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The Philadelphia Times from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania • Page 1

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
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SPEXCER MILLER. BRACING HAYES UP. duties and rights, it may be noted that he has boeu for many years the leading spirit in the Board of Censors of this bar, always being among the first to nrgo that sleepy body to notice more frequently, and with a stronger hand, the sins of tho less punctilious members of tho bar. He has been for very many years also oue of the vice provosts of tho Law Academy. The only thing that has come from his pen foj publication was an early book on "Partition and a volume of poems, printed for private circulation.

Ho was always couspicuous in society and at tho bar as a most courteous aud well bred gentlemen, a fluent speaker and close thinker, giving sparkle to his argumentsand in his intercourse with his brethren by a refined wit, for which ho became iu time almost noted as the wit of the bar." Ho died truly with his harness on the old fashioned quill pen, which he always used in writing, was yet quivoring on his table from the touch of his nervous, active hand a treatise ou chancery practice, which he had been consulting, lay open beloro him, and tho "memoran duiu" of the day's duties had still many items upon it when he fell back into his faithful assistant's arms speechless, dead. The House Declines to Give Him Any Satis faction I tow He is Appreciated. From a Staff Correspondent of The Times. Habbisbubo, March 6. Daring the session of tho House to day Mr.

Faunce, rising to a question of privilege, sent up and had read the following communication to the speaker and members of the house of Representatives of Pennsylvania: Having been informed that on the 5th Inst, your honorable body passed the following resolution, to wit: That the reporter of the Philadelphia Times be requested to inform the House who was the authority of his information that Mr. Petroff was the person meant by the name of as referred to in bis correspondence," inresponse to the same I would say that I am an editor of The Timks newspaper referred to, discharging, during ttie sittings of the Legislature, the duties of its correspondent; that The Times is a daily journal, published in the city of Philadelphia, and, with all due respect to your honorable body, 1 ain advised and believe that all communications from me as one of the correspondents of the said journal, relative to the proceedings of the Legislature, are privileged communications, necessary for public information, and that ns a representative of the press in the capacity of editor and correspondent, cannot be required to disclose tho information requested in the foregoing resolution. I would further state that on the day of the passage of tho foregoing resolution, and but a few minutes before the same was introduced into your honorable body, tbo said Petroff referred to in said resolution entered the Senate Chamber, where I was engaged in my duties as a correspondent, and, having called me from my desk to the door of the Senate Chamber, committed a violent and unjustifiable assault UDon me, which fact lie did not disc lose to your honorable body at tiio time the above resolution was introduced. And in conclusion 1 would add that I have discharged my duties as correspondent during the session of the Legislature, with scrupulous care, to present facts proper for public information, and without doing injustice to any member of your honorable body. Trusting that this communication will be deemed appropriate and satisfactory, I am, vcrv respectfully, IJowakuM.

Jenkins. llARUismuu, March 6, 1879. Upon the reading of this Mr. Faunce spoke in a complimentary manner of tho correspondent of Tub Times and the manner in which he had discharged his duties during the session. Referring to the resolution of the House, passed yesterday, ho expressed regret that such action should have been taken, it being in ignorauce of the real circumstauces of tbo case.

At the conclusion of his remarks the subject was allowed, by unanimous consent, to drop, the opinion being appareutly unanimous that tho House had taken an absurd step yesterday, about which the less said the better. howevor, rose aud spoke excitedly, saying iu substance that he should act again as ho had done if opportunity offered that after hfs expulsion, three years ago, he had been re elected by his appreciative constituents, and that he was most respected where ho was best known! H. M. COUNCILMAN M'MULLEN'S MEN. The Fourth Ward Committee Instruct Him to Act With the Now City Committee.

Tho Fourth ward Democratic executive com mittco wero busily engaged last night at 'Squire MeMullon's hostelrie, Ninth and Bainbridge streets, clearing up tho debris of the recent Councilmanic contest. Seventeen of tho eighteen membors were present, and business opened with the summary expulsion of President John J. Quigg aud Henry Reynolds from the committee. Charles McDonald and George H. Hoffman were admitted in their places aud John Henry elected presiding officer.

The question as to whether the ward representative in tho city committee, 'Squire Mc.MulIen. should forsake the McGowan committee and gain admittance in the now committee now forming, was next considered. Tho 'Squire announced that he would be governed entirely by tho action of the ward committee. By a unanimous vote ho was instructed to withdraw his credentials from tho old and represent the ward in the new. It was also resolved that if ho did not care to servo his resignation would be accented.

Tho 'Squire bowed to tho will of tho majority and will act as instructed. Ho will leave the city for Richmond, Virginia, to day, where he will join Councilman Rowan, and both will to to Florida for a threo woeks' trip. PAID FOR SWEARING FALSELY. A New York Club Which Hakes a Business of Perjury. Special Dispatch to The Times.

New York, March 6. Ono of tho strangest cases of perjury over known here was brought to light iu the Essex Market Police Court to day. Samuel Edgart sworo that ho was assaulted by Henry M. Gieeu burg and kicked until he was unconscious. In his cross examination he testified that he had had Grccnbnrg arrested six different times.

Ho was then forced to admit that ho bo longed to a club whose object was to pro falso and mock witnesses. Jacob Tupen fiugcr was then brought in. Ho testified to seo ing tho assault. Ou tho sama close cross examination ho acknowledged that ho belonged to tho club aud that on several occasions ho had given testimony for which he was paid. Samuel Bernstino was put through the samo course, and from him was wrung the same confession and tho workings of tho club were further disclosed.

The Broken Bank at York. Special Dispatch to The Times. Yokk, March 6. The Dime Saving Institu tion did not open its doors this morning, but posted a notice stating that the demands of the past few days were in excess of the collections. It is ramorcd that the bank lost SJO.OOO with Peter llerdic, although an officer says it was less than half that amount.

The loss by the failure of Camblos Sons is $23,000. In two days the bank lias paid out nearly $10,000. The capital stock paid in is all of which bos been used, and the bank is about Soo.OOO short. There are 1,801) depositors, and the amounts vnry from ten cents to three thousand dollars. The prevailing opinion is that seventy cents on the dollar will be paid.

A statement is expected to morrow. What Legislatures Are Good For. ToPEKA, Kaus.13, March 6. The situation ofE. Smith, manager of the WeBtern Union Telegraph Company, of this city, who is confined in the Capitol, to remain there until the adjournment ot the Legislature unless lie gives to the investigating committee tho telegrams sent from and received at his otlice in regard to the late Senatorial election, remains unchanged.

Mr. Smith is still firm, and is resolved to hold inviolnte the messages which are entrusted to him and which he considers as sacred. lie is banished from the floor ol either branch of the legislature and coulincd to a certain floor of the State House, but practically be id as much at liberty ns any Clerk who sleeps there. Accompanied by a detailed Sergcant at Arms he is allowed to go down town when necessary, and is in the House and Senate whenever ho pleases. A Valuable Witness.

The evidence of Charles TJIrich, the notori ous engraver and printer of counterfeit money, having contributed to tho conviction of Jacob Ott, bis companion in tho working of the counterfeit mills near Oak Lane Station and Darby, TJIrich was returned to the Trenton Penitentiary yesterdny. Ill rich is still awaiting sentence for his connection with ilenry cole, the capitalist counterfeiter, in the preparation of the plate at Scotch Plains, N. but will be returned to this city shortly to be used ns a witness on the trial of Charles F. Schoener, Cole's step son, who is Indicted forassisting in the printing of the bogus notes of tbo Hanover and Tamaqua Ranks at Oak Lane and acting as a vidette to warn the workmen of the approuch of secret service officers. Welcoming Mrs.

Taylor. Nkw YortK, March G. The widow of Bayard Taylor, accompanied bv her daughter, arrived in this oity to day on board the Hamburg steamship Herder. Mis. Taylor is much prostrated by the terrible loss she lias recently experienced.

She was met by several friends at the Hamburg wharf. The remains of her husband are expected to arrive next week on the Gellert. Among those who welcomed Mrs. Taylor back to the land of her adoption was ihe vonerablo ex Minister to Berlin, Blr. George Rancroft, Haulan'g Race With Hnwdon.

Toronto, March 6. A special cablegram from London to the Globe says: Edward Hanlan commenced rcgulnr training yesterday and is in good hands. Ho is preparing for the coming match with Hawdon and will proceed to New Castle in a fortnight. Hsnlan's boat arrived on Saturday in good condition. The prospects are in every way satisfactory.

The Spanish Cabinet. London, March 6. Reuter's dispatch from Madrid snys General Martinez Campos and Senor Canovns del Castillo to day each individually advised the King to entrust the formation of a Cabinet to the other. It is generally believed the new Cabinet will include both. The Impamal publishes a report that General Rlauco will become Governor of Cuba, Takoob Khan Victorious? feT.

FHTEiisnuita, March 6. A telegram from Tushkcnd states that after the death of Sbcre All at 1 Sherif a bloody conflict broke out nmong the followers of the various pretenders to the Afghan throne and the partisans of Ynkoob Khan were victorious. It was reported that Yukoob Khan and two other pretender had taken refuge at lleral, Views on the Chinese Question Prior to Launching Into His Stated Subject. Rev. Joseph Cook lectured last night in Association Hall ou A Personal God in Conscience." The audience was large.

Auditorium and galleries were well filled. Reserved seats were confined to the main auditorium. These were all taken, with the exception of the back row. Elderly and middle aged people predominated. Quakers comprised a large portion of tho audience.

Churches of every denomination were represented in tho largo assemblage, and ministers were out en masse. A number sat on tho platform, others sat in the audience. When tho minute hand of the clock was at eight tho audience saw a stout, square shouldered man, with full beard, dark brown, with hair tho same color, come out from a side door with John Wana maker, Rev. P. S.

Hcnson, Rev. Dr. Reed aud others, aud take his seat on one of the chairs on the platform. "Forty years of age" is apt to be the mental conclusion of the spectator as he looks at him. Any one who remembers pictures of tbo late Secretary Stanton will be able to form an idea of the appearance of he who is sometimes irreverently called the Rev.

Joe Cook. The resemblance is striking. Mr. Cook was introduced by John Wana makcr. Before beginning his lecturo he niado some remarks, by previous request, ou tho Chinese immigration question.

This he did in conversational style, sitting in a chair tho while. Tho remarks wero sarcastic and ironical throughout. Ho made frequent allusions to the sand lots and Kearueyism. He caused the audience to laugh a good deal in his allusions to the politicians who favored tho bill. He began by saying that there was a Congress in Washington which has lately discovered that the immigration of Chinese is not a natural right but a political right, in numbers of fifteen.

He considered it a remarkable instance of gullahility that tho people should accept tho word of tho sand lot orators of fean Francisco that, unless theChineso weredriven out, there would be a great riot. Thoro was no riot on the night tho President vetoed the bill. "I listened," said the lecturer, "and heard nothing, noteventho stamp of Kearney'sfootonthesandlot." Laughter. He held that the of the Chinese and the enlargement of commerce between America and China was the great question of tho hour. Blaine thinks that tho Chineso cannot be Christianized.

Yet in the face of the New England Sonator's belief it is a fact that 6 10,000 Chinese have been converted between Catholic and Protestant missionaries within the past two hundred years. It had been convenient for the New England Senator to overlook this fact. Laughter. As to Chinese labor, Senator Morton, having investigated the question, said, in 1S76, that the evidence established that Chinese labor is as free as any other class of labor. Ho had sympa thy for the San Francisco workingmen, but not lor hoodlums, cut throats, thugs or thieves, The lecturo on "A Personal God in Con science occupied over au hour.

The lecturer confined tho action of conscience to iutention and motive. When thus confined ho held it was infallible in its sphere. Yet there was apt to bo a misapprehension unless it was remembered that motive meant three things alfuromcnt, appe tito aud iutention. THE DEMOCRATIC ARBITRATORS, They Conclude Their Labors, and the Com plete City Committee Announced. Tho Democratic arbitration committee met last evening, at the Americus Club, Broadtreet, below Chestnut, and after a session of an hour aud a half wound up their labors iu connection with the question of the contested seats in tho city committee.

It. was resolved tiiat from the testimony adduced John F. McCutcheon, Sixteenth ward, and Jesso Vogdcs, Twenty fourth ward, were entitled to represent their re spective wards. Tho committco as now fully constituted is as follows Ward. Ward.

17. John P. McGroognn, 1H. Andrew J. Cletz.

1. Samuel J. King. 2. Ueortro McOawan.

3. Peter Monroe. 4. William MeMullcn. 6.

James J. King. William McNamara. 7. John Slevln.

8. John O'Neill. 9. Kit hard J. Lennon.

19. John Wills. 20. Isaac S. Cassin.

21. H. F. McDonald. 22.

Dr. K. H. Boiling. Abram France.

21. Jesse Vogues. 25. E. H.

Flood. 26. Thomas MeDonougk. 27. A.

J. Fredericks. 2S. George J. Kelly.

Samuel Josephs. :0. Charles V. llm lto. 31.

William Tillyer. 10. William D.Kendrick. 11. R.

A. l.ukens. McCarthy. 13. John H.

Sloan. 14. John Harrison. M. Mclrcchun.

10. John F. McCutcheon. Charles P. Burko, of tho Thirtieth ward, de sires it to be stated that ho has no intention of resigning from the corumitteo ia order that a new man may be chosen in his place to go to the latest committco.

Further, that having been elected to represent tho Democracy, I propose to do so 111 accordance with the Democratic rules, and in the only Democratic general committee that exists." It is the intention of thG Americns Club to have a general illumination and jollification on the night of the 18th, in commemoration of tho event of a full Democratic Congress for tho first time in eighteen years. SLOAN'S AFFIDAVIT, The Norristown Asylum Commissioners Listen to Gavrisou's Counter Statement, Tha Stato Commission of the Norristown Asy utu for tho Iusano held a meeting yesterday iu their room in tho rear of tho office of the Stato Board of Charities, in Chestnut street, above Twelfth. The only members absent wero Judgo Shouso and Dr. Morton. The particular matter under consideration was tho affidavit of Architect Sloan, the preseutatiou of which before tho Stato Legislature has given rise to considerable discussion in Harrisburg, Architect Sloan was not present at tho meeting, James S.

Chambers brought before the commission David Garrison, of Hall Garrison, who produced his affidavit, which had already been brought to the attention of the Stato House of Representatives and which was published in Wednesday's Times. Mr. Garrison flatly contradicted the statement of Mr. Sloan that he, Mr. Garrison, asked him for $2,000 for James S.

Chambers aud ono "Pete," tho money to bo a consideration for the awarding of the contract for the building of tho hospital to Architect Sloan. Mr. Garrison was cross examined by tho members of the Commission aud ho did not conceal bis bolicf that Mr. Sloan was a perjurer and that his connection with tho building of station houses a few years ago in no way redounded to his credit, and afterwards Mr. Garrison said that "tho more they stir up Sloan the greater will be tho stink, for they can't touch Sloan without raising a stink." The meeting wis held with closed doors and all newspaper meu were denied admittance.

The Lynu Mystery Not Solved. Boston, March 6. The hope that a definite clue to the Lnn mystery bad been finally found in the identification of the deceased as the SlcCono logue girl, is destroyed by the receipt of a dispaich from San F'rancisco, stating that the girl iu there, alive nnd well. San Fkancisco, March 6. Fannie MoConologue, whose remains it was supposed were found in the trunk at Lynn.

is in this city, with her parents, residing at Harrison nnd Twenty third streets. The family arrived a few weeks ago from Boston. Miss McConologue says that the error as to lier whereabouts and the supposed identification, of tho remains aroHe from the fact that slroi tly before starting for California she told a friend she did not intend to make a through trip, but would return in a few days. Cut to Tieces by the Cars. The fragments, consisting of the trunk nnd dismembered limbs, of the man who was run over on the Pennsylvania Hailroad, under the Caliowhill street bridge, were yesterday recognized positively as the remains of Jumes Wood by his son.

The Coroner's wagon removed the remains to the Morgue. Wood resided in Dana street, below Second, in the Eleventh ward, but formerly lived in one of the Schuylkill wards, nnd was in the habit of revisiting his old He was intemperate, and probably, while intoxicated, wandered upon the track, where trains are continually being shifted. Apparently half a dozen engines bud run over him before his body was discovered. The Funeral of Dr. MeOuillen.

The funeral of John Hugh McQuillen, M. D. D. Dean of the Philadelphia Dental College, took placo yesterday morning from his residence, No. 1713 Areh street.

There wns a Inrge ot tendnnce of friends nnd members of tho medical and dental professions. A short religious service was conducted at the house by the llev. Ir. Mo Cook, pastor of the Tabernacle Presbyterian Church, after which the remains were viewed by the faculty nnd students of the college. Tile pall bearers wero S.

S. White, 1). J. E. Oarietson, M.

Dr. Neall; S. K. Corliss, M. H.

McDowell nnd C. E. Francis, of New York. The interment took pluce in Woodland Cemetery. The Czarewltch ocked I'p.

London, March 7. Special dispatches from Berlin mention various rumors of dissensions between the Cinr and tho t'znrewitoli. The IVnna Tagblatt oven publishes a sensational story that tho Czarewitch has been ehnrged with subversive political tendencies and forbidden to quit the palace. TRYING TO COAX HIM TO STAND FIRM Stanley Matthews Confident That tha President WiH Veto the Political Measnres Over Which Congress Will Struggle Randall and Blackburn Both Confident of Occupying the Bpeaker's Chair. Special Dispatch to The Times.

Washington March 6. The Republican stalwarts are laboring with the President manfully to stiffen his back and keep him from deserting to the enemy in tha fight that is soon to be renewed on the political features of the two appropriation bills that failed at tho session which closed ou Monday. Stanley Matthews, who is probably as closo to the President as anybody, says thero is no doubt that Mr. Hayes will stand squarely with his party and never make any compromise on tho supervisors' law or tho feature of tha presence of troops at tho polls in tho army bill. Matthews says that he purposely marked out ia his recent speech iu the Seuato the line ha thought tho President ought to follow, White House con and recent talks at the firm him in the belief that tho President will be unyielding.

Senator Chandler is also getting to be a frequent visitor at tho Whita House, and he is also very intimate at the State Department. He is also doing all he can to keep Mr. Hayes from going any further with, the Democrats. He represents to him that this is a very critical time with the party, and that it will not do to yield a hair's breadth. It ia said that the President is talking very radi cal doctrine now, and ho is certainly stub born enough' to stick to them if ho onca makes up his mind.

Chandler told Secretary Evarts yesterday that if tho President would stand firm ou the political portions of the appropriation bills and veto the bills as often as they might come to him, then ho and the other Republicans would como hero and camp, and never desert their tents, even though cholera, yellow fellow and black vomit should break out among them. This made Evarts laugh, and he promised to speak to tho President about it. The Democratic programme prepared for tha extra session undoubtedly is that which was outlined by Senator Beck in the last night session. They will first iucorporato in separata bills the repeal of tho jurors' test oath, the repeal of tho law permitting tho uso of the army at tho polls aud the repeal of tho supervisor aud marshals law. snoufd these or any of them 09 vetoed tiro Democrats will then attach to tha appropriation bills the same features, aud, in tha event of a veto of theso bills, will rcf uso supplies and appeal to the country on that issuo.

It is certain that the Republicans will present a united front agaiust the proposed Democratic legislation. TRYING TO CONTROL TIIE GltKEXBACKERS. There is no doubt that tho Republicans are doing all they can to capture tho Groenbackors, with a view of controlling the organization of the House. The Republicans know they caa afford to make very liberal terms with the Green backers, and nodoubt heavy iuducemcuts will ba offored, both' as regards places ou tho Housa committees and appointments under the general government. Judgo' Kolloy is being talked of, and no doubt tho Greenbackers had rather hava him than any other Republican.

The Judgo has been conferred with by some of his friends, and he is not averse to standing as a caudidate, al though he is taking no part himsolf. If the Republicans and Greenbackers would stand together as a unit no doubt tho Judge could ba elected, but be has enemies in his own party who would throw hiin secretly if they had a chance. MarTy of the Republicans think that the roll of tha House will bo so prepared that any doubt will ba out of tho question. The chances, as they appear to night, are largely in Randall's favor. In conversation to day he said "It looks coinfort ablo for mo; I think it's all right." His strongest opponent, Mr.

Blackburn, said half au hour afterward, in bidding a friend good bye: "I appreciate your kindness when you see ma again 1 think I shall bo Iu tho Speaker's chair." It is said that Blackburn will vote for a Republican before he will submit to Randall's election. This, however, is hardly probablo, although thera are a great many Democrats who would like) to rebel. OVERTURES TO GARFIELD, Overtures have already been made by certain hard money Democrats to General Garfield to ascertain whether ho, under certain conditions, would consent to becomo a candidate, and assurances were given him that if ho would accept; the conditions named he could have tho guarantee ol enough hard money Democratic votes to secure his election. The conditions had referenco to the organization of the committees. General Garfield rejected these overtures and said bo would consider it a party calamity should any Republican be tempted to accept such a proposition and that ho much preferred his position on the floor.

THE SENATE SECRET ARYSITIP. Henry Wattorson is confident of his fathor's electiou to the Secretaryship of the Senate, no says he will go into the caucus with sixteen votes, sure, and perhaps eighteen, aud that thesa will stick to him. Ho says ho does not count thoso who say they wish him well and they feel friendly, but that tho sixteen are irrevocably pledged to him. The Republicans aro circulating tho story tonight that the political speeches of Lamar. Thurmau, Why to aud others iu defense of Jeff Davis, in the Senate the other morniug, will ba so much modified in their tone when they come to bo printed in tho Congressional Jlceord that they will not bo recognized, aud tho speeches of Blaiuo, Chandler, Colliding and others which appear, will seem to have been delivered at nothing and without provocation.

Tha Seuato portion of tho Accord is nitica behind, while tho House is close up to date. Several Senators and ex Senators will go to Harrisburg to dine with cx Seiiiitor Cameron on Saturday, at tho celebration of tho anniversary of his eightieth birthday. Struck by tho Cars. A special to The Timks from Pottstown says: About 4 o'clock this f.fternoon John II. Noble and William K.

llayley, each aged about 17 years, pupils of the Hill School, wero walking on the track of the liendiug Itailroad at this place wbea they wero struck by the rear poltion of a moving freight train which wns at tho time making a living shift. Providentially, they were thrown to another track and escaped being run over. The young men were carried to the school and physicians were summoned. Bailey is considerably scratched and bruised, while Ii is' companion, Noble, is moro seriously hurt, having sustained severe internal injuries, and Dr. Frank B.

Koilcr, the attending physician, reports his condition as quite scriou 4 tonight. Tho pnrents of Noble aud Bailey reside at Momstown, New Jersey. Incitement at Asbury Tark. AsiH'KY TAitK, March 6. Great excitement prevails over the of Dr.

U.S. Kinmouth, a prominent physician and druggist, on a warrant obtained by James A. Bradley, president ot Asbury Park, for violation of tho State law prohibiting the sale of liquor in this borough. Kinmouth is aliomi liee for Freeholder of the new township of Neptune, created last month by the Lt gislatuie, embracing Asbury Park aud Ocean Urove. Ho has waived trial, given bail and published cii culur denying the truth of the charge.

Both men are among tha largest tax payers in tho township. Tho election will be held on Tuesday. Poindcxter to bo Indicted. Richmond, March 6. John E.

Poindcxter. whotsliot and killed young Curtis on Monday last, bnd nn examination before Police Justieu White this afternoon nnd was sent on to the grand jury of tbo Hunting's Court for indictment. Bail was refused and the prisoner committed to jail, Tbo grand jury meets Monday. Indications for To Day. Warmer mitlhwal to narlhivest wi'uds, partly cloudy wcalkr, viUhiloulij rising barometer.

CITY NOTES. Jewelry and diamonds, valued at J700, weta stolen from E. 0. IVabody's residence, Woodbine and avenues, on Wednesday nfternoou while tho family were nbscnt. Tho autopsy upon Georgo W.

Archer, who died suddenly at 110 Gothic street, showed that alcoholism was the cause. Ho had just received his pension money and gono on a spree. The school committee of Councils yesterday mrrred to reermmend the passage of an ordinnneo appropriating'Ji for the erection of a school house, on Fourth street, south of Lehigh avenue. The pnintins of "London by cover hit ftl.UUO iuaro feet of eanva, arranged on 118 frnincs and said to have cost originally iTU.COO, watt knocked down" at tho auction rooms of M. Tlionias Sons yesterday to Mr.

Kirk for t55. The American Line steamship Pennsylvania sailed yesterday for Liverpool. In her large cargo. valued at were BJ.OiV bushels of wheat. packages provisions, i15 bales cotton, 100 hogti lieaiU tallow, oliu barrels apples, boxes cheese, 117 ban els oil, bags oatmeal, 70 sacks flour, 0 barrels oysters, l.USS quarters i'rcsu beef, 00 dressed (beep aud 3oU drcs.icd hogs.

DEATH WITHOUT A BIT OF WARNING. Ho Dies With His Harness On, After Having Argued a Case in tie Morning Before the Supreme Court, and While at Work ia His Office. E. Spencer Miller, tho well known member of this bar, argued the demurrer in the Moselm Iron Company caso before the Supreme Court yesterday and at two o'clock in the afternoon returned to his office apparently in his usual health and spirits. Almost literally without a moment's warning ho died at four o'clock iu the arms of his assistant, S.

W. Keeves. So sudden and unexpected was the death that the ink on a check which Sir. Miller had just drawn in favor of one of his colleagues, Richard Ash hurst, was wet when lie expired. Ha was accustomed to work iu his private office at the rear of tho house ou Walnut street, a few doors below Seventh, his studonts and his assistant occupying the front offices facing the Square.

About 4 o'clock ho came to tho door of his room aud called for the office boy, "William," in his usual tone. A student replied that William hail goue on an errand, aud then Mr. Miller was observed to siuk dowu toward the floor, his kuec3 giving way under him. Mr. Keeves was then called, and Mr.

Miller fell into his arms, gasping with pain orfaintness. At this moment a brother lawyer, Mr. Michetier, caruo iu, having an appointment with Mr. Miller at that hour. Mr.

Miller noticed him as ho entered tho room, and said: Michener, I can't see you just now;" to which Mr. Michener, seeing that he was appar ently sick, said: "Of course you can't," aud then retired, not thiuking anything dangerous was the matter. But Mr. Miller never spoke afterwards, except to ask: "What time is it?" and before Dr. Sam Gross or Dr.

Clapp, who live near by and who had bcon sent lor, could reach the office Mr. Miller had ex pired. It seems that the deceased had been complaining for somo time of a severe pain ia the pit of the stomach, which ho styled a ner vous trouble, resembling dyspepsia. I his at times was so severe that Mr. MiUer could maka no exertion in the way of walking at all, fre quently taking tho Fourth and Eighth street car up Walunt and around Eighth to Chestnut and then riding dowu Chestnut to the court rooms.

He had been urged by his physician and friends to go to Europe or California fof a rest, and had intcuded to do so in tho spring. He did, however, go every Saturday to Atlantic City for tho sea air. Mr. Miller's death will he announced in the various courts to day by Wm. Henry Rawle iu Common Pleas, No.

1, Peter McCall in the Supreme Court, Henry Wharton in the Orphans' Court, William H. Drayton in No. 2, James W. Taul iu No. 4, Morton P.

Henry in tho United States Court and by P. Pciub'erton Morris in the Quarter Sessions. The bar mooting will bo held to morrow. E. Spencer Miller was born at Princeton, N.

sixty two years ago, his father, Rev. Samuel Miller, D. being at tho timo professor of ecclesiastical history in the Theological Seminary at Princeton, a chair which he filled with great ability for many years, besides being a distinguished Presbyterian diviuo. Mr. Miilcr'smothor was tho daughter of Jonathan Dickiuson Ser geant.the first Attorney General of Pennsylvania, aud thegreat grandson of Jonathan Dickinson, the founder aud first president of the college of New Jersey (Princeton).

E. Spencer Miller graduated at Princeton with high honors and took up the study bf law with his undo, John Sergeant, the distinguished member of this bar at ouo timo member of Congress. Mr. Miller was, however, admitted to tho Baltimore bar under the pro ceptorship of Hon. Roverdy Johnson.

Ho practiced in Baltimore a short timo and also a short time in New Jersey, in which latter State ho was associated with Chancellor Green. But after a year or two of wandering, so to speak, Mr. Miller sottlcd down in Philadelphia, being admitted to this bar May 6, 1813, and closely associated himself with General Ferdinand Hub bell, at that time ono of tho leaders of this bar. Ho then married Miss Hare, daughter of Eov. Dr.

Georgo sEmlcn Hare, and sister of the present Bishop of Niobrara. Mr. Miller has tlireo brothers living, Rev. John Miller, the author of a book, tho doctrines in which so differed with the received views of his brethren in the Church that Dr. Miller was disciplined for heresy or schism; Dr.

J. Dickinson Miller, a surgeon iu the United States Navy, and Dr. Samuel Miller, a clergyman in Mount Holly. Mr. Miller leaves a family of a widow and ten children, the eldest being Dr.

Samuel Miller, a graduate of Princeton and of the University Medical School. Mr. Miller's has been an exceedingly busylifo, his industry being of the kind meriting in tho highest degree the adjective "iudcfatigabl.e" Ho did his whole duty in every relation of lifo, whether as lawyer, citizen or soldier. Asa lawyer ho was noted for his industry and tho pertinacity with which he pursued his client's interests, his conduct being at all times governed by tho rules of the strictest code of professional ethics. Ho was brought up in and practiced after the straitost sect of tho old sehool lawyers.

His integrity and high tono was so universally admitted by court and jury that, added to tho skill and industry which he brought to bear on his cases, his success was remarkable at the bar. He was exceedingly successful in jury cases on account of his thorough preparation, which he always gave to every interest confided to him. Ho was rarely "surprised," a3 the lawyers put it, and then his quickness enabled him to recover himself immediately. His strong point in the elimination of testimony lay in tho handling of an unwilling witness called by himself, as distinguished from "cross examination." Instances of this unusual ability were frequently given in what may be called tho oil cases," of which the courts were full after the oil fever. Of these cases Mr.

Miller had probably as many as all the other lawyers at tho bar put together. He was almost invariably retained by those who had been bitten," aud as most of his evidence had to be extracted from his opponents, tho promoters of the various companies, he boldly put them ou the stand as his own witnesses and got the required testimony. Ho was almost invariably successful before tho jury in these cases, getting two verdicts against Henry Simons, alone reaching $150,000. Mr. Miller was almost invariably retained as counsel in the various cases instituted against contractors, public building commissioners and others of the "uatiural enemies" of tho taxpayers by such men as Henry C.

Lea, Henry B. Tatham, L. P. Ashuiead, RinaldoSank and other 'reformers." The Public East Park Reservoir and other such savory subjects in the nostrils of tax payers were his especial foes professionally. He was tho colleague of Hon.

Win M. Evarts iu an attempt to overthrow tho constitutionality of tho income tax. His practice, following the lead of bis almost excessive industry, was of the most divcrso kind cases at common law, in equity, in admiralty and in patent law, and even the criminal courts claimed his attention. As an instructor of youth he might bo said to have been a born teacher, having that peculiar ability of imparting in tho clearest way to younger minds the knowledge with which ho had stored his own. Ho exercised this faculty for many years as a professor aud afterwards as dean of the faculty tho Law School of the University of Pennsylvania, only resigning tho chair of equity and real estate in that school when tho University took up its new quarters in West Philadelphia, It is no disparagement to tho other distinguished professors to say that Mr.

Miller's lectures and "quizes" wero regarded by the students as tho most beneficial to them in their study of the law. Ho was also specially faithful to the students in his own office, of which ho always had almost a houso full. As a citizen Mr. Miller was always ready to do his duty when called upon. A Republican in politics, when his ward (tho Twenty fourth) wanted a high toned man of intelligence to represent it iu Select Council at tho beginning of tho war, Mr.

Millor was selected aud sent. In Select Council he was always in the foremost rank, with such men as Coloucl James Page, John Price Wetherill and othors of that character, urging tho cause of tho general taxpayer. When ho resigned from that body, in company with John Price Wothorill and Henry Davis, it was felt on every hand that tho good citizen bad lost a true friend at the fountain of power. While yet in Select Council in 1802, the first invasion of Maryland and Pennsylvania by the Confederates caused him to leave his clients, his legislative duties and his largo family and take tho field among tho first volunteers with his little six gun battery of Dahlgron howitzers, of which he was captain. Ho served around the borders for two months iu 16ti2, was appointed provost marshal of Hagcrstown, iU(j ai60 emergency camrlgn 0f 1803 for about the samo leup'j 0r timo.

His physical courago was iqnal to his moral courago, for which ho was so Well noted. Instances of his "pluck" in tho field arc given to this day by his companions in arms. Incurring to Lis strict yiews of professional THE LEGISLATURE'S ACT OF RESPECT. Resolutions of Respect Offered In Both Houses and a Eulogy Prom Senator Everhart A Great Amount of Work On Hand An Anonymous Blast Against Bribery. From a Staff Correspondent of The Times.

Hakeisbuho, March ft The resolutions in reference to Bayard Taylor were reported in both brauches of tho Legisla ture this morning. They are as follows Whereas, In his last annual message Governor Hartranft announced the demise of UayaroT Taylor, a citizen of Pennsylvania, representing the United States at the Court of the German Empire and Whereas, This Commonwealth, while sharing the common loss, cannot but feel inore tlinn an ordinary interest on the occasion; therefore by the Senate and House of Representatives of Pennsylvania Resolved, That Ihe universal esteem in which Bayard laylor was held as a traveler, scholar, author and diplomatist is a source of grateful consideration in the termination of his career. That lie was possessed of such various virtues and rare abilities; was so eminent and estimable for his accomplishments and usefulness manifested a character so wise in its energy, con sistent in its course and hplcndid in iu culmina tion, and so enriched our literature, honored the of ficial service and reflected such lustre on his native state that his death, in the prune of his powers, nnd in tlie midst, of Ins duties, invoices an especial re cognition and regret. Resolved, That these proceedings bo spread at large upon the journals of both bouses of the Legislature and that a copy of the same be sent to the ot ttie United states and a copy to Mrs. uuyaru layior.

After presenting tho resolutions Mr. Everhart, of Chester, who had reported them from the joint committee, took the floor and delivered what is conceded to bo one of the finest half hour addresses ever heard here. It was necessa rily a eulogy aud was clothed in impassioned and glowing hingnago, but tho description of Air. laytors literary productions aud his analy sis of his character and public services were stated with great precision and justice. For once the Senate remained perfectly quiet and paid the most close and respectful attention to the speaker, who.

when he closed, was warmly congratulated, ine resolutions were, of course, unanimously adopted, and tweuty fivo hundred copies ot them and tho aadrecs were at onco ordered to be printed 1,000 for tho Senate and 1,500 for the House. In the latter chamber the resolutions wero presented by Colonel E. W. Davis, on behalf of the committee, and he sub mitted with them some remarks, which will appear in the Record. Mr.

Laudis. of Lancaster. spoke feelingly in support of the resolutions auct they were adopted. In the House this morning Colonel Davis, from the ways and means conimittoo, reported back the Allegheny riot damage bill. As it was on second reading it resumes its former place on the calendar.

There are, between it and the last bill ou second reading considered to dav, nine teen other bills, some of which, as for instance that fixing the compensation of members of tho General Assembly, can hardly fail to occasion debate lestcrday, iu fact, progress was only maao on two Dins, ana to day ou hve. Three passed second reading, one that relating to the manuiacture ana sale ot fertilizers was recommitted ou motion of Mr. George Smith, of Philadelphia, who said ho had been addressed by some extensive manufacturers of commercial niauures iu that city, who desired to bo heard in committee in reference to tho measure The bill under consideration at adjournment was that to regulate the practice of veterinary medicine and surgery" in Philadelphia, which the Speaker ruled off the calendar as unconstitutional, upon tho ground that it was a local bill which had not been advertised. An appeal was taken from this ruiing, and a special session at four o'clock ordered to dispose of tho question. The session resulted in sustaining tho Speaker's decision by which it was ruled off the calendar.

There was discussion by the Speaker who came npon the floor for tho purposeMessrs. Wolfo, Uowitt, Rhoados, Barrett, Shorwood and others. KUNNINO THROUGH BILLS IN THE SENATE. Thoro was a limited presentation of now bills in the Seuato this morning, the number upon the calendars aud the advancement iu tho ago of the session making it very questionable whothotany new business can possibly be considered and disposed of iu both houses at this session. Among thoso presented, however, was tho important measure which Senator Grady has had in charge, "relating to failing traders aud other insolvents, and tho administration of their estatos," and providing, in fact, a Stato bankruptcy system.

It consists of forty threo sections, aud has been carefully prepared by Senators Grady and Reyburn, with the co operation of prominent legal gentlemen in Philadelphia and aided bv suggestions from lawyers in other parts of tho Stato. Tho effort has been made to provide a simple system, differing from tho repealed na tioual law by being inexpensive in its operations and calculated to save something from a bank upt's estate for his creditors. General 'Wagner's fee bill came up for final action and was passed unanimously. It was engrossed, signed in both houses and by the Governor, aud tho General left for Philadelphia, with it in his pocket, this afternoon. Senator Handy Smith called up, out of its order, tho bill providing for the moro efficient collection of delinquent taxes.

which, by unanimous consent, was read tho first time. A large numbor of bills received second reading. Senator Lamon in the chair for most of the time, and making a very efficient presiding officer. Among those read were tho bill introduced by Senator Jones regulating the finances of Philadelphia, and that revising tho fee bill of the Clerk of the Court of Quarter Sessions of that city. Altogether, about fifty bills were read.

Wednesday of next week was fixed for tho con sideration of the judges' salary bill. A BLAST AGAINST BKIBKItY. Senators and members found among their mail this morning an eight page pamphlet with the title Laws as to bribing aud corrupting or attempting to bribe and corrupt members of the General Assembly of Pennsylvania, etc." After quoting at largo from the Constitution and Pur don, the gist of the matter is contained in the paragraph at the closo, thus: Notice. The facts of any bribery or corruption or attempts at the same, by or through any committees, as to the 81. bill for riot damages at Pittsburg, or otherwise, will be hiicl before tho Governor on the passage of any such bill, and any person having voted for the bill for illegal considerations will be prosecuted.

This unique pronunciamento is signed by three persons as a Committoo of Tax Payors" William Henry, William Vigncrs and Charlos H. Mintzer but what tax payers they represent or whoso "committco" they aro, or where thoy dwell at all, is something quite unknown, apparently, to the recipients of their pamphlet, who, as may be supposed, think it a very silly demonstration, and aro inclined to give it as much consideration as that accorded the three tailors of Tooley street, who issued their famous proclamation as We, the peoplo of England." Gentleman who are in favor of the riot damage bill as a proper measure are naturally indignant at the presumption raised iu such practically anonymous communications. FLOATING STRAWS AT nARRTSrtUB.Q. Thomas J. Edgo, secretary of tho Stato Board of Agriculture, says thcro are no well authenticated cases of pleuro pncumonia amongst cattle in Pennsylvania.

There have been one or two reports of tho disease, one of them in Franklin county, which last Mr. Edge went down and investigated, but inquiry has failed to show that tho ailment was really plonro pnoiimoiiia. The Board of Stato Charities met horo to day, a bare quorum being presort t. Mahlon H. Dickinson was re elected president and Ir.

Hillor Luther secretary and general agent. The usual committees were appointed. No consideration was given at the meeting to anything iu connection with tbo Norristown Asylum. Inquiry having been made as to tho position of the bills to repeal tho Building Commission act, it must be stated that no such bills have yet been introduced in either houso. Copios of tho City Councils bill were sent horo a day or two ago, one to Senator Jones and ono to Mr.

Faunce, of tho Houso. Senator Jones will road his tomorrow morning. Mr. Fauuce will do the same iu tho House. Senator Georgo Handy Smith introduced this morning a new bill relating to Judges' salaries, providing simply with reference to Supremo Court Judges, who aro to have each; and the judiciary of Philadelphia and Allegheny counties, who are to reccivo the salaries now paid them, but entirely from the State Treasury, Mr.

A. Wilson Norris, reporter of tho Supreme Court, who is hero to day, is understood to have brought up this bill. II. M. A lirakciuau Killed.

George Trashner, twenty nine years old, residing at Tnmaqua, employed as a brakemnn on the Philadelphia and Heading Itnilrond, had life right leg crushed yesterday morning in falling from a coal train while coupling cars at I'hajiiixvillo. lie was brought to tbo Pennsylvania Hospital, where ho died at eight o'clock last night. Ocean Steamship Arrivals. At New York Rotterdam, from Rotterdam; Jesmond, from New CaHtle. At Southampton Ohio, ftuui liulumoro tor Dnweu, ANNA E.

DICKINSON'S NEW LECTURE. A Large Audienoe at the Academy of Music Hoar What She Has to Say About the Theatre and the Rostrum Incidentally She Tells a Little Story, Last evening Miss Anna Dickinson told an allegorical story. She stood on the stage of the Academy aud faced moro than two thousand people, and as she proceeded with the little fablo her increasing animation and strong utterance taught the audieuco to look beyond the illustra tion sho professed to be making of a platitude. Tho story was incident to the lecturo the lady was delivering, and it was told after she had said: Public opinion is but an epitome of public ignoranco and superstition." This was the story: "A bird hung in its cage, aud sang. Pooplo stopped to listen, and were charmed.

They fed it aud gave it water, and sometimes praised it when it sounded its little noto. But after a whilo tho bird growing older came to know a littlo more, and changed its single noto to a littlo song, and when the people came by it sang the song. But tho people wouldn't listen to the song, and cried out to the bird: 'Pipo your little Tho bird said: 'No; I have learned moro than that. I am an older bird than I was when I ouly had one noto, and I know more, and I will sing my song.1 Then tho peoplo wero incensed, and said you shall not sing except tho way we want you to. If you do not do just as wo say wo will take lrotn you your crumbs, remove your lump of sugar and throw out of your glass tho clcau water.

Aud then if you will not be starved into submission, we will take you from your gilded cage and tap you on ttie head. Rut the bird re plied" and Miss Dickinson grew very earnest at this point toll you 1 am wiser than when I sang my little noto. You may tako from mo my life, but whilo I live I will sing tho song I have learned. It is a matter of conscience with me; I will do it." In tho light of Miss Dickinson's by no means satisfactory experience as au actress and her previous exalted career as a lecturer tho littlo story was full of pith and point, and as the lad v. with flashing eyes and heaving bosom, stood erect, gazing defiantly at the audience, the peo plo understood the story aud applauded the utterance.

HUE IS JUST AS OF YORE. Miss Dickinson has not materially changed in appearance since sho addressed an audience as a lecturer iu this city. Hor voico has lost none of its old time ring, nor has her brief experience as an actress done much to alter Eer method of elocution. She has added a few little stage tricks to her delivery, perhaps is a little freer in gesticulation, more mobile in feature and slower of utterance. Her dress from Worth's, by the way was rich and elegant.

The fabric of pearl colored silk, trimmod with lace; tho orna mentsdiamonds and rubies. Her fiugers sparkled with diamonds, aud a diamond star with a ruby in the centre suspended by a black velvet ribbon sparkled at her throat. By tho time she finished telling the littlo story of the little bird the star shone from over her loft shoulder. It must be said that Miss Anna's spirited talk did not awaken the degree of enthusiasm that has so often attended her efforts. Ferhaps it was because she checked the applause that greeted her as she entered, and thoreby chilled tho feelings that would have rnado approbation manifest.

Or perhaps her speech was a littlo too frank au avowal in somo particulars to suit tho sontimont of a few of her hearers. However that may bo, there was an expression of unmistakablo disapproval that staitcd as hisson and was lost in applause. It was when sho made reply to tho question of a clorgyman who had asked at the meeting of a synod for a reason for tho thoatros being filled whilo the churches wore empty, aud tho theatres charged for admission fifty cents. Replying to this at length sho said "It is a mistake to say that it does not cost money to go to church. Not in tho immediate outlay, but in tho mattor of dreas a ad display.

And thoro is the collector, who passes tho plate or the nnn. tribution boxes and touches your shouldor as to say: 'Good, my friend, your shilling or your life for this Miss Dickinson spoko an hour and a half, and as she speaks pretty fast sho covered a good deal of ground in that time and said a great many things. Her lecture, entitled "Platform and Stage," is a panegyric of both, with a few sharp and very pointed remarks about tho intolerance of certain pulpit orators who denounce tho theatre. Sho gave as tho reason of her being agaiu on the platform that sho had something to say. Her position as a locturer was not incompatible with her relation to tho stage.

Bcecher, a preacher; Til ton, an editor; Butler, a grossmau; Curtis, a man of lcttois; Ingcrsoll, lawyer all wero lecturers, THE C1IAUM OP THE THEATRE. Here follows a fow extracts from her discourso: There is no ono subject under tbcsun about which thcro is so little fair aud candid and honest and exhaustive thinking nnd intelligent and dispassionate talking done as the theatre. Even those who enjoy it are cowed by the assumption of rigbt that is invariably carried by its intelligent or ignorant opponents. Tney apologize where they should commend; they extenuate where they should exalt not its external blemishes, but Its intrinsic value and worth; the fact being that, while it has been many a time and oft clad in tawdry rugs and cheap tinsel aye, nnd even in pingue stricken garments that while it has been painted, patched, rouged, daubed, its real form is seen by countless myriads to be noble and its actual countoniuico benutiful. The fact, that while it hns had to stagger under the extraneous weights of its own fdllic, and the tremendous burden of denunciation heaped upon it, it yet lives, vital, splendid lives not only in the admiration but the affection of an enormous majority of civilized beings is the proof that it is in itself great, and ought to command grcnt and close consideration from every man and woman who loves his or her kind, since, such as it is, it has the most potential intluenee, even in the most civilized world, upon their kind.

"The most potential? Alii yon aro saying too much," says some one. "Conceded thot its influence for good or bad is tremendous, but the most? That is saying overmuch. Where is speech, oration, political harangue, book, newspaper, pulpit?" How many people on an average go to a tirst chiss lecturo course in comparison with those who go to ft fn st chiss or even second class theatrical entertninmont? think that answers itself. Eveu if the speech is thf very best speech ever given under the heavens, how mauy people care to hear it repeated WHAT THE DRAMA TEACHES. Referring to tho teachings of the modern drama she spoko of certain plays and their influence iu these terms: People come in contact with very few phases of life, and even those with which they do come in contact they are too busy to understand.

They come and sit in front of the stage, nnd in that littlo mimio seeno there is gathered almost every phaso of human nature. As they sit looking on there is revealed to them the grandeur of humanity; the enormous spread, the height, the depth, the variety of human naturo, aud men nnd women grow in looking on. No one can sit in front and look at this tremendous spread, this enormous variety, this human nature, this life, without doing exactly what God sent every soul into the world to do loarn, learn, learn. Not only that, but people learn forbearance by the sight. And there is a grcnt power of presentation.

From birth to death the Btory is told. In a book you read the story of vice, folly, the great business man, overstrained and sinking under tlic strain, the defaulting clerk, tho unjust judge, ttio husband abandoning wife and children, the wifo fleeing lrom her homo one reads the story, one reads it many times, with all tho gildings and temporary triumphs; and finally the end comes. But in the mind the incidents are not connected they are not compact. If you go and sit in front the whole is told plainly and at onco. All tho sncechos that were ever made nbout the toils and struggles of the workingman could not touoh ns closely the home and heart as the story told In The Long Strike." A LH8S0N THAT TEACHKS.

All the prison associations that could be gathered together, with sympathies for the unfortunate, could not have the same effect upon a man and woman looking on as that story that brings tenrs'to everv one's eyes as poor, hunted Bob Brierly. Evorything that could be said or sung, all the great speeches and nil the noblo sermons about a common human ity that could bo preached, would not touch men and women so closely because it touches their smiles and tears as that exquisito and beautiful play of "Caste." And I wonder where any word could be spoken that could speak more thrillingly and tollingly to the mothers and fathers who bring up their daughters as things to be won, toyed with, flung away in an hour, as that most exquisite story of "Frou Frou." Belongs to Paris? No; ft don't. It belongs to every fashionable mother and father who brings up a daughter aud consign her, in too many ca scs, to such a future. It lias saved many a one, and will save many aone, from being drawn out to deep seas of death. And where, I wonder, ia the sermon "Let him who is without sin cast the first stone," so taught and so preached as iu that one ragged and bedraggled yet awful story of "Catuille?" The infinite cry for mercy that comes up on the one side; the tremendous and awful warning on the other.

"Ah," says one, "there you strike the abyss of evil that the stage has to show, the depths that aro opened out." You say that this sermon of the punishment of vice and reward of virtue is preached after a fashion, without an assumption of morality. I bold Against all the old Puritanical preaching under the heavens that good and not evil holds the preponderance in human nature. Vice, crime and evil are told on the stage, just as everything else is, in an overdrawn way. Men Who Don't Earn Their Salaries. Albany, N.Y., March 0.

Tho Assembly today ordered to a third reading, by a vote of 87 to '21, the concurrent resolution to amend the Htate Constitution no as to rcduee the salaries of members of the Legislature flow U.SUV to 1,000, THE DISSATISFIED WEAVERS. Tho Strike Spreading Some Manufacturers Compromise and Others Yield Eutirely. Tho strike among the Kensington ingrain carpet hand loom weavers appears to bo spreading considerably. In twelve of the mills tho bauds have demanded a cent additional per yard, and in a majority of cases the employers have either compromised upon half a cent or have yielded to the strikers' demands. The hands iu four mills, numbering about a hundred, still remain out.

When Thomas Caves' hands asked for more wages they wero offered half a cent ad vance, but would Dot tako it. Boggs White's hands, numbering ninety two, compromised on hall a cent yesterday aud returned to their looms, So did the twenty hands of A. Holmes, on Trenton avenue. R. Huston's fifty weavers receive their full demand for an advance of one cent.

R. Slinton Co. also gave their weavers a cent ad vance. Robert Cursou compromised upon a half cent. The weavers now on a strike are those of Matthew Nealy, numbering forty Thomas Boles, ten James Martin, seventeen; lhomas Caves, thirty, and Thomas Savlen, on Waterloo street.

below East Cumberland. Ivins, Dietz Magee prevented a strike by giving their weavers half a cent advance. I ho hand loom weavers in the larger mills do not show much disposition to strike. It was in theso mills that tho power loom weavers had such a long strike recently. MICHIGAN REPUBLICANS.

Inviting All to Rally Around an Honest Money rialforu). Lansino, March 6. The Republican State Convention called to nominate a candidate for Associate Judgo of the Supreme Court and two caudUlatos for Regents of the State University assembled in Buck's Opera Houso to day. Judge James V. Campbell, of Detroit, was renominated for Associate Judge of tho Supreme Court, and E.

O. Grosvenor, of Jonesviile, and James Shearor, of Bay City, were nominated for Regents of the Stato University. Resolutions were adopted that the Republican party, having redeemed its pledge to make tho greenback dollar worth a hundred cents iu gold and silver and havinggiven to thecouutry a safe, flexible currency well adapted to the industrial needs of tho people, we, therefore, oppose any radical change iu our present financial system, and congratulate the country on tho successful resumption of specie payments and on signs of returning prosperity iu all brauches of business; that we invite in this election tho co operation of all men, of whatever former party affiliation, who arc in favor of financial honesty and a safe and sound basis for the businessof tho country, THE FRENCH CABINET. What the Presence of M. Tlrard is Likely to Accomplish.

London, March 0. The Times' correspondent at Taris says M. Tirard's presenco iu the Cabinet gives it moro decidedly a Left character aud threatens partially to alionato tho Left Centre. It will also doubtless increase tho agitation among tho protectionists, but tho protectionists, though more energetic, are less numerous iu tho Chamber than is supposed. The Republicans are perfectly well aware that by following tho protectionist policy they would be playing into tho hands of tho Bonapartists, who have hitherto claimed freo trade as an inherent portion of their programme.

Hence it may be affirmed that the debate on the commercial question would not result in a protectionist victory, provided tho Ministry declares itself vigorously, as it seems probable it will, as M. Tirard aud M. Sav are tho Ministers specially charged with tho questions at issue. Tho Deputies of the puro Left yesterday discussed tho propriety of forming themselves into a more distinct group, to the exclusion 01 the Uentnsts and Extremists. No decision was reached, but the discussion is significant.

A GIGANTIC SWINDLE. Victimizing; Subscribers to the Stock of a Massachusetts Narrow Gnu so Railroad. Boston, March What appears to be another gigantic fraud has just come to light. The Mystic Valley Railroad Company was organized somo time since to build a narrow guago road from Boston to connect towns lying along tho Mystic Valley with the north of the city. But eleven miles of road bed have been built thus far and theso were charged at 28,000 per mile ou the books of the corporation, though it was known that tho expenditures for every purpose nan, not.

execeaeu tou.uw. This led to an examination by tho Railroad Commissioners, and they, as a result, have called npon tho Attorney General to take action in the matter. Iu a letter to him they stato that an examination of the books of tho company show an apparent discrepancy between tho amounts received and paid out of $85,000. They believe mauy of the subscriptions were fraudulent aud intended to victimize innocent subscribers to tho capital stock aud to gain, against tho provisions of law, a charter lor the company. BISMARCK'S CAG BILL.

A Sovero Criticism of the Measure by the Vice President of the Keichstag. Berlin, March 6. In the debate on the parliamentary discipline bill yesterday Baron Staufleu burg.Vice President of tho Reichstag, who, iu con sequenoeof his office, is considered authority on the bill sharply. Hq criticized the government's arguments and appealed to the Houso to reject the bill. Herr Bebol declared his party cousidered that the bill aimed at excluding Uiem from tho Reichstag as much as possihlo oven before the elections aud destroying all parliamentary freedom of speech.

Ho related how Prince Bismarck had once preveuted him from speaking in tho Reichstag, and hew, when ho subsequently published a pamphlet to explain his views, ho was sent to prison. Ho ironically suggested a law depriving all Germans of their franchise whom tho police suspected of revolutionary tendencies. Such a law as is proposed by tho government was possiblo in no othor country. LORD CHELMSFORD INCOMPETENT. Advising tile Recall of the Commander of tho South African Forces.

London, March 6. Tho London Daily Keivs says: "It is our painful duty to declare that Lord Chelmsford, the commander of tho forces at the Capo of Good Hope, has failed, and ought instantly to be recalled. The latest news con linns our impression that the disaster at Isan dula on the 22d of January was due to miserable blundering and helpless incapacity." Tho Standard and I'all Mali Gazelle declare that Lord Chelmsford is incompetent for the post he now holds. Tho Times, after summarizing tho full details of the Isandula disaster, which aro now at haud, says that Lord Chelmsford was both surprised and deceived. The 1'ost says: "Nobody will bo surprised to hear that it has become a matter of anxious consideration whether tho strategy of the war should not now bo intrusted to tho highest available talent," Captain Iliair Dismissed.

New Yoltic, March ft An order from the Secretary of "War at Washington was received on Governor1! Island this morning instructing the commanding officer that Captain Thomns Blair, recently tried and convicted by court imtrtial, and now a prisoner on Hie inland, released from further custody, ho having becu dismissed from the United States army,.

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