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Pittston Gazette from Pittston, Pennsylvania • Page 2

Pittston Gazettei
Pittston, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

jStaaW aWawB 'HB RELlEVlNa VCLU 4 tftt id UCK, Pharrh. "REtlNTS illi: Jinik TO THE PEOPLE OF THIS i Si AY, HABOB 80, 1801. Wbeneaa. some' time ago we caused to be published in the newspaper8 of Wei letting forth certain, statements and claims for tfur newKonic and reeonstmctor, VINC Liver OiL And, we asked you, the people of truVs'ity, to Investigate these cTaima under we make good to you all moneys expended in prosecuting'such intiestigatiori, provided itvi u.t Ml Wyoming, wfc, OotoraAo and Idaho the woman eaa foll flsdgad eVUatna, viul wUhtha ballot able to eout foe aaweh ta ta elestioa of all manner of of ae aaaaoal camber of man. In a an permitted to vote wi in rennsyivania oobool boaidi if the era Hae wMh.eleot there.

Id Peavta the. aataa; hav rlnied araaielp fee aompoaWI of number of thefe owa eY, matt of th altotton win Wtet with bo4 a Uttlo InteTtoi. "7 WW THH1 CLASS CITT ACT. Oartain araecdnteots to tba aot of 1889 providing tor the Incorporation and A i i I III lauuxe lotsupporr wen. result of said investfgatioin brought to light frmf joiftrve that VINO: what wefclaimed for it, and amply justifies the strdng statements we, made ctncemuig tfc We, therefore do hereby express our thanks to the people of the city for the confider7 iliown in us and in yjNOL, and for the readiness tvith which they have put oursf prrjpf and testified their truth and honesty.

It Is bectuse ef this ready response that VlNOL'is now its own best ai: So inVny yo have taken VINOL and been helped by it, and 0 tnany fiublic iyfd private of the merits of VINOL, that we cannat but tfiir' ustifyihv our sUtements. We'thank you, one and alft We aA" just as ready as ever to guarantee VINOL. We know that and recommeVd to your friends. We need not tell you iow that you kne Opt a patent medicine. You have seen how its ingredient Jiave been nl, know, top, thai VIrOL contains all the medicinal elements iihnd in Cod You know it is as palatable as the most delicate twine.

You Jaw. blessing it is to the wK ,1 Therefore we ask you depend upon it throughout the iryinfe season which i four cohstitution with VINtJL and sickness will pass you by. t1' We shall continue to recoKtmend VINOL for the foUowintr ailment meant of dtla of the third elaae th ante which MtMoali gorarnad aia Jj sadar legislative (xrdW tton at Harrla IUI 7 a .1.. f1 are pave proves tn many CSSeS Qtf soch cases. Vfe gutrantM tt re; Try it an eiiaaarantee.

go uncherkei m'OL th stoak ch. and is 'f aMal M. t. 'r my fin Vba a maa lrtottared with back ache a torn back be doesn't want ta expertauat with mew and aatrlad retnediee, realises that tba beekaeh to aXVaevaehe. TH lame bach virtually mean lame be know that ther' ia etorj If to 3410 get ttna Bwaeys on weir Idnty Ia hi WT "mu7 Dban's KlditPins Others all aroarid biat kavw eared of kidney etantplalat by taw'l wonderful little retaeay.

ria asau teatiramyc4eOatrta atlde hint. Be KNOWS that Scan' Kidney Pill WILL car, aw maftesr whet form of UdWawaarplaint ba anay fcavw IHelsarn this by reading emphatic evMenc uae in roucrwingt air. Jacob Deer, of tt Baat Larwill atreat, Woaater, contractor and bttUdecaaytl I "abeaaeMmMyaeet tw feera ajnae I teM tn people a Wooster tlroagl ear papan that Doaai BJUsar nua earaa Intern rnin and lameaaaa ta jbjt ia atUcka for month. 1 am and am oceaaioa during that tine to ne any audidee far kldn2. thneeon claaMrproTin that Deaa' Sidney Villa eflaet a radical cat.

Tew are at liberty te aa ay fMaofaeuoa." Dean's Kidney Pill for sale by all dealers; price 60 cents a boa. Mailed on receipt ot price dv foeter ftfilburh Bnffaroi H. eole a Remember the namtv Deart'aandJ take ao other. ordinary and airier essentially from those to be possessed by subsequent Incumbents of the office. This may not indeed be usual, but it cannot be aald to be irregular or Invalid, and whatever may be aald in the present instance with regard to Its expediency It to entirely within tbe of the legislature to do ao, and that it may appropriately be ao until the people have had opportunity to make a choice ia undoubted.

The court then dismisses rather briefly the contention that the act deals With mor than one aubject, that he ahould only appoint for on year in stead of two. The list contention la aet aside by a decision In tbe case of Com. vs. Gallen, 101 876. tb objection that the legislature had nd power to abolish the office ot II apparently not regarded seriously by the court.

1 Deals Inherited la IaaUa. It Is the' universal custom all over India for a man whoa monthly Income la perhaps 83 to spend aa much as $300 on the marriage of hla daughter. This aum be borrows from th local money lender, a veritable bloodsucker, whose minimum rate of interest Is 24 per cent, which 1 only accorded to thor ough well to do people. The ordinary peasant, email shopkeeper or domea tlc servant pays' 1 anna per rupee per meneem In the way of. interest, add aa 16 annas go to the rupee It will be eeen that this work out to 75 per cent per annum.

Aa a rule, it to more than the Dortowe eaa. do to pay off this interest, and ao tbe debt goee on growing and la handed down from father to son, a terrible load which. 1 never got rid of. Whv draff ant an aniaMnMi aalthaaat Htm car amUrlaai. ft la not Hshiral an ta ue deoiglatfd.

If you do not fel wall try VINOL. If it doe act kelp yen ifx'' Fat taken Into tht system does not wboau VINOL will bring life, strength and yob." money will be refunded. Van ean'get fat wrtbo! taldr aauarp vAnvwuicrrJRe nean njiauunr weary creat stren gta. Bd a atrengthening and inrigaratlag Mrength and health to the wno ar vigor Old wsaa lamm any cyiiwy wmwimn sac rynonoarguai burg. Tba moat important of tbeet in tba arttelaralatlrn to ootporata' powara and third olaa oiHai to lot and nee tax not txotedtng $100 oa fl MUonaers eontreo tan, dnHMa, hawktra, peddlers, produo.

e.hni jt Tandeia, bankers, broktra, Bwinorotaa. aaanhanMof aU Had, par VMaworlaaaintgoodf npon IneteU amwaity eonfsctionert, bntehert, Waaraata, bowling allejs, bWlard tabloi Udtthat lDf tablet, draie, ojWWgaa, 1 iii.p, rjarts, wagons, atreat aajhrav otba vehicle naad In tba lumbar dealers, in anaatnlarion man, and all person, Marinas of bulna lumber twbolamlaof retail, fnrnttor Jew jmBMcjor boarding ataUa ktpt( iwa aamaa aganm, ageata of Ufa, Art or taw naroranoa boss exrmpanlts, express eompenle or Snetaa, Wlegraph, telephone, tam heat. at, aataral gaa, watar, elautrle light a powar nnipaaUa, or agandaa, or Indt Tidaala faniahlng aomraanloatloo, Bght, powar by any of tba manna annm Thla (ztaoalon of powar, If aano. tba gaoaral amambly, would esaa iba door to oonaidarabla looraaM in mmm JpwSaon to atreat lmproramMaj powar it oonfanad. In addition tba pnaant power of third olaa dtlH In authority i gWen to aatab klUK muIm m4 4 in wi assy in npu mm in aaia, pua 1 mat and wBNiUa for tba ooat thereof aittwla wbala or 11 part from the general "taaowaui PcpIoWcaiiPcppii Palo Okll need a toruc reconstrnctor that win create flesh and make pur red blood.

Pale, haggard rata show that 'th Uoadl poor and thin, and also indicates Imperfect digestion. VINOL will corytgl inch trouble as.ure aa th sua tTillati Children love VINOL, it ia ao delidoot. Try it on our guarantee. fJcWOI7OT .1 DUeaaed nerve are due to over work, insufficient nourishment slow braaldng wM ef Tera! beahh. Wa I gnarante VINOL, Wine of Cod Ltvar Oil to permanently and affectually cur nerve afletiora it attualiy rAculd the entire body.

Try on our guarantee. "'5 rebuUder. VINOL la of extepVCDai rsttte ana emutateft rjom cJteaa? 01a age. might we Commit aolcide as to let them rrfyparations, do not upset tto Mi era ram Twaati Ommtmrr OM. Sw saaper tt mntn la ena uia pat or nft a a bJi rrs i Hani lit rvm earl.

lami aM im Queans enwr Bar SMS a the ricpU of straw lets, Her sons; woaU tba esf ef aa seaal eBtraece) Bar eju en a aott that they sm little ansa lets, A ckaUeas te let la their nr sUaet. the ennt the feat acne of female pcrfeeUea, Ixantr'a sreat diadem eh ta the peult fhne'e scarcely a flaw that denuDee a coneetloa vuawveu in iwwww vnhvf Is hop or boudoir, la the parlor or UtaatB, She bines with the lifht of Aaericaa sraeet the'l aU we coold aak in her tsrore end rlofc ia Dane rortinw'a beet dower, beaoty at tut. Bar andeety eomttlmea Mens tardy ia aetfoa When aaacint ia gayety'a aiaddenlm whirl, And then her cste boldnesi annas bat an attraction qdte atttaf the twentieth century girl ah has a quick tongue and a ripe brain to feed tt, Diacuane all qneetiona fren adenee to sport; Yon offer adnce, and ahVa ready to heed it. Provided 'til of an asteeible toft. In ntire ahe siraa her opponent no quarter, la lore all her words bare a airapy purl; In apata or tn qoarrela no fabled old Tartar Could alienee the twentieth century fin.

Without her thb) earth would be but aa the set Una; Of sold with the beautiful sen ton away; He men folk but (rowung; old animal, trettlnf In aolitude'o tloon fee a twinkle of day. Then bere'e a hurrah for the eparklinf young jewel i Mid aU ot eartk'e treamree tbe daintier) pearl; She sweetens our sup; ahe'l the salt ia life's Tbe paulem, chio twentieth century gtrt "Do yon know, John," aaked Mrs BIU lua, ae they est alone In the back parlor, "that Jimmy Elghraore to bcgtnning to be devoted to Senator "So," snorted Mr. BlUns, "I dont know Ik Bnt I can toll you one thing. Tba Hlghmores oan't break Into this family with any Jimmy theyvt goti" Many a man's rsputstlon spends on what lent found out about him. ThsSnpremt Court of Maine bat de cided that a corps, when burled, be comea real estate, anaaaanet be removed without tba concent of the lot owner.

Moral Dont be buried la another man's grave lot. "Johnny, I want you to be good today." Johnny "I will be good If you'll gimme a nickel. aTantnut "Johnny, I want yon to remember that you oan not be a child of mine unltss you ere good for nothing." "Murphy area alwara game." "He war." "Fhwai did he aay whin th' lnomy blew his head off "Phwst did be aay I He eald, 0I dare yea to do It Aa on examining a olaa of boys In rleotlaad, told them that they were the dnltest act of boyt he ever One Uttle archln got ap and said "WH, air, yoa ask snch bard qoeetions. Yoaeskas questions as mea couldna anawar. Kow I will ask yoa one ot my feyther question.

If It takal three yards and a qusr tar of white eordaaoy (o make an elephant a black walstooat, how long will It taxs a lame black beetle to ran through a barrel of treacle Oa bta way home from the lodge Mr. Jjmea was held op by footpad aad llevedof all hla valaaUsa. "What did they get, Bufoal" anxlonaly aaked Mrs. Jjmee, after ba bad reached Us borne and reported hit lose. Everything except the password be groaned.

"With the Idea of naming my boys," said a white haired man, that there could be no nicknames which I here al wavedetaeted in the family, we celled the irsi Kdmuad, 'the sseond Edward, tba tnlrd JMgsr, the foorth Edwin, tbe fifth a daon and the alxth Igbert." "That tnielj eetved yoar parpoat, didn't itr aeked one of tba Bateaara. "Hot at aU.1 "Joined tba patrlauetL rather shsaMfaeeo ly. Jnniiig win Uie eldeet, thay were mown as 'Snor Moggtaa' and and mother's eoa of them aaiwered proudly to nis niccname." Ithel "Mamma told ma I oouldetay la tu. parlor laet night while Mr. Haggard was calling on ahtar Besa." Elsie "Did ther Ethel "Yet.

and It wa araat fun. We played 'blind man' buff," and they let me be tbe blind man nearly all the time." When aeetlata Walt known aotnedlaa "starring" tn Edinburgh his landlord eeked him If he woatd oblige hta with a ptas for tba play hotjea. Thi favor was readily grrntsd, and tba guldman donned hla best black aalt and wltneesed the oomedianaltwa fannlest lmpersonstions. axetting hla landlord next moratag tbe oomeuisn asked bow ha liked the perform D0 "vretL aalB the dottoe. worthy kirk gangln'Soot, "It pleased me aW ana I oonslder yon played vary naturally bat, beeb, mea, it took me a' my time tae keep free langblnV "Wen yoa aver taken torn minister I asked tbe eoubrttte.

"Ko," said the leading man with tba spiritual face, "bat I've been treated Ilk one." "Kh I "I have sometime been compelled to wait six or seven months for my salary." Abram 8. Hewitt told a New Tork Tri bune interviewer the other day that if be ebonld ever have a ohanes to aell oat bis each aa Mr. Carncgtebad, be would lump at lk "Mr. Caraeel ha extremely fortunate," esld Mr. Hewitt "He to at bet at liberty, bat I tn still in prison.

I can't get out At toast I can get ont oa terma which I feel It would be honorable to aeospk I bad a chance tome time ago Jo cell out oar Trenton work, bat the condition was that they ehonld be dosed down permenently. This wonld hare thrown about 500 of our peo ple ont of work people who have been with aa for years, and asaay of whom have bonght their own little home la Trenton, 1 oonld not aaoept aneb terma, go here I am with tbe harden vat on my (boulders, and I euppots death alone will relieve me ofik" seated fs seven aUawatlea. Are yoa weakened and exhausted bv overwork, worry or disease I The Mystic Life answer will quickly renew tout strength and vitality. It la tbe greatest Builder known, tt at vltallaer and strengthenea. It qnlokly and wu juaai wa Bffvniv, Hon, nervous weakness, peMtatioa of the naan ana railing Maun, at I indeed a wonderful life reaewer aad life easWV Sold bv J.

IT Boaaafc. Uan, ciev a aorta main fef4. 't HeaMng atovesk i wsti rw rVaf I Tatfaer afar rtn tll Washington, March aMetraphie order have been sent by the war de partment to yarloua department commanders to aend troops, destined tor the Philippines to San Francisco In ample time to aail on transports leaving as follows: Hancock on March Buford on April 1, Kllpatrick on April 6 and Logan on April 15. The Hancock wlU carry th Second squadron of the Sixth cavalry and the depot battalion of the Seventh Infan try. 600 strong.

The Buford will bave aboard two troops of th First squad ron of the Fifteenth cavalry, on exmi pany of the Tentb infantry and tbe depot battalion of the Fifth Infantry, Tbe Kllpatrick will hav on board the Third battalion ot the Eleventh Infantry and two eompahle of the First Infantry. Two compvtlea of tbe First infantry, the Third aquadron ot the Ninth cavalry, the Second aquadron of the Tenth cavalry and the battalion of tbe EleTventh Infantry now at Governor Island and at Fort Ethan Allen will aall on the Logan. afraSe an Pmaaytvantav Salt. Sal'1 FranciM0' MsrcrKf9.AIjx) Unit jA til!" transport, th Mead and th. tviTflJ'rvMl bava sailed for the Philippine w.

oangnJ of soldier. Th squadrons ot tn lftn troops of tbe newly oaaVJ cavalry. Brigadier GetMraJ wDliam Ludlow and family anil Brlgajh? Gm eral Wade and family emeatked oa Meade. Tbe Pennsylvania took th First and Third battalion rb Tentb Infantry with th exception of Clomp. ny A.

Striata art Mlaet DaabtjgaJ. pBlladelpnia, J1atcb'l9. tf. Herbert U. How the firm of A.

Paadea ft teMfvC anthraeit coal operators, in an InfaKj the 4rnlon that tb .4.. a Ha aald It might be possible MtwMtof eU of the United M4n vobri v.8 le cure a conferencrwith J. V. lforga 1 vr bis representatives, aad that if 0Htn meeting was braught about It weald not commit the opeMtet tVa regognl tlon of th nnlon, but might enable Hr. Mitchell to maintain hie prestige with tbe miner without raort to A atrike.

Dr. Howe aald he reaognlied the fact that In the event of a atrike it would be a fight to tbe bitter end. In such a struggle. Baeetted, the operators would be batter eq tipped than the miner. Ha Strike ea Bfottl 1aTAa.

New York, March ia PreMnt Boa atter of the Brooklyn Rapid Transit cotopaoy ba announced that with Aptll 1 the enmpany writ grant the Brooklyn Bridge employe th same progreislve advances la vrawea aa are given to the motannen and eonduct ota otf the sorfaco Unas. This waa In accordance with a ptpmlse'mada to the men when they talked strike a week or fwo ago and appears to bar bad the effect ot Slopping tbe strike talk except among a few of tbe employees. Tbe advances are per cent after two years of service, 10 per cent after three years and 15 pfet cent after Ave years. Bar Blowa 0 Haw an Hlaaaelf. Cumberland.

March IB Tbomaa Conner; (he 8 year old son of Thorns Conner's, coal miner, of Thomas, W. had seen bis older brothers set off powder In tbe yard for Hta father kept a big keg In the Douse, and yesterday the boy went up stairs and lighted It The explosloa wrecked the house and Instantly killed th boy, almost tearing fcim to pieces. Don't imagine that yoa art stiitamllag when vetf use Dr. Chaas'a KkiaV.iiVt P1U. JKIf are almost as well kaewA a hit great Recipe Book.

tUtf akaac aMte ef tk most turpritlog Cnrta of Udy diseaaa od fcMts and havecoaae tandtrad the only abeoiaM Wr far kieaey diMfT Mr. J. Carttt, a well jnawo'll. eai sear, uvtag 191 Blurry snarl, too. it.

writes: "Sooa after solnsron tbe road I btaaa be troobkd by atvare pataa la dry ak accompaniad by aueh ttrribl wtakasst that I waa obliged to stop wars iar car at, a ttm. Hearrnr of the coed results obtained by using Dr. Chase's Kidaey Ltvcr fills. 1 gave tnem a trui. 1 nev ne nan Bat aiaiiii mrma.

diataly. and now I eaa trtrtftfttlir atf taat I a wen as any man. toast a ur. Chess's Kidaev Liver Pill Ur. Chat Kidny UvT niM.atpHia a at r.

3 jbniaa aa tva ana uvaof aw a 1 A. W. Chats Medlcla ftoSalo, K. V. a.

am at an oeawr i nnli iconrln wuuu uuuuu is when the assortment ia fresh and have surpassed all previous years. are marvels 01 artistic Daatr. 'a NORTH MAIN STREET. REGISTER'S C3TISE. rTotlce ta hereby siren to all penon emeu that the aonounUUH in th following estate he settled their aeoouota ia the of floe of the Beaiater of Will of Lnaarn ovnn.

tr, ana tat Ut aanx ariU be prwaataa to the urpnan' uonrt 01 aaia eoanty lor connrraa ttoo, oa Monday, March MM1. 1. Katateof andraw Hara. eaa ad. Jolla ttanaamuiairatna.

a Mate 01 una of Bash Bryden, itniatrator o. a. T. J. Chaae, admlniatrat a aati of Owim aaarl.

a kana uavu, aaxniniaaraunx. 4. Eatanaof WUliam MwaU. daeaaaal. H.

O. H. Lei well, admlntabrator. 0. BMataof Saaabeth Wabo, aeoea WahK.

exarntnr. Batata of Patrick Lnirna. lane Lograe, admiMatratrix. 7. Itatot Orlando Gobs, dm lard Oaarhart.

admtntstrator. a fcatats of Mot V. Want. Abram tiesbitt and alexartdar Farni un, aflntora. S.

Katat of Joseph Eul. diieaaaad. Char la 1. Mat of Miehoia Ps aham, 'inaaiil Lotdae B. Faokhara.

adnilniatrntrK. 11. latata of Ira D. Mb rer, Jacaaaii. tor Vf.

arar and Meter whit! sxacutora. ia CateU of aftoh aa Beraeev nuaaaal ktartiB J. Dootey, axaontor. ia aetata or a B. w.

9 Thnenaa ad aalnl air tor Imats.of Maria Johaa. dflttil Joha Tr7rTaW: wasoLuu ai weanar, b.a.0. a. IS: Bkat. nt 0Br unrwaanio Sjtaraasr aJaw and Sara signs of danger ahead.

One atadldae aeadad. Urdik other Cod Try it on our fuaranta. often and farall nnlaaa anHaTT rrA hums ipaoaiiy carta of the dry. Stretti may be pared or maoadamUed and curbed :0 of the dty in whole or part fmVsviVbmommt of the real toanding and abutting thereon, xaboa of aawaamant to be determined br Benoh in Uounty, YUM MEN CHAQEDTED, Rafwraaers ta AUbabear Ceraatr Pre eure Aaaass tka at aaaweaaeat thcV AtUtra nttetmrlr aa Alia. Mhaalnl rnriaaedSTlS.) Pbllaflaiphlav Marcb IT.

Wblla "ttta natter will nlUrndteiy bav' tMm before the supreme court, arid arranl' merits are already being made to take it there, tie eoaatltutlonailty of tha so called "ripper" bill has bees favorably passed upoq by a nnanimona opinwH of tarea Jadgea oa the Lackawanna bpruity bench. The matter came bofore Uem on a test case) In Scranton and all the ohlacUnna made btr the Flfnfl men were preaented in the arguments before this court. 8o elated are the reformers la Allegheny county over this decision that they are already preparing ptatna to as same the management ot the municipal affaira In Pittsburg and Allegheny OPINION OF THB COURT. Jadgo president lodge, Hied the opinion of the Lackawanna court It win be remembered that tba case here arose upon a writ of quo warranto commanding James Molr to abow by what right be exercised the office of city recorder of Scranton. Court aaya thai thb principal contention upon which the claim that the act waa an eo'natltutional waa based that it wal local and special.

Extended roaaoaa were presented In aupportof this claim. but the judges could not And that they were in any reapect Bud a claim loses alght of decision try tba eourta of this atate, and notably the case of Wheeler vs. Philadelphia (7T Pa. S88). which declares that classifi cation by population of the cities of the commonwealth ia entirely Justified.

CITT CLASSIFICATION IS PROPER. The court refer tS tba fact that, one of the objections to tbe "ripper" act waa that it introduces unusual and unnecessary provision for the government of cities of the second class not Justified by any difference In condition between these and other cities, particularly la that it abollshea the time honored office ot mayor and aubetltutef a new and unknown chief executive called a recorder, who is vested with extraordinary if not dictatorial powers. But, aaya tbe court, this argument loaea alght of the very purpose of classification, which is to give place for different legislation tot each olaa, Population, moreover, ia recognised aa the basia, and, in fact, the only hauls ror a division in case of cities, thi larger cities by the very clrcutnatanct of their bavin; a greater nam! people presumed to require a govern ment of a different character from those which have leas. A great commercial metropolis like Philadelphia, with over 1,200,000 inhabitants, cannot be governed and does not want to be uxe rittanurg, Allegheny or Scranton, which have a population ranging from a half to a twelfth as much. Nor, oti the other band, ia a scheme of government adapted to these populoua and thriving centera likely to prove acceptable or suitable to the remaining title of tbe atate which have material ly lee.

Tn law recegnlaea this and the legislature, acting upon it in th axerele of their discreUori, bat tabllahed three classes of cities with the limit which have been named. This ia hot open to question, the court aaya. NOT OBLIGED TO HAVH A ia pursuance of this there may, therefore, be oa set of officers for one and another for another, aad the powers and functions of each mar varv. They are not obliged to have a mayor any than they are to have a ueaauHr or controller, or collector at delinquent taxes, however much' It m'ajj on necessary to loage me auuea usually performed by these well known city officials somewhere. No doubt tier must be a chief executive of aottia sort.

a. eon one. 10 nanuie ana oe rtv sponsible for the city funds or super viae and control the accounts. But namea amount to nut Uttle, and we may have these several municipal functions aeparated and distributed teoqg a number ot newly elected of kra of Mnaotraatad ana eoBferred upon en or mor without aceaaioalag comment or calling the other in question. AU thee are municipal mat ters, and ao leag a aa act 1 passed to apply to any ona of three established olasaes ot cities confines Itself to deal ing with affaira of that character, it ao more onenas against the coaatltu tion than if It had to do with all tba title of the atate without distinction, POWER OF LEGISLATORS ABSO LUTB.

Continuing this line of argument at considerable length, the court aaya that in view ot the decision cited the only question with regard to city das legislation is whether the subjects em braced are municipal. If they are. cannot be disturbed, however peculiar or distinctive. The power of the legis lature within this limit la absolute. They may give one system ot govern ment, aa they bave here, to one claaa and another to another, and it ia not for the courts to Inquire whether either la adapted to the peculiarities of condition to which it la made to apply.

And the subjects embraced In th ripper act are declared municipal, Tbe court dismisses aa somewhat trifling tbe contentlona that "the act understakes to deal specially with the powers and procedures of the courts, and is therefore as epecial law," and regarding the provision in the bill concerning policemen and firemen Coming; under tbe head of the argu ment also that is special and local legislation is the attack made on the powers conferred on the recorder appoint ed by the governor under the provision of the schedule. Theaa, the court aaya, it ia claimed, are extra It's a Short Road from cough to comumptlon. Don't neglect a cough talcel Shiloh's Consumption Cure when your cold appears. The "ounce of prevention ia better than yearrof Olnesa. saviiaPaMeea4 etherpafWef tu r.

i. tdla oa' aauiaia, x. t. OamI ley aa ae SoeTVaav, at baetln. araaw 1 aa aaawaai ajai.

aaei '6 Strt di ltMieaeata and if perrneda the more atomaa to their way ot thinking aot tor mleohlef makire, both In Oatja and In tble ooootry. S0L0ROR DEEBLB FOR SHEUFP. Atoob Araa. Oar townaraan, Solomon Oaabla, beeaaee of the wlabea ot hit many friends, haeoon eentadtobeoomeaoandldata for the otSharlflof Luemeoonnry. Kr.

Oeeble oaadano introdnotlon to tba people of Avosa. Hie long bar baa enabled him to demonatrate hit tone worth at a valuable dtUen. In tba capacity of foreman for the Aroea Goal whieb tmathehaahaldforthe patt nine yean, hebaaproraa blauelf to be a humane mine boat, ever ready to treat his with that eoiuldaratlon whlob wine their tatpeai He pnwiaiH the happy faenlty of retaining tbe oonndenoe of bin workmen, at the aame time mfely guarding tba In teraatoof hiaeompany. Kr. Deeble wlU get tbe Totes of all nlaam In Arooa, lrre peotire of polltleal afollatlona.

He baa aerred a number of tarmi on the school board and la oar present postmaster. Bis prominence lo society etalea will be of rains to him la his oanTase. Being a bar of awentoaa different eaeletlea, he can count his friends by tbe tiiwiaandt. tPittaton Tnaea. Solomon Doable, ot Arooa, Is without doubt the moat popular mine aaperlntond ent with tbe men of tbe antbraalto region, and there la aot another mine superintendent who la held in higher fateem by bis employers than he to.

His employers, la appreciation of his Industry and good management ot Keystone eolllery, ten dared him a grand banquet at the Hotel Jermyn and promoted him to tba position of superintendent of their mloea. Aa art deaeaot the regard and of his employes, they have formed aa organisa tion the main object ot which will be to farther the Interests of Hr. Deeble is bis oaoTase for tba BepnbUoaa nomlrtarloa tor Sheriff, and they win boom hb aandidaoy among tba workman ot tba anthracite re gion. Hr. Deeble has never nought po, UHoal honors before.

He bas always been on hand, working hard for the election of nls party's candidates, and always tritmted freely to thearty funds. At his home In Arooa ha to held la teem by all climia of people. Kbalni Teleenun.1 Solomon Deeble la beyond any question one of the beet known and moss popular Benin the entire anthrablte eoal rezlooa. waea aua Uka John Bosnian, president of tbe KeysfaneOoIliary local of tbe United One Workers' aaaodattoo, Adam Smith, William Daria, Charles Smith and Paul Wyredaoall oa me and aoand Mr. DeebVs prelate in the highest imaginable manner, he to certainly all that I bare always olaimed him to be.

He to arer ready to fly to the dd of a miners widow and orphans, frequently standing at the mouth of tbe eolllery aolldtlna: oontribuUons to aUsrlste their misery snd He to one of nature's noblemen, ABEDnEGO IEESB FOt COUNTY COR TtOLUk; Bhlckahlnay Echo. Abednego Seeee, of Kingston township, will be candidate for Controller on the Kepubllean tloket ta the coming campaign. Itr. Bease waa elected to this offloe but was deprired of the earns by the act ion oetng aeelared urtoonatltutlonal. Hie Wends are claiming for him that be should now be given recognition tnniMh he was obliged eo oondnot an expensive campaign and alto make a legal fight for omoa witnoul having evat reesivedeom penearlon.

That there to JnsHoelathe elalm cannot be denied and Mr. Betes will nave this advantage la conducting bit campaign Detors the voters of the eountr. Mr. Beete also poatiisn all the qusllfloa tlona to oondnot snrnass felly this exacting iimce. TO PREVENT LA QRIPPB.

TtsaelyAMeeVms the Bear Tata: "I aslae or Haaltatice) eaa BfaMae." Tba New York Magaaine of Sanitation and Hygiene aayt that a mere meritorious medicine than Krauee's Gold Cure for the prevention and cere of la grippe has never come under tba srsmlnatloa of tba chemical and medical experts of thst magaslne. as soon as yon begla to tax ooM or feel the Brat symtitpras of tba grip, take Kranae'a udd Oars Ospssle every three hoara daring tbe day aad two before retlr log at night. Thb will Inenre a good night's rest snd free tnovemant of tbe bowels next morning. Continue the treatment next day and you need have ao fear of the grip. rsrs OoM Dure to guaranteed to breakup la grippe, ta a day, and to cure an ordinary cold over night It la anew principle in mcdldue prepared fa soft "liable gslstine capsules, whlob are easily dissolved by the warmth and fluids of tbe stomeeh.

They are far superior to uro, saro ooaiea puie or tablets. Thy do not affect the head ae does qui nine nor upset tbe stomach. The contain omel, and can be taken with safety by the most deHoate woman or child. Kraase's Cold Care to for sale bv drainrlaai as a ova. dom oy an arurouta.

aaeaat'sOeMCie tor eolds la tba bead, ohest. throat or any portion of the body, breaks ap a sold honra without Interruption to work unrsni ootos li taaen waaa flrt a punas anpew. mee aoe. Hold J. IX nun.

realsel she aargaen. AU dootjrs told Ranks: Hamilton. West iaStmoo, after eufferlng eighteen montha from rectal nstnla, he would die onlees a eostly operation wee performed: bnt ha cured himself with BuVlaa'a ir nloe Salve, the beet in tba world. Sonet Siiecore oa eetth. 89 cento a box at W.

rrloe, Plttston and Stroh'a nhamu. He That Any Good Would Win onouw fume good hulth. 7W, rich blood is the first rtouMe. Hood" 5jrc. ptrHU, by gitfng gooJ ffaj gggj helth, has htlvedntAnv a man tosocos.

besides giving strength and courage to "fx who, before UUng could not aw, good Ht Uf BronoMtloGcro Lunrjo if for tn its early stages, mere ta no mmllcme moravaJoabi for re tar in ira eariv tn aL Them ta nn rllrin mara mwJnahl ttm ue uioai anu mnga inaa uu, vruw 01 Ata urer uu. try on our guarantee. igs than VINOL, Wine of Cod liver Oil. Try it on our guarantee. Ufla The amUsolt of tba axkthw aot tn relation to tteee raattera to cleared VvW' The Pains of Kidney Disease Warn You Against tht Most 'Dreadfully Fait! of Pidtftettvrc Yoa Can be Cured by Promptly Using l3i.

Kidfiew LiTr Pills. sES aa ooniempiama tae prav 5.1 W1 'Water make the mayor eligible to i Only those who actaaSy tutler Imow ha terrors, for them Hfe to robbed of all Joy. Jtt produce a buiy aarioaf torn pBeation aad enfeebles the entire syttea. Relief only comes when a sderrtme remedy er abla the tuaaach to ftopttif attimnatefnod. There It no BMdldne that will do this ao sacceaafolly as VtNOL.

Try liwomsn whhavSbabiet wh know positively that the bes otM be obtaiaed. Yoa know the life and fature development ot tba chOd depends SFIUIH raak aaa aasi Jatlt aaVa faa 5 alantfam; prorlde for the aanltarw Imim. won or DttudUga, and make the ooat of re atortDgaolaaooaea lien on the pnralaai wbleb ban aaaaad them glya to tbo airy aired salary without and strengthen his power to eollaat lent taxes; permit imauuunte for ewerlng to be paid In tea equal and require tbe dty engineer to keep a registry of the owcerahlp and lo aa3oa Ot an real estate liable to municipal enactment of tbe pruprsd aaiend LWoaw materially dsaplirr and in wj. uuproT, prooessesof clW la titles uia ont own. vaawaine Eatery apportionment bill Pain attare's i man of aooraachlos daaa.

are ao draadfolly fatal as disorder of the kidner and few If severe pains and dlaoomiortj. One of the most comraoa stmnlonia of kid tier disatje ia th sraartjiur. acaldlae nan. at ion whan paubw water whkft Ukllv to ne very fraueatlv.aad at tanaifamlant time, Then thre tbe haayy aching ia the amali of the back aad dowa tbslnba. Wbea tbeat twins sr accoeatkmMd bv ekfoaUa ia the ariae after baa stood for tweety four hoars yoa may be car that yon are riotim oi kidney dine aad eeonld net lose a single day in securing the world' groawsc araaty cure ur.

uaaas Kfaney UverMIIs. Take one Dill at a do, and In a enrnrla. Ingly abort tine you will be iar oa tba road lacovary, tor vr. KMney uver Pills set directly aad nromntlv en tbe Mdacva. and are certain to prove of great benefit any one autTering from Irregularities of those rgaas.

ft" ywyJl a You will absolutely be under Try NO no oblieation to us whatever, it ilveill VINOL a fair trial for any of the above ailments and hav received no benefit, yo have only to so, and we will return the eritJre amount of money you have paid u. ''''X y''yyyy 'v You see our faith in VINOL, and you must auWt that we liiowsorjlh therefore, when we tell you that VINOL la th most valuable preparation of Cot Liver Oil we bave ever known, and a wonderful tonieconstructor and rebuilder of strength, appetite, ted health, ft the same time delicious to taste, we are not unreasonable to expect you to believe us. J. H. HOUCK, 4 North Main St.

and West End. 1 Bow Hairlaborg, Luserne rti, awaay to gltea eight repreaentatlres, an i laswaaat of two. Ibe WUkeabarra aad the a abet yon the (aaahw, with pwtralt an atfaatare a Or. A. W.

baaa jYryaMBttaanrlooke districts wlU ease two twresenUUree. the boundaries eWrlota are sol materially ebanged. saw Bass. sue rowassups oi Beer Creek. Book, Jenk and ruins and the borough mnnmry VCnln ouuiiEiiisuyiu The time to bnr Wash Materials anDroaen, and styles tue latest.

we 1 ne ucsigns tDa coior comDinauons a .1 swgwwwwa, Mlner'a Mills, Pareona. Arooa, Yetesrllle and tba City ot Plttaton WW constitute theFlratdWrirt Mat present, townships of Dallas, jbeter. 'asaaat, Hnnlook, Franklin, Hnnttngtoa Klngaton, Lake, Lehman. Mare. Boa Salem and Union and the boroagba vauae, Meter, Luierne, New Oolnm turn, DuouainDy, Wromlnir tnA r.StotonwUl eonetltnte the Second dla 1r aw newepaper.

The Cnmmnn.r II. Sran takes poeltlre gronnd agalnet the aanenderoI.enpporteaof.the regular 16 to 1 organization to those Demoerata who xjijou ana sine ueu i awas at 10 cents. Violet Lawns and Zephyr Mnslins at iajjc Colored Dotted Swisses, Fine Dimity, at 15 cents. Plain, light blue, pink and buff Organdie with black border, 16c. Satin Striped Organdie at ao cents.

Foilard Dalsace, as beautiful and serviceable as india silk, sale asc. Silk Striped Challies, a 40c quality at 33 cents. Sale now in progress. ANTRIM'S, aare repudiated the doctrines of the party. "A party moat hare prlnclptae ae well aa an oti.nlaatton.

and a national 111 (Mi; jiKi: ourrf op ii( 3 I pays so small a profit as tg i 55 our Burt and Packard i tgjf Korrcct Shape Shoes. fj iv 5 1 a PP 1 JI SHOE COMPANY. B. CARPENTER, Vowkvriam. Ordaraleft with tb tQaas 1 lATr' lZ FtM Sk raCtOTICI i i Water atieet, Plturton, wOl roel SSL VS KjP K.

prompt atuni tion. A supply ot Caoaoa Soass JiiTt wiFal alw.nla.t ca, l'SUca jTOjy Tf ft UUWtmmiimm. 'Phone 1923, 3 EFFECTIVE WALL PAPER We can show you styles and col orings that will please your pocket book as well at your eye Our stock embraces about everything that's made in the wall paper line, from the cheapest that's good to the best that's made. We are glad at all times to show oar papers and to estimate on oar work. Walter T.

Spry 16 LUZERNE AVB. A. R. HOOVER, Contractor and Builder. wroariwa avmmum Estimates cheerfully en on all ih.

vrora. 5 lafa ernewt vn vn sir ejoareauoale the proper body to declare Vee Principles. If, a platform la ny member cannot oonseten wosiyeappon that platform, ba has i Parfeot right to Ieera the party, aud nc aeaa lastly orlMcla. hla action If he li aoneet wlthhlmaelf and with his nsrt. Bat a nan umi ,7 uuonae ot a part aad inside at the seme time.

Ihoeewho temaia Inside the party bare rights as well to insist that any one who leavea hi part, end opposes Its platform and candidates a mora in some open end formal way mu consider ntmeel! aioiabei. Joaw KmrDMoa Banae, writing from Harana to Harper's Weekly, says tk, alleged dlseonteot of Ocbans with Aaari row' i of eoadltlona la the Unllaa SUU. rather the. la Ouba, Hy a great degree of tba imported folly bellere to Inolted by aarn wbo bare eome here for dellber aeipaTBOseot ftadlnc tfainsa so aufl i. the of Oubw afWrTa.

i ''K i tofuv. Tem aaie wal iwailiatee TF. BVBXB. Banway and Agent. Ticket to aSpa over beat rontea.

Baaoi thronrt to deatiaatlaa. Aa stit for una, wun ma una. us nam 1 Liaa. Anohov TJna. sTorth Oam a nargUB, r.aoca uh, euaartenaa Lin.

KedriUr Una i maa loan Ltna. It Hsa AllaB Stat tin. Draft ana aioawT Order eoid fo lw i. ao nda, Anstrlaa OaUd r. and fim i mat.

lbs Inmaa io awu aa vu i. mm vi ivmaaa at aaewsmaa Wli Aonraai eb ooauta loatloas tor sr estthgaea, te 4 Kr.LLcn 3 van dykc rrtH la BrerV 'Vi tp fcatt th ans of fi avsa. or 7 A'.

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