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Santa Cruz Sentinel from Santa Cruz, California • Page 6

Santa Cruz, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

PAGE SIX SANTA CRUZ SENTINEL Saturday, February 21, I'OTATOES FOR SALE 1EGG QUOTATIONS osing Prices On CANFIELD'S I5EST BUYS 1 ll-iooni cottages fully furnished Corner lot. Street work alone com JliHt. For sale for icoii. (iond in-conic property. Down town.

Rose Bushes 15c and up Delphinium Snapdragon, stock, Dttfilisli neioesia, lobeliii, petunia, cineraria, dlmorpho! hca, viola, poppy, foi.Kl ivt, canlerhiiiy hell, primrose, etc. The Sentinel Classified Ad Rates Minimum chargm 50 cents for flmt time five linos of less; If In excess of five linen (approximately thin words) add 10 cents for additional line, counting lx words to the line. Subsequent continuous Insertions, 10 cents for five lines or less, 2 cents for each nilcltllnnal line. Sunday advertising mine ralo. It one 35 FKII.

-X. 1IWI San I-'ranciHCo StncJc and Curb changes nd New York Stock i Curh Ksrhanises furnlshfd throi tlie courtesy of Finn Doyle, llrek 2S Pacific avenue. ilcky lo Loan D.i vuu want a Flat Loan runniny from I years, interest 7Cc per annum, payable quarterly? No payments on principal necessary, but allowed. We now havo clients who will loans such as stated above, on Peal Estate, if you have money not enrninc 7 see us. NEW T0DAY i Santa Cruz Market Today Extras iVIediiims 12c Small Oc The priufs striL'tly clean DAIRY AND PRODUCE MARKET REPORTS SAN I'll score HI score lin U'l' 2 Clicpsc California Fancy Flat lll'-j l-'ryer-s, 'l hroiiers.

old loos'cis, liens. H'oliic; 12. hares, lie; ducks, tiirkevs, wheal feed. 1 "I I wlilie.

l.Ju; red Jl.lU'l l.lii. S.n No. 1 Candled, Kxtr.i No. 1 C.indlcd. Medium No.

small SUn corn, uulo. 17' POll.TKY I'llllllKHtH ASHIKIA-TII1N PKICK': t. retail tru.l No. I Candled. K.trn I Candled, K-trn Medium-Small 1'1 17 14 BEVERAGES in-: in A.n ski- SO.

MKT I. MM I ha ta CKDiici-: pi.acf. seri heer on dr'lliKht or any hiand ill bottle-; also ltd the leadlue ora i or n. lonacos. i'aimus alio sa no Wlc'les an iioui-'.

JH Ave. I I WOOD AND COAL ttiiiii) 1:11 linn (ii all kinds. Heilw. I.Iks., and oak plee s.l per tier: pine wiiilc it lasts. ncr 1'h, ne IlKV Ktllll (Kill Mil.

I. lil lll lis SA.V 1 IJANC1SCO KXt'llAXfiK Calif. Pn.kiiiK ('a lei pi Hi, Cilies S'T ice Coast I (las. Pre'. Cf.

Crown Zill. iColil.) Leslie Cal. Sail T. P. (I.

K. I onl Par. lis Pull. Svc. Prcf.

Shell I'nion Sou. Pacific "tiiiidiir 1 oil. Calif. Tiatisamerica I'nion Oil of Ci.l. NKW YOltlv KXCUANGES Aniei'ican Can Amer.

Tel. Ai 'IVI. American Toll. Ii, ni, 'ii Milk fiupont nera I os International Harvester let T. K- T.

Ward American Co. Sou. Cal. I'M. Standard Oil of N.

J. Culled Aircraft C. S. Steel New York Central BEAUTY PARLOR MadebethBeautySalc Tr our IloP'y to remove th fine lines. 'client! Shampoo and Finder Wave 4i St' am oil Permanent Special Permanent 51.7 Jilnplei or S'av.

Specialists lu J.atlle.V JIair Cutting Ciiurck St. I'Uoiie )-r irnlf AUDITOR DO YOI- KNOW TH I' KNTACT FINA.N'CI l. CONDITION OF YOL IF NOT CO VSI'LT Geo. A. Morgan AND TITM3 Itl.I Phone nr.

4 l-lnolt WASHERS MAYTAG Tor Sale A rei in A I conliMoji ti 'inditioned Mayt he lcasoiiao I a 11 vj K-riiC. We service 11 makes of wasliet so us fur motors, loll.s, and pai't-; ytur machine. Tyler's Waslier Servic Phone Pi Locust Si 2- all LARORATORY U)RK Jomes N. Patterson Chemical Laboratory Ph. 56 40 PacificA Ti'stlns of wines clietr.ic; milk, and otliei 1 work.

TYPEWRITER REPAIR Typewriters Cash Registers Adding Machines UKl'AIItKD-KKNTED-SO I. Phorie2375 SANTA Cllt SIC Pacific Ae. Haiph Ilopwo. G-l IS cords. 1, eoid.

Itox lueasuie. One lot oait dry, 1 cords, SANTA C'ltl' THEN, AS NOW On Saturday morning, April 1S07. The Sentinel, published ih oh a weekly newnnper. contained I he following InteresliiiK test i-monlnl of value at an advertising medium. So prodtirliiK re-huIih for nd vrllsoiK Ik nothiiiH new for The Sentinel.

"We fcnvp discontinued tin ad- orttsi uu'nl of 1 A. Uihn of 'Lots Knr Snlc' bt cause he hm; no more use for it. Some month neo tin land adveriUod, wan purchased, laid off with convenient streets, and offered for na'p through Tin Sentinel, and what is Hie result' vhnl might naturally be expectedthey ai'p sold. those having prnpprtv for wale, wr would most respect fully recommend I hp columns of our spirited sIippI. It Is a wppklv victor, coming out Saturday with a clean fa op.

and filled with the latest iipwk. If yo'i advrrM in it. it may not sell your property, hut lbre is nc tliim; Dial it will it will bring customers to your uoors. Seed planted in good ground will produce a hundred fold, and motiov judii iou.dv expended with the printer, ill produce a i lion-f nl fold than the mus- i tard seed." I The S-nliiMl has the test of time, and after having bceu published continuously sinee 1S.V it has nn wn to be the best adver- tising medium in Santa Cruz conn- ty' I ii y. vvu kk i ii i ii nt.

ii vm-! nr. heather. 4 heather, heather. To carry ut suggestion of press that all plant beailor. i am able to sell over anon heather.

1 fool at All can have one. It your tiur-t'i i doesn't tarry it we can help llirm: a to a eusi on or. fine 1 1 (iar I dens, Ommunit Market, Nursery. I lllt I I KMsilM 1H 1 apartment. Pout large mums and i nook, chesterfield, lirnjlaiing h'-at it.

spare wall bed; jul three hbubs roin Pae.tir A ve. pea so liable steady tenant. 4" St. loll Ii V. VIII OIM Mil.

lis 'ing house wilh (irepla chicken house, and barn, mile Irnni Coulder Creek highway, see i Ceo. Woodard, PiHlUbT Creek. hone It. C. I'-IM- IS I.AsslUM) I KT IsM.s ing lloves: I I T.

Jti. 7.K and wilt phu.e rail at this office and secure letters in an swor to their ads. Sentinel 1 Adv. Dept. Ut- IS J-11ST hltDISf Mi gold set wilh seven diamonds; is in white boy from I (any Aim mo K-Sun.

Jewelers. Perkeie v. lie ward lor return to Harold SPrm. liank nf 1 America, W'aisimv 1 -5" tH (l TIN OAK, I drone, rt'dwood. Chunks, stove wood, 4 ffol.

Ma n. -I nil i runts iird nmi. Joe's Wood Vard "ii Itiver tpp. fciis works. l''ree lchery, I'boin i WANTED Amldtii lo cute is mail 'J'- tu with sah new iicld wil bi il abilitv linn of lie years sta ndiiiK.

Some ajti: orati nif a bilitv a nd car irabh iOHinlncs Peplv for personal in terview. Ilox ol. Sentuvd. We Write the Policy To Meet Your Needs i VIC MAY WANT ASH (II! I. I.VCOMK AT A ACK, lilt AN ANNTITV Til 1 1 1 I N(iV tilt I.ATF.K.

I i lusleys Giant Vansics These are the finest, enormous in on HtronK with thick petals of a ro-li, velvety texture and ii wide ranwe of eolol s. I'lant. I Ion vrux TreeM Oulon 1 ale al)l) to l. It. lvislcy's Nursery Tavt 'nd imlhum ft.

Off KeabrlL'ht Ave. i'liitim FOR KENT IOU I UMNIIMl (I KM. stucco hurcalow with and wa-di ro m. Also urnLshi'd a part picnt from businesM Imiuiie fttverside Ae. tut to a n.

tin i nut Ave, furnished mom a partruent Ji.J.tio pnr also smaller apartr-ient, Lui-kp well fur-nisiied bediitnns. rurimmr water, and per wk. JMutiie available. ni: Ul. MPMIM I l( MSI! M) eihins.

and u-v month. flarbeld St. -Jl-)! am: if Mil in it Ki.vr 'hh nr.f.s, ood pasture ail sumnipr, lots of pur: wat'T, vit (low. .1. J.

Urn ham, 1. JJox tftr- mon rHil. IS OK KM-I I KMMIKh III' Mi low. K'lod beds, bin slcpiror porch, just d-'-cirnfed. all convi tiiences in-cludtni? circid alt tij? lieat, it-rHraKe.

IN-al hi'iue with lols sun: hine. Orean St. owner at No. L'-l tr til'KCHS fOI fCT KM. Ill down town.

Clca modern, hre room Ap's. Completely unit shed. Kens' mo hie rent. 'al nut Ave. Phono HIS.

itooM.H i-'ok A 'I 1 Ii A 'II ly furnished, sunny bedrooms, hot water all hours, cose to town. rent, fh-me JlLd.J or call Zl1- Ave. 1 7" ori tn tiitooKo'M, individual. and totiaff-a Willi kitciu-nettes ami toilets, fio.on juid pre mo. Tree liitlilh, water, and of laun- 1 ory, Kai aes.

t-mid (IK KI'AI-'! Iltll SIN, One i ms furnisheii; one ronnih iinf mi nisheti, with 2 le hot Ii Modern a I'd cha n. wit ii ma raises. Adults. Call at 1st So. te.

K-JT-tf I Ii Msil Kli I Ml KM Ml Ml house- fi ii'iii. See Harry Murray, fays in a ll'iiry. "GENERAL NOTICES I Kl IIN'IMH l. lOMOItll.K i i.i i work try Ki ononiteal W'reikinu Comp-iov, Smui- Ave. Our prn-'-v arc nbt and saln-tactiun Uiiat iiiitcDil.

L'-JI Spain entered saddled with tin ame amount of debt as the slightly under to SO.O'W.dtW.OOO pisota. tlir director accord SKNTIM.I, NOW (iOr MONTH LEdAL NOTICES Minn; to mio I ll tin' Calif. irnia, Cdlll'l nut if tin' Slale Hint Sai'ia i'i ii. In Hie tin Kst lie JOHN P. l.lll'K-i, is llriet.y C.i A nt ntli.i pr I In- nf vascl, in rn-itilnrs i.

hy tlie t'li-Ailininis. P. Lnpes. nf, anil all claims nninsl tt'j sain tile liecfascl. nr said pstati' it ti tn'c: sary in I lie fittirr- the a na rani nin i ,1 nil ire 1 a iill't I'nnse in ll.e Citv in I'i, nliiy Sla i ll ll after tile tir nf nntice inaile (llli'll-Clerk nf livhl ll i 11 ll nf Santa lei.

B'itll-sl piltlli-' nil till' Itii dav of February, ami exhibit them, ry vouchers, wii bin said Administrator or to pn with the said peritid, 1 at the law id of a nfttrd Smith, si lua le in Sa nt a Cruz P.u tldiui; l.oiin Ibiihli wx, ni ihe Cit of Sa uta Cruz. Coioilv nt Santa Stale nf California, whi'di said named office, under; tuned si leer h4- the place lniMiiess i.i all mat cminected prdaip. ANTONIO I.OPKS. Paid F' All 1.1 I'd 1 1 or i the Kslate of aid hruarv I'tM. SI A-ol;) O.

for aid A duiinist I a 2i to. 17, 21 Hands Off TEACH i 1 i 1 SEED POTATOES All Kinds From I Sack to Any Amount at Wholesale Prices PIERACCI BROS. WATKK KTKKKT WANTED OK (i ittiOM lint ri; ac ply on tlffllf. upkeep to partly Uox 'So, (7 WWTKII TO IM V.i II.W, Al TO Mock iralier. Must he in fair condition.

Apply bv letter to Pox rare Sentinel iff ice. WANTKII TIKISK OMIi IHI with severe colds, flu. lumbago, neuritis, nt rvouNiieis, const tpat ion, ric, to remember you can find KrPat relief at lie Sanitarium Tr tvitiiieat, t'avma St. Ph. Ii.

ami wirt; roit caret cr find housekeeper; steady position to i-yli parties. Appl iMcKinley St. IS lot N(. KKIKO Man I woik. ability, w'-rkini; knowledge of powr work and weld-Imr.

Clerking experience. suin cat or St. or Phone L'i'SW. J-ju-4s IH I A I 0 1 1 hunffalow wa.nted on Hill for modern 5 nn. stucco tin paved st.

en cast side and cash for difference. An in usual opportunity. Address I. flox Simla L'-IS 17 N'IMi VK It I MMAI.K 7 l-ocust will an Kood one for your used a j.pan no a oil furs. paid for men's rnits.

On sale, I Ii- ot im.HKM ash i'kk i i-aio nut obi Kohl, silver arid plaiftnim; old silver, minim; gold, nun-ots. watch cae- und dental K'-ld l-ouirht. De'l Wiltiatns, jeweller. JP) PaLific Ave. 1 I SITUATION WANTED SITI A I (I A I.

II A wants position as tun keeper in mercantile or indus'rial firm. iil-liiK assist In other work if de-li-I'd. tVnle linv L. Senlil'cl Office. IS REST HOME Elderly People and Convalescents Cared For Reasonable Kates Competent Nurse in ChurKO Mrs.

Lillian G. Yearout PlioNt: N. jlrailidfort Santa Cruz RESTHOME Ki.nrm.v pfupi.i: oit Keasonable flutes Private Poonis Cruiliiate Nurse Mrs. Sarah Morris.R.N. 'hniic N.

Mianciforti! Av HERB CO. Wil NICK? Many an impossible ruse has hern civen up hope, put with V. wonderful it has mil unlv ured them but restored 1heir happiness as I weil. Consullutii'Ti free. I I.Kl' kkk hi: hi; co.

4'iH Pacific Jluurs in a. rn. to 3-1-Uirlf S'at. i V- GLASS BROKEN WINDOWS Mirrnr or Auto (llass (liven Prompt Attention. WindwiiiKS made.

Mirrors re-silvered. I'l l.l. 1.1 VK of Cl.lDDKN PAINTS S. C. Glass Paint Co.

I'll, lllli It. Parker I'ac. Ave. IMfi-inotf JUNK Wanted Scrap Iron Any nmount. Will pay per ton in on? aid.

H'Kbest (irices paid fr metals, sacks, pape-- and ed in nil ur a nd stoves. Phono i your onler und will call. Liebcrman Kaufman 77 Pacific Ave. I'hone been a Thert 'depi in Sentinel Adve always pood. tlLilllS, LES FORGRAVL7 WALLV BISHOP I OK SAI.I 'i-H(H IIKIIM.K AMI lieaeh wood stove, high back, in very Re-od condition, fhone 1)5, Sentinel Office.

I OK NAI.K KKV III MXLKS in Rutal location. Kea.sonnble price for ea sh. Ilea son for sellinx. fn-croiichment of old age, Mission cor. Laurent St.

--23-4H- IMliWN I SKKV HKN the bus needs tillin' up give her a treat hy (iuliinK iino I ni lay's on Water Street next to the bridge. 7t a nd While ffasolines Kire-ttoiie Ires a nd latleries. St op wear I ii.atton OK HA I.K IIIUKOO I HliH. terlichl radio, oil heater, electric heater, small table, few pictures. Call 2 and .1 p.

m. at Laveaii St. km i ki-; or ottai.i; for sale, reen. cm tier house. 7th Ave.

and Kast Cliff. Call morning fhonc 1 i-21-lli his. A hi 1. 1, ac, imiim.i;. 'J(i Siu'lebakiT, 't l'ord, Huih-ons.

lilneoiu. Kraukiin. Uuick parts, motor, rear ends, generators, lues, Kbts.H, luitterlcN, mufrieis cheap. 07 i-'roni St. Cars wau'ed any con-iiiiirn.

L'-LM-19 I'OK s.r;-iiiHf:s, Will. UOHhl si ntjle or double. A -1 Won; lit from I to lbs. See them at St. before a.

m. or af'r p. n. J-'il-l'j I IIK SA tH "iSl" UN Mt OAS sitA'e with oven, electric stove, electric water heater, fountain ear hoe. itor.

rock'itff chair, library table. At the Tradina Posl, No. hill Ave, Twin l.r.kea. J--0-IS (OK I OKIIMIN "TKACTOIl. poe.v and dhe.

S.V. corner of 41st A e. and Capitol a Koad. Kte 2. linv 411..

2-1 47 I OH I I It A It pri'ird imm yio to faiavaia if Ink is hi) int. Apply bli's i Farm, I'lirkway. IS Ca MORE RADIO BARGAINS All Custom liullt Air iitroi, beautiful console 1 a jest ic r.iii sol r. only linoTsoti exceptional tone S'Jt 7 IC'A tube super a ie tie be per Atv.aiir Kent, auto volume control Sri-l-Vi crdcrful toiiH.i7..r.o Ma.jevii,; Aulo Hadto, floor deinonstrato: All Itadios Kiiarautced -Terms. FULMER'S 71 icific Ave.

hoae 17 poultry" IOU I.K Hill (IN K. Hdl.ll I'-i'-i'-in While Leghorn lavini' inn' i vein' 'llii llnlslein 1" fl'eh liltl. -trie lot' sale, urn Sh i I C.e. Ciianli Kte. '2.

Ilnx LUnA. J-J'l IS VI. I. lilMIS (IF I'd! I.IKI Ph.iiie MH.8-J iniil I will call. A.

.1. Nakld'll, 71 (iult street. 2 I I otl.lHV A VI hl Mil r.s Mil sell your pnnllry. plinno lis hefnre A ntiniip ail may Miye ynu several dollars, Pnultry ('. Al Pierce, Kte.

Jlny 71. 7tli Ave. Phone IMlilliotf ltl((lltll UKKAKKKk ISt'l'i remetnher it was the turtle that won Ihe race, not the hare, P'r nut the lien it, at lays and dies. hut the hen tint Lives and l.avs that the profit. Itcds.

Itnv an, I V. chicks at a in, id, Tate pric. Poultry sup plies. Ijuin.llall Fi'Unlh, 1 s. Cusioiii hatelniiK.

Phnric Jlatehery, Wa'snnvItU- i highway. 1-J1 motf 'IN Ill lt I II F. It A A il Til liiiosevelt code, we are still hatching, Mood; lim lis, Kocks and itetls. Ilahi' chicks mid older ones constantly nn hand at. Arehihahl Hatch- i ery.

Smtuel. Phono :117. We do cus- 1 tnni hatching same as the. other fet- low. BETTER CHICKS i IMJCCTIMC IIATCHKD ('an lte buuphl with Poultry Producers or Fninnrs Cooperative Kxchanife cer-1 titleales.

Tliey will lie accepted at par with accrued i teres for cu.slom I NEEF'S HATCHERY! Vli. K.l.bx 11 or 10 Martin Plvd. Poultry Wanted Fair PrieeH and a Stiuaro Ileal. Any Amount Caile.l For. Any Time.

Santa Cruz Poultry Co. Mattihon Lane Phone i. Von Harden 1-4-motf O. Hov 4D K. Arnull i The Sentinel Covers every nook and corner of Ihe Santa i ru Counts'.

nort hern end of AMD OP TVAT BOY! ThATS TriE. WAV HP. GETS LOCAL. ID Ult MniCI IW1 I 7 1 A new, modern collude with cellar and Karaiwe. Two lot-s.

IMnnted in hhrubs and choice trees, flace Oiintnaliy cost $ruo; will sell now for S2iFo.imi. North iii aneiforte Ave. near the I'ui k. 1 a ere, rotmi. nnnlcrn si uceo house, and poultry ho.c:e.

J'lanted In raspberries. This place now offered fot rale fur i'i. Terms. CM. Jiealtors and lnsurors Tiitiile Transfers of Real Estate A.

K. Lariion nl Daniel I rt of i I W. June Knsr W'illlnnis to Vearl cl ux-IMirt of lot IH. SimiucI". Mowiirsl Turlicr lo Henry i'ruyue ct l.itts VII anil V2 and part of hit tiarlichl Dark So.

1. l'-n. Drop. to S. Title Co.

Ccrtfiin lots in AplnH Do. Den. Dion. Co, to C. C.

Title hik. sul). Aptos h. c. S.

C. Co. Title In A. Tin. inns Dlel.her et ux 1.:, Sub.

Scadlff Dark. HORN tilt At' FT Ill" Ciaffi, a At l-'eljillli Mr. ii I Ii. daughter. MARRIAGE INTENTIONS, DRADIID Kel.ruarv Harold l.e itoy Storm, of and Ann Draper, L'i.

or I'l'th nalives of tlali-f'lrnln. WKIDKI. IIAI.I.ISKV KeliniMiv Carl Wei. 111. of hi, native of Teal.

and Drali.ej: ilallisev. L'n, of Dalo Iia-ti of lifurnia. DIED ruiirv L'l. II,ind of iiik fulli'-r i In l-'lale It. II i hi I .1 Itov y.

a)id Airs. K. Vol- II). SANTA CRUZ FLORAL CO. Cliirc Mwr.

fill Pacifif Ave. Phone I I IIK MM. and Cut KIN(1 FLORAL CO. '17 I'vMtmvl vuniu Ave. IMinne JeanneHe (.

Wooilard, K. 1. 1'roprietfirs Kstab. Ifl-O) jj House of Flowers Hotel PIomr.4txuIe I UlliAl. Anjvvliere fin rnlilislifil tCvery liv ll)ft SLNTIN'KI, VrBl.ISIll.Vd COMPAXI U., I.r.ciiHt MrcHt, 1 elepliofe 't tntered nt Santa Cmz r.iHlurfloe aa class mutl''r. list KII'I l(l Onn rni'iitti Tiiri't1 Months r.ilis toie iar KATKS Subscription rates are bused on pay incut in adwtnce, and when not hi month. paid the rate 00 cents for each Mi'tiilirr of Ihe Aih tat f'd I'rpsti The Associa ted Press is exclusively to tlie use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not ollierwUo fed. fed ill this pi'-CT. All rights of republication of special dispatches herein also are reserved.

Member of tlie 1 nitcd Press AU vert i ran lfall Co. St. San Franci jcn 'VOO OO I've t-E-SSONi TO i 1 A VQO OKI i NMOOO Mel is GlREAT OF bwrTT'" Copwii-'U. rjr i I I I ii I I I i Kl I I 111 it et triii. ,1.

I I lit' a (' t'l'U, ill ea'l, mmiI Ihe fice he 1 he of with Them Woia GoT A Job 1 13 Pacific Ave. Thnnc 51 REAL ESTATE IOK SAI.K OK HAM; TIIK properly at Sorpitd Ave, together with a Wfli ii Trading foj-t. Will sell as a tliolp iroini; businen.H t-r separate. J. H.

Ilarriin. fhone op. h.i,K-ii tttt'Mi hoi it- msiied. Coo'l lot. fruit trees, para hp.

lust o'T of Senbrlht Ave. Close to bus line. rice I down, $17. per month. IJox -7, Sentin.d caicc.

M7.VI I OK ((I I MAI, VKOOM house; motlern eonveniencrs; 'A lots; east Santa Cruz near City Park. Mest buy in town. Sec owner, :7 Mckinley St. a-J'l-lH Illlt MW.K XV ItVMf.AIN (lilt. I.IlT et the Palm lice.

Mission St. and Ven Ave. t'-Pt fronting Mission. ISest reside ni ial illst rtct town. See Jlarry alurrav, ileal T- lair to! rimm Pir, facilic Ave.

2 VO( At lil AM. lit jdus, on h.j;h wa y. neo Soqiu I. liiodei'ti -I -ron to bungalow, ha rd-floors in living rom and double nuloiiiatic i l'l' Price I and tnit-of-Siate Trades. 1 "Let's a Trade" INTKIiSTATI-; Phone Soipiel, Calif.

i Insure and Sleep Well Kuow'iik that your wopeet i ompensa imn. whatever happens t' yoii will ret five lull i his will do much fr mind of worry. C. I PIMENTEL npp. Sentinel office Ileal Kstnto.

Notary l'uhllc 1 l.ol'll' Jiisiiraiice, Pllo.VK Buy Real Estate Now For '1 acres on road near, own ami school. Pine sol! for jr bulbs. Price VJ'OO. Onc-thinl down, jal. lernis.

i D. L. PARSONS Phone S. C. 1-IVVt Korpicl, Calif.

12 tf PKAL K. TAT I icant if tl modern home of rooms -with neal modern cHbin in rear of Karate, nitre shrubberv, close to be.ich. HM.V Hi.on I tine acre well located with modem room iious, chicken for Piimi, family on hard. Neat Ii-huc. PKICK tto J.

A. PARKER I'JS if ic Ave Kins. 1 and Ph. -11' niolf LOANS KSTATK IIMNS OIK s'K- cially. fial or installment.

If you have nvnicv To loan, see us and pl.ico It fafely. J. T. Mttler. 71 Front St.

Phone pi 7-tf IOANS 7 OK INSTAI.I,-ment; quick action ami reasouahlo cliar'ps; no red tape. Jf you have money tr loan, s-oe us. AVilson Kros. Mil Pacific Ave. I'hone ol.

BEAUTY SHOPS SPECIAL T'or limited Ul'AUANTK KI) ndted tim KKI) PMI $1.50 timo onl Pi'jKM ANKNT uiimlet nr Vt'nve on the New KOKIC MOlK NATCH A i. MACHINK htkam on, pkic.mani:nts, A DKIiKTH SALON SD Church St. Phone. CHIROPRACTOR Dr. M.

H. CHURCH D. Ph. ('. (Palmer (iraduatc) I.U III: I II SKIfl iri; It A JilH 11' Mi; NT 12 ycfirs practice In Santa.

Cruz Hon, ns 21 Mia mer Model Iihik More lliitranco Walnut Ale. alor Svc (irfl.e I'll, li.e 747 12-X If Bv I GOlMG TO TAKE V0QOD VMVTVA ME. YeaU? I MATS TfiE MAME OF TrAlS ni" mo snocnki't! VOO AWT t-5 Jor- YEA Bv HALF i I 3 Phone I I ll. Sliel'fer, Ittc. 2, Itnx lo'iA, Chan'icieer Ave.

in motf (1 II ll SAW (, AM II Wood for sale. K. liiimoie, ll.l (larlield si. phone U7o.I. 7-Jl-lf 1: wood a 1.

1: ll.Mi AT PlllCI.S llFDWool) 1 c.rd LOCKS Ihiv nirns'lT'e Dill. IV ll It WAI'KIt STilEE Phunc I'M) YAI1D 2S7 Water St. RADIO RADIO SERVICE Phone i i' a I We Oft is' tin any repair. Ken -e iiicinlH rs tf 'ef ICC. make radir i sonnble i le-.

Kadio M.iiiof;i SANTA CRUZ RADIO SERVICE I.Mru.'.t St. ( Pli. EC I A Mi ies'le llill for tuick Price radio l'l ION RADIOSIIACK L'SS FltoNT ST. 12 J-nioif MINERAL" WATER Dill ynut si it A ii, trnvsK self of all iniDiirilies. (lie your-a inside I'ath.

See can make von feel. Mc.Murry's, 11 st Afire, m. call Westcii 1 "i-molf ACROSS J. Citv i'i RIUJU i. Wannerian i liar.i' te 9.

iv lose poet. 1. Pevrase 1. Minister Oil" pi ri 'I i I I reiicli i i ll.T Unc.N. air lioivjly tlirouK'li tiie loe Tliree; jnehx Pal flit ilenn 11 ii.tcr seel Since rt SI.

IradverlenL fault That which is riven Bii.lit al n-onxs i'. Poilil (lives, lei'er In: prelix II. ab hr. Sin.ill hottlo F.i;. 'ni'se S.

Fsialilish (10. ltase of tha ( svstem Cl Hlow old Kesisf authority I'll It G.I 4i; Tdlf talk Articles of Cold dish DOWN 1. fuuord 2. iimliUr, 31. Daily Solution of lelAlclclKiflCltfl o-ra A MiM MiMs LOTT OIL sip iim 5 NAJCIE CMC RTaMB fiWTslTstAjLTTig Cross-Worcl Puzzle Sam Magidson, Agent Yesterday's Puzzle Do-ument New York Life Insurance Co.

llDBAk i --li-ILL' MORE PEOPLE USE, TIIK SKNTINF.I, CI.ASSll'IIlD A1)S There must be a reason BIG SIS I I OIT A li ftET A cop! SO' VOO R.Gi.-t-C IK! th act STeA.v.'.tJt; lonaSelt Travel onipass pnin "Alas, poor Amerirnrt Indian Daiiisli mnney of account. The incsent lime Snrface iii Italy Cleaiiiinir i.iniior i''ront of th foot Next to the last syllahl of a word I.arne. Mule chilli Cravon mada of pastn (Hide over lr t2xiireslon of disgust T'einolisj, Sliciit inten- tionallv Mother of A nollo Prtslly Israelite trihe Threaded mi al f.isteners T.lle Tennis a ppurl e- nances Kntilish rivpr for siiv.r out 4'i So may it Kind of doy H- way of c.insituie'i Lf. prctiv 1 LfJ I I aTlIOTd MoTelj Tjc AjTMMRjJ tMS i iO i' 47. i PwLOnE TmAT NOOO I've got oo-rAee VJAVT.I LU tic.

3ACK- MiA if A (mz I rr -rer ow'sjo I Afii rr; A MUGGS McGlNNIS TTiooe-MT Va. MB. ye.Ki 1 lit 'IB nv 2V--y 1 r'Ai i in I 1 'ill I (i -TMe IVck-adJtH) LlE.S I t- OiCLti DAMuy WAi AA'ERiCAM VjRiTisi" A. Boo; Mj XJME Atjfc 2 3 5 7 8 I irl I lie 21 28 3o 4pjp" 7i 33 34- 35 yo 57 'v-i Qi 33 "AV vSM: 4f So 52 S3 S4- S5 o-r cj 1 I I I I I I I 1 BooK? Come.

ZcH.tmatCN papa he's just a WASitiht I ZUJ lo'l In I Vt.d si Vi. A In..

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