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Adams County Free Press from Corning, Iowa • Page 11

Corning, Iowa
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Professional Cards. BRYAJST.M.D. Physician and Surgeon Office in Boymer block. Residence, Hotel Bacon, Corning, Iowa. E.

POTTEK, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Office over Potter's drug store, CORNING, IOWA. H. GREGORY, M.

Physician and Surgeon, Office and Residence in the Z. T. Widener block. CORNING, IOWA. HENRY, M.

Physician and Surgeon, Office in Henry's Drug Store, Roland block. Residence, Dale house CORNING. IOWA. H. M.EYERHOFK Attorney At Law General practice In all courts.

Special attention given to collections, settlement of and real estate matters. Office: Rooms 1 and 2, Ueymer Block, CORNING, IOWA O. MITCHELL, Attorney at Law Special attention givee to collections. Office with W. C.

Chubb. CORNING, IOWA. MYRON E. WILMARTH, Attorney at Law Special attention given to collections. Office In beymer Block.


STANLEY-. gTANLEY STANLEY, Attorneys at Law. Practices In all courts. Special attention given to collections. Ofliee over Burch Dro's store, CORNING, IOWA E.LEWIS, Attorney at Law, AH kinds of legal business given careful and prompt attention.

Special attention given to settlement of estates. Office over Shinn's Drug Store. F. H. SCRAHTON New methods for extracting teeth without pain.

Crown and bridge work a specialty. Reasonable prices for first- class work. No charge for examination. The First OF CORNING, IOWA. Capital ana Surplus $80,000.00.

Does a General Banking Business in all its at most reasonable rates. Pays Interest on Deposits of One Dollar and "Up, Same as Savings Banks: Safety Deposit Boxes to Sent. M. Widner, Kalph Vice-Pres Wilfley; E. F.

Miner; Cashier. The Darrow Investment Go. will you a farm loan at lowest rates. THE COH.NINXJ State Savings Bank, (INCORPORATED 1890.) P. L.


II. CLAKK, CASHIER. U. Turner, F. L.

La Hue, K. Clark, E. Scholz, O. A. Pease, C.

F. Andrews. Does a General Banking Business. Interest Paid on Time Deposits. Farm Loans at 5 Per Cent.

SAFETY DEPOSIT VAULTS. DE ALER, IN Lumber, Ceflar Posts, PILING, LIME, CEMENT, AND PAINTS. Yards at Corner Sixth and Adams Streets, COBNING, IOWA. Our Native Herte! The Great Blood i i and Liver Regulator 2OO Days Treatment for $1. Alonzo O.

Bliss Proprietors, D. C. CHAS. WaLFORD, Hays Iowa, Agent for Adams County. Sent postage paid to any part of Adams county on receipt of price.

For sale by A. F. Shinn, Corning, J. M. Tucker, Brooks, C.

w. Harlow, Carl. "WiuS wished" he still had the San Antonio chock instead of these bulky liackagas of greenbacks. They wore now locked up iu Trott'a safe, unbroken, pending action at department headquarters on tho new schedule sout thither, based on the recovery of some cf the damaged stores. He thought of ii all as long bofore gnn firs that morning the black care of his life camo and roused him from his fitful sleep and bade him face his daily, hourly torment.

He had risen, and as he softly moved about the room, thoughtful for her, she slept on placidly as a happy child, soundly as slept the nurse and tbe little one in the adjoining room. Donning his stable dress, he carried his boots into the hall arid down the creaking stairs and sat there, with solitary caudle, nt his desk, wearily jotting down inexorable The dawn came stealing in tho eastward window. From aloft a querulous little wail waa uplifted on tbe stillness of the summer morning. There waa no answering hpsh of loving, motherly voice. Laura could not stand wakeful nights.

He tiptoed swiftly up again to rouse the nnrsa in case she, too, slept on, but he heard her hand beating drowsy on the coverlet, and tho so'othiug "Shoo, shoo, shoo, with which she communicated her own hoa'-iuess to her little charge. Laura had turned uneasily, he saw aa ho peeped in at tho open doorway, but again slept soundly, her lovely face now full turned toward him, half pillowed on the white nnd rounded' nrm bo used to kisa with auchraptnro in tho tonch of his lips. Her white brow was shaded by the cnrliug wealth of her soft, shining hair. The. whito oyolids drooped their long curving lashes over tho rounded cheeks, faintly tinged with tho rosy hue of youth aud health.

The exquisite lips, warm, delicately molded, parted jnst enough to rereal the white, even, pearly teeth. Tho snowy, rounded throat and neck aud were enhanced in their beauty by the filmy fabric of her gown, beneath which her full bosom slowly rose and fell in healthful respiration. How beautiful she was, how fair a picture of almost girlish in- nocanco and freedom from all worldly dross or care I -Even now, in the light at all the gradual revelation of her shallow, selfish vanity, tho heart of the man yearned over and softened to her. If ho bad only realized, if he had only known more of the world and life ami duty other than mere soldier obligation, how different all might have been! What right bad be to ask her to be his vvifo? Sho should havo wedded man many years her senior--one fitted to guide aud direct bar, able to lavish luxury upon her. It wasn't all her fault that sbo had been so thoughtless, poor girl! What else had her mother been before her? What olso could 0110 expect of her? Would shomiss him? ho wondered.

long, not long, thank God I Beauty such as hera would soon win for hor and baby home and comfort such as ho could novcr give. That was nil over. Something almost like a sob roso from hia as he bout and softly touched with hif lips tho floating onrl above her temple, then turned back resume his work and rofaoe his troubles. Thank God, Mullaue's pistol would soon end thorn all and savo him from tbo sin that was iu his soul the ho took his own revolver with him. Sho was sleeping still when tho morning gun shook tho ehnttor of her winnow and ho went forth to meet the Eor- I'ows of another day, as ho had met thoso of the past--alono.

Tho ftir waa strangely still, yet tho smoko from tho kitchen chimneys back of tho barracks settled downward about tho ndobo capping or drifted aimlessly along tho roof trees. Down in tbo stream bod and over about tho low bluffs of tho farther sboro swallows and sandmai-tins wero shooting aud slanting about their nosts in clamorous, complaiuiug gyration. Tbe flag, run up to tbo topmast at tho crack of tho gun, huug limp and lifeloss, without so much as a flutter. Away to tho over tho pjuo crests of the range, a belt of billowy cloud gleamed snow whito at their summits, but frowned dark and ominous underneath. Hugo masses of camnlns, balloonliko, thrust distended cheeks to tho moruiug kiss of tho suu, but tbeso were well down Co the west.

Tho orient aud tho zenith ekics were ficckloss. Over at th9 Btables two four rrmlo. teams vvoro hitching in, aud army wagons woio bdiiig laden with toutago, luncheon baskets, ico, boxes of bottled beer, band instruments and the liko, all going ahead to tho Whito Gate, while Frnzier's bandsmen wero to follow in another as soon ns thoy had finished breakfast. Thoir duty would be to set tip tho tents, tho dancing pavilion aud tbo lunch tables on tho level green in a lovely dell a mile within the gates and have everything in readiness ugainst tho coming of tho joyous party from tho post. It was planned to carry iho women folk and such meu as couldn't rido in tbp available ambulances and spring wagons, while tho cavaliers would cantor along on horse-back.

They would lunch at 1, dauco, fish and flirt through tbo afternoon hours, havo a supplementary bito and beer toward 5 o'clock and drive homeward before dark. "Captain Barclay fts tho guest of honor," said Mrs. Frazier, would go with her aud 'Mauda in her own vehicle, a venerable surrey. The colonel would drivp, aud Miss by a niatorual order from the supposed competition, in ojder that 'Mauda's charms might conuentrate, was bidden to ride. Wina had no thought of going.

Airs. Frazier had no thought that it would be possible for him or Laura to go, the. latter being reported ill in bed, aud therefore had found it easier to comply with the lolonel's dictum that they must be invited, and she did it by dropping in iiKl bidding "MissPurdy" say to her mistress that sho had called to inquire for hor and was so sorry, so very sorry, that her illness would prevent her coming to the' picnic, whereupon Laura herself bad appeared iu becoming negligee at the head of ths stairs and saiij- iugly assured the nonplused lady that sho was so much better she thought it really might do her good to go. But of this she said no word to Harry until, returning from stables at 7 o'clock, he was surprised to flud her up and dressing. On the homeward way he had met Bralligan, whom he passed without recognition, but not without mental note of the unusual circumstance, Bralligan being a late riser, as a general thing, and having no business at Barclay's quarters anyhow.

Braytou awaited him on tho piazza and drew his arm within his own. "Mullane sends word that, ho'll be ready at sunrise tomorrow, Harry, and I have said we were ready any time." But the young fellow's voice trembled a bit as he anxiously scanned his classmate's grave, solemn face. It could not be that Winn was los- JBraytqn awaited him on the -piazza. ing his nerve. It couldn't be that But trouble so weighed upon him that ho really welcomed tho possible coming of tbe end? Brayton'g was a hard lot just-now. was hiding from his own captain'all indications of the forthcoming meeting. Somehow ho felt that Barclay would not hesitate to disclose the project to tho post commander, and then every cad in Texas would jeer and crow and say it was Wiim and bo who crawfished. Barclay had noted that Winu ccomed avoiding him again nnd spoke of it to Braytou, who answered that Wiun was avoiding everybody. Ho was bluo and depressed about his affairs. "Yet I understood that he had received moro than enough to settle thoso commissary accounts," said tho captain.

"Oh, yes," answered Brayton, "but aro other matters." How could he tell Barclay that ho thought Winn's lovo and faith in his wife were dead and gone? How could ho tell him that Wiun would touch no dollar of the moucy until ho had first met and satisfied another claim? Barclay's suspicious would have boon aroused at once. But Wiun was having another trouble now. Laura had sot her heart ou to tho picnic, and for no other reason, sbo declared, than that she must fihow tlio women thero was nothing amiss. If ho aud she, either or both, nhould fail to attend tho Fraaiers' eu- every one would say ho still believed her guilty of having a rendezvous with Barclay at that unearthly dour and that she was nnfor- As ho had douo many a timo before, Winn yielded. What mattered it? There- might bo only that day for him.

Ho could accomplish nothing by absenting nmsclf. Ho could aid in brushing away xny cloud upon her namo by going and jeiug devoted to her. So go thoy did, and women who watohed with wary md suspicious oyos Jong romomberoil low fond aud lovorliko woro Winn's attentions to his beautiful wife; how ofton ou tho way ho rode to tho side of nmbulanco to say somo little word her; how anxiously ho seemod to scan thnt lowering, westward sky, for ay tbo timo they reached tbo Blauca tho cloud banks woro climbing to Kcnilh nnd tho westward heavens woro black as tho cintfor patches along the heights about them, whoro fir and spruce and stunted piuo had strowu tho slopes with dry, resinous carpet, too easily ignited by tho spnrks from huut- ir's pipo or campflro. At 2 o'clock Blytho, Brooks and Frazior, clnmbor- ug a rocky ridgo to tho southeast of tho lovely picnic covo, looked gravely at tho blackening sky, then gravoly into 0110 another's faces. "I think wo ought to start at once," said the colonel.

"That's uo plnco to bo caught in a And he pointtid downward as be spake. At their feet 1 was the deep, grassy hemmed by- precipitous bluffs. Tho greeusward at the base of the barrier ridgo was soft aud velvety. A richer soil nourished the roots of the bunch grass, and all men knew that more tbnn ouco iu bygone days the sudden swelling of tho brawling waters that camo foaming and swirling down the ravine from the depths of tbe crested heights within had turned that beautiful little sheltered nook into a deep lake that tilowly emptied itself through the narrow, twisting, rocky gorge that ended at the White Gate. On tbe level turf the dancers were merrily footing it even now to the music of an inspiring quadrille, the pretty gowns of the women, the uniforms of the meu, adding brightness to the picture.

Below tbe camp tho mules and horses were placidly grazing close by the inner opening of the gorgu, tbe white covers of the wagons and the suowy canvas of the two or three tonts adding to the picturesque- ness of iho scene. All at tho feet of tbe watching group was life, laughter and careless joy. all beyond that merry eceno a black and ominons heaven frowning down on gloomy pine and rocky billsiclo. The ceaseless clamor of tho soothing waters BS they turned whirling into the tortuons gorge roso steadily above tho throb and thrill of the dauce music, and aloft those relentless clouds sailed sternly eastward over the sky. Still the smoke from the campfires settled back and shrank about the earth, as though dreading the encounter with tbe sleBuiug forces of the air.

Then as the watchful eyes of the elders turned once moro up tho mountain side there came a cry from Brooks: "By G--d, it's coming I There isn't a second to lose!" Frazier, following the direction of ihat pointing finger, looked upward, saw the crostward firs and pines 'and cedars bonding, quivering, before a blast as yet unfelt below, saw sheets of ashen vapor come sailing over the hilltops and sweeping down the rocky sides, saw whole mountain 'face turn black as a single minute, as though hiding the storm that camo roaring down slope, then lighting up the nest instant in dazzling, purplish glare as a zigzag bolt of lightning ripped the stormcloud in twain and in the instant, with crash and roar as of a thousand cannon rolled into one, let loose the deluge Bleeping in its depths. As though Niagara were suddenly turned upon the hillside, a vast volume of water swept downward, hissing, foaming, rolling over tbo rocks, and tho leaping spray dashed high in air as the black wealth of waters came surging down into the ravine. "A cloudburst, by all that's holy!" screamed Brooks as he sprang down tho grassy side of tho bluff. "Up with yon, up tho hillside, for your livesl" Tbe dancers, faltering through the sudden lutter of the bond, for tbe first time ooked upward aud saw the peril. Then, tueii and women, bandsmen and "strikers," tbe camp made a wild rush up eastward hillside.

Another blinding flash, another thunderous roar that seemed to shake and loosen the rocka about them, and in that second of brilliant, dazzling glare the'watch- ers could sea tho white wall of tna Blanca come spray tossing, seething, whirling huge logs and trees oil its outermost wave, tumbling them end over end, now deep engulfed, now high in air, ouo immonse.furioas, moving mountain of niging water, sweeping toward them from the depths of tho chasm. Thou, rolling and frothing over its bauks iu the valley bolow, a chocolate flood, fpnm crested, spread right ami left through tho deserted camp, licking up tho cook fires, sweeping camp uhairs arid tables off their legs, bodily lilting wagons and ambulances aud sending them waltzing to tbo wild music of tho storm over the flats where twinkled dainty slippered foot tho moment before, then away toward the inner mouth of tbo'gorgo just in timo to mix them up with such frantically struggling mules as through na- obstinacy had resisted the impulse to scamper to higher ground while yet there was time. Worst sight of all, right there in tho midst of the logs, chairs, wagon beds, that camo swirling beneath them, was a despairing woman's struggling form, revealed by a woman's whito dress. "Merciful God!" shrieked Mrs. Faulkner.

"It's Laura Wiun. She went up toward tho falls not ten minutes ago." Vain fool! What could have been her object? Barclay, nover dauoiug, had boon looking smilingly on. Both tho Frazier girls bad been led, not too willing, away by partners. Four sets had been formed, and Airs. Wiun, pleading fatigue, bad asked to bo excused, had sauntered past Barclay's sent, and bo- fore his oyes had tujucd up tho narrow, wintliug, sheltered pathway by the Bluncu.

Hud the dreamed it possible ho would follow? Follow her ho did not. Was it--a far moro charitable thought--in search of Harry she had gonu? Somber aud nbsciitniimlcd, ho had earlier slipped away among Iho trees, avoiding oven Brayton. But now Barclay was soon on tho near side of tho torrent, limping up and along tho steep slope, iu imminent danger of slipping in, swinging iu his baud a long lariat that ho hnd drawn from tho nearest wagon when tho wild up bill flight began. Thoy romomborod later that ho was tho last man out of tho hollow. Already Brnoks, Brc-vton, Do Lancy aud half a dozen men werq bur- Serious of wwotnen Tho derangements of tho female organism that brood ail kinds of trouble and which ordinary practice does not cure, arm tho very things that give way promptly to Lydla E.

Pinkham's Vegetable Com" pound. Uterine and ovarian troubles kidney troubles, uloerationSf tumors unusual discharges, back" aches and painful periods --theso are tho ills that hang on and wreck health and happiness and IF YOUR CHILDREN WEAR Our Pride Stockings they are wear- lydia E. Pinkhare's Vegetable Compound I has a wonderful record of absolute cures of those troubles a constant series of successes for thirty years, thousands of women vouch for Their letters constantly appear In this paper, rymg along tbe Hillside "aid, Brayton reached him first and seized Ilia arm jnst as another cry went up Crom tha hilltop--just as from the opposite side of the seething torrent the tall figure of Harry "Winn came bounding through the stunted trees, and, hatless, wild eyed, he seemed searching the tossing mass of wreckage on the bosom of tha waters. Another instant still a hand was waved aloft in their midst, then a white arm encircling a log, a terror stricken white face, all showed dimly one moment before again borne underneath, hidden by the yellow body of- a whirling ambulance, and in that ona instant, far leaping, Winn plunged into the torrent and struck out savagely to roach his wife. To be continued.

Pneumonia is one of the most dangerous and fatal diseases. It always results from a Chamberlain's Cough Remedy will quickly cure a cold and perhaps prevent an attack of pneumonia. It is in fact made especially for that ailment and has become famous for its cures over a large part of the civilized world. -It counteracts any tendency of a cold toward pneumonia. Can you afford negleeU-yeur cold when so reliable a remedy can be had for a trifle? For sale by'F.

E. Potter Corning, M. T. Jackson, Carbon, Drug' gists. No man is brave enough to allow a woman to see him making faces at her lirst baby.

An Epidemic of Whooping Cough. Last winter during an epidemic of whooping cough my children contracted the disease, having severe coughing spells. We had used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy very successfully for croup and naturally turned to it at that time and found it relieved the cough and effected a complete CLIFFORD, Proprietor Norwood House Norwood, This remedy is for sale by F. E. Potter, Corning, il.

Jackson. Carbon, Druggists. A smill-man buxom widow, widow's 1 should never marry a lie ffligh't be called the Tortured A "Witness. Intense suffering was endured by witness T. L.

Martin, of Dixie, before he gave this evidence; "I coughed every night until my throat was nearly raw; then tried Dr. King's Xew Discovery which gave instant relief. I have used it in my family for four years and recommend it a greatest remedy for Coughs, Colds and all Throat," Chest and Lung troubles. It will stop the worst cough, and not only prevents but absolutely cures Consumption. Price ioc and Si.00.

Every bottle guaranteed. Trial bottles free at Potter's Drugstore the Important Changes of Time on. Kickel Plate Railroad. A daily 27 hour through sorvlco has heon Inaugurated hi'Uveen Chicago and New York, wiving the Huron St. passenger station, Uilcago arriving iit Mow York 1'.

M. following day. Standard New York and lioston Express A. M. Daily, Instead of A.

M. as formei-lv, with York and Huston, iirrh tho following afternoon. Night Express loaves Chicago dally at io-nn M. for Now York and lioston. arriving city early tho second i.ioruiug.

Courteous colored porters aro In charge of day ooaelies. to look after tho comfort of passengers- especially ladlrs traveling alono. Dining ear on' all day trains from Chicago, on wliluli ihu ser- vlco is unexcelled and at popular prices. Y.Calahnn, General Agent, Adams tlironch tars to at eltliur city lc will have pleasure hi giving all do tailed Information as to rates and trains. Chicago passenger station Van liuren St and -'aellle on tlio elevated loop.

City ticket llres, 111 Adams -M7 Central and Union ticket olllco, Auditorium Annex, tele- Ftarrlson. RISING BREAST horror and insures safety to mother and child Our book, "Before Baby is Born," is worth Us weight in gold to every woman, and will be sent free in plain envelope by Bradfield Regulator Company, Atlanta, Ga. And other painful and serious ailments which so ninny mothers suffer, can be avoided by the use of "MOTHER'S FRIEND." This remedy is a God-send to women, because it carries them through their most critical safeLjr and no pain. No suffering and danger of MOTHER'S FRIEND ing a superior article. SOLD BY DEALERS.


AMD BEHTON Okey Vernori, CORNING. Individual responsibility, 3600,000.00. Do a general banking business. Interest on deposits same'rates and terms as savings banks. Farm Loans at 5 Per Cent.

Safety Deposit Boxes for Rent. SALTS" DRUG STORE Two Doors South of Postofflce. I have established a Pharmacy and Drugstore, where will be found a -full ineof pure Drugs Medicines, Stationery and Toilet' Articleir A To the Publici. I respectfully solicit a share of your 'the Druggists: Kindly-sit closer pa the pothecary bench and make a little room J. SALTS, Registered Pharmacist.

ouse TheWindsorH CORNING. Wheu you are in Corning and want a good meal, a gboa Ded and good treatment, you will find them at this popular lostelry. There is also a feed 3arn in connection, which is a iav-ing to those having teams. RATES, $1.00 PER DAY. THOS.

A PROP. Leland Hotel, CHICAGO, Michigan and Jackson Boulevards. AflERlCAN PLANV $2,00 per day and upward. iUROPEAN PLAN, 75 cents per day knd upward. Special by the week on applica ton.

First-class in every way. CHAS. W. DABB, Proprietor. Seeds are True--any tea is tea, any lonr ia flour, but grades differ.

It's so vith seeds, there are grades and you vant the best. If you understood seeds as well as you do tea and would IB easy to determine, but you don't; can buy seeds at almost any price ou choose to pay--can you afford to ake any chances Why not try the Jorniog Green House for fresh seeds, vhich aro always on hands? Guaran- eed fresh and true to name. I also have a good collection of green louse and vegetable plants for sale. SIMON BENDER. A Rare Opportunity Tlio now country In northwest Nebraska and Vyomlng tiolng opened up )y tlio nnrllairton Jiillroail odors grejit opportunity far ion.

Ifotols are wanted In number of need owns. Tlio district Is extremoly rich in acrl- nltnro and nilnurals. For mutloulurs address W. Fimitwiu, Industrial Commissioner, 0. Q.

H. 201) 4dam9 street, Chicago. La grippe coughs cured by Dr. Kay's rung lialtn. Moat pleasant to take.

Dr. Kay's Renovator renovates and nvigorates the 25c and 81,.

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