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The Daily Times-News from Burlington, North Carolina • Page 10

Burlington, North Carolina
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THE BUM1NCT0N (N.C OAUY TIMES NEWS, SATURDAY, APUL 7, 1951 glsteied nurse from Rowan Mem during the period i at Alamance General orial Hospital at saltttiury in She has done post gradualu work MRS. MARTHA B. LOWE. 421 Granville Street, BurUngtoo, em and supvrv ls.iv" MISS EVA THOMAS, 306 Union Avenue. Burlington, yrivate dutv 6chool of nursing at (he University iii nai i Unkitlikl re ol Virginia, nurse at Alamance General Hos ceived her training at Presby pital.

received her training at SI. Leo's Hospital, Greensboro, graduating in 11)33. Following grad i uation she did private duly nun; lug for two years, and was of fite nurse Tor Dr. A. J.

Ellington, from 1936 to IMS with the exception of time spent at Memphis Eye, Ear. Nose and Throat Hos pital while her husband was. sta tioued at Memphis, in 19H.I MRS. S. WALKER ixa North Church Siipj Burling ton.

received her training as ai leaislcrcd nurse at Davidson Hos. registered nurse at St. Leo's Hos Herian Hoepiwi. nancnw, uuiuiu the period 1S42 IS45. pital, Greensboro.

MRS. FELICIA J. FISLEY, 409 Hlllcrcst Avenue, received her training at Mount Slnal Hospital, Philadelphia, graduation as a cmiuin unnniv 417 Hill registered nurse In 1S37. MRS. ESTHER R.

PAINTER, 411 West Gilbreath Street, Graham, turn an leave of absence front Hie nursing staff of Alamance received her training as a regis MRS. MADGE T. SHARPE, 510 rrollinger Street. Burlington, re Satiaturium. Salisbury, graduating General Hospital, received her, i pital, Lexington, graduating in gistered nurse in the office of Dr.

P. Y. Greene, graduated from training as a registered nurse at Jl'ark View Hospital. Rockv Mount Iduring Ihe period 1937 1940. Isupei visor at Bayside HospiUI.

'Tampa, as supervisor of nurses at Mission Hospital at Ash .1 Hrhlll Mem. i resDyierian itospnai, vnartoite. a general duty nurse al Alamance General Hospital sitiee 143 and since December 1345 has worked 1331. FLORENCE HARRELSON, S02 King street. Burlington; private orial School at Zrtacunrc, Mexico, MRS.

ED. D. Wilkins. 123 Hill side Drive, at nreseut inactise, duty nurse is registered in states of North Carolina. New In tlie operating room and cnier geney room.

MRS. JAMES H. WILSON, Route 3, Burlington now employed at Alamance ticueral llosnltal. ceived her training as a registered nurse at Woman's, Hospital, Phil 'and California. She completed her and A.

N. A. from 11 through auctpaia, in ims. MRS. DAISY M.

LEE. Route 4. MRS. Eli MA WILKJNS. Haw ivei Graduate of Rainev Host Burlington, registered nurse at Dr.

McDade's Clinic, received her trai ing at Johnston County Hospital. pital in 129. work as training at Stanford University Hospital, San Francisco, in 1022, and had past graduate work in psychiatry at Washington, D. C. She has also worked at Bellevue Hospital and State Hospital.

N. and has done private duty nursing in Kev York and other stales. ANA BONDS ANDREWS. Edge wood Avenue Extension, Burling ton. a graduate of Waodard Herr graduated from Rainev Hospital in 1931.

She assisted Dr, R. E. ilruoks in organizing the Alamance County Health Department and also assisted Ihe Red Cross in a survey of county schools during, the ringworm epidemic several! years ago. In addition, Mrs. Wil SOM served as a private duiv and

Wilkins. She has hud Smithfield. graudaling in 1929. MRS. EDWIN R.

SMITH. 1101 Piedmont Wav. Burliiielnn. inne post graduate training at John Hopkins Hospital and during 1944 and 1345 was a member of the Army Nurse Corps, serving at Fort Benning, and Camp Wheeler, tive at present, received her training as a registered nurse at Mem. office nurse before joining the slaff in ine local nuspital.

orial, Danville, and at Chil ing Hospital, at Wilson, in 1S48. is now employed as a public health nurse by the Alamance Cauntv dren's Hospitai, Washington, D. C. MRS. VERA ALLISON HfUf auriny the period liH3 i hi 17 i Wjm i MRS.

LUCY O. GRIFFIN. 1306 1112 South Pari; Avenue, nuiling Health Department. rn i 1 1 In trMnuv al Jsmi i MRS. VIRGIL it.

NEWBORN. Homewood Avenue, Burlington, nurse In the office of Dr. Taiu Ahernethy, received her training as Walker Memorial Hospital at Wil 107 Parkview Drive. Burling LA LA LEE PARIS, Route 2, Graham, director of the school for ton, leceivea ner training as a registered nurse at at. iu mingion oui iug tno period 1M3 Shs is now employed as clinical instructor far practical stu egistered nurse al Thompson practical nurses at Alaniaiu oral Hospital, graduated a 'See NURSES ON Page Ci i Memoriai Hospital, Liimoerton, "i Known anove are parr or the members fit Hie Alamance County Nurses Association.

First row, left to right, arc Lucille rell. Jliss i.rnnra raiiKlni. Mrs. Mary V. Helms.

Mi's. Sudie C. Barringcr. Mrs. Lois W.

Harris. Mrs. Josephine W. White." nnd Miss Bert. i James.

Second row, left io right, Mrs. C. J. Hickey, Mrs. James li.

Wilson. Mrs. Roger Moore. Mrs. B.

Cole, Mrs. W. N. Stan sell. Mrs.

F. V. Thompson, Mrs. IV. F.

Hfldlcy, and Miss Juanita Perdue. Third row, left lo right, Mi. Ethel br.u Mi Madge Sliarpc Mrs. Troy Stanford, Mrs. Edna Patterson, Mrs.

11. H. Hurst, Mrs. Jenn Jones, and Mrs. Bonnie Smith.

Nurses Supply Important Role In Hospital In Burlington since craiiitalinc private duly nurse. Received MRS. R. li. L.

HOLT, 507 At (Continued From Page 7 B1 pital as a registered tiursr. SI: from Rainey Hospital, now Ala mance General Ilosnital. in 1 BP 1 "i13i Iraining as a registered nurse in waier aircoi, receivna ner tratn the Sluarl Circle Hospital at Rich ling lis a registered nurse at Wo inoud. in 1931 and has also. man's Hospital at riuladelphia, Pa.

attended ihe Medical College if; in 1907 and also had post firad her I raining at Pittsburgh during the period 1913 to 1916. At the present time she is em ployed by the Alamance County uatc training in public health Ihe: Virginia and William and Ma uepariiuent as a puoitc health nurse. MRS. DORIS W. 908 now inactive, she did bedside nursing, taiiBnt name hygiene and tor special studies Willi nursing.

During World War she taught clnsscs In nurses aide and Askew St reel. Burlington, has done miblic health nuisintr MRS. WILLIAM B. BRYAN, tile Alamance County Health De did considerable Red Cross are ol tlie sick as Red Cross arse for 13 years. MRS.

G. MARVIN HOLT. 400 uariineiit since ISM. trained as ti rcHistcrcd nurse at St. Leo's Hns.

ETHEL J. SHOE, 625 South Route 1, Burlington, a giaduulc of Rainey Hospital in 1931, does a limited amount of privale duty nursing in addition to making a home for her family and two chil dren. Dltal. Greensboro, from 1930 to 1533. Edgcwood Avenue, Burlington, now Street, Burlington, a registered inactive, graduated as a register nurse at Alamance General Hos uise tvom Johns Hopkins Hos She did post graduate work in public health nursing at the University of North Carolina and from 1934 to 1042 was employed as pri pital, received her training at Ran pital in 1924.

ey Hospital, graduating In l'JStl. MRS. FRANK W. CHILDRESS. vate, tiospuai anu utiice 130G Beech Drive, Burlington, is presently employed as a register MRS.

CLARA RANDOLPH, Clb ETTA COX HORNER, 209 Texas venue, Riirlinetoil. industrial I sonvilic. public health at Kernudle Clinic here. nurse at Celanese Lanese Cor the Alamance County Health De IT IS WITH GREAT PRIDE! a member of Ihe 194ii poration, received her training MRS. C.

B. DUMAS, 519 Gil breath Street, Graham, a graduate of High Point Memorial Hospital in 1944, has dene pes I grad partment, received her training at graduating class at Rex Hospilal; a registered nurse at Medical Col St. Leo's Hospital. Greensboro dur lege, S. graduating in 1933.

I DAISY W. THOMAS. GI0 llidii uate work in pediatrics at Clid drens Hospital, Wasliiiiifluii, D. C. ing Ihe period 1930 1933.

She has been associated wilh the health department since September 19, She lias been employed as an Industrial nurse' since September' 15, 1947. Street, Burlington, lines llic Inb and in surgery at Greenville Gen nrolorv work at the Alamance County Sanatorium ill addition lo her duties as a registered MRS. B. Ti. FITCH.

40) Atwater Street, Burlington, received her MRS. SUE A MICK INGLE, Iherc. She received her 1 eral Hospital, LJveeiiville, S. C. MRS.

RUBY MOORE, Graham received her training as a re gistered nurse at Memorial Hos nilal. Philadelphia. jfraduatbn I training in New York Citv in 1914 Route 6, Burlington, graduated training as a registered nurse at and has also dune post graduate Walts Hospital during the a registered nurse from Rainey Hospital in June, 1933, She stayed on at ihe hospital, first doing general duly nursing, and later work work in ptioue neallb nursing there. For four vears she worked in Ihe ill 1920. She is now employed in In her prolession since 1943.

New York City Heallh Depart ing the operating room until Aug I nii il irlr evpi' lie rr obstetrical nursing and ollice ivork with Dr. S. C. Spuou, Burlington; and tins also served as a Bed Crass Nurse. MRS.

.1. C. HARRIS, .729 Foiin lin Place, Rurliitglon, presently ust, 1935, when she was married. in working with contagious dis After one year of private rfuty lnciutnng pono. Inactive, received her training as nursing, slf has been inactive as ri ui.

Hied nurse at North Ca attending a family of two lina Bapilst Hospital in 1938. boys and one girl. I MRS. W. B.

GRAHAM. 436 New Streel, Graliain, gradualed in 1B38 from the North Laroluia State San which was then affiliated with the Moore Counly Hospital I at riuehurst. MABEL BROWNING, 420 Gran ville Street, Burlington, a graduate at Rainey Hospital in 1931. J1PS. TtFARTHA Pender, I 1.

fllebane, is presently employed as a registered nurse at the Me baue Clinic. She was one of the first graduate of tlie Rainey Hos The Hospital Staff In the normal course of locuiy's living all of us frequently overlook tlie iinjiortiincCj to the section's people, of tlie doctors, tlie nurses, and others who not only staff a hospital but lvho nlso work diligently in the service of the sick. Medical practice is no easy thing it is not a matter of sitting in an sir conditioned office for a few hours a day. Raih er, it is a roiind ihe clotk task from which there seldom any relief if a doctor seeks to do his duty to his patients. We think that our section is extienicly fortunate in the caliber of the.

men who practice medicine the men who will join our able surgeons in serving as the professional staff at The Alamance County Hospital. Ve believe that wilh the addition of the vast array of modern equipment that they will render an even greater sen ice lo the sick. To them and to the others who comprise the hospital staff we extend our best wishes, Yes, it is with great pride'that we can all join in acclaiming the completion of the new ALAMANCE COUNTY HOSPITAL an institution that will take front rank position in helping to write the history of this section's progress this section's people. The new hospital brings to. fruition the efforts of a great many people efforts which have extended over a long period.

It marks a new era of service for the sick and afflicted of this section it brings them a facility which has been sorely needed for many years. It marks the finest accomplishment that we know about of a people working together for the common good. It marks a complete recognition of human in addition to material values. It brings us to a closer realization that a community can only develop indirect ratio to the willingness of, its people to work together for a common purpdse. Today we can all look back at the years of effort which have gone into the building of this'fine hospital yes, we look back with a feeling of pride in its accomplishment.

Today, too, we can look ahead to the years of service to which this new hospital is dedicated and give thanks for its being a reality instead of a dream. pital, coir.pietins ner training mere in 1917, MRS. ROBERT EARL BISHOP, 600 Acum Streel. Burlington, a graduate of the Presbyterian Hospital School of Nursing at Charlotte, was employed at Alamance General Hospital from 1947 lo 1949, MRS. BONNIE SMITH, Gibson villc, received her training as' a registered nurse al Baker Thompson Memorial Lunibsr ton, during the period 1941 1044.

She has been em ployed at Piedmont Hospital, Greensboro, doing general duty and operating room work, Tor the past year, but vill join the staff of the Alamance County Hospital as an operating MRS. TROV L. STANFORD, Highway 54, Burlington, now cm ployed at the offices of Dr. lioyd Harden and Dr. Graham Har den when an extra mn ouireil, received her trai 1 registered nurse at Wntls Has pital, Durham, graduating in 18J0.

MRS. NORMA. GUTHRIE, 418 Rauhut Street, nurse at Kernodlc Clinic, received her training at! North Carolina Baptisl Hospital. I Winston Salem, graduating in 1846. She Is secretary of the North Caro hna Male Mr.

al inn nF District Number 10. The BELK BECK CO. Takes Pleasure In Welcoming The Staff and Personnel of The New Alamance County Hospital To Our Community Our thanks also to all of those fine people that worked so faithfully and so long to make the great hospital possible. BELK BECK CO. "Burlington's Shopping Center" MRS.

CHARLES W. McPHER I SON, B29 Fountain Place. Burlington, gradualed from the Rainey Hospital In 1019 and did special work in (he field of nursing at Cleveland, Ohio. MRS. JEAN D.

JONES, Route 5, Burlington, private duty nurse, received her training at Glace Bav. Novb Scotia. Canada, gradu ating in 1940. During 1045 and 1916 she served as an Army Nurse. doing hospital ship duty In both the Euiupenn and Pacific Then Burlington's Most Modern ires of V'nr.

MRS. CLYDE SHOE. Route 2 a Graham, private dutv i ceived her training at the Kal i ey Hospital in IIIIM. LUCILLE FOSTER SORRF.Ll Houlc Elou College, industrlf! visiliiig mirse al ttesleni Burlington, since Will, reci her training as registered.

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