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The News from Paterson, New Jersey • 6

The Newsi
Paterson, New Jersey
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

CC The food richest in gL'wre i- phosphates and bone-forming material is 1 1 I Orv 4 A i I irtvh ae llhlrr ra Part. -ra Called covered gravel, ccdoa in It Is "Ollit, rl tf su it tooessslkoe lira, Co. pwt is of fuim act eow tow generally adjuiued that t. icmmonly kaowa the drift, ia ui to erlatoaoa and action of immense gla-i.

thousands of yeurango. covered iLa whole country to a depth of several thousand feet, like those which at the pres-mc day oover Greenland to almost as great extent. A universal characteristic of glaciers Is tbeir motion. They flow down tbe mountain sidts end valleys from higher to 1 i ZW PRESIDENT. Clat Emil Frey Sourht Ia the Assert-ItM Civil War.

Oolocal Emil Frv, fie president elect of the Swiss reouuliC. is well known in Washington, vrue he served as Swiss minister from 12 to 1887 and was very popular, being easily selected to not ss spokesman of the iLmomatio corps on occasions reouirinjf concerted action. He resigned tb ministry in order to return to Switzcr'and and devote himself mors directly to the overnmutal service of his country. Eawaa elected vioe president year ago end In conformity with an nnwritt-'n law which is rarely departed from ban been chosen president for ths regular term of one year, beginning Jan. 1, 1894.

Colonel Freya diplomatic service fn Washington was Hat hia first or only experience in the United States. Bswaa a captain in ths Union army during the Ortrit Cvl Fraudulently. Louis E. (ieehrling recently went Post the printer and ordered a lot of card? fur a party at Ppmsse's had. od said Mr.

sent him. Wbeu Post tried to collect lus bill from Spei8e be 'was told that the latter had never ordered the cards. Post then had Gebrlmg arrested by Justice Levy He gave ball Te Vti osi -11-re Oat. The Zulus have bean smelling out" a witch asain-s practlc strictly prohibited by tbe British gSveraaieut In Zululand-and tf men hav beeu sentenced to death for participation in the murder of the victim. It la a onrious curtain, this smelling outV Wbeu the Chief la ailing or cattle are aiok, or any unexplained mis-fortune overtake the kraal, the inhabitants are made to seat themselves in a great circle, and the sorcerers of the tribe, after tbe performance of oertain hideous rites, dlsoover the one wbo by means of charms or the praotioe of blnck magio has brought tbe evil upon them.

HJp os her they touch with a wand, and the touch is equivalent to a sentence ef death, in this css the murderers smelled onfare alleged to have put their victim to death by means of slow poison. The faith of Islam is baaed primarily upon the Koran, which Is belieredt hsvebeoi to JLU USEUEXTs. IiffiFiiriir JOHN OOBTOHItM, TbnriJay. Friday and 8aturdy, Dec. liatuieaoaiuiday aftarnuea WEBBERS frodacilos of Clay.

M. Oreenm Verjio, i UNCLE TOU'S CABIN, Tb tor ef 4b South Th aonn 0f -ho veen-ry of tb Moms, lit hu, South. Evry artiil eapeoitlly sstHrd bD1 vbaraotrr. re tb Biberiaa BwoUbuuJ, UiHOocniual tnuk liuok-y. Ju bile binglns, olo, dortr Enjoy tb nuuiuvrlea, taatue-- Uo.rrei,

CfT Uncle Tom's Cabin. PEOPLES THEATM: 1 CEU RMKM, Woak Commractng Monday, GRAN! Mattnre fuaaoay, TbureJay aod BatunUy EXTRA! AXPIE8 COLORED GEORGIA MINSTRELS I COMEDIANS' 30 IH.HK IIPSSAK BIV1I. ISLAND -PARK 1 1 if tb iVft rprty lit t'i i tit. ck th.a ii of people were given 1. ore the doors it i tiro a a crowd bad assemt' in front of the place and at the appearance of tLe open doors a ru-b wss tnsJ8 for tbe interior by tbe crowd.

Patrolman James Evers was detailed to pi event too many from crowding in at once and to preserve order. He stood at tbe door and kiiowed only those wbo bad cards entitling them to supplies to entsr. There were all classes and cor; duion of life represented in tbe thiong. One man, Hollander, was seea trudging along bearing basket filled wub stuff wbotn it is said owns twa bouses in tbe First ward. He livee lo part of Due of tbe bouses himself and rents tbe other pait to a tenant while in the other bouse be has two tenants.

He was pointed out by a mao wbo knows him toe News reporter aud a watch will be kept for bis next appearance. evident that me visiting Commute has been greatly imposed upon by this fellow, nor is he the only one that ia getting food in this way who is similarly situ ated. In the crowd around the doors of tbe station and on tbe sidewalk opposite were seen ail sorts and condi turns of humanity. Italians and white men jostled each other in tbeir attempt to get closer to tbe doors. Women, well dressed end with tvery appearance of comfort were in tbe midst of a crowd of bedraggled, ragged and onkampt women aud ouildren all Intent on getting share of the food that was beiug distributed, Children in ell kinds of rainment and in all atages of clean-lioesa vied -with tbe elder people in crowding forward and on getting the much sought for supply of food would hurry away.

It is expected that at least 600 persons will supplied before the doors are dosed. Too much cannot be said regarding tbe importance of (be work allotted to the members of tbeyisiling committee. They should make the most diligent inquiry not only among the members of the family whomthey visit, but also among the neighbors. By so doing they will often be able to ievent imposition ou the part of unscrupulous persons wbo would oiherwise-obtain i i orated A iv 9 tX Id li; ued os ate i ru a I a ft bora I liUett poptriftr French novtlUt I iunr, Author of Tbft Homannool i au In Foria, boro Iftli Cv wnthar fstUflminvft pro Nw Jersey Light snow 1 tula rsiu, with fog today lot i jpuurally fair weather on Frl watuier; uuibtrly wind. ITTweivcdd.

Koad-House Burned to the Ground This Morning. Vioftr Altiftsdcr'i ChtN lifctl frta A Wlnfto tod Ktll4 Lt 1 1 wood, N. Dec. 28. The Carina, a road-house at South Lakqyrood Park, three mile south of this place, totally destroyed by fire at ao emir hour this morning.

fibe building was valued at $50,000 with its furnishings and wss owned by a tyudicate in Maw York. It was erected (or the purpose of improving tbe property. It is said there was 1 no insurance upon it. Tbe burned bulldlng bad only beea bmlt hot about a year, and last week opened for its second season. The aix-moutba-old daughter of Henry Alexander, manager of the concern, was killed by being thrown from the second-story window into the street, and one of the employees was iuter- nally injured by jumping.

All the rest escaped in their night clothes, saring nothing. Tbs fire Is supposed to hare orgiu-ated through sparks flying from a fire that had been left in an open fireplace wbeu the bouse was closed for the nlghL ENGEMANS TROUBLES. Angel Gabriel. New Terk Stock QaotatleM Tb rang of todays prioss for tbe more active stock of tbs New Yotk markets are given below. The quotations show tbe opening and prices up to 8.30 p.

aud jhe highest and lowest point reached by the securities Tbe quotations are from the New York Exchange and are reported to the News from stock tickers through William Linn leu Company, stock brokers, Paterson National Bank building, Market street. i 1 0o- -Hith- Low- Clow w. rt. mb 4q I- -T 2w.b. Rot.

74 ao l-S illlMH To. A a. F. 14 1- 14 V-S 14 14 at 41 1 1 5 vest wti mu VSSS 7S 75 1 4 arts as aait 64 as S4S4 1-aiMSI 1-4 Iril-s 44 1-4 II a-S 3 1 4 Cblcsro Ou.t.m. Clu.

A N. B. A It. A fai CR 1. A SOT I ima-a TJH Ult Del.

A Mud IU DMA C. 414 Gni. ifc. aat-t lat 4 wra Lk HW 1 l-ttllbirS L-HilsvUlaSKubvUI 47 VS 47 tk 47 1 4 47S-4 let 127 I 1HS I Mo. si i rs i Nsll tore S4 SSS4 OltMIt N.

Y. C. (SUM S7S4WS4 NvsJt CflOtvltiMSHk 114 714 114 114 N. T. A N.

IDS! 7tS IU 4 14 14 141 4 74 14 161 14 14 16 4 14 IS 44 44 45 4-4 46 4 4 N. N. A N.Y..8.AW..Pr.nw Morth Ootftno iWeMMU. Pbi. A RaauSuv Trias Pan, a Wabash West.

W. A to ll-t St-I Si-S BUT It 14 14 14 7614 1546 1414 14 44 14 14 4-418 18 4-4 8 8 8 187 8 141 4 14 44 14 I 4 1844 18 71 1414 1414 8614861481 It 78 181 I 1884 18 1144 CITY ITEMS. A Derervlng Charity- The Homs for Incurables at Ridgewood, N. Is a notable charity under ths charge of and-supported by tbe Sinters of Charity, The aged and incurable poor, without regard to Creed aud nationality are admitted to tbe Home aud receive all the care and attention lhatexperieoced physicians and devoted women can be- stow. 5 it The Wards are now full of deserving poor and the Bisters are desirous of reminding tbe friends of the institution that contributions for making Christmas cheer for tbe patients will be gratefully accepted.

Donations for this worthy purpose may be left at Mr. Doherty, corner Maiawnd Grand streets; Mr. MtNer-ney, Grand and Spruce or- ut St. Aloyuoua Academy, 61 Church treet. SUtCtaL BOWLDEB BIVERSED.

tower levels in the same way os does a tream of water, although at a much dower rate, usually only a few inches or feet a day. But they are constantly mov-'ng with Irresistible force, and as they move jver tbe rocks beneath they are continually crushing and grinding them, and large masses are often broken off and carried tlong with the Ice. It is evident that aa die glacier moves over its bed the rocky mrtace will be worn down and smoothed ff, and In tome eases almost polished, ehile the stones held by the glacier will, aa A moves along, scratch the underlying rock more or lest deeply in parallel tinea. Not nly do we find these scratches near the in-significant glaciers of the present day, bnt we also find them all over ths northern part of ths country, "varying from hardly risible marks to immense grooves large moagh to contain the body of a man. Bnt the bowlders themselves, as they are tarried along by the.

glaciers, ere also subject to the same process of grinding and icratchlng. There rounded glacial bowl-lore occur by millions iaNew England and are a very characteristic feature of the land-icape. All are more or less rounded and smoothed, and apme are almost polished. Well marked specimens of striated or matched bowlders are somewhat rare, for die constant movement would tend to wear sfflhaatrlatinn aa soon at-forac3rbuTwar." dvfl where death officer to' President Gordons captain hostage waa the rank lh Ti' I EM) Hornbys Oatmeal To the growing child it means formative i -T- force growth force 1 4Mnt 6mM That Op SlsL Until lately mere was no blank book factory in Paterson. People took orders for blauk books, but had to send tbui New York to bs made.

Ths News Prtntiug Company have com- supervision of Mr. Leuu; practical and skillful ruler and binder. The books made by the News Printing Company will open flat snd lay flat. They are equal to tbe best blauk books made anywhere sod the prices ana very reasonable We can refer i the United Gas Improvement the Edison Electric Illuminating the Paterson Central Electric Railway Co Of this city, James V. Morriase of Passaic and many purchasers iu New York aud elsewhere, as to th autwnor quality of the blank books mad by ua.

vigor mi Easily, Quickly, Permanently Restore! freshness- IVervsnsness, Debility, aud alt tb train of evil from early error of later excesses. thefMultsoC overwork, sltknore, worry, etc. Full strength.devalD opment sod tone gi van to Ivery organ and portioa of the bony. Sluipla, natural methods. Iuuoedt- improvement eeeiw impoetlble.

8,000 references Book, sxplansttou and prools mailed (sealed) tree ERIE KEDICAL Buffalo, M.Y. DIED. BHORTELL At bar lata reahl-nea, KUarorl Farirb of Biradbaily, Quoen County. Ireland. Urn ElUabctii bboi tell, in th 814 ywr at lb I Frtaadi of tb faml and fbore ef her soe Marti, are reapvotfullv iovHad to attood re-qulrm nigb mare (momoa mind) at SLUonavrnt-ureRC, chuieh.

os rulay mornlnx, bea 68, 1MU, at 8 o'clock a m. loo JLat for CUusiflcutUm A-VTED Four bnt dare mUtwrtyht at ot; aiuat itmg referencra App-y to Alrxandar Elliott, Jr. raiLiga InautiUua building CITUaTION ANTED By a youot maa. Af 47 xryerra. Undrratandaeare or boreva Oo reroreotri it required, addrere Bund, earn H.

Bynor, sSCeday Sinn, Fatonoa. J. 6bdec8b EDUCATIONAL, 11 A $40 Course ju German 'and $8ovCourse in Shorthand, FREE. 1 Ho laoH offer vr Bird to studrel before You cant afiord to laias AU bratidies free Daring Decern ber. charge whatever, DR.

C. EUGENE MscCHESXEY, 4 m. Delsarte System Elucution. NIGHT TCHOOL; Complete Commercial Course, 5 months, i5 only Stenography. PROF.

BTiTEINER conducts Evening ClasMi iu French and Germau, and also Eugliah Closaes for foreigners, at 136 Baikal St NO CHARGE FOR DECEMBER. 'I i RESULTS RESULTS. Of th talBa trelnlof received at 'vTr fn liill Areahovata tbeCothw Ctrcotar which mav beabiaiiied at KOWI.l.g-8 Wore. 188 Mark, hu CENTS will pay for a first-class Wine and Coffee, in- eluded at Arnold cB runners 282 Market Street, Near Straight Bpvdal rates to Fsrtiw or ociaUp. 7 notice.

wwtc Srehy that the ti HwPaumo Ua wiilmretfor llmelrck rfuoere for lha year 188t at tlwir cfllco to 08 Paiflnoft itrwt on Koudiy, ftmiATi ft imu Follft will be open from 7 to 8 ii m. fcJPH.f T- FCI.LI'lT, necretarr. PfttftlWOB, K. Doc, Jft, )bwa. 7 IMeofd Be Rm stopped' RmIsc at Irr Cits Dali) Alar a Th Cue Hu Bern Tried.

Racing was continued at lyy City yesterday, and the six races wete run off without any hooking wbsterer, Owing to the uncertainty relatire to i tbe status of. tbe case agaiust Book-1 maker Marrin, no band books were permitted. When it was learned that Marvin and his three assistants had been indicted by tbe Grand Jnty, fears were entertained that tbe meeting would not last, aud such proved to be tbe case. a -i ijmrie wire sent out for raoing to td'jy, but after Na consultation between George Eugemaa and hia lawyer it wss --decided to postpone tbe meetings Votfl after a decision by tbe court. United States District Attorney Birney sprang a surprise on the race track people when he nolle' proewd tbe case agaiust tbe arrested bookmakers in tbe Court aud then bad tbe four accused re-at rested on indictments is-.

sued by the Grand Jury. Mr. Engemaus attorneys at ouoe went before Judge Cole in tbe Criminal Court aud filed a demurrer, and made a motion to quash tbe iudiotmeuts. Dia-- trict Attoruey Biroey objected to ao immediate hearing of tbe motion to quash) aud after a legal tilt between counsel, tbe Judge bet Jau. 4 for argu meats.

This resulted in further racing being postponed until a decision is 4 reached. 'i he race yesterday was very iuteresting and tbe lew hundred people tbe spoil. BBEWERCLAUSTN DEAD Bft H4 Pubftd A marican Ufr la ftll tbaOld World Mmketh i New York, Dec. 28 Henry Clausen, ptesideut of tbe Clausen Brewing iiany, died at bis residence last eight. Few of bis fnendB were aware of the r-v faot that be bad been ill.

'Mr. Clausen was one of tbe most eu-ergetio brewers iu the country, aud was one of tbe first to uuderiake tbe tiglit against English ales and German beers in tbe markets of tbe world. That American lager can now be procuredjo almost any oity of importance in Europe is mainly dud to bis exertions. Funeral arrangements have not yet been made. WfX' -xffr: Eun.

rwnr. war and was taken prisoner at Gettysburg July 2, 1SG8, sent to Richmond and copfined in Libby prison, he narrowly escaped suffering the penalty in retaliation for ths treatment of Captain Gordon, a Confederate wbo had been tried and sentenced, death by a Federal court martial. Lincoln suspended sentence in case and another Confederate was placed in confinement aa a for Captain Freya safety. He finally paroled and mustered out at close of the war with the brevet of. major, conferred for gallant meritoru'in sen ivtn iliTfmg 1 the The president elect was born at Arles-heim, Switzerland, Oct.

24, 1838. He was educated in the schools of Basle and tbe University of where he ranked high as a scholar, and took the usual course for an officer at the federal military school of Switzerland, He was in Rlinois familiar! Ang himself with American agricultural methods when the war bfoxe out, and he enlisted. Hia forefathers for many1 generations have been eminent either aa soldiers or statesmen. and a happy fate has selected lum to add in both capacities to the luster of the family name. 1 A Fish Fooler, -S-JV'V The latest triumph, tif Yankee Invent-ivs gbnins is in arfllndia robber flsh- worm.

It is said th be a remarkably good imitation 'Of tbC Common earthworm, is indestructible and in actual rise proves a alluring to the fishes Ss the genuine article." TUhbld fisherman will be quick to perceiv its advantages. One can equip himself fora days sport without digging over a wiiole garden in his search for bait. A handful of India rubber worms will last hftaa whole season, and there will be no necessity of pulling up the line few minutes to see If the small fry nibblers have left the hook bare. Colunhn- a. FwoTilrer-Sun- Nsrotl Orlgla of Caneor, Portion of an essay read before.

-ibw National Society, New York, by Profespot E- Mather, M. 124 Hamilton avenue, Paterson, N. J. Fellow of the Royal Microscopical Society London, Eng. Member of the American Microscopical Society, eta, etc.

Tbe sole and immediate antecedents of eigbty-five per cent of all cancers are neurotic. Under some-state of nervous depression the microbe of neurostbenia appears, under still more aggravating mental, 'trouble, some laborious and harassing occupation, noma exhausting illness, a change, a further degradation of the microbe takes place. It may be most correctly stated that cancerous affections ais restricted to the neurasthenic, to old or elderly individuals- on the one band, and oo the other to orgaos and tisanes which have served their purpose end become effete, decrepid, enfeebled. Organs which hav fulfilled their purpose into an qbeoiets devolution stage, are most, likely to become the prey ot the cancer germ, tuoh as tbe femsis breaai at tbe age of forty five, and tbe uterufc about tbs asm period. Once thsrs be sn evolution of the germ in the btxid, then special exciting cause may $4 neoeasary.sucb as blows, bmises, contisiona, irritation of some kind, to bringi ths microbe Into active a -i- Tbe neurotic crtlm'Cf cancer Is not incompatible with tb' latest development of modern' thought or receut scientific Investigal main of medical soil the conception of pathology has not Tbe higher tbe pour' All the do-ice ia invaded by rm evolutiofi; even -uted its ieroads.

srfection a human befog reaches, the gjeater the proneness oration tb great-moulded by extei- itlon is character-iff the number of rous system: the Anch an increase of popola-ugglefor existence, of modern education, by all doits of artificial aud unnatural habits, by an abbreviation of tbe hours of sleep, i by alt insauitary conditions, as well La worry, fret. Even benign tumors are converted into cancerous, by additional nerve prostration or strain; benign tnmore, including cysts, swellings, warts, local hypertrophies, of Uormal tissue, may have neoplasms evolved in them, owing to-lowered prolifeMticir-of various cells. Tbe eterine myoma, a local lypert-rrophyof uterine muscular re, so common in highly developed umen, due, to to aberation in nutntir may be inert for a long term of let soma nervous shock come, i nant evolntion is certain. Instances of met cr -tion are common. to disease and degi er the liability to na) influence Advancing civil laed by an increase diseases of tb natural tendency is enhanced by ex tion, by a keener st: by the excessive that wbicboqly worthy poor end needy people should get.

DISTRICT COURT BUSINESS- for Repot la a Bicycle-Tenant Iu I roaft a ieoudiord. Abe Israel, tbe bicyclist, ailed John Radciiffe today in ihe District conrt for repairs made to a bicycle sold to tbe defendant. When tbe wheel was sold, Lrael gave a guarantee, to keep it in tepair for a year. Tue tires ou tbe wheel di(f oot suit Radc i lies sou for whom tbe bicycle was but and be bad tbem cbaoged to anotbei pattern. It was for tbe value of these ires that Israel sued.

Betides that, I-raol put ou tbe bill a charge lor sprocket -but tb judge did uot allow thisr sod gave Judgment for $10 Kadcliffej bad stated his wdiiouuess before to paj tkat cum, Mr. AoguUiiH H. Diary appeared" fo( Israel. '9 John Vole wanted to a rover $100 for jfk mouths rent of the (remises at 30? bli eight street from Al tender Anderson but judgment was gi ren against bun. Last spring, he said, Anderson, who bad been a tenant for a number of years, said be wonld take tb premises for another year.

On the 6 st of ibis month the 'Anderson fau dy moved away. ula then brought nt "(t in tended bringing a simiiarrsmT eacii mouth uutil the year In expued. JTbe defendant deoted iba sud said that it was his wife who bad bujed the place. Besides that he'haTent his daughter to Yule to try to obtain a lease-for three years. 'Yule wmitd not let it for that period and then thereafter they were under the nn-presMon that they were monthly tenants.

Mias Anderson cui robot ated tne testimony and Mrs. Auderson did also. Mr. Em ley appeared for the plaintiff aud Riouard Randall for the defendant. Tbe latter declared that as the wife bad hired tbe premises, tlm Married Wornaua Act came tuto operation and released her even if she had rented tbe premises as a yearly tenant.

But besides this she had routed it only monthly. Judge Kerr gave judgment tor the defendant. -arrested in court, riearr Kilos Wm Toka 1 Custody tut ItW usd ossle Today. Ileory Kliuge was arrested today at tbe District Court ou a charge of obtaining under false pretenses. Thscymplaiuant iii' tjhe Wagner Silk Harness t' Manufacturings Compauy.

Last week Klmge was also airegted ou a similar chatge. He then had' no subpoena. T0. day when he was arrested, he showed a subpoena dated today but he waa taken iu custody despite this. Tbs Waguer company accuse him of many hard things.

They recently bought a time from him given by a New York party. When tbe note apparently fail due, they tried to collect but found that the note was merely an accommodation. Klfnge had gone to tbe New York man and aked him to let him have tbe uote for he wanted to make a good showing on his books as' be was going to take iu a partner. Tb Wagner company also say they will also make charges of conspiracy against him tor other actions which they say are crooked. C3 1 IV Be ms $8 1 i A iu tb i 1 I 1 1- i'll 1 i.

i i i I V-I. 1 I Lincoln Bridge. s' The floest and moet pleasant plena sort In th SUt (orPloalo4--ad Lawn etc. Grounds snd Ball can be had by respectable parties fra of charge. Musio always on band jf desire! Grand Sacred rnnrcn tvery Saadtj Afternoon and Evening.

JOSEPH A. DURGETT, Prop. Grand Sacred Concert. bun day, Monday, Tuesday, edncKday afternoon and evening. A88IBTXD T8 frgf.

inn itiiEsm- Evening Concerts open to ta HENRY BAUM, PROP. McCABES i iSportiniResort, 95 Market street i Dancing, Boxing- and Singing every Saturday night, Tbs glove contest Batuiday nigM. A special feature with -tbs best Ulout. PETER J. McCABE, Prop.

MYRTLE HALL, Cor Cross and JEarket Streets Newly renovated and decorate! flail 60x60 feet. Opened for concerts, balls, eta. Hinchliffe Bros, celebrated Beer and Ales on ban! Committees will pleas call on Otto Rudolph, Proa BOWLING The Hamilton Bowling Alleys 81 Park Avenus. First class Alleys, Balls, Pios and Attsndancs. Cbotcs Vines, Liquors and Cigara.

Also Pool Table, Bbuffls Board and Concert HalL Headquarters for Robiusons National Ban! CoOm ALFRED ANSON, Prop. -t ft i The Pelwson Safe Deposit H1Mn Trust Co. I WWW Merest Allowed Ok DEPOSITS. JOHN W. GRIGGS.

President. JAMES Vice- President. FRANK ALLEN, Treasurer. s'v I Fifty-uinth Dividend. riliST IIATtONiL P4SI.1 J.

Ifew'wtbftrtl, It 4, Tbft Diietorft of Ui hok bv (HU Od ft ftinift-ftoiiuoi difldUml of tle pr ooot oa tbocftpiifti ucn pnyribla oa aad wr Jauuorv uotti wiiicb daio tbft trwustfr t'Oofts Hi wOiOmhI fiyoHti'rot UtHorti ot irednrft aSdwTt DWftlU) T. BaUL 1 ftftbiw. VI DEN D. rrTlUE PAtEHSON PA-llOrtALBsK I i luembnr lVJ npBS Board of Dlroctor ii dny dre1 A ftdtv(dofHi of two otkhnlf prca( Pftfabiftoo and after. t- "try id, IraAw.

Ooft will rrunaluclf" i iivr4tdf- Jbc.WiV TSdrctw htr. sot Infrequently a bowlder Is found buried hi the drift just where It was left by the melting glacier, with the parallel scratches till remaining apon It and proving beyond a doubt its glacial origin. According to Popular Science News, in which occur the foregoing statements, a beautiful specimen of this sort was discovered in northeastern Massachusetts not long ago The lower side waa polished almost as smooth is glass and covered with deep parallel cratches. ORIGIN OF GAMP MEETINGS. Tbe First On' Occurred Ovr a Catary At I Katky.

In 1T99, according to Thome, the first samp meeting ever held in the United States took place oa the banks of the Red -river In Kentucky. Two' brothers named MoGee, one a Methodist and a Presbyterian, wen on a religions tour from Tennessee to a place called in those days The Barrens. They stopped at a settlement to attend a sacramental occasion with a Pres-byterian minister -the Rev. Mr. McGreedy by name.

John McGee, the Methodist, preached, on his services are described as having been marked with great liberty and power. McGees brother and the Rev. Mr. Hoge followed with sermons, and their effects were remarkable, as they produced tears of contrition and of joy. The sev eral Presbyterian the Rev.

Messrs. McGreedy, Roge and Rankins, left the house, bnt the McGees were too powerfully affected to depart. John was expected to preach again, but when the time came hearoee an.d Informed tbe people tb6 tbe overflowing nature of fata feelings would not allow of his preaching, and he exorted them to surrender their hearts to God. The excitement la said to have been Indescribable. -t The reports "of these wonderful services-were heard by the people is the country around, and many rushed to the place to tee tbe preachers and witness the religious exercises Tne meeting house was overflowed, ahd au altar was erected to ths Lord in the forest.

This added new interest to the movement, and people assembled from far and near, with provisions and other. necessaries for camping ouUjffld remained several days, living in tents. For tbe time denominational divisions seemed to be forgotten, and tbe services were conducted by Presbyterians, Methodist and The results were so wonderful that soother meeting of tbe same sort was suggested and was heid on the Muddy river, aqd still another was held on what, waa called the Ridge, both having been attended by great crowds, wbo came for a pf miles around. These services were continued and extended, with similar results, tbs Presby tenant and Methodists directing and conducting them. Tbe Presbyterians gradually retired from the field, while the Methodist carried tb meetings to all parts of ths country.

Since than other denominations hav adopted them, aad they have continued with more or less efficacy to tbe present time. "-a Aerial Sounds at TSUowstone fsrk. 1 Ail interesting phenomenon has bean observed in the lake region of the Yellowstone park, of which Professor A. Forbes, in a description of Shoshone lake, makes the following Here we first heard, while out on the lake in the bright stUl morning, the mysterious serial sound for which this region is noted. It put me in mind of the vibrating clang of harp lightly and rapidly touched high up above the tret tops, or the sound of many telegraph wires swinging regularly and rapidly is the triad, or, more rarely, of faintly beard votoea answering each other overhead.

It begins softly in ths remote draws with be-, referred to by travelers, who have ventured various erode guesses at its cause, varying from that commonest catch all of the Ignorant, elecprictty, te tbe whistling of the wings of docks end the noire of the steam bosVgvyser. It seems to me to belong totqij'felass of ser1 echoes, but even on that supposition I cannot account for toe origin of tne s. i Dont forget that we are headquarters for skates. You 'will save money-by buying from us. AU grades in stock.

H. M. Ash, 286 Market street corner Straight street Deo. 23 tf. Da Tea On Blu7 TbeNiws book bindery is the only fully equipped on iu Paterson.

It provided with all the best modern machinery and is turning out blank books, ruling, nnmbering perforating and wire stitching equal to tbe best work done by New York citv establishments and at lowar prices. The following expressions of opinion from our patrons will show that our work is satisfactory; v. i v- IThe magazines (Harpers) bound for me are perfectly satisfactory. You can use my name as a reference. Edo.

Merselis, treasurer of Paterson bavifigs Institution. The fifteen lawbooks bound for me in sheep are weU done, 1 am perfectly satisfied with th work. ii. Ward, attorney at law. i The book Corbins Forms yon bound tor me satisfactory.

I am pleased with your work. Prosecutor Gourley, Th law books bound for us are well doner- will give you more work when we need any more. B. Dunn, attorney at law. The Revision of New Jersey rebound tor was very satisfactorily done.

I ball be pleased to give yon further orders." Eugene Stevenson, Esq. Our prices ere very low. Give ns call if jou nred binding of any kind. DO YOU WANT a GPU) WATCH Tka Maw Will eiv, Yaa Obs. The Evinino News desiring to extend its circulation will present to each of its readers a handsome gold watoh The watches are ladies and gentlemens sizes and can be seen at ll A.

Piaget A Coe. Main street, who will warrant them for a year. Any lady or gentleman, boy or girl wbo wants a watch can get It on these terms. Get ns on handled subscribers to the News for ten weeks. There is no extra charge for tbe paper.

Seven cents per week delivered by mail or carrier to any part of Paterson, Passaic or indeed tbe entire United or Caned a Each subscriber to order tb paper for 10 weeks and pay for it ona dollar. These watches are not cheep Waterbary affairs. Th movements are nickel Trenton, or nickel. New York Biandard, or can be Waltham, Elgin, Hampden, Columbus or Spring-held it preferred. Tbe cases are solid gold filled, artistically engraved and warranto! gestWbat Tee Waua Samples of elegant welding invitations, party invitation, c-dz of dana-tufff menu cards, may be at this office.

Printing done tly and at rock i prices. Before placing your or the Nxvrs Office, sol aud 2Q3 1 i street, tf. i Haled on Notes, 1 The Atlas Silk MaupJacturing Company, wbicb has been closed down for the past three months, has again resumed, aud so confident are the proprietors of better times that they intend to erect shortly a large addition to their plant, capable of holding one hundred ribbon looms.0 Willjam Buscbmaa is at present erecting a hail for rectal purposes, near the entrance of tbe Haledon Park. It will be seventy-five by1 one huudred feet, and is expected lo be ready for occupancy by the opening of Spring. A florist from Oakland is.

negotiating with Mr, Buschman for a plot of ground near tbe Haledon Lake. It ii intended to be used for tbe purpose of raising flowers (or tbe market. atuU tlis Uot-Doz Sfut'Otove." Arthur Richardson sells hot dogs on Main street at midnight. Au evening or two ago DeWiU Tallmatin aud two eompamon8 jokingy took one of Richardsons they refused to return it, tbe hot dog man bad Tallmatin arrested. He said that it war one of his companions who took the glove.

He gave bail. There is talk of some of tbe steel furnaces at lb fa-saio Rolling Mill bring started up agaan at once. These crunot be set going at a moments notice about a week or tea days is required to get such furnaces iu fail bn.Ht but workmenmay be wage earning once hve b-eu weeks idle, in tbe eatly days oI-lSS4. A rehearsal of tbe members of she who are to lake iwnw-Pmr, 1 sv-s Cuiicm fr rbi- i eh (V bild touturruw vnim 1 tuielall. Clothier Planer Arrested.

1 Mendel Pinner, the clothier, who recently allowed two confessed "judgments to bs taken against him was arrested yesterday afternoon on a charge of obtaining goods uuder falsa pretenses. Tbs Was made before supretna coat com nissioner A. A. Van Hovenberg by Jacob Gladke, a wholesale New Yorh clothier. Pinner got clutmug fromhim, by saying he bad two or three debts against him whereas he had very iiisnf and for lares amounts, Tbe HftSUKMUl uHHUomHlQl uh VWE MW0 uyu toiai amount due Glodke is k953 43, but- tuhed, although it has been several times distance, rapidly near lender and louder throbs of sound and dire away In ths opposite distance, or it may teem to wander irregularly about, the whole passage lasting from few second to half minute or more.

We heard it repeatedly and very distinctly herd and at Yellowstone lake, most fro-qneatly at the latter place. It is usually neticed on still, bright moaning not loifg after sunrise, and it is louder at this time of day, but I heard it olearly, though faint ly, once at noon when a tuff breese waa Mowing. No scientific explanation of this really witching phenomenon has ever been pub- Calling lo ttnrvslus fttr ns nbtaiuSd Iruriul-iidj Pinner i give bail li th nter amount. -AH- Lucy of Mr. 41' 'tuUi Knit pare oclock tea dm.

who ook part Hieltiti dsugb at the Kllineaslatt 71. 11 tbit ftftr o' ftiiar btbUiM bAlJONALbAN fAlftror c)M mvintNu. Tba Botud of duitrrd wibl-tr-oo ihrcapiial rurrnu ht mo uary h4. uori tiiftl I I -e i uf 8 rarmufts i ukhI u.uM mu ORGANS 1 ORGANS beautiful stoht cunt oboah. mart 4MH to be appreciate, style case.

ta or Ear Terma PEETU 16J fair Talar, i. Kdao'4.

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