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Adams County Free Press from Corning, Iowa • Page 8

Corning, Iowa
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The Union Republican. BY PAUL S. JUNKIN. Published Every Thursday at Coming, Ao- lans County, lowu. Entered ut the postoflice at Corning, lecond class matter.

SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, fl.SO PEU YEAR OFFICIAL COUNTY PAPER. THURSDAY, MAY 17,1000. SEEENDOFTHEWAE CORRESPONDENTS, PICTURE BOERS A3 UTTERLY DEMORALIZED, For County Recorder. I will be a candidate tor the republican nomination for county recorder, subject to the decision of tiie county convention maybe. II.

B. COCHHANE. The congressional convention for the eighth district will be held at Creston on the 14th of Juue. There is no opposition to Col. Hepburn and he will be nominated by acclamation.

Adams county was honored at the state convention last week by the selection of Hon. J. M. Clark ot' Prescott as an alternate from the eighth district to the national convention at Philadelphia. Mr.

Clark's friends are pleased that the honor should have beea awarded him- The manner in which the delegates at large were selected at the republican state convention last week does not eommend itself to our judgment. It is all right to settle contests out of convention when there has been a prolong- ed and bitter struggle and when the bitterness might make its appearance on the floor of the convention to the injury, of-the party. But when, as was the case last week, the contest has been good natiired and friendly we see no i reason there should be any effort to decide the matter out of convention in 'the. interest of "harmony." There were hundreds of delegates who de- to vote for Charles T. Hancock there is no question that he would -have been elected in place of Dr.

Smith had the convention voted on the matter. -There no reason in the world, in our why Mr. Hancock should have been urged to leave the matter to a commission in the interest of there was no possibility the party through leaving it to the'convention. THE UNION-REPPBLICAX is heartily in favor of a compulsory arbitration law It knows-of ho legislation which promises so nauch the public and it can see absolutely no objection to the present time the rights of the public are considered by neither party difficulties arise bet ween employ- era and workmen. And yet the interests the public are sometimes greater than those of cither party in.

a strike. New Zealand has a compulsory 'arbitration law and we hope that some of the American states will at least make the experiment of enacting something of the kind. The Des Homes llegister gives the main points of the Zealand law: It does not prevent private conciliation or arbitration, but it does require that when conciliation has been unsuccessful the disputants 'imust. arbitrate. Conciliation is ex- :Jaau.6ted by the state before it resorts to arbitration.

Disobedience of the award punished at the discretion pf the court. The compulsion of the law- is publicity; disinterested provided the disputants will not and, finally, com- rjulsoryobedience to the avrard. The law does not forbid nor prevent dis- Kruger He Will Continue the War--All aud ot Men Comitmndeerod at Pretoria--Quarrel Between the LONDON, May war is practically over," says the Daily Ohroiiicle's Kroonstadt correspondent, and iu leas definite terms this is the view to ba gathered from all the correspondents. They picture the Boers as utterly demoralized and disheartened by Lord Roberts' unexpectedly rapid advance and by bis facilo turning of the care- fnlly prepared positions of the Boers. There was practically no fighting and there are no further details to giro respecting the occupation of Kroonstadt.

The correspondent of the Daily Telegraph says: "The Union Jack waa hoisted in the market place by Mrs. Lockhcad, the American wife of a Scotchman. Host of the horses of the Boers are in a wretched condition, bnt President Kruger declares he will continue the -war. It appears that the Boers at Krooustadt bad been reinforced by 3,000 men from Natal last Friday, and that altogether 6,000, with a number of guns, trekked from Kroonstadt on the approach of Lord Roberts. The Boers made an ineffectual stand at Boschrand, and had elaborate iutrenchmenta in front of Krooustadt, which offered great facilities for a rear guard action.

Their only anxiety, however, appears to have been to get away safely with all their guns and convoys, which have successfuly accomplished. Tho few stores they were unable to carry away they burned. President Steyn is represented as having been frantic with rage and ns having kicked and cuffed the burghers after vainly imploring them to continue the fight. Lord Roberts, after a march -which is regarded as being worthy of being ranked with Ms famous maroli to Kan- dahar, has thus covered another stage of his campaign, a stage which, although successful and without the mistakes and misfortunes that characterized the earlier stages, leaves the Boer forces quite intact, not having lost a gun and having lost very few men. Experience lias taught the critics to bo chary of accepting reports of Boer de moralization.

The Times says: "The signs point to military breakdown on the part of the Boers, bnt after the experience of the past we cannot accept the reports of demoralization without reserve. The game war must be strictly played out to the end." The Standard publishes the following from Durban dated Sunday: 'There are persistent rumors here of heavy fighting iu Natal. A Bed Cross train left last night for the north." Nothing definite has been heard about the expected relief of Mafeking. Tho Cape Town correspondents continue to vrirn tout relief is imminent, fixing as probable dnjc'e. Inquirers at the war office are tolci that tie'news of the'relief will be "fixing wages by law," and law says only that if men work it must bo without strikes and lockouts, and that if they' cannot agree as to prices and other matters, the decision shall be left to some disinterested person and not fought out by means of strikes and Violence.

The state takes no initiative in the matter and the law acts only as one party or the other calls for it, and because of the successful manner in which troubles between labor and capital havr. been settled in this manner it frequently happens that both parties to the trouble will ask for the arbitration provided for by the state. The state provides that the matter must be 1 speedily settled and there is no delay. BOER DELEGATION IS DUE. Reception Committee Goc3 Dmvn liny on Cutter to Meet the Visitors.

NEW "20RK, May Boer peace delegation is due to arrive here today on the steamship Maasdam, and the committee representing the city which was appointed for that purpose, went down the bay today ou a revenue cutter to.rneet.the visitors. On the steamer JudgeVan Hoosenwill make an address of welcome aud when the Maasdam makes her dock the peace envoys will te met by the executive committee of the reception committee aud by the committees the aldermen and common council of New York. Today they will have the freedom of the city conferred upon thorn by Mayor Van Wyck aud tho municipal assembly will present the resolutions of sympathy wich the Boer cause it has adopted. made public immediately ou its receipt. The latest supposition concerning Gcti- eral Hunter is that possibly is mnrekiug up the north bank of the "Vaal With (V force refficiwt, iu co-operation to i'eudor Boer defense of ffoiit-icf impracticable.

East BloemEontciu General Bundle is advancing toward Ladybraud. His troops and those of General Brabant are stretched over a distance of 30 miles. The Boers are described as quite disorganized and are retreating northward. President Steyn's lieutenants are trying to rally them. The satuo stories of disintegration come from nearly every point where the English correspondents are.

Mr. Hollowell. formerly a correspondent at Mafeking, who was put over the Transvaal border, telegraphing from liou- reiizo Jliii-quez Monday, says: "Judging from talks I have had with tho Eocis the end the war will como in a month or six weeks. Mr. Stein- WORK OF CONGRESS.

Tuesday, Ulay 8.. Senate--Concluded consideration of naval appropriation bill with the exception of that section relating to armor and armament. House--Devoted most of the day to tho consulenttiou of private pension bills recommended from the committee ou claims nnd tun bills were passed. Muy 0. Sennto--The entire session wns devoted to the section of the naval bill relating to armorandarmament The dobrtte largely fcinged on jirnposiJtlbn that the government should erect an srrnor plant of its own No action WAS taken on the prop- eaition Houae--Considered tho contested election cuse of Pearson TS Crawford from the Ninth North Carolina district.

The report of the majority was against the sitting member, a Democrat, on the ground that Pearson's election wus prevented hy fraud, inHinidiUion. bribery and bloodshed." Tho minority deny all tiie allegations of majority. Tkurailay, 10. Sonate--Case involving tho seat of Clark was postponed until next Tuesday. Chundler gave notice that at that time ho would insist that the case be continuously considered to tha exclusion of all other bnaines-i.

Sewell nnnounced that he should object to that. Gallinger addressed the senate nt length on this resolution, declaring that "the present phenomenal prosperity of the country is due to the policy ct protection as embodied in tha Dinglny tariff law." Joiutresolutioucou- cerning certain Chtppowa Indian reservations in Minnesota, the project being to preserve forests on tho reservations as a national park, was passed. House--By tho very narrow margin of two votes unseated Crawford (N. a Democrat, and seated in his place Pearson. Ho ia the third Republican to be seated by tho present house.

Friday, May 11. Senate--During tho discussion of the nnvul appropriation bill u. not.iblo speech was delivered by Ijouge (Mass.) upon tho necessity of building up the United States navy without delay. Daniel (Va.) presented an extended argument in support of the immediate construction by the government of an armor factory whils Allison (la.) opposed the project of a government armor factory, on the score of econ omy. House--Broke all records, passing 180 private pension bills.

Adjourned over until Monday. Saturday, May 13. Senate--By a closo vota rejected the proposition to erect, without reference to the price which the government could secure urmor plate for ita war ships, an armor plate factory. The vote upon the direct pronopition was 23 to 24, and subsidiary amendments were rejected by about the sanio vote. When the coimuit- lea's proposition wasatjout to be voted upon a filibuster was organized, the quorum of thu senate was broken nnd the qiitstion is sull iu tho air.

During the debate Chun'llor delivered a sensational speech, in which be charged that the government had boon defrauded in the adpp- tion of tho Harveyized armor. He clo- clured a similar fraud waa proposed in the attempt to force tho govornment to adopt the Erupp armor. Spooner and Hale notable speeches deprecating the war talk Friday by Lodge. Neither the senator from Wisconsin nor tho from Maine wtiB fearful that wo might become involved in difficulty with Germany on account of tho Monroe doc- House--Not in session. JMondny, Altty 14.

Senate--Passed the naval appropriation bill and the "free homes" bill. House--Passed the general deficiency appropriation bill, carrying 1 tUe Clubs. LEAGUE. W. L.

Pet. I Ii, Pet. Omnha 2 4 i 3 8 Deuvur -1 4 8 5 .375 NATIONAL. T-EAQUE. V.

L. W.L. Pet. Philadelphia 38 5 1010 .500 IU 8 0 0 .500 IU 9 .5281 11 -BM 8 8 511 LEAGUE. Put-! W.

L. Eansns City. EXTENSIVE FRAUDS SEEM TO HAVE RAMIFIED THROUGHOUT THE ISLAND OF CUBA. Detained anil In- Their matter, ThQTOpBon Suspended Brlitow Ordered to Cuba to Takn Charge, May Tho extent of tte postal frauds is far greater than originally expected. Bealdsis taking in the postal department the frauds seem to include the local office at Havana and various other offices throughout the island, nnd also to have extended to outside points which have beeu used for the sale of some of the old issue of scamps thmt were ordered destroyed.

The result of the investigation at the local postoffice is the suspension of Postmaster Thompson, who was installed in April of last year. Ai many us six others hare been placed under the closest supervision and they will be arrested as soon as then- services can be spared. a matter of fact if they were all to he suddenly relieved of duty it would not be possible to carry on the postal department of Havana. Messrs. Reeves and Reynolds, the auditors of the postal department, are still under arrest at their own rooms, in charge of detectives.

It appears that the frauds ramified in almost every possible direction; even the ranted boxes have been made a source of illegitimate gain. Every additional revelation increases the amazement of the Americans hero. Tho Cubans seam to ba immensely pleased. Tiioy declare that the Americans can no lougur boast in Cuba of their superior houesty when in government employ. Brlitow Ordered to Cuba.

WASHINGTON, May 15. The postmaster general, after a protracted interview with the president, yesterday, announced that Joseph L. Bristow, fourth assistant postmaster general.will proceed to Havana next Wednesday to take charge of postal affairs of the isl- uud. The postmaster general declined to say whether or not Director General of Posts Rathbone would be suspended. Further than the announcement that Mr.

Brie tow would go to Havana, the postmaster reneral said there were no new developments in the situation. He said that there had not beeu an intimation that there had beeu any wrongdoing iu the postal affairs of either the Philippines or Porto Rico. Young Men We get the young man's trade because we have the clothes that please his taste, at prices that fit his pocketbook. There's a smartness and style about our Hart, Schaffner Marx tailor- made clothes that appeal to the dressy young men. College men wear them, young business men wear them, men of every trade and profession are asking for them.

They're the kind advertised in all the leading magazines and worn by good dressers everywhere. Has anybody told you that our Spring and Summer stock of Clothing and Furnishings is the largest and most up-to-date ever shown in Corning. It is so. METZ 5L WHEN YOU WANT FEED-WHEN YOU HAVE FEED TO GRIND, REMEMBER JAMES MUNNS SON. 12 8 11 6 Buffalo 9 7 Minneapolis.

'HiinnL'o 11 Pot. 0 11 .430 7 9 9 12 5 13 .278 chairman of the second raad, who travelled with me, said that if ths burghers were pressed from Pretoria they would retire to the district of the Leydenburg mountains which had ready been provisioned." Another dispatch to the Associated Press, dated Stone Hill, Monday, says: "After four march eastward, at the foot of the BiggarsbcrK ridges, in the direction of Helpmaakar, which was occupied by tho federals, the second brigade, Sunday, led the attack. Dundouald's cavalry broke the Boers' center and Bethuue's Horse advanced on their extreme right. In tho direction of Pomeroy a small parry of bur- phers occupied a ridge overlooking Helpmaaltur. but they did not wait for the assault." WHEAT STRONG AND HIGHER Corn Closet tfnchangcil and Provisions a Shnde liettor.

CITIOAOO. May The grain and provisions were nil quiet today. helped by firm cables, dry weather in tho northwest, crop damage reports and a dccrea 1 in the visililo, win strong and closed K'eJSo over Saturday for July- July corn closed iin- chnngodand July oatn improved. Provisions clossd a trifle hotter. Closing pricoi: WIIBAT-- Cons-- Ponic-- Hay.

JH.M: July, Kins-- May, SC.55; July, fB.87^s(J.(K). LAHD-iloy, 18.84; July, W.5T«@0.6U. i'v iitl: inn; at I Jim; A in JIai Chicago Police Ittnke Important Ciiptnre. CHICAGO, May a shower of bullets while chasing supposedly petty thieves for nearly a mile yesterday Officer Frank J. Mclfamara effected an important capture.

Tho men arrested are noted ex-convicts and since their release from prison have been conducting wholesale burglaries in Des Moiues and rionth Omaha, the loot aggregating $10,000 in value. They are Jim Demmett and George Thompson, both colored. They confessed to a of 12 burglaries they had committed iu Iowa between May 3 and 7. They further told tho police that there is a third member of their gang hers and detectives are on his trail. ftarrjman Off (lie Ticket.

INDIANAPOLIS, May Miller announced that by a referendum vote of 931 Social Democrats have defeated tho proposed amalgamation with the so-called "kangaroo" branch of the Socialist LaVor party and that this result force Job Harriman off the Social Democrat ticket for vicoepreudent. Chicago Stock., Mar 14---Gattlo-- Receipts. iK.OOQ; natives good clearances; butcher stock steady: sood to priinn jioor to iiiudioiu. Ji.iVSH.SU: Kclectod feeders.

4.45.'tti5.00; stackers, cows, ja.OOf^l.OO; beifura. cannon), fi.HOiQ 8.UO; bulls, calves, Texas fixlstuers, Texua bulls. 13.25igi3.7i. HoK3--Reooipto, today, tomorrow, Ictt over, 8.000; active, strong, to 5c lower; top, JS.60; mixed and 5.45: eooil to chflioa Jioiwy, f5.30@5.50; rongh heavy, Hirht. I5.05?a)6.i0: bulk of snlrn, Sfaeap-Reeeipto, nhoop active, lowor; Bold fairly steady prices lowar; to choico wether-i, fair to choice mixed.

western shoop, yearling, O.UU; nativu tG.OO.'fiT.UJ; wcutcru lambs, KKIIMM City Live Stock. KANSAS CITY. May Bteafly; others slow; least desirable lOc lower; native steers, JJ.60 stockorMand feeders. bntcli- ora' cows and halters. caiiiiurn, fed weeUrmi, J4.15S 4.7U.

active at Htrong to 6c higher prices; heavy, J5.2U(g5.30; mixed, i5.lua-3.23; UfM, I4.SO®5.12^; pigB, t4.30®1.60. liberal supply nnd inferior ffradeK depressed prices: sales ranged from steady for choico to lOc lower: Colorado wool lambH, clipped lambs. S5.UO® 580; clipped Texana, culla, J8.6U® 4.50. South Oinulix I.lve Stock. BOITTH OMAHA.

May opened tlQc lower; closed nearly steady, active; steers, i4.2iKgii.25; cows and heifers, 13.70(44.80; Gunners, stock- Bra anil feeders, S3.75®5.ii; calves, iaOOW7.00; bulls. Hom --HeeeipM, about higher; mixed, JS.IS95.20; light, J5.005.20; 4 U.75X95.10; hulk or snleH, S5.15O btcady; cloned to New Torlc. MUNCIE, May F. Neely departed for New York yesterday to be present at his preliminary hearing on the Cuban postal embezzlement case Thursday. STRIKE NEAR SETTLEMENT.

One St. Car System Xow in Peaceful Operation. -Si. Louis, May were important developments in the street car strike situation yesterday. At a conference held between the officials of the Suburban Railway company' and the officials of the employes on that road an amicable adjustment was effected and the men will ret', ru to work today.

On just what busis the strike was settled could not bo learned, but it can be positively stated that the union received full recognition. In many quarters it is figured that the of the strikn thu Suburban presages an adjustment of the difficulties between the Transit company aud its 3,600 striking employes in tho near future. In fact, it was learned that at a conference held yesterday of the officials of the Transit company, the chnirmau of the em- ploves' grievance committee and Eoine of tlie members of the citizens' committee matters were adjustiug themselves nicely for settlement of the difficulty, when a member of tbe citizens' committee injected into the proceedings a proposition of such a character that the discussion was brought to a close with matters no nearer ft settlement than had heretofore existed. It is thought, however, that a future meeting of the same parties will result in determining a basis for a settlement of the strike. The Suburban company had no difficulty in maintaining a thorough running schedule and riotous demonstrations on that lino wore conspicuous by their ab- sonce.

Ou tho Transit company's ays- torn there were a number of demonstrations, more noisy than otherwise. In one instance the police were obliged to charge on a crowd of strike sympathizers to disperse it aud in a number of instances used tho flat side of their sabers in accomplishing their purpose. No casualties of a serioud nature were reported. We have fully equipped our elevator with the latest feed grinding apparatus and can grind suit anj'body. anything, in any way, to DON'T SHOVEL YOU CAN DUMP.

A SUPPLY OF ALWAYS ON HAND. HIGHEST CASH I PAID FOR A I Just to Our Stock. te 200 boxes Laundry Soap, while it lasts, 10 bars for 25c. S7rcases Cauued Peaches, Plums, Cherries, Apricots, Pears, all standard California fruit, at wholesale prises by case or dozeu. We also have a fine line of Pickles, Olives, etc.

Our Gold Medal Flour pleases everyone. CALL AND SEE US; WE WILL YOU RIGHT AT USE Downing Sons' Cash House, 'PHONE 2O. CORNING, IA 1 Uoorfl Again A a PRETORIA, May war bulletin has been issued here announcing that the British are advancing against the federals at and Tender's Nek. The burghers this morning attacked Mafeking. The telegraphist at Malopo says that a heavy rifle and cannon fire was heard before 0 o'clock today and that the "Kaffir location" was iu flames within an hour and was totally destroyed.

At 10 o'clock, he adds, everything waa quiet. At a meeting of 850 Afrikander women held yesterday it was resolved to ask tho government for arms aud ammunition and suggest that they do tho work of the men officials in the town, who, they declared, "ought to bo fighting at tho front." The resolution carried unanimously. Tho Volt stem asserts that the British prisoners in the hands of the Boers will first feel tho effect of tho embargo placed on tinned meats and clothing lower; wothers, destined tor tbie Transvaal at Delagoi I lambs, 7 1 Strikers PBrmlo nt Itnmaa City. KA.VSAS CITY, May 15. The street railwnr WAR devoid of exciting incident yesterday.

The strikers, to the jiuimWr of about 200, paraded the with brass band, appearing on the streets after the chief of police bad refused to issue a permit for' the parade and an appeal to Mayor Reed had been resorted to, the mayor issuing tbe permit. lAburer Commits SIDNEY, May 15. In a fight bo- tween a railway iurvaying and grading gang Robert Mollullen of Marlboro, au employe of the Burlington company, was stabbed to death. His slayer, whoso name is -unknown, who camo from South escaped. Natlnn to Aid St.

I.ouli. WASHINGTON; May 14, St. Louis will get a government appropriation of $5,000,000 for tho Louisiana Purchase exposition. This was the decision which was practically reached at the session of the house committee Saturday. nt Tampa.

May The labor troubles here taken a turn for tho worse. There is now a general strike iu tha cigar factories of this city, and about 1,000 wea are oat. where you can get the best service when you visit Corning. The town is full of restaurants, but for a good, square, wholesome meal noue of them can compare with those you get AT SPENCER'S RESTAURANT Everyone is treated courteously here, everyone is given the same excellent table service, and everyone leaves here satisfied with his meal and his treatment. We don't fill our guests up with "wind pudding" and dry bread that we can't sell; everything is fresh and clean, and if you feel that you haven't got your money's worth the price will be returned if you'll just mention the fact.

We are nofc running a lodging house, consequently do not give you a short nieal and a long bed. Farmers and thers' who may be in Corning and feel relief by visiting pangs of hunger can find ready.

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