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Passaic Daily Herald from Passaic, New Jersey • 1

Passaic, New Jersey
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5 AIC ntERAI WEATHER Cloud end slightly caldsr tonight; generally loir tomorrow gentle to moderat hitting winds. Member of the Associated Press-Leading and Most Largely Circulated Paper in Passaic Member Audit Bureau of Circulations. FORTY SEVENTH YEAR -NO. TSsS. fASSAIC, X.

J-. SATURDAY EVEN IXO. FERREARY IUTH wuric, rK month. i. rta r.

mm. TRICE ONE CENT. 'PEACE POWBtS ARE DISCUSSING Five Transport! and One Battleship Are Wool Strikers organize in General Textile Union! STARTS FIRE won SPilD MM Delegates from Each Mill Take First Step to Hurrying with Troops and Casuals Aboard Some for Camp Dix 1 ffl.W. nl ghoul fifty gd wound. Wgghlngion.

Irb, lTh hip nd Hi transport, Tl. du. it K.w Tork brum II with th Flld gnd Hlaff Medical Ihstach-n i of th bringing 6u0 nffn-eis and nearly m-! Uua CASUALTY LIST SMALLER THAN 01 REPORTED General Pershing Checks Up Records in France and Finds Last Weeks Report Was Too High NEW TOTALS SENT Koschausky, Married Man, Is Held for Arson Without Bail Charg-! Organize 11,000 Strikers in General Workers Union of Textile Industries New Jersey Worsted Spinning Men Want Public Official to Act as Their Treasurer DEMANDS ON MILLS ARE COMING IN One delegate from eae.h of the; New Jer.ey Worsted Splnnlnf Corn-woolen mill on trtk met Ma-jpany' plant, met at a hall at 14 hall, Third etreet. thl morn-. Wall afreet, thi mnrnln.

and made ln and formthe (ienwal Work-1 known thalr demanda. A the same Industries of i time they went on record aa having ThU the a prominent citizen of the city act President Wilson with European Allied Leaders Have Not Yet witK Rummer Mat-w tU WllJi UUming ildl timore Street Home CCMT A A WAS oEIN I 'WAY partment today as rani ar the 116th Engineers, 4it I vt- Brigvl. Detachment of Com lont. battalion of th. Msih Inf.n.

cent letai-hinstits Nos. 9. 10 and IS title ah are about 800 naval the men nnd thirteen sailors wives, 42nd oast Artillery The transport Kroonlaml is due at The Ksnsne Is expected to arrive New York frebruarv 17 with the 4Jnd (hr the prs to at Newport News, February 14, with Hogimsnt Coast Artillery rrla rrlda. Feb. Headquai ters.

Medical Detach. Casual Companies of Fennsyj vania, portent matter were lfore the Hu- f-r r.mP franc Among the units on tan1 Moede, Hesdqu.u fere 167th Field Ar btigjin of th nut Ai-tUlwry, Dlvl.iun) gnd Reached Conclusions Regarding Enemy TOPICS "debated tnv the asMMtg rrMi WashtngUin, Feb. 8 Ut weeb casualty report showing mere than itt.fled men of the Expeditionary Fore missing In ectton he been ror- first formal alep towards the organisation of the ll.OoO wool work striker ince the first walkout occurred Incited by the refusal of Miss UrmiuMik. 7 Mattimore street, allow him to visit her lest 72 Van Wlnkl. A.

gnd U'Nw York gnd a i uf 1 1 Ht lx Ammunition Train, ami lJnd Aero lleplacement avenue, a married man. Is alleged Uth. lUlh CtJlnwiri compile, have set fire to her house, owned by bound for Camp Jthe Botany Worsted Mills hotogrgphtn N. 24 end Ileadquartera The transport Harrisburg, due to Cuaet Artlllciy Brigade, n- preme War Council, comprising the j7; of "rg gnd Ih. 14th commanders on alt fronts, raided to make the total ef 7t, treasurer of the newly formed wool worker organisation.

the Oera Mills Let Monday morn-1 p0' iice Lomrnisinnr John H. Kehoe, The delegate selected from each 1 v' Jncr mn, biei were Anton I'm. chairman, of A the Paeaalc plant of the Foretmann! aJ Informed them. Huffman Company; Mr. Cath-I day owln to the trine Fetrowaka.

Uardeld Woreted prer of hl Rorlc lhl me, he James Botany Worated 1 hal' George ITotxy. New Jersey strikers at the New Jersey Hi. Mills. ('onvalee-; xrhen It met today ts conalder prl grrli Joik Ffhtua.y hg nt 1 -u. j.

49 mgrlly th txtriuilon of th grmt.ih Fl.d and Btgff llgd-lo 4 liiun. and gutn cugi win, Bupply fomiiany. Md- offlr.rg wun M.i-mgny whl, blra on eh- -ol-r god Mald.n.r. rOM (o 1 and rompante A I Tli Fo.b to 1 tn-lutve, of th Mth 'arrli lon Patrolman Frank Roehrb aearch-ed for KoSvhausky and plaied him under arrest. When at reigned bs- xl 1 ei hment.

at N. hoard th and foro Ju.tga Costello today In Infantry. at Baltimore Frhruery ind the Court, today, koechausky waa chan-. vl of th. go to Mmi1.

aiboINVw York February 17 re.pwtlvely a-aalon waa Inlereetln from th nutu- board ar thirty-three ra.ual a few r.auat off leer. each. jber of w.hjecta domauulln attention I that wera preeented by tha navwl Worsted spinning Company; U1ian Stuart, Gera Mill Worsted plant want a 44-hour week at the same rate with an Increase of Mrs Anne Tamil, Garfield branch, Forstmann ar3r jamountlng to thirty-fit per ft Hoffmann Company. This morning the strikers are meet various halls, with the dele-guts from each mill presiding at tot sessions Sotos of the strikers denied the rent. Th wool striker want a flat rat of aixty-flve cent an hour for a 44-hour schedule, with no more piece work ecaJ.

Th machinist wsnt sn increas otar their present rate of thtrty-nv General March today. 0nerai Pershing had reported the new total with (he Informatios that (he flgoree were being reduced by from le 00 nemes per day, as retail ef th checking nf records tn th rsoords off a In Franc. At ths asms time General Fershirg gave the Wsr Iepartmnt new toaa of os titles in ths Flmt end Hon4 Divisions, the Tine brtga(s (a lt ialtr blitg lucluded Tte 1- nt In. vlsbHt hsd a grand Intel ef died if wounds, end ere of 1844; the haund lnvteios to tsl was I 6 Genersl Mxnh aaid today that moblUsatlon in ths United HIM now was on the home eirwtoh i to yesttNtrdey a ttal ef eitlrers end I 034.411 limn had been 1. charged, while the aMr fur bail Mill Brucllaak, hfor ah movd to 7 Muttlmur trt wag a roortt.r the hom prowled about tha building for null Many a holdlr owa til.

Ilf to orn tlm and mada thr attempt. Malor O. H. Hobrton, of th Hock-, to visit Ml Broclteak. Mla Bro- JAPAN WANTS HEADINETIS SQUARE DEAL! and military rhlefi I Iteporta wer mads to tha council (by tha military itlsh commands on tha subjacts of dcmnhllliaiton and th relallvs forces of th power to be msintslited tn th occupied r-(lona Th Vrallle military eou-cil at, a report aa to th military forra avalist, I.

for tha 'urM rlona of Turkey Vo-onierence, Th naval branch of i The naval branch of the round! to forty-five cents an hour, to fifty- fener institute, who has just return-lisak Informed him that he was un-n ns to seventy-five cents an hour, 4 from Frwue He went to Europe welcome there. according to the experience of thejin May. 1817, and served for a time! He la said to have picked up a worer. individually. Iwith the British before joining the newspaper, lying In the hallway Daniel Artyshurk, a machinist who American fort es.

Major touched to the globe of a lamp waa employed at the Now Jersey mUlJwlio la an adiliority on blood trans- in the hall and blew out ths wik In told the strikers that he had ben fusion, said that exceptional rssults'the lamp, placing the hall In at the plant for five years from the treatment had been obtain-'ness. Then be went flown the cellar 1 1 ed particularly In hemmorrhage. where he le alleged to have (Oontlnusd on Fare 1. Column 4 shell shock and major eurglal oases. Peace Delegate Says'Weimars China Will Get Back Her Harbor Shows ious Socialists Anx to Control Paris, Feb.

I By Th Asso('lae1 pi csnted recommemlstiortt forttm-latsd as (he result of conauitaiions among ths British, rremh, lialiau and American naval commanders bearing mainly on Uie turning over uf th. (lerman anbma.ln..., blockade .1 r. h.a 4. real net Ions and the snrremter of the Th machp.erf I fJrnnan cemmcrcle! It.ct Till flt 'W" It Mated, I ready to over, but tt. allies thug far have not th hanl ipr agreed upon the Hutment of men than lert.i oan steamer anvmg the vsrlou allied -'t'- llh vnhl hipplfta of naltong oor utmrt the comi-nllon i rilled Hiaies only to of'fov th use of th veci.

jsverhead deiachment which mut When agreemeng Is riwohed for futur fWr th a-iitoid ft.Ni WJmar. Flrlday, Fb. com btMlwr'sbop occupied by U. di-SKito to the peac vf twbtnet apTwar to he 7 Maitlmora atreet, dtcted th made public today a Rtatomerit a principal problem commanding ordor of mok and realised thit a Japan position at th conference. I th attention of III new fl-rman wa.

raging somewhere In After outlining th. main fart. In iswmakero, meeting her lit th. Ns-building. Nut having beard h-1 hlstury of ths pset twenty yesrs sine usky leave the building, she rxmr to the C-hlno-gUpmiese war, Ascribing1 AwemWy The original prop NEW YORK I.

W. W. LEADERS ARE DRIVEN OUT OF TOWN S' at vittment, made by the manufacturers yererday, to the effect that goods were deteriorating on the looms be-auM the workers walked out One the strike leaders told a Herald rtprotntatlve at Maciags hall, that the goods on all of the looms are dry and that therefore there was no danger of the goods spoiling. State Conttitiens. The delegates this morning decided that the new union initiation fee shall be one dollar and fifty cents a hereafter.

It was also de-t4d that the union will, want ths stployerfl to recognize three things: the workers union; secondly, faM-hour week and lastly, the thlr-tr-tfre per cent, general Increase in sips Th Gera Mills workers have not yt drawn up their minor demands but it was learned this morning that ft workers want twenty rents an wr for idle looms; and fifty cents labour for cleaning looms on Sat-Ir'iy afternoons. I Thre will be a meeting vtous mill committees at hi2, 128 Third street, Vs afternoon. of the Ollta's at two o'clock Detective Captain Turner Order Rankin and the conclusion that he had set thejGermanv's efforts to establish linraelf osPR'n waa to form in (he far Fast atul giving in sum 1 fifteen members, seven of whom ministry Kreiger to Stop Recruiting Barston, Noisy, Stephen of the tenants detail the rjaims of Japan to Pacific land th United Htstes receives nf returning tinlfs wii) Icff. should be M.xjorltf HoHalieta. our i ahars of the ships, thsy will man-i Buns fr divisional pr4e In of Agitator, Forced to Pay Hi.

Own Fare Back rre.dr,err.mtiund lost night. The fire was ex treasurer by Rankin and Krlrger. tmulshed without any serious dim- Captain of Detectives Benjamin the equator the "Germany sought will In (he far statement say jOnlrlsU and Four Iwnnocrats. The ned by (he American Navy and flhoin been uft hr tha to stir up m- Majority Horiallsla. however, are now the NtrlpM.the Initials of irregular Tow of Iroop hnmswerd et after the stood to be contendltig that relief council being gilded (o the General March eeid the units were (ration of Manchuria bv the Japan- they sluiuld be reriole to have a ma- Turner, with Detective Sergeant' Captain Turner told the man to keep Stephen Koren.

went to Hauers hall, 'the money, until it could be returned- 47 Dayton avenue, yesterday after-! to those who had contributed noon, where the International Work-1 A erert was created at Maclagr era of the World had established hall, on Third street, where the Gera headquarters, and confiscated liters-iMllis strikers are meeting, when Oc-ture. buttons and application blanks, tavio Barston, who styled himself an Anothsr Mill Out. Captain Turner ordered Edward Ran- I. W. was hotted off the stage.

About 3:0 workers in the Harden, kin. of th University place. New "Wa dyUt want Bolshevlkl here, Arfitsnn Company, manufacturers of York, branch of the I. W. and some one In the crowd shouted, to tadkerchlefa, on Eighth street.

1 Samuel Krteger. of New Brunewh which Barston replied: nst out on strike yesterday after-to leave PaJisalc on the next train, we do Pox According to Superintendent out of town. tam B. Warhutst, the workers! This order waa obeyed by the Serceant rhrlp. Mnri.

I 1 escorted Beiwton from the hall and iu.rt.rg to Impow fur.hsr drastic terms upon Germany when VAN LENTEN IS BACK FROM A. E. F. Private Iseonaid Van Uuinn, mn of Mr end Mrs Yen lenin, 2 Loretta street, Clifton, returned hunt ystrrde, iMUittrebly discharged frotu ALIENS CANT RETURN, diplomatic and commer'lsl tbelr WAIT FOR FINAL PEACE pim (Oilna this harbor and port built wlth The constitution was again discus Bines tt is difficult for enemy MnOcrmn money, together with trri- at a ntng attended by reprs-DeteetJre obtain pas.ports, there has been tory of Klao-Uhau, which Thine wilt eenfalives of th various German or no rlvlty in Fstaidelrceive eighty year sooner than she eats today at whb lr. Ludo Hart- steamship ticket offices since Novero-1 could poestbly have secured it inann, Austrian minister to 4rmony Theae documents, with all their took part, and rjeuace, have hrn UI4 before the' Although the subject y.t.r,t.v In which jpiawd him on a train bound for New t.

A York. -Parer on refused to pay his ber Armistice a fare, when he got aboard the train, nf the con the armistice Was extended, but no dcilon was reached today sto Whet measures might he taken. After the session th following of Aria! statement on the proceedings woe issued: The President of the United yr rut the Amer tii tl'h Artillerj, 1 the Army, eftr jHtis of AmsrK. ths prims min-1 I mihixar i -snpetj A Ister and foreign minister the for a 44-hour week and in-i'. thws running from 40 to 100 perl A Polish striker, who said he was wal There aro about oo mnlovM employed at the Botany Worsted 8' ths Eighth street mill Mills before the plant was closed but Monks told him he had better do Fourth Wards by powers.

Including America Japan stltutlon r.ighth street mill. Barston changed hie mind and visiting Germany and Austria-Hun- rioew not seek more than a fair bild that It would be Impoe woe down, waa busy at a table, taking In ao. was on today's program It el- Med and associated powers, the Jar-aneae representatives and the mil- Botany Demands. development, to reach it before tomorrow gory will not before the (lon in this work oi conferee have brought the war to Its declared the dlgaj private Van lenlen enlisted at spring field Mae, and was sent to t'arnp Merritt ill tlivirion put the Germans to I out a Uhateu i i4)ortly after ttik tar tn the second baftle of the Marne The division was Chen transferred to the erdim sector an the Argonne Fores WMoi the armls'be was sigusd he was near f.usemlHig privsie Van Lenten arrived In this -UMjsitjy on January 'i. At CUta'x hall it was 'announced membership applicant for the I paid fifty-five cents to the conductor.

ft Botany gtrik-r that th. W. W. and from p- (i plain Turn-r also told a rum- nr sad warn mak.ra want a pli an! fifty onta. hr of I.

W. W. strikers from J'at- official nd. xstmum Vcekly salary of CS al Faptain Turnrr akd th strlksr' rnon that thy wrr not want In' Numsrou irith 44 hour week If ho was a mombr of th. I.

tv durln th. local and m-d. how.ror, at vr.J i a list of thi mtin'nd ho oald ho wa. rot. Ho ald ho to It that thoy, too, this aorirl.

by tho.o of the striker this momtn. had boon aoked to booome temporary lotty today tn Jersey Worsted Spinning ru derives tin enemy countries, but thus Wlr- oue of leaving he UnPed for and Gormiuiy War Council, assisted by pavsi au GinrHiee and technical sdvUers, me! t-r-r-n tiAiir'1 'nrm'f a1 FIGI ITFJt HOM1-. 6 10 llwu.w.d th. tmw at 4nlon of th artnlH- tomp.n, who has been ats- Lk enant OBrien Naval Commander Lieutenant Lieutenant Kdeerd op.rin. mlor lng Island, bee I Austrian provinces arejiped, who hs been a natal officer tinned at Uarnp Mil! awaiting the Urns when passport con since the United Hace rntorefl the Ibe more easily obtained (war.

has been comm mloiied a lieu tenant commander Be a as. born in Paaaalo and Ue here with his family. Lieutenant fVPrfsn earlier In the oar. was an ofWr aboard the sirm Axfeo when It ass torpedoed york, Feb. 8 At least fifteen later he took a Navy Comrmesicio pron.

w.r. tnjurwl thl. roormn com.lon of Third vnu Kl- 1 I'rUat John H4h Infmnir K-n honorably wh gnseed arl ser service at Arraa Front, Bi Marne, Private aponJng world the pugilist Is his father, street, Oifton. -1 and Eighth streets. totany Worsted Gllta'a hall, 128 ftird street.

rt Mills Meclag's hall, Third oinTrrjann Sc Huffmann Pohles Cufton trfleld Worated Sokol hall, Day-1 xvenue. Clifton. discharged. He Waa, Oaborn Want Flags wounded once, hav-j Arxonn Forest, IOWTI Jt lit 1 1 Otfttl Mihei and th' Uommissloiwr J. Hoeey Ohom( rI I If I I IOOI pudenlca is known In acting Mayor, request that ad fige 4 1VJ fcJv-I lvwl as Johnny Bed." tn the rlty, wth on private and public now at ths home bulUilnga, be placed at half staff Frank Podenlre, Mi morrow, In honor of Uobaiel Jtioee-center 1 valt HAS At the High 1kk1 a short tneinoi GET DEMANDS TO RECORD WAR i MEMORIAL yeiter-Uiy ini service he'd in honor of Theodore flooeeveit Tiie entire affair was planed and carried out by the pupil.

UHiiidg liuMiings gave an tnteroatlng address on tiro Ufa of Colonel UnTiwVAll, Mi Beatrice Kraue and Wsiiingion I. re fonirib-ufed vocal and piano State Commissioner Suggests Students Com- w-ln. al pile a Passaic History a northbound local train, mode up wooden cars and carrying arou CaiA-k for SEATTLES MAYOR IS CLT TO CRUSH STRIKE labor men In the building American Submarine That Fought Off the Irih Coast It- TJRgW wwn-u BiB'lttyg-SPIMfilai'M Union new demanda 108iaV-nar ran into the rear endj of another northbound train mads up of steel cars, which hd ten swift h-1 the express trie lcal rails 1 Calvin Kendall, state commissioner of education, haa asked Ir Fred S. Shepherd, Passaic auperin- HE Baatt Wah, I'tb. Int.r.nt In tradr will prc-n tnk of 45,000 workr forB th nit mtlti of th Pi cr.trd arly tohny In th r- Trart and I.ahor Council.

Fhruary trdnt of a-hooia, to aa.irn public r.d waa empty nrat.d nnouncmnt by Mayor OI AI) bull'lir trade union 1 hool tuilnt to a tajik of complllm, Ail of tha 4r.Jurd unl. th, at of wh.t conlrlb. th. two February 6 to aid although the demand ar no' mad up of wrfrten ar shipyard work.r. was yer until May 1 to th Innm, of He rlv.

Inju-ed ar- ld to 4 off at 8 oclok this morning. n0W demands l.ave not been peinta out that teachers should not'in a serious rc.n'i.Wn They have proceed to operate all M' I dPflnitely fixed as vet, but a tenfa'Jv 1 ugijm, hut that tl.e atudents should been removed to lfofp.tal 1 industries under protection ha been arrange -1 the work throughout rollert the None of the vKim av" the mv realdenre when taken to Ihe c. scale has been arrange protection would be extended to, mho fr uitormation. ipewrite the records sey residence Republicans Plan Senate Rules Reform Washington. Feh 8 Proposals to discard the Henot smlortry eommit.

fee cuittorn were considered today 1st a osLijcu of Ieptiiiff sn senators. leflrilnte plan for reorganisation of ithe next Hwnat In Which the wlU have a majority of itwo. wers brouglit before the caucus. twj-; caxT'nirs- hia formal reqtiest through the xy iv4 cents sn hour, will oak for nU bind th volumes. hospitals nary channnels for martial increase of fifteen can's, making adds that the manual training ud urh measure become nec-fc toli of eighty cents an hour.

It partment might build a cabinet HORSESHOED CLUH The mason who are getting sev- wLlcH coiild hoid souvenirs of wax: tier i A wl.l demand eighty- activity sampe of Bed (ruse worsj HAiD dIy- LAiNL-E he said. night it wax announced enty-flve tr would be no meeting before of the executive committed ofi union. Offer $100 for Blood to Save Wife 3drs Mtry Motnik. who Is near dnath at th Goner mr (be saved by a blood transfusion. If janyoTj will volunteer to give a part -of hi blood, her hixsband, Mkheel Mo.fiik, lt First street, wlU offer 1100.

ion men which is empowered five, according to membeis of theaters of puplle In service eouvenirei Th Horxeahoe ie-1 Club bed Its (smt home by them, war poster made iner bJ Pum here and sneet metal workers, school, honor rolls and photographs. ia. loncug wa th who are now receiving eeventy-fiv nf ptrade and war activities feature of lb evening, and about cnt. will d-manl avn and It. that th tu0 a half cent per hour after May 1 yrr rk be done between now and Those for aucresa Pointer are et present getting that some ceremonies uould th entertainment were Jsejb 1 off the etnke.

Whether an ear-jj footing Will be beld in view of the latest proclamation officials ffe of th strike refused to first signs of a break In the fknks were marked yesterday barber shop re- union cordirg to upion pf-id at tlie end of the houi term. Jvrran, manager. William lh-j nan. T. DeYoung.

Lirft HoU. I Thornpen, r. astdne Peer Mevers and C. ftark HELP WANTED FEMALE. per day, buft 4 men.

will present a demand for $. electricians aso Intend to a roan from their present The ask for Baby Is Born to Widowed Mother WANTKfv- Lxperleoead drssaurakvr at Bridge tfueet. ratersou, Nf. fifteen of the city's sev- I pa jc IH dy- Pa- iut Wht Other dm, and. will A Wit, btirn to Wr, liMl v.

"f- md l4 Kriminn ytrty. Mm, '2 -h'11 ordT; TdaY 4 not known yt but will pr-nt-, Mr Mr Eng i 'an ruin -ancj Lnloned st th the council onf Mr, nineteenth Kruir.Sngen's hutnd, William, Board that school em-j Notices have already been served Tb 1 consider the ultimatum of(tb nineteenth Tnursdav. hsvirg died buried WA NTET-jBt1 for genrsj housework; good per. reference required. Apply I4J lexirgton Avnue, SARDICHS CYCLE HIT BY AUTOIST5 Whll ri3tak hi by' OI Hop1 avenue, near Harrison street, Jotim Hardtch, 12 Harrison place, Clifton TN I After hunllnr U-l-oat in the Fa for fifteen mon4h Ihl fiosUBs of mjbmsurtne has returned to'WASTKD Experienced the I -gue Gind Navy Yard In ttirir eig.ty day perio of patrol they ImuI to keep comrtaiifty under ironer.

Apply 11 Keuond Btrent wmte sfftr JcaviRg-thcir base In fre.arx), risking aota'lc from oJlied as well a a enemy rraft. Th AL Ciiftoo.N.J. Clifton Hand Laundry (third from th left) bad many d'-vperoro encounters with Hun submarines Including battle below th. ttirfane with on which ah subsequently dWroyed. flrff OH strike must return to work hod canlers and common lx-" tb.

riclnlty to th. ffct or low thalr portion. Two borBr, in the Beoad Street Hospital. New ran Into an autmobile York, from the result of injune sue-J smashed hks bicycle suid wa cut, tamed is a col'irion of tgo trucks, about the far trs we ent over the munlc-l yesterday under guard. i fCewtlausd Colas sal I).

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