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The Times from San Mateo, California • Page 13

The Timesi
San Mateo, California
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Peninsula Section AN MT TIMW AND tJAIUVHIW LEAD!" SAN MATEO, CALIFORNIA, THURSDAY, AUGUST 1 968 Section Pag 1 3 Tot Killed by Truck Mother's Gar Hits Trailer Jury Locked Up for Night The longest criminal trial in the history of San Mateo Countv was nearins? a close today as a jury of seven men and five women continued deliberate the fate of Robert E. Barry, accused of the murder of San Mateo chael J. Lyons. 17, of 116 N. Delaware Street, San Mateo.

In the background, left to right, are Clar cnce Rolen, probation officer; Mrs. Janice Miller, Mrs. Earsul Primes, Mrs. Joseph Cauchi, and William E. Wilds, employment.

counselor. (Times Photo) JOB CORPS Jack W. Johnson, manager of the San Mateo office of the California State Department of Employment, administers the Job Corps enrollment oath to Lawrence (Mark) Cauchi. 16, 709 Hill side.Boulevard, South San Francisco, left, David L. Hub bell, 17.

of 29 Bavtree Way, San Mateo and.Mi Acceptance Means Loss of Identity Storage Shed Catches Fire A fire destroyed a storage shed at the. Emerald City Market, 3025 Jefferson Avenue, in Redwood City yesterday, doing damage estimated at Deputv Fire Chief John Keller said the fire, of undetermined origin, was reperted about 2 p.m. A quantity of snap and paper products stored in the shed was destroyed bv the fire. Keiler reported that the flames also burned a fence and fruit trees on adjacent property at 610 Topas Street, with a loss estimated at tl59. housewife last January Today was the thirty eighth day ot the trial, being held before Superior Judge James T.

The jury 'began its deliberation at 10:42. a.m. yester day after hearing final instruc tions from Judge O'Keefe. The judge ordered the jury locked up fqr the night at a Redwood City motel after jurors deliberated until 6., p.m. The jury returned at 9:30 a.m.

today to continue its deliberation. Barry, 35 year old San Mateo sales representative, is accused of Mrs. Fair ley 'Anderson, 35, whose mutilated body was, discovered' On a snow covered Woodside embank meni Janua'ry 27. An unusual aspect of the trial is that if Barry should be found guilty of first degree murder an entirely new jury will be impa neled to decide his punishment life imprisonment or death in the gas chamber. The bifurcated trial was granted by Judge O'Keefe on motion of Defense.

Attorney Ephrais Margolin. It results from a recent' ruling of the Supreme Court that persons may not be excluded from murder trial juries merely because they are opposed to the death penalty. Courthouse observers expect that the jury will spend quite some time. in deliberating view of the lengthy testimony from 89 witnesses and some 175 exhibits introduced dunng the trial. Earlier Start On Roadway The.

Stale Highway Com mission has voted appropri ation of $1,900,000 to enable construction of the Wood side Expressway between El a i weal ana Alameda de las' Pulgas in Kedwood. City to begin' next spring, a year earlier than planned. City Manager Howard Ullrich reported yesterday that Alan Hart, district engineer' for the State Division of Highways; has informed him that construction funds had been included in the 1968 69 'budget, enabling the con struction of the four divid ed nearly three mile expressway to begin in late April or early May. The expressway, when com pleted, wilt be one, of. the main links between the new Junipero Serra Freeway and Bayshore Freeway, City officials have been working for years to secure improvement of the congested segment of Woodside Road, scene "of many traffic mishaps.

If construction begins next spring as now planned. Ullrich said, the project snouia ue turn pleled by the summer of 1970. Included in the project' is the under grounding pr. utility lines along the route. This phase will be financed by the city and Pacific Gas and Electric Compa ny.

Sisters Hurt In Accident Twn San Carlos sisters were injured, yesterday in, Redwood City when their car crashed into the back of a picKup true. Policeman Charles DeMar re ported that the mishao occurred at 1:05 p.m. in tne wu dioc. Whipple Avenue. The truck, driven by Erhard W.

Lihal 5S. or 580 O'Neill Avenue, Belmont, was stopped behind a line of cars in the east bound lane and was struck by the car. driven by Judith K. Baiiev. 17, of 921 Rosewood Ave nue.

San Carlos, the officer said. Iniured were Miss Bailey. who suffered a broken nose, and her sister, Jocelyh, 15, who had an injured wrist. They were taK en by ambulance, to Sequoia Hospital for treatment 'Clyde' Has Baby Whale Stillborn "Clyde," Marine World's only surviving killer whale, gave birth early today to a calf, but the ba by was premature and stillborn. Marine World officials report.

It was only the second time in history that a killer whale has given birth to a calf in captivity. The earlier birth, to 'Bonnie." also took place at Marine World. The Calf and ''Bonnie'1 subsequently died, her death following thai of "Willie" by a few weeks. Roy Wallack, director of pub lic relations for Marine World, said that "Clyde" 'began giving birth to her call at 3:55 a.m. The call was 52 inches long and weighed 55 pounds.

'It was suspected that "Clyde," which, despite il name, is a female, was preg Wallack said, but it was not known when the calf was ex pected. Counseling Plan Set Up At College A new counseling program for evening students at College oF San Mateo will be introduced before the beginning of the fall semester opening bepcemoer tu Counseling in group sessions will be neld for students in al phabetical order, starling with A on Monday, Augusr. Jt trom .7 10 p.m. in the choral room of ihe fine arts center. Wednesday, August 28, students with last names starting with the letters will have 'counseling: Thursday, August 29, A special catch up session on September 3 will be held for students not attending the others.

Evening college counseling makes every effort to assist students in choosing individual courses, major fields and career "goals. Individual counseling appoint ments may be made by calling "the evening college office. Evening college brochures, catalogs, and schedules are 'available in local libraries, or through the evening college office. Kepistratiori is completed in the classroom during the first class meeting with the excep tion of clothing and reading im provement classes. Registration fee is 5 a ciass, pyduie uj personal check or money order.

Admission to classes is on a first come, first served basis. For students who wish to take a college English course, an English placement test will be given Tuesday, August 27 in the CSM cafeteria, starting at p.m. An aptitude test required of all students taking courses for transfer credit will be given the following night, Wednesday. August 2S. firm Seeks Injunction An injunction against mass picketing at the Wcstscope Inc.

plant at 1410. Marshall Street, Redwood City, was asked yesterday in a lawsuit filed in Superior Court. The suit, which states that as manv as 62 and 13 pickets 'at a time have blocked traffic and otherwise obstructed business, asks that Machinists' Union Lodge 66 be required to limit the number of pickets to two. Westscope. also for .5500 a day damages, claiming that the actions of the pickets have hurt business to that extent.

Picketing has been going on at the plant, which manufacturers precision bearings, since negotiations on a new collective bargaining agreement broke down in June, but the mass picketing did not until August 12, according, to the suit. A 2,, yeax old baby wains taritly killed late 'th; morning when he and hi mother were thrown fro'; their station wagon' as spun around after crashic into the front wheels of dirt, haul trailer' at Woo: side Road and Alameda las Pulgas. Ponounced dead on. Sequoia Hospital 'after: the re: wheels of the second loaded di trailer apparently ran over hi was James William Goff, wl had been sitting on' the lap his mother, Mrs. Lavonne Go' of 1217 Alameda tie las Fi gas, Redwood City Althouzh the mother was al thrown from the vehicle, she caped serious injury, as did passenger, lureita Lnaves, of 20 Oakdale Street, Bedwo: City.

According to Officer James Whitehead, Goff had parently only recently learn how to drive the old' model si tion wagon, did not ha an automatic shift. According to Whitehead, Mr Goff had been southbound i the Alameda and had been wai ing tor a red light to. chanf when she released the clutch tc, soon. The car ran into the inte: section and struck the' 'Side the giant truck trailer, driven i Cecil W. Olson, 43, of Huntirt; ton which had a full lo; of dirt from the conslructir: project on the new Juniper Serra freeway just east Woodside.

The truck and its two; trailer continued on for about 100 fee before stopping, Whitehead re ported Almost. the entire was dumped on the pavemen'. blocking one side of Woodsid. Road. Redwood City dr toured cars, backed up in bof directions around the acciden' for over an hour after he acc: dent occurred, after 9 a.m: the issue on the ballot.

The board refused, however, on the advice of District Attorney Keith Sorenson that it would be illegal to do so. Copies of the statement will also be sent to Republican nominees Richard Nixon and Spiro Agnewand to California's senatorial candidates, Alan Cranston and Max Rafferty, Mrs: Bernie said. Action On College Site SACRAMENTO The State Public Works Board on Monday is expected to take formal, action approving the location the new campus in Edgewood Estates near Redwood City. The board is also expected to authorize acquisitiim often parcels of property for the campus, of which three parcels are ready for purchase amounting to. $101 ,000.

The site of the campus was selected' last' year at the recommendation 'of 'a combined ad visory committee from Sati Mateo and Clara counties. highest interest rite permitted by federal regulation: 5 13 when our 54o current annual rate is compounded daily on funds held orie'year. Whyootcomeinandputyoui money to work for you two ways? SAN MATEO MUTUAL SAVINGS BuiIlnjiimiTHTEl Ctmino ii97 'Peace' Signatures Go to Convention Meter Maid Runs Into Park Meter It just was not the day yester day for the city of Redwood City's motorized equipment. At 11 a.m., Mrs. Joan L.

McKay, 34. one. of the city's me ter maids, started to turn into a parking space in the municipal parking lot' behind city hall. The brakes failed on the motorscoot er she operates and Lhe vehicle crashed into a parking meter. Mrs.

McKay suffered a bruised leg. At 1 1 10 a.m., Policeman Billy H. Sturdivant, was cruising in a patrol car on Massachusetts Avenue near Woodside Plaza when was distracted by crowd which had gathered to hear Congressman Paul N. McCloskey Jr. in one of.

his "constitutenfgatherings" at the shopping center. The patrol car rammed into the rear of a car which was slowing to make a turn off Mas sachusetts into the shopping center. Driver of the other vehicle Mrs. Margaret H. Kenne dv, 55, wife of Highway Patrol Capt.

John Kennedy, head of the CHP unit in an Aiaieo uumy No one was hurt. At 12:07 n.m.. citv street cleaner Everett J. Rulo, swerved his street swee machine on Roosevelt Avenue near El Ca'mino Real to avoid a culvert. A following car, driven by Mrs.

Lynne F. Sea fire, 2 1415 Ebener Street, struck Lie sweeper. No one was Citv officials kept their fin gers crossed for the rest of the day. Large Estate Is Left By Immigrant A German immigrant whose first fob in this country serv ing free lunches in a San Fran cisco saloon paid him $5 a week. and.

ail he. could left an estate valued at $1,591,270 when.he died last May 2 at the age of 100. An inventory and appraisal of the estate of the deceased, Martin Schick, who lived at. 43. Hay ward Avenue in San Mateo, was filed yesterday in Superior Courtin Redwood City.

The. document shows that nearly all of Schick's was represented by' stock holdings. His largest investment was 6,000 shares, of Catcrpiller Tractor valued at $247,500 Schick to the United States from Germany, at the age of 14 to. become 'a butcher's apprentice. After Jiis stint in the San Francisco saloon, he went to work in; a butcher Eventually he had several shops of his own, including' orie in San Mateo.

opened in 1902. Later he bought a siaugnternouse in aan Mateo. Schick, a widower, left most of his estate to his family. He bequeathed $50,000 and his home to his son, Herpert bcntcK. or Hillsboroueh, owner of Schick Products of Belmont; $100,000 was left: in trust, for his Mrs.

Barbara Ingle of Hillsborough, and Herbert Shick of San Mateo; $50,000 was left in trust for each five, great grandchildren, and. the remainder was to Herbert Shlck. Loss of distmcuishing charac teristics is the price all cultures' and ethnic groups have paid in order to be accepted into Amer ican society, Dr. Herman Blake, University of California educator, told some 70 San Ma leo teachers and principals yes terday. For the early immigrants from northwestern Europe, process of acceptance was easy because they were ngnt skinned, blond, Protestant and Anglo Saxon, and tended to be similar to native Americans Dr Blake noted.

Unique Fund Drive Starts For Vietnam One of the unique fund raising drives in San Mateo'County history, the MAIiCAP campaign for direct aid to civilian victims of the war in South Vietnam now under way. In every community from Daly. City through Menlo volunteer leaders are coordinating direct mail appeals for funds to purchase medical supplies, food, clothing, shelter, building materials and educational resources. Marines in the field administer the funds calling' them in for villages and hamlets in need without waiting to untangle administrative red tape. MARCAP is short for Marine Reserve Civilian Assistance Program Vietnam.

County civilian co are Thomas F. Lewis and Raymond Hemming of San Mateo: Lt. Col. Howard A. Hillsborough (U.S.

Marine Corps Reserve) is raili tary co chairman. Honorary chairman is County Supervisor T. Louis Chess. Community co chairmen include Robet'M. Connelly, Ath erton; Gil Armando, Belmont; Paul Von Kempf, Colma; Edward M.

Bauer, Half Moon Bay; Mrs. Frank Lynn, Samuel A. Ingebrit sen.ilcnlo Park; David L. Harris, Mcnlo Park; Frank J. Gag liardi, Millbrae; Ernest Ribera, Pscifica; Robert Peer, Portola Valley; Trent Moseley.

Redwood' City; William A. Hagan, San Bruno: Tom Lynch, San Carlos; Ed Strother, San Mateo; F. D. (Dick) Minucciani, South San Francisco, and Norman C. McK'ee, Woodside.

SAVE ON A CAR WORTH OWNING 344 7611 BURUNGAMI But the later immigrants from southeastern Europe, mostly Russians, Poles, Italians and Serbp Croatians, had to relinquish differences in.langaage, foods, clothes and traditions before they were absorbed inlo the American culture. Dr. Blake, sociologist and de mogaphcr at UC, Santa Crux stressed that the acceptance of people from different cultures oniv to the extent that they stifle their distinguishing characteris tics has resulted in a profound loss of positive and creative diversity. Dressed in an ki," Dr. Blake, a Negro, said the recent trend toward African dress among black people is an effort to develop respect and appreciation for cultural differences and to end America's his toric "cultural "How a person dresses speaks or eats does not affect his ability to perform, what does make a difference is how he relates to other people," Dr Blake said.

Understanding ethnic group differences is most possible only when one undersianas one jsclf." Also addressing the San Ma leo Elementary School Dis trict's inservice training session on "Education Beyond Racial Barriers" was Dr Stalen Web ster, associate professor of edu cation, UC, Berkeley, who traced the dimensions, mechanisms and consequences. of ra' cial nreiudice. Dr. Webster described prejudice as a "learned attitude or staLe of readiness to respond certain stimuhis in a certain fashion," be said, manifests itself at various levels, including verbal rejection, physica" avoidance or self overt discrimination, physical attack, and outright extermina lion. There is a Strong feeling among black people today that American society is not aDove and beyond destroying the black neoDle, Dr.

wenster siaieu push comes to shove," he said it is not impossible that American Negroes could 'Be. exterminates like the American Indians, the Jews in Germany, and tae Jap a ncse at Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The bonds of prejudice can be broken he said, by vigorous pur suit of self discovery, increased self knowledae of what is impor tant, and creating an open, free life where there is no need.for prejudice. Fair to Get State Funds SACRAMENTO The San Mateo County Fair is slated for a allocation from the state fairs and expositions fund to improve facilities at the fairgrounds. The State Public Works Board Is expected to take formal ac tion approving the funds at its meeting next Monday.

Work will include. paving and; drainage, construction of a storage and maintenance warehouse and landscaping. 7W JH The more than 12,000 signatures obtained in a peace petition drive will not be allowed to go to waste, the San Mateo County Citizens Committee has decided. Meeting at the Hillsborough home of the committee chair man, Mrs. Barbara Befnie, members agreed that the peti tion statement ot policy, togetn er with, certification that it represents the: views of more than" San County citizens, will be forwarded, to the.

Democratic convention in Chicago'. Our. only hope tor peace ar this time," Mrs. Berme is. for.

a slrong. peace plank in the Democratic platform. We will urge the delegates to support a program that will carry out our desires to bring the. war to' an end. The Republican platform does not do this." Mrs.

Ber ie 's group had hoped to get enough signatures more than to quality an anti war. measure for theNo veniber. general election ballot in San' Mateo County. When it appeared' certain that the re quired number of signatures would.not be obtained, tne committee" asked the County Board of Supervisors to voluntarily put, DICK BULUS CHIVROHT Find '6 Clow out Sal Ovr 4 Brand Nw MoeUlt All 5 Ytor Warrants buna your savings and your community CAPRICES IMPALA5 BELAIRS CHEVEUE5 For nearly three quarters of a century; wc have provided steady supply of, money for residential building. the "Old Reliable' your dollars help mainiatn property varuei' whitetheyeam the' Sin Mateo: 417 South Slrit3 iri6 CAMAR0S NOVAS COME ON DOWN" may.

be business theme for San Mateo, according Councilman Hugh Wayne'. He presented his ideas campaign to, lure business and executives from.Sah.Francco this' week of the. City. move; comes in retaliation to recent, levies by San. Francisco on commuters and.


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