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Alton Evening Telegraph from Alton, Illinois • Page 10

Alton, Illinois
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ALTON EVENING TELEGRAPH WBDNMDAY, JANUARY I LT. AND MRS. J. TRACY i yl I) I I I' A i A 'ft iiirirrifrl in TIM of Mr. i', r.trilifinr at Wri'n tlic four or L.oi:, ollege.

is Fleminc Fnciig'-mfnl Known Announcement is heing made of Die engagement of Miss Marlon Hediger, teacher at Irving School, lo Thomas J. Fleming, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Fleming, 418 Prospect, street.

Mr. Fleming, who is.associ- in husiness with his fa- Iher, head of the Fleming Plumhing llenting is graduate of Marquelle High School and attended SI. Bene. diet's College. Atchison, Kan, He served overseas with the Seahees.

Miss Hediger is a daughter of Mrs. Ada llediger. and the lale Dr. Kdwnrd Hediger, of Jamestown. Ill She is a graduate of the Pncahontas ifll.) High School and of Southern Illinois t'niversily, Carhondale.

rnnrl DIsriiSMlon In Knit St. I Miss Amelia IV rUngommw, Society editor of the Alton ninc Telegraph, feis leader of a panel discussion on press and radio sit a mooting of the Kast St. Woman's CUlb nt Hie. Catholic C'ommunily ('enter, Fast St. Louis, Tuesday.

The program was preceded by luncheon. Speakers were Irving Oillwrri, edilor-in-chiof of Ihe editorial page of the St. Ixiuis Posl-Pis- pateh; Mrs. Charlotte F.dmonris, society editor, Fast SI. Journal, nnd Fred J.

Mueller of Radio Station KWK, St. Louis. Mrs. Albert Piohni of Kast St. Ixiuis closed I be symposium by a lay person's view of the subject.

Mrs. Piehm is an advertising agency representative for Von Hoffmann publications. Mrs. William II. Miitlack, a past president of the Twonly- soconrt District.

Illinois Federation of Women's Clubs, introduced Miss Ringemnnn. Sorority About Modeling Xi chapter, Rota Sigma Phi Sorority met Tuesday night nt the Mineral Springs Hotel, and nfler business meeting, a program was presented by represenlatives of the Patricia Steven's Modeling School, Si. Members of the Thotii Omleron Chapter, Hoi a. Sigmn Phi were, guesls nl the firogram. Mrs.

Pauline Clark, an m- Ktructor at the school, told of methods of leaching young women wishing to follow modeling BS a career, and lo women wishing to take the course for their own benefit. Miss Nancy Skeen. a former pupil, model, and present Iv an Instructor nt the school accompanied Mrs. Clark lo Alton, and she spoke briefly. Mrs.

Clark told a lew lights on her life including the fsot that when she uas Inch sehool student, she served as pianist in theater m.nciom- panimerit to silent mov ies Mrs. Clark who is active in St. Louis projects including work on the Community Chesi drive, on 1 had her own ladm show in Chicago. Refreshments ucic after the program and -o, hour was enjoyed. MISS C'ATO Announcement is being made Of the engagement of Miss Rosella Louise ('ato.

second daughter of Mrs. Rosella C'alo, Oil Wood River, to Anthony John son of Mr. and Mrs. John North Main Wood River. Miss Cnto is a graduate the Rnxana High School, and is employed in Ihe payroll department of Alton Box Board Co.

Mr. is a graduate of the Kasl Alton-Wood River High School. Me is employed hy Ihe Standard Oil Co. WeililliiC nt Miss Norma Jean Narup, daughter of Mr. and Mis.

Charles Nanip of Fieldon. he. came Ihe bride of Fred (Jlass- hrenner, son of Mr. nnd Mrs. l.conarrl (ilasshrenner in a double ring ceremony performed at o'clock Saturday, Jan.

Id in the rectory of SI. Mary's Chuich in Westvvoods. The Hev Leonard Rathgeh, pastor, offi- cinted at Die service. Mrs. Vernon Mast was matron of honor for her sister, and Mr.

Knsl was best man. Miss Narup wore a two piece unit of gray wool gabardine with which she used accessories of paslel pink. Her corsage was composed of ti purple-throated while orchid. Mrs. Kasl wore suit of blue checked wool, while accessories, and a corsage of pink camellias.

Following Ihe wedding, a reception was given al Die home of Ihe bride's parents, for members of (he immediate families cf Ihe couple. Mr, and Mrs. (llassbiennci left later for a motor tup through Die southern stales They will reside in The bride was graduated Jersey Township High School in HM7 and is employed al Die Jerseyville branch of Interim lional Shoe ('o. Mr. a member of I lie giadual- ing class of Ihe high school, and is employed In the Macllonnell Aircraft Corp Si Louis.

He is veteran of tout ears' service with the Nival Air Corps and spent sometime in the Medilei raneaii He wa-. a petty officer al the tune of his release I mm MM vice. Onlld Anntvernftry The Guild of the and Reformed Church marked its eighty-fourth anniversary wilh a luneheon Tuesday at the ehureh. Eighth and Henry afreets, and memhrVs and friettds were In attendance, Spcelal guests of honor were Mrs. Minnie who oh- her eighty-seventh hirth- dfty today, and Mrs.

Feld- who will he 81 in Feh- ruary. Mrs. F.rnst and Mrs. Ffcldwiseh, who have been members of the organization for more than 50 years, were presented wilh corsages. They were sealed at a table ornamented with an anniversary eake, and during the afternoon the cake was cut.

with one-half heing presented lo Mrs. and the other to Mrs. Keldwisch. The corsages were presented hy Mrs. Fred Hendricks, president of the Afternoon Circle.

Sealed wilh Mrs. Krnsl and Mrs. Keldwisch were the Rev. O. W.

Heggrmeier, pastor of Ihe Kvangelical and Reformed Church, and Mrs. Hegt'omcicr, and and retiring officers of the C.uild. The luncheon was arranged hy groups header! hy Mrs. William (t. hoepke and Mrs.

Kd- ward Brantigam. Mrs. l-'red Barlh is incoming president and Mrs. Adolph Miller is Ihe retiring head of Ihe Guild. Mrs.

Chris H. Miller gave a humorous reading. honoring Mrs. Miller and Mrs. Harm Weld for Iheir outstanding work for the church during the past three years.

The (luild's newly thorns sang, and Mrs. Miller closed the program wilh Ihe Hinging of "Rless This House," accompanied by Mrs. Barlh, Irving School Mothers Tour Olin School Irving School Mothers' Club riel nl Irving School Tuesday, and from there went In a body lo Alton High School where they were luncheon in the high school cafeteria. Miss Mary Sidvvell greeted the mothers. In Ihe aflernoon Ihe club members were conducted by C.

C. Davis, principal of Alton High School, and C. R. Wright, vocational education director, on a lour through Ihe F. W.

Olin Vocational School. The next meeting of the club will he Feb. 10. Sirs. ,1.

n. Kvnni Honored nt I'iirty Mrs. Kuntce Johnson of I Brown entertained with a parly Tuesday evening honoring Mrs. James n. Kvans of Sunnyside St.

(Sanies were enjoyed hy the 17 guests, and after had been awarded lo I hose excelling, gifts of miscellaneous nature were presented to the guest of honor. Rpfreshmenls were served at a lale hour by the hostess and she was assisted by Mrs. Herman Kvans and Mrs. Howard May. 1 Auxiliary Thursday Night Memhers ol the auxiliary lo Alton Aerie of Kaglcs will meet Thursday evening al 7 o'clock in their hall.

I.MO Kast Fourth street. Memorial Alumni To Tiinluhl The January meeting nf Alton Memorial Hospital Nurses Alumni Society will be held at o'clock Ibis evening in the recreation room of the Worden apartments, Washington Ave. Mrs. Sawver, Spencer Lawless and Mrs. Wilbur Hamilton will he hostesses.

Ki'iliietli Keeup Honored lit Turly Mrs. Kenneth Keeno, the lor- mer Miss Lola Lowe, who married on Pee, was yiiest of honor at a parly Saturday night. Mrs. Charles Lowe wa, hostess and the parly took place- in Die green room of Ihe Club. There were guests.

Miss Parlene Telkamp, Mi-; Mtlford Mow ker, Mis. Mai in Tennikail, and Mrs Ktigeti'- Keene received for el Imu in games. (lilts of it miscellaneou-i ni lure were presented the icieiii bride Refreshments were served Lite hour. IvcHim Iliilley In Troy. Mo.

M.irvm Joseph Keetoji sou ol Mr. and Mrs William Iseet on. Kast Thud Si ami Ruth Yeronia llallev d.iui;hler of Mr. and Mr- Cl.iude (' W.ills of Trov MO weii- married TuesdiiV li.

in I'mv 1 bv Die Rev John 1', Four Season's Largest Audience Applauds Mac Morgan B.v P. H. rot Tuesday flight for this season's A Mae Morcan much Improver! 1 Community Convert Assort- from frs weekly radiocast; days 'ion "iidlenee at Senior Hiflh School and wilh the arl'vanlage of nn nt- Auditorium. Close to 800 persons tractive personal appearance nans "'tended. Midwinter or no mld- winter, the Concert Association finally was favored hy good weatrl- mi Mr.

and I'I-KIIP Mark Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Pegm- of 820 West CHi-pentcr Si will enterlHin vv.ih open house Sunday aflrTnoon HI their home in ohsnvume their fiftieth or golden wedding anniversary. Relatives and friends of Die couple are invited to call he rween the hours of I' and o'clock. Mr.

and Mrs. Pegue married on Jan. l.V but Die party be held on CA that mere friends may he ahlt to tinend. la Alumnae will have tomght at 8 odoik, ill High School. -the- iiiriiov nor "Blow, Blow Winter Wind" c.

Ilif uiiei hli-'v helu i lie li i mil o( indott. Hut it i a (Mil' iM Si ilHlS MM i JM TM-I I with M.S. and culm! Tiusl us we pustor of Troy Prrshylorinn fhiirrh. Mrs'. Vtoln V.

Rniirknrrl. flnnt of Ihr hrirlrcroom. and Claude C. Watts, strp-falhrv of the htiflo. sriAff) as tho couple's allr-nrinnts.

and Kin Ocdin gave the hridf in mnrrinRO. Miss llnllfy vvoro a lieht hluo drrss with matching and nn orchid Mr. Kerton is i member of thr 1'. S. Air Force, and his hride will reside in Troy while he is in sen ice, er.

The redheaded baritone's voice has mellowed nnd become more of single unit since the days when million 1 listened to him every Monday niehl on radio. Then it was a trifle edrjy and metallic in spots, hut in the overall, pleasinc. Now it has "jelled" completely. It is hiij nnd rich, tending more lo a hasso in quality thotiph perhaps not in ranee. At the same time il is completely flexible lending itself to passaRe Firnt Aid ClflMM to Oprn at Otiiand Club Red Cross first nld Instrur- have been plnnnH for members of the Owens-Illinois Auxiliaries snd will he utartPd Thursday at in a.m.

In the basement of the Onlwd Club- roorns. Nine lessons In first aid will he presented by a well- qualified Instructor. Not only auxiliary memhers hut also wives of Owens-Illinois employes not affiliated with an auxiliary are eligible fo take the eourse. Anyone Interested, rail Mrs. William T).

Johnson at Owens-Illinois or he present for the first class tomorrow. Mrs. Creech to Head Alumni Mrs. Creech was elected president of Joseph's Hospital i Rusaell Dale PHONE s-ms Fitzgerald Kjwllnn Sigma Alpha Monday Fpsilon Sicma Alpha Sorority had a business and social meeting Monday night at the home of Miss Mary Hose, e. Plans wore discussed for the distribution of plastic hearts in Alton, and for a style show- card party to takf place in jVtarch- Proceeds from the style show vyll be used Inwards pur- rhasing two intercommunication systems for the polio ward of St.

Anthony's Infirmary. (lames were played during a social hour and Miss Fahronhorsl was awarded a Refreshments served at Ihe close of the evening. Miss Rose, Miss Quindara Paddock, Miss Virginia llughson, anrl Miss Kmma Bean Wore hostesses. The next meeting of Ihe sol-only will he a bullet supper ai the. home ol Mrs.

William Hurt. 'if Isabella Dinner 27 Alton Circle, No. National Daughters of Isabella, will have a covered dish dinner and parly Tuesday night, Jan. 21. al Marquette I School, Hostesses will he Mrs.

Berkley York, Mrs. Clyde W. Bowers. Mrs. Henry Mrs.

Nellie Hannahan, Mrs. Henry Maus, Mrs. J. F.u- gene Long. "Mrs.

Joseph .1. Springman, Mrs. Jonas Johnson, Mrs. Alma Kenney, Mrs. Ted Telkamp.

Mrs. V. K. Matlion. Mrs.

Pauline Nolle. Mrs. Paul II. Bausor, Mrs. Sterling Canter, Mrs.

Aueiisl II. Timmermeier, Mrs. Frank W. Case, Mrs. Alice Schelle, Mrs.

J. J. O'N'ojl and Mrs. Walter F. Yost.

Ixireltn Homo Auxiliary IVFeetlnc Tonight Loretto Home Auxiliary will a business meeting and parly this evening al the I Home on Prospect street. Mrs. Ted Telkamp, president, will preside. Preshylcrian F'linel Discussion Munilay Men's Brotherhood of Ihe College Avenue Presbyterian Church met in Ihe church Monday evening wilh 4(1 present. A panel discussion was on Ihe evening's program and Ihe subject was: "Why Have a Presbyterian What Should a Brotherhood and How Should It Best Bo Ministers of Presbyterian churches taking par! on the panel wore the Rev.

Marshall W. Rice, Kim Street; the Rev. Francis Henderson, College Avenue; the Kev. Mauley Mace, Wood River; the Rev. Thomas Bucklon, Foslorburg; and Fred Seavey served as moderator.

Laymen taking pail in the panel discussion wore Fred Foster, F. L. Kccles, Charles llau- safus, Ray (libson, and IVmglas C.otty, I. 11. Slreeper wn.s moderator for the panel.

The nexl mooting of the Pres- bvlenan Brotherhoods and ministers of the Presbyterian churches will be Feb. at the College Avenue Church. BEST SELLERS IN MIDWEST CHICAGO Rrllitttrrt Ir4dme Tin- Silver "You i K'isi nf Kflcn." M.istri n( Ihp World Ci.inl I'ho Olil Man and Muiim In Silri-i'cil in Rus- mi's- 1 "A Man IVIi-i Mv AuluMn- llolv lii-sisoii Slan.1:ird WI-MIIII "Miraliiini l.ilu-nln." "ClIITlCr AHUM IIM INDIAN n(" "April SIIUM Tin- iliii anil Ilir Si-a." Tin- Ch.ih,,v Cullin ino r.irl Mm a "You Uir Jin NiMlfirlinn II ll'iin I IVlci I Mi Vilolni igi Aliinlmni 1 Thinking" 'The Alli.mi Tin- Itiji I'liitniii' I'KOHIA 'riir- M.III on 11 M.C.II-I llu- VV.n Kml Oip Tin- I'aine Miitnu Olii Man "Thi- Sil M-I i liali.v K.iM nf KiU-n I In- I Alliiiiu. 1 I Whal Waniv ISlhi, li, SlHi'ilarri Vn -i. 'H Man I', 1'rtlln; 111 anil Ive.s 10 Sin-, in so pianissimo that they are felt School of Nursinjt Tnes- rnlher than heard hut on perfect nicht, in meeting the lounge pitch and with exeellenl breath -'oseph's Nurses Home.

Mrs. support no matter what the range. Creerh succeeds Mrs, Karl Hauek, Morgan and his wife, Helen Neil- vvho Eavp rt on the activities for 19S2. ly Morqan, who was his accom- panisl, proved friendly with folks, (no. They never forgot that it takes an audience as well as a voice to make an artist, To avoid the slaleness I ha I must come from manifold repetition of 1he same program several times a week, week after week, the Morgans last, night; effected numerous departures from their announced list.

In some ways these improved the concerts; in one way. they perhaps weakened it. For the ten- The voted to continue its policy of havinc the hoard transact business for the alumni and to devote monthly meetings to educational programs and social activities. An annual SI. Valentine's pastry sale is scheduled for February.

All proceeds from money-making events are added to the alumni's scholarship fund. Officers for ins.1 Creech, Mrs. are Mrs. rtufh VVilkcn, first vice-president: Miss Patricia Botf, flencv substituting seemed awav second vice-president; Mrs. Arthur front the hnlliant sonc and toward the quieter, type.

Individually the songs were perhaps heller likerl. Hut with reference In the overall program rohhed il in ils earlier part of the contrasts it, needed at strategic points. For instance, in his second group he slipped in a quiel lillle hills folk song. "I'm Coing Away," for Percy drainger's hrilliant. and secretary; firs.

Bernard Fleming, treasurer. Miss Charlotte Henry and Mrs. Thomas Burke, were elected to the hoard. Mrs. Creech will have a hoard mecling at her home late in Janu, ary or early in Fehruary.

Births Mr. and Mrs. Route 4, luka, are parents somewhat taxing "Shaller of whom )hey havp narnc(i later replaced Figaro's aria from Thomas Ray. The. baby, their "The Barber of Seville" with the fjrs( was horn a 0 a n1i quieter "Fvening Star" aria from Tuesday in St.

Joseph's Hospital, Tannhauser. weighing six pounds, five ounces. This rather delayed arousing his Mrs. llaix.lip was before her mar- audience's complete enthusiasm, riage, Miss Alice. Smith, daugh- Bui his "F)ri Tu" from Verdi's lor of Mr.

and Mrs. Thomas Smith. "The Masked Ball" set off the Haizlip is an airman, basic, Scott really big guns of applause and Air Force Base, Belleville, from there on the evening was MR. AND MRS. STANLEY MINTERT were nwmtr, morning in Ihp of the fvtain Strerr Mrt'mriisl Church by the Rrv.

Girl D. Mitchell. Mrs. Mmlerf the former MKs The couple arc residing in West Alton, by jack folnicr, "made" for both artist and audience. At the finish he was applauded into four encores.

In other program changes he A son, weighing seven pounds and four ounces, was horn at 2:23 a.m. today in St. Joseph's Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Wood Waters of 1222 Brown St.

Mr. and Mrs. i i Jl i I I t'l. i in jt i i Jockeyed around his entire closing flnothpr John group, singing his last number, on Mr. and Mrs.

Hudie Miller, TU. 1, "Spring Plowing," a beautiful and spiritual Jacques Wolfe composition, firsl; and following wilh a Bethalto, are announcing the birth light comedy touch, "The Birds' of a daughter, weighing nine Courting Song" hy La Montaine; pounds and five ounces, at 11:30 then James Rogers' "The Star," a.m. Tuesday in Wood River and finally Bassc-tfs "Take Joy Township Hospital. Mr. and Mrs.

Miller have three other children, His em-ores were Malolte's "Mr. tvvo sons and a daughter. Jim," Youmans' "Without Song." Ml an(i rs7Tawrenee Collins a humorous "Cowboy Song" hy of S) Lnl)is flrp pqr nts of Street, done in characteristic man- daughter horn at 8:50 p. m. Tues- and MacC.imsey's touching in Wood River Township Litile Jesus Boy." The baby has been named Airs.

Morgan rendered herself Myrtle Patricia. so selfless in accompaniments that it was true surprise when she Nancy Susan is the name chosen generated spark and fire in her. own by Mr. and Mrs. James Holland solo group particularly in the clos- ll- 't Fast Ferguson Wood ing r.rahms Rhapsody in C.

Minor. River, for a daughter, born Tites- The Morgan's were due to leave day a ni in Allnn here this noon for St. Louis, from ini ial Ho.sf.ilal. The bahy weighs where thev move on to Olney for pounds and three ounces, a Community Concerls 1 nrt Mrs ilolla hanve an Thursday nighl. After that Mrs, olhrr naughter, Jvlanlyn, 9.

Morgan goes back east to their Mr anri Mrs Hoi i Willis of home in Westport, to rejoin 1, Bethalto, are parents of their three children, ranging in their second son and third child. ages from 15 months to six years. The kids are left in care of a other engagement coming up in woman Mrs. Morgan describes as his home town Jacksonville, Fla. "perfect 1 while the pair are on The Concert Association's next tour together.

Sunday night Mae and closing, attraction in ils appears on the Laclede (las TV twelfth season is the Ciershwin symphonelle program. He has an- Knsemhlo scheduled March 5. Personal Notes Miss Kthel L. Paul returned to her home at 519a Henry Tuesday from St. Anthony's Infirmary where she had been a patient.

Mrs. George A. Slay, executive secretary, American Cancer Society, Madison County chapter 1 is leaving tonight for Chicago to attend a staff meeting of the Illinois Division of the American Cancer Society. Mrs. Slay will return to Alton Friday night.

Mrs. Shirley Northgraves, wife of Staff Sergeant Northgraves, and nine months old son, Je'ffrey Allen, left Jan. 9 to join Sgt. North- graves who is slationed at Tachi- kawa, Japan. Mrs.

Northgraves' brother, Pfc. Carl Gillen, is with the First Marine Division in Korea and Pfc. Gillen and sister expect to have a reunion before Pfe. Gillen leaves for the United States in May. Mrs.

Northgraves and son have been residing with Mrs. Northpjraves' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Homer Gillen, 1209 Willard for the past four months. Robert Walters, who entered service Sept.

1. has left for Seattle, after a 10-day leave spent with his mother, Mrs. Joseph IT. Walters, Frontenac place, Godfrey. Prior to coming home on leave Walters completed basic training at: Fort Smith, Ark.

Mrs. Walters formerly resided at 313 East Ninth St. George A. Slay of 209 Oak has returned to his home from St. Joseph's Hospital, where he underwent surgery.

Mr. and Mrs. Slay have as guest Mr. Slay's mother, Mrs. George Slay of The baby, weighing five pounds and 13 ounces, was born at a.m.

today in Alton Memorial Hospital. Their other children are Deborah, 4, and Kirhy, 2. Annual Income Increases BANGKOK, Thailand ft. Thfl per capita real income in Malaya and Ceylon showed a marked increase after the outbreak of ths Korean war, the quarterly of the Economic Commission for Asia and the Far stated. The latest issue of the bulletin says Burma, Japan, the Philippines and Thailand were other countries which experienced gains in national income in 1950 and 1951.

Malaya, Ceylon, as well aa Japan, succeeded in lifting annual incomes in terms of 194S-49 purchasing power above J100 per person. This compared with $308 for Soviet t'nion, $482 for France, $fi79 for Australia, $773 for the United Kingdom and $1,453 for the United Slates, the bulletin says. In France, Claudius Liogier. who robbed Rheims Cathedral of art treasures, sawed through his cell bars and escaped from prison clad only in his underwear. Basutoland had nine "ritual murders" in 1951, second largest number ever noted, Maseru reported.

Granite City. Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Buck ars leaving Friday month's tion in California.

PFAFF SOWING MACHINES CENTRAL SEWING SUPPLY CO. 14 W. Alton, Ph. A i le Ki, i Man ami Ihe Iho h.ilu w. KtMlkf! -Itnn ial IM MllMIU "'I hf .1 K.J..I ol Kili'ii.

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