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Logansport Pharos-Tribune from Logansport, Indiana • Page 24

Logansport, Indiana
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DAILY PHAHOS WEDNESDAY, DEU. 22, 1897. GITY MRWS. Pecan nuts 2o Palm leaves 25c at Foley's. See Hauk before Christmas, Novelty slippers at Malben's.

Christmas trees at Qaigley's. All water sets at Best holly wreaths at Newby's. Fine pots of Sewby. Fancy Fancy mixed candy 5c Large quart cups and saucers Traut. Toys for your Christmas trees a Foley's.

The pension board was in sessio today. Fancy large bananas lOc dozen, a Foley's. Fancy candy I Button. Dr. Dutchess, of Walton, was i the city today.

Plenty of fresh country eggs a Vincent Christmas trees cheap, to clos them out, at Foley's. Handsome decorated cups am saucers Hand mirror, hair brushes, etc. a Johnston's drug store. The finest line of holiday perfume in the city at Porter's. Send your friend a nice basket fruit fruit from Foley's.

The swellest line of holiday neck wear at Will Murdock's. Selling out, and everything mus go at Walden's shoe siore. Beautiful cuff buttons in gold and silver at Will Murdock's. Mixed candy, stick candy, 5c caramels, McCaffrey. Price's reduced on fancy boxes for the next ten Palace.

Xmas turkeys, geese.ducks.oysters chickens, Ray's, market We make specialty of floe bon bons in handsome boxes at Quigley's Sweeperettes, carving sets, chil dren's sets, ladi es Fancy china sets, reduced prices for the'next two Palace Seeley'e, Colgate's, Wright perfumes for Christmas drug store. Manager Dolao is arranging a check room for the accommodation of ladies at his theatre. Everybody wants Traut's sewing machine. Chance with every dollar purchase. J.

W. Henderson Sons invite the public to inspect their furniture for the holidays. Mr. Fred Schneeberger returned last night from Indianapolis to speed the holidays at home. lula, the harpist, will furnish the music for a party to be given at Delphi, Tuesday night.

Township Trustee Johnston has returned from a visit with his son Eb and family at Chicago. Vases! See them at 10,15, 25,50 and75o. They will surprise you at the Trade Palace china dept The Malcolm Love piano pleases the most highly cultivated musicians. Sold by J. 0.

Bridge, 410 Broadway. Why do you drink low proof whisky when you can buy a drink of 7-year- old McBrayar, 106 proof at McHale's? Wonderful offerings antil Saturday in handkerchiefs, chappy slik hand- chiefs, silk initials for Bee Hive. Dudley Matthews, son of Edward Matthews, returned home today from Lafayette, where he has been study ing mechanical engineering. Sleighing continues to be good in the city and many roads In the coun try, and people who have opportunity to ride are not neglecting it See the fine nickle plated coffee and aluminum ware at Cline Bros, stove store. Just the article you are wanting for a useful Christmas pres ent.

See the beautiful Christmas tree and presents, which will be given away at Mehrle's grocery, corner Front and Market streets, Saturday night. Besides the Malcolm Love ace Bush Gerts, J. C. Bridge has other reliable pianos in stock that he i offering at special bargains for the holidays. Charity division No.

4, Ladles Auxiliary to the B. of L. will hold their regular meeting tomorrow afternoon at 2:30, in their hall on Pearl Ways' mufflet Is a knitted worsted throat and lung protector, easily put on or taken off. Don't turn up your coat collar, but nse Ways' mufflet, sold by Dewenter, the hatter. Big closing reduction on fancy celluloid boxes, ohinaware, silverware, dolls, fans and all Christmas goods.

26 per cent discount on all and Bee Hive. Gardner J. Cross, late proprietor of the Beam hotel Peru and who was well known to a large number of Loganiport people, died on the afternoon of the 14th at lantl, Mich. WILL NOT BE MOVED. The Postoffice Will Remain on Market Street.

Present Boom Leased to the Govern' mcnt for a Term of Fire Tears. The postoffloe will not be removed The government has leased tbe Barnes building on Market street for another term of five years from Dec John E. Barnes, the owner of the building furnishes the room and complete equipment, including fix turee, heat and light. He is also re quired to renovate piemises, put in additional furniture and waive his claim for rent of cellar. He is to receive 11,000 per annum A good many patrons of the post- office desired that it be more cen trally located, but there was no vacant room except the Mrs.

Loree block on Broadway, and the owners of it were Indifferent about renting it. Since the adoption of the carrier system the location is a mat'ter of little concern to patrons who live within the boundaries of the deliv ery service. CHILDREN IN FACTORIES. The State Inspector Finds Many of Prosecutions Yet State Factory Inspector McAbee has been upon another tour, aring which he visited factories in Nobles- vllle, Cicero, Atlanta, Kokomo, Sims, Swayzee, Marlon, Falrmount, Sum- mitvilie and Anderson. He says he found a good many children employed in some of these places, and be was assured by the factory owners that the law will be complied with from this on.

In one factory he found one child only eleven years old. "Some persons have wondered why am not prosecuting the factory owners that we violating the law," said he. I made up my mind that I would not begin any prosecutions during my first tour. If, after a reasonable period of time has passed the law is not complied with, I will insist that the penalty be applied." ANYTHING But a Klondjke Success Was the Kloudyke Club's Dance- The Klcndyke club attempted to give a dance at Dolan McHale's ll lasts night, but the affair proved anything but a Kloadyke success. About 11 o'clock Michael Fornoff, leader of the orchestra, fearing it would be a "frost," sought a his bill, but failed to ind the manager of the BLlondyke.

Be had skipped with the cash. Then, notwithstanding the entreaties of the dancers, Mr. Fornoff and his party of musicians boxed up their instruments and quit the ball room in disgust. I'hristmastide Concert. The Chrlstmastide concert given at th First Presbyterian church last evening attracted an appreciative audience but one less in numbers than the excellence' of the entertainment merited: The first part of the programme included two numbers by the chorus choir of the church augmented to forty voices, a solo by Louis Elchorn and a song by the Chimes quartette of young ladies.

Part second was the cantata "Bethlehem," which treats of the birth of Christ, tha flight into Egypt and the return. The leading parts were taken by Misses Gertrude Winter. Frances Lux, Edna Stevens: Messrs, W. T. Gifte, harles Martin, Roy Johnston, John M.

Aahby, accompanist was Miss Miriam M. Mullen. The chorus was well drilled and worked in splendid unison and the solos, duetts, and trios were finely rendered. The success of the entertainment again reflects credit on the ability and persevering work of the director, Mr. Eichorn.

Six of tbe Best Perfumes Ever made. For sale at Graves' book store. Official facsimile of Medal Awarded OR. PRICE'S CREAM BAKING POWDER RAILROAD BREVITIES. Short Items of Interest fathered From Many Sources.

Charles Morris, the Panhandle freight conductor, is on the sick list. J. B. Van Voorst, the Panbandle freight brakeman, who injured internally Sunday by a fall at Saratoga. The time of employes in the Ualon Pacific shops at Cfieyenne and Lara mle has been reduced from five to four days a week and from eight to seven hours a day.

The Wabasb lines, in the second week of December, earned $250,410, against 1222,689 In the corresponding week of 1896, and against 1252,238 in the corresponding week of 1895. The Panhandle lines are not only handling a very heavy through business, but the tonnage of mercnandise handled in a local way in their territory exceeds that of any former period In the company's business, A wreck occurred on the Panhandle this morning at Denham. It was a jear-end collision. First 78 struck 70 derailing several cars. The trainmen escaped injury.

The wreck crew was called out from this city. John Winger, a Panhandle supervisor, has been granted a twenty days' lay ofl on foil pay. This is due to his faithful service and close attention to business. He will spend his vacation with his parents in Wabash county. The Wabash railroad won in the injunction proceedings brought against it at F.t.

Wayne by the city, and the road can now proceed to raise the Gay street bridge to a height making it safe for brakeman to pass under it while on the cars. The net earnings of the Pennsylvania lines east ot Plttsburg for the year 1897 are nearlng 121,000,000. a total not reached since 1891, which, on the conservative basis of 1896, would show $9,549,000 earned to be disbursed in dividends, or 7 per cent, leaving considerable balance in the company's treasury. Two engineers were killed In a a wreck on the Chicago Eastern Illinois railroad, last eveniag, at iayuga, Ina 1 fifty miles north of Terre Haute. A freight train stood on the passing track and just before a passenger train was due to one of the brakeman on the freight thoughtlessly opened a cut-off switch about midway of 'the passing track 1 When t-he passenger train arrived at full speed It struck the freight train about midway.

Buth engineers were killed and several passengers injured. Seven cars were ditched. A Wabash brakeman, on first section of 98, which passed through Huntington yesterday morning, fell from his train when about six miles east of Huncington. Ti.e brakeman's absence was not discovered by tbe train crew until going Into the Ft. Wayne yards.

A telegram was sent back to Roanoke and other stations along the road asking them to look for the body along the track, as they were of the opinion that he had fallen from the cars and had been killed. On account of the condition of the cars, the brakeman slioped and fell over the side of the ars, landing in the ditch at the side of the track. He was slightly stunned by the fall, but escaped any injury. He waited for and boarded the second section of No. 98.

When at Roanoke he wired his train crevr at Fort Wayne that he was all right and that he was coming on second 98. DEMOCRATIC MASS CONTENTION. The Great Christmas Beautiful Jackets and Furs. Dress Goods Novelties. Choice Linens for Holiday Trade Underwear Hosiery For Xmas Hdkfs and id Gloves.

Pictures, Chairs, Dolls, etc At The Golden Rule. More wonderful than ever are the Offering of this store for the Great crowds that fill its aisles search of Holiday collections for both friends and relatires.The two powerful influences combine: Marvelous Assortment! Economical Prices I For Holiday Dress Goods Buying, The most we can say for this Extraordinary Ofiering is that it comprises tbe Richest ISoveltiss possible for mercantile skill to bring before a public at such triffling prices. The black goods alone sufficient to attract enormous crowds, but for the benefit of all, the Fancy Novelties are included on sale today. VORLfl'S Will be HeU it North Court Room in City Lojransport, on January 8th. The Democratic voters of Cass coun'Sy are hereby notified to meet at the north court room in the city of Logansport, on Saturday, January Stb, 189S, at 1 mass convention to choose delegates to the Eleventh district convention, to be held at Peru, on January llth.

'Under the ratio of apportionment Cass county in entitled to a representation of 24 delegates in the Peru convention. BENJ. F. LOUTHAIK, Chairman Dem. Cen.

Com. M. A. LITTLE, Secretary. Something That Will Please.

A box of choice confections or a dainty basket of tropical fruit makes a most appropriate Christmas pres ent. L. Solimano, the old reliable dealer, is sole agent for Guenther's fine candies; also sells the choice goods Lowney, Allegettl and others. Nothing can surpass his holiday display of fine imported novelty candies, fruits, nuts and candied 1 fruits. Drop in and look at the display, even if yon do not buy.

Attractive and Cfiefnl fountain card cases pocket books, box stationery, office knives, Longwell A Cummings. Sfeigbg. Get a sleigh for Christmas, roll stock at Henry Tucker's. Black Goods. 73r: Values 40 in at 44c $1.00 Values 42 in at 68c 1.25 Values 44 in at 78c Street Novelties.

OOc Values 38 in at 3Sc 8oc Values 40 in at 47c 1.00 Values 42 in at 35c Imported Dress Patterns. $10.00 Patterns 6.W 12.50 Patterns SM 20.00 Patterns 11.ft We Have Several Christmas Silk Bargains, Some Very Pretty Waist Silks Skirt Silks. Dress Silks at Very Special Prices Economical Cloak Prices for Holiday Trading, Values that need but be Compared to set the mind at ease for All our Blouse Jackets at very near half Auy jacket in the house at Less than cost to Manufacture. We have a handsome Hue of Collarettes and Capes we would like for you to see. Our Christmas Jewelry Department is full of Bargains, such as Sterling Silver Novelties, Kings, etc.

Handkerchiefs In all kinds and all prices, from Ic and up. Silk initial Handkhrchiefs for only 1 Oc. Dolls, Dolls, We are known to have the Picture and Novelty. Department is stocked cheapest line of Dolls in the full of very pretty thingi city. i for presents at able, prices.


Men's Boy's and Children's Suits, in every style, variety and color desired at Unheard of Low Prices. Boy's and Children's Overcoats, Ulsters and Reefers will be sold at One-fourth OK for Spot Cash. Reason: We are overstocked. This is Special. Don't fail to look these bargains up.

We have the largest and finest line of 50c Knee Pants ever offered.Open evening during holidays. J. D. FERGUSON JENKS, Logansport, Ind. A HOT STOVE Causes the Partial DegtrnctleB a House at New Warerly Yesterday.

Yesterday afternoon the home of Robert Jones of New Waverly was partially destroyed by fire, which resulted from an overheated stove. The family were all away from home. At noon when the young daughter of Mr. Jones returned to dinner she filled the stove with wood and then departed for school again. On there- turn of the family about 4 o'clock they discovered that their house was on fire.

The loss will probably amount to 1800. "Sunset Limited." A Testibuled train of composite compartment drawing room sleeping cars and dining cars. Chicago and St. Louis to California Jn three days. Complete particulars mailed free to any address by your local agent or James P.

C. A. B. Chicago, or B. C.

Townsen, G. P. St. L. I.

M. S. By. St. Louis, Mo HOLIDAY Shoes and Slippers That's what the man said The hand-j 8 laundry came home yellow, somest and faded.

Then he best assort- try MARSHALL'S LAUNDRY, ment of CHRISTMAS Shoes and Slippers ever shown in chy the The holiday trade has been rather backward thus far, but local mer- jhants hare hopes ttat it may come up to tbe standard before the end of the week. Patent Leather Ooz Kik, pink, lavender. In fact anything in nice evening slippers. See our Men's Bootee combination, Boot and Shoes just the thing for winter. Stevenson Klinsick.

403 Broadway. and his linen was returned white as snow and without beiig torn in the least. Call up phone 110 and have our wagon stop for your work. Christmas Presents SPECIAL. Satin Slippers, 11.50 to 12.40.

Strap Slippers, 75e to ft.50. Quilted Slippen, 75c to fl.56. Plain Leather Slippers, 50c to tl. Legging 7Sc to 1.60. Ladies' Warm Lined Shoes 7So to 11.50.

Man's Slippers, 50c to $2. Baby Shoes, all colon 60e to 911. Children's) tod Klteee' HOUM Slip- peri 50c to II. WALTER MAIBEN, 412 Broadway,.

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