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The Philadelphia Times from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania • Page 3

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


LASD GltAJiT (iOl.D JIOXUS, IvtowI at tlic rate of $18,000 per mile niidseciirctl uiwu both tire itrillroail uud ltnd tiritnt. FOR SALE AT MMH AXD ACCRUED ISTEItF.ST. Sffi' With cfldi First Mortimso llolirl pilrclianiil Ht tlmt price will lie given, wltlioiil ietditii.ii.,1 pavnicm, too ot Ihe Company's Second Morlitasc six jier cent. Itxsime Biiliils, secured iijioii same iiroiicrty uuil issued nt the rnlc of only ikt mile. For tlic Bonds and for information applv to JJDtlDY, Mi I.Kl.l'.AX fix liliOADWA New Yol'K.

ary, S1.51 for March, SlSW i for April find for May. Kyo Is scarce and steady at 83c, for Pennsylvania. Corn is iu fair reiuet for local use and firmer on options, isulcs of 6.000 bushels, including yellow at white at mixed at steamer at 02' according to' location; No. Sat according to locution, and rejected at fS2c. At the open board was bid for February, e.i;'..c.

for March, liSc. for April and for May. Cats arc quiet but linn. Sales of bushels, including white at li'mli 1 j'. and rejected and mixed at 4 T' An lOc.

Whisky is dull at $1.21 for Western. TIIE CATTLE MARKET. The receipts of live stock at the Philadelphia stock yards were Beeves, sheep, hogs, Z.iW. Hkkf Catti.k were fairly active and prices ere the same as last reiaji'ted Extra, 7c: good, medium, eonunon. 4' Cows were active at Siikki' tvere ai'tive and prices were 'e.

higher on all grades except common, which were hard todispose of at any rate. Six extra sheep, weighing from ponmls, were sold by Itenjamin Cook to Ceorge W. IjtHi rty at loe. per pound, the finest ever seen in our market. Extra.

good, 0' medium, common, ltulls, tt a I.1 calves, milchri'mlie. Iloos were active and firm Extra, 10' i'aloi good, medium, eoinnion, St vitS'e. liixvr.s weiv iii'tiye and tiim at NalOe. siikki were fairly active at "aS'e. and dressed Iambs at Sa'Je.

Jimxisemcttts. A CAl IJCMY XifviTKvCwCL A. T. B. PV'cJIf Lcurucanil Maiuiuer ISfltl.


MISS CLARA LOI'ISK KKI.I.OIK;, Antcriis dis tinauistiiKl Prima Donna. AnsistiHl bv Jtlss Ctara Ionic. si. lirik'unll, Sig. Tugllajiiclra, Herr Ailaiiiowski nnil Herr J.iehllne.

Thursday. Jlurch 2 J. w. CHURCHILL, Jliwctluiicoiis Keailinits. Monday, JIarch li An KveniuL' Humorists." JIII.I.IMlS.

HI ItllKT'l'fi ANT) HII.KV. riinrsilay. Mutch C. Hill, KM s'cu( in Karly Knsfllsh History." Ithistraliil. Monday.

Jlareh JosKKFV CONI KRT M. ItAKAKI. JOSKKFV uml Ihc lleriiiaiiia Orclii wtra. Jliui sday, Mureli llUI)VAI, HANI) HIM.L Hl.Mi J'lltS laud CIce lueiii Ol' tillNllON Moiiilav. March 'ill I'AHV 1 1 It A I) INI 'KRT.

MISS A.VXIK MUTSI C.MIV. Prima Doiuui Contralto, assisted hy Klllllia S. Howe, Jl r. Cll. l'lltch, and Hie Oeriiianiii ilreheBtra.

Tbuixltty. Mureli Miss T.AlTtA I) A I NT V. Pathetic and Ittiiucrous RecitatioiiK. Monday. Mureli UT Jinv.

Jl KNitV A Ull HIOlX IIKIi. "'llio Moral t'si oT l.uxurv and lleaillv." Krlduv Kvciiiii, Marchol, A OHKAT Ml SIl'Al. KM INT. First production in Ihis city ol Hector licrlioz's fuilious Hl'iuiiutlc l.ei;,,dt I.A IIAMNATIHN UK FAt'ST. wlilcli will he rendered liv tliceelclnntcil Xcw York Oratorio Society Chorus, the New York Symphony Orchestra mul eminent talent.

Dlt. I.Klll'nl.ll llAMHlisl'lt, Musleal llirceior. ADMISSION. K1I TV CINTS. l.lteserved Seatu, '25 cents exlrli.) JfftiCrvcil Season Tickets for the ten entertainments So.

SPKCIA NOTK. 'K. I liviuir 10 the vcrvKieat expense incurred 111 the production ol hiimnitli'm il, 'imst the priees for Friday, March 111, will he as folhovs: AI1MISSI11N. yl. (lieserveil Seals, cents mill SI exini, uecordiiifr to loeution.j Admission 10 'aniilv Cir cle and Amphitheatre, Ml cents, iltcservcd Seals in allilly Circle.

Ml cents e.vl ra. 1 Kir riicsiihseripl ion sale I'm Season Tickets will coin nieiiee THIS 1 Tuesday 1 MO UN I Mi. II o'clock, ut Could l'is' her's riiiiu, ItooniK, No. 1'JIO Cll liST TT Street. fttf'Tlu: Halo of Heats for AY of the sinyle etiter tuiiiuieiits will comiiielicc on next 'I'll I'lts )A 1 Fr'hnuiry 21 at tin: same hour nnd place.

STOCKS AND BONDS. The Hears Again in Control Keadiiig Knocked to Midsummer Figure. Very soon after llir opoiiiiigjesteriliiy monv ins bears took control of the Jiiaikct ami kept, it, ull clay. Tlic decline, though not very pronouucutl, I'scepl In one or two instances, general through the list. The closing prices were aliout the lnvufct of the day at three o'clock the bulb left the olivet ileciilclly oil' their feci." Tli; matkut started oQ' in a listless fashion awl for a while it looked as though "dull ami steady would comprise the history of ihe day's transactions.

The air, however, was fcoon l.ristlin;; with bear It was said that, the New York! an reserves hud fallen helow the legal limits; ttwt tlieTretisury Department anticipate the no lit of called bonds xvithouie rebate of interest, ar.1 that stringent money market might ho looked ir. Having, ly tho industrious tireiiliitiiin of these and other di couragiiiK rumors, paved the. way. and aided by a bad break in cdiisyille and Kn livillo. tin bears beeuii the hammering iind sic ccedi through ihe.

timidity of the bulls, in ell'i vtii. a coic iilerahle decline without parting with great deal of slock. Prices touched their, lowest point about noon, and afier thai the hear Appeared to be tin buyers, bile Hie 'mils were selling Heading wn ihc feat mi' in this market and sob! abort as many shares as all the tv of the railroad list put to ginher. The stock was raided in Mew York and sold down 1" ihc lowest follies it has touched, i July. in.

my tlp'oiles to account for its. weakness, sonic said that I he influence which has been supp. cling it had abandoned it, temporarily to help Mr. I. wi iu bis contest for Jersey Central.

Others said thiii (iould had engineered the raid for the purpose oi'ameting Jersey central adversely. Whatever, was the ultimate cause, it is certain that tlC hiunmer ing was done by what is known in New York iistlie Twenty third stive! party, headed by Peiiii yl van iaxvus sternly until it was knocked down in sympathy ilh the New York trunk linen. After break a point, to T'i, Northern preferred fuJrl) steady. The rest of the list was very (lull. The ciciiigt's of the day have no oilier fjlgniiicaneo Hum a the result of a buttle between the board room bulls and bears, in which tiie hitter were victorious.

At Ihc eloc the market was quoltat utts ottlod, v. hich mean weak. The tola! sales nmountud to sjutri icriiiiist shares on Saturday. Olnimj. Jliil Scias Hit.

We 1S IK .17" II C1. IT I'llnideli iV Alltllltle ('inn. Atlantic i a law i sa Cnliuvis a new limit. A lid. 'l op 17 17 51 II 17 It i 3 14 SI'.

.10 lil' i 11 si il) 10 Hi lao'i Old) 200 1170 100 HVKi in ion loo '21 ll'llj el II Nnigiition Nairtlu ni t'aciiic com. Noi I'aeilie prof, pioiinci i entiai I Vtrosvlvnuiit iv. Jjio. Jte.ti.ling Srliuvikill nv. Am.

iii t. Tel. Co i Vniiril Trans, i 'o Del. Tot. lisi, Ills.

Co. of N. A IVTV.s so; 3 'W .10 1:1 11 14 .10 is HON OS. Heading conv. mort.

poid lis ll 't Kcading g. n. mort. lis, coup Peii'ling gen. mort.

()s, coup 17.. Itcaditig scrip I'eiina. eons. mort. e.s.

eou) IIS cin. and St. Louis 7s 120 Allegheny YalU ineooieTs s.oo" Camden iiuii Anihov mort. (is, Ill Noilhern Central it. K.

"11. Phihidelphin weekly bank staleniout shows the following changes: Loans and discount, increase, law ml money, decrease, bank notes, decrease. iluc' from hanks, increase, duel', banks, increase, depositr, decrease, Vol; circulation, de. rea e. S' C's'st.

To morrow being a legal holiday the banks, the rentrnl railroad offices and the Stock Exchange will be closed, Notes falling due to morrow are pavable to day. t.ioi.ind was broken yesterday near Kiamensi, iK'lcuare, for the Haltiiaore and flhio's new line to Philadelphia, in compliance with the Delaware charter, which requires the work to bo bcirun before Jibiren 1. The connections on the Newatk and Pclawarc City Itnilroad lOrtl.e Pennsylvania. Kail road's short rut bttwceu ltuitimore and tiie Peninsula were timde oji Saturday mid trains will be running in a few days. Attorney Cenetal Rus ell.of New prerar ing the neee siiry papers to begin legal proceedings lor the appointment of a receiver for the Merchants' Nalional ilauk of Vvalertov u.

A ilis.iitch from nto! tow says: The failure of the Merchants' Hank here on Satiuday ha.s notcre uled the excitement that was expected. There have been very few deposits withdrawn from the oilier four banks. They are all amply prepared for nu etiiergcncy. There has been no f.uliire among business boils s. It is now stated that the depositors of the Merchants' Hank are likely to realize Si), perhaps per cent.

flic receipts from internal revenue were SaSV Oss.7.",, and iront customs, irH7.r),2):t.2ii. The national bunk notes received for redemption iimonul eU to The annual rennrt of the Lehigh Coal and Navigation 'oiupany snows tiiat Hie net earnings in lssi per" from this the sinking jiiiiil of cents per ton on coal, amounting to jVt. Sl I. so, and the depreciation on coal improvements, equal to fi; a surplus for the year of Adding balance to credit of dividend fund iiceeiiiber ISS0, ami dedueiius Hie di iileod to stockholders, amounting lii there is a Imlance of S47I.4 r20 to the credit, of the dividend fund. 'Ihc annual meeting of fiic Northern Central Thtilway Company will be held in Haltimore on 'fhiirsday.

It was said at the office of the Pennsylvania Kullroad Company yesterday that the purchase of the I'uion Knilivad of Haltimore will the Nortficrn Central a con ideraile sum, the Northern t'en i ra I having paid the 1'nion Ihtilroiul anuiitii us toll for business Missing over it, ami other railroad companies which used tlic I'nion Itail ro.ol paid about io, making the total receipts of thai i oinpuny about wj annual. The Northern I entral Pailway I by the purchase, lias Assumed the pigment of the interest on ti per cent, bonds, which makes the annual el. arg' upon the luopcrty The expenses, which arc ply tiie cost of maintaining the truck, are about i. It is claimed that the Northern Central Kail Vay Company will save by Ibis purchase the annual ol Slsii.ouo, eouival' nt to a divioend ti vt rent, on Its present capital stock. Cove; ntaeiils are weak ami per edit, lower for rxlended and 1' and unchanged fot extended f'S and Is.

A break of half doen points, in Louisville and N'u slock to day unsctiltil the rest of Uu: market and a weak mid feverish tone. Two i oi.ii.ii sionci's apiiintcd liy the Mayor ot Louisville to provide for tiie ale of stock held by that rily, arrived here this morning, and their pre M'li. isiipp.s.iii,,bei'onnci ti il witbthedecline. The net provi.iing for the fide of city's stock is believed to hrt'. been passed at the instance of certain gentlemen clo.ely identified with the inunugcmtmlof llio croud whodeslivd to get that block of stock out of tb.

ir way, and tlieie are 'ople who hinlat the Sibility of ihc insiders having formed poo! to mark io ti the price and absorb the city's clock as it cmcs on! at iow tk'urcs. In other words, stock iu the opinion of wlilc nwakc per ons i being depressed by the bulls mid by the bears, ollieiuls ol the licie fri uisli no eneourcgcnieut to anxious hulders of the jlt) bc.iicee thclu for infolmution. Jiio.oJ Hie liutli is, there is nothing stable about the at the pre eut time and there seems to be mi 'iisou to change the opinion that, (imitations will for siue ihiie oscillate i.airow litn f.Aadooo',..; A la. (ioVLP.VM! IM. A'kttl.

HONLsj. A. h.l. mi 1021' nit iiitij, iV HMi f.f Cur I'. S.

ex. 1 s. nr. ils, V. s.Cnr 0s, 1 I', s.

Cur. its, tj js, Is." ANNEX STOCK EXt HANl.E. O.Kiihi'i. Hifhitt. l.tiut.

Zof. Hilt. Argent Mli 700 pj STX'CT STRKET Ol'KRA JIOCSeT F.very Kvciiins, Wcdncsdayand Saturday Matinee U' Hlliesdav l.lO,ee ftlli. Admission Sutlird. Mullliev, ftllc Children 'Jftc COMLKV A BA.

UVS OPKRA COMPANY. Lecocii's Xew Comic Opera, MAXOI.A: Or, I1LO.N1IK AXJ) JiltUNJiTTE. lather ne Lewis as Manilla John llowson an Prince 'alahaziis (Tr'jRUS OF KKI. CHORUS Oil' JIM). MO.NJ1A March Cullicr'H "Hanker Jluiigliler." Fivcry liveulns, Weduwdav.v Saturdav Jti served Scats sdav Matinee, ftllc.

Admission Saturdav Mutiiiiv. I ii, 'jftc. MR. XlilL lit R(I1S. Ill histircat and Original huractei' ot WIDOW liKDOTT, Suptort.

.1 hv OKORliK W. STODDARD, JX HIS IIRKAT RKATION OK THJi Jil.DKIt, Al'o; aenrelully Drcmutie Compaiiv. MI1NDAY.B7 HI ilJ'TY DUMPTV. WK)ls ML'SKI ninth and AkchSts '''Ids KVliXTNli. sV The Ureal limolional J4KI.IA i lirauia ol Kill's DI.IilA." ll lir.

ut liualish Author, WOODS Oeorue Neville. WOOD'S F'irst aom nee iii ini eit, DKI.IA DKI.I.Y DKI.l DKI.IA DKI.IA JHil.lA DKI.IA 11. DKI.IA WI I. LOW COI'SK WOOD'S MISS (IJiln'ltl'DIi XOIIMAX, A (KIDS The accomplished yoiin Jiiulisi, WOOD'S WOOD'S WOOD'S tress, ill her reiil eiiaraeier of Jleli; Matinee To dav, WILLOW I'OPSK. J.VKIIV KV'O.


1'IITV THOI'SAXD 111 Ihi.icilv have SM il the Play LIOIITS LONDON, and 1 here is no kitowlnj. hen the rush will stop. Ill A Ml MAI'INIili WASillXO IONS lllttl'll Iia V. AK'CI! STKKKT l)VM. Hol'SK.

1 1 ii' 1 1 Hi li 1 1 A Tl 1 1 1 1 I XSI'R I.S. Kvciilnc al S. liverv Kri.lnv. Sneelal 1 Illi OA I 1 1 lilt I NO ok THK Tl RKS. HO.

.1 li.N.MIi JOHNSTON. SIT.I ItllAN PLIiASl lllis. Tllli OLD WOOD CIIIXKSK SJillVANTS. Mitlinee.

lurtliilav, AI'j'iCM. I'HAMPIOX SAND DA N't li. CRANKS. (HANKS. CoiielltllilU' Willi A l'H KTRKKT rHlOATK'K IIAXUiNS TO NKIHT AND lil ltlNO Special WiihliliiKlim'a, Hlrl Inlay VVednesdav, fleular Satiinlay ialiiiee al 'J, 't llli IIA.NLnN ISIIOTHKIts, Jn their mosl lulmiiahle i'arisiaa Alisurdilv, VOYAdli KN SUISSK, A Trip 'I'luoiiidi ('ADliM Ml'SlC.

THK STOIUlAltl) l.lil "ITItlis. I'll 1 DA KVIi.MNO. J' KRIil AliY 21, Second and Last Russia l.eelili'e. Mlt I'llW AND NIHILISM. Kehruarv 'JS TR A VKI.S INst'NNV SI'MN FLORKNI li AND NAPI.KS.

MiircliK IIAVS IN ItOMB. Aillllis ioll, llrscrc Scat. 7fte. Tickets for every eveniiiK at Sleiua ay lliauo Rooms, II HI ill.sTNl'T Sireet. Jlin Secure seats ill advance to save disappointment.

it; i sTRKiiT 'i 'I'" Is KV KN 1 Ni I nt 8. IlliN KFTTirfllit! I sll KMS). 't he Ureal Sen ional liianiii. Till 1 1 NKW YORK piil'i i.Ait pricks, Li, j. ,11, 7.

i.kcthM'.s. Thethird of the course. THK RISTOrRATIC CITY, will he ieit at ASSOCIATION HALL. THIS I'ms dayi KVli. 'I'lekets for the course.

sin ftil cents, at MiiRCA.XTil.Ii i.ll'.RARY and at Hall un he evenilis. "i LARK'S OL T1( U( 1 1 I'll I aniTy I Vy lireaiest Roxin and F'cinale eniertaiu uiciit iu A una lea. iJov JVcnt. tu isii mi 1 ti 1 i tii; i hi: Kit, heuuiifiiK'uilutry Scat, near station. W.

C. and P. It. live miles I'ruui Broad station. All conveniences, gardener's s.erviccs, linelv lawn, yas, etc.

ISAAC MII. I. lilt, WALNUT sireet. iliulvoads. VLST .1 K'Ai LRU A H.

ON AND AITIilt Ol TollKP 7.1KH1. Trains leave A It KT STRlili I' FliliR as follows; on da s. tl A. M. Al cominodalioii, weck davs, :1.10 J1, M.

Oil Suiiduv, A. .11. Kxprcss for ATLANTIC MO A. and VI 1'. M.

On Sunday, A. V. I'or Forest Plensauli illc and intermediate stations, S.4II A.M. and ti.ftll P. M.

On Sundav. S.IKI A. M. I'or Viiiehiial and Millvllle. M.IKl and il A.

tl.lll ami P. Jl. OiiSiindav, S.Dll A. M. Kor swedeshoro, Dl A.

and ft.tin t. M. For Itridacton. s.iiii a. JL.

and I'. M. Korsaleni, S.lin A. P. and on WisillCsdav.l and Saliirda.s niilv at ft.dll P.

M. Km Port s.llll A. M. and P. M.

For Wooilliurv, III. 1 .40 A. XL, 4 and J.Ml) J'. M. On Suialav, A.

XL, and ft P. M. For Delaware P.iver It. Sand 1 1.4(1 A. M.

and and P. M. Jos. CltA Wl'TIUI), WOOD. Stiperinteudent.

Oenerul Pass. Auelit. 1 1 1 LAi 1. 1 i 1 1 a xi l. LINK.

NIlVKMIIIill II, 1SS1. Depol THIliTliKNTH utal CA I.l.l iWII i I.L St Iteadln and Potts ille Aeeollimodatiull A. M. II 'olilieets ith lilanch Roads.) Alleiilown Aceiilnnioitlttioil la JVrkiiintell lloule" 7.40 A. Williuuisport, llarrlshilt'if, l'ollsille, Tauia 011a, Miihanoy rlty, Ashland, Shenandoah, sliamoUin and l.aneiister lixpress lo A.

Way Train forltoadinc and llranch Roads Llio 1'. M. Deadlier, 1 tart ishliru. Putlsvillc, 'I'aiiiainia, City, Ashlj'ud, shenaudotdi, slta and l.aiiei'sier ess 4.11(1 P. XL Potts, Ille and A I lento, vn Ac oniinodiittoii ft.

1ft P. J'ast lixiiress for I'h'eliixvllh', Pottslow 11, l.elialtoll, llio Pottsville, taniaiUa, Cll; Slietialctoati, Asii laud ft(l P. XL Iteadiniinnd llarrisluira Way. Parlor ears to Polls ille oti I'. M.

traln i. 7. Ift P. M. ic II.

1ft A. I ami ft.ftll 'I'D coiiuit curs to end from Alh litow 11, Jlarrisluir, shainokiii ami Wiltiaiusport. SI DAY'S. Pollsville and Uvaiieh Reads A. ll.lft P.

Alhntowii, via. Perkioliieti A. Jl. 1ft P.M. Reaitunranil llurrisl.uri,' 7.1ft p.

XI. AND Xl lit s'IoW PRANCH. Noveniher lssi. From Depol. NINTH and OR KKN streets.

KOIt XI. YORK AND THK LAST. 7.nn aw holir Iraiii i. 1 1 Kiel Kxpress A. ift, Ift, ft.

Ill, 11.4ft P. 1'J Midni dil. TlieiCIO A. Lift and It. 1ft P.

coiin. cl for Loin; Itriineh and Oc. an 1 ii ovc. Leave NT YORK. 7.1ft, 11.1ft A 7 P.

I'J Miiiiiialil. SUNDA Leave Phila.l. Inhia A. l.tiil, 4. p.

I'J Leave New o.k S.lft A p. XL. I'J Midnight. Aliove rains to and froia Treatoa, Coin 11, hia avenue and ae and stop at A sit. epitif; Car is run mi trains to and front New York.

I'or time at Wax Motions, ee Pocket Cards. KOR KI.Mi HA, III I I Al.o AND I illi WKsT And pr.ucipal poioiMit Ihe Li ami 'al l. js, via Itelhleiu A. XL, Lift, ft.lft anil P. XI.

ally, I'al oa P. iiain ihroayli to Ni 'all. For Fusion. A. Lift, S.lft and P.M.

For Wind Cap. 4.1ft P.M. I or aial Wav I chits, 2.3. ft.l. M.

a Ift P. M. 1 and; 4ft I'. M. I or Dovh 11.

tl A. Lift, ft.lft and 1 Lift P. SUNDA M.I.. P. M.

FOR l.i.RMAN low MAIN SI. pol 1 AND IV TKRM FDI TK POINTS. 11:10 7 II 7.1. 7.4ft. S.H.I 1).

111. li.oft. ll.lll I. Ift. Ift.

4.nft. 4. ft Kpicss at in avei.tu on! ,11 and P. Xt. Fori helti 11 A 7.

1ft. 7. Ift, s.lo A. J.oft. I.f.ll,ft.:tililii.risl.u ,11..

I'l P. 1. 1 1 til! MAN I'd W.N Av.nuc poll A NT) CHI STM HILL. ilAii. so :i.ii, 4.

ift. ft.ftii. p. M. The P.

M. a venue mul Due's: the It.lll I1. M. at Cohni.lea aveiuie'. 'I i.sai.

ay ne .1 unci i.ut and luiv ll.e P. M. lops al I ia i.elnie, I aiaiil.iwa, iillnit Laa" 11ml Ml. An cul. 1 Wav 1 I j.

11 7.0ft. 7.l.'i, 7. Ift, mi sin. ll.lll, llftftaud 1 1,10 A. Lift, :l.l,, I I.fto.

ft.lft. mln, 7. n.lft. until, ll.lft and ti.ftll P. XL SI NIlAis I At Ift.

h. A. I J.ftii, j. l.i. :1.1ft, ft.lft, 7.

Ift, ,,,,,1 10. Ift P. vl. IsaieOKItMAXTOWN ft Main Street Depot. S.dll A.

M. Kioiu trllell AVil.lU' I pot ..7. ftil, S.f.l. S.ft4 A.M. he 7.ft!lui!.l A.M.

Kxpn.s stopai I oiulli' iia a A. y. press slops at Wll VIM' II net I 'U, I'l olll Main Sire. I Depot. ID, 11.

'JI 7. JS. H. fal 's ftft. II.

I Hi. I Dl ftil A. I'J. 1 1', 114. 'J Jll.

Jl. I. l.ftll II, ll.lft. P. M.

I roiii I'll, lien Avenue Depot. II.IH ll.V.l, Sill. S.ftH. ll.ll, III. II.

HI Ml A. I'J. In, I.I I. :i.ol, Lini. o.ol.

0 lit. ii. 7.0ft. 7.1s, I. v.fts.

s.fts, ii.r.s, HI. III. P. M. net II I STNI II I I.I.

Fxpn S.lo M. slops al Ml. Alrv, ale ut Laoe, and olmii. hin i Wi. ill.

Ill Ift. 7.1ft 7. 1ft. in. 0.

10 mid In. Ift A. I. :l.lft.4.Jft. I.I.V 7.0ft.

7.1ft. s. lft. li, ift. and 1 1.

in P. M. si NDX S. ll.lft A. 'L, IJ.oll, Jlft.

Lift, ft.JO, ll.llo, 7.ftn. ti 0 and lo. HI XL ANA VI N. Leave I'll I I.A I I'll! It"i 7 Ift. I ft, to.

ll.uft A. noon. 4, 4 Ift, ll.uft,, R. lo. 1 1.

In and ll.dft P. Nl. SUNDAYS i. ll. lft ami 1 1.

aft A. I. 'Jn. il. Ift, Kill, li.

lo. mini. M. 'Ine ami ftil. i P.

week da, Indus st.m at ColuiiiOlu A line, is Main' rank and Coashohoek. ii i nl Mil toW'S i en Mil, ll. pol ll.tlft. 7. Ift.

H.KI. s.ltl. Hftft. A. Loft.

10, LeO. ll.lft. H.HI, ll.uft. HI. ll.lft i', M.

SUNDAYS s.ftft A. 7. 0.1 ft. In 'o p. xt.

I. IIM XoltltlsloWN' Sine! I'. ftill) tl. to. 7.

oft, 7. ftn. s.lft, s.l.i. in. I A.

I'j. ln. 'J, n.lft, ft n.fto. s.lft. n.lo.

10 oft, I I. P. M. sl Nllxs 7.7 Ml, h. II A.

I. J.llO, II, 7 "(l. lo.ftft P. M. A.

M. train lois ill Con li.di.s kvu. link, Is ahl. l.i.n, Si'tiool Lune uiid I i.liliid'lli oikiiien llckels i Do r.ot run oieMoie days, HHANCII. Leave pldiadi Ii hin.

7.1ft V. 1J uiaai ami ft.tlft P. M. Snndav tl A. M.

ami P. M. I aveOreii d. A. P.

Sunday 7 A. M. nnil I I'. M. loll POINTS IIKVoNtl NORIH IOWN.

For R. act ay l.iill P. a wilh Kiancli Road I'or rineiilw II 'e ami Pelt. tow ami for liov. aild K.ll!ts oil ('liesier Nlldev illi l.IIII, M.

SiiiiiI.iv 4JJII P. M. iron'iiis ls with 1'iekcrlci: Y'atl. and Ceh hrookdah P.raticiii s. a on Sunday a ith ivrkUmu tor AH" nlowii and wav l.Nolllll PKN.V ANIlHoUND IlKIKiK MVIilnN.) ON in A I Ti c.

,1 im ik lss Train' hlive I pot, I'lllllll anil RUIIKs slrcels: XI.W YORK IIIIANi II. ft Ift. K'JO. Ift A. I.

ft.Jft, ll.ln. 1 1 IHI P.M. for Trenloli. New nik al'd Hie Fa 'Ihe ft.lft A.M. train isiiuas Is al uud llrookwttli t.alii e.r N.

York. 'I he reiciiniimt ir Ins eoiiu.s'l at nkielow with New S'ork Indus In. in ililh and ly.s ti Sir. els liejs.l. I.IHIniid P.

X. tor Tienloit, Douml llrook and Way siiil.oiii. 4 'Jft J'. M. for ronton in.d YS'ni stiitli.tls.

MiW P. M. for Trenton and wiv N.lft A. M. lor I t.

nl 1 1 iv pohils lo ilo.iml lliiw k. prltieipal sliitions to Ni iv ik. Ill il t.KII I'M HH ANCII. Ift A.M. I Apr.

Or Ilelhleliclll.lji loii, A II' nil II lllal Coplll' s.imi A. M. ami P. M. for liellite'iem.

I jisloti. Alii nlowii, linl Hap, Alaiicii I hunk, Wiike.lHirre nii.l nnil. oi. 7. in nnd il A.

4 ami for ilia and noliitsoii Norllt Last II. Ift A. 'J uiel II P. ler 1 1 A. and Ift P.

M. tor II Ift A 'J, I'i P. x. for NnrrMotMi Ift.

7. I. l.i. II ami 1 1.4ft A. J.

Ifl, 4. 11.11:10 7. Hi. Ift uml II lor 11. 10, H.

lft 'J 11ft, 4.i.'i, ft.ln. P. M. lor Xi 'V Din A.M. ami 0:10 I'.

M. f.r Iti.t'a.rn nnd iiirisllh'. 11 in. 11. Hi, II A.

II, ll.ito, 7.40 and iio V. M. fur Al'iUi'iou. M. mnnd Atlentow 11.

II P. M. I P. Dili hem, Vie lomla'ion, P. 411 A.

M.aiid P. for II M. Hiul il'Jft P. M. lor Nev.lewu.

'I ki Olhce 4:1 1. II I. ill nnd Ht.M I In Fill uml 111 ll.e (I. pets. H' is.lleeted llieike.1 to lie nl! PhU.

ipidl uml 10 lliitlroial I vi.ii I nion I ral.sler I oiinmuv. 1'iia 1 1. ne TahUscnii ho oiiiiiim at all li.s"l I illHi ami Slid J. li WOOT1I II. ItANi'OCK, Inn I Muiii Oeri'l l'n ami Hrki't (J gs.

NEW YOKK, FE15KUAKY 17,1882. Hon. F. 8. Latiirop: Dkah We, tliP undersigned, in view of pnblio eflTtirts now ueiuK nwwle to clmneo the riuinafnH'nt of the t'KXTHA KAILUOAU COMPANY OF XKW KKSKV, beic to assure yon of our Mijiport and a.ssit ani'e in control, pletliii" our votes and inHu cueeatUie npj)roiu l)in election for nucIi ticket as you and yitiir frieiuLs muy sele and we beg further tosus' Kest tliat proxies should te asked for in uiinieH of Francis s.

athrup, John S. Kennedy and Fiederick T. Freliiig huyscii. Vouifi verj truly, JOltX S. KKXNEDY.

J. 1). VKHMILVK, Trustees for Bondholder. A. J. iKOR(iK FOTT8, W. BAIie Ol lC. TIKtMAS Jt. A.



IRISH NATIONAL LAND LEAGUE CKLKKKATIOX OK THK CE.NTKXAUY OF 1IUSU l.KOISLATIVE IXPK VF.XPFNTK. 3X irORTK'l TtHAf, HATX, HltOAI) Street, nbove Spruce, WFDXKSOAY KVKXIX'i, FKBiCUAJSY 22, at 8 o'clock (WafiiinKtou's Hirthduvi. 1'ndcr the auspice of the Central Orion. Ttev. F.

CHON1X, BiUVnio; lil'HOSS O'JIUYAN, and others will acUiiess the nuting. Admission FHEE by ticket, to be had of Members of Briiiichtwaud at the JJoxOflice on the evening of Uiccele br.ttion. Front Seats Iteserved for Ladies. ANNUAL MEETIXU. OKFlf OF TUK XOliTHKItN CENTRAL ItAILWAV CUMFAXY.

JUt.timore. Fehrnary 0, 1HS2. The Annun MeetbiKof the stock hotdern oft his Company will he hold at the Ocneral Ollice, southeast corner of CAIA'KKT and CKXTUT: Streets, BiilUmoro. ou 'JliritSDAY, limpid of Fehrnary, i'Z o'clock noon, tiie imauul reiiorl of the Prt sileut and Ttuurd ol Directors for 1HH1 wilt lie pn cU tiou held for TWKIjVK Ul ItFCTUKK for the ensuinir vcar und such oilier buslrir'ss transacted as may properly conic ociorc i net The Transfer Books wilt be closed from 3 o'clock Al. iM'hruary until il clock J'.

JVI. jjebruary '23, in elusive, order. STKIMIF.N Y. YUITtt, Secretary. the ion jjenevolicnt ah SOCIATlOXi Founded IKtl.

Tneormtvnted 1837. As Ixstiti tion von Tin: Fscoiihaokm kst of In" DVHTHV, TUli St'CI'ItlvSSiON OV J'ArPKKISM AND Till; It 1,1 Ki. Illi M'PKKULNU A MONO TH 10 OK I'll Fe jfaeics and riomitioiiM resnectfullv solicited. JOSKl'H I), UKIXBOTH is iti 'onlv imthou authorised. to solicit oeiiatifuis and snnsci Lpuoiis und ne in coriuimy coiunieuiled lo tin1 churitahlc pnWic.

Moneys may also be sent to LOC1S C. WAL i i meet, oj to ine Aii'eni. A. GAHnXKR. 1 IS Houtli SEVENTH Street, NOKTllKkN PACIFIC JJAILUOAD.

COM A NY. Tit Kami unit's Ofkh Xo. 2n Fifth AvrxrR Ymuk. Febiiiniv lii. IH.S Cnuponsof thcFKX!) Ll'uKFI I.K I VISION Hond; of this Company, due March 1, proximo, will be paid upon preseiuaitoii tins oiiice ou ann aner nun date.

LfclXXOX 1IKI.KXA Treasurer. 17 3 OFFICE OF TIIE LEHKUI COAX. i AXU XAVIOA I ToX COMPANY. rnii.Ai'Ki.eniA. Fehrnary I I.

IS.S'2. The Annual Meeting ot the so kliolders of this Com panv will be held at the roomot the Board of 1 radt Mercantile Library huiMhnr, i'KXTIl. ahoye Chestnut direct, on i soay. tite 1'Kin instant, at II A. Al hen and where mi election ill he held for Board Munairers serve for the ensnintr year.

The noils will close at I'. M. S. 1 1 Fi ll Kill', Secretin1 fX a T. CLEMENTS CIICKCJ I.

ASI FMN Fs a SK It VIC KS. 1 roly Com munion at 7, and 10. 4. A. the hitter choral, with rmoii by MAI'I KIX.

Xisht service and sermon at Services durioc Lent: Hole Com nuiutoiniailv at MorniHi: mid venmn i'raver dHilv at usual hours, and on Mondays Bible Chis at 1 Wed htvs iuuI riiiavs. MeUitatnnis at l'i: I hm'MlHVs. ud dress at 7.IJO I'. Saturdays, Service of I ntereest lon at rf ia. SECOND EPISCOPAL CHFRCir CI1A1 SANSOM Street, abovt Tventy llr t.

Ah Wednesday service at 1.1 o'clock A M. Sermon by llisliop IC1101.SOX. jiuedinu posi riOXS of mint and all nersoiis ilesirlmr to re lieve themselves and their friends of the burden und rc siMinsitiitlty ol private bonds will do well to call on A. SA 111 Oeni rul AkciU 'if the Ouarautee Company o( iMH iii America, a. i Mrcei.

FKEE EEC SUIU ECT, .11 I l.P.I'.A I A I OV KCV.I'. A.U. Hi 1 1 A Al this evening. Lincoln Hull, Broad A Fnirnmunl EINEX DANCJXO CEOTMS TO hire lor use at eveinn parties. CAitFLT STOIIK.

MA UK KT Street. frqc, M.I'.NNl'.li'ClfOK Miinli urns, hi Ihe Acinic A NIVAL my. Fetimary 21. SjAcum'tls. sionmi v.

1'l ltlTY OF Til BALLOT! Til CnTZKXS' COMM OF 100 OFFKR THE T.AUOK BKWAiiBS: They will pay (or the arrest and conviction of election Ulcers guilty of wiltul frauds: Xot rei)UirniK the propel proofs when a voter is not upon the Assessor's list or is challenged inlliiiiiiHtinit electors; accept Ins illegal votes; opening or prying into ballots before the polls have closed: disclosing how an elector voted altering or clmnn'mg any ballots or election returns; making talse or fraudulent returns, or any other clinics against the election laws of the Commonwealth for the first conviction. $'2 Mi tin' the second conviction. fr'MI for the third conv icl Ion, for i he foiiriheouvleilun, $lO0 for Ihe tilth conviction, 100 each for the succeedine: forty conv icl ions. Or a total sum of ITVK T1IOCSAXB DOLL A US, Also for tho arrest and conviction of persons who Filial 1 intimidate or lnterlcre with anv voter or elec tion ofdeer; who shall Interfere with the right of challenge or talscly vouch for another: who shall procure another lo vote fraudulently any alien who sluilt vote without being naturalized; anv per son who shall vole or attempt to vote upon the name of another, or more than ouee, or where he has no right to i' any person who shall vote ithont having side in his division for two mouths previous to the election; for the Hit conviction, for Ihe srond conviction. irlMO ea' for the succeeding live convictions, I each t.trllieMieeeediug twenty convictions, each for the succeeding slx conviction.

Or a total nun of TWF.X I FI VK Hl'XDKKb DuL LA F.S. AIo for the urre.t and coiivlclioti of all pi rsons who shall, directly or indirectly, give or offer to any Voter for his vole any money, goods, valuable tumg, reward, pro mise ol ollice. place or appointment, or employment. public or private; orthreuttn such voter wirh dlMuit al or dwttarge from such otlkv, place, appointment or em ployment: Sl'OO the lir conviction, irtheseiiiicl conviction, S1'H fur the third conviction, JjiO each for the succeeding eleven convictions, '5 each lr the sm ceoding twenty conviction, JilO each for Ihc mcv eeding hundred convictioiw, Or a total sum of TWKXTY FIVK HL'XIiliFl ImH, LA lis. TiieComtuitti'e of 1W ali.

In addition to the said re wards, hereby pledge their aid and assistance in the con viction of ihe guilty. These reward will be paid promptly andchecrfullvhv the Treasurer of the Committee of lOO, upon certificate from the District Attorney that through the efforts of the person or persons presenting the claim the conviction of the guilty parties as mvuivd. roviiled. however, that to entitle any person to re reh any of ihe fat id reward. Ihe arrest or arrests must be made and reported, with the names of nil known wit he sc.

on or before March 1. IHH', to the Chairman of the Committee on I'rauds appointed by the Committee of IW. PHILIP C. OA liltl, TT. Chairman Committee of lOO.

JO F.I, .1. 1IAILFY, Chairman I'mance Committee, JOHN FI, chairman Campaign Comiuiitee, JAM A. M'KIOHT, Treasurer. Itl lMiLlMI IlLAXKFXm Ufi. Chnirman Com.

Prosecution ofFramW. IOli HA I.K riM'NTK'V I LSI I I New brtck le.use. JO.vUO twoslorle. i li 1 1 billiard and bed room on third Moor: double buy windows two utorles; brick hack building, 7.0 I tl I Nt(ries presned brick irotd iindMde all window sdouble bung, each two laire glass inside ishullers lo hav windows, outi lde blinds and slm Iters to all other windows front porch, 0h iiidnwH reaching in floor furnace with register iu each room Uix ojuihty slate mantels, chandeliers brackets balleroom and vwdcr clott, wilh hut and cold water. Lni atcd on lot front arcl on Maple a reel a ml side yard on t'leen MrecL brlstiaiui, 1 4 milt west of on main line ol It.

It. Price. fc.ViM, hc matiouat H. ticket ollice, iou s.Lk a ((n vniv 1 Heat, containing LI acres of beamlfullv rolling land, humediaiely ailinlniiiu tiie W'lahicktui division of the 1'itrk and live iiilnubV walk it out a siittiun on the I'bil itdelphiaand oiiistown Ibdlroad. LarKcioue mansion, with every city convenience mid improvement, gardener's tvitatic, conimiHlioiis and wi ll ai'pointeil tahlo, mr ter'sbslKe, gree'thniiM'.

grapery, foil ing Iiouhc, The grounds are handsomely wiHed nod command i a lied and extended view of the tsMihtckon Hint Schuvl kill valh ya unit mii rounding hills. It Is a eonntrv nl dt'iice complete nil its iiioiiitmentN and with every con ven lent ol the elf v. Applv to M. i il' Ml.VitwiVS, direct. ONLY Mi KV II TO AT ISAAC AT II NS' Old INfaMl aH Mi nev oan tdhees, Norlheesl Corner TH I III) and Hplll'CK hk nd It w.

Advances made on every deM iiptlon at tho lowest market rates. AH business transactions Mrlclry COTllttlelif la I. Fstahlixhed for the lnt forty yenr. No rotiiiection with uny other ijfliii In Hiis elte. For wleat low prlc.

nehlonablu FimuoiaW, Watcliew Ami Jewelry lo repay hiImoiivm. OT Mt.VF.n. Tcetb I'ImIp. f'hntrw, ninm, Tlrneeletd. Farrinic.

ttioken Jewelry, l'lutlouiu, ottis, nil viilnu Iatd la cash only, by the well known rellucr, nn i J. CLAItK, MIX Htrnet, Philadelphia. Fa. HI, HI ill' Htnet, I'lilladelphta, I'u. I KNTI.KMKN ONLY I AM, AUKS.

OK. I M'Altl UH Asi'lle I.iM nl Melliml, Ihe NFItYO Yl l'A l.lKlt. A brief and in. IMvc cure lor Nervoun Ih billlv. Ac, Vc.

In nil ui's. Hour, 1 1 to I nnd 4 to 7 only. Crtlce, liJ I I I.Ki II Pldladelpldii. fU) TO TH IL KN ILK'CiK )U A MS VAI, OP MAHIH flit at ihe Academy of MiMc.oii'U MHAV MOUT, Fehrnary 31. WVn7 KXTMIN.

TIIK IF XflTM KIFAM CII and nee II. No Holler, no Valve, no Appliance to out of order. Can be run wllhotit iitslruetioie, 111 bent anv hullding In ibnciddcHl wt ntb'T, and we pnaranfee if. AM L.i F. Wno a 41 font ti 'I It III Htreft.

I'blln. ii; i7 "i a tt' jr i a i hkui lion. 'lileiurn. Aihlcefrep. lHyiHrH'cn.

Cell, li'leolliil liie.iliess letjilly to wlllioiil ilhllelly. lAST olT ci.o'l IIINd MU. or WAI.I.AI E.4KIH. 1 Tilt (or. Art.ll.on.

ifi JiANOKK'l iZ AIIK Tllli IIKmT. The Thrilling Story of Gwendolen's Love and Ciirofle'8 Hate. From the Chicago Tribune. Standinj; idlv, alniost listlessly, liy the post ern gate that marked the entrance to her father's hroad demesne Gwendolen P.iordun looked down the broad avenue that skirted the ancestral acres of her sire ith a wistful, pleading expression in her County Antrim features that told more plainly than word! more eloquently than a three sheet jioster, of the hoiies and fearsthnt were harassing her young A relic avenue soul. "Will he eoinu?" she said softly, to herself, blushing even as she spoke.

Is the fruition of my hopes to be a glad one or mustlngaiu throw the black pall of disappointment over my cherished plans? Heaven forefend that I should for the third, time drain to its dregs the bitter cup that a cruel fate lias twice held to my lips lips that were dry and parched for the kisses of one hom I shall ever love and who ill not see my mad passion for him. not drive me too far, Menelaus or you will rue the day when Superintendent Holmes gave you an Archer avenue cur to drive. As she did so the rustle of a natriciun nolonaise was heard and a fair haired maiden oi nineteen summers und a wet soring came around the corner with her starboard lacks aboard. tlirotle Muhaffv was daughter of a purse proud aristocrat who owned 0 milk route, and she wus' not slow to make useol the social position to hich, us the heiress of over fSOti a time serving world had raited her. she had met Menelaus McCuire ut a fete chiimpetre, given in honor of Aphrodite Johnson's eighteenth birthday, and fallen desperuLely in love ith him, although aware that he had plighted his troth to Gwendolen.

She had sought by every art known to woman tolure bun from his rightful love The girls did not speak, and as Girollc passed the Itiordan goat, which was eating a discarded hooi skirt, a huughtv smile tlitted over her luce. "Goat's milk is heultbv," she said, 111 low, scornful tones, Gwendolen heard the words and faced the speaker. Yes, Girolle Miihall'y," she said, speaking slowly and calmly, although in turning she had pinched her corn, ''we are poor. Iiul I notice that we lire invited to all the wakes and christenings. When it comes to going with the hunt ton we capture the confectionery, and don you iorget 11.

Siiddenlv Meneliius McGuire, he whom they both loved so well, came around the corner. Girolle started toward him, a smile on her face, but ho heeded her not, Stepping quickly to Gwendolen's side he took her hand 111 his, while a wave ol color rushed over his face und nn, infinite look ot tender ness eaine into his bri'dit eves. you forgive my neglect, darling ho said; can you ma again to your Heart A great, passionate throb of intense joy filled Gwen doleti's heart. Looking up to Menelaus ith tear stained eyes, she said in broken tones Can 1 forgive you, niv own Well, I should gig g'e." OFFEHS TO THE KEFVCKES. A Hundred Acres of Texas aud for Knell Family Frepa ring to Moot tho Ship.

Mayor King yesterday received from. Brown, of Galveston, Texas, a telegram offering one hundred acres of hind in Motley county, Texas, to each family of the Jewish refugees who may choose to settle there. 1 he relief committee lias already ap pointed a sitb oominittee to confer with Hamilton iiisston in reference to bis oiler of fortv acres of Florida laud to every family of the refugees. Extensive preparations for the recenliou of the immigrants are on foot. The old West Philadelphia passenger station of the Penusvlvnnia liailroud has been tilted up for their use.

The reception committee bus chartered a tug. which ill meet the Illinois down the river. The steamship is expeeteu on 1 hursilav or rnluv next, i lie nuance committee will meet at the ollice of the chairiiiiin, Moses A. Ilropsie, Sotiih Sixth street, ut 110011 day to discuss the best means of raising money for the exiles and to plan 11 public meeting for their ben clit. A.

J. lirexcl. treasurer, vesterdav acknowledged the receipt of addilioiiiiA contributions amounting to SI, too. Kx Comicilmuii Hancock WinsiiillisI nw Stilt Deputy Coroner Snniucl. Vshln idec was the defendant yesterday in anotiiercivil suit grow ing out of his transactions with his former partner in the coal business.

Fx Couiieilmau Joseph ,11. Hancock The suit was brought on a note for fotir thousand live hundred dollars, that, Mr. Hancock said, Mr. Ash bridge bad contributed, besides live. hundred dollars cash, as ids part of the capital of the tirnt.

The note bad afterwurds been given to Alexunder M. Fox by Mr. Hancock, in consideration of borrowed money. Mr. Ashbridge claimed that he entered into the partnership ith the nudersiundiug that bis experience was to be taken in lieu of money, above the live hundred dollars cjishnnd that be wes to receive credit for the note for four thousnnd live hundred dollars on the tii'st year's profits.

The Jury found iu favor of the pluinttlt for Supreme Court Decisions. The follow ing decisions ere rendered yesterday by the Supreme Court Affirmed In the mutter of the change of grade of Jermantowii nveuue; Johnson vs. ltliss; Huiinum's appeal; Iteniick vs. lioyd in the matter of the load from Highland avenue, and the road in Chester. Middletown and Aston township; Main heirs vs.

Ihe city: llinkson vs. Myers; Vinton's appeal ltingc vs. Ki'lluer et al. Ke verstd Pennsylvania Mutual Aid Society vsMury Corler; in the change of grade of Kidge Smith's appeal Milne's appeal; Camden and Atlantic Huilroad vs. Hoosey: Commonwealth vs.

Ihttler llurke's appeal. Modi nod I.utonhaus' uppeul. OF IICMOItOCS CAST. Two truths in one breath liutler's Analogy Professor: Mr. you may pass 011 to lhe'Luiuro Li Mr.

Not prepared." Yatt licwd. In training; How are you, Simples? You look thin; eating anything lately?" Only soups," said Simples; "training for a false set of teeth." lvton limit. l'rescnce of mind A moment after the explosion at the Jewell Mills lust Thursday a terrified bootblack darted behind 0 portly market woman for protection, and, clutching her skirls, reassuringly cried: ''lion't stir, missus: the wtist is over." Hruuk hjn vjtc. 1'n necessary explanation Conductor," said a lady passenger on the tmin. pointing over her shoulder to a mull ho wus resting his feet on the windousill behind her, I wish you would request that brute to bike his feet "I daren't, ma'am." replied the polite but cautious ticket fiend, he's a member of the lA'gi.

lature." ItiuiMyti ivoiff. An artistic education An illustrious painter, who is traveling, is invited to dine with wealthy merchant. "1 had a sou myself ho wus passionately devoted to says bis' host, "and 1 sent him to Paris, hew he was for years studying in the atelierof the famous Crepasson." "Ah, und was be "Successful, sir, at this moment be owns the second largest luctory of urtilicinl fertilizers iu the country." Himtoit Jum'inU. lltisiness in lost 011: A New Hampshire girl went into a itoston general furnishing store and stepping up to the pale, intellectual looking young man behind the nearest counter asked him if he would tie kind enough to lit her wlih a pair of ulovcs. The hiirh browed Athenian glanced at her hands and then calling to a cash boy who was conioundiug spit balls at tin opposite co'unlcr said: "Mere, Pete, show ibis young lady to the pillow case department.

Vi wUijh KmjU'. Tiir. P.ktaii. Stock of Idtv Goons. SiaAWBKiioi: Ci.oiiiii ii, Lighih and Market Sis.

It siioi lii lie the Uttsiness of Kvcrv (hie having 11 Cold hi treat il promptly and properly until ft Is gotten rid of intelligent experience fortunately presenting a curative iu IT. Ju tie's Kxpeclorant, thoroughly adapted to remove speedily all Coiiebs ami Colds, allay any exciting iiillaiiuiuitioii of the J'hroot or Lungs, anil remove the distressing symptoms of Asthma or Pleurisy. Ill LI). CHANTRY. On the histanl, Marion V.

Choil trv, aged veais, iliiugblor or Allien uo.l Julie Cliinitrv. I II 1111 Die Hull instant. Cul limine I'liellew, Wife Dl'lieorge It. I 'llellew, ayell 114 years. I'lllu rul oil Weibiesilay, ut 1 o'clock, from the resilience of her husband, liltl Mai street.

I At. LOS. on the lnth Instant, Outliurlno, diiiigbler of Mm tout the lule John I'tillotl, aged 111 years, funeral 011 1 biirsihie. at nu o'clock, from liic resilience 01 her uncle. tallies Itltt.

1415 Citlxit street. GlIlsliN. lln the IIUli instant, Annie, relict or the billies (ill'sou, l'lineral on Weilne iluy, ut 1 o'clock, from the residence of her daughter, sixt'y sl.Mh street Hint I taverfonl avenue. IIK.MtY. 011 the lllih instant, Saimicl C.

Henry, In his vcar. On the lllih Instant, Jacob 11. Jieapiiliimur.lli the Iltitli veurot Ids IXIInNK. On the Huh bi'taiit, Marv Ann, wife of McLlbullc, aged 2'i years, Iti siiieliee, Lblo Tll'lor street. On the IIUli Instuiit, William llinbter, In 1 lie 01 11 yearoi ins tici'.

Mineral servces, 1 insoiav even toe. 2s instant. ii'ilock, lit bis late residence, No. J2l." Illimgolil street. MIAW.

onllie loth Instant, John Hhuw, In llio Until year of his a ie. Klineriil on Wcliies lav, tit '2 o'ehs from bis lule resilience, 14'jo i 1 1 in 1 4 street, Kl Itill'P. Oii Ihc morning of Ihe Hub Instant. Klbll belli slroiip, relict of Peter stump, In the HTlll voir of her icje. 1 uncial mi clai'Mlay, al o'clock, Irian ihc residence of her son, 1," llrinelnU'sl sireet, (lei iiiulitow u.

'I A I OH the lllih llisiunl, John H. Tic, lor, ugisl 4 years. Weekly Mortality. Tile number of deaths lit the cltv for the week eildinir at noon on Saturdav lust un 4 being an Increase ot in over Hie iinaiOer of lust week.un.l un bierei I 4'J over I hose of he mi toil of lusl vcar. Ol llcsc Uill were intuits anil lli'j were h4ng under I nr of lore.

The ii inelp.l ciuisi sor ileulh were Hie followlnii AHplexy, llilr.lil's ilHeuse, cancer, 11; caMliillles, il croup. III; ihiii stiiili, liliiin, II; conge., lungs coiisiiiiiiitloii, limes, nil: convulsions, tto; iltpiiiheriii, 15: dropsy, II: iliseuse of heitrt, LI: scarlet fever. typhoiil lever, 21; ililllioiuiutioil nl lirilill, Iniluiiiiiettioii of lungs. luiiriisuius, old uge, LI; Imriilvsis, sioiill pox, 17.

yoUtkiU gXotlccs. rj IVli SI.UJJSTli'ATi:, II.l.IAM KIstKXIlHUWM. That ta Iwlwecn llio two cniidlilntoH for Tolliv Miiiilslriitc, wo o.nuiipiHl 1 1,1. 1 AM KIsKX UltowN to our fellon cltliis as tbe most nortliy of their fOMMITTHK UK 1IKI. ('( (M ITTKK OK Km.

All einuiiluiiiti nnil (urorniHlifin of crime nunlti tin etc4iiftii tnw inut be rtpurtel at Cll I XI Mtrift. To fHihtc bie iiH It ii rinu to ItHVt coinptHiiit, tiaiiun of 4lb ndern and ol wlt lie'wtiv in wrilhiK. Hri H.l III. AN FNBI'ltO. Cltidriiian Com.

on rroM iuinh of ilnii Kranifi. frTl iVi'T'Kv ni iw i natjonS! 'IAVKSI VV II XV A till. In.torscii in I'otiiiulitis' of one Muialrcilt fs.leell l.llnlll.i; llllllN. 011,10,, 0 I .10,1. II 1 1.1,1 A A.

I'l Abb. frti?" "ForiFfiTw a7 i7 'ntj in hl mil Hie re iiirHteil lo xnmlni! cnr CuHc i tickscN "nil Unit tln eoniidn the naino of I I a Kl.t. for Kelect 'omit il. TiiUiTinn wakd. Yoti iN in thirdare rentetfi1 lo etmnlnn ffti nniv llt'lr ItrkcU for.

I i tied tln eoldnlii the nnnieuf JOHN W. M'CIIAM for hvlifct IVum ll, KO. S. FOX SOX, Successors to now UN vox. STUCK Ull ltf.

lft Mm ni Titnti) si Conilectcil hy private wile with SPKM KIt, TliASIv 70 SKW YllliK. Orilei scxecntwlii. Huston. Malliinoiciind l'lulicisco. OIL CKItTll'H'ATKsi tiiu UNITED aud other Vipc Lines bought anil sold for cash or on margin.

13. K. JAMON it Tlltltl) AXO ClIK'I'Nt STREF.T4 MKMMWS NKW VOJtK AXI PHI f.A DKI.niTA STOCK KXCHAMIKS. Cnulc Oil 1'ipe Jjlie Ccrlili catcs boiigtit und Molil un commission. oi'i'Kii yon sai a ijmitud 1 amount of AM KltlCAN HI'KA KIXll TICI.IOI'HONK STOCK, 'i'his company receive royalty on every telephone.

Ils etirniuKS will he slitllcienl'to pav '2U per cent. I his year, I riper cent, of which is expected niov, hllc the avei'tise monlhly iucreiiMc ol tclcptioncs put into use increasing dU IdeiuK J. IT. lUXIIKK, Stoeli liu.l Honil Ilrnkel' iitlfi WAI.M.'T I'liicc. IViDKN JJ l'A Y1NU JXYKKTMUST SMCl'HiTIKS.

HOWAItn, liAII.KY A CO. l.lmiteil), Hcii.dino. 120 iiltOADU'AY, NKW YOltK. llciilcrs in I uvostuieiu Securities, OtTer good dividend puyliiK scelirilles, yicldinu per cent, per tiniiiiiii, m'DKOJr. 1'IL'li LlNiradjTlKiCvTES houghl unit sold on commission, fur cash or ou Margin.

Qnoliillons received from New York and the Oil Heniohs on every chniiKc In ihe nmrltets. iMA HIS S.MJTU, Itimkci's, 2" South Till I) Street. WOKK A liXv V. US AXnilKOKKllsJ IT No. t'Jl SoulhTII lltli Street.

IMiiliidelphin. Jinctioa fulcs. UA.MCKK r.l:NTlNt!S SONS KJ Al't'TJOXKHIW, Nos. tWO and 'MM MAItU KT St. SAt.E OV HOOTS, Jtl'JtCKItS, st.ll'l'KHS, On four months' crclii.

UN TCKSDAY, hninry '21, ul III o'clock. 3i lIUIIWUill. UAl'YKl S( IKHir. OF LANliTAtiKS. CHKSTNI ST It MKT, I'll 1 1.

A IKI, I'll! A. French, (ierioaii, llatian. Liiliu, lamtlit llio Kuturiil Method. Speeilil Classes for chililrtn. AI.PIIONSKX.

VAX DAKI.I., 1. 1,. IL, l'riliclint. A CO.MrKTKNT rKACUKIt JIKSIKKS iV pi ipiisfirr the piano; cents per lesson. For par ticulars uddre Miss KMU1IV.

SANsuM St reel. TiAXOKXClIiSJOX TO i COLON A l0, NKW" 3IKX1CO AN CAMl'oItMA. a a tEAVKr 55 3 sPAY, XKW YOllK OV Tllt't: MAY 4, Vnr a deliKbtful lour of 11 I TY Vl 'V, DAYS. Nine thousand miles traveled by train of I'ullnuin and 1'alace cars. KYKUY LCXCHY.und nil expenses for rhst class travel, hotels, carriayt; drives, Ac, included iu the price, hich is 'iily (s ioii.

o. sioo. Pir.o. Splendid opportunity, never hofore uttered, to vWt the woialel'S ol' thi' great A Kit ICA C( rXTf N'KNT. "Full particidarsin special Prtiyianinic, free by mail on application to THOMAS COOK St SOX, 2(il NKW YrrHK, 311 SlIIKKT.

I'JI I LA I KLIIUA, TA, 4'. A. ItAliATTOM, 1 KOliOSA LS. VI MAC WiLinSC J. vkn.n SKAI.KI) will be r.s eived nt theofhYc of Hie Conmiissionei's, in the liuildinys.

until noon of Tl'KSDAY. March 7, 1SH for all the Itricks, llrlck woik and Lumber required duriiiL; the present year; also for liiriiistiiiii; and its, in place, unplcle, all Ihe 'Moiled, Wrought and Cast Iron rcuuiied for the whole ol' tiie root" north of the south line of ihecenii pavilions of thi' east and west fronts, except those of the centre pavilion and wins of the north Trout and the mot' of the clock tower, und for ail Slating requited to cover the same also, for all Dressed Oranite and Sandstone required to complete the siaircnses of the corner pavilions of the south flout, for Bronze Mailings for the same and for the Uroii.e (iates and Truiir.oms, roiished (inutile Ihwe and SandUone Facing in the vestibules of the south centre pavilion nUn for lit am Slale, (lalvanizcd Iron Clump and Cmd required during Ihe present year, 'ull partieularss to form and ivquiretnent of Ihe pro. with tiie necei sary bhtuks, may be hud on application at Ihe Architect Volliee, in the HuiUhri's, second story, between the hours of Ut A. M. und I'.

M. The Commission ih rescre Ihe riylii lo reject any and nil bids, Jty order of the Commissioners. SA.MI KL C. TKltKINS, 1'reHldeut. Attint L.

JK IIAKS JANVlKIt, Sii'letarv. Mill" Coiujiany's Lines, sailing from I'ier 47, North River, S'ork. lil'KM OA. Tin inaKnilleent new steamdiip oil I Nofo, built expn Hsly for this route In lssi, leaves Svw Voi and Itermudti crv Thtiidn. Sieauii rs for I'dltTo ICt Heave every 'twenty lav.

SteamiTs leave everv se i ntecn davs for S'l'Ki'l'TS, ANTIitl A. ImiMINK A II fl jCI ST. I.CCIA, and TMIMHAO. Kor desrtptiejam phlets and oilier iulirm.i,!iou tt.mlv to A. I "'I TI JilU is C( L.Aul.

VP Itltn.uAv A V. N.Y..or LKVK A AI.UK.V. N. K.Ci.r. ItHn.Ali and Cll INTN Ms.

IJcoal Notices. IX (Ol OK COMMON' No. Knit THK nil NIV OK I'll I LA OKI. I'll I A. St iM mber lssi.

mil. Levari Kacias. ltKAI. KTATK 'I I I LK I.Nsl'H AM'K v. 11, liMA.NsKIKI.O.

The AuMtor appi.inte! bviheCourt to report dlstiihir tloit of the uiiul iiMiairt arising i'mm the heriirs side under the above wi it ot ihefnll Avln di'srrilM ii'ctnlsi to wit Ali certain two Mory briek buck buildings Hlid lot of ground the east side ot Lichteeiitli stret one hundred and scveniv leel eltht iiichcK MUtlbwaid from the soutUt iist corner ul' the said Kiifhteciitli and Yenanco streei. the 'I wcnty eluhtti ward of llicCitvid I'uiladelpliia, coutainioii in frmil on bait I Kit et'littl street tv. elily ix feel, nnd ill deih eaM wardly beiweeu parallel tines an tt the said h.ijihleenth trevt one liuuitre.t anil tlnr; one ieet, ul niet't the parties tisl. tor the purposes of hi ap is.inimeut. on MiMtV, Kehniary V7, iss, nt ocl.H 1.

bUi.m. e. VJ4 W' A I.N, In ihe hy of I'bi'aoeiphia, when not) here p( tmu Interest' are re.iusted to prei iil t)i: ir cloiius or he debarred I'l'iun comuiif in upon rd fond it. fin am Auditor. IMauos and (Ovguns.

CASif. IH (KUillTKK.S TOI (rrrau, (uehalinii Mib b(eH, couple Cel. ci firaixl liallusoiiic wll'l walnut ca. Witfl ha linrili.iUU lllll. iC KS'K and hi (tK.

iirr.mled, J. ItKI.I.AK.IltflM II I'M Street, HATTY'S OlfOAXS. Tors. 10 SKTS Herd niv Spo. Pianos, tti'i't Mm holiday ill N.

.1. dncemenl rite or call on lo altv, CIA I' IT A 1. ITU, I'A 1 1). M.niKi.iwo. TIIK nl'AUANTKK Till ST AMI SAI IlKI'llsIT COMPANY, Nos.

till). illHanil I'll iXI'NI I' streel, Sll.sll).! I.MUuiuls Ilnrtr lir irH.r ji tilts. KceeivcH lor siiieKis' pniL'. nii'icr punrnineo, noims. Sloctis, V'nliiatilc J'aicrn, (lolit unit bllvcr i'liitc, Jciv elr Ac.

Al.l.tlWH OX IS MtlN'KV: Aelsiis I'lxecutor. Aillitlliist I alor. I.minllali. Ass nee. Iteeeh'er.

etc. Il nil eecllles Tltl'STS ol' everv Ullel. All Trie! Kiiiul me kepi pnriiti. aii'l iiiar! limn itic ssels ul the I 'it uy nnil ilivcslisl In the liulucs oi the iiiVle lor ivlii'ir Ii. ii.

lilt ttiev lire liel.l. tl.I'lill'T KOIt AMisl WM.I.S Wi li (it I' CIIAItl.l'. Vnr further cult ut the ofltec or send liir a circular. TllnM sroi iiiian.

K.liW.Mili C. KMIIIIT, Ice rriMill'Ilt, HIV s. IlliliW Treasurer. Jlill.N .1. l.ll.ltilV, sii'retury.

MIIIX lull. Thointis Coetirun, Clavton T'reneli, c. Kiilvhi, s. ltrown. .1.

Ilurlow Mi. hellll, W. Hotell W'lstcr, ChlirlesS. I'aiieoasl, Alileit Killer, TIimiiiii ilucKellar, li.mlel liooovnii. John J.

Milliliter, 'liarti HS llluchiimn, Vlilliiln .1. Ilowtiril. Jtallvoiula. WU.MlXliTOX AND ItAl.n.MlHtl'. ItAll.llOAIl.

Aiiv iss'j. Truing leave itroait soreei Station: rn' r.iililinorc nnil nstuuioii. via It. IV n. Ixttn.

7.1ft. uml ii.aii A. r. M. Il.tinltiil uml IV noil via II.

II. H. II anil 1 1. Ml A. III 1'.

er lliailmere only,'iiilnir.l." I'. M. tin simonv. II nil. ti.rin ami 7.

.11., vin 11. v. IL A. mul lit I'. ia It.

11. It. II. For III, I1111.H..1. li.iiii.

7. in nut 11. 'Hi a. m. ii.

iiv Itiil 1. 1 cress. I J. I'. Ou Miii.hi, I'tMl ami T.i A.

M. sleenliur earn, via II. ami 1. Tt. for ltletinioml.

At lanlallllil rlinrlc.toli leave New Itroail Hired Stnllon lit A. M. Kor imtliiiinrcaiiil i ar onell lit 11 I riii ier. ii.ttti.

7 H. H'1. 11.0. li! l.ti'i. a.tio.

tl.l'l. l.ill.rvn.v 11. v. 11:01. in.

I I.M'J I'. M. On S11111I1U' Ktift A. uft. II Mill mul 1 1 P.

II 11 iiinit 011. 11 mi, 1 ti, i h.zi. inn, II Mi Vl ln. t.Mi. ii uii.

In, I I'. M. uiel nii.lil. 1 ni! A.M.. in, n.iij r.

ami i iioiibhl. Trnllis lor lieiu'vurf lil ivui leave lor: ay Slalions HAI1 mill 1 1 WI A. Ciiil'. H. ami av Siiilioo.

lino n. Thl'ilii'll lleltels 1,11 sell' III Ticket onice MIS anil 1 Iihi Cll I NI hiiih llimuiuc clin'ki'il nl re ilenr'x liv liic I nion 'I raiimfer Coiniiiliy. Slei i.iinr C'ir I let II, lutlV he mul KI Tiekel Ollice, KM I I lllVl' VI I lie iImv .1 i.ieiutnv 1 1... 1 inn in TmiN I.hvk Nnv liicio si hi 11 statud. I nr Wi'kI I heslei ul I I.

A. a.S.V 4 II. Ill ami Jl.11.1 I'. At. oil Niii'lnv, II A.

ZlA ami T. li P. M. I or Mi at MS, 1 l.ltl A. H.WI.

IM, ll.vft. 4 io, 4 n.u.t,.M. 11. in Hin niel II.M1 P.M. On siinilnv, IMHI A.

I.IKI, UAh. 7 mi'l II. I' M. or lislonl 1111J Intel niisUaie sunlon, 7.M A. ami V.

M. On Mnuiay, A. M. ami V.l.'i P.M. xniiiriliiv niiiy.

ii.4ii r. M. 'iir Purl n. a. ii.

ami v. m. TllllM llN. .1. II.

W'liritl. otni rai laui'ifer, iiriieiai rtiyienger The Oil Market Felit'iiiiVY Crude oil moderately active, heavy and lower; sales, Ml.OoO barrels; United Pipe Line eertilicates opened at Slj iC. and closed at (lit. City, 'ebruary 20 Petroleum fairly active; Cnited Pipe Line eertilicates weaker; opened at closed at A MIll.U l'LOirS ESC AVE. Though a "Whole Train Passed Over a Woman She Was Not Killed.

From the Davenport llcinocrat. One of (lie most singular adventures tiud wonderful escapes from death over recorded took place in this city Saturday morning. At that time Mrs. Peter Anderson, ho lives in lite vicinity of the Halfway House and who had been up town, was returning to her home, hail to cross the railroad. Just then a and Quiucy train was coming and she stepped back on the It.

I. anil P. track to allow the train to puss, not noticing that ul the same time a train was bucking down toward her on the 11. 1. and P.

The latter train struck Iter before she wits nwitro of ils coining and knocked her down, she falling immediately between (lie rails. The train came on and the curs passed over her prostrate body, the brakes and trucks striking her successive hard thumps, 'fhe locomotive wits the last to reach her, and its lire box, coiniiigvery nearthe ground, pushed and rolled her along tiie track Ibrsome distance. Eor tuiiutelv a cutile giiurd was neur. uiid when she reached it the lircbox forced her between the lies into tiie gourd, and the locomotive passed on. These lies are close tngether, and it is not understood how she Coiil 1 huvebeeii forced between lliein without killing her, but the fact remains.

She was picked up nnd attended bv Hr. Sloan, who at first thought she was dangerously hurl. Her skull had sustained a slight fracture, nnd the flesh had been torn from her body in several places. Her shoes anil stockings bad also been ripped Subseiiieut exumitmiioii, however, proved that her wounds are not fatal and with proper care she can recover. She is a young woman and has been only recently married.

She owes her life to a fortunutecombiuation of cirouiiistiinccs and to the fact that she is not a very large Ionian. After one has been through such un ordeal us i hat there need not In: much fear of death from accident. At the lust report she was doing very weil. A AVarin Spot lit the Snow. From the 'incastle Herald.

While Mr. William Ilcid. of Crni' Ciwk, Vic, was hunting on the mountain in his neighborhood recently, and a heavy snow lay on the ground, he nunc across a spot, about ten or fifteen feet square, from which the snow hud melted, and, laying his gun on the ground to give himself a rest, he found that iu few minutes some ice Hint hud frozen hard upon it also melted. I'pon examination he found a slight current of warm air was rising from the ground, and that the ground also was warm, lie also noticed that the limbs of the trees overhanging this spot were tilled with icicles instead snow, caused by the warm atmosphere melting the snow in the day, probably, and frecing at night. Some days after this discovery Mr.

Jicid again visited thesp'it, after another hcavj snow had fallen, and found the riiine condition of' things existing, lie also noticed that the trees surrounding the spot hud been blazed, from their appearance many years ago, as if to identity the place. The Mercantile Library's Tulkers. To the Editor of Tun TiMKs: In 1H7 I the 'Mercantile" had 11,973 members; now we have but Having spent many hours in it daily, since ls7! I assert that one of its clogs and hindrances is the astonishing liberty given to boorish men, omen and children, going there on pretence of being renders. Itisorderly noises are ol daily occurrence. There is not in the I'nited States another huge library which permits such things, and it is a slianie that they are permitted iu this excellent and useful library, Not 11 word is posted iu the library proper forbidding noises, etc.

Lust year 1 urgently reiucstcd the posting and enforcement of suitable, "rules" forbidding outrageous things. Will not every liieiiibct', male anil female, subscriber and shareholder, send a line now to the directors of this libra r', asking for this much needed reform W. Mi 11 MATH. A Shakespearean Colored Itnrher. James MeGnwati, a white youth, was on trial yesterday before Judge Verkes on a charge of assaulting Cornelius Lotho, a negro barber, with intent to kill.

Lotho swore that lieu he asked MeCowan for the ten cents for his shave the hitter jumped out of his chair, chased him around the room with a razor nnd then gave him 11 stinging rap on the nose. Lotho said that besides being a consummate artist with the lather and the brush lie was also well up ill Shakespeare and had given readings and acted 011 the stage. "I have plnyed parts of Hamelct," he said, "and Othcller and and had studied up lago, but ne er came out in it. 1 got from Mr. Marshall for my work." McCowtiti, in his defense, said that ho had struck the barber because he had been lusulledby him.

The jury acquitted McCowan. Park Collins in Court Again. Park Collins, who was ucijiiitled ti few ilavs ago of a charge of perjury in connection with the entering of bail for 11 boy who was held 011 11 criminal charge by Magistrate List, was arrested yesterday, on a bench warrant issued by Judge Verkes. on a chnrge of conspiracy with Alfred Coyle In the same mutter. When Collins was discharged no chargeiigainst him appeared on the prison calendar and the indictment for conspiracy litid been overlooked.

A' Curious Incendiary Attempt. Yesterday morning, shortly after midnight, the family of Ceorge Wutts, Otis street, were awakened by tiie odor of burning rugs, and found the kitchen door ablaze and a large hole burned in it. hen the flames were extinguished il was discovered tkul canton saturated ith coal oil, had been Imblcd and shoved against the door on the outside, The purpose of the incendiary could not be imagined. Ol.tilbilllng the Hebrew Hall I'lllid. j.iolils of the Helirew Ob.

Hall bus been given to the I'nited Hebrew Cluirilics, M.7;w.",7 to the Jewish Hospital, to I he Jewish poster Home, to the Jewish Lying in Association and SiioO to several minor associations. To CorrcMimnilculs. J. Address the Women's Silk Culture Association, Philadelphia. O.

One volume of the "Annals of the War" has been published. IIaiiiiv A. C. We cannot undeilnke to furnish rhymes lOr an autograph album." You must look them 11 for yourself. Marked Men on the Situation.

Mully: "I protest. The way I'm treated JTear this Hill ain't goin' to be reseated." Mad 1" cries Hun why, have you any doubt Wouldn't such treatment put anybody They want tobuy tiuileuti," says tliclobbcr; "may he 101110 of them ooii might like to buy me." From the look of the sky," sighs William, I opine I'll run a lightning rod along my spine." Thinks Have: My occupation's gone, too. Well! Hut as Uthcllo over in a cell The repeater: "Them rewards! I'm liotlnnce oh, 111 vote early, but, you bet, only once." McMullen Plato prnlsc private life, 'tis true He was a philosopher and bald headed, too." The Hi ignde Weighed and found wanting "wrong. Whut they him ithin roach they ne'er wanted long. "The day is cold, but still we think Reform Is like to make analrn for us quite warm." tiie deep! The epllnph I desire.

Is this Hill always was at home about a To the Trust: The V. S. has no extradition treaties with most Of the countries on Ihe South American eoust. Mount 1 regret a previous engagement will prevent spending the 1I11) with llio Ixiyt, as 1 ineaiil. He dare 1 the act the Court accept" no kail He lsiluls a moral mid adorns Jail, I fear nil is up." hrlk lnn, ith I groan "SHU they ni) that tiie devil Ukeieaivof his own." "'11 e0 now," mused the Jobbers; "ain't there Home way To lie vaccinated against Hi form without delay?" shall It be the old war err! "oMhintieM aim." Or yells frnui McMullen and 0 Doiuiell, lioo hno "I'm a Illy," ll i liardsley, "and I think 1 11 toon Mow If yon plant ine iu Councils and but icl mogrow." The C1I111 ghost of llio Aliusliouse walks in light And teirillcs some oil lined Mosses white.

"I'm Ind In Ih. rder ol wurdv" Mnrlln mild, "Hut they'll gl Jit l'miimon llio first ill the D.i Kude." The I iAli Turn over new leaf. Let nothing daunt. The thing Is done. "Ah, Jut the we Mnlr: "While Ihoro 1 ne'er knew wloj I wn hInhiI.

Hut neiid me now back again, If only bj find out." I IIJIANM) CARNIVAL 1.1 MAltni AT Tin: AM lilt ICA OK MUSIC, OX TUKSDAV JiVKNlNti, FK1IBCAUY 'Jl, ihh'J. The Drum will he Open at 7 p. ir. MUSICAL 'KATl KM AND sriil'RlSiiS lit P. M.

OliANIJ TAIililiAUX al 11 P. M. MARCH ut P. CARMVAL (Tii.wKS.. 3 Tronicnadc Dance Music Military Hand Iliissler'stn'cheslru CARDSliK ADMISSION Ailmitthm a Clcnllciiiau and Two l.adie Kxtra l.a.iv iekels Spectator iekels (only for Kainily circle.

els. lie had at the follow im; plaees: i Ai.r.RKCHT Piano Rooms, lilll ARl'll Street. DITSi i.N Music Store, 1'J'JS I'll I Sireet. DONhR A I Music store, 1 Inj I 1 1 KTN street. li.A.

SCHWA ItZK'IW store, 1 111 lii i'l ks' NI street. ClINTINKNTAl, JI11IKI, NliWS SI AND. SPlit TA N'riTlCIi. Tiier.iinmittecof Arranyeincnts tieirleax to ailliouilcc thai they are In.i'.liu ihe most exertii.lis to surpass ill previous Carnivals, luittier lime or niouev. ami lliat tle expect to preseiii a iiieaiu thai will surpri.

and please all participants. imiVr. oi'KK'A Jioi THK WOULD WON IlKll MIINS I'll! CA UNCROSS' 1 The man with THRiili HKADS CAHNI R.IS.S' mul THRiili l.lios. "Her Majesty's WI10 Died INS I 1'ir 1" and I lermanlow 11 Trumps." Al A TT.N KM WASHINGTON'S JilRTIIDAV. A JlKliR'AN Till: CALl.OWlllI.lT hclow FIl'TII.

The haii.lsoiii sl vaudeville theatre in Phihidelpliiu. I II. ueeess. Hundreds tallied ilwuv The greatest utlriietiim ever presented in Philailelphilt. .1.


Nl'T sireet. 'I wo halls, Ieet loiar. coutahiinu IhousaiidsoCwonileisi and cm io.ilies; the SPANISH IX ISITION. prellelllieed a perfecl ork of ai t. must he seen 10 he realized.

Open from A.M. till 10 P.M., fur (lentlenieii only. Admission cents. rem: OKANI) '()' A ORAS of the Miotnicrchiir, ai the Acailemv. oil TI KsDAV XUiHT.

Kehruarv 'Ji, will lie tlic e'unt of the season. Tickets, 510. l'T 1 Tl I if All )t)N J(il if' liic aT TII't'L New I1. DOUOH Jilt l', is for sale iu all music slori s. CAMKMV OF Tl I FINK a A (IRANI! PROMKNADIi RKIIKARsM, lllthc lixhil.iiion Oalleiies KVKKV TIII'RSDAVat SV.

hv Ihe full Kit 'NIA Olll II KSTltA. ADMISSION, 'Jo CK.VI's. VooLOCK'AI. (lAUUK.V. m2 Hours for Lions', Timers, il P.


CKl.Klia.xTKI. HA VKHLY'S 14th Ml'. s.iM'i. or Jl 0111 A k. Law uia.

P.xllUKTT. Ill.lor ol'KRA Hot Sli Itnx xi. A 1 1 1 so St; I A I lis 1 1 1. UNION SQt'ARIi l.lulilsi o' J.OMMIN. PA RK 't'llhl UllllTirS Sl'ltxKosI II Oj'KitA.

Pxtii DAI.Y'S OI.KT i K. WALLACK oi Tir. Ol'i I COOK (IRAND liXCl RSIONS leave New York I. ISS'J. Kull particulars inspc cial sent free on apiilieiilioii.

Til K'K'I'S hy all ATLANTIC SI AM Kits. Special lil' ililies seiurins 0110I1 IIKKTHs TIU'RIsT TICKhTs for In.l'niiltiallriivilers in l.UROPli, hy all routes, at rishlce.l rates. COOK'S Maps, liy KV. THoS.tooi; si IN, 'Jill HROADWAY. N.

Ill I WAI.M'T Sliccl, Philadclpliia Pa. C. A. RAT loNT. r.

JUUtvciuls. AM1KN AM) ATLANTIC I I.liOAD. On and ulier o. 17. lssi.

'Jrullis Lcavu MM, and sll ACK AMANON streets ferries, I'hitailelp'iia: Folt ATLANTIC Tl V. FAST p. M. Ae, A. 4.

111 P. M. SI'NDAY HA. I P.M. LOCAL TRAINS I'RoM I'll 1 1.

Dlil.l'll I A. and 1 1. ml A. P. M.

Haniii.olilon A. l.lHian.lli P. M. Al. o.

Salitl ll.Oil A. leln. tiand Vine street otilv. JladdoiiUeld.7. unit Jl A.

Mi.l'J ft, 11. mid Vice Ireet onl I P. M. Marllon and Mullerd. 7i.ini II A.

jj Hand ft I'. M. Sim d.ivs. A. M.a',.1 I P.

M. Yiiicl.ilKl,,:i. Ac IV M. l.liWl: ATLANTIC ITI I. FAST KI'IU A.

M. AeeomiooOat'oii 7 rd. aii.l I. M. SUNDAY A.

l.ll'J P. M. Round trip tickets 1, SI, Tiekel Ollice Kill. KIS, I 1 1 I'l. lid I he VIllO end sneel J'eriies, I'ltilailelphla.

and 4 I heili It a etille. Oerlualilow 0. I XSYI.VA I A I I.I.I "A IV .1. OX AND Al lilt 'JJ LINK. 1 NS'J.

TRAINS I.KAVK I VI) SlIIKKT ST A ION. Dally, except Sunday. New N.irk an hit of Piillinml P.ilaecl'ar A. M. Va 1 Line.

Piltsl.iirmind Hie Wed. 1 X. We tcrn lixpi. s. ii.ihi p.

y. West 11:111 P. M. A. M.

Nli'aru lApr. ssj 7.HII A. M. Walkins A. 1.1 ie uud Jtullitlo iixpn ss, dailv, exci it sidur.i.ij p.

M. Kane livpress: 7. nil A. M. ock Haven s) I I A.

M. llac rslown and lipie 7.IM A. I hanilieisl.inir lixpr. 7, 1 A. ft.

Ill P. M.'.loeh Vall. Rallroiid' A. M.

I uml York lixpre P.M. Tmins' 7.1m A. M. linn Aeeiiiiiuicdataiti' P.M. York and ILomvi express 7.1111 AL Y'oik, lliinoxer mid l'i KxprossS lLvft A.

M. Collin, Inn uml York Aecoiiihiodailoli Lift P. M. Pal kesliiire; Tri.iio.... ft.

Ift P. V. liiMMlimituWIl Aeeoniiiioda! lou. II. to and 11.

4ft A.M., III. P. M. III S.lll.lllV ul N.I.I P. Jl, 'I'rains, H.I ft, 7.1ft.

s.lft, and A. l'J. lft. J. Ift, J.

lft, II. 4.1ft, ft. 1ft, ft, Ift. ll.lft, 1ft, n.lft. Drift uud ll.iBi P.M.

OiiSiualai, 7.1ft. II. Ift A. l.ft.lft, H.lftalld Dl.lftP. M.

Mawr 7.1ft, S.lft, anil II Ift A. I'J. Ift. 1 4ft. ll.lft.

It. l.i, 4.1ft. 4. Ift. ft.l.

ft, Ift ll.lft. II 7.1ft. ll.lft, ln.lft and 1 I till P. M. ou Sunday 7.1ft, P.

Ift A. 1, ft. Ift. S.lft nnd In. Ift P.

Wesi liesier 1 4.1ft P. M. Aecoiiinimhitloii, ll.lft and I I. Ift A. 17.4ft 4.4ft.

ft. Ift. II Ift and 7. Ift P. M.

Ou suialav, ll.lft A. ft.l. and lu.lft P. M. Trains A i'l I I ri.nrpiltsliui,(.

A. uud 7.Hft P. daily, 'ron, Kiiennd Wllitiiiiispi.i L. ihlly. exe, tit.

y. Fioui llulliilo mi Xlauaia I'nlN. A. diitly. e.xcop: MoimIiiv.

From I. nek IDive'i, ft.lift I. d'lllv. except Smida'c, Fiom Wtitklus, Khnira and Wllc.1111.s1u1 1, J'. ii.

xliilly, excipt Si.u.tav. NKW YORK DIVISION. Trains have 111 SI reel siatioit olt NKW York. KMres oil Wlt days. SU'ft, Vl).

II. Ift. 7.IMI. situ ami 1 1 A. M.

il.iniltisl I. voi 1. tin p. xi. 1.

1, 4.ft. II. il 7 V' mi p. XI. and I'JUI 11I11I1I.

On sun :i.HA. il. 1.1, S.iHl A.M., T.ftftiuulH I'. M. noil 1'or Itreokl) 11.

N. tlirotcji lraln c.iiinect at City ef Itrih.klyn Aitliex," atlorilln direct Iruie fi lo iittoii Kin el. avoiding douidc Ii rri fine uud nelo: Ncrv Xin cilv. Kxprew for llost'on itlmul P. M.

iliiltv, Apri IH l. I dl spring enn eUe, liet iin Drove, Anlnirr Park and Loin; Ilium Ii, uml 1 1 A. M.Hlid'J P. M. Mi week due.

Trnlni Arrive I roni New nrk, II. 10. n.ftn. 100ft, 11, 1 1.411 A. M.

Limited Upri I'J ift. (Villi, ft. "ill. tl.lal, 7.40. h.

Ill, 111.7ft, II.IHI p. litid lillit mi week days. Ou il. Ill, II A. M.

7. HI. Kill. Il.ift, I l.l.ll P. Jl, and Jrom Ho Ion.

it Ml A. M. Klein Kvlisln toli Sl.illoli. I RON I' and It'iRKX. livnrcm tur New Yelk.

mid Kill A. M.oliweck Krniii Market Street Wlinrf. for Ni ork xla mud. 11 mid Trenton, OA. M.anU 411" P.

M. on da. I1KIA IDI Illi DIN IslH.V. T'rnlii llroiulsiieet tat ion. ilatli except Hitn lny, Fxprissior LiiiulHTlvllle, Seriiiilnn.

ion anil 1 7.4ft A. I and ii.ihi p. Al, Vnr LaliiMTIvillH, II P. M. I or Lsniiienvllle.

I hioii mul 11 Ivlilere, 4 M. For Fleiiiiii'ilon, 7.4ft A. M. ami ul nod P. 'J luilisarrlve dailv.

excelil Sou. lav. from and ti.ftll A. Mi ami I' ftft P. M.

I'ioiii Keii'luijlnit station, I Ron I' 11 ml llf It Ks street lllll'v. exeepl s.ondiiv, lixpresn for Lamia mllie. I 4Ii.ii seranli.ii. ttiiuthnni' I iii.lo.e, 7 A. JXIU and ft.dft P.

M. Vol I niiilarlvllle.V.III P. M. J'or LiimOeit) tile, Fusion mid re. 4, rift P.

M. I'or Flemliexioii, 7. ft ft A. ami P. M.

Tiii'im arrlv ilallv. 1 neepl sumliiy 1'roin Jinslon. P.nn nod HI HI A. M. mul 4 lis V.

M. Hi epiim car Tiekel, inn he liud at llron.l and Cltastiuit KIH l'leluut Htreel and III. aid SI reel Sli.tmii. 'Ihelnlon Tiicister I oiupniiv ill cutl lor and cite lliiti ate Ire 11 Holds uml R. stdela 4 line Cind.

and lull ciiii 1m. Id Hi" MiiCiuis uml nt Ihe folleWlMl III No. SMS Che V. coiner P.riaiil lied I Iti slnut No. Jill Mi kcl stieel.

No. 4 CIi. lien nxeuiie, tlcriuatitow 11. Fit NK THOMSON, ,1.11. WOOD, lUncral WannKi r.

l'n, Aip nt. .20 .20 .211 fiOil .17 .17 17 .17 VM .04 mm Ah loo 411 ,411 l.H'i I.irjJ. linn .15 .15 21 0 .0:1 ut) .01 pmi .10 .10 .11) 110(1 jr .10 .11 10 .00 ill l.lo'j lJoj 1.1,,') 1.V1 OHO .11 .11 .11 .11 .14 .11) .1:1 Venn I. VI 4.. i'M 4W) lit'rt .01 ,07) IWo.) Algonquin llneiiii Compromise I'auullfss Jieiiter Corn nor Ciiard I i i ii ii Cons low il Idilcll Little Maud Long and lierry Orion nion l't'cf Lara Avl Lain Avi I.

Hun I edi 'I oiui, tune NEW YOliK STOCKH. nnd Nil bville was the weakest point III Ihc Nt Y'oik linn liet and Jcrcy Central lliefitriiiigist, 'the former bloke rlx puintx early in the day and .1 ilef lini' of inoro was eonfidi'iitly proplic.fic.1. The iknes in this stuck infected the wholo list nnd the Jicii.s bud si'oied a ih ohttd sueci is at llieclesie ol the iliij. 'ihc Yiindcrl.llt pioperths wen; badly handled in the iilU'riiooii. Miehlgim Ceniml beitig, knocked il point, New York Ccidrnl 1 M)int and Ijikc Hi re I1 The followlun sbuv.i llio rano of the tocks; tinimi).

lliijh. l.oiciU. h'ul. Ccidi P.i'llie Oi" obi Southern I.C li i i and Klo liiunde I'cUtvarc Hiid ll.nboii 1. I I nek.

A. West irlc Lake shore 3 011:,, II let Nashville Jli hiu'llll Central Jsolihwed eoiu V. central Central rsorlh. Pucitie com hortli. Pacdic prcf.

I'ui Hie Mail Jlelldillg H. Paul 'I'exu ami Pnciiic J'ni hi Pacific t'olo, Wll' lldl pn f. VVMcl 11 I nion 91 'j nyt Kl IDti'J Ml 111 up; 1UV I (i VfM I'' lly2 Ol Kl' 4 "4' Il''' 117" III fiM pit' .11 if. 7.1 01 41 2V Tim I lilbidilpblH Mitikrtn. Momiav, I'ebrunry 20.

1h film at UJe. Iw niidtllina up lotiii. rih.i.os. Hover of 10,1, .1 nmj cIiuhki quality in Udy St H'Jil'e. 'Jluiotby and llax aru unchaiigeiL 1 i.ora ami 1 I lour ill InncUvu mid prlcci fjvot Miyur.

S11I1 of 1 lino barrels, lie hiding Mln lieiotn oxtim .1 for clear, and ii.H7 )yi7 for straight Peiitinylviiuin extra fiundy at fl' 20; West itii do. id and pulenti at ft.MnK Kyo flour ni livml 7.1. Com 11 I Is in i un I. OHAiN. Wheat unsettled, ii regular and lower, ilca of 'red at At the open Imnrd May Hold ul il.ivt,',; (1,30 WW bid fgr 1'ebrtl.

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