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The Independent-Record from Helena, Montana • 6

Helena, Montana
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

TUB DAILY INDEPENDENT! HELENA; THURSDAY MOIINING, FEDItUARY 128, G0R1IANHAS FIGURES IN' Till DISTRICT COURT OF. THM First Judicial district of (he state of Menlva, Iff and for the oounty of Lewis ami lark. In tha matter of the apnllnatton of the Helena Rapid TVaneU railroad fee dlna-psrporaltun and dissolution. Asotin la hsrfby given that the Helena Lapld Transit railroad has filed tn Mil court It petition for dlelnxorpuratltm And dlreolutlon, eettlng forth that at a meet-Ing of th atookholdera of eeld company, celled for that purpoee, sad held at th fries of th company In tha olty of Hal-ena, on th third day of Ootohort 1MH, It waa resolved, by a vole of all th lock of eald company, to disincorporate and dleeolv th earporatlon, and thut aald petition and application will be heard on Saturday, March th 9oih, A. D.

lima, at 10 oclock In th forenoon of eald day, at th court room 4f aald oourt, tn the oily of Helena, oounty of, Lewla ami Clark! and all persons Interested In said corporation are notified then and ther to appear and show reuse. If any they hare, why th prayer of eald petitioner ahould not granted, aBl. JOHN BEAN. Clerk By U. O.

FREEMAN, Deputy Clerk, AMERICAN WATCH rJ, Yankee Hod-Camar Revolutlonltid Making af Watohea. A cablegram waa received this junta Inf by realdenti K. Fttch, pf the American Watoli company, announcing th daath of Aaron Dennison, the founder of th American factory, whloh occurred at Birmingham, England, yeaterday. Mr, Dcnnleon waa called tha "father of American watchmaking," and ha was the man who originated the present mammoth watch factory In Waltham and Ita offahoot, th great factory In Elgin, 111, lit waa born In Freeport, March 12, -1811. Hla father waa Col.

Andrew Dennleon, a poor ahoa maker of that town. Aaron waa th oldest aon. Benjamin la now a resident of Jlrunawlck, and U. W. Dennleon waa the founder of th Dennlaon Manufacturing company, the paper box and tag makers.

Whan 13 years old Aaron Dennlaon waa working aa a maaon'a tender, helping make shoes In hla leisure momenta In 1331 he went to Topsham, and worked aa a hod carrier, and later earned hie living sawing wood, and then at ahoemaktng. In 1331 he left Brunswick to perfect himself as a Journeyman watchmaker, with Currier A Trolt, of Boeton, and later went Into business for hlmeef, but soon hired out again where he could gain the Instruction of Tubal Hone, then the beet watchmaker In America. 11 aoon discovered the lnaocuraoies and defects existing In even the finest hand-made watohee, and saw the remedy In mechanically conatructlng all parte ao as to produce not only a more accurst but a cheaper timepiece. In 1839 he waa In business for himself In Boston, doing repairing for the trade and handling tools and material Hla first Invention was th Dennleon atendard gauge, which lsatlll tn use. In 1846 Mr.

Dennlaon predicted, "Within 20 'imars the manufacture of watches will be reduo: ed to as much eyatera and perfection, and with the same expenditure as In the case of firearms mad in the Springfield Armory." In 1849 Edward Howard, clock and scale maker, of Boston, tried to get Mr. Dennison Interested In building but In the end Mr, Dennleon converted Mr. Howard to hla own watch-making theories, on tha interchangeable plan. Together they went In search of a capitalist, who Invested 320,000 for their experiments. T.

P. Davie, Mr. Howards partner, also gave them financial aid. They were called "visionaries and otherwise scoffed at, but they persevered, even though their first venture proved a dismal failure, owing to the lack of sufficient backing. In '1849 Mr.

Dennison began to build machinery for making parts of watches In a small room In the Howard Davis factory. In 1860 they built a email factory of their own In Roxbury, and some Swiss and English watchmakers were eet to work. In 1850 the model of the first watch was completed, corresponding with the 18-slze full-plate watch of to-day. It was made to run eight days at first. The firm was the "American Horologlcal company," comprising A.

L. Dennison, E. Howard, T. P. Davie and Samuel Curtis.

Later the name was changed to the Warren Manufacturing company, and this concern placed the first watch on the market Jn 1853. In 1854 the factory waa removed to Waltham. A new factory was started, which was completed In October, 1854. At that time about five watches per day was the output, and some 90 hands were employed. It was the first watch factory In the world that had ever produced, under one roof, a complete watch ready for the pocket, making jewels, hair etc.

In 45 years the business developed so that the output of the American watch industry Is now from 6,600 to 7,000 movements per day, and an equal number of cases are made. About 1857 Royal E. Robbins, the present treasurer of the American Waltham Watch company, purchased the plant for himself and Messrs. Baker Tracey, of Philadelphia, for $56,500. This firm later became known as the Appleton Tracey company.

Mr. Dennison was appointed superintendent pf the factory, and held the position until 1861. After severing his connection with the concern, Mr. Dennison became Interested with A. (X Bigelow, and as a result the Tremont Watch company was formed.

He went to England a dozen or more years ago, and has since resided there. Boston Transcript, Jan. 10. Captain Sweeney, U. 6.

Ban Diego, says: "Shilohs Catarrh Remedy Is the first medicine I have ever found that would do me any good. Price 50 cent For sale by Parchen-D'Acheul Drug Ca 11,100. eWrt elefk, county attof-nay, 11,000: auperintendent of aohool 1000. Tha number and compensation of the default In th different oountlea were fixed aa fellows: Firat and second olaeCe: Under ah wiff, 11,300: all deputy sheriff, deputy county clerk (afx tit Aral data, five In second), chief deputy coprt clerk, It, 00; alx deputy Court olerka, deputy' treaaurar (two Iff firat, one tn aeeond), H.loO; deputy eeeeor, chief deputy county fit toroey, deputy county attorney, 11,500., i Third, fourth and fifth olaaeee: rVn dtr sheriff, deputy sharlffa (four In third and fourth, three tn fifth), deputy county clerka (four, three and two reepeoUvely), 11.300; daputy court clerk (three In third and fourth, one In fifth), 31.100, Sixth, seventh and eighth claaaea Under sheriff, 31.300; deputy ahertlfa (three In alxth, one Iff othere), deputy oowvty clerk, deputy court clerk, 3000. The bill as thua fixed waa tent to Ita engrossment.

Favorable reports were also ordered on senate Hen log bIH amend ing the road viewer law; house bill amending he law of eminent domain. Adjourned to 1:30 a. ra. to-day, JOTTIXUS ABOUT TOWN Lent commenced yesterday. 1 Hon.

H. D. Weed looturet to-night at Grand Army hall at eight o'clock on that ooneptououa figure tn American politics, Henry Clay. Like all the lectures In the Unity club course, this Is free, and the public are cordially invited to come and hear this well known speaker. It has been decided to convene the house of lords next Tuesday evening In extraordinary session.

All tha lords and lordleta are expected to be on hand that evening, aa it will probably be the last session -of the notable body during the year. A high old time will surely ensue. Bmokey Lane was tried In the police court yesterday for petty larceny, was found guilty and sentenced to 90 days In the county Jail. He had been released from there but a few days ago. Tuesday night, as reported yesterday, he stole a pair of dumb-bells, a telescope and two satchels from a west side butcher.

A team attached to a wagon became frightened yesterday morning while standing near the court house. They started to run down Ewing street, but were stopped at the corner of Breckinridge and Ewing by a post, Into which the frightened animals dashed at great speed. No damage was done. Nine new cases against alleged violators of timber laws have been filed with George Sproule, Clerk of the United States court The suits Involve damages to the amount of 3364,000. The unlawful cutting of timber on the pub-llo domain for which these suits have been commenced occurred In MiBsoula oounty.

It Is thought they will oome up for trial in the April term. It was rumored yesterday that Dr. Head had sold his interest In the Little Nell, one of the best known properties In Lump Gulch. It is not a fact however. None of the four owners have any Intention of selling their magnificent property at this They are putting in extensive Improvements at the mine and expect soon to take out very large quantities of ore.

Foh some time the output from the mine has been about 60 tons a month. lt jv Col. R. P. Dolman, department com-mander of the G.

AsVP-, Montana, came over from yesterday, He had an Interview jv.witlV, governor yesterday afternoon, presumably about the proposed, establishment state soldiers' home. ComffifcnderDWman expects to issue an PtyttC soon naming April 9, the anniversary. of Leek surrender at Appomatox, 'gR the date for the department encampment, which will be held In Butte year. A subscriber wants to know whether the provision of the constitution concerning the taking of the census qf the state in 1895 la' Mandatory. It Is mandatory.

Capt.V Mills, commissioner of agriculture, labor and Industry! will superintend the census. A bill by Representative Tallant, of Great Falls, asking an appropriation of 330,000 for the.Xaklng of the census, is now before thd.Wfflslature. Sec. 2, Art. Of the gay8 tjjat legislative assembly shall provde for an enumeration 'Of the Inhabitants of the state In 1195 and every 10th year thereafter.

1 Municipal Corruption in Omaha Omaha, Feb. 27. To-day the work pf jthe grand jury Investigating alleged municipal corruptions developed some sensational features. William Donnelly, a Rambler, admitted having bribed a city official, paying him 31,800, but refused to name the man. The district court remanded him to jail until he answers', with this admonition: I will make you answer them, If ,1 have to keep you In Jail for the remainder pf my Concluded Prom Pint P.

It amendment to tfee Joint resolution prohibiting I rep opted fihbdt In bond frotff' payslpg fppm, States through the free soiie of Mexico, Crane, democrat, of Texaa, vigorously opposed Concurrence In the amendment, whloh atrhok out tho provision limiting the prohlblton to any point between the weetern boundary of th city of I redo. In Texas, and the Taolfio ooaet This amendment, he decared, would, In elteot, pxahlbitT the Importation of goods through the United States Into Mexico, unleea the latter country abolished the free aone. repelled with vigor the elander that th aone waa th abiding plaoe of smugglers and outlaws. Cockrell's motion waa agreed to, A bill to amend the Chicago public building bill, ao a to provide for tha sal of th old postofllo to th beat bidder, passed. O'Neill, of Massachusetts, presented the conference report on the pension appropriation bill.

Agreement bad been reached, he explained, on all points After debate, tha report waa agreed to, 180 to 12. Th conference reporta on th bill to pension Oen. Harrison C. Hobart, and to amend th sot for the regulation of ateel vessels were agreed to, after, which, under special order. th house proceeded to th consideration of bills reported from the committee on publlo buildings and grounds.

Tha first bill called up waa that to purchase the south half of what la known aa "Mahone square," as a site for the new building for the government printing office, and It caused considerable discussion. While Abbott, democrat, of Texaa, waa debating th question of tha purchase of the Mahone site, English, democrat, of New Jersey, Asked: "If the house should purchase the notes of Mahone, do you think the senate would be anxious to purchase a lot of Mahone? "That Is a question I would not undertake to answer," replied Abbott, "I would not feel at liberty to cast any aspersions on any member of the body at the other end of the cspltol. While Meredith, democrat, of Virginia. was speaking of the necessity for the passage of the senate bill, English Interrupted him, You mean Job, not bill." This led Hicks, republican, of Pennsylvania, to demand from English an explanation of his charge that there was a Job In the Mahone site. As the house was dividing, however, English had no opportunity to reply.

A preliminary snarl deadlocked the house soon afterwards, and the whole question of the selection of a printing office Bite was abandoned. Culberson thereupon called up the conference report on the bill to redls-trlct Indian Territory for Judicial purposes, to provide additional United States commissioners, etc. Agreed to, Henderson then called up the conference report on the postofflee appropriation bill, and Loud, republican, of California, moved to concur In the senate amendment designed to destroy the effect of the postmaster generals order requiring every mat) clerk to live on the. line of the railroad to which- they were assigned, but requiring future appointees to do so. Wilson, democrat, of West Virginia, protested against Interfering with the regulations established by the postmaster general for the regulation of his department.

Loud's motion was agreed to, 122 to 67. The 21 pension bills favorably acted upon At last Friday night's session were passed In half that number of minutes. By unanimous consent, bills granting American register to the British built steamer Kahulul, and to amend the act to forfeit certain lands granted to railroads, were passed. War in Cuba. Washington, Feb.

27. Secretary Gresham received a telegram to-day from the consul at Havana, saying that owing to the continuance of rebellion near Santiago de Cuba and Mantanzas, which began Feb. 14, the governor gqn-' eral has Issued a proclamation declaring those provinces In a Btate of war, the civil authorities continuing, In exercise of their functions. Bissell Has Resigned. Washington, Feb.

27. An Associated Press reporter called upon Mr. Bissell and, In reply to questions, he said: I have placed my resignation In the hands of the My reasons for so doing are that my professional work at home demands my attention, and I feel that I cannot longer remain away from It. Sick headache and a sensation of oppression and dullness In the head are very commonly produced by indigestion: morbid despondency, irritability and over sensitiveness of the nerves may, ln'a majority of cases, be traced to "the same cause. Dr.

J. H. McLean's Liver and Kidney Balm and Fillets will positively cure. For sule by Parchen-D'Acheul Drug Co. May Continue Business.

Buffalo, Feb. 27. The attorney general has denied the application of the Central Labor union of New York for leave to begin proceedings to dissolve the Standard OH company, on the grounds that it. Is a monopoly. The case has been pending some time.

That the blood should perform Its vital functions, it Is absolutely necessary It should not only be pure but rich In life giving elements. These results are best effected by the use of that well known standard blood Sarsaparilla. Dropped Dead at a Funeral. Detrlot, Feb. 27.

Adjutant General Eaton, of the governors state military staff, dropped dead Ihtl afternoon While attending the funeral of Green Pack, late president of the Detroit Railway company, In company with Governor Rich and several state officials. TELEGRAPHIC BREVITIES. Holslngton, Feb. 27. J.

M. Herres, crazed with liquor, killed his wife and daughter, then cut his own throat. Carson, Feb. 27. A concurrent resolution striking the word male out of the oenstUutkm passed the assembly to-day.

Boise, Feb. 27. The vote on senator to-day showed no change. 'A determination exists to force the agricultural bill through and perhaps the apportionment bill also before electing a senator. Omaha, Feb.

27. Destitute farmers of Nebraska are accepting the proposl tlon of the Chicago board of trade to furnish them seed grain, to be paid for when the crop Is sold. The board has formed a syndicate to handle the matter. Kansas City, Feb, 27. The special grand Jury has returned 21 Indictments against alleged cnrruptlonlstB in con nectlon with the last election.

Many of the ballot, boxes were found broken, unlocked, and ballots piled promiscuously In boxes. Balt Lake, Feb. 27. The grand Jury report, referring to Irregularities In the last election returns, denounce the Utah commission and the canvassing board for gross negligence In the way returns and ballot boxes were handled, making it possible for frauds to have been commuted by outside parties after the boxes reached the commission. lone emandmeiit, which really n.w bill, and Which waa designed to hava tha atata buy tha book at rataa, and Mil th.m to the children at that rate, plus tha freight.

The atata auperintendent waa to order the booka from tha publl.hera and aend th.m to county auperlnt.ndenta, who were to aell them to the children. Tho a me booka recommended by tha majority of tha committee on education were named by Uooth, hla Idea being, he aald, to defer to tha Judgment of tha majority, but to aave money for tha parenta of aohool children. As Booth did not offer hla amend ment or aubatltuta, Herahey moved that tha committee arlaa and report tha bill. favorably with tha amendmenla suggested by tha education committee, Monteath, however, offered tha Booth bill aa an amendment. Herahey claimed an amendment of tha kind waa not In order aa agalnat hla motion.

Von Tobel. who waa In tha chair, held that It waa. Tha amendment waa then read. Bennett aaked where tha atata waa going to get tha money to pay for the booka. Booth aald If hla amendment waa adopted he would offer another that the atate ahould hava nothing to pay till tha booka were aold and returna made.

llodgera thought It waa too Important a matter to be paaaed on by aim-ply hearing the amendment or read. For htm.elf he waa not aura but that It would be better to throw the bara down and allow open competition Inatead of having a monopoly for alx The aubatltuta ahould be printed. After aoma further dlacuaalon Jonea made a motion to have the aubatltute irinted before proceeding further. Herahey called attention to the dangera of auch a oourae. If aome new contract were not made, the preaent contract would continue In force, with prlcea higher by 2B per cent than thoae In the bill aa It came from the committee on lhr I Va favor the Joy bill with all It objection spoke In favor of putting the matter oft and having the aubatltute printed.

and Bennett and Glaaacock agalnat The motion to art.e and report progress and to have the aubatltute printed was lost on division by 17 to 33. Some amendment were proposed to the substitute. Herahey suggested that It would be better to take a vote on the substitute first. If the substitute should not be adopted there would be no use amending It. The chair allowed Meyer to offer an amendment to the substitute to have 'the wholesale contract prices In Montana printed on the covers of all books.

It was lost The Booth substitute was then put to the committee and defeated on a vlVa voce vote. Meyer then renewed hie amendment to the bill under consideration. Objection was made on the ground that books thus stamped would be useless to other states If not sold Montana. The amendment was again defeated. Hersheys motion to report the bill as amended by the majority of the committee bn education, and recommend Its passage, was then oarried, the committee arose and reported, and the report was adopted by the house by yeas 45, nays 14.

The Lynde bill, for the acceptance and reclamation of the 1,000,000 acres of arid land granted by the Carey act was taken up In committee of the whole. The committee on irrigation and water rights had amended it by making the Interest on warrants Issued under the law six per cent Instead of seven; and reducing the pay of members of the commission from $8 to 38 a day. Bennett made a speech in favor of the bill, saying It wasTn the Interest of the man of small means, who could, with hla team, reclaim a small portion of the arid land and get the benefit himself. The state was In no position Itself to spend a large amount of money for the purpose of reclamation, and the land would have to be reclaimed by private enterprise. He referred to the gift as a most magnificent one.

Von Tobel opposed the bill. Without Impugning any ones motive he would say that no bill Introduced had such obnoxlousor dangerous provisions. It should not receive the support of any member in the house. Von Tobel read the Carey act. He claimed the reclamation of 1,000,000 acres of land in this state within the next 10 years wojild mean 'bankruptcy to every rancher.

Another ground of opposition was that the bill created a perpetual commission; another was the expense attached to the commission. He believed that back of the Carey law there was a scheme to unload worthless water rights on some state. Lynde explained that all the expenses incurred under the bill, except 31,000 for such incidental expenses as postage stamps, paid from the receipts from the lands reclaimed. He indorsed all that Bennett had said as to the phaijce It gave men of moderate means to reclaim the land. 'LoVe added few words to the effect that the bill had been favorably passed on by one of the best land lawyers In the country, the Hon.

Thomas H. Carter. A motion to extend the time for debate on the bill' was lost, and the motion to report the bill favorably was adopted by 34 to 10. The next bill taken up was that creating eight classes of counties In the state, the class being determined by the assessed valuation of property In tfce following order: First, twenty millions or over; second, from fifteen to twenty millions; third, from ten to fifteen millions; fourth, from eight to ten millons; fifth, from six to eight millons; sixth, from four to six millions; seventh, from two to four millions; eighth, less than two millions There are to be no auditors in seventh and eighth class counties, while In fourth, fifth and sixth class counties the public administrator Is to perform the duties of auditor. The bill was ordered reported favorably.

When the committee arose Von Tobel demanded a separate aye and nay vote on the arid land grant bill report. The report was adopted by 32 to 16. The report on the' county bill was adopted' without division and the house took a recess, -Practically the whole -of the night session was spent on 'the bill fixing the salaries of officers in the new classes of counties. They were finally arranged, as follows: First class: Treasurer, sheriff, assessor, 33.000; county clerk, 33,500: auditor, court clerk, county attorney, superintendent of schools, 32,000. Hpcondclase: TreasHTSK "337)00; sheriff, assessor, cquivty clerk, auditor, 32,0001 court clerk, county attorney, superintendent of schools, 31,500.

Third class: Treasurer, sheriff, assessor, county clerk, court clerk, auditor, county attorney, superintendent of schools, 31.500. 1 Fourth class: Treasurer, sheriff, assessor, auditor, county clerk, court clerk, county attorney, superintendent of schools, 31,500. Flfith class: Treasurer, sheriff, assessor, 31.800; county clerk, 32.000; -oourt endnty abtnr, ney. superintendent of scHooMt 31.500. Sixth class: Treasurer, 32.000; sheriff.

assessor, 31.500; county clerk, court clerk, county attorney, 31.600; superintendent of schools, 31,200. i Seventh class: Treasurer, sheriff, 32,000 assessor, county clerk. court clerk, county auperintendent of suhools, 3600. Eighth class; Treasurer, 31.500; sheriff, assessor, county clerk, flens Suits FROH 530.00 TO 525.00 528.00 TO 323.00 527.00 TO S22.00 825.00 TO 820.00 520.00 TO 817.00 818.00 TO 815.00 81 7.00 TO 814.50 815.00 TO 813.00 Overcoats j4j and Ulsters CUT-IN-HALF 23-25 Main St. RIP AN TABULES Are just an old, old remedy In this new shape.

Doctors have always this prescription in water I We nave them in this shape simply for their handiness. MPAK8 TADULES rr Ilk. an Engineer going over hUbl and powerful machinery giving a little neotuery lubricating to tha needful parte; I A N'8 TABULES do dill fur Constipation, Naua, Dyspepsia and Mal-Nutrltlon all yield to Ripens Tabu leg. At Prtsfltoresor Sent by Hall lLcs OaeaiCAL 19 Spruce nt. Ns ork All' TROF ESSION Au CAUDS.

ASHBURN K. BARBOUR. Attorney and Counaellor at Law. Masonlo Hslana, Montana. ilASSENA BULLARD, Attorney and Counaellor at Law.

Will practice in all the court, of record In the state. Office In Cold block, Helen. Montana. MRS. KAR8TEDT.

Midwife. A Private Home In Confinement. ttU Ninth Avenue, Helena, ALIAS SUMMONS. In tb district court of th first Judicial district of th state of Montana, In and for th oounty of Lewis and Clarke, Union Mercantile company, plaintiff, vs. Qeorg Suttsy, defendant.

Tha stata of Montana aend greeting to th above-named defendant: You ere hereby required to appear In an action brought against you by th above-named plaintiff In th district oourt of the first Judicial district of th state of Montana, In and for th county of Ltwts and Clark and lo answer th complaint filed therein, within ten day (exclusive of th day of service) after th service on you of this summon, if served within thla county) or, if served out of thla oounty, but within thla district, within twenty days; otherwise, within forty days, or Judgment by default will taken against you, according to th prayer'of eald eom plaint Th aald aatton Is brought to recover Judgment against you for the eum of six hundked nfty-en and .41 dollar. with Interest from this data at th rat of ten per cent per annum, for good, wares and merchandise aold and delivered by plaintiff to you at your request between the Jet day of January, 1894, and the 12th day of January, 1396. And you ar hereby notified that If you fall appear and answer the eald com' filalnt, aa above required, the eald plalnti ff will tek judgment against you for six hundred fifty-one and ,41 (661.41) dollars, with. Interest as aforesaid, and the coat of thle Given under my hand and the seal of tha district oourt of the first Judicial district of the state of Montana, In and for tho county of Lewis and Clark, thla Id day of February, In the year of our Lord on thousand eight hundred and ninety-five. Beal of JOHN District Cleric Court.

By O. O. FREEMAfJ, Deputy GUsk, Endorsed: Walsh A Newman, Plaintiff's Attorneys. 1 BUMMONB. M.

In the district oourt of the first judlplnl district of the state of Montana, in and for the county of Lewis and Clarke. Helen Grand, plaintiff, vs. Julius Grand, defendant. 1 The state of Montana sends greeting to the above-named defendant You are hereby required to appear In an action brought against you by the above-named plaintiff In the district court of the first Judicial district of the state of Montana, In and for the county of Lewis and Clarke, and to answer to the complaint filed therein within 10 days (ax-cluslve of the day of service) after the service on you of this summons, If served within this county; or, If served out of this county but within this district, wtthln 20 days; otherwise within 40 days, or judgment by default will be taken against you, according to the prayeV of said eom--plaint. The -said action Is brought to obtain a decree of this court dissolving the bonds of matrimony now existing between you and the plaintiff, and the giving to plaintiff the custody of Lillian, minor child of yourself and plaintiff.

The complaint sets out the marriage between yourself and plaintiff In New York city, and alleges that ever since the 1st day of February, 1894, you have been wilfully and without any reasonable cause absenting yourself from plaintiff, and that you still continue to do eo without her consent and against her will, and have been living separate and apart from ber ever slnec. Reference Is hereby had to the complaint on file herein for particulars. And, you are hereby notified that If you fall to appear and answer the said complaint, as above required, the said plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded In the complaint- Given under, my hand and the seal of the district court of the first judicial die- -trlct of the state of Montana, In and for the county of Lewis and Clarke, this 16th day of February, In the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ninety-five. JOHN BEAN, District Clerks Court By G. O.

FREEMAN. Beal. Deputy Clerk. H. 8.

Hepner, attorney for plaintiff. SUMMONS. In the district court of-the first Judicial district of the state of Montana, In and for the county of Lewis and Clarke. Josephine Hickey, plaintiff, vs. Daniel' Hickey, defendant.

The state of Montana sends greeting to the above-named defendant. You are hereby required to appear la an action brought against you- by the above-named plaintiff In the district court of the first Judicial district of the state of Montana, In and for the county of Lewis and Clarke, and to answer the complaint filed therein, within ten days (exclusive of the day of service) after the service on you of this summons, If served within this county; or If served out of thle county, but within this district, within twenty days; otherwise within forty days, or Judgment by default will be taken against you, according to the prayer of said complaint. The said action Is brought to obtain a decree dissolving the bonds of matrimony existing between the plaintiff and defendant, and giving to plaintiff the custody of Martha 'Hickey and Jennie Hickey, daughters of 'said parties, for coats of suit and for geneeal relief. The ground on which said decree Is claimed la that defendant has been an habitual drunkard for more than one year last past. And you are hereby notified that lfyou fall to appear and answer the eald complaint.

as above required, the eald plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded In eald complaint. Given under my hand and 4he seal of the district court of the first Judicial district of the state of Montana, in and for the county of Lewis and Clarke, this 28th day of January, In the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-five. Beal JOHN BEAN, Clerk. District By G. O.

FREEMAN, Court. Deputy -Clerk. MAB8ENA BULLARD, Attorney for Plaintiff. First publication Febr7rl896. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION.

Land Office at Helena, 18, 1895. Notice Is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notlde of hla Intention to make final proof In Support of his claim, and that eald proof' will bo made before the register and receiver at Helena, on March 22, 1896, via: Ole Nelson, who made H. E. No. (.439 for lot 1 and 2, a.

of ne. 44 esc. (, tp. 14 r. 1 e.

He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, via: Jhtu Bwarbrlck, John Hinds, George Hinas all of Cascade, Mont; John Behind nick-of Milligan. Mont. Any person who desires to protest tha above mentioned time end place to oroes-osamlne the. witnesses of. eald claimant, and to offer evidence In rebuttal of that submitted by -claimant.

W. E. COX, Register, Good Men Come to the Frontr Salt Lake, Feb. West to-day appointed R. W.

Young as brigadier general and commander of the Utah National Guards. Gen. Young Is a grandson of the late Brigham Young, and has a brilliant military and business record. Last April he assumed editorial and business management of the Salt Lake Herald. usmii nei Shiloh's Cure Is sold on a guarantee.

It cures Incipient Consumption. It is the best Cough Cure. Only one cent a dose. 25 50 cts. and $1.

For Bale by Par-chen-DAcheul Drug Ca NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Helena, Feb. 19, 1895. Notice Is hereby given that the following named Settler has filed iiotice of his intention to make final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the register and receiver at Helena, on Saturday, March 23, 1890, viz: William R. Davies, who made H.

E. No. 4,042, for the e. Vi e. 4, and se.

V4 ne. 14. sec. 30, tp. 9 r.

1 e. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Clifton W. Reynolds, Albert S. Filson, John N. Kelly, Daniel B.

Filson, all of Winston, Mont. Any person who desires to protest against the allowance of suck proof, or who knows of any substantial teason, under the law and regulations of the Interior department, why such proof should not be allowed, will be given an opportunity at the above mentioned time and place to cross-examine the witnessed of said claimant, and to offer evidence In rebuttal of that submitted by claimant. W. E. COX, Register.

NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Estate of Emma Byrns, deceased. Notice Is hereby given by the undersigned, executor of the estate of Emma Byrns, deceased, to th creditors of, and all persons having claims against the said deceased. to exhibit them with the necessary vouchers, within four months after the first publication of this notice, to the said executor at the office of J. W.

Kinsley, attorney for eald estate, Denver block, Helena, the same being the place for the transaction of the business of said estate, fn the ebunty of Lewie and Clarke. IMICHAEL Executor of the Estate Of Emma Byrns, Deceased. i Dated Fb. 1 1895. I I A REAL PLEASURE Is a trip over the North-Western (Line from Minneapolis, end 0t.

Paul to Comfortr Elegance and Luxuri are all synonymous terms of the ftiely equipped trains of this line. The Qbbe, Wahpeton, N. D. 1 Washington State Freight Rates, Olympia, Fib. 26; The bouse to-day passed the Morgan railroad bill making the maximum freight rate 33.75 pfer ton for agricultural products and passenger rates 344 cents per mile.

The bill also makes a reduction of 25 per cent on hogs and other live stock, shingles, lumber, logs, coal, hops, fruits and wool. i The Lost Mine Found.) Percy, 111., Feb. 27. The story of "the lost mine has been revived by a discovery made by George Boxdorfer. He found that a large flat rock near Allen's landing road, close to the old McCauley mill, covered a large -cave.

In -cleaning out rubbish a chunk of silver ore weighing about two pounds was found, and Boxdorfer thinks he has found the wonder-f ill' cave. Relief for the Suffering, Chicago, Feb. 27. The committee pointed by the board of trade to solicit the relief of the farmers In drouth stricken has Just commenced Its labors. Armour have subscribed Sfi.OoO.

the Union Stock Yards Transit Co. $2,500, the Live Stock Exchange $2,000, and many other subscriptions of lesser amount are coming in. ap- Three Years at Work, Emporia, Feb. 27. Frank H.

Truesdell, alias Hartwell P. Heath, the well known newspaper man, who attempt- ed to pass fraUJuiefir draft otnne bank on the 18th Instant, pleaded guilty to attempting to obtain money under false pretenses, and was sentenced to three years confinement In the states prison at hard labor. A Novelty In Lamp Shades. A noliety In lamp shades Is that known as the "summer house" shade, which Is made of fine fancy straw.) nd has miniature flokrer baskets, flllecl with artificial flowers and foliage depending here and there from Us Life will acquire a new zesf, and cheerfulness return. If you will Impel your liver end kidney to the performance of thetr functions.

Dr. J. H. McLean'e Liver and Kidney Balm will stimulate them to healthful action. $1 per bottle.

For sfflo by rurchen-DAcbeul Drug company. A Law for Their Whisker. The American Walters' union, of St. Louis, adopted resolutions calling on the legislature to make It a felony for em ployers to require waiters to shave their whiskers. 9i riv tiv A TTD TV i vi F(lnet the allowance of euefi WAY UP IN PQPULAR knew of any substantial reaeon, uh- Y'ClTU'U'xr i Vder tha law and regulation of the Interior I'jl I i ohhIi nautn WaiM net tr.

ESTEEM Is the North-Western Line and the department, why euch proof should not be allowed, will be glvefi an opportunity at eler who wants the best accommodatkne will (Inti that via thla flna aanania1. i will find that via thle line especla'-Ar for the safety and comfort of pai as to the slightest details, la of I IL Th Alert, Jamestown, 1 i A.

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