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The Courier News from Blytheville, Arkansas • Page 4

The Courier Newsi
Blytheville, Arkansas
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HALNES, AdvertUlng Mauagei 0ote fUUouil AOYetlUlng HepreMDiailvos: The F. Clark Co, New York, Philadelphia, Dallas, Auloulo, ban ftiuicisco, Ctt'cijo, St. Louis. Published Eyery Afternoon EIWJH Sunday. Entered MOWS class matter at Ihe post ofltce.

at BlytlievUle, Arkansas, under act ol October 1817. Benrtd by toe United SUBSCRIPTION KATKS By carrier In tiro city ol Blylhcvtllc, 15o per wctk or per year in advance. By mall wllbln a rarflus of 60 t3.W per ytv. I 1 tor ilx momhj. 85c (or three inonUu; by mall In postal tana two to six, Inclusive, lti.50 IX.T year, lu zouca ftvcn and eight, $10.00 per year, payable lu advance.

Planning Production The call which has been issued by James W. Gerard, chiiiimiin of Uie commissioii on industrial inquiry of the National Civic Federation, for a congress of mill luljor leaders to draft a 10-yenr-plnn to prixluctiun iiiul ctiniinale iincniploy- nVciit in Amcvicn, rcllucls no new discovery. 11 long been evident thai at least one important source of our economic (lilTiculticg has been the titter lack of co-ordination and constructive purposes in American production. We sow, ami harvest, dig mines, drill oil wells, b.uild machinery, operate factories, not to provide the things that are necessary to the life ami general and wall being of the American people, but to money. Fortunately there is a very definite relationship between the meeting of needs niul the making of money, so on the whole we have 'gotten But when, because of lack 'of knowledge and narrowness of viewpoint on the jiart of our vast iwm- ber unintegratcd -producers-, it develops that too many persons arc seeking to make money certain lines of production, there comes a collapse.

Pi'olits cease, men are thrown out of work, jobless industrial workers suirur for food and clothing while farmers, in the excess of their wheat and manufactured goods. It is a tragically irrational thing, this depression, through which we are passing, but how Jlr. Gerard jinii his associates cxirect to make its recurrence impossible is dilTicnlt to understand. Any effective voluntary plan would be the most gigantic "conspiracy in restraint of trade" ever confronted by the attorney general's office. On the other hand government control and direction of production, as is being attempted in Russia, is unthinkable in this country, even granting that it niight At least until such time as Mr.

Gerard gets his plun in effective working order the wisest policy for the majority of us will be to conduct our all'airs in a fashion that will enable us lo weather such forms of adversity as are beyond our control. For the individual and for the business insliUijLion a cash reserve will continue to be the best possible insurance against disaster. This applies In the farmer, as to others, but the former has the advantage in that he can adopt a program that will make him in large measure independent, of market and employment conditions. More Unwise Censorship Onu of the most unpleasant bits of news to out olj Washington in months is the recent disclosure that tha Treasury Department has started censoring Dm radio broadcasts and press releases of the I'ublic Health Service. Recently a 1'ublic Health Service broadcaster suggested that it is wise lo eat less meat than usual in the hot days of Instantly a (loot! of protests po'ui'ed in fiuni meat packers and live associations.

Oddly enough, the government listened to these protests. Now the I'ub- lic Health Service officials have been notified that all radio broadcasts and press releases hereafter must get the 0. K. of the treasury secretary's of- lice before they go lo the public. However this is disguised, il is censorship of a peculiarly stupid and dithgcrous kind.

If government health speak their minds freely because their official superiors are afraid of (ifl'eiuling private buuino-s men, Ilia health service might as well go out of business. TUESDAY, JUNE 16, 1931 SIDE GLANCES By George Clark Arkansas and Roosevelt The statement of Senator Caraway In Washington yesterday, lu which he chimed that Ar- knnsas would strongly support. Governor Roosevelt of New York us tccond choice lo Kobltisuu Is of extreme political importance. Tile position tufccu by Sctinlor Cam way that Ills state favors the New York executive should boost the. stock o( Roosevelt.

Noting Ihe possible cniullditcy of Robinson, Senator Caraway commented: "If Senator Hob- Insou Is not noinluntcd, Hoose-vell is the almost unanimous choice of the stale." There Is no cloubl, however, thnt Senator liobinson Is most prospective;. lint more linporlnnt. whether nominated or not, the senior Arkunsns senator Mill a com- iminrllni; position at the national Democratic convention. Of the dry candidates Hobinson Is leader. He will have the bucking of the dry Southern states, lie will be a pcisonaejc to deal with and will have comminuting voice hi the selection of the nominee.

Outside of Hobinson the most potential can- dtdilcs arc in favor of the repeal of the Eighteenth Amendment. Governor Roosevelt has made his stand clear, although the Southern dry leaders look him with much more favor Hum Ihu more avowed wets. The of Arkansas' sentiment toward Roosevelt is thus doubly interesting. If Robinson, fmrtiin; that the eastern and southern Democrats could not possibly come to an agreement upon his stand, should join his colleague in this support, of Roosevelt, there is little doubt as to the choice of the next presidential nominee. Tribune 'Mji -V cejil in scicnlifie experimentation.

Stimulation lo Ilic skin may come from a pin blast warm ulr, contact with ft chemical like menllioi, or from oilier stimuli. The number of nerve tips associated with the perception of any sensation varies in various parts of the body. The most sensitive is the tip ot the tongue, then follows the Up of the fiiiaci, various ringers varying In their ability. Then comes Ihe middle of the palm, the forehead. Ihe buck of the hand, the forearm, the sternum or breast bone, tile region alone the spine, and finally the middle of the back.

Ii is very difficult for a person to lell exactly what Is touching him if the stimulus is applied to the middle of the back, whereas he can cmitc frequently lell by the sense of feel alone the nature of any stimulus applltd to the anger lip or lo the loneuc. THIS CURIOUS WORLD "I (KoiiKht wimlctl to Iw a grout actress, when von TOW uu." uu. "No, I've decided to become great like untie." IN NEW YORK unth Gilbert Swan fin-re's Ocoil Itcasun for That Kush even 50! How can the di- to the Sl.ige. Dtwr Wbtn Girls rector ever make his selections? Are OITcrcNl Chorus Jubs at 5100 Oh, well, he knows his business ATTACK On June 1C, 1917, at atom 2 a. Uvo zcppclins made an aUui-k on Ihe east const of England.

The official report said tlial one of Hie airships crossed Ilic Kentish coast and dropped bombs on coast town, killing two persons, Injuring 1C and wrecking a large number of houses. The second airship attacked a town of East Angelia, but did no damage tefore 11 was engaged by Flying Corps, brought down in flames and destroyed. Thousands wilnescd llie.cnd of his zcppelin. Tlio altack by anti- ircraft guns on the dirisjible lasted ully an hour, und'poople ftiu irom lieir half dressed to watch he (light. When the wppeiin to burst into llamcs the spec- alors cheered tumuitously.

It had iccn first, winged by a land sun, was HHII finished by an jltine, which the xuppelin fouyhl Ihe last her guns. The dirigible drooled into a field if corn, far from any habitation, and was destroyed. All of the crew were killed ami their bodies badly charred. Some of the men ppcurcd to have jumped. IVr NEW "Shnbert Al- iy" they stood live deep wailing to jo, one-by-onc, throngli tha nar- stage door.

At cither end of the alloy two policemen order. The lean between a bus line depot and the theater was almost air- But I'd hate lo have the job. What eyefuls! It's the funny looking ones you wonder about. There's one who must weigh rod, curly hair, funny figure, funny everything! Who could have told lier to show up? Strange Uunu, this woman's vanily! ess as summer's first InuuiilUy You can tell the girls who have vavc swept over the mid-town beK, been around all have caving llic Uroailway Huongs cluni-, brought bathing and lliej ny ami uncomfortable. trot out front for inspection, wearing 'cm.

They waul what they've got. to be seen. And Uiosc girls in old-lashionei dresses. Do they think the casting A strange sight--700 girls, each to be one of two chosen for a chorus! Within hah in hour, the huge stage sv.arnu and buzzes with yirls shor: A meteorite couls off when 11 strikes, (hereby showing lioiv it dilfers from an angry man. RE SEEM TO A OM AK1O TO SGE AU.

OF IT girls, tall girls, luvely girls, IDSS lovely girls, well-dressed girls and super-smart girls blonds, bru- nsts, red-heads models and iris from other shows professionals and amateurs girls from the Bronx. lti(- Easl Side and poinls west lo San Francisco girls who have never been on Ihe stage and girls who have gone through the dreary business oi "costing," time and again. George Clarke, who draws those. swell, "Side Glances," siU beside me in a half-lit theater. It's cool in there.

A couple ol weeks ago l-'lo 2icg- (cld was casting. Now it's Eavl Carroll, But now there is a record- breaking crowd out. fnr Carroll has posted notice with Ihe liquity Uul his minimum salary will be SlOi). epressiou or no depression. There vill be.

however, a couple of extra na'inccs lo play. A hundred ber- a week for a chorine! it linds out the beauties ami beauties and the ui-vtr-klll-Lv Yes. it's a strange sight: Where do they all frouiv IT HAS A ROW OF WE UHDEK SIDE AUD ANCHORS' ITSeiF TO ROCKS USUALLY TfttES To CQNCE4L. QUAKING ENLARGED CUWAWRKS OP INTO Eooie A BOSTON POAICSVHAM, TRAFFIC AT A COPNERi, THE WHISTLE NAT6WE This Trio Brings Fame To State of Idaho BOISE. Idaho, (UP) Idaho is noted for Hire-- things to people eastern section of the United States, L.

F. Parsons, secretary of tile Chamber of Com- said upon his return Iron: ciisl. They arc: First, Idaho potatoes, Second. Senator Ucrah, and Third. Tiie romance of the Old Oregon Trail.

CHURCH EXCUSES Dy George W. Barham- A 10112 time ago our Church had whal they called an experience meeting. The preacher or wlioevcr was the mceling would call on ones lo slant! up ar.d what God had done for them since they gol religion and Joined Ihe Church. According lo some of Ihe statements made thc-re was some wonderful happenings. One could hardly believe some of the things told, but as most, of the testimonials came from good old- fashioned mothers and failure yoii would be almost bound to believe all they said or at least a greater part of it.

Of person things belonged to Hie ox- carl age. I asked him if lie didn'l IhinSc God could do cs much for a erson now as in lliosc days and, tie said lie supposed he could but now under easy-payment plans things were much easier to get r.hold of and so many blessings were not necessary. lieing what we called an old- timer I could not, quite understand his Nfnybc if I would slart going to church again I would learn what he called the modern way he referred lo his church as a plant and he thought if further, advancements were made that pos, we know that when al £ibl 1TO lc woukl b(1 S' to demand gets cnthiiEcd over a sub-; kina of Cllrh crvice ject they are liable to elaboralc a bit. I now understand that no such meetings are held. In fact, we do nut have tinio for expcrl- enecs such days.

was JUST "SWAPPED" HAIR CUTS HICKORY FLAT. (OP) Joseph Ounter, farnur who lives (hey had in those ne-ar here, who recently celebrated talking to a gcxxJ his 71st birthday, said he "has ncv- churcii member the ether day, ur inside of a barber shop. He about those old-time said he "swapped hair cuts" with now called services, and he said I neighbors. director will pick 'em out as nice old-fashioned girls? On the ether hand, those ver; beautiful chic, Filth Avenue and Park Avenue that blond with the nrislucniti' profile, for spaced eyes, fine forehead and wel modeled head. What is she doini here? Why haven't the movies foum her? "Oil some girl from a good family on a lark," suggests the press agent.

"If she's taken, she'll go through with it. and we'll find afterward that she's from a swanky family and bavc a good story." And the girl seated in perfect magazine cover humorous you of Ihe lovely co-eds of your youlh. And those middle-aged those twins in the funny dozens of badly shaped legs-what are they doing here? No one can tell you. Carroll goes patiently through group after lias them count to catch their talking hii elbow is the Im-vitubl: green bottle of vichy eras click and reporters scurry around. And 700 girls aland what arc more than half ing ol the "big cliimcc" that hem doing there? At least 4CO oat a few will get.

GOO couldn't make a I GILBERT SWA.N. churns. But the other even (Copyright. 1331, NBA Service, Value of Body Sensations in Prolccling Against Illness UY 1)11. MOKUIS riSlillKIN usls have had difficulty in namin; Kilitur. of Hie AKUTIUIH nli of them. Indeed, so much do- LADIES FROM MISSOURI the Medical anil ilyjcl.i. the Ili-allli SIis.izm; Many of cur scnsatior.j Lilstnicl tliat we easily: others arc s.i cb-i. lew iKopic really rc.ui.:. Ihty have them.

In aririif.j:: able to £cc. taste, we aro able to ucl lell Ihe dllleience r. and cold and to feel pain these there tlinl lo us Iron; r.v.i.-c: the- sjmt-circular cnnals in ear anil si-ii: organs. Cur iir.i^-;, irir.i-circular canp.l:-: ttc happoa to they help us to sad in ways to tnvivoinnvnt.

Tile sense of is lu; bitter. s.iH. svert and ccmmnaticn ot load upon Ihe 1,11....... of color is not between white all cJ the in.ilions of.tho f.r.ccln:::: o.jiv.:. 1 jc.valitirs there are i kinds of pends on what is called conscious ness, or the ability of the brain to I receive and rcconi every human being dilTcrs from cviry oilier in these qualities.

Phyfiolo3ists divide all of Ihe snipes of Ihe body into groups wlitch arc projected lo the exterior of the include tight, hcatiiif. t.islc. smell the ability to tell the didercncc bc- tween hot and cold; and which aro projected to the interior tile body und which are I tor; of the.greatest tmporlancj in the human beinij axainst uTioiis itlnt'ts even do.uh. The seivations iirojcctcd ta tno of the body lnclii.1.-. pjin.

whicli may bo felt in any portion of the body, the sense, the ecnsaiicn of in tpaco, liun jcr. thirst. dcsiro. fatigu: and ctlie-; from internal or(-1- gans. Of course, a scnsj like the icuipcrature tens? may be feit on thj cxtcricr of the body or within the organs.

Because of the complex character of the cor.structio:* of Ihe human tcdy. r.ct en; of the is pcr- ccivcd by olhcrs, cx- Found in tbc back of any old cook-book, in "Useful Compendium of Household Hints." "To test muslin a small section vigorously between the forefingers, and note any starchy substance that breaks out of the fibers. "To test for color-fastness before buying wash goods of any kind it is safest to obtain small samples of all patterns and soak in clear water. "To detect cotton in an 'all-wool' fabric pull the threads apart and apply a lighted matc'h," etc. How funny they old suspicious-of-everything shopping tests! Grandmother knew them all by heart, and descended on Mr.

Biggs, the linen draper, with defiance in her eye. Her little, moistened forefinger shot suspiciously under every proffered length of sheeting or dish-toweling. She took nobody's word for anything! But how differently you approach a yard-goods purchase in any store today. A name on the selvage a label on the end of the bolt a guarantee -tag that also suggests a method of washing. These are your safety-signals in buying.

To the questions "Will it "Is this pure wool?" or "pure the saleswoman has only to remind you of the trade name of the fabric, When she mentions a name familiar to you through advertising, your doubts are dispelled. Yes we still look before we leap, but today that means READ BEFORE YOU SHOP!.

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