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The Ireton Ledger from Ireton, Iowa • Page 3

The Ireton Ledgeri
Ireton, Iowa
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to see if a headache C3 oft Wh suffer when there Bayer The millions of men and women who use it in increasing quantities every year prove that it does relieve such pain. The medical profession pronounces it without effect on the heart, so use it as often as it can spare you any pain. Every always has genuine Bayer AsoTrin for the prompt relief of a headache colds, neuralgia, lumbago, etc Familiarize yourself with the proven directions in every package." SPiRIN Out Our Way ToAvoidlofection Use Hanford's BaSsam of ftiyirh Not Found in United Strontium, wind! is use refinln" beet siurnr, in making in glass making, and in medicines is'one of the few minerals for wiiich'uniteO States must depend on foreign sup plies. MEXICO CALLS FOR fflCLAl Pan-Aznerkan Institute to Have Geography Par ley in An "Did His Stuff" and Guests Scattered hovel for I CO just issued invitations Havana TMS- 5 a'3 Mexico City Havana as the the new Never look a gift automobile In the carburetor. ICEl ITFULCITY Capital of Allied Forces in Seethes With Indignation StSf ma 7 feel5 the heel of cupat on and unde the rea cc Mayence is the capital of the Aled of occupation, a French In the same time it takes a dose 01 soda to bring a i temporary relie) gas and sour stomach, Phillips Milk of ilagnesia lias acidity complete" i ly checked, aud the digestive orsans all trauquilized.

Once you have Tried this form of relief you will cease f- worry about your diet and experience I a new freedom in eating. I pleasant preparation is just as gooQ for children, too. Use it when sver coated tongue or fetid breatL signals need of a sweetener. Pliysi mns will tell you that every spoon- fal of Phillips Mm: neu jraiires ninny times its volume in acid tlie the name Imitations do not the same I cf uniforms which fill streets move in a wide stream. No- else in ths Rhinebnd is occupation so visible, and nowhere js so apparent the satisfaction obtains out of Victory! General Guiilaumat lives here his great staff, th" oaautuul Ducal palace, 'while i- Da ac nearby are the iiai- Oiiicsrs ci the British and Be'- 3ian armies.

The general staff elf ths Iaw C0lirt5 fa aud the tro-ps moved into r-russsan barracks, almost lost in I.P 3 5 sLructures although 10 live there. of-Magnesia 5 roc is Hmpire iiore are som negroes in England number there is Til i has boundaries I a aocs cfinsisE iar-ely of ne-rot-s, ss. fni Contra! anc Africa. The natives of suet but THREE YEARS Mayence is the DCS; -jsciplinad city in Germany Tiir .10,000 torv-nsfolk never do any- exactly as they would like fc three different foreign army Detachments camped on them and unusually large forca of valizei" iheir life is veil them. Most Disciplined Force Schupos are tne most disci- punad force of police assem- 3led.

Like automatons, with their ir.ur.aculste whits gloves and arrotesqus rigid gestures, taev move Mayencs on its way at movements. Even the or- cimaniy siciv moving Rhine soem.s i brace no and rush throush ins. i towr. with sonia of mili- orcer. Less enthussd with patriotism than their brothers at Coblentz, thc- Mayencs are.

nevertheless, confirmed advocates of evacuation. They want to return to a normal life and as soon before 1935 as is Serh'n statesmen In The streetcars, around the factory gates of the great chemicr.I of Calie and company in ths narrow dodging "off the famous old "com," or.e hears over and in their voices. Over at the town hail, a bosutifu! old renaissance building in cpite of its gaudy restorations, the municipal officials are busily engaged the relations bstwean the foreign armies and the civil popu- i latlon, whas-3 anger has risen many times in ths past, and no bloodshed. "Occupation no longer has any to e.vlst." Dr. Ehrhart.

tall, Burgsrmeister, told ms." Tiro-Family Stores "These foreign garrisons stay here any contact with popu- lution. They are foreign by language and foreign by customs. Many of the soldiers' families live in houses requisitioned for them, but from which the Germans have never moved. They cook their dinner over a com- TARIFF REPRISAL THREAT MADE BY ITALIAN MINISTER P.OME-- --Itaiy may revise who'a schedule import duties aat those imposed by the ra if the sujjestior. bad me mories of the tS Passive resistance.

Kve thousand Germans were evoeUed hv tolerable, and correct in their wav how to te)l us poiitelv which seem to us to be execute. But the occupation has lasted long enough. It is prejudicing our industries, Sur tour- SP S1 eS5 ctoris whi would Lke to locate here hesitate becaus- ox the mxUtary control. Some famines are without homss, because nouses were taken for the solders 0 ini of Eiirhart is je entire mu council meeting ssked the mayor what" stsos would to meet the situation was sure to.arrive when the iOieign nocps ware withdrawn an'' 1 tne lr with them: Thousands of business men acd live off the solders Drench now and the Prussians tore them. But when the demilitarized, w'll garrisons stationed here! no to ksep the merchants economic clouds' on "ihe hcrSn are the socialists.

They are al- -oady pLmnuTg monster manifesta- ons to mark ihe 3 of the -alley when the last Ali-ed soid'er out. The municipality jjere balanced but maans of the subvcnuons oV the aeicn. which come in the form of crecnts for "Deutsche Kultur-pro- to deal in kitchen staples 'if can pass a stringent examin.t,- 7 reports that the number of war. Of 2C the er tes ap- selected at seat of or the association, it hP? specia i.oro Hustings a i i Venice. The maediesa re cou-ed her guests stated on a golden sphere with, a real li-er lying at her feet.

The nainxil hnd been brought from loon I 700. and its keeper, disguised us a was io close at- lemJunce. So enchanted, however, was tJie keeper by the of the scene-- nil 0 ueauiifiii women of Venice wore there, and it was a costume nt the moment v. Hen his services were urgently re Onn-ed was off his guard. The Wr was asleep, and oue of the wonTen pcsi.s..

i i i i it for a it sll.ichr dig with her foot ately ti, gave vent to a roar wnsch froze the narrow of all present and trolled toward the door. Many il.od screaming from the I'oriutmtety the keeper was able to recaj.mre the beast without trou- 2 a 1 the name of into the exan Ocyna or Pc and nfvS 2 the f- preserved pea --ere tney were grown and -annea, also how much duty on them. 5 Distinguish properly 17 -es 01 bacon. convent llu archbishop it after th in this English town of Mavant Church UP--- from Portsmouth, is the of a i i i which if local be true, has been carried on bv same methods a on fta same tov vofirs The parchment made there was -ous Ujroughout Kurope in davs gone and is i preserved in many libra iss and museums but it is United grates a keepslbe mm Sv 1 preSent Thcre a re- ea demand from America sh Parchment to bo used for and certificates in American and though the demand gi-ent enough to cause a rid send up the price seems no deterrent.

Recovered Horse A of Towanda. a 1 0 A discovered cave-in oTan ind bpen i shaft. 1'ii'i tmd A i tackle Ti ie He called The horse answered White Rfeino Becoming RiJ. The white rhinoceros, the tMrd larg- iDS JQ nnaibe I'lxiy aaunt small area on the Kile in Uganda where there are wide expanses of papyrus swamps and intense heat! USe 0ted shjness and their. remarkably keen sense of smell, are not really Ut lariat of to of the p.s.'the vato: 7.

Rcast ffee and sanipiss of vTiich berries Michigan Governor Hoards Fay Checks A 2v ING, Sf state fund by S20.COO. the Primary in nation in rese Paris Rubbish'Profitabla Nearly 800.000 tons rubbish are everj to number only about 45 an- Js the 'fi derivetl into bricks-. a revenue ha and in Dealing iaforn will be submitted nations the deleft-- arn 2 PProvad by made by all 1iJl aarvC be "o'f' First County Agent Suilhngs. deceased, of Smith aS GrSt tr i i i i a i i agent in America Ti se work he start Jnff carried on by more county an(J The nlle so j. General Guillcumat is a dier, as respected by the as he is aamired by his Allies loved by Cae Clear blue i eyes, gray moustache in a he is a typical soldier.

On h-s tunic he wears a single decoration the French military medal, the Wheat a French officer can "I am here by order of ray government." he replied to my ques- Lion. I trj to ths occupation a numan fashion within th a 'ini its arrangements. During the fivs rears I have been here, I have had no incidents There is a liiils nest of tion, Pinnasens in the Palatinat out we QO not. kesp a. garrison fhere These ara quan-els which" uie are inaustnes there employ quite A few communists.

all is quiet on the Rhine. I jrrea.sst respect; for my Allies: Sir Thwaitss is r. srri-at a line gentleman. "There is never the slightest discord amcng the Allies. I uiiorr.i nnem of my decisions and they put them into effect for the German aeitation evacttaCon.

must expect that WR would cic the same thing their i Women Stumped by I London Grocer Test LONDON- struggled long for the right to vote i and they are fighting now for i equality with male in civil sen-ice and ether vocations. But they don't want to be cers. The Institute of Certified Grocers jffhich regisiers persons qualified "how Italy can contioue to spend in United States four billion lire a year (3200.000.000.'. since slic will no lor.ser be able to compensate herself adequatRly 's-lth her accustomed exportatio'tis. We expotc to the United States 1500.000.000 lire worth of goods each year, which leaves us an i balance of 2,500.000.000.

"If the protectionist fever pro- vails and tariffs increase further, who "'ways been a sew iir.s ccnauct. We are approximate corpwats aciivi- 60 in a drawer. nP governcr wh is not'-cle- for a living, plans to do wUh money 13 a matter conj4- the capital. Only Gcveior jCriGVTS. Trie common is tSJedlo Nancy, for if the governor's "afl for the child could be ny the slrl wo ccrn- at; leas; A prosperous furniture manufac- ir Business pays the governor save his salary.

l9 Plentifal As Aides to President 0 -President m'n Chica SrS m2ny hi5 rhiel as of hi James QB wa secretary, and Robert AL Dnt ss ret cf comme-e aie Chicagoans. Although Mr Gar-i te to iowa hs wfticago lawyer several years La-- was an outstanding engirt raausrrial organiser here iR selaecing his law enlorcem- Mr. Hoover took FriT, tveter an and chi Followed did you cnv 0 i tru you pro- she do?" notfiing." Sae spent one ni'TM Omaha and laf with no Ot3 in town. and former vice-president, Charles G. Dawes, again was dr to 'th hJ5 farm board found a representatV cage.

Alexander Legg to r. Cions who increase their d'nies our duties." Muasolini was amons those rho LHJ uo gd minis cr' speech. Q. What Thi7- carnine vVhen fed ad SL 0 Che tn ncr ncm effective 10n was Prcmi: Eighteen bosiness practically r1 which cl up their" 5 "the i- was tsrestetinefs disin- TO3 1 1 notion of orn" nDr an as trailers, is borly interest, iui rliat led them yQ tf ech ssiSPnf picked up, moaern i tigators. People Plecely.

vanish alnsssi when the li-ht is 0 o-e 1 in tl ci all will turn o'ut to heYp In gency. Such concern "fo- and comfort or proof thar. all A moved in, the 4 5 Start at Home eclucin exercises. Rob- Win n-ish you could induce che hoase ttcr hSPpd' 0 Jni 3Iontrenl Latest wife is a picture! said if- The 3. dav5 Ma ctera, Canary Islands, Morocco SpSj Egypt, Slorocco, Spain, Riviera, Sweden, A way Holland, (London, Rhine, sion HotpU C.

CZagSc, Tlangg 5f. Lures Bonss--How do yo 1 propose from the for sonif. BedyeFineSHks Textile makers always use special dyes for silk or wool. J-ney know that is best way. The makers of Diamond Dyes are the first to enaole home dyers to solloir this plan.

dearer jnore brilliant colors SS? any material package; lac, A Receipt Jean--Have YOU aid's lost hi3 IXl well, hew yn ate! And to think I A Distracting From Tit-Bits, London And wnat did you oisnop's sermon ias- Asked. A ri re the barber hks tnis. sir. There wss a Without Poison Vegetable Compound A after my last I cculi hardly couil not ca 1 as should so no, took of the Cotn pound that ties of Ly Plnkhanj's a a i I CITY FTG. Curb Slonfc Scrvic rs old, and G.

M. Orr, 7n old. navo buried the hatchet r.r.d ser up a stared just of the ccfcr 3k.

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