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The Sun from New York, New York • Page 3

The Suni
New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

I II I 1I I I Jt THE SUN SUNDAY MARCH IBo1 ELEVEN BITTEN BY A DOG jF A JtZO Dr4 Ole MtUtaitttZa MAD RUN OX III 1A SI liinK I HP ITIld Coarse for Three Hour nan Iliilf It Finn ipte wllli Potlcennn Murphy It I th with FIT Hhotn In Tti Ilodr iind Its Long LIt of VIA black mongrel dog supposed to be mad ran amuck on tho lowor east side yesterday morn tag for several hours Ten boys and a man are i known have been bitten by It severely Several other boys whose names are unknown were bitten slightly They had tbelr wounds I dreosf In neighboring drug stores and slat for their homes without giving their names The let of those bitten a far a known Is I nnt FUMMiron IB yean StlS Second itreot txtarni bitten Attended by family phytlrltn and i nt Imnie 4 AKRAIIOI OiTTMAHt 1 y8ri 133 Buffolk itrnt 3ltten on right wrliU Attended hy family phyilclsn JOHN It MHi sB years 493 Fat Houston street I Bitten eu right Imnil In front of I 44 Qoerck itreet riKUvinn McNUTT 7 yesri 09 Lewis itrret Left hanil and right shoulder bitten Wcunds dreiitd at Cou trniur Ilotpllal VVIIUAM NKIVIIIS 10 years old of 83 Colombia street lghl hand badly lacerated Woundi dreund at oouverneurnosnltaL 11 Jprrrii 1itrno I sear 178Klli beth rtre Bit tan on left arm at tho corner of Mulberry and BarrIe Wounds dreued b7 ambulance surgeon DAMP IciBLiuvp 8 years aiej Cherry street lilt ten en both bands at thecorntr of Cherry and Pike Itreeti Wounds relied at Ooavernrur Ilotpltal I Eiminn SEAnrnn 10 years B5 llrooma street Lan 1 arm bitten Woim I drrMtd ntOouvernsur noipltsl an STinn SmovAxu 11 years 2 Mott street lillht tnn1 bitten Atteniled by ambulance surgeon I IH BRIt I years 17J llonroo streak Coth I hind lten while he mood on the comer ot llont streets Wounds drained at A lamer and Cherry Iret dred oourneur flospltol ABRIIIAM 8TTJU in years 122 Attorney street lilt Un on left arm Attended by family physician That a mad doc 0 running loose did not be eonie known tho police until after 10 oclock By that tlmo the dog had bitten several children The police probably would not have known abut the dog If the physicians nt Gouveneur Hospital had not become alarmed at the number of children who were visiting the hospital to bate ihclr wounds cauterized All the hoys gnvfl tho same description of the dog It was a 1 big black dog with shaggy hair and was frothing at the mouth As all the boys who first visited the hospital lived in the region policed from Madison street station one of the called that It Oouvencur Hospital physicians cale up station on the telephone nnd advised the Sergeant on duty to hnve his men on the lookout for a mad black dog Many of the policemen were warned watch for the dog bat none of them reported having seen It Soon after 11 oclock a report was sent to Police Headquarters that a mad dog was loose on the est sIde An alarm was transmitted quickly to all the east side police stations tell toe the commanders to Inform their men Sergeant John Hatton was on duty when the alarm reached Ibo Dolancey street stations Heat onco sent out tho reserves In search of the dog The policemen went In all direction Policeman Francis Murphy crossed Grand street Into Madlion street He was In the middle I of the block between Jackson and Scammel streets when he heard warning shouts behind him Ho turned and saw a black i dog with Its tongue out and Its nostrils distended I running toward him on the west aide of the fred Murphy drew his revolver and stood directly In line with the dog The dog saw Murphy and when It was within a few feet I of his outstretched hand which was holding the revolver It sprang toward him There was I and the dog staggered bock a sharp report tbl atore bak Then It sprang at the policeman ain I Murphy still held his revolver pointed at the dogs head Before he could flre again the brute sprang at him again This time the dog caught the barrel of the policemans revolver between Its Jaws and held It fast Tho upper part of the dogs mouth covered the barrel of the revolver dOIe covere te Its lower Jaw was brushing against Murphys hand The dog stood on Its bind legs and tried to wrench the revolver from the policeman Murphy made several attempts to the hut the dogs month discharge te weapon but te seemed keep the barrel from revolving Then came three muffled shots In rapid suoceislon Smoke Issued from the doll month The brute dropped to the ground It staggered I bleeding from the nose and eyes Into the hallway at 361 Madison street There It lay down in the hal near the door It had Inn UD struggling but a fifth shot was fired Into Its body make death sure There was a quivering of the dogs body a It turned over on Its back dead Then the body Into the street where It lay all was kicked atret re al yesterday afternoon surrounded by a crowd of curious children r1 The first heard of the doe was at 0 oclock yesterday morning Little Bernard MoNulty was standing at the door of his fathers house when the dog jumped at him nnd caught his left hand The boy was pulled the street falling on his face This left his back exposed and the dog sank Its teoth Into It a little below the right shoulder The boys screams brought several companions to his assistance One of the larger boys kicked the dog and It ran off through Lewis street Into Brome The McNulty boy a helped his feet and he went up stairs his home Blood was streaming from his hand What has happened 7 asked the boys mother as he entered tho house A dog knocked me down and I hurt myself blubbered the youngster His mother examined hIs band and saw the marks of the dogs teeth in the palm of his band The hand had been bitten through The boys back and wounded hand were bandaged by his mother and then ho was hurried to Gouverneur Hospital whero his wounds were treated The dog turned south when it reached Broome street and ran across Into Goerck In front of tbo house at 1 Edward Seabury was going to his home at Ufi Broome street Ills left arm woo bitten HO suddenly that tho boy did not know what had happened to him He did not tee the dog running toward him He shook the brute off and ran screaming to his home Several persons saw tho child bitten but they were to Interested In him that they paid no attention to the dog Turning Into Grand street the dog ran a far Jackson turned Into Jackson street and then Into Cherry street I snapped at several children on tho wayhut bit none of thorn as far as is I known At Montgomery street the dog met David Pealmanp The child law the dog taming and as It approached him he cut out his right hand to pat Its head Iho dog nnappeil at this boys hand and caught two of his lingers The hoy put out his loft hand In trying to save Ills right Tho bruto lot go thn right hand and caught the other It 10 not 1011 go finally until fcevc ral men hoar lug the boys screams ran to him Then tho I dog ran on south lu Cherry stre tAt tho corner of Ill ttroet young Louis Bchnii was standing Ho tried to pat the dog on the head and was bltton flrst nn thu right hand and then on tho lelt Continuing south lu Cherry street the dog tumid into Itittger It Moppod running as It turned mid walked slowly to Division street A crowd of boys nt Division and Attorney streets Marled iho dog Jvllol rOI Into Attorney street Then It begun to run again but stopped long enough when It reached arm Iti2 to bite little Abraham toro In the right armho dog went Into Grand street nt a lively gait It I ran to the Howery Mini turned south At Moll street and Chatham square it let 11 carold htepheii Hcrvanla It bit him nnd elroll then sprang away down Mint street Ilioard I ran to Mulberry and Bayurd streets vvhtno I met nineyearold Joseph Paletu It nlppud his left arm started up Mulberry streetand mudonostopunlll It got tutu rlllo streot Then It turned and stopped running Its shaggy sides worn heaving Its tongue hung ehnCI Jt rolled back showed Its whlto out and Its hilts roled blck howell Whl ls 1 harp teeth At Pitt Street tho dog MarUil north again At tho southwest corner of Pitt and 1 htantnn mroots bert I 1 butcher shop Martin KUnsseur in years old of HUH Second street was coming out with 1 bundle of meat 111 I had Just stepped out when the dog sprang tlCIPe nt hh right arm which was swinging at his sideS Thn boy dropped the meat and that teemed lighten tho dog It loosened Its hold on the buys arm nnd started bark down Pitt tnt i At Dulancoy btrcet the dim turned and It did not mil another turn until It reached lioorek trout In front nf 1 Goerok Hre there was It nil 1 1 Tho bind dnis xnuppnl llt It but thi jillmv ilng HIIN teary mill junipul a lilf to tight but ilie I black dog did not stop II 11hl out hilcl dOi fut and tried tn bio I cat As tl lit Hog I crossed 1 liroomo street threo of tho reserves from Iho Dclnncuy street station met on the corner saw It dub pat lust ts cur 01 shouted onset policemen as tie I started after tie doc followed by the other two policemen nnd 1 crowd of boys Tho dog Va winded and the policemen were fresh They gained on It rapidly and were within kicking elMancc when Just north of Grand street It turned Into Pig alloy which extends from Ooerck toMangln street Tho brute ran half way down the alley with the three policemen after I They had drawn their revolvers and had begun to shoot 1 he dog was crouching clown near a stone and shots Were whirling nil around Ten shots woro fired by thn policemen In tho alley but only one shot hit thus dog That struck It In tho right hind leg vv Ith a bowl of pain tho dog rushed fiercely the policemen aunt thin men and boys at thin Goerck street entrance nf the alloy They nil scattered again and let tho brute out Into tho street The dog took advantage of Its liberty to make Rood tune across Grand Street Into Madison There It met Policeman Murphy and Its career was ended The policemen nnd tho crowd that had cornered tho dog In the alley hail followed I Into Madison street I was their shouts that gave warning to Murphy of the clogs approach Tho dog wag running about moro than three aunt hal hours It covered a gnod deal ground In that time and thousands of persons navv It Tho first descriptions tho police rrielv ed of tho dog disagreed on about uvery material point I wni a fiercelooking brute with long halcy hair I would be hard to toll Hn breed or mixture of breed lbs liwner iq I not known but the parents of tha children who wcie bitten am very anxious to find him The dog was said to belong to Inker at Cannon anti htanton streets At the bnko hop yesterday the proprietor said be did not own I dog of Btteih a description but admitted that ono of his drivers might bo the owner The drivers carry a dog around In each bakory wagon evorv morning protect tho contents during tho delivery of bread The clog Is I supposed to have escaped from one of the wagons A bakers wagon stops In front of 40 Lewis street every morning and It hr anc r1 oI such a dog ns the one that wee killed At 1H lewis street Bernard McNulty lives He was the first boy bitten WARXER MITTERa COXrENTZOX Some at the Method hy Which He Derented TUtu Nhtltrd at the Cnucniie nrrtiuMnti Feb OThe Snow hoe County Convention called by tho Republican County Committee which iscontroUexl I by tho lion Warner Miller 1 was held In tho CourtHouse I this vlllatio today Tho lon Illus bheard of Little Falls anti thin Hon Warner Miller of Hcrktmor nro good Methodists all liberal contributors to the churches In their respective towns but when tho time arrives 0 elect Kcpubllenn delegates Miller and bheiril out the filtlo door of tho Methodist slip te 8110 lelhot18t meeting houfo and hnvo scrap At to days Convention Miller was In control anti the manner In which he smashed his oldtime friend Indicates that Republican harmony docs not pr III Hcrklmer county About every Republican In the connty belongs longs to the Miller or Shcard faction Mr Bhoaid announced himself as a candidate for delegate from this district the St Louis Convention Mr Miller put Major Albert Story cushier of tho National llcrklmer County Bank ot Little Fails In tIm field against Shcard llcrklmer Is associated Iorklmlr county asocate1 with Oneida In ono Congress district In the district convention Oneida county hI twentyono votes to Herklmcrs 7 After the nap caucuses were called In Utlcn and State Committeeman Charles WHnckett secured con lnckeLt COl I trol of nil the Oneida county delegates Shenrd I did not enter into tho contest In Hcrklmer with tho and determination county snmo energy an delormlnl tion that has characterized former contests While Sheard Is for Morton Ills second choice McKinley I and It is said thnt he received notice from Ilnckctt that even In tho event that he succeeded In carrying Herkltnor county he would nover receive credential ni delegate tho 81 Louis Convention this year Then tho big snow storm came on and Miller hnd his County Committee call the town primaries and county convention on short notlco fun politicians of the bheard action Bay that when the map caucuses wero called Sheard put his up check book In tho safe In his otllce and locked It On the other hand tho Miller faction was well provided with bondlo In nearl every town of tho county In tho back towns of the county the roads are Impassable and snowdrifts are from four to ten tot deep which prevented many ueoplo from going the caucuses Iho Bhenrd leaders lu tIme cuses lellera II country towns would not allow 1 Warner Miller delo KatUm named without entering a protest and innny hot caucus flchts were held throughout In the town of Fairfield tho caucus was held In the village of Fairfield At the other end of the town Is I tho village of Middlevllle The roads connecting the two villages are almost 1m naaublo The Falrflcld end of the town Is I a Miller stronghold and the village of Middle ville Is just as strong for Sheard The caucus wait called nt oclock Tho condition of the roads prevented the Mlildlevlllo Itepuhllcans from reaching Fairflold until I few minutes after 2 oclock ator the mean time the Miller men had held tho caucus named thren Miller delegates and adjourned Just as the Mlddlcvllle liepuhllcnnn drove up A notleo was served on tho Chairman hold tho for ono hour In caucus open compliance with the Irlmarv law Hut after thin delegates wero named they adjourned and paid to tho notice Another no attention Alolhlr caucus was culled at once by the Mlddlovllle Itepubll cans and tho Miller men wore Invited to participate hut seeing thnt time Shcard men outnumbered them they refused Another setof delegates headed by George hnmas I tho leading nmuulicturer oj MiddleUHe was elected Mr Ihorars was formerly a clerk in the ofllce of Thomas Plntt In olee town of Danube tho result of tho vote for delegates between the Mienrd and Miller forces was a tie Tho Miller end claimed that their delegates were elected and refused to pm tiolpnto In another ballot hhenrd delegates were elected on the next ballot I appears that one of the Micurd tickets had a name written on the back of It nnd tho Miller men Insisted that It should bo thrown out A contesting delegation comes from Danube It Is claimed tnt tho Miller men In Dunuhe hid orders to get up a ontest in CIO they could not win In tho town of liermnn Flats I 404 voted at the cal CUI this town comprises thin villages of Mohawk and Illon mind Senator Miller from his resilience in Htrklmerenn look down nn tho It Is hero that thin miller villneo I thlt Illlr opposition is the fiercest In many of the country towns of this county only fifteen or Uventy voles were COUllt Tiollinl at the prImaries nnd many who did attend lOlO to thin caucues on snowshreR The supporters of Warner Miller hail entire control ulPorrM Herklmer County Republican fnnventlnn which was held here today He was math Chairman of ho Main delegation and named tho other members The Con grcsslonnl delegation will favor Albert Ktnry Mr Millers choien as delegate to thn Ht Louis llers Convention Mr Story Is for Gov Morton llrst and McKinley second FxSpeakcT Shcards friends although In thin minority expressed them elv es in opposition to the leadership of Miller The tacU rust feeling cas intents and was plainly shown Before the onventlon adjourned Mr Miller was escorted to the utatform and delivered 1 short speech In which ho counselled harmony and united action In support of thu Republican ticket next fail aouxn moifjtr MEN IJIOTKST MlMonrl Democrats Object to Present Party Bale In hut Hlnte BT Louis rob mAt noon today nearly 300 wellknown Democrats representing tlio soundmoney faction of the party throughout Missouri gathered In tho parlors of thin Planters Hotel for 1 conference on tho course to bo pursued In the coming cainmlgn KxAttor neyGeneral Daniel 1 Mcintyre of Caliph was elected Chairman nnd Dr Jowett of Shelby was nnpolntod Secretary KxGov I Frauds was tho first fienker Wo do lot agree ho all that the Pertlo Springs platform Un test of Democracy In Mis soul ri to dny fut Conv tut Inn took ito machinery if thus party I out of lie hands of tho men tn I I whom It I had men lntiusi I 1 I 1 the De monicy 11 IhlH was donn In spltii 1 nl prntcMs by over UIIOll DeniHTats 1 of good Maudlin i 1 moro men in met than had pirllelinteil In Im I Ileiton nf deliuatis tn Perth Spilnu hey Dvuniilu minI vvUhis and called nn iulv Con veiitlon i In i ordei tn Hlmt nit freo illsujuloii of the llnnni lal ii mBtlim Wo may dllli In our viowMouuio of us mav be gnld men nmn hlmetalllits and MIIIIO fa vnrnblii tnati IntenmUnnnl aurienunt but wn urn unalterably op ond to 111 to I More I than that for ofllie hero IH I not mints nf us who sucmidldnl 11 nnforenr ndnnlid long report denouncing thin nt tempt nf thn tim I cllver aiUni ales to commit tho Dcnioc I ratio artv Infills I uud other States tn Ino nlnaiie i It I i dosid flllos therefore I ns losil Democrat I call upon the voters of th pint i ur11 here throughout thn tall to mnkei mi ni i aclhe and or pinlHil opposition tn I the ihi turf tl cotti hilt Ito I party to 1 tail it whli inn only ind In disaster and If I all who hull with us will I I I Hiert theinielvos by 1 volui and hy vole winny et I rescue Ito I hlulo I from tlm I I tlucntcnul I I ml for lu no of Republican I nile Kntle li inn ipretcil to Kecnier Thomas I nnley who Attcmptid to I miirdor Kntlo Fly mi nt Sicond itteut ito and HCM nty ninth I meet hecaiin i iho refund to I miri him I was taken tn Pollen I Hrndiiunrlnrs votcrdny ami I was lockid Up Acting nptali aey said mat 1onloy was nn oxconvict In tho York villa IollceCourt Cooley was hold to await tho I torecom result of Katie Fl DUB Injuries title Is expected MH CRISP WILL RETIRE lIE BAYS THAT UK WITT NOr RliKK A JtErIKOTII 10 TIIK IIOVSK Hat VII Kntrr the flee for the Oeoruli HenntorshlpIlohB Hmltli Looking Over the Ground Rrpresentntlvo Turner the Choice or the Administration WASHINQTOV Feb smThe announcement that exSpeaker Crlsn Intends retire from tho House of Representatives at the close of his present term and enter the race for the CleorglnScnntornhlp succeed Gen John Gordon excited great Interest and called forth many expressions of regret from bin associates Mr Crisp said today that he proto go the people of Georgia and ask them gratify his ambition and he fools confident that they will grant his request It 10 aid that he makes this announcement at this into so that his friends may go to work In 1 his Interest before they become committed to tho numerous other asulrants for thin Senate from that State Including Secretary Hoke Smith Congressmen Turner Fleming Du JUIgnon and los Atkinson Secretary Rake Smiths visit to Georgia at this time is said to have mere than ordinary algnlllcancc From one of his closest and most trusted friends it I learned that he has gone homo to look after his political fences and take his bearings before proceeding further In the chase for the Benatorship Tho question In his mind nt present II whether he can succeed In vlow of the confused condition of Georgia politics hero are also personal considerations to be observed which causes Secretary Smith to hesitate about entering upon an aggressive contest for the honor at this period His ambition Is I to reach tho Sonnto eventually anil his friends assort that If he does not inaLo It this year he will finally sot there for ho Is an Indefatigable worker when his personal Interests und ambitions are Involved tonlro I Is I elated upon excellent authority that Secretary bmlth lies already given much attention to the formation of tho Leglslnturo that Ito Is I to bo elected next fall which wilt have tho naming of Senator Gordons successor It Is In the legislative districts that ho would exert his In lluencis which IB admitted to bo potent hy reason of the Federal patronage at his disposal I Is not alleged that he bus I tlio patronage of the Interior Department to further his ambition hut It I only reasonable suppose that the recipient of hecretary Smith olllclal favors have sufllclont grntltndo to aId him If nn opportunity Is presented Secretary Smiths enemies might charge him with employing Federal patronage to advance his personal ambition but similar accusations have been mndo against pubho olDcers before without justification jutnelton Whenoicr two or more members of the Georgia colony come together at tho Capitol the conversation Invariably drifts Unvnrd the Senatorial question I A majotlty of the ncui ln hl hers of Congress from Georgia do not hesitate I predict that Mr Crisp will be Senator nor dons HticccHxir They point to the fact that he sacrificed his personal Ueslres two ear nun to servo his party and his Irlends will not forget lint display of loyalty to party Interests when the balloting for tho Kcnninndilp commences Of course Mr I Crlc approi lates the fuel that an election to the Senate Is generally regarded as a promotion and the average man is not averse to honorable ndxnncmneut In publ To or private life Heprosentntlxe Turner la I unquestionably the choice ofthe Administration Democrnts for tlio Senntorshlp No confidence Is I violated In making this statement The sound financial views of Representative Turner commend him not only to Administration men In Georgia but ho Is woll thought of hj the hound money men in all parts of the country I Secretary Smith finally concludes to keep out of tho race ho will endeavor to throw whatever strength he may have to Representative Turner I he latter howo er does not appear to be doing anything to promote his own Interests and from his pat career It Is I supposed that he will simply await developments so far ns the iten atorsulp Is concerned but In tho mean ttmo keep In touch with his constituents In the conBtluont to Ele enth Congress district He will not go Into scramble for the Senntorshlp He Is I comfortably 1 ably situated In the House where he commands the respect and confidence of Democrats ana Itcpublknus Soran of the I shrewdest politicians in the Georgia colony assert that the real fight for the Senatorshlp will be between Fleming Du Ulg non and Gov Atkinson They recognlo Mr Drc Hlguon as an ahlo man popular throughout the Jh lulullr Lbroujhoul State all gifted as an organizer Hn hag been at work for a long time and his friends claim that he has not spent his time unprolltnbly 1 he appenrnnco of Joy Atkinson In time race does not create much surprise because It was learned during his last visit to Washington that he contracted the Senatorial fever after hpcmllng several days upon the floor of the Senate From Bt trustworthy source learned I that a combination tins been formed between the friends of Gov Atkinson State Treasurer Hardeman and Stern Clai Chairman of the State Kxeciltlvn Committee for the purpose of electing Oov Atkinson the Senate and either Hnrdemsnor Clay to the ernorshlp Thn same combination which Is said to have Chic ulIort ot many of thin young men of the party will favor one contention and will endeavor to control tho delegates to the National Convention I GRnnON CLun DINNER It Charter Da Annlvernnrr Celebrated with a Ienp Year Frstlvnl WASHINGTON Feb OThe Gridiron Club taking ndvnntngo of tho fact that Its charter day fell on Feb 20 ino leap year dinner to night at which tho board was graced by the pienence of many of thin most prominent ladles In the social circles of the capital The llornl decorations the muslcnl Intirludos to which Home of the lady iruets contributed and the startling and amusing surprises which Inter sper ed the dlnnei be wild have surpassed aujthliiR of the kind previously at tumptul Discussions of tile New Woman all lie Did Wniiinn wero among the wlttl Isms of tho evoti lug und I another diverting feature of tho entcrtnlnment wa tutu establishment order oC Knluht Command hlcnt of tho ITler COIImd urn i of ito Gridiron In which the wives of ench of tie numbers present as well as tho other lady guests were presented In duo form with the Insignia of the order which coumsistud of au elaborately decorated night key In addition I to the wives of the members of tneciuii iiiuro were present tirs uui who oc Ainbisfuidor hilt i Miss Houtelle daughter of ongrobmnan Hnutello Mrs Calvin Hrlcp Mrs Frank Iliitton Mm Pnnntor Hunown Mrs alI and Miss Uonnnn daughter of Senator Gorman Covers were laid for 100 guests Among the distinguished gentlemen Iuool who enjoyed itho hospitalities were Speaker Heed I Senator Ilurrows Secretary Morton and Ainbuwulor Uhl I AI I or 1ATT CHEERS UP Ills Lea Im llctter nnd Full icy the Am emIly Will Pas the JCnlnei Hill Gxbenator Thomas Platt held a levee In his npnrtmenta at the Fifth Avenue Hotel nil day yesterday Speaker Hamilton Fish of the Assembly Comptroller Hoberta Uncle George Washington AldrldgelClinrlusW Haekett and dozens of others were there Last but by no means least came exPostmaster Cornelius Van Cott fresh from Alabama It was the testimony of MrVanCott thatliov Morton In the end will lnno thin majority of tho national delegates from Alabama Mr Platt was ery much better His Hunt leg Is straightening out mind tho news Hint Mr Kith brought that the I Unities bill will go through I the Assembly mndu him feel good President Lnuterbnch of tho Itcpubllcan County niiiniit ten reported that evor thing was going on swimmingly toward tho flection of ilelo gates to lie Simile Convention in New York lounty At 4 nt loek thin nrternoon Mr Plait will hrno anothi love of time hnyseeders who propose I to run things below the Hroux rr4 IHlIHlUUl rnfGCETS It fny Never 3o CnmpnlenlnK AgaIn a County OrKunlralliin Nothing had been henrd of the State Democracy due I met Just after tho last election and concluded to give up Its county headquarters until a member of thin orrnnlstIon Hiinounced yrsterdny that it may never take part In another cnmpilgn us distinctive county nrtnnlatlon Charles 1 nlnhlld 1 has fitted to lemnln ut tin head of the little band any longer lln 1 1 butt planned Journey 1 abroad and will hnvn no part In ttio eomliig I maui mitig Tho luulorx who like Shipping Coiumlntioner Power liilm ljulnlaii Ihomas I ostignn William iroto Inliu A llenneberry and Jacob Kunen innn hnvo HI runic personal followIngs will tunlntnln their Assembly district organizations IIM will be ready to I form new antiTammany Democracy or lu make loenl deals with the ito liiitillinns as thor havo In tIle past as the op uurtunlty offers lJrlully olor ludlnnu ICapnbllenn Editor Uses INDIAN UOIIB Feb IJThe Indiana epub llrnn IMItorlal Abborlatlon hold Its annual muting heio yesterday the attendance being large ItiHolntlons wore adopted endorsing a of protectlvo sliver tnrUt and opposing the tree coinage I Vtusrts Tar Doneset and Honey the king ot 09tuor gCUidlasb sold vvriWbgre xoay A ttw jf 4 WOMANS LIFE CIRCLE A PUZZLE THAT LOOKS Risirir it VT TT1IO CAN HO ITt Not Ono lu Million Hero 18 a puzzle I looks simple I seems Mniple I Is simple Yet not mute person lu 1 million can solve It Tliur tony havo heeii laulhL how 10 II It but thin fact remains thnt they cant do I hllo at first blush this may peeni nf little or no conspoiience to eIther man nrwomnn the render will lrrlntl lien Hint this 1111770 illustrates I a principle I tint I benridirectly I upon tho life amid happiness of every wnnmti anti forms a controlling Inctnr him overt profossloii I Tot DO IT 1 Tim ptmlo must milvrd with 1 plecrof paper a pencil the liiitnnn eye tIme human hnnd and ii mit Ii I nit ilse 1 Il I Is shut tuly tn tout with mile operntluuim anti without lifting the i pencil from the paper circles like that Mnmii In Figure 1 You mni luinhle hum Inn I onu summit circle bv accident hit If ou think Mill can mak twenty In I Oa In wok sir eMtilni month just try I It i and git vniir friends tn i ti ri It Tho circles must not I he IILn Ilgiiro1 lint 11km Fletire I Von will mn llnd that this Is not merely insp of limits limits for enerylmily knows how It Is I i nse of Uno him roni hlnednlth nuxir fall Not one nt five hundred of joiing men mid wiunin uuul huge giadti ales can do I I ho one whom i nn do It Is I INK AMOMI Mil I iiluiNt He began Just thin KIIIIIO ns ev rr body elsu did by lenrnlng how to I draw Hut thats not lhl secret of isis Miicesss I Ill in ml a perlally of drawing circles I ho has been drawing Ihem all his life nnil pru tlce makes perfect live anv woman a bow anil mrow give lan hi oil eui revolver nnd I she or hu iniv oineilnics hit tho target and possibly the centre but how ninny 00 flg3 FIB 2 times will they miss the mark This frequent failure not only In target practice but lu every timing else Is duo to the fart that not emu person In a thousand make a life bpccialty of ono thing the one thUiir he ran do best and keepi right on making a speclilty of It until ho bo comes perfectA lAIR llltFSsMAKFIt There Is a woman dressmaker In Paris who for thirty years has been nnud the world over Not onco in hundred times does sho fall to give 1 perfect fit Yet this pime woman mndo a silk nipht shirt for her husbnnd alt mndo a failure It wasnt a case of not knowing how for he had learned how to mike clothes Just nell hail lenrned how to drttsv et try as she would sho couldnt vim iko a night shirt for her huibnnd tint would fit any moro than sho could draw I circle that wus purfect I A lltHXT IA 111 i I Daniel I Webster who na probably the i great est constitutional lawjer that ever lived was once complete lloond In patent rain hv Imm1 1 law cr who mado 1 specialty of such cases tho 1 know how Is tho proper point to start from hut It Is the practice thedally houih constant I practice that tnnkes perfect bite rrommi who lots ono night shirt to muko in thirty years cannot I bo an export In night shirts any lore than tho lawyer who huts one patent cano In six months Ian bean export in patent cases Tho doctor who Is called upon onee I wn onco 1 month or perhaps once In six mouths to trcit this lint or the other i otnpllcated disorder lnlulIIIndlr may succeed oneo In a great while if nafir comes to the rescue but bu will usuallv fall notwithstanding the fact that he has studied medicine just as the lawier has studied llaw mid tho I woman hail studied uresmaking Tho sum nnd substance of it all Is thnt piiutui uimurs PCllclt EXtEtiirNCO NFriFn It is upon this theory this principle this practice that the greatest mil most successful health Institution in Amerii Is I founded For Insltuton nearly tnlrt years experienced nnd I skilled physicians connected with this Institution havo made a specialty of curlugthoailmenlR all dig eaves peculiar to women Where time ordinary practitioner treats one puch case tho skilled specialists of this Institution treat tens of thousands and what Is regarded by tho local doctor as a complicated case ono that puzzles his brain and battler his skill ie I an simple of treatment and sure of being eured in this Institution ns Is I the drawing of a perfect circle to that one man ead lrof trhc I in a million This la another instance where practice makes perfect I is a ca whereon man can do what millions of others cannot do although they have learned him After having treated enr nfler year many thousands of capon mit womans ailments Dr It Pierce 1 chief consulting phslclan to thin Invalids Hotel ant Surgical Institute of But fain lenrned not only the perfect methods but also the perfect medicines with which to cure such cases These aro selentlfliilly toni blned and blended In his lavorito Prescription AsA tOI A rowenrur ISVIOOHATINO TONICI Dr Pierces Favorltn Prescription Imparts strength to tho whole system and to the organs distinctly feminine in particular Tor overworked wornout rundoMi debllltntud teachers milliners dressmakers Nenmstrencs MiopclrK housekeepers musing mothers all feeble women genernllj Dr I Plereos Favorite Prescription Is time grete enrthlv boon being unequalled as an nppetirlng cordial und Invigorating tonic AH a BOOTIIIVO MHVINE Favorite Prescription Is I unequalled In ub doing nervous excitability Irrltnblllty nervous exhaustion nervous prostrntlon neuralgia hs teria spasms chorea or St Vltuts minuet nud other listressing nervous smpiomHrommonly attendant upon functional and organic dleivo of tho generative organs of women It Imluees refreshing sleep and relieves mental anxiety and despondency Ono reason why woman suffers In sltrnce agonies which would al 3IAhR A COWARD of tho strongest man Is I becnii her Inborn modusty Clues her to shrink from tho ordeal of submitting to medical examination all the stereotyped local trentmunt When iliitihly torture qrives ncr 10 seeK auviee sue uniorui nntel only too often falls Into hall thaI Ik the rare ability of drawing that perfect ur clo upon which her penco of mind her happiness and her life depend Instead of the trent ment that makes thousands of curex a certainty and lure almost an unhrardof accident situ receives that which makes failure a ceitnlnly and the cure I more ncchleut Dr Plerces tavorlto Procrlptlon Is I the only known medicine In thin world that relieves parturition and makes of time Its perils to both mother und child COMINIJ 1 IIAIIV free from danger and almost wholly pnlnlers while It so Ktrengthons and pn pares tho mothers system for tills tryIng unit all to greatly shorten well labOr aol Iho period of tonllnemunt as ExrKiir ADV i i HfK I I happens that nn oxcceillngl obstlnnto or complicated 1 case Is not promptly cmiquertd 1v this standard remedy Dr I Plerte hliiielf mid Ills trained stnlf of professional a Hlstuntsenn ala ni bu reached letter and lie nnil his stnit know from their oxtenslvo practice which has auppl mado ClOth experts Just what nilslni link I to Dr Pierce and Ills itair of phHlclatis hoM tlienuelvrs nt nil tlmi end 1 to repl In letters from women alllkteil wit I iihutliiate compll cat cii or hurt longnegleun nud pocnlled itoh uraiiln nllmetitH and are nlnnvi glad to olTer Irnn nf clmrgo nilvlCHand FiikgestlonH that will leiul to relief and cure Dr Pierce uttum i bo reached by lit tel bj amId tst liii him as nliove Wlurealocal iih ilclan treats nie 1150 of womins ailments I Ir Pierce nld liU trainedspeclallstHtrent ninny thousandsand a lifetune prnclidi lu this particular lleld has made them I nxnerta to euro all such dlsenves With I I thoin i tlipro I no experimenting i nn phjhiial pnlchwnrk and no pioin 100 given titus llft he 111111 1 I I 11 Itmmtt 10110 1 ISo hllll is I Ir I Ilerr I ceiii rd mul nt I homl thll I lie III luau fIIII lIcl1 II I iou hlll1 tlllli fn sutiim iis 1111 lul I 10111 Otis Hlrellat ii III lll muf Bal rlil tumid 1h I hits IIIIIII 111 itt hits iuttilttitu Ihal Itu tslt hum 111 ff hlf IItllliu IH mu 1 Ii I utiutititiurs Ir hiI I 1111111 nlI limit lily itilt lnll nnull1 hI 11 111 lu ol 1 ut mI I kl hut 11 IhIHI I Ii Iii I 111 HI uniiiiiiiiiviiiiiiiii i i muim li iiiriiiiti on Illo mail thoiiriuil letti ir fimn uratelul lieoiile tiuiii of whom tvtie I ml lit hMiitne die after hav IIIK hei ghi up us niLuialili hI I local Ph Fleimis iiail IIUIII IPM 1 ill Mum nf thie grntufiil paliiiilH hae Cpu 11 hy I HMUitnl I tlml heir ttmriu puhllxlnil 111 I hl hi in HI of other nilireier Vu hno mtuuti hut i fil mility I I Ft fiut fr lello ur 1tI oal I iiI 0 I wrl I ssti ral mull hiui ts 11 11 5 muikuiesi 111 nu I Irlllhh al lpim IrllII I 1011 I liii lo PlpnoIIIft I 1 rlllh tutu Itlhet muutmi liii I I tim 1lel 0011111111 medicines I i took tlm latnriln rn tiiinn all through the period nf uiMitIii mid 1 h1 Imhv i iniii It shnrti tied lulni mid leed me wnndei lull 1 huli ui bed lin miui ie halt pounds Hheii II MIII bom II if the lurgi nt baby I ever nave nlrth lo I and I had mm Ito easiest tlmu I I over hnd 1 wits mil i In I liii sir about onehalf hour and In three ilajs I was up Heretofore It was always ubout two win Us 1 When I first used your Favorite Prescription Was going down as fait a 1 coulO and used many kinds of medicine but I got no rellsf til I began taking your Prescription I Mr Fred Greon of Bogota Jasper Co mo ror oot Japr 0 writes Wo have great thanks for what jonr Fnvorlto Prescription has done for my wife Slutw I is I very great sufferer with m1 wenkncsS tried mutiny doctors without relic until tWi years ago I prevailed upon her tn vnur Favorllo Prescription She had 1 terrible Un In I Iii top nf her head nnd In the thigh and blttoms nf tho feet severe at times aa lint to bo tahIti tn go ubout Sho commenced HMni i tlm I medicine nnd hnd not taken more than I half IKtlio eif thn Prescription I and half a boltlii of jour Pellet when the I pain began to subMili sho used two bottles of Prescrip tion mid I onn bottle nf the Pollots Inllnc Ih1 ttlme I I two viius nun sho I has done alt her 11 luiUo 11 wnrk anti has been entirely well of that irs I Lock of Blanche Lincoln Tt nit writes 1 was slek six oars with tl male wenknesand debilitating draIn prsvl nth tn tnkinu lour Dr Plones Favorite Prs I ilpllon mid 111 i tutt I rely cured of both In sis month I It I i Is I si I months I sluice I A entirely vull I of I iln I seilisi ises nnd butte ever had any I nlhns nl their it tIll ii I I si limo I could hardly Mitkarniinilwtin I commenceil taking your mnlli I tie and I think It Is loils I i blessing tomsk iimlii iriilll tiiou Hint I I was CUP me I it iii inoiiiiiiiiiid i Incurable bv the best dn I tors I len In i this country I I gnvo up all hopes nnd maile up tin mind that i 1 was tn bo taken mist iii from immy husband mid Ilho babies Mrs 1 I ShIesu of Mlllboro Depot Hath Co I wrltis Wlicn I began using Dr Pierce In 1 rl Prest I rlptlon I was liardly able to makeup itm3 lied After I hnd lined half bottle of 111 I nblii to iln almost any kind of work I mil I iisnl Inn I bottles Tho I loth of Sentember I uni Imth In a twelvepound baby cirl with vets llitht Htiirorlug This Is I thin thirteenth chllil mni liv tho help of I rod and tblrtelntb Doctor Pierres Favorite Proscription I had an easier time with this Ole than I had with any of the others I felt stouter this time In two wicks ihnn I hate felt at other times In two months hvery woman will bo healthier and hp for following the friendly practical fatherly loutuel contained In Dr Pierces greatunlvonal doctor book Time Peoples Common Sense Medical Advisor I Is the most comprehensive medical work In one volume In the English ImiRUige nnd ha enjoyed the greatest sale of ally book published In thus country It contains IIIIIH piiiiH fully lllu trnt il 180000 hays tieen sold nt ono dollar and a half each bound In cloth Iho 1 profits of thl enormous Halo corpus I am now used In printing i i I Ao 1 I half a mlllloA free coi Ii bound IiI Mroug niniillla paper covers To get one you hnvo only tn nend tho nbnve llttlo COUPON NUM UU nnd tnentyouii onecent stamps pay cost nf mailing milii to Worlds Dlspenssjrr dlcnl AiaoUntlon No 003 Main street ButI I fnlo aucliton flyer nlnoty paces of this great work are do voted to the consideration of diseases peculiar to women Suice sful means of home treatment tire therein suggested making It unneoes stacy tn employ physician or to submit to his xnmlnaiioiifi nnd time stereotyped but gsa i crnllv nwU local treatment If French clothcmered emlmssed and Bold stmnpid rovers aru deslred send ten cents extra i thirlonn cents in mulltuu cover only the post ngu nud thin eztra must of Clint more durable and tiiautlful stle of binding Send now bofor nil are given asvnyjift ITfK XAItQVttTTtt BTAXVE A A Opposition to HnvlnB It Placed IB HUtnnry IlnllStr Ilnton Re olntlon WASHINGTON Feb 0uti Informal unveiling of the Marquette statue which tim State of Wisconsin purposes to present to thin Government occurred In Statuary Hail nl the Capitol this afternoon Tho covering was removed In order that Mr Losoy of Incrnssp tho Chairman of the committee appointed by the Governor to Inspect the several models presented and select lie ono that should bo executed might personally examine time work nnd satisfy himself ns tu the correctness with which It was done Senators Vllas and Mitchell of Wisconsin ni well as a number of lie Wisconsin Heprcsontn tlvos wero present nt the tlui ns was alto Mr Gnelnn Trcntanovp the artist who modelled the statue A great deal of lincerlnlntycxlstsre garding thodnto on which tho Marquette stntuo will bo presented to Ito Government MrTrent nnovu bellev es that thu presentation ill occur on Friday next but the Wisconsin paoplo say that the pretcntatlon may not tnko plnco for several weeks In view of opposition which tIm American Protective Association Is understood to be making to tIme acceptance of thin statumo by Congress Is regarded by sortie of tie gentlemen Interested as a good plan to postpone the ceremonies for fortnight or moro until time present excitement connected with thin affair shall have dlsnppcarod This afternoon Representative Llnton of Michigan Introduced In lie Htiuso tbo joint resolution regarding thin statute of Fnther Mur iiuctte which has been expected for several etays The document reads ns follows rtirrfan For the nUt thins In the hUtory of tlio unlti States there ha been plnoeil lu thel mltol fttatuu of a man In tho KArti of a cliun litnan nalil Mituerielnztiiator a Jesuit priest nnnusl Muniueno ho illeil In or aCetiC lie rear lit1 ninl wlio in refer reil to In the Joint resolution itS a rciiKon for acei pt liu thn Bliilue titu tilt tnltlilul inl slonir uni I II ArnM 1ln 1 revi i Itntutiii of the I i nlteil Mats deettoii 1H14 I provlile only for not i ve cillNg two tatuei In nuiubir or marble or iirnnrn Iroin each Mnte ot lliefi iu tl persons HhohaM lieii Cltllens ihenor aiut ihluti trloiiA for thi Ir dUtltuiilshnl I ci situ or Military nrvlreM anil mien HO furnished the mine Khali IMI pine In the olil chamber nt the HOUM nt lt urisi ntathes now ktinvn as SI lit ItSO Halt I lu the Lipllolor hut I lnlteISIiiUn I ami ifiriiiii The Kali Vlannieite no er waia cltlren of am Male nor of the Inlteit St a itet our performed uityui tie or nilllinr duty then for anil UAcjiin lite nut mitul TeltrisiiillnB lulu hot I ecotful nu It ill ohsrAitHr alone oeinc isnlmid in eliuren liablllinciiKanil paraihernn and othi rwlse i utir Ii I laniiitrniirlate i lorthe I pntitton oceiiple In I statuary liatl thereh lielnirrontran ium the inn nt 01 the Joint nsoluttim wniiJi nroMita for Its aieepmnte tlien fore lie It A ifinf Thnt the ptvln of call I Hlntue tn hue Capitol Is I nut only without niiiliorltv biiiln i direct Mnlntlim ot the Ian anJ be i it further lifilIm Cut Tli a sild Ntaluo to roiuoieit from tha Capitol ana returned to Us honors Sir llnton Fnld In explanation of his Joint resolution that over since publication had been mado of the fact that thin List lit hudbien received at the Capitol members hi been rei elv Ing memorials und petitions In rei alnn to It asking that Congress refuse to receive It limo I Joint resolution until Mr llnton sets forth tile reasons tsiiy wo think time statute ought tint to bo placed In I tho Capitol I havo nothing tn Bay of course ngnlnst Father Marijtlettv and there Is no feeling In the matter that relates to him Thin opposition to thin ntntuo In Its prex cot place Is based entirely upon time fact that It Inappropriate thereto and that It docs not como within tint ti mix of the law A man giving tho name nf Ldwnrd Jones and who clnlnind to bo a tesident of Sew York illy was arrested at the Ciinltiil this nfteinonu for tiflng loud and threatening Inngungo In connection with thin unvellluc nf Hut Maniuotto hint Detective Joyce reported the nixiiH he hint tuur to dipt A Garden I th uu hief of thn Cnpltol I pullie who arrestedlorn 1 is nnd took him to the inianl house In the basement I of the Capitol Hoferriuc to the Marquette btntue he said ho would like to have a broad axe and bo at the Capitol nt nlttht when ho would swipe tho statue and make short ork nf It Jcuios who was ft welldressed Intelllgent nppearing lImit expressed regret for his Intem PurmtO language after Cnpl tarden nrrestid ilm nnd particularly after time law regulating lie tifii nf time Capitol nnd surtoundint griiunds Sties read to him Lpon his aMiurnuee that ho would leave the city tomorrow and Ulempt no further distill bnnro at thin Cnpitol ho was es eorted from the grounds and ruleaaud VO NEW AJlMOR PLANS 1noRAItTK The Xnvy epnrtraent Store ot Rrcom fiend Government HwtMbllMhini WAOIIINOTOX Feb EPIt Is generally believed thnt the ground taken by Secretary Herbert against the establishment tovcrnment Brmorranklng plant will prove fatal to that project It will be recalled that the proposal was Introduced by Senator Smith of Now Jer soy and that many collateral subjects have been Inquired into generally relating lo the connection of the Government and its officers with armor manufacture in thus private establishments of Hcthlchem and Pittsburgh An etlmate hy Cnpt Sampson Chief of the Ordnance Hureau of the approximate costof nn armor plant nut this at fLOOOOd exclusive of the site Secretary Herbert discusses the matter simply nsn business proposition and opposes It on thin ground lint with suuult a plant in the District of Columbia coal iron anti other materials would have to tie hauled a hong distance at touch cost that It would either havo an output of moro armor than tho Government would need or else remain idle mon uf the year that skilled workmen would be hard to get for such Intermittent employment an this last would imply that merely keeping the plant In order would bo costly It will be observed that In these general con fldi rations tho Secretary does not Inelude thnt of elvlng tho two present private manufacturers continued emplounent provided their prices are fair In view of the fad that they established at their own expense plant designed for liov ernment work Ills vlnw Is uliupl a business one of whether It would pa the Internment tn establish the now plant On this latter head It Is worth considering that a largo part of lisa hattIe ships required under our nnval pro gramme have already been built or contracted for and that even for thin oust nuns ho flu thorled at tbla estiun a great advnntnee In promptness of conptructlT would result from having their armor niMia hv existing plants rather than hi a now one yet to tin built Inero Is ono possibility yet tn bo considered nanulv time construction nf nrmor for forts such turrets In be net up In harbors on shoals That howevi Is a matter which whllo taken Into consideration bv ortlficntum I Hoards has never yet been developed into a matured plan and therefore It Is hnrdly worth tile to let It enter Into tho nroactit niicstlon ni nn element Tnklnit together time outlay of moro than 3000000 for the armor plnnt proposed nnd then the risks and ensts nf running It thn chalices are heavll nealust tho dovcrnmcntH going into that enterprise OTER THE JRESinEXTf TETO The IIIII to Sense Nrhnol Innrtu In Arizona IB rd by it i Ce ofSOO lo UP WASiiisOTiif Feb SO After nn hours debate today trio Ilousot assisl over time Presidents veto tho hill authorizing thin lending nf school lauds In Arizona hy a vote of Son to IH The following Democrats voted ao with thin Republican soul Populists Messrs liillley Cnbb ttlnf Cox Crisp dimming Diarraond Dlnsmoro Downing Hutcheion atliner 1 Ln ton Little Livingston Mnddox McCulIocli McDcnrmon Mo Lnurln MiHen Money Mo es Nelll Richardson Bobbins StnlllnEC Stokes blrnlt Tnl bert Terry Iudcirwond Wheeler Williams nnd Wilson as Thoso voting in thug negative to sustain the President were Messrs Allen Mish lieu iFext Berry llnatncr Buck CatihlntM Clnrdy Cnbb I Moi Culborson inuhi cry LI llott IS 1 Hurrlinii Hurt I llendrUk I Kvli lavvson Loter MiClillmi MI reary tIu Mlllln I Merciilith Mever Miles Otuy Owens Pnttcrxnn I I citul tel oil llnbert I nu RusMiH I I On SnyorH Son spencer Swmnon Tinker Turin Gn I Turner I Vn i Wntihluglon and Yniiknm all DiiiiocratM I IH bennto umemlments tu the Army Apprnprtn ton bill wero dlMigrewl tn and thn bill was sent to conference Consideration of the Legislative Executive and Juillcinl 1 Apprnprlatlnn bill under lie tivut mlnulo ruin was inniplitid I cast hit pain Krutihs prnvldluu for iou etult iiuunn iou of rnfleil I I Stales I Dlitrle Atlnrnej i and Marnlmls IheiMi I parnuraplm will I ho Inilhei i ionldereil em Mniielii win tin nnw law pimldlni fu 11 laths Instead I I of fin for lliohn I nlllieis prepared I by hit Comrulttuo em I ito utmihtiitry will jiinlUrcil as mitt auiondmcnt tn tho I hill I under mi order ngrcid to to duj nllcvlni It from lie I operation of thou rulo which prohibits thuaeldt i lout nf new legislation to appiuprliitlon bills At oclock lie House ailjniirned until Monday Finn Trlnl of thn Torpeao Hunt Krlrvian WiBiiiNQTON Fobn The llnnl ucceplanco trial of the torpedo boat Drlmiuu will take place on Wednesday March 4 nt Now London Cone It will be merely to demonstrate the condition and strength of her machinery tha contractors having waived their right ot speed trial In view of the unfortunate accidents which occurred on the previous attempts at speed runs Lbs Secretary of the Nm today appointed the Hoards to londiict tho trial which will be for two hours and will take place either alongside the dock or on a free motel The Ericsson has already been practically ac ospted by the Government under an agreement by which tbs contractors the Iowa Iron Works of Dubuque are to forfeit 110009 ot the con qaoLoaswUmeonalLx 5 fl WILD WESTERNERS KICK MIRING EXClIAXatt AINT RUN nwiir nr GINGER Vnnt to Abolish heCnlU unit Well All flay amid Vp In asia I MUnnt Understand the Clenrnncrn ChnrKtB And Coraml Ion Too HlKh Homehodr May Uo The Westerners with the queer personal rid and much and massive Jewelry who came here nnd opened llieMlnlittf Cxchnpgo at OS anti D7 Broadway a llttl ever a tok ago flared up yesterday against thin management of the Exchange and allow oil that things were not running right They believed lint some of tho New Yorkers In tho Hoard of Directors were not the sort of folks to run nn Kxchnnge after tho hustling methods of tho mining camps of Crlpulo Creek So twenty llvo of thim got togothcrlcd by President Ishnin Porter and Dr Downing nf Denver and vowed lint there must bo different programme All this was said at a special melting of the discontented Westerners livid hi the Kxcliangu In tho afternoon after the machinery of Wall street Iind stopped nt noon for the Saturday half holiday The foot li bulness linn been poor mighty poor flnco thin Westerners opniud their Exchange smith boIled hnm thin daret punch nnd ninny whoops hey I believed thouch that they were cnpttirlnfi thin town Tile Now Yorkers In thin Ilonnl of Director Includlne Goorgo Sims Deacon Hecrs anti otliori filed up nClenrlni Hounesjstem which suns not understood by the Westerners especially the high charge for clearing tho trans notions on tIme Kxchaiiie and tho lines Imposed on thesochildren of thin woolly i West who didnt know how to mnko tint their rleirnncc sheets In time fo tlio following days transactions Then the BMcm of calls was nbjcrttoonhlp and so were ninny other i contrlvnncpi fuillihi tar to the nvurnKu iirand 111 in Vnll street lime men from tlio Set I iuig sun nnnti to tumhlii In I heml foremost rulse a Iirco7o a mitt nnd sell mining I shares mill show tin1 fiilk In It is territory Just how a mining tmotn ought tn lie lamiehed Mr Minx anil his I friends ructugtti iou time solid Ill of the ronuilnlnt against them nnd said SesteTila this thumy HI re ready to resign at any moment IHII I too there lisa been time biggest kind of kicking against John tray thin ollklal who pre luiliCt over time calls on the Dxi linngc lies slow IIUB I timid hn his wcik voice anti nil that mini It Is ui Il ito possible Hint Mr i 1 ray will Rive place to mini ssor w1th moro IUIIES Tlnu Westerners nt their I meeting tenlny attributed tho tacIt of buslncns to tha peculiar methods nf thin Niw Yorkers In tho Hoard of Dlriclois I i 1 hiv ileniiiiiled thin the olllcial calls of lie Ixclmnte be nbollshid no that tha members ititaY tumble over encli other nt nil houn of tIme da In their olforts to rto business It wn9 decided nUu tn recommend thus the Ex chnnLo be kept upuli until a iir This will scoop thin town cried a Westerner und hen It stIts recoranipmlcd that the hearing iimiuus tie kept open until 7 oclock at ought tlmro wua joy Tho Clearing HOUBO charges hove been Ml centn a thousand shares lht kickers recommended yesterday that the prlre should bo red need to 10 I cents a thousand shares each why Duo Westerner complained that I ills hearing Hnnsn chnritos had been S4li in one ilny nnd besldeH ho had been fined 8 for not Knowing how to innke out his sheet I mmtl gut as well let my landlord he said haxe my oflico ami try to get into the Clearing House business It pays lito 1 commissions of the Westerners have been onelmlf cent is shnro each way for all stocks hold below 10 cents a share This must also bo i handed It uits iiplstnl The rates in vogue at lcn er were reroinmeudcd ns follows IIlk cnmmltAltm for shares si under 2 cents Ue for nhirot noll lit 2 anrt umler 4 eeniH ii for iiftru ROM at InlHluiKler I I ii cents tic for Hliun ftoM at 10 nnil uniler Uil lentR He fur nhiren od at yd nnd timler ill eents Then the kickers demanded fiat nil Clearing Hmiii limits lintxisiil I on them since the Ki chnne opened should be remitted To ind up must imolmi It was dtUded to recommend the appointment of nn Advisory Hoard of fifteen to cmlpernto with tho lionrtl of Directors In an effort to Inject utest life and Western hiistllnK stays Into Ihouinuagementof the Exchanee j1IHAltRAS TO FJTZOERAZD IT herrd Into IV Parlor Tnt lit Two Fluncren had Met to Investigate Franklin Klssnm civil and mechanical engineer who lives at Irvlngton ordered Charles Fitzgerald of Mulberry street Newark out of his house a few evenings ago and told him never to show his face there again Fitzgerald hnd just come to the house to visit Miss Minnie Klssam to whom he was engaged At that very time Miss Klssnm was holding nn Interesting conversation with Miss Jessie ltenoldscif Newark and Miss Roynnldss sister Ml Klrsani It appear hnd henrd that tgcrnldwns paling allention tn Miss Jessie He I nolds and hal made her mind to Investigate lie story when Miss Ue nnlds nn It hap ciud hlarted nut to Investigate something just as important from her pnlnt of view She Suits a strnngur to Miss Klnsnm but called upnn her and it was while she suns explaining nud asking explanations thnt Itgcrold was announced llu I I waS ushered Into lie parlor lit tutrimmit pnle when ho was confronted by his two fiancees Hn could do nothing but stammer ns tiny piled him with stinging questions and at this pnlnt Mr Klrsam entered Iho room and ordered him nut Miss Tehflle Reynnlds fainted inder the strain but Miss Kissnm was perfectly calm Stole saiS lint Returned 214 or It William Herw IE Son keep a livery stable on thin Pelham roml at Westofiestcr avenue On Thursday night when the proprietors of time stable went to boil In their apartments above thin stnhiius they left a tin cash box in the oflico below In which there was 30 The key oft he cash box was tied to the handle of time box On Friday morning It was found that most of the money was cone although the box wns found locked Yesterdny Police Captain Frears arrested Wllllstn Butler wagon washer employed In the stable and he confessed to being the tnlef He returned 214 and said he had taken 5215 bat spent 1 An Elderly Woman Attempt Snlelde Mary A Booth a widow 07 years old who lives on Prospect street City Island tried to tko her own life jcstordny morning by cutting her throat with small pocket knife Mrs Iayuc who liven In tho same house discovered Mrs Hooth In a bliedltiK condition nnd sent for help for her Mm Hooth had not succeeded In making much of gash In her throat and the will ro coMir Trouble with a married son Is said to have been thuD cause of her act A Fireman Breaks III Lea Patrick Doyle a flromnn of S7 engine whole house ta at Amsterdam avenuennd 1JSth street missed the sliding pole In the engine house when ho was aroused to go to a lire atN1u oclock last evening and fell from lie dormitory to lie ground floor Ho broke his right let In two places The Weather CThe storm which was over the lower MlMttilppI Valley on Friday gathered fore very rapidly as It trtus elIcit nnrtlienit to the Mlddla Atlnntlo font whero It was ountral yesterday As It moved from Its blrlhplmn In Texas Its itntlro pnth from the Unit Mutes north to tIme Tenn iiwiv liey and overall the Atlsntlo Stiut wits covered with rain The tall In tlm Atlnntlo fltatet synC very heavy mraiur hog from an Inch to an Inch and a halt ut his coast nations iCe hunt on Ito enact wera not danremnily hlxli IuI were Increasing In force and the dangur to ahlpplnx wns ugmint it byatldok togA itcond utorm aleC forming In Tains but as yet without any force or definite outline may possIbly fnllon tho course of thli one A inodtrato cold wa li pushing inutheactward over thu Isko rcKlona Thn line of fretztnR weather out thrnugli northern luw York and northern Ienn tylvnnla nenlaf A second cold nato Biipearn to bo pnrhliiK ioutli uvitrul over Montunn the I Inkotns mid jonilnit Siuralln lime wuu arena Center ilijr wits a bult vf nurni air ix iillnx mini IlioOiilf lo Mlnnewita the temperature luI mig froni lu I to 15 aboMi the I lit erge fr tlm ni on III I Ilili tll i tt rthmy It Svaiu tiipii and rnliir aver an huniKlllj IM wind mnitliiMi hlBhe tplnelty fi inlliH nil huiir its inut 22 mllei liKie iifltuitmt I temperatures i uuvumt I 4D i Imrniaeti iiirreeli lu I rend tn enu hmsuh nt A llililt II 1 I i auil total rtiliifill of mi Ineh to II I rim tin nnme ler it li irj Ilmnimi si build UK i Oil uriul Hie I itill I icrmui dir usuerilimy as fil tune i I MVI nt HA Jl if no in I fw fr IIA 5th i I I1 I f4 6i 11 A ji ii ui I ii in 1UJI 1J fJK Jlll 6 ii AMTIBU aiv tTimiiMiTox rourcAHT run IutNlisy Jbr AVm Lnalnnd and eastern Vw York clearing antl ilfritlrtlly fvlttfr uiuli lircotntny nuurfiui Iron hith oil fi ifiMf Icir I mimi Hhtrlcl of Cohmilila eaitern rcnuilvn nla New Jerney Delaw are and Jlaryland clearing In this early itomnlumf mletdcu1t7 moluler northwest whituit Korwiiletn IcmiiyUinU and western New York olesrlnz la the early inurnlug colder northwesterly wInds 3TATOK OIBAKOX AI DEXECTXTX 1lnd un Accused Election Inspector smsl Scuds Him Home to Hums Mother Mayor Glcnson of Long Island played deteo tire last week and succeeded In ferreting out John Gunther one of the missing Inspectors of election from the First district of the Fourth ward In that city This Is the district In which the returns filed with the City Clerk failed to agree with the original copies filed with the County Clerk and the Supervisor of the city According to the original returns Gleason WU elected Mayor The copy filed with the City Clerk however gave tho election to John Madden time Jetfemsoinan nominee In the wren gIn thnt followed nil the Inspectors In that district wero Indicted for making a fradnlent return liitlcn tiiiynorsteppedin and the return thus corrected and Mr Gleason took his seat on the first of the yeer In I tho moron time young Gnnther had dlsap peired Ills nssoi Intes wero placed on trial I nut tin I prore ntlon failed to convict them I iive nil time during tho controversy Mrs Gun I ther waited on Mr dlenson nnd requested him I tn llud her son Ho promised to do so Accord Inglv he sent agents about the country and i llnnllv lornted the missing voting man In Wash iiitfinn In company with William Onnther I Ii jnmiger brother nf time missing man and Ilenr Mnnton Deputv I Cnmmlsf loncrof PubIS Work thn Mnvor took trip to Washington Hn tnok up his hcndqunrters and then began enuring the city In search of Gunther who was fiutitiul located at the Templar House 270 Pennj ylsunia avinue Tho young man was Indiieed tn return In Long Island City and last nfhl he oat sent to his home here he was re ee Iv cil Ith open arms hy his overjoyed mother It hS td dumber still appear before the Grand lur Monday mind tell tho true story of the election I returns AdllOVM JV mil SOUND The Nutmes Stuto hitrack Near Penflcld Itref lliibt but Got Off nninnrronr Conn Feb 20The steamiv Nutmeg State of tIme Hrldgeport line which left Now York this afternoon went aground at 020 oclock tomeht near Penfleld Beef Light Them was a thick fog and considerable aeam i When It was found the steamer was fast her whittles wi rn bloun nnd one of the men fronx IVntield Light put olf In a tender and went aboard Turner Stlikles nnd the man from the light left tint xtonmcr In small boat to como to this mitt for a tuc Stutlm after the wind freshened almost to guile nnd In the fog anti darkness the two men ill Iftid about at tlio mercy of this alive snernl times Ihn small hoat was nearly svuinitioii nnd nfter thn hours they made lunillng I nn hit shorn suvurtsl mlks I below Hlaolc Itod Thei tt ore ixhn1 steil nnil reached this pit with I illltluilty Thin steamer was not very haul Hirrouiid It i nsl i lust title I when she struck nnd with time Incoming tithe aim succeeded III hacklnioir utul roirhul her dock In this city about 10 1 oclock without I muUi dmnace Tiro inTEVTirrs POISONED IVIiltn Host In lutlilnR Intended fOr Mr Minerer nosed EruptIonS Detectives Nelson and Quinn of Iloboken Police Headquarters wero accidentally poisoned fi days ago whlln they were looking through a bumllii nf clcithlng whlih had been sent to police station for ho sutrerers by tho recent tens uuntllio In that uthy Nelson found a robe in the humllo which ho Jokingly throw over Jiiliin he ul mid slimililers A whlo I dust amount of the rob and covered the fires niul hnnilHof both men They thought nothlliKuf I tho nn i lilint until several days later I hen itiinn I taco tul XBISOIIS face and hands link uutit in painful iiiiptlnus IH I Ihlkh I inn iinon pronounced the ymp tutus thiiuuf tmilohm lImIt I believed that thf pouder bad Scott siuri tilt html In the robe to kill lliottla uurmM or MACKIN I Ill sslmn und Her Mother to hal BnrU nn Mmiiliiy The briil IM of Mr Lllo Maokln and list I nnil lir Mtit I Itildui I niinors who were killed I i iis I liinbiiil i Inlin 1 Mackln i on Thurt diy Milling lit thilr home Ill Philip street lirnv i vviio remnved itordn afternoon hum mdli akin lnhlislimeiit In Commanl puma uusmt lid iinil mini lhmysttfitum Couvsrio mlu mmumt muuy mttl i ulmutris ntinors his fathorlnlaw tutu shuoths nviiMig in the i Ity llnspllal Mrs iuiukiui multI ei iiinthi 111 be burlid on Mon hIlt rIco nll still bnlil un inquest on tI munihut hi ttiimi in Ilm grand jury room at the I irt 1 Imitmo Driioneil I In I Ilind nl Iliiyonnc Walter A Purr I II I i titus old whoso parent Ihe nt rust I lirUnlnth i i St rent Bayonna I I tlippiil ilnnn Keep lank Into pond whtl 1 plnnm lull nn 1rldny tiriilne and was i I rioshlu I I ho 11 i i Stir brniliiT managed to ilr tII rum Hie pon 1 hef iru life was ex tin Uli II ut riiiixiltnlH tlm boy were I cii I I its i lie IUi hitli is lIt 01 rtitetl and hit I inuditi in erHia 1 ln pond Is a favorite re I Hirtwith thn i hllilnnof lUjoinosTliIrd Wardi I tmpeclall when covered with iou lUo waist nbout eight itvt deep.

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