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The Ireton Ledger from Ireton, Iowa • Page 4

The Ireton Ledgeri
Ireton, Iowa
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

The Ireton Ledger) A. T. BERGSTROM, Puttwhcr. 1 MINXffi BERGSTROM, every Thursday acd ea- the Iwston, postoffke second cjss mail matter according to Act of Congress. 1.50 Per Yesir in.

Advance. Hubert of Crofion. a at the horae of his sister. Mrs. Dr.

and Mrs, T. E. McCaughsn returned the latter part of the froR-A visit with relatives at ior, Nebr. Miss Karhrvs tw for a Miss Bushby left Tuesday for Wlrmer, for a visit vriih her sister, Mrs, Herbert Mr. and Mrs.

Martia Moelle-r ar.c. son, John, and daughter, Mrs, Ed Johnson, left Tuesday by motor for Kansas City for a visit with the ioniser's sister, Mrs. Chris Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hofeies of Fairmont, visited here, Suriday at the 'R.

A. home. Mr. ar.d Mrs. M.

O. KIdveiier and children left nwruing by tiw 3f 1 0 here they vnll mase varure home. best vrishes or a host 01 menu? with ttsem. G. Vande Xf v-u L.

bnmh and vrvth in Iowa, Sunday. i ir Tt 3 Pete 1 and John Mitchell ot Hwrle Dak tfain last Thursday for a vjsir the a Vando Water home. They returned Friday. Henrv auc tioneer livins outh Valley and quite well kaown here passed awav at his buV Ied at Rocl Val at Mr. and G.

L. Riiev, sons Allan Clarence, daughter Mrs. Clayton of Sioux City, and Mr. and Mrs. Ka'eh Var Hausen Terrill Iowa visiwi hew'sundav with Mrs.

J. H' Kidwiier and with the O. Kidwilor I Dak ter Ji. Grau has purchased a fine nevr Hupmobile sedan. A Sminiennan and daugrmer, Fl Hannah motored to Thomas, S.

ek vhere thev looked interests, W. Ashley left Tuesday for Iowa ity where he wil receive medical at- Raymond son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kuperus.

is ill with an at, rack of actjendieitis. i i Mr, and Mrs, Clayton Crittlebuusrh Miss Ella Bahr underwent an and baby of JRockfortl, arrived erarion last Saturday at Le Mars for last Friday by motor for a visit at the removal of her tonsils and ade- the hcrme of her parents, Mr. and Mrs Sewing and Reading There would be fewer glasses worn upon the street If people would use them for sewing and reading earlier. It is near work that wears out the eyes. A great many have constant headache which they attribute to indigestion and nervousness.

If threading your needle is more difficult than it used to be, it is the first warning of defective eyesight. go on straining your eyes the chances are you will have to wear glasses constantly. "A stitch in time saves nine." B.C. CARPENTER Optometrist Jeweler visited with relatives and friends at Vermillion, Thursday. Mr.

and Mrs. Frank Evans visited Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. H.

Vanderven and Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Stoner visitea witu friends near Sunday joint meeting at McfcaHy Friday evening, Sopt.

2(th. Everyone to A pro- i sjram lias been arranged for ve 7nn- Mr. Conn and Miss will help entertain and movies will be Everyone invited ami City visitors, Tuesday. II. Vanderven was a Sioux City visitor, Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs-. Ed Riopnia visited with 'Mr, and Mrs. Nick Bk'sbrock Wednesday. K.

Farnsworth aiul M't's, Farns- worih of Chatsworth Mr. and Mrs, Boul of Uuwarden itors at the Herman a Anemawi? 6 1 the Herman VIA. afternoon. --Let the Sioux drain and fill oui good oil. bvln? along a friend.

1 will be served. The yearly calendar was also made out for the tou township Uulies at their last Meeting as follows: October March CREEIV- April jlav Margaret Benit Gertie Eiiersj June I Our Saturday Specials Consist of 3 Groups Specials that are Real Bargains L. Washington Twp. Group 1 IOC 1 can of Peas I5c M-lb. can Hershey Cocoa 25c 1 can Sardines oc Value Ail for 49c 1 i I Morey Black.

Mrs. Fred Kiutcr, sos, Morris and daughter, Miss Olive left Monday by; motor for Montieello Iowa, where the I Reiidertn latter will receive medical attention. Proprietor. John Carter has been on the sick list the past week. Miss Lulu C.

Nuoffer of Amboy, is spending a week's vacation her parents, Rev. and Mrs. D. Nuoffer. Mr.

and Mrs. Albert Satterlee and i Misses Lena and Henrietta Bmns mo- 1 tored to Sioux City, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Levering motored I to Sioux City Saturday to spend the ai rs DJrJcs arui family day.

P. Westersjard and fa'xuily and -I. Chris Westergard and family visited s. bteve Lhenhall and Sunday evening at the H. Vanderven Le Mars visited here Friday home tj uiltr lv Elsie Schuette August Minnie Stoltenberg September Freda Leo MargaretTBenit and Lena Wester- scant were appointed on the flower jg committee.

The training school WANTED--Thin sows at the Ireton! dates for.Oct. 22, Dec. TMi. Febr. 4th, March 4th and i Anril 2nd.

Sunday evening visitors at the Jno. Van Hoaten home were Mr. and Mrs. Dick Van wavtlen ami Mr. and Mrs.

Ed Riepma visited at Maurice and Oi-ange City Tuesday afternoon. Come and thrill to the new magic ji of the new Atwater Kent Screen-Grid i Radio'. Unleash the magnificent new those far-off stations as clearly as if i they were just around the corner. Sep- crams and get the one 1 bos MaearonL Group 2 10c 1 can Pink Salmon 25e 1 Pork Beans, Blue 1 box Jell Powder 10e Value All for AT TT I A number of ladies clad in house ura W. Smith Mr, and cleaning togs gathered at McNallv Mrs.

Chas. Bertram ana Miss Lena Hall Tuesday with mops, brooms and i 1 brans motored to Sioux City, Tues- pails and cleaned the Hall from base- aa5 i nient to garret. Mr and Mrs, H. W. Pereboom of I Mr.

and Mrs. Ike Ham'mersma were 5 Le Mars visited here, Friday, Sioux City visitors, Saturday. I i Mr nd Mrs Shawhan and! H. Vanderven was a Rock Vallev daughters of Akron visited Sundav i business visitor, Wednesday at the Oloff home. Mr.

and Mrs. Dick Van Whye were dinner guests at the Garret Van Whye aratc ttio home Sunday. you want the stabbing sureness Mr. ami Mrs. Fred Dirks and Mr.

of selectivity. Let us and Mrs. J. C. McNally were Sioux i fe show what it means to make the music: louder or softer without cif- fc-cting purity of tone--what a radio winter years of enjoy- Piano and Voice by VELD A WELLNITZ At home and at Gustave Vlotho residence.

FREE CLASS LESSONS til ment--with such a glorious, proved radio as this! See it--hear it--here or in your own home--NOW! Group 3 1 box Royal Lemon 25c 2 boxes Super Suds 20c I can Dutch Cleanser 10c 1 bos, small size, Gold oe Value All for Phone 12F310 REMEaiBER THE QUALITY Our Stock is not large, but always fresh. Call Us For Prices on Poultry and Eggs! We pay cash or credit, whichever you prefer. Smith's Store L. L. Smith, Proprietor.

TTT-ii 1 Westergai-d Jr. and family I A i Wheeler returned Monday! ere dinner guests at the Chris Appointment tQT leSSODS irom Hinkley, he had tergard home. Sunday. 4- ni a zt i visited with his sister, Mrs. F.

c. i i Deinaaeatanj time Froncrook. Ir ar Mrs Frank Fritz were Le I Mars Wednesday. and Mrs. Roy Allison and fam- ily have moved into the Onno John- i son residence.

i Dwight Eiter of Seaey visited here 'Monday with his uncle, P. R.iter. Mr. and Mrs. H.

A. Ricklefs left! for a week's vacation at Snir- it Lake. D. W. Grotenhuis of Hosiers was a business visitor here, Tuesday.

Mrs. M. Richardson and son, I Bobbie and Mrs. George Ricklefs mo. tored to Orange City Tuesday alter- uoon.

J. P. Riter transacted business in Alcester, S. Tuesday. Mr.

and Mrs. Curtis Nuoffer and daughter, Jeanne of Chicago, visited with his.parentS; Rev. and Mrs. Xuoffer from Friday until Monday. Mrs.

John Baumgartiier is caring Mrs. George Muih at her. home. Henry Pleuger, who recently nurch- ased one of the J. Smith residences oil Elm street, had the building moved Tuesday to a farm five miles south of Craisr.

JOHN VLOTHO, JR. Convenient Terms if You Wish. COME IN TODAY. 'The FIRE SACRIFICE More Devastating Than War! Mr. and Mrs.

Henry Dittmer and 11 daughter (motored to ford, S. Tuesday to-visit with I relatives and friends; Neal Grunstra and John Van Horn of Clifton, N. are guests at the home of Rev. and Mrs. Jolin Webinga.

Mr. and. Mrs. C. F.

Winders of Toledo Iowa, arrived by motor Wednesday, for several days visit at the i home of he brother, M. Grau and vrith other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Barker and i daughters were Sunday dinner guests i at the home of Mr.

and Mrs. O. D. Hart, who reside south of Le Mars, Mr. and Mrs.

Henry Hoffman, of Oak Harbor, Washington, were visit- ors Saturday at the home of Rev. and Mrs. John Webinga, Mrs. August Schlumbohm went an operation the removal of her tonsils, at Le Mars, today. 1 I FOR SALE--Hampshire Male Ho" inquire of Frank Fritz.

9-2G-2p 1: Jr and ilr s- M. O. Simons departed this morning for Sioux Falls and Mit- chell, D. where they will visit rela- rives and t.o Horn PaWe 1 the latter place. Miss Minnie Blunt of Hawarden i a guest at the home of jg; -Aliss Alice Taylor.

irs Gehner and familv 5 Oi -naynard, are guests at the nonie 01 her mother, Mrs. M. Johnson. Grandma Ricklefs is ill at her home. ew Merchandising Policy Sl! Pr Our Store in DIrect Competition with Cham Stores and Mall Order Houses, You can now do better here Merchandising is undergoing a drastic change in all parts of the country resuitin- from certain institutions selhng questionable merchandise below the established price level of the regular ent that we must meet those prices or go out of business.

To do which is made possible through our association with many of the throughout the country who are joining with us in this pric to meet this unstable competition. Note the few attractive 1JCW priw atedrthis Cut Price policy for one month and if we can get the support trading at home we will continue this policy indefinitely. he nenn P6 ple HEATER sacrifices are made to the god of Fire than war has ever claimed. Fire the I nation's arch enemy AND YOURS! I Fire comes when you least expect it, 1 much, of ten returns again and again. ness, everything dear are thrust by carelessness 1 1 1 2 into its insatiable maw.

Fight Fire! Not only with sound adequate insurance but also with valuable aid to solve your fire prevention problems, and the removal of many fire causes. We can help you! Rre Prevention Week, Oct. 6 to 12 EDWARD. C. KARR Insurasct 1 Gilma LancJe spent the week- enci in Council Bluffs, Iowa.

Misses Winifred and Karr departed Monday for'Boulder" they will attend college' Toilet Goods 50c Lemon Cream 29c oOe Palm Olive Shampoo 39 50c Arbutus Vanishing Cream 39 40c Ponds Cold Cream 9g 40c Ponds Vanishing Cream 29e 5Qc Hinds Cream 50c Pepsodent Tooth Paste 390 25e Listerine Tooth Paste 2lc 25e Colgate Tooth Paste 50c ililk of Magnesia Tooth Paste J53 3 Bars Pahn Olive Soap 2 5c oOe Nyal Face Cream o- -yc 2oc Talcum Powder 7oc Lov'me Powder oOe Melba Skin Cleaner 25c Garden Glo Talcum Powder DaK. M. S. Kar of Brook-ere recent gruests at the Weaver Karr and Mr. and Di timer Ur.

ano Edward Keidbrink to Gar-. S. to viIt it: the E. J. Au Dr.

and Mr-. T. .1 Miscellaneous Items 6 Chesterfield Cigars (White Owl seconds) Box of 50 Chesterfield Cfears ei o- 0 Ol.oO 2 Packages Cigarettes 0 $1.00 Elgin Pocket Lighter OUC $1.00 Fountain Pen for Oo SI.50 WestcioxWatch for 0 Flashlight 'I, Lowe Bros. House Paint, per galK Drugs 60c Milk of Magnesia 49c 3oc Milk of Magnesia 29c Tanlac for $1.00 Beef, Iron and Wine 89c oOc De Witt Kidney Pills 39c Sl.OO De Witt Kidney Pills Sal Hepatica 9Sc Caldwell Syrup of Pepsin 9Sc oOc Bee's Laxative Cough Syrup 39e 30c Listerine for 23c Listerine, 14-ounce S9c S1.00 Antiseptic Solution, 16-ounce 69c oOc De Witt's Syrup of Fios De Witt's God Liver)il Tablets---79c Bromo Seltzer for 9Sc Bottle Aspirin MC Rubbing- Alcohol SLO Kexali Cod Liver Oil S9c 2oc Rexall Carbolic Salve Shaving Goods 50c Gillette Blades 39c Al -o Sti-op Blades 39c GiH tt 0 Razor 49c TX i. 1 i i i f- 'XV 1 Brush S9c Croam lo A.

MARIENAU The Ou Orug store.

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