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Adams County Free Press from Corning, Iowa • Page 10

Corning, Iowa
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Want a Buggy? you do you should Call on J. B. Wilson. He can furnish you either a high price or a low price vehicle and will guarantee 'triat you cannot get a better one.for the money. 1 carries the lines of the Columbia Buggy of Hamilton, 0., and the Wis- Buggy of Kaciue, Wig.

Take a look at ruy goods, get my prices and if, you are a judge of buggy values want to buy I am cou- I shall sell to you. JL B. Wilson, CORNING, IOWA. Anneal convention Iowa State Subliatli Scliool association, Creston, Juno iflOO. Annual encampment department of Iowa, G.

A. Daveniiort, Iowa, i'J-M. P. 11. Guides, Agt.

Sheriff's Sale. Notice IshoreuyglTen.tliat by virtue of; two special executions to mo directed, issued out of the oRIco of the Clerk of tlio District Court of the State of Iowa, In and for Adams County, upon two Judgments ami decrees rendered In srtld court, one in favor of A. B. Turner, plaintiff, ann against J. T.

McFee. defendant, and tlie other In favor of A. H. Turner, plaintiff, and against J. T.

MeFou. U. McKee, 15. A. Melee and Prudence MeFeo, defendants, I have levied upon tlie following described real estate sltuatod In tlie county ot Adams, of the State of Iowa, to-wlt: Tlie northeast quarter of section twenty-tiro, (22)and the northwest quaitor of section slxte-'u.

(l(i), all in township soventy-one. (71) north of raupe thirty-two, isaj west in said county, and that on tlie icth day of Juno, A. 1UOO, between the hours of 0 o'clock A. ami o'clock P. M.

of said day, at the front door of the Court House, in the town of Corning, County of Adams, and State of Iowa, I will.proceed tosellatriiblle Auction to the highest iind best bidder for cash, all of said defendants' riuht, title and Interest in and to tlio above described real estate, or so much thereof, as may be necessary to satisfy said execution amounting to sixteen hundred seventy-three and sixty-three oiiiKhuiiilredtlis dollars, debt and ten per cent interest from May 'M. isis. aiid the sum of two hundred eighty-live and thirty-three one-lnmdredtlis dollars, costs and attorneys fee and accrued costs, together with accruing costs. Siiid sale to commence at two o'clock P. of said day, where due attendance will ue Riven by the undersigned.

Witness my hand this U'th day of May, A. 1900. V. V. XOKRIS, Sheriff of Adams County, Iowa.

DAVIS WELLS, Attorneys. The Nickel Plate Railroad offers the traveling public tlio choice' of three daily express trains between Chicago, New York liostou. hour service between Chicago ami Xew York. All meals on day trains from Ohfcngo served In dining cars, which service is unexcelled and at pomdar prices. All information cheerfully furnished by J.

Y. Calahan, General Ayeut, 111. Adams Chicago. When Going to New York take the 27 hour train via. the Nickel 1'Iato railroad, leaving Van linren St.

passenger station, Chicago, dally, at IV M. Choice of three a i i express trains from Chicago to New York and llustou. Please call on or address J. Y. OalalKin.

General Agent. I Adams St. for detailed information. We sell only the reliable, "sure-growth" seeds. 1'ou are sure to have a fine crop if you purchase your seeds here.

You can't excuse the weeds in your garden! GARDEN on account of riot having good garden tools. TOOLS We are se Hoes, Bakes, Spades, etc. at rock bottom prices. i On the fence between your garden and your poultry runs, depends a good deal of success. You can afford to fence in when our so low on all kinds of WIRE ENG'ING, BARB WIRE, AND POULTRY NETTBNG.

DR. HENRY'S DRUG STORE. AT EVERY STEP the greatest wear is over and under the ball of the foot. A specially tanned leather hi the uppers, the Lewis Reinforcer in the sole, successfully, resist this strain in the LEWIS S3 MsEHNOE The most durable, stylish and comfortable shoe that the highest skill and best material can produce. If your dealer does not kaop them send for our catalogue, of stylcH undtiizcH, anil select tbe uhou bent Bulled to your Lewis Women's Shoes are $2.50.

Mmdm by J. B. LEWIS Boston, Mmmt Spring- Schedule on the Nickel Plate Road Effective May 6, 1900. Ft. Wayne, Findlay, Fostorla, Hollevno, 1 I.o- rain, Cleveland, PrtluesTllle, Aslitabuln, C'on- neaiit, CHrard.

Urle. Cliauttuuiun Dunkirk, Jiiitlalo. as well as New York. Kosron iinrt all intermediate points in New England, Js'ew York and the Anthracite Coal regions iiro reached on fast tlmn and at lowest rates of fare by trains of tliu Nickel 1'lato Itoad, Leave Clilciiuo 10:35 3:80 p. 10:30 p.

wltliup-to-diite drawing room sleeping cars Unexcelled Uiniiif; Cars on tliroiiK'i Boston and New York trait) 10:35 a. and Now York City Fast Express train leaving Chicago at 3:30 11. M. All truins run daily. Train leaving C'mcagoat 3:30 p.

has Observation Car east of Buffalo over tlio Hoad, arriving In New Vork City 7:25 p. in every day in the year, iu yoocl shape for-evening entortuinnients. Secure Sleeping Car Space in advance. Write, wire 2K57 Central, to J. Calahan, Central Agent, Chicago, ill.

1U-3 Sheriff's Sale. Notice Is liereDy given, that by virtue of a special execution to me directed, issued out ol Hie olliee the Clerk of tlio Dlstrluc Court of tlio State of Iowa, in and for Adams county, upon a judgment and decree rendered in said court In favor of A. IS, Turner, Plaintiff, and against .1 Defendant. 1 have levied upon tluj following described reivl estate situated in the County of Adams, of tlio State of Iowa, to-wit: The northeast quaiter of section twenty-two. (22) and thenortluvest quarter of section sixteen.

(Kit in township seventy-one, (71) north of range thirty-two, (321 west iu said county, and that on the liithdayof June, A. 1. I9ou, between the hours of 0 o'clock A. a 4 o'clock 1'. of said day, at tlie front door of the Court llouso in the town of Corning, County of Adams, and State of Iowa, will proceed to sell at i'ublic Auction to the highest and best bidder for cusli, all of said defendant's right, title and iuterest in and to tlio above described real or so much thereof as may be uecessary to satisfy said execution amounting to Twenty-nine litin- dred and two and sixty-eight onu-lumdredtlis dollars debt and interest at 10 per cent from tlie 24th day of May.

1S9S, and tlio sum of two-hundred llfty-seven and forty oue-lnuidrcdths dollars, costs and attorney's fee, and accrued costs together with accruing costs. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock of said day. where due attendance will be giycu by the undersigned. Witness my baud this 12th day of May, 1900. W.

Nouuis, Sheriff of Adams Comity, Iowa. DAVIS WELLS, Attorneys. D. Convention dates authorized to different points: For dates, further particulars, etc call on or address, K. 11.

(juuios, Agt. The object in sending one of our physicians to your town is to give any information you may desire concerning Dr. Coe's Sanitarium, together with a thorough examination and the probable cost of a cure. Consultation free. See large "ad" in this paper.

$65O TO $1SOO A YEAR. We want reliable and energetic men and women in each State to travel and appoint agents; salary S050 to S120C) a year and expenses, guaranteed and paid weekly. If you cannot travel, you can have Local Managership of your own or adjoining Counties, the duties and salary being the same as that of Traveling Representative. You may devote full or spare, time; or evening's only, in connection with your regular vocation. It is not necessary for you to have had experience; we thoroughly instruct you in all that you will have to do.

Send stamp for full particulars. Address, The Bell Company, Dept. Pa. SANITARIUM 26TH, WyArtDOTTE KANSAS Cnry.Mo* DOWN TOWN TELEPHONE SANITARIUM TELEPHONE: '-TAKE WESTPORT CAR TO 27TM STREET; WALK TWO BLOCKS WEST AND ONE NORTH TO THE SANITARIUM DOWN TOWN OFFICE 915 WALNUT STREET, ISI DOOR-SOUTH OF P.O. The object "of COE'S SANITARIUM is to furnish scientific medical and surgical aid to the afflicted.

Thousands in the vicinity of Kansas City can testify to the stability of this institution and speak of it with pride. Hundreds of patients who have been given up to die by their physicians and' friends, have been brought to this Sanitarium on stretchers and cots, are to-day enjoying health, and are living testimonials of DR. COE'S skill and ability. There is hardly a community in many miles that has not furnished some almost incurable case that a found a cure a this Sanitarium. DR.

COE is to-day one of the most successful surgeons in the country. His years of experience and his magnificent Sanitarium are the best evidence of his success. If you are afflicted you want the best. You don't want to be doctored, but cured. It is only reasonable for-' you to think -that you can be.

cured by one who has cured hundreds of others like you, and many much worse. A corps of physicians that are annually treating thousands of patients can. accomplish many Wonderful cures, when the doctor with a small or limited practice can only be experimenting. We have many patients in your vicinity, and, as a matter of will send one of our EXAMININGTHYSICIANS to your town, supplied with a full line of instruments necessary in making a thorough diagnosis. If you are afflicted from excesses or intemperence of any kind, or if you are in need of medical or surgical aid, or if you have been doctoring and taking medicine without relief, don't you can be cured.

Others have been cured, and there is no reason why you cannot be restored to health. Call on our doctor and get an opinion of your case, and such other information as you may desire concerning our Sanitarium. Don't forget the dates. A talk with us may save you a large doctor bill, and may means of restoring your health. CONSULTATION and EXAMINATION FREE- Don't forget Wescott for meals.

Only 15 cents. 34 Kind You llaie 'Always Bought oiie of the physicians of Dr. Coe's Sanitarium, will have offices at the Lindell Hotel, Corning, Iowa. Two days LET THAT CAPTURED THECYCUaS PEACEFUL SLUMS TttlRST.HUNGERAND FATIGUE CELERY.COLA MTU AN CANDY KEWANEE. ILLINOIS A.

A MILD LAXATIVE SOLDANDGUARANTELDBY Legal Blanks at this oflico. TALK OF A I I IN A I A Filipino Tryitifr to Incite an Out- breiilc Among tlie XKtivofl. MANILA, May latest rumor of an outbreak iu Manila among the isa- tivea, was iu circulation last week, was seriously discussed by some of the local papers and attracted more general attention, than has usually been the case with this sort of thing. As a matter of fact, many Filipinos did leave their American employers with the apparent intpiuion of some such move. Their action, taken in connection with the arrest of several natives for carrying concealed weapons nnd tho dispersion of several suspicious gatherings, gave color to the reports.

The officials have been active iu tho matter, but are not iucliued to think au uprising will bo attempted. One report is that tho Filipino junta is endeavoring to incite an outbreak in order to show the civil commission that the insurrection is still alive. The towns of Holongua and Maalin, an the island of Leyto, have been occupied by troops of the Forty-third Volunteer infantry. The insurgouts opposed the lauding of the Americans and sustained heavy losses. The Americans had three casualties.

Heat Casualties at Chicago. CHICAGO, May Ono death and four prostrations were caused by the beat yesterday. The maximum temperature was 86. Alexander Boosto was found dead in his room, having succumbed to the heat. William En dor, Des.

Moiues, was overcome at the Rock Island depot, recovered and con tinued journey to Kew York. Annie Miller was prostrated. Her condition is serious. Miclllgan Town In Afllios. MARTXETTE, May 15.

Fire started in the big lumber and cedar yards of C. H. Worcester al Fisher, 28 miles west of here noon and the town is iu ruins. A high westerly wind prevailed. The loss wil bo over $200,000, partially insured.

Th G. H. Worcester company of Chicago which owneu most everything iu th place is the heaviest loser. Dewey Knoxvllln. KSOXVILLK, May 15.

Toda; was "Dewey day" in Knoxville. I was clear and warm nnd thousands people visited the city from East Ten nessee to welcome the hero of Manila After a day of rest Admiral Dewey an' party wero escorted along Gay stree for over a mile through a mass of cheer ing, yelling humanity. Cholfni In Famine Cnmpi). BOMBAY, May Tho cholera con tinues to rage iu tho famine camps ThefS'havo been 400 deaths in thre days at Mandiveo and so numerous ar tho cftfies at Godra that it is impossihl to collect the bodies. Those lio fo days ill tho sun.

Tho people have flei nnd cannot induced to return, i similar things prevail at Breach To the Musical a FREE! FREE! FREE! Write to-day and receive a genuine Walo Silver-Steel String forelthef Guitar, Mandolin, Violin or Banjo absolutely FRFE on receipt ol a 2-ccnt stamp tor ct postage." TVc do ibis to Introduce 6 Wolo Silver- Steel String, which Is a combination of Uio tone producing metal. Is strong, dtirnbie andabsolutely true. As an Inducement. I quote-tncsestrinKS in complete sets for a short time only at I2c a cct Our Walo Guitar reduced from 57.50. Standard size.

Solid liojjany, hlf-hly polished. Fancy Colored Wood PiirfliJisr, inJaiil edges, nnd. sounilholu bound with celluloid; fancy stripe down baclc. Concert size, same as above S5.85 Auditorium size, same as above 57.20 Our $8.00 Walo Guitar (standard sire), reduced from $12.00. Solid Roeewood, same as above.

Concert size J9.00 Auditorium size JIO.OO A Fine SI.OO Canvas. Leather-Hound, Flannel Lined Case with any of (be aubvc guitars for 08e. our next nnrfjalns. Send for Catalogue of Musical Instruments and Furnishings, Band, Orchestra and Piano, Music. HEN IOU ET TIRED of ready-made decoctions, recommended to fit everybody and everything, write a concise letter to the ADAIIUH SANITAKIUJI MKDICAL.

ASSOCIA- TIOS, Home Battle Creek, Michigan, giving one or more leading symptoms, and get an expert scientific opinion of your (lilliculty from men who anclhave a care as to what they are doing. of sick peoples are swallowing vile nostrums that have been repared, and generously advertised, for no other purpose than to make money. Have your remedies fitted to your case by experienced and successful specialists, who often advise the use of no drugs but prescribe assistance in harmony i nature's by such treatment cure, many puzzling cases. The Aclatrmr Sanitarium System of treatment for Chronic Diseases is the result of i years experience and successful practice. Xew methods are empluyud because they are better than old ways.

We have developed them, they ore our ways, and our system of l-Sodlif for the convenience of patients who como to the Sani- 52 tarium carries with it all the beneficial effects of per- sonal attention, and is tlie most complete tho world knows. All Correspondence sacredly confidential. "We diagnose your case, and give you Absolutely the most scientilic our charges for treatment are always very moderate. Write today. Give full mail address.

Adanmr Sanitarium Medical Association, Home Dept. BATTLE CREEK, MICH. Specialists in Chronic Diseased n. T. WALO MUSIG HOUSE, No.

9 S. Broadway, SI. Louis, Mo. Fine Repairing Done Neat and Prompt Ignorance Hay Be Bliss but it is sometimes expensive. i Before i a typewriter, postyourself on the HAMMOND.

It i cost you nothing, and may save you money. Catalogue free. The Hammond Typewriter 141 Monroe Chicago. The Story of Hie rifty- Flrst Iowa. By Private JOSEPH I.

riARKEY, Company Red Oak. HIS book covers the whole period of service from tho breaking out of the Spanish war to the reception tendered the boys upon their return home. "Markey's Letters" to The lied Oak Express were recognized aa the most interesting war letters published in Iowa, and a compilation of these letters forms the basis for the book. "From Iowa, to tlie Philippines" is a book of 820 pages, handsomely printed on super-calen- dered book paper, illustrated with over forty half-tone engravings, including many taken from actual scenes of fighting in the Philippines, and bound in brown art canvas, the color of the khaki uniforms worn on the Held, with gold side stamp, and gold top. This is a book that will appeal to every member of the Fifty-first Iowa and to their rricnds.

It is worthy a place in every Jowan's library. It is a book that will appreciate in value with time. Only a limited has been printed and when this is exhausted no more can be obtained. If you want a copy of "From Iowa to tho Philippines" send your order at once to The Express, Price $3.00. POSTAGE PREPAID K.CU.

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