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Passaic Daily Herald from Passaic, New Jersey • 4

Passaic, New Jersey
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o'- PASSAIC DAILY IIEllALD, MONDAY OCTOJIEK 311001 Vv "3 CITIZENS COAL and SUPPLY eranfion Coal We Clean Lace Curtains. and finish them equal to new. Curtains of the verylinestTnatcrials are cleaned with the utmost care and returned looking better than ever. Wc also drape curtaies, having on our force the best draper in the business. Let us send for your curtains today.

AGENTS FOR THE CELEBRATED PRISCILLA SMOKELESS and SIIAWMUT BITUMINOUS COAL. Blacksmiths Coal a Specialty, Citizens Coal Supply Co. Bros. Lockwood 292 Main Office, 167 Prospect PHONE 400 YARD, D. Open Saturday Evenings I bb-t It Double Amount of Green Trading Stamps NOTICE! Overcoat rri Time Henry Pasternack, the well known dry goods and clothing deal-cr will give out double Green and Red Trading Stamps Wedues- day, Friday and Saturday.

Will also offer you great bargains in Men's, Youths' and Boys Suits and Overcoats. Imtest style todies Suits, 'cloaks, Waists and Skirts, Millinery. We sell Men's Overcoats for 35.00, worth 38.00. Suits worth 310.00, for 37.00- We also gell Ladies and girls Cloaks 25 per cent, loss than anywhere else. HENRY PASTERNACKS Clothing and Dry Goods Store, -12 to 44 SECOND STREET Dont Miss the Chance lo Fill Your Stamp Books Quick 1 I I 4.q.

4.q-f -f PITTSTON COAL IhC stfiool tom of the city. 1 th Second ward this means votft tor Glaser, (Jo to tlio polity station and b-ara ow to do a yon plc on the voting turn bine. The lstitraon Call ba never arid in) thing either directly or lixllroctly that Is the tount rwnmen.Utory to the Aetiublknn nominee for Coirretw, Henry C. Altor. except to 1 wy that he the graudaotf of tifia grandfather, IK Crus- Time la an old aobotie oller far then Ito'llh ted ho Call vl'ijit a It I When you no argument, no' plea, then wax octitimuititl.

The Call knows that tl ere aie a g-eat many fair-minded Republican a ho will vote for Hughe a a textile. ny their appreciation of hi good work and their fnlth In Im- Tie Call, ur any other wn.r for that neater, hat ontradtof-d but what Hughea ha done good work. With nothing aninal Hughea, with nothing to favor of Alin, itwely aentlment la convenient when reason gw begging- Bryan' Gallant Fight, That Mr. llryan baa made and I making a magnlflcent campaign for tbe Democratic ticket even hi blttei-eat enemies admit- He ha thrown himself into the fight with a spirit and a power which were not exceeded fvea In the two great content In which he himself waa a candidate; and It ia recognized with varying emotion, at the Democratic headquarter In New York that a victory for Parker a week from next Tuesday will In fact be a victory for Mr. llryan.

became it waa nit until Mr. Bryan entered the arena that the campaign assumed the appear ance of attcea. It la now regarded aa not without hope and It la freely omicvJed that tl.ia la almost entirety due to the aplcndld energy nnd enthusiasm of the Nebraska leader. Republicans Split Veur Tickets There la no reason under II. 9 sun why any man who voted against Runnel Mulloy at Hu- primary should vote for him eUlor day The dy la j-nt when the luMulunilen means elution.

Wlnt dlfoiente does It make In out die govemtout whut views Mulloy and CalllnHit may hold In regard to the Phlllpplres. "About the most aervllo enquire liimglnable," Insists 81 Ve p.tper, Is nU American who allows a political boas to either bluff or cajole him Into voting a straight ticket on election day. A straight Uekct la pretty a pi to bo about tho crookedied thlivt Ivies an him! nk.i tor iilimty nine 'nor out or a bundled It) do not iuprvnt the honest couvlellou of tho iiihii who votes it, HIM Idolee of Political aervltudu and usually prim facto evl deuce of luck of moral eourugo on the part of tho voter -Tho Intelllgeut and eonwelentlous man will not vole it straight If the am He will cut it. acratch It, paste It and emmgu it tut 111 it aulla him; and theu will cast It 1 ltd hftve it counted A voter's duly to hla city, county end state, Is In finitely superior to thal) which ho owes to any party. In a word, the intelligent, con lentinus voter will repudiate hi party's candidate If the Intier fv leas worthy thnn hla opponent, Where tickets are made up at the dictation of machines and at the op der of unscrupulous lame, they are 'eiy apt to toutoto the nrmea of men, placed on tho ticket as reward tor work accomplished'.

Voter are In "ound to scrM'-h them add substitute pip eqt no 'eJO ittotu poo Joj sioa 01 paiBnqa e.w on the tmmcS'if men in vhom they confidence. Voting a slrulght Utket tn'iv or r.ay uot Irdkaie c.w dice or slavery, but a ticket scratched for ado piate vaMDH I In.lleatlon that the voter acted carefully, thoughiful-ly. Inti.lllgenily and wiih a full and eeniiclemious appro of Id, duties aa a clilscn. tio (0 the police station and learn bow to do ae you please on the vot log machine. Hughes and the Tariff.

Republicans as welt as ltomociaU agree that there are many industries which have been fostered, nurtured, sustained and curichcd by the protect ive tariff system They consider the tariff in such respects to hare been great But In political a in physical life It often happens that son may develop strength greate than tho father, aud tt sometime hapvus that sueh ehiblren, giddy with power, use their strength to stroy the parent. Fume IndUHtrle have assumed this domineering attltudo toward our government. They mm tho protectl tariff to keep, foreign made good out eliminating that element of compe Ion, then, by a combination or trus raise the price and bleed tho publl Buck trusta have us, commercially, by the throat. Who wants to protect them? Ho you? Neither dues Hughes- When rusts are able to undersell all competitors la foreign markets, who dreams that the wage earner in im cl ntshsr. ILO.

3 CJU AVENUE. Fas-t I. 0 1 Ti-vrt IiiivnI llvAvt Fcr President, Alton B. Parker 4 NwVrfc. For Vice Prettiest, Hairy G.

Davis Of Wst Virginia. For Governor, ChirlzsC. Black. Fcr Congressman, Hughes. FOR ASSEMBLY.

KAY K. MAYHAM, of Paterson. WILLIAM 0. SHEA MAN, of I "JOHN McCORMACK, at Patnnon, 1FJNRY Of Paanalfl. CARRINGTON W.

CABELL, of FOR CORONER, MARTIN A. OBIUEN, of Paterson Mince and pumpkin plea are ripe, Ask yourself If Hughe does not deserve to be reelected. Now Just show that you are a good cltliua and register tomorrow. Talk hi the ye thing that the trusts have not raised the price m- Talk la cheap. I If Roosevelt la elected the victory will not be hla but It will belong to CorUdyou and Corruption." If the Strong law passed hut say would Passaic have In the county government practically none.

An tlllnole doctor aaya that Insane people ought to bp kHied. He must be a Democrat. 5 Rome villainous Democrat says that 1'alrbauk docs not smoke, chew drink nor play aardiM-just onto Ice cream. 1 tblng la certain It you are not registered you are a nonentity this election and politically can bo classed with the Chinese. If the courage the New rould livq past a primary day It would be helping the Herald In Ua fight for good government by trying to elect Hubert Oalltoan.

i Admit for the sake of argument Him 'President Roosevelt has mads a good president, la that any reason why bad councilman should be elected? Yet that Roosevelt virtue Is what many expect to pull them through. Postal earns were sent out In New York to 300 first voters to find out how they Intended to vote. (I waa found that S3 per cent. them was to note for It la encouraging to think that thla la all gain, because not one of them Voted for nryan. 1 eOTMNMaWBMBMMg Mr.

Gourlcy'e slop' basin with meaningless mendacity again tries to inisrt present the Heruld, After tho last severe drubbing that the people of Passaic and the Herald gave It. common sense should teach It "to be good" for while, but It doc not seem to learn auythlng from expert race. The Herald would fain live, In peace nnd quid no but refuses be misrepresented and lied about. "If Callluun were elected I am sure that he la tho kind of a man win, would not allow anyone tv have a string on bint." That la the romm-mndation that former Mayor An-drew McKean gives him and Cilllnnn ha worked tor McLean for twenty-five years, That will be a pleasant coutrust to our present Fourth ward c-umcllman who It running for re lection. (Jo to tbs polUo station and bavin how to do aa you pleasa on tho vot- lag machlnei.

Jacob (J laser, csndidnta for school -Blssloitcr In tbo Second ward will 1 a very close shave If div-spiinto hint entirely If the rs of the Second Ward take any -eat lit the cil ucs( ion of their chil 1 they should see to It (hat efil- nett are placed at the head of of R. J. OBRIEN PASSAIC AND THIRD STS BOTH PEOPLES BANK AND Paterson, N. J. BROS.

SEVENTH AND SOUTH STS. T110NES. TRUST COMPANY, $200,000 120,000 Any Amount Welcome. BOXES FOR RENT. III lili in.

BROS Dark Special Lager Beer i Export Lager Beer FREE DELIVERY J. 870. Suburban 00 Capital Surplus such rase la proloeled by the tariff? HI sole protector In such caa are hla skill and hi labor organisation. We want congress to draw these distinctions. We must have revenue.

If by a ta-Iff, so arrange It that It shall build up new Infant Industries which will enhance our commercial prosperity, and withdraw protection from the giant trusts and commerb-al tyrants that are and have been pillaging and plundering our people tinder tho false pretense of protetlng American workmen. ltev Iso th tariff? Yea Reduce the tariff? Yes; In some schedules. should itot be dona In a partisan spirit, but In obedience to popular sentiment, by a commission of Democrat.) and Republicans alike. What man In this congressional district would hot ho willing to trust Congressman Hughes-to vote rlgh on tariff revlsiolljf the, question should come up In his second term as representative In congress? No one knows belief then Congressmen Huglua Just what Is wnn'ed bv tho people. Those who favor' tried estorilou tan tumstsieutiy iqiistre Hughes but iliise who tudleva that the miuts are robbing llie peopb' led Sluiivl by IlngVa and his cffnit to end present ami futiira exuutiou.

tHKb I CONTEMPORARIES CofyciNNOUS COGITATIONS, toghes Believe In Real Protect cu lUIVcieuce between (lie 1-wo tew for congress I tlmt wants to pioiect the Am.nlcau wmk, and his opponent itostrea continuance of the pi-cti-ct to un: Amcrkun triiHis. Paterson tiuarilinn Th Regular' Religion When Captain Pershing, U. S. A on duty In the Philippines, wns sent to rot unci to the native datto 0 our ways of thinking, wa cautioned about the chief's aversion to Christian In the eye of tilt Fill pinna there are only two religions in tho world Mohammedanism and Christianity, his people representing the former and the Catholicism of tlu-8(anlardg the latter. On arriving at the datto'a bamboo palace he foumt all the chiefs assembled with a tia live band, so he proceeded with Ms escort of rugged American regulam to where the chief sat- One of the first queutlons the native asked wa.

"Are ou a Christian?" The suddenness of the attack might have disconcerted the -diplomatic captain, but he was equal the occasion, and quickly answered: 'No. your highness, arc 1 llBtr." "It la well." was tii reply They then proceeded to bnalness, Mppliieott'a Magaxtne "Parker' Way Might Safer." Frun. llio rhlladolpbUi 8nt unlay livening Post." by Wiliam Alien While. Tlio rotiloal during Ihe prohcnt eanmplgii la between candidates Roosevelt and Parker- both of -whom me peixmully clean men and brrvw men; men whose moral and rode Is probably sometliing (ne same. Toe illffi-renres Vlweon riie run-dtdnles at larrriy utifert nee or 0111-peramoni.

and the differemc -In lens pcrnuicnt arc In aouio degree ihe differences III (ruining. Rixxmvell has been a man of action; Parker' Ilf4 has been passed' In courts, whore thudne aro Important. SA lawyer rv-cremes prcpedculs In a way that another man runnot reverence luem. "IN A CRISIS, Roosevelt would ui hi 'big stick' and nt it; Parfcer would start a law tuit. and get at th LAW in th mktter.

Each might come at th am result In the end. Roosevelt' way would be rose-lot and quicker. Paiker't might SAFER" Wedding Invitation and card en graved or primed In script, text or gothic at Th Herald office. Th President's Dream of War. "If we aver grow to REGARD PEACE AS A PERMANENT CONDITION, and fetl that wa can afford to let th keen, fearless, virile qualities of heart and mind and body sink into disuse, wilt prepare the way for Inevitable and ahamefu! disaster In the future." -From speech by Mr.

Roosevelt, when Governor, before New York Club, February 13, im The military establishment of tho nlted States, exclusive of pensions, will, under four years of Roosevelt, In a time of profound peace, have cost 1515,000,000 more' than under four years of Cleveland. Bryan on Judge Parker, From speech by. William J. Itryiin. at Hprlngfield, September loot.

Judge Parser believes III the gold alandai'd, I believe in blihetallsm, but can vole for him In order that through hint the country may rid itself of an Imperial policy. Whs I If he does believe In the gold standard? 1 Mover disliked an advocate of tho gold standard so much that 1 would refuse, any uld (hat he was willing to give towards bringing to tho country any gisid things, and Juilgo Parker's election would bring us relief from Imperialism If any silver fxunocrat to atill in doubt as to bis duly, lot me say to bitt) that Juilgo Parker voted for too when tho icatorallon of Idmctalisiu was tho paramount tonne. If he could voln for mo when tfi money qiieatlon was paramount. I can voto for him when wo are confronted with another mut (lltKATKi. ISBl'E than tho money quest Ion." Judge Parker' Plea for Peace.

"Tue dtol'luv of great tntiliury met-incuts nitty please the ami for the moment, cxiito the pil-lo of. tim citi-mi, hut It c.uinot bring to me conn-try llio 'ilita. In awn red muscle a single Immigrant, nor imluic tho hero of a dollar of uipltal Of courao. stub armament as tna be necesmu for tho security of tbo country and tho protection of llio tights df Its cltisena, at homo or ii'iMuil, nni.d be maintained. I protest.

however, against too feeling that, by reason of tim i-ommanuing post tlon wc liuvo assumed in tbo world, wo MUit take part the dtiq sites ami biolls of foreign countries and Hut I hefane we have grown great wo sbou'd intirvei.e In cv.rv linimilunt question that arises in other parts of tho world" From Judge Parker's rpeee'n of Acceptance, August 1901 I Have Money To Loan On Mortgage at 5 per Cent. If you have good loan see me nt once. First come, first served- ARTHUR S. CORBIN lawyer National Bank Building I Sill I. .1.

I mnn ML I vl I The Most Picturesque, Comfort able and Attractive Route to ths WORLDS FAIR Louisiana Purchass Exposition At St. LouLs Ho. la vl. The Erie R.R. la connection with th C.

C. A SL L. Ry. (Big Four Rout) A Through Train Servlc. via.

MARION. OHIO. ,4 A New Through Line, Superb Equip ment, Plctgreequ Scenery, Fast Time HWMMMMMMW Day Cch Excursion at Low Rat will run every Wednesday during month of August, 8eptmbr and 0 tuber. W. COOKE, General Passenger Agent Nsw York.

ACCOUNTS INVlfED. Liberal Terms and Ample Checking Facilities. piece of cloth A- we use in our good-clothes is shrunk before its cut and wont shrink any more; an important factor for you to know; one of the things that a our clothes fit, wear and keep shape well. If youve worn ordinary ready-made or cheap custom-tailored clothes, you know by contrast what right shrinking means. Fall and Winter Overcoats, $7.50 to $32, Extra Special Boys Topcoats at $2.95 and $3.95.

HOKES, Leading Clothing House, 335 to 339 Passaic Paasalc, N. J. Lay the Cornerstone OF YOlUt Success today by alartlug a Saving Account with tho Hobart Trust Co. It Is the foundation of thrift and prosperity enabling you to build a strong, substantial fund ono that means sure protection against adversity's storms. We Pay 3 1-2 Per Cenblnteiest The HOBART TRUST COMPANY Paesalo, N.

J. ATTENTION! Ambitious Persons have helped over 3 000 ambitious persons to good positions- What ws did for them wo can do for Join thn beet equipped school In the State. Dr. Mac CSS? S3 Church St Paterson, N. Interest Accounts of SAFE DEPOSIT PWLES BANK BUHL DIPLOMAS Appropriately Framed and at Lowest Prices, in Keeping with Good Work.

HOWARD'S, 86 Van Hoiitep Paterson DRINK BRAUN Lager, Sparkling Ale, and Stock Porter, BREWERYt Cor.Braun fr Marshall Paterson BOTTLING DEPARTMENT, Genuine Stock Porter Sparkling Stock Ale PROMPT AND Telephone N. Y. A N..

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