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The World from Coos Bay, Oregon • 5

The Worldi
Coos Bay, Oregon
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)


ptHWO ra. day from a bu.lne visit to Port land. MIKA MABEL FORD of Coquillo spent tho day haling frlneda In tho city. Bufo afrr spending the day here I MIL AND MRS. PETER COWAN after a bu-inesa returned tot heir home at fteedport this '2 morning.

NTiV TODAY J. L. COWAN left thin morning for'u A. RIFFLE, aalesmvn for tho pla-Vm MLi: At A A mp FORD PRICES DROP $50 I -os Aaeoioa and ethry aonthora ifuioia yoiuta, bd Wnt tho Md at ilo bomo ef her former ronrdun, tieorfa gnwIMr, Is Lo Angelas, Ui: itoHwv riaek and Bay i juuog men from I ho ravei (-nurd station, aro planning to No far ibefr hornet In Baa Fran- i'o aft.r spending a oar at tho Mntlua at fharloMaa. ilw I rum Alhcany redJenia In Ibla lty today on bust' Vera Haw Conro, Mrs.

Etta Hillings, Mr, Georg Io-t and Mrs. George MrElroy. nl (Vup Tomtit ItaolAV laiercd 3-fr-l4 lleLteta t-j. Terr Glenview Bathe No, 31.344 II, F. II, rslved lember I1IS.

Sir Gleeeoe Campus Barhe No, t2 dw Glenview PLk Quern No, II. F. II. awvptcd far registry In the 44ih fluwo of tbe IM-, airln Frsiaa Herd I'wk, ander-tha rules of the JLwuHou Phono 33 or call between I and I at III CoVa building, Marshfield, This considered the finest bull In Coos county. IU2I What a Wise Woman Knows The woman who tales 'pride In her haling end Is wafchful of the family health Is never won away from ROYAL Baking Powder She Inows that It Is absolutely pure and dependable that for over.

SO years It has teen used In the best homes In the country, Jt Contains No Alum Leaves No Litter Taste .9031.00 tMuo 4i7a.M AO 9300.74 Tvmfc Trmdur SSSaooooatd PERSONAL MENTION mend Rubber left lt blew for Eugeae after a buslnesa tLII to thla city. 1L L. WITTY, mprewnllng an In-sura are romps ay, left tbia morning for Portland after an extended vLit In thla city. MILL E. A.

TIFFANY, who baa b-q spending several daya with relatives lo Marshfield, left last bight for bar borne at SodavjUe, Ore, W. O. ROBERTSON of tho Portland, Eugeno A Coos Bay Land Company left last nlgbt for Portland after a few daya bero oa buainesa. MRS. A.

J. SHERWOOD, who ba been vLltlng her father oa Coos river, returned here thla mornlol and left far her homo In Coqullle. MRS. E. HENDRIX of Bandon Is a Marshfield visitor for two days.

Sha camo over to make arrangements concerning their property hero, MRS. ENA CALDWELL, bonsekeep-er on tho Anson Roger ranch on Coo a river, left last nlrht for Portland lo visit her daughter for a few daya. Tin fdud tarlada wit atari rr nnd dwMiti.til rtmo. IATI.M Inning twin gi, betel. North Bend.

Ilatf II HIU-I Ford trwck, ra- prca body, aide curtains, foot throttle, run only I00 miles. In At condition, a bargain. Thona 191, ak for GahberL mnrnmm trs wet F-AKT TLBM3 CIVbN Isaac Tower IVrd Kale sad Km-rbo A. C. KICirr left last night ho will work.

A. II. POWERS left tbit morning lo tpmd several days at Power. MHS. LRQ LEHMAN of Coqullln was a shopper la this city yesterday.

0. G. WALKER rvlarnd today after a bustnes to points north. HARRY GRim.N left this morning for Gardiner oa a business visit. W.

JL SAYRE left last night for Eu en after a business visit to this city. B. A. SHALLIIORN arrived her to day from Portland oa a business visit SI SIMOLA arrived homo today after a abort buslnesa visit to Port land. CHARLES HALL arrived horn to- qullle today to attend court.

Muiii WicVir. Cat. Inman, lio trat galvailun ltH BKXT XJood 8 room bungalow nicely furnbhed. F. E.

Con ay pbono 393. 2121 FOR ItKNT Taw ftmUtnl fnmi housekeeping rooms. 947 South Fourth, phono 42C-IL 3122 dim jLaiB. likhT Owaa fonatmia pea with dip. Return to Tlmeo.

1 121 iuiHEB FORECAST nin la lit Army, arrived her ibU morning af a Mtra portion. lodrto i-r a trip to Coqullle and Random gUioMirrty sal, I Will I trln Car, Tom Jam I ft ftmnto Mslil for Portland, whcr ho III st an Ovorlnnd tar nhlrh ho III drive boro, arriving homo Wed-nest JlrtvowlocUt Mr. James ncduy. I Had No IJdn J. Thompson of North Hind iraa arreted lout by Trafllc Officer Willlrma for lurvuu par tbs It hour ending, at 1 I a.

at, Nov. II. by Covorn- gnlBta Mlaiasa At S3 tyoHjiiiatlon, nono. not having any light on a truck ho waa driving. The truk la owned by ltill KA IA5 Itemlngtom No, 0 typewriter la good condition.

III. Writ P. O. Box 374 or teiepboo North Bead 1113 after 3 p. fieedtporl after buoiaesa visit In Ibla city.

LESTER ATTEROCRY after spend-Ing a few daya la tbit city left fot Eugeno. A. If. ANGl'8 left for Eugene after a bulne visit of neteral days In Ibla rlty. A.

E. BABCOCK left tils morning for Eel lako after a buslnesa visit to tbln city. J. L. COLBY, sal-sroan for tba Good-rlrh Rubber lift last bight for Eugeno.

CHARLES ST. DENIS waa a Marsh-Held buslnesa raller today from Lakaslda. J. If. SNARIt left tbit morning for Seattle after a buvluens visit to this city.

GEORGE HOWARD after a buslnesa visit to thla city left for hit borne In Portland. W. If. HULL waa a Marshfield caller yesterday, coming la from Coqullle. MRS.

MCDONALD left last bight for her homo at Dufo after (bopping lo thla city. WILLIAM COURTNEY left for Port-' land after spending several days In tba city on buslnesa. W. 11. KENNEDY arrived bout to-! day from Rcedsport' after a buslnesa visit there.

CHESTER DEMORE left thla morn-! Ing for Eugene after a business' visit to this city. I W. II. McCartney waa a business1 visitor today la this city from hta home on Coot river. E.

W. McINTCRFF arrived homo to-j day after spending a few daya In. Gardiner on business. MR3. ALBERT HAINES, who baa visited her mother-in-law, Mrs.

A. T. Haines, left this morning for her home In Portland. J. W.

OCHWIO left last night for hla borne at Eugene after a business visit to thla city. JOHN HETHERINGTON returned to bis borne at Powera after a bus-' loess visit to this city. MRS. R. O.

WOODRITH of Reeda-port spent yesterday visiting and shopping In Marshfield. CHESTER SOLONECKER, rancher of Ada, who was here on business, left for home this morning. MRS. DAVID RACKLEFF left last! night for Reedsport after visiting relatives here for a few daya. I J.

MEYER, who has. been spending1 several days In tljla city on business, left last night for Eugene. MRS. CHARLES WALLS and Bon returned last night to their home in CLOTHES VALUE ONLY 9200 dawn bud 923 per mo. I' will buy neat modern four-room plastered bungalow.

Wby pay rent? Let ua show you. F. E. Conway pbono 395. 31x21 WANTED Furnlidied apartment.

it IX fit KIIJ5 Mammoth Ilronoo Tf key ben. l. Toms, 17. Mr. V'f B.

Farrla, Sumner, Ore. 18x22 Tool precipitation alnro 1721 ...13.37 iv4 Northwest and clear. iBb! fog Atirnd Oiuri Judge John 8. pirtrlft Attorney Den 8. Fith-1DJ curse Wnthlns went to Co- tho Putnam wood company of North Ih-nd.

Tho case will bo heard at Co-qulllo tbia afternoon. Bark from lintel Pe-temon cxtiecta lo leare today for at visit at tho homo of her aunt, Sim. Cnntlne. on Konuek Inlet, following a vara (Ion of two monlbs spent In i npfxca roll Rl A 93000 form mortgage to net 8 per cent Box 37, Co qullle. lx? WANTED Men or women, natary ISO full Uma, 1 an hour spare ij time, selling guaranteed hosiery direct to wearer; cotton, allk, heather mixtures.

International Mills, Norristown, Pa. 31x21 MONEY TO LOAN liberty bowfip purchased. Hugh Barclay, ltxtt Qualify first created value then Ktjicj then tailoring It'd a concrete guarantee of last lag dal-Ixfact ion. Kt'PPKNHKIMKR good axmiES are (unllty clothe, the greatest clothes value In several years. Kuppenhclmer Suits and Overcoats styled for men and young men, priced at FDU HAM- Indian runner durks; bens 11.80, drakes 1 2.

Phone 1205-X or writ Box 614, city. 21x22 i FOR HALE 0 atrtw piling ata-age near Rain rock tat ion on 8. P. line. C.

C. Camp, North Bend. J3atf Big Loads! Full Always FOXE 100 JAY TODAY 1X)R RUJO 1 doa. white O. A.

C. i Leghorn chickens. Phone North 1 Bend 2134. 21x23 VOtl BALE F. and K.

MoCaskey account regteter. PkM 74. THEATRE TONIGHT Brown leather purae between Merchants Cafe and Chandler hotel. Finder please return to The Times office. 21x22 FOR BALE Stock of As I am Uteodtng to mere I kno doeUed sad my tUMt Cnq-ral turdiielln, ineindlac poat-edlc flxtmre with ateeli leeated al Artec, Ore.

Anyone lat write or call XV, O. GrtOo, Ora. Rexall Liver Salts 35c-50c flacy-Bairds Cornelians DAVE JONES THE CLOTHIER SALE Wo have some fine acreage tracts part cultivated with some old houses on the land, located at Libby, which we will sell you on very easy terms. Inquire at Reynolds Development 178 Cntral Marshfield, Ore. 21x23 ARSH FTirqtF otijzts tnp IN NORTH FRONT ST, Where the Train Stops 1 TMl SAJLM UMMh BtaAM 9a fbM eondithm.

Baagain for ea-b. A ply W. 8. customs office, Cok blC9 liJ ra oit FOR SALE About a dozen White Leghorn O. A.

C. strain. Phone North Bend 2182, Bangor. 21x23 THE LAW OP THE NORTH I ul A GIFT TIUT IS SURE TO PLEASE FOR RENT 0 room house, chic houses and barn. Phone 136-J.

S. F. Bock, Eastside. 18x1 FRANK M. PARSON'S, Trop, to The Owl Prescription Pharmacy WANTED Work by an SKperienced furrier, remodeling and repairing furs.

Good work, prices reasonable. Mrs. Steele, 1802 Union street. North Bond. Home Furnishings Specialty WRITTEN BY ALLAN WISIIKRT a member of tho company, HPT DAWGt HERE'S SOME SHOW! GO! FOR RENT MxxVcrn fnrnlaty apartment with private bath, tf Myrtle Arms.

Phone 395. 18xU asm I WANTED 44444tM964f ALL BOXES on Rural Route No. i served on order. Sunday Oregonian, evenings 6c a copy. J.

B). Fitzgerald. 20x24 FOR SALE LET US repair your Harloy-David-son. Complete line of parts for big twins from 1915 to 1923. Prices reasonable.

Harley-Davidson Sales Agency, Rosebqrg, Ore. 20x2 HrrmYini CRANE'S FINE STATIONERY We are showing a very large line of Cranes this season. Including the new Argentone. Many styles and prices. If you need Furniture, or Floor Coverings, or Draperies, for one room, one piece, or for an entire home, come to tho Best Place for tho Best Selections and tlie lowest prices.

WHERE EVERYBODY GOES TO SEE GOOD SHOWS WANTED To lease 2 or 8 acre garden land not over 3 miles from town. Call W. M. Crampton, 10th and Commercial. 20x22 FOR SALE! Columbia bicycle practically new for 30.

Call at City Cigar Store. 20x21 LIBERAL TERMS The Red Cross Pharmacy LEE BROWN PRESCRIPTIONS FIRST J. WANTED Will pay flSO fr a loaa of 800. Two 'years on 8 room house, 2 lots, outbuildings, ete. On Eastside property worth $1800 for security.

Phone 62 or write Box 60, Eastside. 14x27 FOR SALE At a bargain price for cash, a 6 room house in good condition overlooking Coos Bay with 1 acres of cleared ground. Situated halfway between Marshfield and North Bend. Apply 214 Coke building, Marshfield. 17xtf TONIGHT ONLY Perry furniture Co.

Nevt to Noble Theatre Central Avenue MARSHFIELD, OREGON FOR SALE 8 cows, high-testing; 5 heifers, 5 heifer 1 hull, 2 mares, 500 lb. separator, 70 chickens. E. Hess, 481-T or 3054 noon or evenings. YOUR CHANCE to sell reliable tree and plants put out by a dependable firm.

Send for contract and further particulars early, before' all good territory has been assigned. Salem Nursery 428 Oregon Building, Salem, Ore. 11x24 i JksimveYsary Sale Buy Your Lot Now Get Ready to Build in the Sirring Box Stationery Special THE BLUE RIBBON EVENT OP THE SEASON The Kentucky Derby A thrilling story of adventure on land and sea, filled with appealing romance, big momenta and breath-taking sit-nations, as the son of the proudest family in Kentucky gamely battles against a crushing fate to save the honor of his family and regain the high position wrested from him by treachery. Adapted from a famous stage play by Clias. T.

Dazey, author of InOId Kentucky STARRING REGINALD DENNY (Famous Hero of the Leather Pushers Series) WANTED Cars to store, price 93 and $3.60 per month. Havercamp Garage, North Broadway. THE WHITNEY COMPANY, with a large logging operation at Idavilla, Tillamook county, Oregon, that with weather permitting runs Ml winter. Invites application from buckers, fallers and other timber workers. Standard wages, good grub, fine, comfortable camps, ft houfs, no strikes.

Address, giving all particulars, 'dhe WhltnCy Co. Employment 904 Lewis Portland, Ore. 7xtf Regular 25c value SPECIAL SALE PRICE 15c THIS HOME THREE COLORS PINK, WHITE AND BLUE 24 Sheet and 24 Envelopes of each color. -Regular 1.50 values, Very Special at 98c WANTED Ail Wads ef sum dhsrfl X4-J 812 fMt at iJ 600 LOTS FOR SALE 350 to 1 00 each. Pay $1 down and $1 per week L.

BAY PARK ADDITION" i To Marshfield Also best factory site on Coos Bay. About ten acres. Adjoins plant of Coos Bay Lumber Co. Easy terms for factory. 500 feet fronting on Main Ship' Channel.

Extends West to S. P. Tracks and Paved State Highway 800 feet. Come early and get your Choice of lots I. S.

Kaufman Co. AGENTS Cor. Anderson and Broadway PHONE 130 OTHER DOINS TOO! frrr "0 FTLL SHOWS ALL SEATS 35c'' CHILDREN 10c VT AN11LD Second hand goods. Be W. M.

Cox, phone 0-L. $20 N. Front street 117 WANTED Secondhand furniture ef all kinds. Phone 631 North Bend. its on Jot 50x100, alley in rear, no carrying of fuel, one of the best and restricted districts, and level.

Close to Interstate highway all car lines, Jefferson high school and park, furnace, fireplace, laundry tubs, all the modern conveniences. -Six rooms besides the bath and toilet, sleeping porch, 3 sleeping rooms in. attic, gym and billiard room in front basement, built right. For sale or exchange for going business on the Coast. Valued at $9,000.00.

What have you up to $7,000.00. Address RENWICK THOMAS, Care' A. A. Llndsley, 400 Henry Portland, Ore, WATCH FOR THURSDAYS AD WEDNESDAY AGNES AYRE and MAY McAVOY Factory Store In Wallace reid, Booth, Tarkingtons famous play, CLARENCE WANTED By young man 18 year old, work In store, factory er office. Has had some experience.

Good references; willing to work for rmMi Tslspbciis C4rj Jlmej. stf.

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