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The Courier News from Blytheville, Arkansas • Page 4

The Courier Newsi
Blytheville, Arkansas
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HA1NKS. Advertlilnt Manager Sole National Advertising The Chuk Co, Hew York Pblladclphla, Atlanta, Dallas, Autoulo, Saa Francisco, Cttcaio, St. Louis. Published Every Altcruoon Except Sunday. Entered Kcona class matter it Die post office at Blytheville, Arkansas, under act October 9.

1917. Served bjr the United fitts SUBSCRIPTION RATES By carrier in the city ot Blylhcvllle, 15o per week or $8.50 per year hi advance. By mail within, radius ot mller, t'lM per jtar, Jor six montiw, 85o for three months; by mall In postal zones two to six, Inclusive, tS.W per year, In zones m'cn aud eight, 510.00 per year, payable in advance. Roads of Cotton Fabric The South will watch with interest, the in-ogress of in the use of coar.w collon fabrics in re-enforcing asphalt road surfnees. Two years of experimentation at the Cotton Textile Institute of New York have 'resulted in the development, of a bituminous reinforced fabric road surface with amazing qualities of economy and durability.

Short stretches of test highway have been surfaced with the fabric a'sphall combinallion in South Carolina and Texas, with results which apparently point; to its general adopt ion wherever a good surface is needed but the traffic does not justify the expense concrete. A. G. Burke, county judge of Phillips county, and the Helena Chamber of Commerce, have been so impressed with the possibilities of the new road that they have agreed to confer with the stale highway department with a to constructing a test road near is estimated that there are 3,000,000 miles of secondary roads in the country to which 'the new surface could applied with advantage. If this proves tnie tt market will be opened for an immense volume of American cotton.

About 7,000 square yards of .4.6 ounce fabric is required lor each of the paving. chief objection to light asphalt, surfacing its tendency to sag- ami crack at the edges, making maintenance expensive. Tests with the cotton re-enforcement indicate that the fabric prevents sagging and cracking, and also reduces the formation of longitudinal ruts and slipping of the familiar "washboarding" phenomenon. The following description of the new type road from an article by W. V.

Skccs in the'Boston Transcript: One the outstanding advantages of the and fabric surface Us low construction cost imd speed of laying. Depending to' some extent upon variations in the cost of labor, the installation expense can be kept down -lo from $1500 to $1800 per mile. Fabric- appli- cation can be mads directly upon any leveled dirt road without any base other than an a-i- hesivo layer of tar. Highways can thus he -built across any subsoil that lus the necessary constituents in It to pack will and retain con, formation until subjected to water. Soils hav- OUT OUR WAY ing a clay content arc utluilrnlly suited to this Several crews of men forming leveling and subsequent operations can produce new mllcajjc at a rate possible with no other satisfactory road surface.

The road is first Gcarlllcd and brought to the desired niade, packed mid swept ol loose particles by a revolving broom. A prime coat, of light tuf Is tlivn applied nt the rate of one-fourth gallon pin- Miuare yard by means ot a pressure cllMilbutur. While the tar Is sill) sticky, open weave cctton fabric Is spread longitudinally along the road, Over the fabric a spray of hot asphullic oil Is then applied. As a last measure coarse sand and travel are spread and rolled into the fabric tur- face. Heavy Iroflic may bo admitted to the new stretch the dny of completion, an unheard of possibility with the conventional asphalt highway.

Comments on Coolidgc Summer Retirement" Many C. OppemVlnu'r, of Brunei it Oppcn- hclmcr, writes what he terms a "Uuslncss mail's view of Cnlvln Coolldge's temporary rrtlivmanl: "Calvin Coollduc has Issuril a to the press to the cltcct Unit he Is ijolng to take a vucallon In summer and Is not writing for the McOlurc Syndlealc. "At least Mr. Cculidge can take this vacation of his own volition. He heliKd'found and continued a prosperity that is muting hundreds nnd thousands of tnkc a vacation ot greater length, uut not of their own choice.

"He states tho brains of the country need relaxation and refreshment mure than ever this season. However, why not let the brains talk lor themselves. 'Think It is a duty to themselves, to tlnlr business nncl their ass'jchilloiis, to mule than the usual period of Is Mr. Coolldge practicing irony tir what is It? He talks of the, shores and the hills and tho replenishment by rest'(hat Is needed. We don't need replenishment and rest, lor tlie most pari.

What we are sulferlnt' from Is lack of work. To address America and leli it to rest from Ms labor when our greatest shortcoming is lack of labor, shows no more ability at column writ- Ing than. Mr. Coolldije showed in his condinlt- aud directing the alfairs ol this country. And one whom only chance and circumstances, and not work or ability or foresight or level- headedness, have made an executive, is certainly rubbing it in.

"Slop writing your childish prattle. Iliter- nalo If you wish, and don't come out your hibernation for CD years, and then, perhaps, this country will stand a chancj of coming through." Wear Dally. Ships are reported making fewer calls at the Virgin Islands. Perhaps it Isn't now an ex-port. You cr.n't Ifuni astronomy, says the olTicc snrje, by studying heavenly bodies from nil orchestra scat at a musical comedy.

Sing Sing prisoners were found recently a wlnu vat. Perhaps they considered this a new way to place (he prison In ferment. Ur. Hnrlow Shaplcy, famed astronomer, is now studying aut lite. Coming down to tar Hi, as It were.

Judging from 11 Uuco's forcible dealings with various allairs, a more appropriate spelling of his name might be Muscic-inl. Slriblms iulcr.ipcrtes his (raining by acting judge at a beauty conies 1 With a litlu light in prospect, perhaps he had belter look to his own form first. JUNE 17 SIDE GLANCES By George Clark Toll you what I'll you want a chance lo fhink it iver, II promise not to sell (his place before iioniniL'." WASHINGTON LETTER leading heiiltli educators in Germany, tells about ghosls, gods, astrologers and miracle men who allllct the Cieiman people. The German folklore ol disease and Its treatment is na comical as any of the superstitions lliut prevail- In backward sections of the United Stales. There arc In Germany who telieve that anemia and jaundice can be cured by cooking bbccp's lice into Jam; that for a mother to have a child without much pain is to opon all tile doors, windows and boxes, to pull'-out all the drawers and to untie all the knots around the house.

They have their magical cures for epilepsy and scrofula. They think that paralysis can be cured by putting the patient lo sleep on the straw In a stable, where a tkinkcy slept. Some think that a newborn baby should nut liu on its left side, because that will nuke it left-handed. They believe lhat a person will sick all through his lite if soaieonc nets some of his hair and buries it in a cemetery. These arc of sympathetic magic, based largely on the of similarity or symbolism.

Anyone can see how simple mind would arrive nt liio conclusion that the pains of ehilclblrth can bs relieved by untying a lot 01 knots. No doubt, the idea of healing paralysis by having the person lie cu (he straw where a donkey had slept is because the person with pandvsis seetns incapable as the animal credited with being the most Mupid of beasts. One's beliefs depend on the environment in which he grows, the thoughts and belicls oi those about him, amount of education, and the ability of ihe mind itself to reason. The simplest type of reasouhis is sympathetic reasoning, which makes people believe that a yellow flower, like a dandelion, will cure jaundiee; that red flower or rtiby will help liscascs of the Wood; heart- shaped flowers will cure diseases of the heart, and thai Hie way lo THSS CURIOUS WORLD ness by rnstrsllng Health Si-r vice's Against Heavy Meat liatim; in Hot Weather BY UODNEY UUTCHEK XEA SiTvlcu Writer Jnsdxk Men Hart Own 1 doubtedly were fair, but some of the items looked funny on the lace of them and lots of people had a good laugh at Nye. As ono who has sometimes re- the presence of numerous and gambling joints more or less "in the shadow of the Wnilc House," your correspondent now announces that it Is virtually impossible to buy a drink or place WASHINGTON Icesn't realize now If anyone that less neat thoul'J be c.ilcn ilnrlng Ihe uiiuncr months it Isn't the fault the meal packers and the live- lock interests.

bet in the first police precinct The more you take at his a result cl continued police anything the more publicity you lhat hasn't teen true for It tho bulletin of the! several years heretofore and ap- Unitcd Slates Public Health Scr-j juars to demonstrate that Ihe warning eating IOD pers, if they try, can keep the nnch meat in hot weather would town comparalivc'ly free of spcak- invc attracted no move attention! cusies and gambling Joints. Tlic hnn other U. S. H. H.

S. suciesslul methods employed Imv; been, piincipally.Mhe removal of tho meat men had to let well enough alone. tins if willing Instead, they protested vigorously to Secretary ot th3 Trcumry Mellon, in whose department UILJ health service is. and got themselves and the metit-eaiing issue into the When Mellon decided (o ctnsor federal health bulletins in (he future that news and (he row about censorship which 11 stirred up presumably left few people unaware of what the U. P.

II. S. had been advising. I'ohticUins can tell you that it cftcn doesn't pay to take um- When 1'remler ilussollui went after General Smcclloy Butler lor calling him a hil-aud-rim driv- THE WINS? WCWK WS PAIN.THO C3AINS6OHOUSH To C4NN.or AS WOSKEO VittH FASTfKEO Sff, BEEf Celebrates Spring With Two IV.iths MADISON, lUPi- Annie, Ihc elophaiil in Vilas Park 7.oo acre, ate a bushel of dirt and took two mud baths the first day she was taken from her indoor quarters to tile outdoor enclosure wheie she spends her summers. Courier News Want A-Js Pay.

S3. suffered incredible hardships, again going into battle- with songs. "On Use first of July more than 30.000 prisoners were taken by tho Russians on the southwestern front. Then came Ihe tragic harvest of Bolshevist propaganda. Regiment after regiment refused to obey orders.

Officers were brutally murdered by their men. Along a front cf more 15C miles the IHussiaus retreated without attempt- favor of "an immediate offensive ing to fight, while the enemy stead- in close co-operation with Russia's' ily advanced. This was made nos- allies." The offensive began on July 1 aud its Initial success was encouraging. It seemed as though the miracle of the restoration of the TODAY IS THE- ANNIVERS RUSSIAN OFFENSIVE by the agitation of the Bol- sheviki, especially by the mutiny they provoked among the troops hi tho garrison at Petrograd." Russian army hud been achieved. I Chemists of the University of as John Spargo said, "was bcrta have developed a hydio-gen- nn army- whose dead and wounded process with which gasoline already amounted to more than can be extracted from the tar sands 3,000,000 men, an ar.ny which had er thu charge didn't bill baiilcaded doors such places and arrests ot gamblers as rants." The first precinct, where thj etrive Has centered, takes in Ihe down town business district and part of the White House local linuor traffic is now in thq hands of men and women who accept ti-lephon: ciders for delivery.

These violators have proved hard to eliminate. Nearly everyone would like to know what comment, if any, President Hoover made to Congressman Dyer of Missouri anent the Matter's proiwsal for legalized per cent beer so as to raise a billion dollars in taxes and employ 100,000 persons- Bui thera is a strict rule lhat if the president The arc said to have purchased tho largest stone crusher, but they won't admit they're pulling business on tho rocks. By Williams Mussolini found himself teing I ever says anything to. you, you panned on general principles all i mustn't tell anyone'what Ihc tinitid Slates while most conspicuous violator Icr became a sort of national hero. I Ihe rule was Amos I'inchot who, Nye of North Dakota, find- seven months afleiward, wrote an lhat r.lcs;3 of New liamiishiie article about how Mr.

Hoover, hail introduced his expenses as about a year ngo, had told a visit- chairman of the campaign funds ing delegation that unemployment cosninlttcc into the Congressional was shamefully exaggerated, that Hecurd, heatedly chargi-d a business was on tho upgrade and so directed Attention tu i that the conunitine had come "six his accounts. The accounts weeks ton late." is going to get the Free Trip to the heart oi a Vacation Paradise hidden away in the Jemex, mountains. Eight Thousand Feet High In the Bosom of a Million Acres of Forest Preserve. Far away from the crowds, off all the traveled trails, Rancho Rea is the ideal place to bring your family for a perfect vacation. Every day teems with activity; all the rugged sports of the cow- )oys, trail riding, pack trips, polo, hunting, fishing, swimming, archery, trap shooting, horseshoe pitching in fact, you can't name an out door sport that is known to these westerners that won't be found at Rancho Rea.

VOTE FOR ONE OF THESE GIRLS CHURCH EXCUSES Ily Georjc W. I though! last week 1 found a woman I could nisl t-: take my children (o Sunday Schcol. I had ir.ncd take them myself but as I h.ivj cnny social duties it looks though can't crowd in tho I have oTtcn said the kind a religion entirely foreign to mine and that would break my heart for 1 do love my church. This woman doesn't know JMI why I am paying her so many cnlis. I think she is expecting me to invite her to somo of my;\l airsirs, from the way r.he "talked Ihe bst will sco to it that her lime I was to' see her.

It would not (iicn arc properly trained in i tako much to start her of! as of the social climbers, aud I do tesl such person. To sort her out on her church views I mentioned In an olf-hand way church I belong to and she siild she was glad to hear me say I i longed to the church; that she had true I felt I cculri trust Mr( of courso sl thi-r risk sending my heard of me and why not when I ler. I have made four ui am the acknowledged soelal leader of this community. I did dist cuss that with her as I could sc-. 1 she would not undersl.ind onc-iulf I say.

I Ihink alter ons marc matters as well school alfairs. Now, I know some m-ji: crs who actufilly refuse tn their children dancing. Well. 1 heard that this I sec vas a real earnest wcman and If I tound tiii-, to her and Have about D. Of caurse, ycu knoA I i circiul for if lior church ions are net with my int think of visit I can lell wlicthor or nut I can Why she misht actually use her.

Martha Robinson, Bli)lheville Maurine Branson, Blylheuillc Evelyn Harwell, Blylficvittc Alberta Elliott, Biyiheville Marion Burns, Biyiheville Ruth Whitwortii, Blylheoille Ruth Uutt, Blyth-sviUe Margaret Cross, Blylhcville Carolyn Pride, BlyUtcville Aithca Edwards, Blijthcville Margaret Milner, Blytheville Elizabeth Martin, Dell Rosa Lou Cook, Luxora Dorothy Gideon, Wilson Orine Hulchens, Manila Mary DeWeese, Hayti Virginia Burton, Caruihcrsville AT ANY OF THESE STORES America Leads the World In Alctlical Charlatanry BY 1)11. MORK1S VISlir.Kix r. Wo have more quacks anl hihkr. Journal uf a gnatcr. variety iji the licld of Jlciiiral Assoctatinn.

than any other country Ily ch, Hie Hc.ulli in lc world, but it should not be It is generally well thouj ht v.c have any kind American quacksry is of monopoly in this matter. In vanccrt so far r.s a oj Hygelap Uri otlo ir Ncujtatter, who is among the Giilcn Furniture Co. Bonwi's Drug Store The Koolery Central Shoe Store Hubbard Hardware Co. llubbard Tire Battery Co. New York Store Guard Jewelry Store Harnes Nu-Wa Cleaners New Mead Clollnny Co.

New Dixie Store Co. Ark-Mo Power Co. Phillips Motor Co. 777 Service Station McMuilin's Cash Grocery Elois Beauty Shop.

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