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Denton Record-Chronicle from Denton, Texas • Page 2

Denton, Texas
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1. 1. 1 a 1 1 01 PAGE TWO THE DENTON RECORD. Wednesday, May 21, 1959 Upturn Is In Ike Tells Nation NEW YORK 42-President Ei-! sa. er told the nation last night an 1 economic upturn is in the m.

19. foresaw a fuiure bursting v. vary and promise. single person and no sing'e grasp, however wise, can 212.13 tie day or the week when 1:0. on will begin," the Preside.I said.

Tom Laney Is Mr. Democrat Laney of 1516 Maple was Mr. Democrat of Denton County at the Democratic Party Night. held Tuesday evening in the City Hall Auditorium. Laney was chosen by a committee headed by former Denton Mayor J.

L. Yarbrough, brough introduced Laney the estimated 100 persons allending the meeting. Denton County Rep. Alonzo Jamison, principal speaker, recounted the history of the Democratic Party, telling the stands by the party on various issues since ils organizalion. He was quoted as asying the great reforms that have benefited the people of the United States have come out of the Democratic Party, and that the GOP has never.

supported any new movement. The Democratic Parly has a always catered to the masses of the people, and not to special interests, Jamison was quoted as saying. Contributions were made to the national and two state Democratic groups. Three donation boxes were' available, one labeled National Democratic Executive Committee, one Democratics of Texas and one Texas Democratic Execulive Committee. pocket Gospels in 16 languages, TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY DRASTIC.

tion in crepery materials, drapes meds free, West End Shep, 1316 Eegie, Uchelstery Slip Cevers. FOR SALE BY CWNER, 1955 Pres. ditioned, fordar, tetone, hydramatic, air conideal, new whlie ell wall cower equipment, radio, heater, Call exceptional bargain 31195. DU2-5020. $300 DOWN PAYMENT Buys nice small cottege, near NTSC, only $3,250.

Consider renting. DU2-7711 Harry Mohon Real Estate EQUITY in 2-BEDROOM hone in Mozingo 1103, $350, Bireedy linenced. D. B. BOYD CUZ-2573 DU2-5045 WANTED LADY, 077 20 la 30 for sereral elfice work, typing and shenhand required.

Write fully, age, ard experience. P. 0. Baa 612, Canten, Texas. SALESIADY WASTED, experience helpful but rat cecessary, ceatness essential.

Stone Shoe Store, North Side Square. FOR SALE, 140 Exes, year 50 Sad Mauth Ewes. Sid Ford, DU22179, DU2-6745. 3-200M, FURNISHED cisse in, 2 CUZ-4327. Socks town, private bath and entrance, 3-8 Pard 2 baths, o.

rent, trees, rent, terms, F. Smith, 602-7592. FOR SALE er Leer: by caner: Carpeted 3. tone, central heat, air conditionterse, in Northwest Denton, 0L2-7354 SALESMEN WANTED" $300 to $150 F4: Wipek KE ASED Two saltines to work with lacal ergan'astiers in Centen end Since 1948, the American Society has published 75 million Bible Eugenierce net recessary.

Sr: L. Harrell, Southern Hater, Toursday and Friday after 5 pm. The slump is not over by any means, he said. lie added, how. ever, that reports nation strongly Indicate that the sion is stowing down, Once again he Chet decisions on tax cut proposals will be made soon.

He put so much stress on the dangers in inflation and mounting deficits that he appeared to rule cut the likelihood of White House support for a general cut in federal income taxes. James C. Hagerly, his press secretary, told newsmen in response to questions that thee President's remarks about an early decision on taxes should not be interpreted as meaning necessar. ily that the administration will advocate a cut. The President addressed 2,600 business mobilizalion leaders al an economic conference called by the American Management Assn, He was introduced at the conference dinner by Vice President Nixon.

The vice president told the bustness executives at an afternoon session that political pressure for an emergency tax cut directed solely at benefiting consumers should he resisted. Senate Group Restores Part Of Aid Money WASHINGTON (A The Senate! Foreign Relations Committee voled todsy to restore 220 million dollars the 339 million cut by Die House from President hower's $3,912,002,500 foreign aid! program. The committee, by voice vote, for $1,800,000,000 in military ware funds. The louse had voted $1.640,030,000. Similarly, the Senste group voled to grant the administration 835 million in defense economic support funds for countries with which the United States has fense pacts.

The House had cut this item to 775 millions. The committee decided to meet again in another closed session at 9 a.m. Thursday to consider other ileins in the bill, There unny be other increases. In still another voice vote aclion, the commillee wrote into the foreign aid bill a declaration that it is in the interest of the United States to join other nations In providing India with "support of the type, magnitude, and duration" adequate to assist India in completing her "current program for economic development." From three senators Alike Mansfield (D-STont), Alexander Smith (R-NJ) and George D. Aiken (R Vt)-cane appraisals that anti American demonstrations against Vice President Nixon would help rather than hurt the administration's foreign nid program.

Nose Cone Proves Shark Attraction WASHINGTON (-When a unis-1 site's hot nose cone drops out of space into the ocean, it attracts sharks like honey draws Dies. But it's the sizzle that provides the lure. This is the conclusion drawn by Cook Research Laboratories, Mor-, ton Grove, which builds the recoverable insides of the nose cones for the Army Jupiter and the Air Force Atlas and Thor ballistic missiles. Retired Rear Adm. Josephus $5 Fine Paid In Jury Trial Case A $5 fine, assessed last month against Thomas R.

Goforth, the NTSC student who demandedand -a jury trial in Denton Corporation Court, was paid this morning. Goforth's altorney, Hal Jackson, paid a total of $5 fine plus $15.50 in court costs. The six-man jury--it was the first jury trial in the Denlon court in more than 10 years- on April 17 found Goforth guilty of driving 45 m.p.h. in a 30 m.p.h. zor.c.

Rites Conducted For J. Frank Hill Last riles for J. Frank Hill of Route 2, Denton. were held Tuesday in the Jack Schmitz Son Funeral Home Chapel. The Rev.

Fred Adams of Aldersgate Methodist Church in Dallas officiated, and burial was in Roselawn Memorial Park. Mr. HilL, 84, died Sunday in Dallas, Pallbearers included James Blackwell, Worth Burgoon, D. B. Compton, Charles Gray, Otis Reed and John Shimer.

FINE ARTS TODAY! THERE'S ONLY ONE Brigitte Bardot In THE PICTURE THAT BROKE ALL BOX OFFICE RECORDS! Houston 12 wks. Son Antonio 11 wks. Dallas 6 wks. Corpus 5 wks. Austin wks, El Paso 3 wks, Wichita F.

2 wks. 'and God created ADMISSION ADULTS FEATURE 12:45, 2:55. ONLY 4:57, 7:03, 9:09 TOWN TOPICS PHONE DU2.2551 Briefs Births Hospital Notes The Women's Auxiliary of St. David's Episcopal Church will have a bake sale Saturday in the parish house, 623 Ector, beginning al 8:30 a.m. English muffins will be featured at the bake sale along with homemade breads, fruit! bread, pickles, jams and and cakes.

German cakes will be sold on order, Mrs. C. H. Hancock, projects chairman, I said. PERSONALS Mr.

and Mre. Gene Williams, 1927 W. Chestnut, have as house Pentagon Eyes Plans To Put Man In Space WASHINGTON UP The Pentagon is studying a dozen proposals to place man in space, including one to rocket a human out of this world and bring him back in a matter of minutes. But the chief officials of the De(ense Department's Advanced Research Projects Agency, assured Congress that no American will be hurled beyond the atmosphere until an animal has made the trip and been brought back to earth. They said a chimpanzee may be put in orbit in 12 to 15 months if present studies suceed.

United States plans for space conquest--and money to be spent -were disclosed by Roy Johnson, ARPA director, and Dr. Herbert York. its chief scientist, in testimony released today by the House Appropriations Committee. Johnson testified last month that a 72-million-dollar appropriation request for the fiscal year starting July 1 included money for in space" research. ARPA'S chief scientists disclosed that the Air Force is now planning a reconnaissance satellite with a gross weight of from 1 to tons.

They said it will take television pictures and pick up radio signals while over potentially unfriendly territory and rebroadcast this intelligence while orbiting over American stations. York said the Army and Air Force have about a 75 per cent chance of success getting satellites in orbit around the moon year. The Army has been authorized to make one or two tries af the moon, and the Air Force three 1 attempts. Team Members Announced In Little Leagne Sixty boy's were chosen Tuesday night for spots in the International Little League of Denton's summer baseball program. But 39 more boys applied than could be dled.

Officials said the 39 remaining boys should report to Doyle Chris: man al the south Little League Park Friday aiternoon for tryouts in the Texas Little League. Boys chosen for the International little League: John Dantes 4 Toy Paul Center-MCka Erwin, Sourbert, Horst, Clifford Herper, Tenn Lacey Ray Henn. Seagraves, Wesley Michael Harry Half, Wicksal 13.7, Stephen' Dyer. Raymond Crouch, Bithy Fuller, Robert Harrison, Mickey Kerr, Steph. en Heale.

uct-Slave Stephens, limy Massey, RadRey Hert Erwin, Gary Love, Selis, Mark Harass Littrall, Scott Ford, Bidi; Ricer. lin Mark fares, Erwin. Parade Phillip Kelica, Scotty William Optimist- Carpenter, Lynn Snits, Tenny Faught, Freddie Arties, Edwin Pitas, Sery, Vister Casa Rickie Ten-, Mickey Jensen, David Eries, Jerry Ray Goller, Jackie Favors, Gray Paul Faster Curt33 7-0; Richard Re-a'4 Stark, Warrin Satiry, Miller, Renald, Jirmia Schrasz, Deare Pispin, Ray H.ater, Great, Gary Wally Cochran, Tin White, Kent Smith, tell Hurt. HICKORY HOUSE SPECIAL B-B-Q Chicken French Fries Garlic Bread H.W. 24 at Bolivar TODAY'S CITIZEN Barrow Insurance Salutes THE RECIPIENTS OF THE FIRST ANNUAL KIWANIS CLUB SCHOLARSHIP RECOGNITION AWARDS Janice Swenson, Charles Barton, Linda Truilt and Sandy Trickey, all of Denton Senio: High School: Janice Gohmert, Diana Pinson and Betty Lou Skiles, all of TWU, and Fred Baldwin, Edna Williams, Alice Fae 0'Daniel and David Watkins, all of NTSC.

BARROW INSURANCE AGENCY "YOUR HARTFORD AGENT" 317 South Elm Dial DU2.9621 TEMPORARILY Trujillo Kim Novak Say Goodbye HOLLYWOOD -Parting was. such sweet sorrow for Kin Novak and free-spending Lt. Gen. Rafael Trujillo Jr. The 24-year-old blonde actress and the handsome son of the Dominican Republic strongman spent hall an hour last night saygoodby aboard his private railroad car.

Trujillo said he plans to return for Kim in July when he finishes his studies at the Army Command School in Kansas. And Kim winked and nodded 1 when a reporter asked whether she will be waiting. FONDNESS "I'm very fond of Ramfis (Trujilto's nickname)," Kim said. Is the fondness actually love? "You know can't talk of anything like that now, Kim said. "He's still Trujilio, 29, whose wife and six children are in (hic Dominican Republic, say's a Mexican divorce will be final in July.

Then Ire will return to Hollywood beiore learing for his homeland on the family yacht. Will it be a honeymoon trip? "You never can tell," he said. The general, smiling and dapper in a gray suit, arrived at the train station with Kim on his arin. Several aides tried to shield couple from photographers bal. Trujillo waved them aside and walked the actress through a barrage of camera lights.

PRIVATE COMPARTMENT Kim, wearing, a tight-fitting black helped aboard the train by Trujillo. They said farewell in a privale compartment while other members of the party sipped drinks in the railroad car's salon. Then Kim left and walked through a double line of photog. raphers to a waiting car. "Just say I find Ramfis very sincere and nice," she said before driving off.

Trujillo arrived here aboard a chartered airliner two months ago. He rented a Reverly Hills mansion and was soon taking Kim on bistro-hopping jaunts along Sunset Strip. the Arkansas material over la the committee. FROM RUSSIA Graham received word from the Soviet Union that church members in Kiev and Moscow are praying for the 'success of his crusade. He received a cablegram from Robert Pierce, an American evangelist and missionary, that 6,000 Russians attending services at the First Baplist Church in Moscow offered prayers Sunday.

A total of 11,712 had made "docisions for Christ" at the Cow Palace revival through Sunday. Church bulletins indicate that many, churches are experiencing a spiritual awakening, Graham reports. He expressed hope that all those making decisions will be good Christians four years MARKETS FORT WORTH IP- 700y steady: cro'te 22.25-22.50. Sheep steafy lo strong: Good end choice spring 21.00-92.00; feed. spring 1st.b: 20.00-21.00; goer la choice old-ercp lambs 17.50-18.50; eves 7.00-9.00.

calves 300; stead: peed 10 choice strers 24.00-27.50; cemmerer 16.00- 23.00; fat CONS 17.00-20.00; 5:04 01d choice calves 24.00-27.50; camaroner 17.00- 23.00; stocker steel calves 25.00 C0 32.00; stecker steer yearlings 27.00 dear. Rugby, N.D., is the exact graphic center of North America. Let Us Make Arrangements For WEDDING FLOWERS Completo Varieties LINWOOD ROBERSON FLORIST PH. 501 W. Akkery guesis his mother and grandmother, Mrs.

Rosalie Stitt and Mrs. Margaret Rose, both of Los Angeles. They are' also visiting with the Williams' two children, Barry Ford, 1, and Gene Ann, one month. Mrs. B.

V. Chastain of 1012 Myrtle has relurned to Denton after attending a family reunion in Ver. non, where she met her brothers, Greenhouse of Pampa, Greenhouse of Vernon and A. E. Greenhouse of California, for the first time in several years, HOSPITAL, NOTES Flow Memorial Hospital Visiting Hours: a.m., 3-4 p.130., 7-8 p.m, Admitted: Mrs.

Maude Covington, Aubrey, medical; Mrs. Clay Faulkner, Argyle, surgical; Mrs. T. M. Green, Pilo: Point, medical; Mrs.

Georgia Seagraves. Rt. 1, medical; Mrs. Paul A. May, Aubrey, surgical; Sirs Katherine E.

Smith, Lewisville, accident; Mrs. W. J. Farris, medical; Mrs. W.

A. Remley, 1211 Clover, surgical: Mrs. Louis Smith, 320 Crawford, surgical; a Raymond V. Franklin, Grapevine, surgical; Mrs. Glen Tribble, Route 3, medical.

Dismissed: Mrs. Ervin Mathis, Roanoke; James Allen Sims, 212 Highland: Mrs. Robert Pruett and baby, 1427 Knight; Mrs. Revy Matthews, Sanger; James Mayes, Celina; Mrs. Luevina Jones, 1113 Itill; Miss Doris Ludwig, Route John Crites, Roanoke: Keith Crad.

duck, 1921 IV. Sycamore; Wayne D. Brooks, Lewisville. Elm Sireet Hospital Clindo Visiting. Hours: a.m., 2-3 p.In., p.m.

Admitted: Robert Paul Swafford, 800 Mulberry, medical; Frank Houston, 1008 E. Prairie, medical. Dismissed: None, BIRTHS None. Billy Graham Sympathizes With France SAN FRANCISCO LA--Evangelist Billy Graham says the heart should go out to troubled France. "The flower of her youth which should be in leadership today lie buried on the banks of the Marne," he said.

The energelic blond preacher, nOW in the fourth week of bis Prancisco, crusade, lo'd an audience the 16,500 seat Cow Palace last night: "No country has paid a higher price for freedom than France. Long live France!" CROWDS Through last night, he had at-! where fracted 341,200 attendance to the Cow Palace. was not expectent to exceed 200,000 in the sixweek revival. Graham plans to appear tomorrow before a State Assembly committee investigating the sale of smutty books. He was subpoenaed.

Braxton Sawyer, an Arkansas revivalist, announced he I was sending some material by ex: the press to Graham to present to committee. Graham said ke had no intention of even opening the package. "The story of man's sin 13 In jing the that Bible," is he what he commented. would tell committee. He said he would turn The Frisco Railroad was formerly called the Atlantic and Pacific.

The name was changed when the rail came out of Indian Territory and reached Tulsa. Today Only Feat. At 7:30 9:40 LAST DAY OF OUR 10th ANNIVERSARY WEEK 50c CARLOADx John Wayne Lana Turner in 'Sea Chase' STUDENT Prata1 Prevent ANNA MAGNANI ANTHONY QUINN ANTHONY WALLS' Wild Is The Wind mad CoEd DRIVE THEATRE HIGHWAY -IN WORTH FIRST. RUN AT THE SAME LOW ADMISSION 7:40 Features 8:15 and 10:15 rebel didnt. who didnt and wait couldn't and that scorching.

beauty ETCHIKA CHOUREAU THE YANAS WHO WORE FRENCH UNIFORMS -FOUGHT IN FRENCH PUNTSAND LOVED AHO LOVED FRENCH Lafayette Escadrille Directed by WILLIAMI A. WELLMAN Presented by WARNER BROS. Screen Flay by A S. Ant lams AND SAFER FISA R2E CTAPS 3 21 DILL A ART Here is a proud picture of America's first Air Force It's a picture you can be proud you brought the family to see. We are happy to show it.

Briggs, representative of here, showed colored motion pictures of the launching last Aug. 8 of a Jupiter rockel and the subsequent President recovery Is nose cone. Eisenhower last November showed the cone on television. Tuesday night, the Army announced that two lelters aboard a nose cone were recovered after a space flight Sunday and were found undamaged. The letters, placed in the cone by Army missile men, were addressed to Secretary of the Army Wilber M.

Brucker and Gen. Maxwell D. Taylor, Army chief of staff. Their contenis were not disclosed. In describing the Jupiter flight of last August, Briggs said Navy frogmen counted about 25 sharks in the area of the cone.

noise. "They The were attracted by the 1 shiny surface of the cone intrigued them and they kept bumping their noses against it," he said. recovery, equipment automatically shark repellent around the floating cone and emitted a dye to mark the area and make it caster to find. Unfortunately, said Briggs. the dye neutralized the repellent and the sharks gathered round.

Briggs indicated that another dye material had been developed for subsequent cone recovery at-. tempts, including the successful one of last Sunday. Price Rites Are Held In Denton Funeral services for Mrs. Suel Price of 629 Rose were held Tuesday aiternoon in the Goen Funeral Home Chapel. The Rev.

Loys Vess, pastor of Dallas' Sunnyvale Baptist Church, and the Rev. Lester Singleton, pastor of Denton's entral Baplist Church, officiated. Interment was in Denton's Roselawn Me-! morial Park. Mrs. Price, 63, died Sunday in Flow Memorial Hospital, Pallbearers included James Cantwell.

Jim Lovell, John Harpole. Maurice Baker, Jack Hilliard and Henry Hester. Gasoline, Milk Wars Are Studied AUSTIN gasoline and milk price wars that have broken out in scattered areas over the state "and something else" are under investigation, Atty. Gen. Will Wilson said yesterday.

Re would not elaborate. How. ever, there have been unconfirmed reports of assistant neys general looking over records of oil and gas firms in several points over the state. Wilson said antitrust investigators were keeping an close watch in Houston, Dallas, Fort Worth and San Antonio. FLASH! Little ahead of Big on the Premiere Showing of This Big One! LITTLE ANTE Its on the screen! The explosive, lusty story that 20 million readers said never could be made GRISELDA AN! 29 wanted raid be: sated! No see was 12:4 NOW you can see WILL the best-selling Hiera1 novel of all timel a cis Cat SEC.

PTA PERSES AC. NE CALCIEOS GODS FALL Salted DARLING Elea LITTLE peach! Georgia ACRE 74 FLUTE 'and a MAN AS RAN ADO AN 10.3300 THA IN Sone france! per by by 09 AN de cords and best AS 5, VER by EB ERSENE LA w. LANES ted by UR ASTSTS CAY MANY THIS BIG Features AT BARGAIN PRICES ot Today 20c 50c 6:44 9:15 CAMPUS 1:42 4:13 AVE.

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