by the operation of the State Fair. MONTANA Helena, September 30-Qctober 5.

MAKKS THIP FROM STVART ANACONDA IN RECORD TIME. DOWN THE HOUE STRETCH eft i 14 Ha. te Reaeb Ceert Hones Refer Commissioners Adjourn "he Tmlu, Re Rig end Ne Telegraph te md far One Rnrkles IXn, (a (hr Task aad K'lW Oa(. Anaconda, Aug. II.

AUorney William Wallace, of Helena, walked from Stuart yesterday i afternoon against time, ten tnlles, up grade all tha way. He la willing to make solemn afaU-ylt that the distance la more than that, but that Is because he was In hurry and had not time to note the scenery or count the railroad ties. He was commissioned by tha Helena power A Transmission company to appear before the county commissioners of Deer Lodge eounty with reference to the aesesyment of the line to the smelters. Yesterday waa the. last day of the meeting of the board as board of equalisation and It waa I oclock when lift reached Stuart, ten milos away, and no train to bring him to the city.

He tried to telephone for a carriage, but the wires wars down, He-tried -to telegraph and oould not find the operator at Stuart; then he sought to hire a farmer to bring him to Ana-oonda, but they were too busy haying. TV. Miles Away. It was oclock and Anaconda ten miles away; that assessment was getting higher nil the time and he muet present, ilia case to tha ooromlss toners. He selected two law books out of hie grip, tucked them uhder hla arm and set out at a' brisk pace up the track.

He made the first mile In six minutes, and swung on the second one, but it waa getting warm, and he unbuttoned hie vest. At the third he decided that he would not need one pt those law books after all and he tucked it under culvert a if nyL and marked the gpot. Thua jellevflflo fie-spurted for a mile. Then he took off hie Prinee Albert coat. This made an awkward bundle with the volume on torts and added to his burden rather than relieved It.

At a cattle guard the book -was and with hat In hand another mile waa reeled away. IIS shed. the vest and rolled Jt up witi the ooatfor time was flying and tho lawyer from Helena wished that he too had wings. The big stack loomed up on his left and encouraged him on; Jt did not look far, The Last Sport. Dust added to his troubles as reached the Three Milo house and parched his throat, but with a remedy for that at hand he came on with renewed vigor, He could see the court house tower and applied the spurs for the finish.

It was Just 4:10 when he staggered up the stairs of the commissioners room. The motion to adjourn as a board of equalisation had been made and Chairman Tuttle was about to declare It carried, when the stranger dropped into a chair. When he recovered his breath and wiped his fevered brow he explained his mission and made his point. Assessor Petersen had sent the com pany tha usual blanks for assessment and they had not been returned when he closed hlH books, and the line was listed at 16,000 per mile. This Mr.

Wal lace sowed yra too high, aocordlng to the actual cost, and after some consideration tha matter was arbitrated to 64.800 per mile, and the lawyer saved his olljent about .100 by his afternoon pedestrian feat up the valley. Tnela Toaraameat. 1 Butte, Aug. IS. Players In the ten nls tournament were rather in to-daya play, owing to the strong wind.

There were only four contceta. Oalnea, of Helena, waa very good In hla service, and put It all over Moare, of Orest Falls. Rogers volleying wne clever, and hla backhanded strokes were exceptionally good. The results of to-day's game are: Roll beat Mltburn, 4-4. 6-3.

Oalnea beat Moore, (-1, 4-1. Rodgers beat Miller, l-l. 4-1. Tipton and A. Lenforth In play Tipton Lla forth I.

JBalte Man Badly Hart. Butte. Aug. Bechellor la a patient at St. James' hospital aad hi condition la ooneldered serious.

Mr. Is a welTknown Insurance tnaa, and an old resident of thla city, being at one time an alderman from the Fourth ward, 611 downstairs In the Bennett Meek oa Sunday evening and there Is ft feer that he may hT sustained com Internal lajuriee. lie su removed la the hospital ytetarday. the top. The stick was leaning toward the village and this told the story of the missing man as plainly as If he had written a letter about It- I found that a similar stick had been erected at the top of every hill between, there and where the village coud be aten, he? took no chances of the sticks falling down, and told the story oer seVetal times.

The same sign Is used bV the Indians of Southern Alaska, and by the Wlnnebagoea of Manitoba, The Sioux use a split stick with a short stick In the Split, pointing In the direction taken1 NOTICIfl. All horseshoeing and blacksmith shops will be closed Saturday, Aug. 17, on account of annual ptcnlo at Livingston. P. H.

HUBER. Secretary Master Morseahoers association, NO. IB. 1 Had dyspepsia or for years No appetite, and what I did eat distressed me terribly. Burdock Blood Bitters cured H.

Walker, Sunbury. Ohio. FAIR! sunrise. Mr. Morse la superintendent of the Cable mine and Miss Bate was formerly a teacher In tbs Butt public schools.

Mr. and Mrs. Morse will malt their home at Cable. Fergus county ranchers have finlshod stacking their first crop of alfalfa knl while tho continued wet weather of the past two weeks bleached It A good deal. It compares very favorably with the jrt crop of former years.

CAUGHT AFTER -A LONG CHASE i 1 1 Los Angeles. Aug. 13. -Chased thousands of miles back and forth across tho country for three years by J. B.

Brown, 'an aged and respected tltlsen of Fargo, N. who spent 63.000 In the man hunt, Charles B. Brockway, a clairvoyant of devious praotlce and many aliases, was arrested here to-day. He has been operating In this city under th name of Edward K. Earle and and Edward Fay; and Brown, who Is 70 year old, met hltn by chance, recognised him and pointed hltn out to th police.

Brown charge him with having swindled or rather robbed him of 6UW a Aug. 7, 9904, at Farge, and already ha extradition paper signed for Broekwey'ft return to North Dakota for 6rlaL JU relentless pursuer will go back and stay on hie trail throughout tho prosewutlon. Brockway. It appears, practiced clalrvoy-ancocy In Fargo and Brown Wont eoa-suit him. He was Induced, claims, while under hypnotic Intluenoe, to ontruot 61,000 to Earle, having no recourse but do as ho was hid.

Brown carried an emptv envelop supposed to contain tho money over his heart while th clairvoyant disappeared with th curry. Cleiniei tha oyctm csi dzir3 tbishei rucfanUci plans and for 691KHL On a previous bid Oliver offered to eVect the building for 6110,000, but the court held that the commissioners were not authorized to accept thla bid, the amount being In excess of that allowed by the taxpayers. The plane were revised Jtnd hef bids were called for. Work will be commenced on the new building at once, the contractor having had the necessary material on the ground for some time. The court house Is to be completed by Jan.

1, 1907, which Is four months later than the time stated In the first specifications. The Willow creek tunnel on the Billing Northern Is now complete and ready fo tho rails. August Muir, who had the contract for the boring of the tunnel, left for tho northern part of the state last week, where he may take similar con-tract. The Willow creek tunnel make the twenty-second constructed by him. George Oswald, ft well known machinist, formerly master mechanic of the Butt ft Boston smelter In Butte, suffered ft stroke of paralysis Monday which la considered dangerous owing to hla advanced ar Michael M.

Cummings, one of the old-timers of western Montana, died Monday night at hie home In this city after a brief Illness. He, was born In county Kerry. Ireland, sixty years ago and came to thla country when a l4 of seventeen. He had been a resident of Montana for about forty year and we on of the first men Into the Cedar creek placer thirty-seven year ago. In recent he has been living in Missoula with hi wife and adopted eon.

The board of county commissioners of Missoula have fixed the tax levy for the year. All city property within the city Umita will be taxed at the rat of SI l-l mil, and outside the city limits from I7H to mills. The tax levy la an Increase of 1 1-16 mills over that of last year. W. D.

More and Mlsa Harriet Bates were united in marriage In a summer camp at Rock Cryek lake, about 14 mile northwest of Der Lodge. The ceremony was performed by the Preabytsriaa minuter from Deer Lodge and took place Gower -Silver Montana Mining Gomiiany 4 1 The Mine is Situated Five and One-Half Miles North of Helena feet. Ore was found at 280 feet In sinking. This down S20 feet and will be sunk to 400 state NEWS Attorney Charles 1. Avery has been appointed local counsel for the Northern Pacific Railway company at Missoula.

He will attend to all local work of the company from thla forward. J. Berry, owner of the Riverside farm, about two miles aouth of the city, started his pumping machinery In opar-atlon this week and reports It a grand success for Irrigation, says the Glendive Independent. Mr. Berry's crops are certainly fine as evidenced by a presentation of cucumbers donated to The Independent Friday, which we could challenge for excellence with growth from any country.

Articles of Incorporation have been filed In the office of the clerk and recorder of Fergi county by the Preston, Bennett Forsyth company of Moore. The company Is Incorporated for will operate flour mills, deal in tanch property and other real estate and water rights. The director for the first term are T. W. Thurston and J.

R. Forsythe, of Moore, and J. N. Bennett, a Nebraska capitalist. According to Arthur Conrad, superintendent of the Conrad Investment company's ranches, the Pondera Canal company's dam, about 16 miles west of Conrad, which was washed out by the floods of the early summer, will be rebuilt again within the next few week a( a cost of from 625.000 to 640.000, The Columbus Land Water company baa Just Issued ft very nest booklet.

the title of which Is A Columbus Climb. It contains an Imposing array of facta and figures concerning growth of thla lively town during the past year, and show very conclusively why It should continue to expend. The contract foe lb new Fergus county court house has been awarded to William Oliver, a 8pokane contractor, wh was the only bidder, and who offered Jo construct the building under the Jvtod Their perpendicular shaft Is ore csrried copper, sliver, gold and lead of paying grade. It Is Desired to Place 15,000 Shares of the Treasury Stock In Helena The Price Per Share Is 50 Cents I 1 ft we are working to make this worth dollars a share by opening up a mine and give It dividend tlnn r. wott.rgr.nue.

The a. Butte City. The V. found by Uvcl! a is ihR atma condition aa Butte ora occur, oxldei of copper carrying silver and gold Jut a TJXXZ ttSZSSXS. a repr mTne depth le required? Butt.

ha. proven thin The Copper-ftllver 1. getting depth and copper ore. te the company's standing we refer to nay bank or businessman 1 Helena. Cures Biliousness, Sick Headache.

Sour Stomach, Torpid Liver and ti Chronic Constipation. jfJUJX oYTtip Pleasant to taKe ktty PARCHEN DRUG COMPANY thoroughly sallow pimples and It I Make Applications for Stock to E. R. PURHIIr Etonafier Post Office Box 667..

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