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The Daily Times-News from Burlington, North Carolina • Page 7

Burlington, North Carolina
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December Hoti 1. TBLEFROXE effl Phone 1275 MARION BROWN. Editor Phone 60 i ii i. Today's Fashion Notes Church Calendar The Battle of Alamance Chapter at the home of Mrs. G.

A. Kerno dle on Central avenue, with Miss Florlne Robertson and Mrs Ker nodte loint hostessts. The meeting presided over byj Miss Rohercsnn. regent, ep ened with the flag; salute. Aineri 1 can's Creed and the Lord's This was the first of the fall and new year books Here presented.

An invitation to the district to he hi id in Reidsville. Oct. 10th. TOs read. At the vlgsc of trie business session.

Mrs. R. wwte presented the Constitution of Ihe United Stales, and informally, gave a resume of our constitution, its origin and meaning Mrs. Whitehead explained, thai while our luihi could be amended, funda metitatly it should be preserved. The hostesses, then served a delicious sandwich plate and a chilled drink.

The Chapter was delighted to have of 1 member. Mis. W. C. Mclntvre of Charlotte, N.

C. The program for the year as taken fium the year is as follows: Saturday. Sept. 14th: Hostesses Mrs. Kerruxllc.

Miss Robertson. Business session. Constitution Mrs. Whitehead. Saturday.

October 12th: Alamance Holrl. Columbus DayMrs. Marlin. National Defense B. P.

Jones. Sa November ifi: Hosiess Mrs. whitehead. Mrs. May.

(By MARY COOPER) One the loveiest parties of the early fall season was that of yes icrdav mornii' wncn Mrs. Paul LuiiBBSt and Mrs. Worth L. Thompson entertained at the Loti home Scrth Ml Li sire. In 1S, Jivntj room and run porch sis tables were made up for brlrisc, ami Quaii' ilics of fail flowers in colorful arrangements were used lot di corktionsi.

Kollowms the (Time several jucls joined ihe piners i a delicious three course lur.cli serVid on the sinsli lables. Mrs. p. A. Holt was the raveling prute winner fltid the flist and seeded high prizes r.l to Mrs.

W. A McAdaaK and 3. J. Tlie ho.esxf were assisted 111 serving by Mrs. Loniiescs' aunt, Mrs.

J. H. Matiison. sister in law, Mrs. Carl Lmieest.

and Mrs. W. A. The Woman's Auxiliary of ihe K. chinch met at tlie home of Mrs.

H. N. Cook on Monday al'fr uooti with ihe pivsldor.i. Mrs. J.

S. Bowman, prcsidins. The mrenng was opened with prayer led by Mrs. c. Freeman Heath, followed bv tit votiomil eonrtuete, hy Mrs T.

Moon. News Items from missionaries in China were read fiom the church bulletin by Mrs. J. M. Fosler mid Mrs.

T. H. Harrien In ked on the Health Work 01 Koicr. A discussion tool: nlace on the sLildy course for thE fall and it was decided to have the book Gther America." as the book review. Mrs.

S.N. Han ell. Mrs. Janle Itoberson, of Tarboro. and Kate Kfiirley.

of Wilmingioj, returned tu ihelr hnmes after spendm a few da.ts with llieir niece. Mrs. Willard C. Goley. Mrs.

David Is ihe uek uilii relullves hi Dennis. Mrs. Griffin McClure and uailah ler. Mary EH7nrjeth. are vtsilluc; iclaiiies in Chadbuurne.

Mrs. J. Dolnh Lour relumed home torlay after week's visit with Mrs. Glenn Lone. In Newton.

Miss Carolyn Itotrers. missionarv lo Mexico, was a week end suest of Mrs. N. C. Shiver en route to Rich Mrs.

J. M. Push, of Sasapahaw, was a week end guest of Mrs. Miss RuMi Smith, accompanied by Misses Catherine. Virginia and Mareanetlc Thompson, of Burling ton, were week end guests of trlentis John Smith is somewhat improved i f'v rl yesterday tu her lioillu In North Wllkcsooro after a visit with her sisler.

Mr3. W. ft. Hun. Mrs.

Charles C. Thompson, Jr, lias returaed from a visit with relatives In lltlisboro. Mr. and Mrs. H.


m. choir nrsctice al the First Reformed church. FRIDAY P. M. Meeting or ihr Wo man's Missionary Society, First Christian church the purpose of onenrjis Mite boxes.

Circle No. 1 has planned an uiterestng pro gram. All are urged to attend. The Acidic Brown School of Dancing' Opens Sept. 28 The Addie Broun School of Dancing will oneu in Burlington, September 26.

in The bsllronm the Alamance hotel. MtSi Brown tvIII be in Burlington: at the hoirl Saturday, 21, 10 enroll pupils. All interested, in receiving; expert Instruction are asked (o enroll at that time. Dancing, instruction doesn't necessarily mem the adoption a dancing career. It does mean the development of giotnns the promotion of healthy activity, the development Of grace, ease and poise.

It overcomes clumsiness and awkardness and better equips a child Tor taking its place in social life ils they maturo to older yenrs. Children in' Miss Broun school are not put indiscriminately inln large classes. Classes are limited in number to permit attention being given to each pupil. Miss Brown's school has been in continuous operation in Greensboro lor the past eight years this term being the heginnlnis of her ninth year, nnd we are very fortunate to have Miss Brown in Burlington this year. Dance at Amusement Hall Friday Night There will be a dance Friday n1sht.

Septemher 20 from 10 tu 2 at the Burlington Amusement Kail. The dance is sponsored by Mrs. Lillian Van O'Lilnd, with music furnished by the Southern Troubadours. This dance promises la be one of the best of the season as the orchestra Is well Jtnown in the stnte for its dance music, and many plans are beine made to make this dance a success. Everyone is cordially Invited to attend.

Very zonular is a. model Marchinc feet ir Ethiopia, mar i Inl miwip in Ri rlin pvpiiIit In the military PEOPLE YOU KNOW Miss Mildred Oopeland, daunh 1 of Henderson, f.nd Mrs. A. D. Cioi of Mr and Mrs .1.

R. Clone I lev and small daughter. Nancv Car Washington at Trenton and Valley Vccse Miss Robertsnn Geneological Records Mrs. May Saturday, January IS; Hostess Mts. Jefferies.

Mrs. Trajnham. Address Mrs. W. C.

Tucker. Electon of Delegates. Saiurriav. Ffbrairy 15: Alamance Hotel. Our first Mrs.

Whitehead. The President Todjy Mr. J. Saturday. Msrch Kosicsses iirs.

ijus, Mrs. Mar Reporii of Slaw Ihn. Iiniiu naioii. EllLs islan.1 'Vr'j nliam. Saiurday.

April is: Alamance Hotel. iit.xmcton and Yorktown Mis. Luiir. ArneiiCnluim Miss Approved Schools Mt Jerleries. Saturday.

May 16 Hostess iliiB waLi.m.on. Status of Alamance Park Mrs. Kerncdle. Kesume of Year's Work and Pioerams Miss Rolierlson and Mrs. XIay.

Meet infis li State Congress, Aslie Apnl National Wasli Mrs. J. Lyna ood Hall, rfcent untie, was honored with a rrift of linen. The hostess assisted by C.

F. Nrcsc, alemoon tea and saiiriwiches. Membcis plaving were: Mis. J. A.

Hill. Mis. C. F. Ncese, Mis.

T. D. Ponleman, Mrs. Frul I'ailelson. Mrs M.

Long. Mrs. R. O. Brownlns.

Mrs. J. Lyu Hall was an oiiUide eue.t. Missionary Society Holds Meeting The Ladles' Missionary Societv of ielhrl K. church held its reiiiilnr monthly meeting Saturday nlghl at the home or Mrs, G.

A. Daruelcy. A very Interesting program was heard hy the laro gToup thnt attended. Musia was rendered by the Madieu Band. the social hour the hostess served delicious ice ci'eam, after which the pastor.

Rev. E. Lance, find Mrs. Lance ere ylveu a shmver by the members. FASHION NOTE FOR MEN'.

Baclts will be. nlainer and the double breasted version that but tons on the lowest button assumes i rice COIOrS r.lh to darkish tones nd gab slacks hold their popularity here B. A. If 11 Jiajwey, spent lite weekend with relatives Fayetteville. They were aecompanied home by Mrs.

Core's sister. Miss Vivian Nunnery. Mr. and Mrs. Coy Willlaois and LiltlO Mlis Jordan Vomit ami Marvin Youm.

spent the week e. her aunt. Mis. Charie; W. Perry, in Hish Point.

Mrs Gluflv. Caller. of High Pouil, was a wctk erjl guest of Miss Evelyn Williams Mrs. Frank Stone, Slier City, was a week end guest at Ml. and Mrs J.

M. Moon. a. A and children, Ssxanahaw. were jester dsy vlstors with the former's moth er.

Mrs. Frank Mr. and Mrs. Norwood May. of LsGrnnjr and Miss Lucille John ait visited the first of the week at the home of Mr.

and Mrs. William The latter Is Mrs. Hardens ter and Mr. May was an old school male of Mr. Harden.

Ottawa. The Canadian government made a profit of about by levaluing gold held hy the treasury under the E. cliauae Fund Act. Before ins art effect gold was valued IS THE WORD FOR Shoes IN BURLINGTON Sons ucd at nb'out 535. Vj' My Ideal Kmfldy for SOCIETY EVENTS THURSDAY :00 p.

m. The Burlmglcn Music club will open the program for ihe. year vdth a banquet in Ihe Alamance hotel. Members are reminded to Srlng guests. The New Week Bridge club will meet with Miss Elizabeth Williams.

The Spinsters" club Mil Pathfinders S. S. Class Has Party iimhrt of ihn Pathfinder's BUI1 riav school class of the Evaueellcal Reformed church enjoyed a ueau ti'u! buffet sup'r in the dining :00 o'cloci; Invlted suests were the husbands of the class members find many other friend' the 1 attractively decorated uilh vartous fall flowers. After the blessuic by Rev. Banks J.

Peeler the bounteous meal with hot coffee was presented, each one rvinj: themselves. Followine the supper, Mrs. R0I1 Kivelt, Ihe class presdent, lu Irrirlueed a Kroup of Japanese frieiulb. Madam Wistaria, Madam iris Kato, and a litlle girl, Yuai Vuai. tvlio save a very lovely Jap arranged a litlle Jananesc garden and the sottinR vvas unusually pretty.

A miniature Lea table, Willi Lea cups and wine goblets was presided over by Yum Yum snd pretended tea ivas servd. Th pro ani was us follows: Piano Soio. in a Japanese Garden Yum Yum. June Carol Coble. Vocal Solo, In Lantern Lund Iris Kflto.

Mis. Cecil H. Andrews. inn solo. Tlie Japan of Lone: Ago Madam wistaria, Mrs.

Herbert W. coble. muring this number tei cups ere served). Solo: Tlie Japanese Sunset urn Yum Duel: Flowers In a Tokio Garden Wistaria and Iris This procram. winch was jt'ven esthiK and was oarllcularlv npr ilrr rt r.

r.1 NeJtt month's recreation for the class will be a marshmallow toasr and a welner roast. Bowie Harrington. Helen Francos Bowie, In Mr. Thomas Hayes Han lnglon, on Saturday, the eirshth of June, nineteen hundred and thirty five, Albany, Georgia. Mrs.

Harrington is the dauchter of the late Mr. W. P. Rnwie or atatesvllle. She has been niakinj; Mrs.

Harrinffton is a (nadunLe of the E. M. Holt school of Alamance and has been in training for the past year at the Richmond Medi cal college, of Richmond, Va. Mr. Harrnrrton Is the son of A F.

Harriintlun. of Merrv Oaks. c. He attended FJon lJllee. For ine past year tin tins been playms professional baseball tvith the Al bany club of the Genrrrla PlnTiria with the Colunibus eluh of American Association.

Class AA, to whom he mil report to next spring. SPECIALS THIS WEEK ONLY! 52.50 ringi ijrs Complete J75 S1.00 DISCOUNT on All Other rrmonentsi Shampoo 2So Fintei wavt Brow Arch Manicure PLEAZ BEAUTY SHOP The Addie Brown School of Dancing Will Begin Classes in BALL ROOM of ALAMANCE HOTEL Saturday, Sept. 2fl, '35 Miss Addle Brown iMrs. Miller) will be at Alamance hotel to en roll rend classify pupils from II SATURDAY, SEPT. 21, 1935 A school with an stabllshrd emiiatlon for thorourti triln In all types ot dnclng and envelopment of rhythm, poise It grace.

Now! At Sellars Showing of New SHIRLEY TEMPLE FALL COATS Birth Announcement Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Webster announce the birth of a son, Ernest Rogers. Sunday, Ssnt. 15, at the home of her parents, Mr.

and Mrs. E. C. Bason. CHURCH NOTICE.

The B. 5. 5." school on West Davis street, opened for registration Wednesday at o'ciocn and tt ill continue to enroll pupils through Friday. At the first Quick! the unique aid far preventing signed for nose and upper throat, where masf cold's start. VicksVatronol FUNERAtL DESIGNS BASKETS AND SPRATS M00REFIELD Mrs.

J. M. Frcomaii was. Iidslps to Lhp Tuesilhy Afternoon Coiilinci. fall flijitr used Ul the Kpa oils living ifrom, uhf rr Ao tblc ci for brideo.

AL Ihr nlrwn or tl c.nnr. Mrs. J. A. Hall held hlyh stnre ami res i'iv a novelt? cosmetic paokpt, Gibsonville Hews By JinS.

It. C. STUBB1NS On Sunday evenlnir Mr, and Mrs. Frank Oliver entertained tlie faculty of the lucal school and the the Burlington road. A profusion of mixed fall flowers and dahlias dining; rocm.

A two course dinner rv Ali.y.i T. E. StoUfile, fJrs. Melson Robins Mrs. It u.

Itanner. A the hostess In serving ere: Jltss BcLsy NcbI Hanner, Miss Lillie Mae Rotuitree, Miss Olbeit fnjle and The local school opened Monday an enrollment e. ceedins iRSl years. Prof. E.T.

Stou plf reports lhn enrolleu 111 high school and 457 In elementary school. Rev. Clifford Peace is visiting his parents. Mr. and Mrs.

June Peace, at Trinity inis ween. Mr. Morton Edwards on Whltsctt road left Monday for Raleigh where he will enter State college. Mrs. Lee Wharton, Mr.

1. W. Burke, Mrs. Oshert Inle, Mrs. Arthur Kivelt, Missr Dorothy and Barbara Story.

Mrs. J. K. Ozmcnt and Mrs. T.

E. Slouch? attended on Tuesday the. lione. No. of Greensboro district Women's Mis slonarv uork of M.

E. church, south." held at West Market Street church in Greensboro. Mr. Prnnklin Wilkins of Mars Hill visited in the home ol Mr. and Mrs.

P. L. Kivett on Sunday. Mr. Richard Thnma left Mon day for ftaleiuh where he will resume lils studies at State college.

Mrs. P. G. Hanner had as her etiest on Sunday, her mother, Mrr. GuyeT of Hirrh Point.

Mr. Dniellt Davidson, let: loday mi a business trip Washington, D. C. Mrs. L.

M. Short of Eastern 3tar home In Greensboro was the weekend guest of Mr. and Mis. W. J.

Jennings. Mr. and Mrs, D. M. Davidson id son.

Murray, spent Monday in Raleigh, where Murray entered Htate cortege ior nis sc puamure year. The Rotary club met Tuesday evening at 1:30. Prof. Ted Stoutlo. Dr.

J. Vance Dick and Paul Jordan were in charge of the program. Prof. Stougle spoke en Out Revival services are being held at the Methodist Protestant church this week, services each evening at 1:20. Rev.

R. C. Stubtilns. the pls Lov. is doing the preaching, and Ted Stouijle has charge of the ONCE PROUD SCHOONER BURNED Seattle.

The once proud four masted schooner. Fort Laramie, which carried lumber in the Australian trade for years, came to an isnomhious end at Richmond vessel was outmoded by larser, faster shins. Her dav oast. Stie was hurried to salvage the metal in her MALARIA 0000 fint day Liquid Tableta T0N1C mi Salve Nose 1 AXAT1VK nrnpa Shampoo and Finger Wave 50c Permanent! $2.50 to $7.50 CARRIE LOU BEAUTY SHOP phone OppctKe Carolina Theatre Si bmldcd t)Rlt nn(3 nrninid the roll, of Elizabeth City, are visiting their mother, Mrs. Isley, on West Davis street.

Miss Eleanor Fix. who was jurcd. In an automobile accident Friday, is resting nicely at this time. Revival Services Begin Tonight in West Burlington A revival meeting conducted under a gospel tent will begin today at 7 .30 p. on Plaid Street extension on the old Ball Park ground Rev.

T. Kenjon and Wife, who have returned from Coal Creek, and Rev. John Webster, pastor of the Mebane Pilgrim Holiness church, will be the workers. We are expecting a leal good meeting and want you to CDme and he with us. Post OfficeClerks Auxiliary Meets The Ladles hf the of the local 1531, Post Office Clerks, met Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs.

Eugene Glosson. on Cam eron street. Mrs. Eugene Glosson. president, presided over the business session, and plans were dis cussed for the oyster supper to be served at the next; meeting.

The date was not definitely settled hut it will be held some time In October. After the business was disposed of a delicious sandwich Dlate nd hot chocolate were served by the hostess. Those present were: Mrs. I(oy Wheeley. Mrs.

John R. Hoffman, Mrs E. M. cheek, Mrs. C.

L. Jones, Mrs. Mattle Complnn, Miss Maude Gunler and Mrs, Joe Coble. Spinsters Will Have Business Meeting The Spinsters' club mil meet this evening at 7:00 o'clock at the home or Miss Edith He it, on Webb avenue. Alt members are asked to please attend as immediate plans must be mode for the first dance.

All dues are supposed to be paid at this time so committees c.111 budsel expenses for the dances this fall. laud, left this morning for Stalin ton, where she will enroll in 1 Mary Baldwin school. Miss Francis Black of 405 Maple avc. underwent an operation Monday night at Harney hospital. She is resting nicely at this time.

Mrs. D. R. Fonville and Mrs C. V.

Long spent Monday in Greens Miss Delia Sorrell left yesterday for Snow Camp, where she. will he a member of the Sylvan school faculty this year. Miss Clara Warren, who recently underwent tin operation at the Ciiirio hospital, in GieeusOoro. returned to her home last evening and is recovering nicely at tills time. Mr.

and Mrs. P. M. Sealer, of Washington, D. are the guests of theiT daughter.

Mrs. w. B. Russell, and Mr. Russell, on Central avenue.

Mr. Bealur was for a number of years general superintendent of the A 4s company. He and Mrs. Russell nre. leaving today fur Pinehurst for Eeveral days and will LI" 1 return to Washington.

Miss Sarah Holt Thtrrcll, who received treatment at Rainey hospital, has returned to her home on Maple avenue. Miss Jrmalta Sorrell, who has been visiting in the home ot Miss Sadie Fonville, has returned to her home in SmitMicld. Miss June Francis Loath left to day for Charlotte, nhere she will enroll for school tor the winter. Mrs. H.

H. May has as her guest, her niece, Mrs. E. E. King, of Durham.

Mr. Carey Isley and son, Carey, of 3. Mr. Kenneth Isley and son, Kenneth, 951 s.i.5t to sio.w Out own enthusiasm simply went out of bounds when we saw t.hom. There the ones you've waiting for only they're much smarter than you can imagine.

The smuller sizes have hat and legfrins or hat and muff to match. They come in a wonderful variety of strikinpr little British and other styles, and they're fashioned rem new Tally Hop, Suede cloths. Sky Tops, checked fleeces and tweeds. Smart fur collars or trims: Eari Glo ig. Sizes 2 to 7 to 10.

Sizes 2 to 6 with leggins and hats to match $9.95 Sizes 7 to 10 with hat to mntcri $9.95 and $14.75 FOR BETTER PERMANENT WAVES CALL MADELLE BEAUTY PARLOR In TTinnton's Store Snow Suits One and Two Piece Styles Materialii of all wool flannels onr suiting in plaid and solid colors. Sizes 4 to 10. Prices with cap to rriatch $595 Prices with cap, scarf and gloves $9 95 DANCE! BURLINGTON AMUSEMENT HALL Friday Night, 'Sept. 20th, 10:00 till 2:00 Sponsored by MRS. LILLIAN VAN O'UNDA Muic By SOUTHERN TROUBADOURS occipt $1.00 You Are Cordially Invited Sellars.

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