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Pittston Gazette from Pittston, Pennsylvania • Page 2

Pittston Gazettei
Pittston, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
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TELEPHONE ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED Both. Phones in all Our Stores mJSSSMS3k .0 VP J' fl Conundrum A lil, sorts or such as W'uits. To lx'ts. Ior Sales, JamI I'oiiihI, Miscellaneous, Announce moats. will be published, under )rH'r cliissilii atidii or any doslrctl ilassititatloii iii.vble nt the rate of OXK C'KXT per word CASH WITH OliDKR, or TWO CENTS per word cluirgcd.

Xo nl ei'tlsement taken for less than TWENTY FIVE CENTS. Tliese columns dully bring; our iriMlc'rS i in olose touch with a very wide range of opportunities, both in buying jiiul Sibs'rilieis who have land or nny eNp to excluuisc or sell can reap rapid and big results by means of those classified columns. A 1 LI rl IV II virsx 1 1 UIIUVAVi cJJnVMmi I Skinned Hams 16c FOR RENT. Nice Crisp Lettuce, bunch Sc I Sweet Navel Oranges, doz 16c I'OK RENT 228 South 9m3t. Main St, 15c Large juicy Lemons, dozen 13c Light Lean Salt Bacon, lb.

K(u7 HEXT House 125 Delaware ItKiuire 448 Delaware Ave. EOlt It EXT Xew6 r7om house? "inquire 150 Philadelphia Ave. Phone 963 J. 8m3t HOUSE for rent; 5'lfi Wyoming Ave. Davenport's Shoe Store 8m6t TWO FLATS 4 and 6 rooms each, $11 and H.

Holmes. 8m6t EPUXISHED bed rooms. Apply 519 1 Pt. Can Pure Olive Oil 49c I Good Cook, or Eating Apples, pk 20c Ikit to the rand Salurdity with imitinee fl'OlH House On Trial" Xew 1'ork's Bluest W'ilkesbulTC, next Frl day ami Scene Opera tirda.v, Question Why is the smallest act. in tonight's Gazette the easiest ad.

to locate? Answer: liecause it's a "Classified Want Ad." Classification makes the small ad large. A two line ad properly placed on The Gazette "Want" page is as easy to find as a page ad. You can afford to use Gazette "Want" Ads. Can you afford not to use them? 7 caii iooo phone i Fancy California Hams, lb. ft 5m6t Wyoming avenue.

FOR BENT House, 29 Pine "St. Smtf. "Water 24ftf. RQ AN THEATRE 9 FOR BEXT Office over street. Inquire D.

Lamb. 7 Lbs. Fresh Milled UolledOats 10 ll. Yellow (Sold Dust for table Or7 6d use TODAY, BETTY NANSEN (Royal Actress.) First American Appearance in "THE CELEBRATED SCANDAL" la Five Acts. No.

2 Can Cotto SIX ROOM HOUSE, North street. Gas. Phono 136 M. Gm3t FOR BENT Two small" flats, all" con viences. Inquire at Picture Store, 15 Butler street FOR BEXT House" on Spring street Apply J.

O'P. Mangan. J22 tt FOB RENT Single and 'double houses. $10.00 and $11.00. AV.

G. Slocum. 6m6t 25c Wednesday Baking Specials 14c Ijettei Pears, can WEUXESDAY. TOM OR ROW, 4 L1). Box Roval Mr.

Max Figiiian in the Famous Novel and Play FOR REXT Half of small double Cans Condensed 9f Mill Ji Soav Powder "JACK CHANTY," Five Acts. house, $9.00. Inquire 213 Broad street. Gm3t THURSDAY One of the Rest Photo Plays lOver Produced, FOR SALE. THE ITALIAN 9c Lard Compound 15c Ijrand Strawberries Featuring; George Heban in Five Acts FOR SALE Horses.

Account of installing motor trucks have a number of general purpose horses will sell reasonable. Pittston Transfer Co. 1 lb. Cal. Dried Peaches.

1 lb. Cal. Dried Apricots. 1 lb. Cal.

Prunes. 1 lb. Cal. Seeded Raisins 1 lb. Mince Meat 1 lb.

Cleaned Currants. 2 lb. San Toy Bak. Powder 85c VALUE ALL FOR Cans Oil 25c 1 libs. Japan I lead 2)C BANK STATEMENT.

in RKPOKT OK Flit ST T11K rOXIHTION OF Till: NATIONAL 1SANK. AT Pkus. Quaker OCn Cork Flake I5ottlos Pure To OKp maio Catsup. FOR SALE Rhode Island Red eggs, 400 Tunkhannock aye. FOR" SALE CHEAP A flat top desk; solid oak; inquire Joseph Freeman, Main street, Duryea 8m2t FOR SALE Horse, harness and buggy; horse good roadster.

Inquire Joseph Freeman, Main h6USE AX1 TWO 5.00. liargain, 819 Knilroad Hamtown. Mrs. Geo. Strnbach.

8m3t FOR SALE Household fiiTnilure and kitchenrange. No.4 Rock St. 8m3t Nearly new Six hole range, for half price. 164 Broad. 9m3t.

if THEATRE Saturday, March 13th Matinee and Night. ALL Air 8 Slurried Wheat 1 1 Uhrwh old Uar Peaches "I '2or quality Vt, WANTED. 1'ITTSTON, IX Ili; STATF OF I'FNN SYI.VAXIA, AT TIIK TI OSK OF lSCSI KSS MAIN 'I I I. r.H. Loans and discounts Ssi.

JS Ovcpdi afts mi.swtuvd I'. S. homls to secure circulation (par value) LTiO.ono no S. bonds to secure S. deposits (par valuei 1.000 00 Other bonds to secure postal savings 10.000 00 Premium on bonds for circulation on lionds.

securities, on hand (oilier than stocks), including premiums on I us To Subs pt ion to slock of Federal lleserve bank 00 Less amount unpaid CO Ki.tioo 00 All other slocks, iiicludini; premium on same 11 1 mi Hanking house, furniture and lixt tiles Other leal esutte owned on Hue froiu Federal Iteserve bank 00 Iue from approved reserve agents in central reserve 5S Fresh Shell Oysters, tnSt 29c how MWMtttMassaaii i im mm un With Princess Zallah Herself. Solid Cold Pack Tomatoes, regu 15cw "THE TE 12 ROES OF THE JUMOLE." JOJlBisOTtzlrtiyersii TEAMSTER WAN'TED Middle aged, steady, sober, married, experienced Steady work. John Reap. Atty at law, Miners Hank City. 9m2t.

Knitting Mill wishes women to take orders for guaranteed hosiery in part or spare time; big profits; experience unnecessary. International Mills, 3044 Chestnut, Philadelphia, Pa. No. 1 can Tuna Fish, regular 25c quality ISc lar 2V Quality 7'ZC Positively the and best burlesque show BUSINESS CARDS 19c 5 lbs. Fresh Crisp Ginger Snaps.

SSc i Special Blend Coffee, ib. WANTED Lady to sell teas and cof ATTOIWKYS. fee from house to house. Good C. MOSIER.

proposition for right party. Apply Wednesday morning. Tanisui Tea (importers) 5 Water street. No. 2 Can White Cherries.

12(2C No. 3 Can Beverly Egg Plums. 9c Fpaa! Imported Decorated China Cup Cn Tm TDJ1 CA rrcCl and Saucer Withj Every Pound Jdll IUj led JUL that is on the read this season. GALAXY! OF STARS which include Singers, Musicians. Big Beauty Chorus PRICES: HELP WANTED fMale) Reliable cit ii's Due from banks and bankers other than included in I or I.IT.'.I 71 Outside checks and other cash items, fractional currency.

I nickels and cents 1 Checks on banks in the same citv or town as reporting I bank oil Noll's of oilier national luniks 1 UiiCi (Mi, l.utrftil murn nwrrc in Imnk 1 Sped" nil Legal tender iioleslo.onii 00 on IJedenipl ion fund with F. S. Treasurer not more than ler cent on circulation no man of goon appearance and intelligence can connect with an eld line insurance ecmnany for work in Scranton and vicinity. Experience not necessary. AVM teach you the business.

Address giving particulars, and references. T. B. Box, No. 55J, Serantoii, Penna.

m.6.89. Fresh Grated Pure Horse Radish, WANTED Married man for general 15c to 7oc 25c and 50c evening Afternoon Total Attorney at Law Cash Store Block, Pituton, Pa July 8. 1882. B. A.

HUBL Attorney at Law Gazette Building Old 'Phone Plttaton. Pa R. E. BOWK LEY Attorney at Law Notary Public Postoffice BulldinK Old 'Phone: Office. 609.

Realdence.l 63 31 VKI.IIX OP C'llACKKD AUToMOillLKCYL, indent, pumps, water aluni l.iuin, sear and cr uiK cases, etc. Work or money refunded. Wil kesdjarrc Welding welding ex pcrts. fiW. Hoss St.

PeU phone 314 H. W1XA.1AM. MYBRSi Contractor and Builder. Dealer In Lumber, Baah Doora and Blinds, Mouldings, etc. Office.

23 Landon plttston. Pa. Nw Phone S16 X. farming. W.

G. Slocum. fim3t i inliililirs paid in Inn ii i i mi Capital stock Surplus fund POULTRY. Per Bottle Sc Fancy York State Brick Cheese. 18c MMMnsiMMHsWiMMnsanMm Large Jar Brooke Peanut Butter.

19c 7i; 17 20 oz. Jar Chow Chow, Sweet Relish, sweet or sour mix 9c Maine Style Sugar Corn 7c 26 oz. Jar Fruit Preserves 23 6 Rolls of Toilet Paper 25c No. 3 Can York State Sauer Kraut 9c I ndlvid Less current, expenses, interest, and taxes paid FOR SALE Four Cypher Standard Incubators. 3 144 egg.

1 2T.0 egg. Condition perfect. Apply Wm. J. Teck.

26f20t. Circulating notes. LOST. Smoked Bloaters, 2 for Sc Less amount: 011 band and In Treasury for' redemption or white and tan returned to 12J m.3t. LOST Small black hound.

Reward if Elizabeth St. in transit Hue lo hunks nun 23c No. 6 Brooms, full weight other than Included THE PLAYHOUSE or (11 Dividends unpaid Ih'iHtiwI trjwiltt 1 il I vidua! deposits subieet to check N.i 1.211 this strikingly dramatic CONTRACT! Engineer! Steam and Water Heating Apparatus; Boilers, Engines, Steam Pumps. Plumbing scientifically installed. Cornices and skylights, 326 Penn Avenue ycranton.

ZZZ ZZZZ t'i. KDW1N "M1TTEER, "Electrician 116 118 N. Main street, Plttston Consulting, designing, erecting, repairing. Bell telephone. I 1T.OSS "Under Cover." A play of adventure, a play of mys tuv.

a play of thrills, these phrases ir. part describe "Under Cover," Hoi Conner Magrtie's exciting melodrama, the current sensation of New York Chicago, which Selwyn Co. will present at the Grand, Wilkesbarre, tonight and tomorrow matinee and night. 1 estcrn photoplay all you lovers of tlio movies Cerlilied checks Cashier's checks oittstntiiling United es deposits Postal snvlugs deposits Moxley's Butterine S'SilnA 5 White Beauty Flour Beats the World, bbl, $7,09 t.OOII Oil 4 1 lleposlts subject to more days' notice 1.S4 1 112 may lose yourselves in stirring scenes and urippinn emotional ading. A story of woman's sacrifice and how her daughter was saved from a similar late.

While the scene settings are particularly line. Intense interest is added by the splendid acting of that strong Him player, Murdoch MacQuar rle. A play worth going miles to see. 'On Trial." The amazing success of "On in New York is the principal topic of conversation In theatrical circles. Nc produced in recent years gained such instant recognition as did this remarkable piece of dramatic literature, which contains a story that is full of dramatic suspense and is filled to the margin with powerful and thrilling moments.

At the Grand Operi House, Wllkebarre, next Friday and Saturday March 12 13 with a matinee on Saturday. Seats go on ntle today. Tolnl Statu ok Cot sty ok Lit zkiinr, ss I. C. S.

Crane, cashier of the nhovo nnmed bank, do solemnly swenr thnt the above statement Is true lo the best of niy knowledge and belief. C. S. Oil A XII. Cashier.

Subscribed nnd sworn to before tne this ninth day of March. 101.1. SAMUEL P. FF.XX, Notnry Puhlle. My ronimlsslon expires January 7th, 1017.

ComiECT Attkst W. L. WATSON. .1. L.

8. M. 1'AItKK. Directors. nOOKRS.

wLTvJS Oil Columbus Brand 6liv Oil is packed and shipped expressly for us In the finest olive groves of Italy. Its purity and quality is guaranteed. Pints, quarts, half gallons. Bl unco both phones. 96 and 100 i 'onth Main street, Plttston.

IXSITKAXCBi i. W. A. SHIFTER." General in" surance Agents Fire, Tornado, Automobile Insurance in best companies Office: Lamb Block. No.

9 Water street. Plttston Pa. 'Phones. Notarle Public. HUE ME ABOUT FIRE OR LIVE Stock Insurance in Conservative Companies.

Real Estate bought, sold or rented. Richard Hughes. Room SO, Third Floor, Postoffice building. No turv Public. JOHN T.

PLANNER Fire Insurance and Real Estate. Old 'Phone 819 Room 8, Cash Store Block. Kdward Winrns. of Cherry street, was culled to Puffuln, V. yesterday owinK tc the criticnl Illness of hll daughter.

Mrs. ICvelyn Morris. Miss Kthel Weir has returned to her home in West Pittston after hnv i'U' spent th" week end with Miss tlriu Unwell, of South street. Miss Ivy Milliimn, of Scranton, rpent Sunday with Mrs. Karl Lybolt, of West Avoca.

A iUKhter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Karl l.ybolt The Ivndies' Missionary Society of Lanucliffe Presbyterian church will mot Thursday afternoi'ii at tho hom? of Mis. A. C.

Howell. At Bohemian Theatre Tomorrow Tnmarrnw HUGHESTOWN. that the breaker had again resumed work nfter a period of idleness since 1314. I. Pivlssanu has purchased tho building ni upper Wyoming avenue formerly used for a lunch house.

Ho has repaired and improved the same, nnd moved In. William Wheeler is somewhat improved and is ablo to bo about the house. Assessment notices to abutters ui Vest Ktuhth street are being prepared and will be sent out in the next few days. (cttiiut I loud to IMmc. The borough council is getting the' preliminary arrangements made nee cssarv to paving Wyoming avenue.

The street in question was ordered taken care by the county court, and the cotiiicl' only escaped indictment by the court by a distinct promise to five this year. It Is expected the State Highway Commission will aid nnd with what the Traction Co. will pave will Tiring tl.e cost down considerably. II JSJ I'hins Mr. and Mrs.

Thom. ir. Scott, Jlis. A. Scott.

Mrs. Fiiucett and Mr. and Mi. Kustice, of IIiuIm'H. Mr.

and Mrs. I). Price. Mr nnd Mrs. William Price, Misses lthe and iJora Price, and Maine llo.

of llu.i ii'ore: Mr. and Mrs. William Allen r.nd son, Kenneth, Mrs. Tinklop iUKh. Mr.

and Mrs. Thomas Hewitt, Melon Murray. Alice Tnrtel, William lluirhes, Ira and Stanley Patterson, John Kobl.ins, Arthur Kobinson. Anna Mitchell nnd William tiordon, t.f Avoca. ItrevHIes.

Mrs. Murv Manmui was removed t' Suite llnsiiltal. Scranton, yenerday, to tinderito an operation. Pnrklirs rive will entertain the Old Porwe (oiintet. of the Inter fount!) Leamin.

fils evening, In the Operi 1 ionse. Mrs. Martin lionlon a patient at Dr. Heed Hums' Hospital, pi' parlnu to undergo a serious operation. lliiymond lleckmnn Is recoverin from un attuck of pnenmonln.

Mrs. K. h. Snyder has returned from Scranton Private Hospital, wlure she recently underwent an operation. Her condition Is much im FOB RENT Elizabeth St.

$14.00 Improvements and electric lights. Flats S. Main St. to suit tennant. Front Offices Flat Iron Bldg.

for Doctor or; Dentist. Dwellings Butler St, and Junction. Some splendid values for sale on EASY TERMS, In business property, hemes, and farms, get our list. A. fl.

Brown Son, Room 5, Brown Bldg. buy, sell and rent Real Estate. 1 1 NOTAHY pcni.Te. f. A.

MAMMON' WYOMING. (Vumell I'l'm The borotiKh council met in adjourned sesslen Inst cyenini to take up business left unfinished nt the irevlmis regular meetinu'. The improvement of the town hull lot wan discussed nnd the landscape plans Rime over. The public property committee was instructed to In SPECIAL OFFER. As a special offer while the lot lasts we will sell beginning March 8th, one box of Crane's or Hurd's stationery, letter or note size, with plain envelopes to match, your choice of lavender, blue and white, embossed to your order with two letter monogram in script or block letters for fifty sents.

GAZETTE I'RINTERY. Plttston, Pa. A prayer meeting was held hist evening at the heme of, Mrs. James Kir by, on Center street. Thc aamo spirit is manlfeated row as was whon Evangelist Crablll was here.

The people of Hughestown have the right spirit as was evidenced last evening, when 4 5 listened to Robert Wallace explain the lesson of the Lord's Prayer. The next meeting will held at the home of David Hartlett, First street, Monday evening, March A cordial Invitation Is extended to the public, especially those who are Christian workers. There will be a meeting of the Woman's Society this evening nt 7 o'clock. All membcra are urged lo attend nnd bring Ihelr by law books to have a new section added. Mrs.

IT. G. Cnrlehner, President. The mid week Lenten service will be held Wednesday evening In St. Peter's Church, commencing at 7:30.

Everybody slmiil intend formation regarding the actual needs In the case and report at next Notary Public Office, aatette Building. MC' it Vaail stiici iT MirrAirwottkKB. MORGAN EVANS Sheet metal work heating, skylight, work, roofing and general Jobbing. Residence and shop 164 Parsonage street, Plttston. Bell Phnn 360 L.

ZZZZZ ATIOVfcflY. 'Zl U. E. PRENDKROAST, "stationery, Engraving and Office Supplies TJlc stamping, printing, binding. Lithographing, filing systems and supplies, loose leaf supplies.

207 Washington Rrranton. Pa, KI'IXIAIi OPFKIt. As special offer while the lot lusts we will sell beginning March Sth, one box of Crane's or Hurd's stationery, letter or note size, with plain envelopes to match, your choice of lavender, blue and white, embossed lo tmr order with two letter monogram in script or block letters for fifty Bents, V.KTTK 1 liiiY, Plttston, la. AVOCA. Xew York Excursion Via jersey Central, Sunday, March 14th.

Adults, $2. no; children, $1.25. Special train lenves Plttston 11:46 p. March '13th. Returning leaves Xew York 5:20 p.

March 14th. 91113 iliilncil Tor (itiCMt. Mrs. William (lordon, of entertained a number of i Mr. Went Side, friends llixt proved.

Mrs. fleoice Tlioman. of Carhon dnle, Is vlsP.lnst local relatives. services consist mif ofl sermon and benediction of the messed Sacrament will take place this cvenlna In St. Mary's church.

The f. II. will ni' et this evening nfter servlcs. The ninny friends of Miss flene Vh'Ve McOeWan vlll lie plensed to Icern of her cetiiplete recovery from ii openitlon fur appendicitis which she recently underwent nt Taylor hospital. fhe wns removed to her Inline yesterday.

The tax collector presented a list of names for consisting of Indigent, dead, nnd removed taxpayers, Tne council a body went over the list nnd exonerated the following persons from borui'gh taxes; ChnrloH Hoffman, Mrs. Walter Winters, St. Pi.llsh Catholic church. Mrs. Waters, Mrs: Itertha llavls, "Mrs.

fleo. Putin. Mrs. Thus. Penny.

Mrs. Hugh I rtlly. David John II. Jones. Fred IJuff, tin WiU'ux and Mrs.

Charles Pabmckv. Brevities. Tl wns'irnod news tn'miinyto tenrn "venltiK In honor of tneir if Mirhlvnn Tlnvc Your House Wired Xiiw, fttlTTICK.K. 1 1" North Main. tiut'Mt, Jiilnec Scot were: Mrn, Anions tln" nrwent these services, ns they are very Important, to those who are wirUIng for the Master.

Wllkei'luirre; Mrs. A. children. Mary and Piirr, of W. Unnd anil Serve HarPM ice cream with dinner.

UNDERTAKING. 6. H. CUTT.KR. i' Fine Coach service 1 Otfloe, North Mala eXreet Kesldeaoe, IDS York Are.

fonm Now Is the Time to make arrangements for painting and papering to bn done thin spring. Inquire of G. A. Marsden, 222 Exeter street. and Mrs.

Ulchurd Scolt Hoy Atkinson, nil of Arthur, nnd fiimlly, Hohsn's Bskery Try our cak. Delicious) "cy pastry at Tartar's..

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