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The Lake Park News from Lake Park, Iowa • Page 1

Lake Park, Iowa
Issue Date:
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ILifitorioal Department, LAKE PARK NEWS VOLUME XXXVI LAKE I'AJUv, DICKINSON COUNTY, IOWA, THURSDAY, 4AXUAKV 1, 18i6 NUMBER THOUSANDS SEE When the Huv. P. pobberstein "was a student at St. FrHucjs seminary 'in Milwaukee conceived of cuiJstriK-tiiig Hi-otto, but littki did he dreiuu Xhiit he would make northwest Iowa famous by lia.s liciirA-isileri by 10S.OOO lourrsts. lie seen any thing- like it, nor (Hd be learn the work of cim- structinu the lieautiful grotto, but velojiecl It on his personal ideas.

Father DotibcrKtein witt: barn in Gernuihy, 'Seirtcuiber 21, and to comftry when 30 years to complete, bis i-tiulles iii phi! aiid thcotoky. at St. Francis seminary. He located Wr'jjt ISemI Octubcr: he lias' since resided -West' olic thtirch; Tfe. eomrtruction of the grotto was -eight" and several rears will required to eom- tte; grotto a u'd soldiers' memorial which Father iDobberftcin, 1ms a'ssigu- relaV his.

life work. of his manual Father Dobberslein lias never allowed'' tticse to interfere w-lthJiiis'sptritiuil having served the people nhseltishly. all times. There fe 'no drawn' of the "Grotto the Redemption" except i a the" mind and vision of the builder, The grotto be', pictorialibation pf Christ's redemption. "When Gcd first: made man he did prit.bini in a modern dwelling, but into is; pperv garden of nature with the tree life and death as his commandment," Father Dobbersteiu, His: disobedience to God was speclac- ulsr and in consequence most fatal io all of.

us lie hopes to show this in his grotto designs The other section of the grotto proper, With it annexes, and its sjm bollsius, is to tell the storj oE God love for man in the work of Christ' redemption. Collection of 8iMKs Tne second object the builder HAIMJL!) liKUNEAIEIER AWARDED SCHOLARSHIP Thc'couniy. on (lie-Amos Awards met in continued tcssion at the oflice of the County Siuici'iiilemlent at 0:00 a. 3S, the iiisl meeting. held Dtwmboi- 21, 1025.

ami adjourned until thu later date in order to make i more thorough investigation. The committee xvas cumiKjscd of It. i. IJuvis of tlift Security National ALUMNI BANQUET OF LAKE PARK HIGH ALL'MNI OK LAKE PAKK HIGH fOKM ASSOCIATION AND HOLD BANQUET AT PBESHVTEKIAN CHURCH GYMNASIUM ONE IIUNDREO SKVKN. 1'KKSENT.

ON WEDNESDAY EVENING--PLAN ANNUAL ALUMNI HANQUET MOTKEK OK STRICKEN FAMILY CALLED.TO HER HEAVENLY HOME The alunmi' banciuet thV Lake Bank of Milford, V. W. LaDotix ar High School was 'held i the president of the Dickinson County of the Presu.vterjjiii Farm Hureau association, 'Spirit Luke, evejiing, Demiiber and Grace Kettleson, chairman (he commit tee, Spirit Lake, Jnwa. vith one tlis luiiifiuet -d fateil at The gym was Applicants Tor tlia schdlarsliuw from decorated; with the school Dickijisin county were Francis; loo riiia white, ami the numbers ISWU'and. of Jncbxni, Minnesota, Harold Bmnc- 102tt'.

'appeurud in blue on a wbitc incicr or J.ake Park, Harold Yarnes 'wick-ground on either side of the room, nud the tables-Wire arranged to form a 1 nf i "-JU LiJL' LUUIU wjie arruiigeu uj luiui yr Slm tb of a letter A. The ladies of the I'resby Okoboji. 'After giving due and careful con- teriiin 'church servel "the followinj: menu, and are to candidates from Dickinson county, it was fuumt that: nlf were creditable and would be an to any county. 1 The Scholarships' are given by success-' ftil men who want, to help worthy young people in agriculture. The points upon which the judges' made their decision were as follows Good character.

Residence on the farm. Intention io continue' farm work. Need help to go to college. "teiiu, iuui urt to ie conicrjt-fctiiuLuti 1 the excellent serviA. and cuisine: Fruit Cocktail Ruef Kcast Mashed Potatoes Griivy Creamed Peas Perfection Salad Cehry Pickles Ice Cream atid Wafers K.

G. Chrysler of the class of acted as tu'astnmstcr au'd 1 s'pcke of the achievements' of the school and the months. Alumni association which was" attempted a number of A i i. niinjii nuLu'iuiJteu it HUIUIKL UL nr nf ago and which was completed 'f. UI 1111 OppOrCUmtV 10 gO- IO thn n-nnlr nf M-m It -tbe of tlie i on the faim and needs more a a to Chrysler called upon several for short accomplish is to embody In this Mo a "national collection of stones, minerals, fondls, petrtficaOons and coral gathered from every state in tbe union.

The builder the" material personally. Oc- send him precious shells, pr coral to work into the grotto. Class of class--12th giade added.) of 1930--Zilpha (Benson) Jacobsen. Class of 1907--Bert: Arens. Class 190S--Xo representative.

Class or" 190D--Bessie (Hatch) Leo. Class of 1010--Clara (Christopheir- son) Uowe; May (Diekerson) Boyer. Class' of 1011--Xo representative. Class of 1012--Marie (Nicholas) Cliis-s of 1013--Ethel (Packer) Johnson; Verly (Wumler) Bycrs. a 1 0 1 4 II.

Christophcrson. Class of 1015--John R. Meyer. Class of 1910--Arnold Stoltenborg. Class of 1917--Lola (Barnes) Shriner; Harry Class of 101S--Heulah (Barnes) Leiix; Ray Lawrence; Karl Nicholas; Celiii (Packer) Seliwiirzeuhach Kroeger; Emiiia (Thorn) Klnoru Wass.

of 1013-- Li la reel ey Louise (Hatch) Clark; Smuck; FlorciKu Smilli; Hchwarzenbach. Class of Ktanjey Smith. (Meyor) Charles Siadt: Januarj 6, 392G, and it 1s hoped that this award will to be a a contribution to the agricultural in- wen duitry of Dickinson read following apologies to IK-et) at the close banciuet Cleo Bei WHAT OF THE YEAR 1926? Since June DC our old Lake Park High Uren BLrtiia Malker We. as a comniunitj, 1 IJas 1tl1 i hcr co 'o pwudlv, Clus of 192o--Marion Thorson Ed Class of 1921--Florence Feuerliclm; Uuth Hatch; Julius Puck; Inez Schwarzenbaeb; Irma Siiidt; Orplia. Thorson.

Ciiws ot 1022--WlUia'm Kruger: Hazel (Crissey) Howe; Glen Moe: Floy Margaret Class of 1023--Howard Flint; Clayton llalquist; Ann (Ilegre: Geraldinc Mac; Mabel Schroeder; Frances Smith. Class of 1821--Havlley Sim fur JiiHiis Earl ircCauley; Alvii Christian; lia a Siuith- Huby (Smith) Dclancy; Dounld Flint Albert Schwarzenbach; Mand Hutch Metti Untiodt; Arthur Sindt; Willian turned over high, i Im.z Mtt irljud, Bcrnici COURSE: ATTENUANCK locatd 1 rl rjsk.r they inncte hib At7cn hilt. Hint tools his the SIOUY i Edith Owen is i wife, in lorn? Others laVyer'E attending I'hil fflehr: were Georgi Oalc livers Mis. Chas. ScliwaczeiiUich: Veri 1 teardk 0 luatcna1 ilju lciilturarcl Js s'jre er I i "'thout any record made -ui's- Ver prestclent or the Rock Islam! railroad of somethin done whereby this, toun While Olive took tho Uiirl' Christopl 0 1 1 eommtinitj, h.ue and fanners life.

on; Mrs. D. J. Flint; Mrs. Kar Chrysler; Johi choose her Clyde Smuuk; Kowe K.

a i Vloycl TrtmaeU; Lyni a Charles Ljivernu Timni line the famous the name of H.ku Park broadcasted I I the fur corners of this other Hcnson-Jacobscii his states' 1 A good innnj will house. ho that he could make tho trip do, luit so 51 Kfehr nne House; from he recentlj returned. As a result of visit by fhc Rock Island's 'several excursions what can not be clone' by united effort? llltcr fhe iirst things to be done Is to perfect an organization. Jl ow llc runs tllc tjot his sheciwkin in Jliss Gladys Shroyer; Supt. and ilr.s R.

G. Overhnlt; Mr. Mrs. K. jrine ciirloiuls material have lcen Miscd a a i i cquiil is needed to complete the grotto, and: soldiers' niemorial.

AVhcn completed the grotto will cover almost the a city block. Firturrs Garden of Eden In the section called the Garden of Eden, worked in stone, ono may sec the Tree of Life in one conicr of. the while Adam n.tkV Kve, who yicUtol to- the tempter, will be seen standing under the tree, their eyes raised, beholding the forbidden Three of thfe walls 'of the Garden of Eden are worked into flower gaiicns eighteen fwt in with two beautiful vases, mc in each corner. ThcTsrotto proper takes the leading part of the whole cluster of work inside, eighteen feet hisOi to the It is built in a halt tii.ingular form. -sigiiifylng the'- Trinity.

The -'clcinc, which is tte most clalroratc work of stone, crowns the grotto in ibc center vith a height of twcty-sis feet the celling and symbolizes flic unity of the -cfeity. The east half circle has a window stained representing the messenger of God who -told Mary that -was to be the mother of God. The south half circle shows in beautiful niche with gentle green back ground, the Madonna and Child, the staliie- being of the purest Carrara marble, chistett in Italy; while just below the statue is a crystal fountain Waterfalls on either side aie symbolic of the two in Christ, human ami divine. These little wind way In narrow etonc channels into the fountain belOT-r. Over the niche i seen Star of Bethlehem.

Liixd in The of Ihe grotto has .11 opening lined with a crystal ring tci feet in diameter, nnd a dome twenty six feet, -hiph is seen over the opening. I'pon this rinji is modeled a l-oaulifut gallery of columns, and arches live turns out Christian and Mrs. Vivian Bycrs Mr. and Mrs. Gcu.

Shafcr: Brwin Hansen. still on the After li.fteiiins to tlie short talks tu ic-i urLuiinxaLion. j0 rive mm to, not care what it is called, a Commcr- wor(Is i' BHC the people having no cars Lint club, ji Com.muiitv Club chance to sec the grotto, the only one Chamber of anv: Vcrn Benson, Micy- say, is of the kind in the world. it i vi name, just so It Imp ns its aim a better I-JCCIHJII UIHCITS 01 une AIUIIIII nf Tnis is a movclncnt Ulilt -He work the land but "he sure for the chsiiins year was should 1-c -bucked by" every business knows Ins taken up and the following were duly man, every proiwrty holder, every re- rt Arcn from tlie class of 'Oi, elected by acclamatiou rrcsident, election of of ilhc Aiumn As the i lays and weeks? MUSS the sad rase of the II. Kurlil family, who were wttli tlie di-eaded tlisoa'so IrichinofJs.

tjocomes sadder and sadder. Last Sunday siflurnoon the vife and motUer, Jlrs. 11. Klu-hl, nswerc-d the call of tlii Death Anirel, nd one more of the family 1ms leyond. The case seems to Ix- one of he most intricate of any case seen or heard of for a good number of years, and all that medical skill cui do senis to no avail.

Bertha Abel Ernstiua Unticdt was xirn in Scot December 18S3, and passed at her home Sioux Valley, on January 3, 1020, US and 10 days of age. When fourteen months, old she moved to Sioux- Valley township, Minnesota, vith her ixircnts where she has since resided, married to Herman Kuehl March IB, 1901. To this niion twelve children were born: Henry, who died seventeen years ngo. ilngo, Viola (Sirs. Berber Andersen of St.

Peter, Minnesola,) Harry, Alenu, Albert, Ameija, Leslie, George. Hmiert, Aj-nes and Howard (the latter havinj; EuqcumlK'd to the same disease just a few weeks ago). She leaves to mourn her departure, her loving husband and children, father, live sisters and four brothers, namely, Mr. Heury Unticdt of Lake Park, father; Mrs. Gustav Wiese, Mrs.

Wm. Ileuer of Sioux Valley, Minuo-suta, Mrs. Ray Woodrum of Lake Park, fowa, Mrs. John Horau of Clurks Grove. Mlnuesota Mrs.

iPuul ilon'hcw of Nora Springs, Iowa, slstrrs; Harrj Unliedt, Untiedt, Uu- tieclt, Henry Untiedt, of Sioux Valley township, Minnesota, brothers; besides intiiiy friends and neighbors, who extend their heartfelt sympathy to the bereaved ones. Funeral services were held at the Sioux Valley- ConsoUda'ted school at. 2:30 o'clock Tuesday afternoon mid WORD "BUZZARD" HAS IOWA ORIGIN What was the origin of the term "blizzard," a.s applied to tlmac blinding, relent less. onus of early days on Ihe prairies of the northwest, intt-rment made Valley cemetery. In the Sioux RECORD -JUNIOR SHOKT when the air wass solid mass of snow, to the of flour by the velocity of the wind? Tho snow was driven through thick clotbes and into the flesh like needles.

It to the eyebrows and face until the early settler was so numbed with the cold nnd so bowildercVi that he Ills wiiy and was frozen to death within a fesv feet of his barn or hoare. Reliable evidence points to the fact that the nnmo blizzard as applied to i kind of a slorm originated lu Spencer in JSOO. In hla history of Dickinson county. R. A.

Smith a man in that county, William Jenkins, llrst IISCH! it. and that it got into print in the Vindicator. Kevailed In Canto Dtary ThroiiKh Lydia Alden chapter, D. A. of the dairy of the llrst ordained minister 1 of Romanic A.

Conies, was c.blninod nnd the thread of 'history whh-ii ran through it unwoven by him his dniiRhtpr read it to him, iind it was sent with Ijls comments ID elmplor. which had it published in a local jwper. Mr. Coatcs is totally liliml nnd 82 old, but meni.aliy alert nnd the diary was of sreut value iii determining (he of cverythliijir in Spencer. Hiid Stephen CnlklBB who wetc the first settlers of Spencer were oto- ed by another party here flve mooOiti later, of which the Mr.

Cofttos was member. These three men tad married sisters, daughters of Sir. ttttl Mrs. Solomon Wclln, Tvho lived with their children. In a loiter nct'ompnnylnR his (Jtary, the Hev.

Mr. Ooaten "It to you to know fliat tfce torw blizzard originated Spencer; not the storm itself, but mine. Fully In danger and aererlty to thu pruiric fires were the terrible stonns of wind nnd whieJi, syvficpinsr over trie bare prairies for iiundrerls.of miles, gained imcti iipeetl and strength, us to nearly Not out the little Kroup of settleTM. Snch a com of snow and wind in the expel lencc of Uw-ae Mho frpm the wooded Vk this jear, established a now. world's record of attendance with nearly 'J(MK) registered from all over the state.

Charles Wood of Terrll was awarded .1 special medal by the Chicago Producer's Association us winner of the Baby Beef Club in i Dickinson county, lie was also elected treasurer of the Boy's Ktatc Club organization. KWd and Gladys Shcrk nf Spirit Lake were given social recognition in the health exercise concluded by Dr. Caroline Ilcdger. The piirixisc of the week's activities igioius organiKoiioii'iiiid cve'rj- fra'tern- Hells ll shoes from five to Herbert i Vice "President, Mrs! il organization in our city. eleven.

Zilnlm (Benson) Si-rTntnrv- Zilpha (Benson) Secretary- There arc ninny, iiinny things to lie Treasurer, Cleo M. XeLsou. which can be accqinplishwl by The JCoiir, Gladys, EtUel, Arransemcnts will be niiide to bold the effort of entile coni- munity, while if left in fho linnds of i few. utterly fails or is set aside for nek of interest. Arrangements have made with Edith and Bess, ail annual bam-nct during all farmers wives and happy I season each year, guess; tlie holiday There are several more wlio traveled the same row.

have HIGH BASKETBALL he receiver of the old banks whereby As Ethel Jfary Nicholas a Thc A lmruii won GAMES ncs of (Ioullohca(Ior this week, nnd is inter- thc elns of eighteen you may look Fridny evening of last week. Tlie estcd in si better 1-ake Park are rc- 'round nnd find, score of the gams vrns 27 to 1C (lUCJted to be present by eight o'clock. Ka Ka 1 tu in the was puro an i mp ij- a of when a social hour, get-iogether meeting- and smoker will be held. Remember, "United we stand, divided we fall," so l)e present. REPORT OF TEMPERATURE The others work.

pedagogue line; aV busy 'at all kinds of to inany Smkhs th SwMl 10 and Uuby 17. Alice From Lcs itoir the carpenter, Io Hose only able to make for the High H.inscn the clerk. FOR MONTH OF DECEMBER Sintlt iri football at Ames mart? School. The lirst half TOILS played cm practically even terms, the score lc- inc 12 to fl at half time. Rogers nud of the -I--U folks was summed up briefly hy President Pearson in his address of welcome when he greeted them.

"Good future Iowa." and told them that they were at Iowa State for a week of college. All of the jjirls' dormitories nnd several fraternity and club houses were used to house the visitors ami in addition comfortable, nccomndntions were arranged in several of the college buildings. Character luiildiiiff received fundamental emphasis in the program of tho -l-II club sirls. Hecraition was not omitted however. The activities were directed by Mrs.

Mignon Quaw Loii, recreation s-pcchil- ist Bozumnn, Montana. A monster pagcunr, "Clubs are Trumps." with 1SOO persons participating, was given in the State Gymnasium Wednesday evening under her direction. The Junior Short. Course banquet, held in the huge Iowa State College Atmory. is said to fcc the largest -banquet ever held in Iowa.

Nearly 2KK persons attended. speakers wore installed to enable all present to hear the banquet ton sis. had be-en her-Free Baptist-'paper, the Star, ot a man who, (hough l.n the matter of linvinj; (-orn bread or "Johnny Cake" for dinner every day. One day xvjfe's oven went back on her and site failed, for IIu. first, jlme In their married life, to have his cnrn bread ready for him.

He flew Into rage iincl threw every piece of rnmltttro oiit of the house. Tlis wife and children lied to the barn taking refnge In the hay mow. This man's name was Bliz74ird. the first terrific snow storm In Mother Wells, looking out of the window si id. "My I his is regular olr! man Jiltr.znrrt of a Btorm." wore all grentty amnsed and thereafter when such storm camo someone was sure Io say.

'This Is one of mother's 'So the name sim-nd and finally got into print. As one rends fnrtber in tbe Rev Mr. Conies' diary, it is po.ogible to see how the term jjot. into the Estherville pniKT llrst. The entry in his diary for Xovemlicr 30, 1SC7.

snys: "Brother Ridley brought bis children to live with us tliis winter." The Mr. Cnales hud built a Tire following temperature for (lie At Iowa Stanley Smith in law is a Ilegre played good gamos. month of Dcccmljer, which was taken shark; Tllc Alumni were able to make a lew TM bUttCr 0rC f0 hC iS to cat, was ..32 degrees above and the coldest JO degrees below zero: chows that the highest temperature Antl as to nome Economics, Irma Thc III 11 School boys boW a team Siudfs hard to from the classes of 1021 ami 1925 to close snore for tlm first quarter but Ilagebccck nt you'll tlmt the Old Timers van wild find far from slow, awl made the final count 20 to 17 in his -willing assistance made this favor of the Alumni tesru. Horton one a go; a up points unassisted ami every others too are famous nnd of the Alumni team made nt least December 1 1C December 2-- 2S December 3 32 December 4-- 28 December 10 December 1-1 December 7 30 Deccml)er 30 December S-- 20 December 10--1-1 December 17-- 8 December or December 10--2S December 20--22 December 21--12 sure you all know it. one.

The High School played good December 22 io reni of 'heir doings by our own floor game bu! were unablf! to make December 23--12 Iccember 24--IS Local Pcct. December 10--28 December 25--2 below An1 hcro as gather in our joking Hixr. chances at the Iwifkct pood. They were well in their naU rf Uic ivnliinl log cabin which second story in whicli boasted man could BIG RAM) HERE THURSDAY Due to nn open dute in their schedule, nnd to break jump, arrangements hnve been mude whereby Ciiff Mandy and bis famous Minneapolis Orchestra will furnish music for a stand upright. In this room his wife.

Lephe Wells taught the first srchool in Spencer. In explanation "Brother Ridley" was Mr. Ridley of Kstlierviilo, after whose -wife, Esther. the town of Estherville wns named. Evidently (lie children were bonrderK in Mrs.

Coates school. Taken Io EslbfrvITle An entry in the diary for March fl. ISG-S. snys: "Mr. Mrs.

Ridley came for their children. It commenced storming nnd increased nftcr darlc -blew 4he hardest it bns winter. nothing ronlcl bo disllngtilshod out of doors. It WCK hnznrdous to pn to the stable." rom 'hew ontrirs II is rtrtncc nt Lake Park on Thursdnv that the Kidlr-y children from Rrther- December 2G--6 Decemlicr December 27--10 Dccemlicr 13--H De-cnibor 2S--2 December 14--10 Decemlwr 20--6 15--14 December 30--I and fun. rwncmtcr our fellows who've (cams- ahead of us nui; Who's bright cheerful faces see no more.

A good sized crowd booster! for both Dccernbcr 31-- 6 Til1 we ni( again on the fur distant Wright doing the Our boys' (cam plays at Arnolds Park on Friday of this week. sliorc. Tlie builder calls the whole Va work The following list contains tbc feet high with eight electric ligbtp. of love done in fhc interest of religion." names of those in attendance at tbc Attorney II. ITmfcr the highest in the crllin-:) Vnther devotes nil of first Alumni banquet: ns ol or dome was plaeerl strrmff his spare time to this work.


Xarey was electwl of the 14th Judicial THs- light hidden in .1 taskd. of colorful sonnliy sets c-ath piece of stone, coral Cinss prism glass to throw greon tinge or other nriidc in Ihe cement, having Blair. (rirf Rar asarxrintion nt a meeting of 18)7--Carrie" StoufforJ held at IVH-nhontas Tnesilay night. over the window section, a red tinge' adopted r-Tience ns a wnlchword in over the crow nection. with a blondin? his undertaking, as a icsso'h to m-hite over the entrance.

Forty-sis he says. rtectrk: lights are used in the grotlo. N'o journey foems too long for (he All statuary used is imported from builder in qncst of material. His last Cinss of isas--Xo representative. Class of 1SOO--D.

Fiint. Spirit Lake wns also decided upon as the plnce for the holding of the Association's chantnnqnii Thc night of this week. This orchestra claims the distinc-j tioii of plnying- and having plnycd in more of Ihe larger cilics and towns! traveling road orchestra today, their itinerary Cor the next i i Including Minneapolis. Rochester. Dubuqup.

Waterloo. Fort Dortge. Des Monies nnd others. Besides they arc booked for a of vaudeville in Minneapolis nnd also in St. Paul, during February, besides number of three clay stands.

In addition to their ability to piny the very best Symphonic dance arrangements, ns woll as the latest "Hot" tunes, tbe organization carries two Tocal soloists, nnd local lovers flf good music can be assured of a real tfca( when this orchestra present thi'ir program horo Thnrsday cvening. Class of 1000--Mo'ilie (ROUST) Zielir. clinuta 110.11.1 will lie a three day event Class of IfHll--CfMia (Ewen) nivd UeW sometine. in At- were members of the family nil of the winter nnd were doubtless no rjuBintcrl with tho family jokes, one of which wns the nnmlng of the bnrl storms "MUranTrtp." TlJcn too, the elder RUlleys tnusf hnvf- got fhc sforv and the n.imc when tboy nrrlvpd fo t.iko Iho children storniboiirrd. Of home nnrt the nnme back to Esthcrvillo.

whir-h would acoount for il being in tlie Vindicator the first tfm" lie is "jmdi good company when he is well." Mrs. Calkins is past 90 years of nge and in a wheel chnir. but she Italy. to be Mnch Vonctinn mosiac work is trip carried him on tbc way to bc cross. M.oincs Register.

Cinss of lf02--Nf representative! Xarey. and Arnold at- docs all the work of her home for her i 1 1 1 Class of IOCS--No representative, i tended the meeting at son and herself---Des Momes Sunday Class of 1001--EMmer A. Myers. Beacon. Register.

Tho Youth's Compnutfrn nlso pot tho n.nmr in an early day. for thr of anil Abby who was boy of 7 yonrs old nt this time. bocnnio a regular nnd nofert con- trihulor to 'lint paper when Tie was boy in 'his nnd ha? contlnnerl cjontributor ever since Fmnklln Wells Cnlkins. Tliis npponrrvl In the nnec fotc pnpo of fomrnnlon rteurty fifty years ago. and mny harp ralcen HIP nanip to the rnst In the first placr.

II may IK- Interesting to Imow that a letter Io Mrs. TT. -T. Brick of written hy AlihyXVoTlsOaTHTK! of rortervlllo. Tnst that her son.

Ftnnk Cnllclnn. he known here. Is In poor health, tat that.

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