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The Independent-Record from Helena, Montana • 6

Helena, Montana
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

LENA. 3 nin: daily i.ndltln'd: ul: i auspeitalon w111 wor eireUcO that the umt.O It sue nt it le now nut be hrjil In constant operation. A if 4 frem nfih ri) bloxUna' ritnl output lr tit ytr wo MT.CC3.CCa. Loi-'ii I 1. Hon-y cr.J is the mu cold.

Tho Mill la I Bo Started Up 0n 1 CiooHont Ora. Hi poll hav reach hl ithoMojil Gold mlo Will ootMl be OtnonO rrom(nfl), uiJ producer In Or- dent Hurt tho Mletln eondltlono UIIU t)uniy and wll reeumo enable proflublt mining la be lrma-p0JUoy among tb leading mine pf lb JmJ 1 lnl Two Dys fer tts Overflow nsntty carried on. -1 I eiaw slid selot led from tbs finest of Ths novsltla have arrived, gtora. Remarkable vatus la latest th world market I whal will great you aeary vounlsr will atare In th face, spring good and ivll article aold fur figure mual ijl to you Ou escellant faellltlea for buying correr and latest siylsa 1 I being fvfttoa tnougb ihouUI your ptironiit. BTAXED THE LAKE.

elite, mil I bo Ptlllpburg Malb, Veff Uttle h.e been heard of Iho Royal Quid In recent jroaro and operation- were retried ol Interval on'. olth a comparatively email men. Borne Unto Meoora, II. heal end J. E.

Manley eacurod a laaao thla property and commenced proopetl in tho lower worhlnao of Iho win in Buffalo Dress Goods and Slllcs' Tha anormou gaeottmant ha. naver been equaled In th. Ms'ory of Mualan marchandlalng. XUU itury ef Montana rr- fcotil dMriit. mbnuln town of CaaG.

Hoblnaott tinlth'a comp, begin la IV' Irina during Chit for that the Hcn-Uf brother went frvnj UvInjXoo Into tbs Curt mountains, Ml prospecting Venture. During tbit aaon thf filrovoed CM C'nrpvr Quota rotij of claim now consisting of locaUoet. and h4 ore ihipim-nt from thw Qoaa by th way of Uvtngato aad Northern pctni railroad, th smaller rtrna bcrlnf the or rarer par rent. of copper, 1 oum of etlvr find hF la gold. Tho freight charge on the ore In mad art bta rich (two.

in. i r.iin Drcsj Goods ct Chfer. Prices John O'NoUI'a Groat Play Mump, Ida. practically all th principal location tha Ituffalo Hump country orer laat foil before th commence. I VlTh or body which hod been nient of winter and nt ttm when ago In th there waa no anew upon th ground.

and which mado lb ett tho Spohan Cun.lder- 7, VBdlt dolUra were attention, honevor. haa oSat thaMlmo aad tha avar attracted by aom reronrhnWy jo-etainp location which ho, been rrul a day. ba- duiln th Paetmonlb Atnona 1 pomntrotea. It to oald that copper It to IS oant per pound. rt'r I ppipcrllee than tho Blbhy and fuud In tho lower tovob Her vraa but oartoU profit worttlnf which have recently boon local hundie, ton, 0y hl(h frod or lo Lake.

be New Silks fit ChfiMensa IVIccs. Taffeta alik, epee ahadea. sultabl for IlnlnfSi color rod, pink. Hhl blua, whlia and rroam Iba manufacturer kadi special, per yard 4 fiu per lor grad changeable taffeta, soft finish. 11 th haw spring shads) special, par yard tap yard avl if dr txla In namaj tia fftcUl I xtw ihadlna.

rUr hrawa, Ut wa pnctal, yar yard 4 yiata frtnlii tlotHa la ill th wtw ihidM. suitable fur taHor-mada gowns) special, per yard owaat OCc 4Dc 40c 70c olitady In th bin and tho mill will started up la a short time, ed la Buffalo Competent authorttlea who havebwn over th ground agre la tho opinion that th maps of th Hump In use In this city wrong la th location given Buffalo Lake. Thla body of water should be east of Its present pl' the map. thua putting It In auch a isl lira as to catch th north axiensltn of! the famous Bl Buffslo ledge. The oorly locators la the Hump paid till! attention to Buffalo Lako, which I nearly round and about ij rwunu Beautiful oaaorled aelsotlon of new check and mixed fifftcl In all th Ml coloring.

This tin comprising all that new is loo varied for description, special per yard Wo Th true novelty of the on fur tailor made ut( le herron bon trp. We are ahowing them In the new nprlng shade, full Riche wide, peclal per yard 1 Venetian cloths, very rich and durabl for tailor mad gowna.apecMily wo- van to stand strain, for tight lltting 11 th latest spring color- Inga, will nut spot, full 54 Inches wide special per yard It Full ortment covert doth, unapproachable for durability. Plain, changeable nnd atrip tf- feci for general ilreet 7 wear, per yard tea4w 11.00, 11.25, $1.50 Elegant asaortmant df caw trip, plaid find cback waist and shirt llS, most deslrabl affecta. war eompallad to purrhaa thla Mrge variety to ll thorn for thl prtce( peels) 00 99, Wo New crystal round corded taffeta, newest daalgna In tripe and check, special Batin corded and ambroid- ered polka dot taffeta. Handsome and complete lino of coloring, per yard tod III Mtl HtM ft foulard fid Twill Silk Are deemed by all fashion authorttlea to be th lead- era for summer gownn We ra showing all the new design In light and drk grounds, flowered-T polks dot and croll ef- feci, pecll 75c, $LW, IU5 if OPENING DISPLAY jjuEson Tailor Suits TailorJackets LADIES AND MIS8E8 Separata Dreae Bklrtn.

811k Wolt. T. Bummer Bblrt WalotA Bilk end Novelty Material tlcoata. Specials In ovary lino. Toko tho elevator to tb new tyleo.

QUESTION OF REDUCTION, Dig Body of Low Grad Or In th Quasi a. Van rad waa In Nalhart again week' to Inspect program at th Qi.een, aaya the Nelbart Herald. Th feat across. TbyUhsd no i.d gust bodies of low grade or In that had ao reason to attempt Ita navlgn- mire are subject of much concern to lion. Tho lake we almply uaed a the ownct a who are figuring upon math-water supply, tha locator generally I economic treatment.

General i.ppoelntr that It waa very deep. have been made to th though no on attempted any InveatW ttsi a pm determine by getlona. Two water right were filed vurloua concentrator, to determine oy upon th lake water but beyond tha: I what protee It can be best handl nothing wn done. ana th hope le atron thet the effort John ONellL who waa formerly he- I In thla dluctlon will prove auccvaefub ante attorney, hut hs been a rest Iv.t The Queen la working to 30 men of central Idaho for the past three and ahlpptn flv or olx car of ora pci years, was th first to conceive th Idea month. In order to do this they that th Ink might be available for gouging out a nt an Immenseleuge quirts location He Investigated the to SO ouflee ore, which two water right and found point warte.

With aucceeaful concentration wher wan convinced they were de- the min would employ a hundred mu fcctlva He then associated J. C. C'en I and the shipment would be 10 time as denlng. Dr. B.

BL Blbhy and John Hsr- I Mrge. while the profit of operation with him la tha enterprise, the0uld be manifoldly greater, three latter being pertnera with Mr. ONelU lu the ewnerahlp of th Lucky I Matt AM.rson in South Carolina, Clm th nrth Matt W. Alderaon. who made a auc--Havhty demonstrated to th aatlsfa eras In dieatln ore and tailings In of his associates the defectiveness I Madison coupty tfy liquid process, of the water rights.

It was decided to I has made aeverfl brief mnd Mr. Harrow to the Hump tolnvrs- oipiui during the past tlgate the depth of the lake. He le-l returning from the Grahgevlllc Feb. 15. Upon arrival at wlMer.

Btar 14 to North the Hump he Immediately made aev fh Uu Me ex. eial hole through the enow and I 'n nt wk on Ma Jay covering the lake and found that In no I Pveted here vicinity of fret deep. He did not make any ex- for the valuellneton Prty As I dfnse It Is a Show 11 whhk. Jury e.rt Wb-Ihn I iloa Ignormses ret OH sinus i- Infi Hut hv hfsltstlun I s1' that, Slats'1 rt' before os. non-eswulio wklcfi result! In tha poaitiv act frt.ia ions he cosllnutnfi nutasnea, oa account which a Ul amounts.

uolM plltM' mlstsaaanca upon th part of sU director Jh company, except Kxnjroo, vko. It sppasra prim fscK hT known sf snd sulhorlssd th nulsaaew. As to him It la inslls la conclusion, th eeurt flttd tkl rss must rwverssd sad reataM for Anuthsr dscUloa of mor th, Into rest hi that grouting a how lrta lo Boland T. loan, who was 1 ei'dr'd th district court of Osltstl "'y yaar and to Frw tfntrlso-ment for murdering WHm Buaaolt. hia fsthsr-ln-Uiw, filoan waa onvlrted of murdsr aocond ds(r.

was raschsr, nd no and hla wifa had sow dlfforoncs and latter wont to th hobs of hsr fstljr. filoan rtfuaad hsr permtooloa th hor waa ring apparel along. On July 1A ha want to Bosoms" msh som pur-rhaaea, and ther found hi Wlfo, hor fsthor and on Fred Bussell, eousln of hta wlfo-whom skwn appear to share with being too sltenllv to hsr sad rw-sponatbla for oil her troubles. After filoan hod finished hi business and was about to return boss, ho stepped into a saloo and liter found hla flhsr-ln-law. Russell went up th defendant and naked him whether was aolnfi to let hta gtrir hav her elolho.

After I I mark by filoan that ha would do so when ho cot roady, Itusssll slruqh dh dtfsnd-snt In th fac with his flot. causlnfi him to fall bach against th bar. then caught him around the nock with one arm and continued striking him with hla fist. Bloan drew hlo revolver, which caught. In tha scuffl th wtapon was discharged, th ban snlorlng user Ruaaoll'a groin, and died three hour after the shooting.

After a futll effort to secure a new trial. Bloan appealed to th supreme court. Chief Justice Braiitly, for th court reverses the lower court for errors committed In Instructing the Jury. The Jury were told la one Instance not to consider th evidence Introduced which tended to) show that filoan had borne a good reputation as a pescesbl and law-abiding cltl-t sen unless they had doubts as to who? waa tha aggressor. This la held to bt er-1 roneoua.

Another Instruction was that befors defendant could kill hla adversary must have been in Imminent danger of death or receiving great bodily harm at fit hand. Th court hold that thla Instruction waa prejudicial to the defendant' In that It Ignored pia rtgh. reasonable man. to act upon appearance as prtssnted themselves to him. Tb.

right of -on assaulted to kill his assailant In self-defens ahoud not limited byfcik ability to distinguish between felonies snd mlsdemeansra, ssye, the court Inicrltk-lalng that portion of the Instruction. Th Judgment of conviction Is reversed and a nevV trial granted. In the case of Fred Bwsetman against John Ramsey, appealed by the plaintiff from th finding of th lower court In Yellowstone tho. supreme court reverses th action of the trial court and orders a new trlaL Th action grew out of the selaure of 8,400 sheep by the defendant a sheriff of the county, on on execution lit favor, of the First National Bank of BMUngg -The trial epurt sustained In the ease of John R. Miller against A.

R. Gates et -appealed by the plaintiff on the ground that the lower court erred la refusing to set aside as null and void a mortgage for 835,000 because the Insurance company to which It was given had not compiled with the law requiring such corporations to file statements, etc. In the cas of Rachel E. Creek against the Boaemant Water works the court mads an order of dismissal on the ground of the Insufficiency of the appeal bond. Daniel M.

Reynold, of T-oy. was admitte- to' practice upon the request of Attorney General Nolan. Mr. -Reynolds waa a member of the Iowa bar. Sm II niifiaAA II IS Identity of1 Spanish Admiral Positive.

Santiago, (uba, March a careful MaJ. Leonard Wood) the military governor, lg convinced that the skeleton found a few fly ago, tied In an arm chair on the shore about four miles west of K1 Morro. la the remains of tho Bpanlsh Admiral Vlllamll, who commanded the torpedo-boat destroyers Furor and Pluton In the battlo which resulted In the destruction of Cerveras equadron. Col. Valiente, chief of the Santiago provisional gendarmerie, has resigned his membership in the Veterans association owing to its action In supporting the military assembly In the controversy with Gen.

Gome. Meetings continue to be held here endorsing the course of the Cuban ex-commander-ln-chlef. Black Dress Goods The opening display In thU particular line will be positively the largest, most compute and exclusive ever offered to our trade, Including MataMeeca, Crepon, Bbk and Wool Corded Cyrano Cloth, Grenadine and Nets, fl.00, tl.W, 11.76, 22.2L 1 4 'imported dress patterns Entire assortment, complete In detail of foreign style, all on display during tbl sale, 110 to $35 each. Blflck Silks spccul .400 yard, good quality black taffeta, regular value 15c. 1 BnecMI 4 ttaiket black taffata.

24 inches wide, 1 piece, extra worth 11.25. BpecM! 'Extra quality black satin duche, 22 Inches wide, worth BDeclat Superior quality black tln duche. 27 Inch wide. worth 11.45.-Special- Among th many novelties displayed with black llke may be aeet all the novelty dreoa nklrt taffetaa, jn pakin atrlpes, polka dot, and atrip and dot.dealgn., 1 Wo to tensive Investigations as to th Dr0perties. of the dirt on the bottom of the lake.

Purchase of valuable mlnln properties. clalmo. -Tho claim, howwror, wore do. vcloped by a tunnol Ut feet In leoyth connectlpt wKh ha feet In depth and a croee-cut rua 10 fert, ahowlnc laad of that width, all mlnerallicd and eonUInln atrooka of Mtlpplnf oca, During th preaent mlnln araaon development will puhed down to watey level when It la ported bodloa of concentrating nd ohlpptng or will ho uncovered. la ISM th Henaley dtacovered and located th Cumberland.

TellowMorre. California and Judge; tta Cumberland 1 proving to contain the grea teat body of oarbonat ore over uncovered In Mon tn. nt on point maawirin feet In width, tlm groo product of-th mine having ay gregatad upward of 11000,000. No mean could realled lo cheapen the freight charge on or to tho yallrond, pee to belnr th uauat charge, nnd elforto were md to econ-nmlao th coat of working properties by tha erection and operation of amelt-ero, two being built and operated, but It waaound that th coot of fuel near-ly aboorbed th aavlng between ahlp-plng raw or and bullion, th coot of coho at Chatl being from g2 to $17 per ton. Then condition brooght nboot th aimoat entire abandonment of lb working of th mine until th building of Iho Montana rallrond.

which run from Lombard on the Northern pacific railroad to Leodboro. wblo resulted In reducing cent and ft per ton, depending' upon I the dletance of. the mine from Lead-boro. and the eecurlng of a very eco-jiomlra! freight rate to tho Eaet Helena atneltera, and laat aeaeon wltneaaed revival of old time day of activity, there having been Milpped 1.260 care of ore. It la expected th preaent seaaon Will witness atlll greater activity.

The Castle ore are largely carbonate of lead and oxlda of Iron, making the beat fluxing ore known. The ore bodies are large, enabling their economical extraction, an Illustration belnr the experience of William Shakgapear, who, last season, worked the Great Eastern mine under lease, extracting' and dipping 'over 70 car loads of ore, over 40 of which were extracted from a body df sand carbonates without the uae of the drill and powder. At present works is being prosecuted on the Great Eastern, American, Judge, TInmeatake and Rattler. Ore la being extracted from tho Great Eastern apd stored at the depot at Leadboro, and a oop as the snow embargo removed a fair train load, of -this ore will come to the smelter In a single shipment Besides Ihecorbonate ores there are deposits carrying large percentages of black manganese which Is also -valuable fluxing ore as well as being -used In the manufacture of a fine grade of steel and shipments will be made aoon to ascertain utility of this ore In the iron Industry. The Hensley hrothersand many other original locators In the district still remain Identified with It, and are confl- to is Copper on Blackfoot Strip.

It la reported that an enormous ledge SANDS BROS. COMPANY mwmm but took out one shovelful that panned 7. He Immediately made two locutions on the surface of the lake, the Blbhy nd the Horton, and returned very rlch copper ore has been dla-Crengevllle, where be reported the re- 01 er' num. suit to hie partner. covered on the Blackfoot rtP- A num He remained In Orangeville but a I ber of Kallspell'a cttlxena are Interested day, Immediately returning to the the claims upon which the strlke was Hump with sufficient force to dig the I mnde.

James A. Ford. Dr. A. D.

Mac-d'lchea necessary to drain the lake lnDrr.ald and James Harris are to prevent the possibility of any bt-red among the lucky fellows, tr.cre water rights being filed. A fele- pbne message was received front! Shionina Diamond Hill Mill Orangeville this morning that Mr. Har- Shippma row had returned to GrangevIUe. hav- Whaley Bros, have been busy past lug successfully accomplished the I week hauling the old 0 atamp mill of draining of the Jake. Diamond Hill Mining company to Several day ago Spokane capitalists an(1 loading for shipment to discovered the nature of Mr.

ONeills Clnncyi Baya the Townsend Star. Tom Appleton of that place having pur- scheme and Immediately secured an Mining Machinery trntlmftlftft A U.s,l,ata.mwl1h 9 and Estimate FREE Cdird Hawkswortb Casting. Suppllaa Plan furnished for entlra Min Equipments -FOR- op-t'on upon the property for 200,000 In case the drainage was successfully an-cr-mplished. It Is claimed that this option will hold good and that the Bibbv or-d Horton will aoon be owned In dp-knre. bUIVi OR LEAD.

Given to every yearly aubacrlber to chased the same for use upon one of his mines. 1 -v Arbitration Will Be Urged. London, March 20. Replying to question of Mr. Stanhope as to vylmUier, In view of the position Great Britain has taken upotl the promotion of arbt- Force Being Increased at the Granit and tratlon.

as shown the Alabama, Ber-Bimetallic Mines. 1 ea and Vene.uela and i lift DrotKx-fils for an Anglo Antiorican Regular shift are now employed at arbtration, her majestys the Granite mtne, additional miners are fc(vernment will take the Initiative in being put on every day and things ur I gubmlttlng to the peace conference a gradually assuming the life and -tetiv. Jty of former years, says the Philips-burg Mall. Merr who have been Idle for a Jong time and have patiently uv. alted the opportunity to go to work scheme for permanent arbitration, the parliamentary secretary of the foreign a flairs committee said In theTiouse of commons to-day that the government would use Its best efforts to promot? principle of arbitration, but he AND MINERALS Colliery Engineer and (Formerly Ihe Metal Miner.) i 1 1 SUBSCRIPTION 82-00 per year Every sending $2.00 for one year, aubacrlptlon receives not only the largest and best mining periodical but a receipt to which I.

attached 6 coupons, each of which entitle, the holder to ona FREE ASSAY for either Gold, Sliver, Copper or Lead. Send For Free Sample Copy and Particular. MINERALS IS fc THE BEST edited mining publication. THE BEBT Illustrated mining publication. THE BEST printed plining publication.

The Beet Mining Literature. The best mining literature for mine-owners. superintendents, foremen, miners, prospectors. add-have at last received the welcome order ed that It was not convenient to give report for duty. Ore la being hoisted from both the Bimetallic and Granite mines and the tramway is busy dellver-li-j? the same at the Bimetallic mill.

The erl're has been started up and It thought that by next Monday everything will be adjusted to Insure the continual dropping of the hundred stamps. Large shipments of supplies are being received by the company, and' one day last week the railroad freight charges alone amounted to nearly ,500. This means considerable business and Is conclusive proof that the mines are going to be operated extensively. Nearly all of the lumber for the new Come from Fred Burr lake to Granite Is row piled up at the old Granite mill icady to be distributed as soon as the snow In the mountains settles sufficiently to permit of a temporary road being made. The hew flume will be built seme distance above the old one which furnishes the water supply for rhe town of Granite, but practically along the same line, and Is to be 24x28 Inches In the clear.

With a good grade this wl'! bring' considerable water Into anite and a good deal of power will bo obtained. Fred Burr lake 111 bo used an a storage ienervolr and1 a vast body of water can be retained for use during the dry sennon. A 10-foot dam of solid irasonry la already in place nt the lake, which is a natural reservoir site, Extending a long -distant b.n k. nml a 10-foot lalre would ipeun an 'ir'-int-nse quantity of water. The lower lake is also to be used as a reservoir ard a dam will be required to do thin ah the country around the luke'ls mere flat than at the upper basin.

The construction of the new flume will.rr've employment to quite a number of no if ard make fhtngs ln'Uranite appear lik-old times It Is thought that the company udi cr'arge Jhe capacity of the Granite that the water frem Fred Rurr lake Is calculated sufli-cant for the operation of that plant. Deaths Crossing Victims. f-alt Lake, March 20. While crossing the tracks of the Rio Grande Western railway at Murray, seven miles south of this city in a wagon this morning, Charles Heun and a boy named Hull were Ft ilick by an eastbound passenger. Both were.carrled for some distance by tbe locomotive and their bodies horri-blv mangled, death resulting almost Instantly.

To-days casualty is the eighth oKuirenco of the kind to accur at this ciotilng within the past two years. Don Carlos Thinks of Rebelling, Rome. Harch 20. The Oplnlone revives the' story that Don Carlos, the gpuniHh pretender, has received ad- anceJ of several millions from English a -id French bankers andw'Ul soon enter 8l Bln. Tht precis date is deferred until the ratifications of the treaty of peace tween Hpaln and the United States have bee exchanged, but according to the OpInWe, the C'arllsts and Spanlst) republicans will start revolution m-mcdiatelv after the exchange la made.

Address: MINES AND MINERALS. Scranton, Pa. How Thla? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Halls Catarrh Cure. F. J.

CHENEY ft Toledo, 0. We. the undersigned, have known f. i. Cheney for the last IS years, and believe him perfectly honorable In all business transactions, and financially able to carry out any obligation made by their firm, WEST ft TRAUXv Wholesale Druggists.

Toledo. O. WALDING, KINNAN ft MARVIN, Wholesale Druggists. Toledo, O. Halls taken Internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system.

Price 75c per bottle. Bold by all druggists. Testlmo-nlal'A free. Hall family Pills are the best. Surplus in Indian Calcutta, March 19.

The Indian budget In almost every department of revenue shows improvement. It la estimated that thefe will he a surplus of 115,009.000 for the fiscal year of ISM-99, nnd $13,250,000 for 1899-1900. No reduction In tnxnttqn Is proposed. The government considers It ad-v lea hie to maintain the strongest possible posit ion in view of the expected measures for currency reform- An Editor Find Sura Cure For Rheum-- atism. A.

R. De Fluent, editor of the Journal. 1oylestown, Ohio, suffered for a mi mb' of year from rheumatism In hin rifht shoulder and aide. says: "Mv right at times was entirely ueelcts. I tried Chamberlain Pain In'm.

and was aurprled to receive te-ll-f almost Immediately. The Pain Lain has been a conetaot companion of in' tic ever lnce and It never falls. For sale by all druggists find dealers. Oh, the Pain of Rheumatism! Rheumatism often causes the most Intense suffering. Many have for years vaihly sought relief from this disabling disease, and are to-day worse off.

than fiver. 'Rheumatism is a blood disease, gnd Swifts Specific is theonly cure, because it is the only remedy which can teach such deep-seated diseases.4 Sj tow years gqj was taken with lnflamma-Sorf Rheumatism, which became so Intense that I was for weeks unsble to walk. I tried crrral prominent physicians and took their treatment faithfully, but was unable to get the allght-Y est relief, in fact, my con. dltlon seemed to grow worse, the disease spread over myentl(e bo(fy. and from November to March I suffered agony.

I tried ninny patent medicines, I hut none relieved me. llpnn the advice of i friend I decided to try Before allowing Die tn take it, liow, iL I g( gs Websters Assay Office D. P. Assayer and Metal- lurgtst. 62 South Main Street, Baaement; fP O.

box 1017. 4 Prompt returna made on aampie i ent by mail. 5 Prices for assayt (Jold lead, 60c; gold, allvar and Mad. copper. 1.

(Control and Check samples double above prices.) j. Amalgam retorted. Gold duet and 49 retort gold melted and bought. Of- A flee open from 8 oclock a. m.

to Jp 4k m. $WWWWIHMWWWWl We Print We Bind We Rule Same Fares Via Washington. Tickets to Philadelphia and New via WuHhbigton are soUL(ivr Peausylva-nla Short Bines at some fares us oyer direct line of Pennsylvania Bystem. Ti-'fiets vlii Washington are good for 10 usjf Me hi national capital Fare. lliHf through trains and full information In for ihe NMklnfr Adtlrn II.

It fver, my guardian, who w.s rwmmj. yeed the remedy, and pronounced It free of potash or mercury. I felt so mucll better after taking two bottles, that I Oontlniled the rem-' edy.andln two months I waacuredcompleteiy. Die eare vm parmanent, for 1 have never alnee had a touch nt Minimalism though many times expoeed to damp and cold weather Klbm V. TirrxLL, 711 Powelton Aveaue, Philadelphia.

Dont suffer longer with Rheumatism. Throw aside your oils and linimetita, as they can not reach your trouble. Dont experiment with doctors their potash ana mercury will add to your disability and completely destroy your digestion, i S.S.SJS, Blood will euro perfectly and permanently, ft la guaranteed Purely vegetable, and contains no potash, mercury, or other mineral. Books mailed free by Swift ipficlfio Atlanta. Go.

Fred J. Thomas, ASSAYER 8. Main BtreaL Entrance St Loula BotSL-' Bllver and gold Bliver. gold and lead Copper I Goldfeilust and retort melted ana bouaht I' Correct and stylish arrangement of type. Superior atock.

Price' that are right. Stamps Soon to Be Dropping. The report comes from the upper Yellowstone that the Bear Gulch Mining company, operating at- Jardine. have the engine and boilers they recently co ved set tip and ready for operation and that next week it is expected the stamps of the company will be Start- H.C FREEMAN Mining Kngjneer and Metallurgist. ii Assaying.

Ores and Concentrate tested for Chlorine, Jlromlne and Oniililo ireiitnicnL Gold duat melted and bought. Masonic -Temple. Jackson street ed to dropping again. Theshortage of (J. Agt.

818 South Clark street, Chi- entrance. Helena. Mont. water for the tuibine wheels will not I OtMIttfttffttfiHtlfttUtfi V- independent Job Departroent BRl.NO YOUR MAOAZINE TO THE INDEPENDENT M1NDEBX -j.

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