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Panama City News-Herald from Panama City, Florida • Page 1

Panama City, Florida
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spiritual'loro'e ttTan material; rule the world; ERALD WBAtMOIt fwUr nillit nrtable wtnto iMltki VOLUME 305 ITIO PIIUM NIA raATURK BIRVICB PANAMA CITY. FLORIDA. TUESDAY. MAY 2i. 1940 UXMBSR Atmrr BOREKV CIRCULATIONS raoMu PRICE FIVE EIFFEL TOWER IS SIGHTED BY HITLER! ARMY But Der Fuehrer Is More Interested in London Than in Paris IN SIGHT OF TOWER IN PARISI By LOUIS P.

LOCHNER WITH THE GERMAN WESTERN ARMIES famous Eiffel Tower of Paris was fclearly visible to the advance guards pf Adolf Hitler's forward-dashing army this morning but It was by no means certain that the Fuehrer would endeavor to capture the French capital in a hurry. He seemed more concerned with routing Belgian, French and English troops headed for the French coast of the English Channel. No less a man than General Walter von Reichenau, commander of the Eighth Army, was selected to perform this task. Welcomes News Men Yet even von Reichenau was not too busy to offer a welcome to American correspondents I ST lllng the German western armies as Hitler's personal guests. Von Reichenau Ls credited with knowing every detail of Germany's famoas plnccr tactics.

He covered himself with glory during the Polish campaign by a practical illustration of how these tactics can be applfed. With von Rcichcnau's army on the right wing apparently heading In the direction of the French and Belgian coastal points and with the left wing gradually moving, southward. Hitler could afford to let the center take care of as indicated in riay's High Command que. Like Ripe Apple Parts will fall into his lap. he feels, like a ripe apple from a tree if von Reichenau can intercept the Allied forces heading for the coast, Besides, Hitler is not nearly as much interested in Paris ais In London.

One must not forget that Hitler rcgaiik, war-primarily as a fight the Brit- Lsh Empire. Months of incessant )ropaganda have inculcated this dea also in the minds of the German people. Signiflcally. every radio announcement concerning cvenUs in the west ends with the stereotyped playing of the song "Wc Arc Sailing Against England." No tune Is ever played Indicating an antl-Frcnch theme. The anll- Encllsh was played during the of Denmark and the Norwegian campaign.

Once In control of the Belgian and French coastal harbors Hitler would want to get ready for a smashing drive on the British Isles, for which the first chapter would be a gigantic air attack. Here, among army people, one constantly hears this phrase uttered with decided advance satisfaction "Not since 1066 has England had an enemy on her shores. Hitler will continue where the Normans left This may be thinking but there Ls no doubt that a spirit of supreme confidence pervades the army as It pours reserve after reserve into gaps opened in the French and Belgian defenses. MOVIE TALENT SCOUT FAKE TO DIE FOR MURDER Empty Schoolroom- -and Empty Hearts Florida High Court Holds Slayer of Miami School Girl Guilty Reports this morning were that the Germans were In sight of the Eiffel tower. That's out of sight of the Statue of Liberty.

I but It's on the right road. But from an international! standpoint we arc In the same i boat with Mus.sollnl. He's wait-1 ing to sec'Who's gonna win the! war and we're probably waiting to who's gonna lose It. Which throws into nothing the old saying that the best dc- lensc Is a good offense, and sub-1 stllutes: The best defense Is to straddle dc fence. BILL PINNEY AS 1M.AIN HUNTINGTON, N.

Y. causc he bit his wife on the nose, Angclo Fusoaldo must bpend six months in jail, Magistrate Bertha Rombaugh rulea. Mrs. Fuscaldo appeared 1" court with a bandaged nose. TAW.AHA.SSF.F,, hpri nnrlrlard, hotfn.s movie Ifflnnl sfoMl who killed a Mlainl after lurintr her from home on promises of a movie career, was condemned to elcctrocuilon today by a supreme court decision nffirmin" his death sentence for murder.

He also is known as Charles Thomas Cochran and Thomas Ashwell. He was ponvJofprt at West Palm Beach last fall for killinT Frances Dunn, 17. Prevailed" "Jii said the court's unanimous decision because facts in the case outweighed such words as "skunk" which Prosecutor Phil O'Connell applied to Goddard In addressing the trial jury. "The verdict." the court continued, "was the result of fair, cpol. deliberate and impartial consideration of all the evidence, and was not the result of improper Influence or unwarranted arirumcnts Indulged in by counsel." It cautioned "abusive or Inflammatory statements-" In future trials.

.1. W. Salisbury, court appointed counsel for Goddard, had ed for a reversal rn the ground that O'Connell's statements In- flammed and prejudiced the trial jurors. Not Close Case "If It were not for the oxi.v- tence of other facts In the record, wc would bo rompcllrd to enter a Judgment of rcvcr.sal." the court "One of these facts Is that It Is not a close case on the question of the guilt of the defendant of the crime of murder In the first degree." The jurv deliberated for hojirs. the court and once asksd for additional evidence, before rcturnhw Its verdict.

"It useful purpose," Justice Buford said in writing the court's "for us to detail the revoltlnK facts disclosed by the evidence in this case. Evidence Substantial "It Is sufficient to say there was evidence to support the verdict, the evidence is sufficient to warrant the conclusion of the jury that the unlawful homicide was committed both of and from a premeditated design and also that the murder was perpetrated In an attempt to commit the crime of rape." A knife, a hammer and a pistol were used by Goddard In killing Miss Dunn on a lonely beach road In Palm Beach county north of Miami last August. He took her there with Jean Bolton, another girl. Miss Boltcn later escaped and notified relatives In Miami of her whereabouts. Goddard was arrested as he walked along a road In Palm Beach county.

Goddard cannot be electrocuted until a death warrant Is signed by the governor and an execution date Is set by the superintendent of the state prison, where Gcddard now Is held in "death row." Absentee Ballots Are Ready Here Bay county voters who will be out of the county next Tuesday have until Friday night to cast absentee votes for the Democratic primary election. Through this morning 48 persons had cast absentee ballots at the office of County Judge C. Russ and It Is possible the number may reach 60 before the end of the day. Persons who fall to votes before leaving the county or who leave between Friday and Tuesday may write In the names of local candidates In any precinct In the state and mall In their ballot, but they have their registration slip to Identify themselves to election officials In other counties. a hc.irl has been gladdnud when school closed for an extended ptrrlod, but the story told by the picture above aiirt the one to the r'ght is Ihiiig but one of happiness.

Above a in a French irca hon'bfd five hours by in- radinc After raid, rliildrpii, at riehl. (he ro uM Photos rushed to New 1 York by clipper. COUNTY BOARDS TOLD TO KEEP MEETING! OPEN Supreme Court Holds Bond Action Illegal; Taken At Secret Meeting INVITED fjf PROJECTS 0. PA WPA projects are ob-ervliic: "nnen this week as follows: for chilrircn i at St. Andrew's Grammar school from 9 a.

to 3:30 p. and at. Panama City Grammar TALLAHASSEE school from 8:15 a. m. to ZA5 commissioners were told by the supreme court today that they must conduct business "in the county seat and in a place open to the pultllc." The ruling was made In Invalidating a $381,000 refunding pro- cram In Putnam county because the commission passed cn it at an unschAduled meeting at the p.

m. Bible at First Methodist church 9 a. m. lo 11 a. m.

Club meeting Salvation Army Citadel tcday only from 3 to 5:30 p. m. Play practice at Airport Wayside Chapel from 3 to 5 p. m. today: 2 to 4 p.

m. Thursday; pro- cram and recreation 7 to 9:30 p. m. Thursday; club home of the chairman, five miles mcetinT and athletics 3 to 5 p. from Palatka.

1 m. Friday. Decis'on Unanimous "We conclude." said the court in an unanlmou.s opinion written by Justice Rivers Buford, "that it Is the spirit of our con- Band practice at Parker school 3 to 6 1. m. Tuesday.

Teaching of music project In optration in the Panama City Grammar auditorium all stitution and statutes that the; this week from 8 to 10 a. m. and official meetings for the trans- i 2 to 4 p. m. including classes In action cf business by the boards piano, sight-singing and funda- of county commissioners and like boards in this state shall be publicly conducted In a known place In the county seat and mentals, also harmony and chorus work.

Projects to which visitors arc Invited any time this week, and while the members of such I directors, follow: Adult Educa- boarc's may meet In other places' tlon. located at 114 Kraft Boule- for the purpose of Inve-stlgatlng vard; Commodity Department, RFC To Guarantee To Build U.S. Defenses SPOT BUT STILL NOT CRUSHED at 0" ''oth Army crnmcnl plcdced full credit backing today to American industry enlisting in the national drive, while administration lenders tackled the job of financing the huge preparedness program. Without slackening speed. and Navy expansion. Jones. Federal Loan Administrator, a.ssurcd businessmen that the RFC's extensive resources were virtually at the command of industries which required capital for production ex- Ky DcWITT MacKENZIE AP Foreiirn Affairs Wr.ter 'Ihc German claim of hav matters under consideration and for the purpose of discussing matters which come before such boards for disposition, when I such assume to take of! flclal action involving public rights that action must be taken In the county seat and In a place open to the public." The cojirt held the refunding Plan Is good and It might be out into effect If proper pre- I liminaries are carried out. Leedy i Wheeler and Co. and the Clyde! C. Pierce Corp.

are the refund-: i ing agents. i One Objected I One of the commissioners ob-' jpcted to the meeting held at the chairman's home of his llUiess and refused to attend, Commissioners contended no. aud was alleged-and-thai emr. Sequentlv It made'no difference where the meeting was held, "We cannot agree with this i conclusion." wrote Justice Bu' ford. "To so hold would mean to I put the burden on the taxpayers in all cases where such boards held their GERMANS ONLY 12 MILES FROM CHANNELSHORE Premier Renaud Confesses Classical French Style Of War Jarred Luvcrnc avenue; Housekeeping Aid.

28 First street; Index of Court Rccordti. county court; Library. 10 Fourth street: Music. Mrs. Hctlie Swift and Wallace C.

Mercer (colorcai Panama City; Nursery School. 24 Mercer street; Recreation. Panama City. St. Andrews and Air- x)rt Community; Sewing.

28 fiercer street; Veteran Graves Marking, Robert L. Haire. Panama City and Lunch Rooms, various schools. SLAYER OF WIFE Ttt eETJEpi Court Affirms Conviction Of Dagger Killer TALLAHASSEE (VP) Paul mecflngs I Mardoff's death sentence for the Congress urged ahead with leg- pansion nece.s.sarv lo handle de- islalion that would give the In- tense orders, duslnal machine the "go-ahead" i Calling on the country's banks to turn dollars into tanks, war- to furnish "the fullest coopera- ing smashed the Al- I away from the public and not in; dagger murder of his wife at (the countv seat to allege and Miami was affirmed by the su- 1 show fraud, or else submit to the preme court In a 4-2 decision Dubllc the business of the county today, being conducted in secret." The court majority overruled Dispute Claim 1 contentions of defense counsel The commissioners claimed that Mardof was insane and lied front and reached the vicinity of the English channel at Abbeville means, if it is substantiated, that the Allies arc in a precarious position. It doesn't mean, however, that the Allies have been crushed.

11 is almost folly to discuss this wholly confused situation also that the Illness of the chairman constituted an emergency which justified the meeting. "There never should be recog- plajics and fightlni; ships. lion." Jones fate'yesterday I as it now's'tan'ds. Wc need much nized a condition of emergency," nrrw- 1 1.. I in t.h POlirt 'whlCh PrCClUdCS The Senate called up for de- i that the RFC stood ready either bate the unprecedented peace- to lake up 75 per cent of loans 'tlnie army bill of $1,820,841,000.

secured In connection with the and the general expectation was defense program, or to under- more information before we shall be able to pass jiidgment, and for that reason we should the court said. the opportunity of the taxpayer and the public generally to be uiat it would be on President write thcni up to that information. Roosevelt desk by the week-i leaving the banks to carry the end. In the House, committees other 25 per cent hold steady until we get oresent when an administrative Storm Discovered Andrews to Speak Tcday Over WDLP board Is officially acting on a matter so Important as the Is- sulnc or refunding of bonds by which all taxpayers are vitally affected." SNITES TO BE PARENTS ci 'J CHICAGO "Boiler i Utt lorida Coast Kid" and hl.s wife are looking' Senator Charles O. Andrew.s.

i I I forward to nrxl September candidate lor reelection for a full! OtOCK ILISt MIAMI 1 out-of-season they expect a babv then. Fred term in the United States Sen- tropical cisturbancc. weeks ahead Snitc. who invented his ate, will speak to voters of Flor- s-nv YORK of normal, was felt today be- because ne has spent 'da from tonight crushed stock prices ttxiiiv tween Bermuda and the Baha- ypfi's in respirators as on over radio station WDLP and np rerued nervousness mas in the Atlantic. infantile paralysis victim, an- i-lhcr stations throughout the: The weather bureau reported: nounced the impending event in state.

His address is scheduled Advlsoiv a. EST: The his own inlincographcd paper 8 45 to 9 p. m. (Panama Atlantic 'disturbance was at- 1 by hundred i City tended 'y strong shifting winds f'lends yesterday. Senator Andrews was called to and moderate gales was central 1 Snitc and the former Tcressa Washington on important mal- at 7 a.

m. EST this morning I Larkin of Dayton. Ohio, were ters In connection with the na- about midway between the Ba- married ai the home of his fa- ticual program now be- hamas and Bermuda and it in suburban River Forest, I foi'e Congrc.s.s and sincD thOi -jrrr the apparentlv moving In a August 10, 1939 Al the present Orst primary on May 7 has been eastcrlv direction about 15-181 the couple Is in Miami. Fla, unab to visit any section of the Wlih the tickrr frfqucntl.v (pll 1 to mnrr poiiil.s. to nra- bouonvs tor two or so.

Therr wcrr rrcoverlf.s. but ihcso wrrf tffblc Quoutloivs were iround Ihr worsi near the fourth hour. SpcclHli.vt.^ dUriculty In srvrritl Mfcls, molor.s Hlrcratts due lo Uck ol groups, nlong v'lth mimbrr ol high-prlrrd -bluf chips." miles per hour. Caution Is advised small craft in Its path. state.

ANOTHER BITE BOSTON Catherine Ijord lost a finger- to a hungry horse. Whilo she fed a choice tidbit to milk wagon horso, one of her fingers was nipped so sovore- ly It had to be amputated. KESEARCil ON INJURIES NEW YORK The National Collegiate Athletic Assootatlon has appropriated $250. to aid Prof. Floyd Bastwoqul of New York University In research on football Injuries.

ROBINS GOES HOME TAMPA from an emergency operation for appendicitis but stlU weak. Col. Raymond Robins, social economist, haa been removed from a hospital here to his at Chlnsogut Hill near Brooks- vllle. FIRE" NEW YORK "flftmclcss Are" spewing dense smoke and ammonia fumes from a cold storage plant of Wilson and Co. on Tenth avenue near 14th street feUed 83 firemen and three workmen during a battle ending early today.

Pamage to ieat may exceed $350,000, Diala COAIinON TAI.Kin) "MADE IN AMERICA' WASHINGTON Stephen CAMP BEAUREGARD. La UV) Earlv prcsidonlial secretary, general reported to te help' repiiVlcrs lortav "1 don't know mg shape the German mcchan- anylbinR aboviV" reports that izcd attack in France and Bel' President Roosevelt was consld- Rlum may have gained many ot lerlng formation of a "coalition his Ideas on a visit to army posts to including several the United Slates three years outlaw labor spies (12 noon, publicans, because of national Today in Coifgress (By The Associated Press) SENATE Continues debate on bill EST). Wir-tapplng Investigators begin public hearings (10 a. Military committee considers program (10:30 a. concern over tlie European war.

ago. A high army helping direct war game maneuvers I here, the German, General' von Schell, vi.sited all Infantry and cavalry schools and various 25 YKAIl.S TODAY (By The A.ssocialed AoDionriatlons subcommltton' ah- poiits. Including Fort Knox. co tlon for navy (10:30 liOUvSE Resumes debate on $975,050,000 relief bill (noon). Military and naval committees continue study of defuse program (10:30 Dies committee starts hearings on "fifth columns" In United States (10 a.

BANTAMS FOR BOOZE PITTSBURGH. Mrs. Frank O'Rourkc. separated her husband for 26 years, jtold Judge Marshall Thompson: "Every night when I came home from work I'd miss one or two chlckeiis. Finally I found out he was taking them to a saloon and getting drinks for them." The complaint won her a divorce.

Negro Taxicabs May Be Forced Out of Business One of the ihiuKs the new negro drivers were unable to ob- iclty RovcrnmeiU bus dune is to i tain the insurance In- requlre that all taxicabs operat-Lsurance companies would not ed within oitv limits to carry write It. heavy llablllt.v Insurance under terms of an ordinance long in effect but long dl.ucgarded by former administrations. The ordinance requires that an operator of a taxlcab must produce evidence of liability insurance before the city Issues a taxi license, Operators of taxicabs with white men drivers have all compiled. Operators of taxicabs with The matter was submitted to the City Commission which ruled that no exceptions to the ordinance could be made. The matter was taken lo circuit court by Attorney Charles S.

Isler, repi-esontlng negro drivers. Judge Ira A. Hutcnlson ruled the ordinance to be legal. There seems to be nothing left for negro taxlcab operators but quit. Tr hurried to unloitd.

brokers said, tn Ihp vake of dl Idling of drlfjt of the NInlh French cupiurc ol n''iirriil und Ihe up- proarh ol lo the Encllsli ihHnitrl Home bu devrlopnicnt Ignored nnd even bullishness the re program waned that his conviction should be reversed because gruesome pictures of the death scene were Introduced at his trial by the prosecution. Dissenting Justices Chapman and Brown voted for a new trial, holding that Mardoff became temporarily insane upon learning that his wife had received attentions from another man. They also said the death scene pictures, one showing a Chinese dagger In the woman's back, prejuc'lced the trial jury. "The defendant foully murdered his wife at the culmination of a long argument," said the majority opinion written by Justice Thomas, "He stabbed her 20 times, the last one in the back, and his weapon there. He places her body against the wall of their bedroom, washed his hands and departed." Al I'hem Rye Am Am A- Am Snj llel Am Trl A- Tel Am Tnh Am Woolen Anacoiidn Arm 111 Alch A All CoHsi Line All nrriiiing Belh Sled Chrysler Corp Coca ColK Colum A- El Cont Can Corn Productis "ruclble Steel liu He Brie Urn Elec Motors Ooodjear Paige tils Cent Corp I'lggelt A- My llif A' Nash Murphy Murray Corp Nort A- West Pcnn a Radio Corp of Am ReaditiK Co.

Reynolds Tob Seaboard Air Line Sears Roebuck Sou PHC Sou Ry 3td on StudebAknr Corp 3wtU Co PHC Uu Pao 147 1-3 sa 35 14 15 1.V) 5-1 II) 4 31 13 7-1 10 19 1-4 89 1-3 55 1-8 104 4 3-4 35 45 3-4 154 1-4 7-8 27 14 5-8 1-4 17 94 t-3 33 41 S3 4 1-3 180 15 3-4 4 5-8 10 7-8 35 1-3 3-18 61 5-8 7 '8 3-4 31 8 1-8 18 4 J-4 78 3-4 Air Crdft 43 ateel 14 54i' wooiworku JO t-i Tickets For News Tips Still Open The offer is still open for tickets to the Rltz in return for news tips. Two tickets will be slvcn to I he person who notifies the Ncws-Hcrald of the most out- standiUR local news item during that day. and must be the first to submit that item. D'-u'l hesitate if you hear or sec something newsworthy. LANDON TO WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON A personal telephone call from President Roosevelt to Alf M.

Landon cleared up today uncertainty over the Republican leader's Invitation to the While House and made il definite that he and Mr. RoasevcU would meet at luncheon tomorrow, DIES OF CRASH MARIANNA McNeal. 24, of Alliance died yesterday of Injuries received Sunday in an automobiie accident near Altha. His three companions were slightly Injured when the automobile struck a tree. WONT REVOLT NOW BOMBAY Jawa- harlal Nehru, a Left Wing All- India Nationalist Congress leader, declared in a speech at Luc know today that "launching a civil disobedience campaign at a time when Britain la engagvd tn a life and death wQuld be an act tnt Bidla's honor." (By The A.ssociated Press) Nazi blitzkrieg columns slashed to within sight of the Eiffel Tower in Paris.

69 miles away, and swept across the northern plains of France to a point 12 miles from the English channel, the German High Command announced today. Premier Reynaud France admitted that the Germans had taken Amiens and of the St, Quentin-Cambrai their race to the sea. "We must take immediate decisions." Reynaud told the French Senate, freely confessing that the classical French concept of war had been jarred by swift-strlklng Nazi mechanized raids and parachute troops. Position Imperiled The German High Command also declared its forces ha smashed their way to Abbevllli 12 miles from the English chac ncl. If true, it would Imperil thi position of more than British and Belgian troops Belgium.

In London an spokesman said the Germ were meeting "furious resist': ance" everywhere. He said there were indications the Nazi advance" to the sea had been slowed up. Surpasses Kaiser's Army The drive to the in quest of sprhigboard bases for an attack on England the westward -aUis scored by Kaiser Wilhclm's Imperial Army In all the World war. The German High Command reported thftt thcJNlnth Frenchi Army, defefidlng the Meuse pm NanUiii to;" oprtfttiaii Of By cdntrast. a man the battle on the Western Front as "more ed than ever, with everybody behind everybody else's lines." Confusing As Football It was apparently a wide-open scrimmage, as confusing as of a football game.

A BrUlsh spokesman said thercit were "bands of German tanks! wandering about, living on thci country" in a wide salient strlkrf ing Into France. He said. ever, they were "bccomtag moral vulnerable to counter attack," The Nazi High Command ported that "General hitherto commander of the enth French Army, who assum-J ed command over the Army," had been captured his general staff. "Presumably, the HMi. mand referred to Honore Glraud, recently, fied as commanding "grbups otj armies" in the "BatUo of the bulge "in northern Gain 38 The Nazi advance from S4l Quentln.

which they captu Sunday, ranged westward miles to Abbeville and northWf to Arras, 38 miles from St. Que; tin. The German High Comnii said Nazi legions In Belgium tacked the enemy "which agi accepted the fight oast of Oh and further south on tho river. "Enemy attempts to force way out soulhway from Valenciennes region "On the southeni wing ct attack, German troops took and stormed over the des Dames as far as the Olse canal. The city of was taken." Forty-Seven Allied planes destroyed, according to the lln report, against "15 Oermw planes missing." Tho French admitted donmcnt of Laon, six miles of the canal.

The Germans announced almost 36 hours Her that their battleflags flying over the city. vj. The strategic picture In l2-day-old war In the west peared as follows; a The Ploture In wavering, often broken seE-l ments and only vaguely fined by llghtnUig thrusts and far-reac4Ung motpM cycle advances, the raged from Mft. north end of France's mwm Maglnote Une eastward miles through Bethel and to St. Quentln.

Laon is 7S northeast of Paris. Thence, the "Une' southwest through Chemln dea Dames baUl tho World war to miles north of PturlAi west Of hmV" North sector, the ttfllll through PD eastwAtd 1.

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