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Delaware County Daily Times from Chester, Pennsylvania • Page 3

Chester, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

e. K. 5 a. litres 2lsi, trivia tor S- Station-- ELECTRIC LIGHT TE1JHS. 'fty s.u-.T».

ynsiundiy i 'a. xl; uS5, 3.13,10.?? p. IB. r- 'arsi-r JSxprws, g' 8 i iii. 5-cO 6.3J,"T.15, 11.45 m.

c. rs. 1 i r.o-J, ift, P. a.

ais'lit. tunaaya, l-w'Je nSjjlit. "iCW 10.K M. J2.W, 3fi I and 7.31 r. H.

On aundiy, S3. 1S.C3 aatt e- and wasusasKm .9 7 i- sl 7 ls "itiartaV'i-i 59,1.21 ana i. 7.1S P. M. "i-crlTaltiaoreonly, 5.30 ana li.45 K.

OB "dive" Delaware Kxyrtrso tur feir C.HA II 1-3 M. and 10.01 P. Leave Chester for A. K. ana fQ 01 H.

week-days, expressfor Harrington. weeg-Qays, 3.22 p. jh iSi 1' 2-30 4.00, 5.22, 6.35, T.ll, 7.46. 9.55 r. H.

oub'vLclur ..20, 8.10,11.31 A. 12.10 noon, 5.22, 711. 1.55P.M. i eave rwiaaelpnia tor unestemom Broac St. station--Express 7.34, u.10, and n.25 a.

3.01 SB 21 6.01, 6.50,11.22 p. m. On Sunday, 9.10 m' .50 and 11.22 p. m. Accommodation, 6.80, 47iLil 10 88 A.

H.12.37, 1.32, 2.30, 3.30.4,25, 5.27, 61-' 622, 7.10, 8.SO, U-33 P-M. Ol Bcnasy and 10,28 A. 1.05. 2.05, 6.10 S.20, CBKTBAI. DIVISION.

Leuve (tester for West A. M. 2.S8,4.51 P. On Sunday, 9.13 A. wor Oxford and Interrasouats A 2-M ana 4.51 P.

M. On Sunday, 9.18 A. For Port Deposit, 7.28 A. 4.51 p. IL S.

PDGH, J- H. WOOD, Ijenera! Manacer. General Passencer Acent CHUKCHES TO-310RROW. FIRST PKESEYTERIAS P. n.

Mowrev pastor, ilernlas service H.30. Snb- IPCT--Christ and the J-utTerlng." Short evening service 7.aO. or lawlessness- nich shall reign la America Bxeellent music: free; all are cordially Invited "JUDISSN STKEET M. E. CHURCH--Preaching 6-.

the pastor at 30.30 a. m. and at 7 30 p. biiudiy Scliool at, 9.SO a. m.

and 3 Holiness 3.45 p. m. Young reoples Heet- Ug B.tO p. m. TKIMTY JI.

E- at 10.30 by Her. C. F. Turntr Sunday School at 2 in. Preaching at 7.30 p.

in. by Hev. C. F. Turner.

Holiness meeting at 6 P. M. All are Invited. tr PAUL'S P. E.

trtii oe divine service and sermon to-morrow at I0.d0 o'clock, tup firs' Sunday In the month the second ice is at 4 p. m. and consists of. Evenln? prayer fcjptlsm und a short nildresa; all othi-r buudays svtulug prayer and sertnon at 7 30 o'cloclc. ST LUKE'SErtscopiL CEOKCH.

Rev.G.C.Moore rector. Jloruins Prayer at 10,30 A- IL Evsnln; Prayer at 7.3U p. M. Sunday School ac 2 p. m.

CBFWFK CITY PBESBTTERIAN Itt, au 10.30 A. tr Kev. James a. Marsiali. school ut 2 r.

ai. Toung Peoples' Prayer Sieetlng at o.45 p. m. Preaching at 730 Dy Hiv Bethmy Chapel--Preachlns at 3.00 p. m.

6y Hev, Abel Howard. bchool a 2 ra. trLihD a. E. CHDKCH--Kev.

Henry Fia Isid, pastor, 10.SO a. in. 7.30 p. m. Preaching by Rev.

4- J. -imtnor, Christian btrest Cuui'uh, Philadelphia. S.43 a. SaDbath School. NOKTD CHESTER BAPTIST SabbJ-th morning at 10.30 and In the evening at 7.00, by tlie pastor, ttev.

O. T. Hallowell. Sunday School at 2.30. ST.

DAMEL'S JI. E. CDUHCH--Preaching Dy the fabior Kev. j. J.

Campbell, at 11 A. Ji. and 7.30 r. M. Saboath School at 3 p.

M. 11E.4TEM.T KECBCITS--Edgnont avenue, over the Post Ollice. Services all day to-morrovr. STAK OF Zios CHCBCB, KOKTH at 10 30 a. and 7.30 p.

m. Sunday Schcol at 2 o'cloct jiev. 1 Norton, castor. A fcL Briefs. TASIIN AT nts WOKE.

"I'll lay out an asparagus hed, so I iriii! Quoth Mr. AgriTian hmus. Ss ne cot him tke tools this to fulfil, And he dug. aid he dug, azd he dug; Sui arter ho'd worked tt the proDl'in a vreet neel some assistance," saia, Thsn tee hogs ot his ndghoor waltzed In, so to And laid out his asparagus Tensers GazatU. Ajother Sacnrday.

One pay less to draw. One -week less to live. Don't go fishing on Snnday. One Saturday night booze less. Got aome nicklea for the bajKel? An exchange aaje, something new im cigars tobacco.

The refreshing shower yesterday cooled things off nicely. Tkere's no fan in riches unless yon have yourself Walk circumspectly when people can sea yon, where they know yon. How sheepiBh the hnmble man loots when discovers his humility. Take a good bath after you quit work to-night and be clean and neat There's a vast difference between, a man kksing a Miss and miesing a kias. Hare you got a new spring snit to paralyze the church with to-morrow! Nature fell ia with the street sprinkler last night and gave it a pretty good lift.

Deviled ccabs are very good, bnt it is good sometimes to know who deviled them. The a woman looks inside a prayer book the less she looks into the fashion reports Don't ootrat on any more snow storms this summer. Pat away the snow shovel if yon will. A. man's reputation depends, on some occasions, whether he sets 'em up for the boys or not.

Take a walk out in the woods now and theu and study nature, and get caterpillars all ovsr yon. Whst's a fellow to do when there's ten good fellows all after the same office, and all your friends? There's a man dowa in the South ward who is making several hundred dollars a day in his mind. It is about thus to hunt np the awnings and get them put np in posish where they will do some good. There would be snnch more caaage in men's apparel, were taere more jaoaey to zcake the change with. Some people get so extremely goo 3 in their morals that thoy get most awfnlly oad taste ia their dress.

Why is it that men's hats often sarink ia the night, so as to ba alrno'-t too small for the wsarer in the morntag? la these days of eleomargarinp, it is hard for some people to tell which side their bread is bnt tend on, if at all. Don't stand in the middle of the side- when "ia to-sigUt, but step one side 30 that others cac pass by. Sotoehow or other tba ceases to slow eiaca the street bas beea arctad, and hence we breathe freer. Tie -iti, alas, too 3asy ifieu is the fact that they wast to guzzle down abont a beers all at once. Tee Board of Health fcave selected Best week as cleaning week, bet we hops they clean ns ail onj Bcosey.

You zay say what you ass about 3 dinner, bnt tbicg is certain co CiDnsr is complete witaoai somslfciag to eat. When yoa ate engaged ia the lauda occapatioa of pashinj a baby iage don't pssh is all over ins yon cbasca to meet. Tee ctara is sort of re'atioa to the oyster, bnt fce is not as wealthy ss Tie oyaler. The parlsses more of the mature of aa oid salt. A rsosqnito.

waea be is, is, all over. He never gels the bines, but is ever on tbe wing, haasxing Ultie ta-efal lay, and Jaying for a the Piflerecee is tn the Two Leading bystems of Lighting. Visitors to the engine room of the Ches ter Electro Ligh' and Purer Company hear the and "arc," aril indeed all ess the aie familiar the but vesj few tue relative properties, in'i why of cne is comparatively vhi'e tue other dea'-j our i to any toiich'3ij ihe wires Tbe JEneraciou of cnrreu; ia both syiiean is substantially ihesatue. bo'hsuppUid by a wbich of a powfcifsl electro magnet, mo poles of which another cias'-iet yoives. The rapid oi one tuagtset iu tus presence of the other geac-ratea tlec'r'c in tha one, from which i' di? through coaductive to tbe The dynamos, six in nambcr, used by the Chester company, are of thBE.liaou pattern, and.

light by the mean process, 'fie glass globes used cuutain lilauisuts of carbou, maiie by carbonizing thin threads of bauibjo, aud tbe current generated aever escseits a certain intensity, being merely great enough to overcome tha resistance ofiered by the carbon in the lamps. The unit of snch pressure is called a "volt," aud the highest intensity reached by the current generated by these dynamos does not exceed 110 up matter how rapidly the may revolve, or how niAny dynamos are kept at work. Hence no danger' can arise, even by handling the naked wires, while with the arc system, where currents of high pressure are employed, great care must be eseroioad in handling the wires. The arc system diiFers radically from the incandescent Instead of a small thread of bamboo, there are two pencils of carbon, the points of which are op posite each other, bat separated by a space about a qusrter of an inch. When the dynamo Is set in motion the light is produced by the jumping of the current from one pencil to the ether, thus forming what is called the "voltaic arc." The jumping is effected by maintaining a high pressure, and as all arc lumps ara placed in the path of one conductor, or in series, the pressure of the otmenc tnnst bs very great to drive it through all the lamps and back ta th-j dynamo For inetaace if there are forty arc lights in a circuit and a.

pressure of fifty volts ia needed to operate one light, a pressure of two thousand volts would he needed to keep all the lights burning. Ia the system as arranged si the works of the Chester company this troa- ble is overcome by a very aitnple, yet efi'eotive device, the lamps bding' placed in what is known in electric parlance as tha "multiple arc." Both tho outgoing and tho incoming wires are tapped and tbe light placed between. This arrangement givea the current a chauce to return to the as all the lamps require the same degiee of electrical to biing them up to incandescence, the pres sure ib not multiphtd according to the number of lanjp-i. A cold chill down the back of the visitor as he -watches the operators grasp the pules of the dynamos with naked hands asd. touch all parts of the swiftly moving machine, but thsrs is ao danger to life.

Tl'6 human body offers resistance of 20,000 units, and as only a pressure of a little over a hundred naita is letssry to bring tbe carbons to iiioa-n- debceace no one ba hurt by the currant, as it is hardly perceptible to the touch. 'The Edison light," says Sir. Cochran, the manager, "is free from all danger from fire. The lamps otnit BO very little heat that; the most inflammable material wil not be ignited when brought in close con tact. Soonld a lamp be broken while burning, the filament is consumed at once by contact with the atmosphere.

To avoid all danger a safety catch, or onfc off, is supplied, by Mr. Edison, and sboaJd the conductor become overcharged, tkis im mediately the flow of the currant through the dataaged portion." tioa in the It eeruuuiy Editor Smitli or Murton Is Arrested by an HoSi-1 San. The TIHKS Media correspondent W. Suirh, editur of the Morten Cbro wa-i arre-ted jes'er i.v oa the cbartT" of Hbci, on tceoatti of How- art'i. and in bail for a on M-uii-y usil i'tie HbeJ is the of too article, Thrf ip- of comtnaaic OLi to.

of r'-Uiujry 4 very j.Hiut?u uiaiks ibout "Tue Htjri AT JO-C iKAva'th proprietor a lies viiitf, I i 'avtrn I to Oud as Lin' i i i i a wj a', ci Mrs were wiiiiS KS Ma the proprMor ot "The Ha-' Liii.e was the lea i In lentinc n. 'im-r, at tae hands u. ci.iy Lvtcre tho jroprkior otlbSs two to at ice hiia. at wor-. he ot thtia lo arlnk flru-eu or liquor oueot tue men nailed vent home, wiiere te lell on the aul j's ne was ijolcs: to ale.

Uis wiw allii DrillL 'Ul 11 UUCLOT ILlld lilt) irleat, aud sent to the school rai her cliilaren to come iti tee their rather ht tor- he aied. thu doctor ana tho vrlest arrived tbey ound man dead drunk. Joun fltwarih Irib Of en liC'-iiSTa ow atd the pitce Is be- omlni iiotorlo-b ror Before ho ota license John Howarin was aned tor liquor lllet Allj AN OBSKHTEK sversl parties have asked if this sketch be trne Ciu Editor Smith be beW for libel. 1'tie law on the suljvct reada: "It is imma- rial at comainn law, witU respect to 'Sseuee of libel whether the matter ua or false, since the provocation and not the filaity of the thing is to ba pnu- ahed." And: "Wuere a man publishes a writing which upon tbe face of it is libelons, the aw prebumea that he dees so with tbat malicious intention which constitutes an rffsnse, and it is unnecessary on the pare ot the prossecutioa to give evidence of any circumstance iroin which malice may be infered." This law, however, does not fit the case recently wou by tbe Philadelphia Daily Sews against a man Thornton, who IM.S exposed as keypitig a low drinking place at Ninth and Arch -stree's. The subhcafcioa was sbown to bo true and a verdict givtm for the paper.

TUB SEW WATfilt 1 The Washington Ball. Thsngh last night provod very yet the firteesth snaual ball of the Wain ington Literary Associatioa. in Nationa Hall, was a very encoessfnl affjir. Thf attendance was good, and long before the hour for the grand rnarci the seats in the hall were taken np by ladies and gentle- It was after 9 o'clock when Granc Condmctor Frank Scott, a lady appeared at the head of the column, anc while the band a march, the line moved through tke winding fifnrea the preliminary promenade. A qnadrille followed, dancing was continued til long after midnight, closing with a galop and racquet.

Sir. Scott was ably aseistec in hie by Floor Managers Nothnagle Jehnson, Tayntor aad Sample. There wera many graceful dancers on the floor during the revelry, and among thwa attracting particular attention were Mr Birkmire Miss Welsh, of South Chester. Bayonet Flushes. Blitz Fergy held an auction sale of the articles contained ia their handsome fconctonir last after drill and the treasury IB sonaewhat replanished fromi the isale.

Blitz makes a auctioneer "Going, gaing, yon all Haod in yonr smal" change Cadet 111, who ad part of his fiager taken off while on artillery drill some time ago, was on drill yesterday agaia. Cadet 31 no donbt enjoyed his trip to Philadelphia, but he has since regretted it very ranch. Don't fool with the buzz saw. The Philadelphia Press is the moat popular morning among the cadats the academy, while the CHESTER TIMES is a great favorite ia tke afternoon. Assortment of Fans.

Mcwra. Volfehardt Bros have jnst received a large importation of J'aBs consisting of paloi leaf, Japanese, mikado anc toand painted fans from two cents They also have a larae assortment of saop piBg wort aed Innch bassets from 10 cenlg np. Large Sale of Saprior Furniture. George Baser sells, the entire lot of fnrniicre, carpets, household goods and superior horses, carriages, harnes vtc of Samuel A. Dyer, at his residence, North Cheater The articles are of the best throughout, and will be open for inspection, regularly catalogued, in a few davs.

Still on a Strike. The rivet bojs at Roach's shipyard are still en strike for an advance in wages, and iu coBsequence no work can be done by the riveters, who are compelled to ba idle. The coa-pietinTi of tbeBrazijisaLi-e steamship will be as las work of tiveting the places has tsen suspended. A Post Bt- Jobn Brown Post, Grand Araay of the Republic, will give an enterta'niEeat ia Kepner'sHall, Third and xrnin streets, on Friaav evening r.est. Te Pet; participate ia the Deceratiors Day eere- AMspluy ot Grace.

Officer Gleanan can rids on the rear platform of a horse car with the grace ot a Apollo, but; it is when he gets oil' that displays his figure, to the best advantage. Yesterday morning the night policemen went off dutv, Officers Kobinsou rt Isickorson janipud on a passing car, and just as thio act was performed the former tapped Mr. Glennan playfully with his fist. Tbe polieemaa jumped oa the rear platform aud engaged in a little byplay "-with Mr. KickersOB, bnc in stepping uack be stepped off the car.

what happened nest no ane couUl tall, as thers was a streas ot blue and the next minuta a policeman had a position of ro- pose along tha curbstone. Air. Glennan waited for the next car. Looking for a Commissary Koom. An effort is being made by tho Yonrjg Women's Christian Temperance TJuioa to provide ratreshmeuts for those who participate in tho parade on- Decoration Day.

Tho Seventh Street i has bten suggested, bnt it is net positively known that the building can bo secured, as a party hds bsen negotiating ibr its leate. The vonDg women desire to get a placa on the first story, when it will be convenient for the toen to after the proce-sion re- tnrns irom the csmotery. They are afraid that if some building oft' the line of march is.tafcpn tho men will not atop for the lemonade and cake, bnt visit the saloons and become intoxicated. An Afllictcti Family. The household of Obarlea McSowaa, in Upper Chichester township, was again in gloom yesterday by the death of his second eldest daughter, a promising girl 13 years age, just blooming Into womanhood.

This ia the second death in his family within two weeks, and his second eldest sea is also prostra ted by sickness. The disaass is of the typhoid type, all the family being more or" less nftected, and it is supposed to be dne to some impurities in the water they drink. Mr. HcGowas lives on the Todd farm, is know throughout the Chi- oaestera enjoying the confidence ol all his neighbors, wko greatly sympathize with Mm in his at ssj MsCsrd-, vTetbeTill fc Company's office, 3 pes in Wilmington and begin ais oa Monday, Eeiief ana ef tareat and Icag oiseases. FOSTAETE'S CCRZ is gBarsaisac! to cere a cold in IZ Sold by Seed's Pharmacy, I oa streets, Soata Kotes.

The spring inspection of arms and ac- contremtnts Company Sixth Regiment, will take place Monday evening in the armory, Market street Bear Fifth. This is the first inspection of the com mand since the fire- The encampment of the Sixth Regiment is to take place in the delightfully hot month of July. The fiae martial reviews of Camp Elwym will not be witnessed this Tear, as the treopi will not camp in "brigades. The prospects for rebuilding the armory are net very bright. The boys are watching the City Hall project with interest.

Caught, il the Bain. The rain storm cams rather unexpected ly yesterday and a number of people were caught without protection from tbe storm. A Third street merchant was confident the day was going to be bright and sunshiny until evening aad occasion to drive t-sn miles into the country ia an rDeu wagon. He waa ac tha farthest peint from home when the rain began falling, and had an opportunity of enjoying the weather for two hoars. Though causing individual discomfort the rain was hailed by many with joy as the ground was getting dry and im need of water.

Improvements on Concord Avence. The block OE CofScord ftvesnt, between Fourth and Minor streets, has undergone a great deal of improvement during the laat year. It is tbe only square ia the city i entirely filled with stores. John G. ilose- ley, the grocer, has improved his storeroom, i Reuben has erected brick bnildmg adjoicir-s, with tae front for a sbos btore.

TV'illisia Beck, who bas the corner bni'fiing at Fourth street, has lately had his place adorned by adding a mansard roof First of the Season. Tee season ol strawberry festival is drawing near and Larktn Circle, Xo. 66, Brotherhood of the Union, puts itself on' record as the first society engage in tie oastiaie. The of feast has" not filed, nor the place, bat it is quite likely that Kroner's Hall will ba angaged. Extract of a Report by tae President cf the Corporation.

At the suanal meeting of tbe of the IJPW Greater Company the ivlluvrtug aad Board of Directors elec'ec: Frfbiueut-- Dr. J. Ii. Korwood. 11.

Sillier. Buek Saptncteuuent--Johu Dntton. Counsel--Hon. Directors--1'r. J.

L- Kor-iood, W. ililier, Duttou, Joseph i 1 Deliver, iyoao Buek. Tho annual rop rt of the Pnsideut, olhur thing-, t-iiiu. c.iui- LIIV had entorul uito a contract with iijiie lor the construction of au entire ue plant to tin- uf ct'V of Chester aii 1 tho adjoining bor- with puro but ast Septem- ler a suit was ttsjam-t, the new company by the Sou'li Waril Water Coui- uny to prevent the new company troai 'Uteriui; the city limits. i'ue ca-e was heard by llou.

Thos. J. Jlaytou, who rendered an exhaustive op'niou upon the cluims of tha old coai- pauy and n-f to grant a preliminary njunction against the new company. The case was carried to the Supreme Court by Che South Ward Water Company aud was cot reached by th? court at the February term. This caused delay in the completion of tho new company's works.

"Atwr the organization of the new com jany every honorable proposition which could be made had beou offered to the oid company to join with the new company lor the pnipose of giving the city aud the joronghs a eopioui supply of pnre water. All proposals were rejected, aud while the old company did uot seem to be financially able to do this withiu itself, it was contesting the right ct any other company to do it "All propositions to the South ward company had been withdrawn aud all negotiations had ceased. The new company would now devote its effurts to the completion of entire new works, withont any canard to the old plant. The caae would be fought through the Supreme Court. It mattered very little what the decision was, as the South Ward Couiapauy, if municipal, (which ia tbe claim it sets up,) burely cannot be municipal beyond its chartered limits, which ara the Suuth ward.

It therefore cuonot prevent tbe new companies from occupying the other two wards of the city and the boroughs. 'The offer to leasa or combine with the S-jath ward company was from the iirst, thought to be the proper thing to do, that it might not be said au organized effort had been resorted to, which would -aeu the securities of that company, in meeting the general demand on the part of the people for a- greater quantity of pure water, both lor lire aud domestic purposed. Yat these oflois were rejected almost as insnlts. There is nothing left fur tbe new company to do bnt to baild a new (system. "It is trna that the old company holds than as it is snpplying wafer iu all thiee of the wards of the city, in fqaity or ou its merits, it should bo pi tooted by tho coiirtw.

This might be so, if. it were giving the people wnter in snob quantities aud quality as they demand. But it ia not doing this, but re- fabiDK to extend its pipes and pleadiug its inability." "A company that will rofuse to extend its pines to hundreds of henses and charge rates the old company does is a lama concern to ask anything on it mer- rita The County Companies are not in any way connected with Tha New Chester Water Company. THE STKIKE AT UU Workmen Witut the of Where 1'hev I'taise. The employes of John B.

RfcoxU'a it Brother's three cotton mills at -nui are still ou strike, the dillictilties between the aud the workmen a i adjssited. A churl time ago, thioiigii tho efforts of a committee the Executive Board, Kuijjhts ot Lalwr tLo working tiiut was riuuced to teu bouis -mi it ibougbt the other truable oali! soon be iu .1 a a i'be trouble uow IM over the compulsory features of butcbor aud grocery by tir-u. of paid iu urcers the men a d.jliuo to aoooad to Aa euiplojo of Leutii mills ssid last euiiis that the crder tbeir I'xput 8n were greatly increased. ciii-ijot aoj money, or at leasst not us much us could li cash was paid as," he httid. "We orders ou the More and thus ara obl'gfd t.o deal there and pay uiord for our necessaries ail at uu uiLtt'i.

pLuco. I uia ib vii.ul we want changed aud I ask is it an unreasonable demand! Is it asking too much that we permitted buy where we can do the best with our monejt" Tke hands fi'ol that au honorable comprise will bo efl'uctcd and that they will soon be at work- There eeemi to ba a differeaco of oprnum ns to ordered the strike. Some of tbe opbrativcs say that there was a guneral cessation of work as soon as the result of the ouufeteuce was known, while others tuy Unit tho fixecn- tive Board gave the order. About hve hundred hands are employed. Death ot a former Chester Woman.

Tha People's Goveramout, a weekly journal published at North Platte, announces in ita issue of Saturday last, the death of Mrs. Lucy Hawley, wife of John Hawley, on April 23. Miss Hawley, nee Miss Luoy McDonald, formerly rasidad in Chester. She was born ou Samba Islusd, off the ooasi of NOTH Scotia, and came to Delaware county with her parent- 1 when she 14 years of age. In 1S73 she was married to Mr.

Hawley, who for eight years was engaged in tbe baking business in this city. From Cheater they moved to Nebraska, first going to Plum Creek, Uawson connty, aud then to North Platie. A lliiilroiid Kumor. Now that the bridge of tbe Baltimore and Philadelphia Katlroad Company, over the Susqnehanua river, is completed freight trains will soon be traveling over the new line. It is said that connection will be made with the Philadelphia and Reading railroad near the Chester Oil Company's worka, and that frieght will then go to Philadelphia and New York via the Junction and Bound Brook routes.

Tbe Reading lately purchased a large tract of land between the Chester Oil Works and Marcus Hook, and rumor says that a large wharf i be erected there fur the joint use of the Reading and Baltimore and Ohio companies. Tbere is every facility for largo wharves at that point. The new bridge over the Snsqnehanna is one of the finest structures of the in America. With its approaches it is 6,346 S7 teet in rents OB stone piers. The longest is 520 There'is a distance of 90 feet clear between the lowest part of the bridge an high watar, at the through channel span, for the passage of vessels.

A Hfetinj PostpOKed. The rain with the meeting of ths YOTEg JvntTT of the City Presbyterian Caorca last evening, and the exercises wera cat oTraicg to tae sanail attendance. Oa Friday next- lecture will giveo'by Dr. C. W.

deLancoy. A Fo-tpoaenent or Cricket. Tbe aaexpecttd Caaoge jn tie weatber sas canned a in the opening game of cricSet, asnoasced to take place Ibis afternoon oa the cricket groacds, Tweifth and Upland good was expected. tverj sse taie, litttt BOW S3! Militiamen at Home. Company placed a sew Haines np- right piano at tbeir keadquarters yesterday.

The instrument is of a very fine tone and will be need at the camp fires, receptions and dances of the corps. Tbe ante-room to the right of the stairway will be used as a parlor, while the main hall, sitnated front, is used for drilling and social meetings. The rooms are lighted by electricity, newly papered and painted and present a very attractive appearance. The kail is not Jarge enough for drilling in Haovemeats, except of the rudimentary order. LETT anil Lawlessness.

Rev. Dr. Mowry will preach a to morrow evening in tbe First Presbyterian Cbnrch tbat will attract thinking people. His fenbjtct will be, "Law or law- nessnesa--wh'ch shall reign in America!" His morning bnoject will be "Christ and the SEfferine." There is an awakening of fpiritnal interest in the First Chnrch, and there is sn indicatiea that a more prosperous tban anj in the past is coming. The pastor it a popnlar preacher and is justly considered one of the finest pulpit orators in Chaster.

Tbe roosic it excellent and with the fina organ ,.11 will combine to make tho services of special interest to-morrow. A Chester Foundry A. D. Gordon haa a weil appointed establishment at his foandrv on Fifth street between Upland and streets. The building was recently erected and has a capoia that rriiFenaBle him to cone with large qnaatities of work.

Mr. don is doing considerable work narties ia this city as soon as the.labor iroaWes sabside expects to get a large order of car brasses. A Prize Game. Or.e of the games of ye olden tyroe was played at Rising Snn tbe other A picked nine was formed to ths boys of West XottiOgbaa Academy and the contest Ia a snort time the boys demonstrated their superiority knocking the ball in all At the eni of the ninth iiiciug to 21 in favor of the academy. in faca, a.

jrottsr utrami Killed at Ann Jfc'Jae, a woman CO years tf age. was jviiied by 3D express iraia at Chiton yesterday. The blew his whistle, bat. Mifs McCse kept 03 tbe track aatiJ bit by tha esgir.e. Her arias, legs olcer banes were broken.

An ssoaett held by Coroaer rsiri.mb. Lccal Sews la LUUe Sn.sgets. Rsv. T. D.

Jester, pastor ef the Middletown Caarcb, has dec.dt.J to deciise the call ext-ended to him by tbs Wes: Xauiaghan Cbcrca. 1 A Sew Bridge ut llilrd Street. The Connty Commissioners mado au examination of Tliird.street bridge yesterday and disonsaed plans for erection of tke new structure. It is de-sired to begin work as soon as the water is warm unongh to permit the men to work in it, so it is not likely that innch can be dono before Juno. As the street ia so narrow the problbui of building tbo bridge wider is one thut has proven difficult from the start.

Even with the present width tbe sidewalk on tbe south tide is deflected, and thongh a slight deflection in. the suruu di- lection exists on the South ward approach en the north bide, the angle is not gtoat. Art on the liill lioitrtls. Some of the handsouitbt lithographs that ever adorned Chester bill boards were put np this week for J. C.

Ayer Company, Lowell, by R. A. Tor- reiico. The pictures are by Strowbridgu, and the art displayed is noteworthy. Souie tbe viaws are reproductions oil paintings aud are singularly lifalikB, and axuoed iu oxpresaiou the usaal paste.

Mr. Torreuce has also potitod aoma very artistic ill natru ted paper for Enoch Morgan's 'iho numerous bill boards throughout the city, being thus ornament- eel, cauaea Chester to present the appearance of an immense tirt gallery. THE CW.M1- Arrested for Jsmulug ou the Cars--i Itad Practice. The Mfcdig Borough line makes a bee liue through the Chsstout houie lawn jest above tlie railroad bank. Ollicer Kdward Oltey arrested two Touiig men at the named Q'liuoy liajor, for juiuptug on the cars -idiug while the latter were m-; shiftrd.

Tha fslkiws weie dly liijihtoued when uolUred by tho otlicor iut tliuy were taken luto bap-jr-m- teudeat Loiigo's offici- wheie Mr budse sfter a StlnU reproof, ansi the the of folly ulion-ed 'iu to alter they ha.i promised not to oti'uidiu iiko in tho future. Tee i thiufc tbat jaiopnig on tue "just for a rido 1 waa uu oileuse iiinht: but it. atid who attempt it here uear tho Modiu depot iu i probably diroover tho cold fuot, if t'uey are iguoraut of it at present. GuiiriHug Whole Ward. Sflioer John uikn Imii b.ieu on tke sick list lor a low dujn, uud Utli Jer Mor- riouu tins been patrolling a beat in the Middle ward.

This loaves the entire South want nuiler the watchful yuiilauce of Po- licetuiui Nobblit. OtlicerNubbht is obliged make himself very numerous in order to tbe entire district. The I'roiicT Boycott. BDITOH CIIKSTKB'IIHI-S: tlie boycott (joes out o( fashion a great deal ot Kood would Le accoiupliblied the young; utoa aud buya on sin eta wi 1 boycott their protauliy, aud the girls Chester, May Onr readers are requmicd to use Salvation Oil for all puiuu. It is sure oure.

Price 25 cents. "For forms of government let fools contest." For ordinary life it is enough to know thut Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup cares coughs uud colds. Phllaaolphta, on Flftti day. by 1'rlenuV ceremony, J.

11. MeiKiettail. ot llowellville, Delaware ana Amy, daughter of Jackson Balcor, ot the Hume lace. SMITU--HENBERSON--At ttio ot the Driae, ou By Kcv. j.

w. Kudolph, bmltli, ot CliMter, to MlssKuiuia Hoiuleriou. ot Avondalo, 1'a. at tlio Media Baptist pirsouuiro. oy KCT.

K. Patton, Albert G. Ucary, of NetUer ProvWence, ana Miss Neille or Media. VoDNOiiLnoB--On tlio i2d Alice Ttung- olooa. ot uonwrdvlHo.

CJOINS InNi-tlier on tho 2J Inat, Josiu Qulnn, ugeu" ft years. otllca Boy at Chester Steel Casting Lamokln stitlon. AUER KKAHT Lnncii at tue scale Douse. Ail are Invited to puruke I hereof WJU. H.

WILL.lA.Ma, 1'roprlotor. --A Hft'ltl. Tlie owner caa have It br JQ calling in tMO TIUKS oitluo provlns prop crty and paylusfor this advortlsctueut. AKE 'NOTIOE--The Saratoga Assembly will glvo tlielr HrhC orranil Hop In Natloiiil Hall to May 8tlt. Tlulccts'JS cents.

I HAVE inoaoy to loan on First Mortgage in any sums above O. B. DICKINSON, Attoruoy-at-Law, Market Square. Leads but Rcvcr loliovra. Since the Ten Per Cent.

Clothing Hoaet has been located in Chester it has demonstrated that it but never follows, aud that the prices for clothing of all kinds is of lowest. There ia a large stock to select from and all who want suits clothing will find things to suit, them at the store No 8 West Third street. TJUKK'S CCMC relieves ia 12 bj PfearKScy, Gouil Herring Season. herriog season this your is reported in flourishing condition, the catch being vory large. Invoices daily come Haver-de Grace at 10 to 25 cents a for large Sailing Other Waters.

The tug Protector has taken the Commission's to the Breakwater. Sue will continue stocking other with shad. Folly. Babiea are allowed to goffer and scream with pain from colic, when one dose of Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup will remove the canae.

25 cents. A quarter of a century's constant use proTea the value of Day's Horse Powder. Twenty-five cant.n If thure'e anything in tha "survival of the fittest" Dr. Bull's Bultimore PillBmnst be "counted iu." TWENTY TEARS of suffering from Catarrh and Catarrhal headache I never found anything to afford lasting relief until I tried Ely's Cream Balm. I have used two bottles, and now consider my Catarrh cured.

I have recommended it to several of my friends with like good D. T. Higginson, 145 Lake street, Chicago, 111. Scott's Emulsion of Pure Cod Liver OU, with Hvpaphosphltcs. Is Kemarteaoio 03 a Fleali Producer.

The Increase or flesh and strength. Is perceptible Immediately attor commencing to use the Emulsion. The Cod Liver oil emElslUed with the la most for its healings strengthening, and ncsh producing qualities. Sudden Changes. Changes of temperature are apt to occasion dangerous atTectlons; In the apoplexy Is to he reared- All.

Doth young and aged, should have BKAN-pRETn's PH.I.S ready; they soTer-f a the head, are dizzy, otherwise affected, three to tea, cording to bulk of Individual. Tn tiventy-roTir hours, or less time, you will be content. Constitutions nllte. Vertigo, dizziness and itaia can commonly when Imparity ID the Wood Is too touch for "the life" in ns to carry without a. simple.

And It Is th Is straggle I1LJ.S 13, snfl ao are K3.S.3 wSsn you inertly Uiis iSTrtj Impurities fromtisWood. Henry A. Mott, F. C. Prof' Chemistry, New York Medical College and late Government Chemist, s.iyg: "Sly in- vrtisatioa of Allcock's Porous Plaster gbows it to contain valuable and eesential ingredients not present in any other plas ter.

These ingredients are sn perfect pro thai rti3 A'loock'a Porous Pias- ter not cause blisters or excessive irritation: and I bed Ji superior to and more efficient las- STSV other Imitations ooasterfeit? of Jbis va3aa- fele are offered for fo waen pnrchasicg Alicock's Porons Piasters do not fail to sse thai the registered trade-sark stsrn? 55 on each plaetar. as nose are genuine witbosi it. otapsco Flour Is the Best, Healthiest and Cheap est flour that can be used. WHAT Sold T. D.

Finegan. PUBLIC SALE, I have kad placed im my hands for sale the Emtire Stock Superior Parlor, Bitting Boon. Hall, Dimimg Boom, Library, Charmer Kitchen Furniture, Oarpets, Paintings, Pictures, Driving Horses, Carriages, Phaetom, Sleigh, Harness, saddle and Bridles, Stable Fixtures and Lawn Implements, Samuel A. Dyer, Esq, and will sell the same at his residence, North Chester May 20tk. The articles are of tke best throughout aud having sold place to gfve immediate I am instructed to close the entire lot without reserve.

Catalogues giving a filler description will be ready im a few days, aad notice given when parties will have privilege of examining the gotds. GEO. BA.KEE. PUBLIC SALE 1NV1NQE i WILL convince yon 4K the wonderful properties combined la HOOD'S SAESAPAUILLA, if the remarkable cures that have'bcen effected by its ose fafl to impress upon yocr mind this repeatedly j.rou'nlact? Thousands are using it, and all declare that it is a meat- cine possess- flBf I I I 3li aa CNCII more than we claim tor it. V.y friend, il you are sick or ia that condition that you cannot call yourself either sick or well, go and get a bottle of HOOD'S SAftAf AKIU.A, ami realize yoiirssll how this medicine hits the right spot, and puts' ail the machinery of your body into working order.

From the Registrarof Deeds for Middlesex County, Northern District. LOWELL. MASS. MESSRS. C.

I. ITooD Gentlemen-It aiiords me much pleasure to recommend HOOD'K SAKSAIMKILLA. My health has been such thai for some vears past 1 liavo IKVII utilised to take a lome of some kind in ihr-fT'njm, jtjri foTiiv! p.nvihinjr that lilt my a.s your Sarsajiarilla. ft tunes up my system, purifies my Wood, sharpens my appetite, and seems to mo over. Kesneetfully yours.

J. i'. THOMPSON. One of our prominent business men said to ns the other day: "Inthe spring mywite got all run down and could not eat anything; passing your btore I saw a pile of HOOD'S SAKSAI-AUILLA In Use window, and I bottle. After she had been taking it a week she had a rousing appetite, mid it did her everything.

She took three bottles, and It was thu best three dollars I ever Invested." Hood's Sarsaparilla. Sold by all druggists. Price SlabottleL or six bottles for 55. C. I.

HOOD CO- Apotlieou-les, Lowell, WUHTS 4RFKT1 with small capital. Vc HUtn I ruk.mrKe prolix, 30 day oiler, write at once. EMI'IUS SSI Cmal M. ANTKD-- An girl tor general housework; small family; Apply tula office. ANTBD-AS oxperieacK! wmte jriri lot family.

Apply 2S5 Third street. wheelwright, go short dla- tanculn me country. single mm pre- errol. Enquire at ANTED-- A good to take chirgo of ttBU sick woman; not mich work. Apply BIB Eiist jcighttt street at onca.

nig piecers on woolen mules; ulgur, work; goad wages. Hose Valley MU13, Keillor I'rovldance ANTED-- A eood plrl tor general houss- work. Apply at 19J7 ThlrdatroeC.Mautn. Cheater. ANTED-- King trams spinners, one alub- uer t-inuor, oaa draivinjj trama teaaor; families proterud.

Apply '124 W. Fittk Btrest. vyTANTED Btrl (or sen- enil tiousoworK. To go to tho country- near Hartford, for ntontha. Koter- ouces required.

Apply at this ofgca. 10O 8 montas' steady work, On JElOOD, BONBRIGEIl'3 GO'S Building, corner Elev.mth aad Mireetatraets PlillaUeipltlu. Good Apply ttonco. ALLEN a. it hKB.

Contrnotor and Builder. No 123 wal me St. SPECIAL JLBASiNT rooms wltu board. No. 400 gtreot.

OH ot a wull established oon- tccuoiiery atora ipplysoa SJgmontava. OH 2 horsaj aud Llnd car- rlag-o, nearly OR SALlt-Dar uo-se, 16 high; gea- tie, lady can rtrlre 7 years old. Glrr Motel statues, Ckoater. By Tlrtus ot an ordor from the Court Common Pleac or Delaware PtnnirlvaDlii, the Tfin-VJll public oa tao premises, Ia towasblp In the Stia connty, Cn HoniUy, the 31st Day flay, AT TWO O'CLOCK P. M.

All that certain mill, with fig. you haTS pain several itoiio a zy fevcnsb. rbcnraatlc, or two tra-tBf li: tn IPT, Cnun croet. ny tlie Cle-ter Stsoe, f-qaaie Jos-. or is a real beaasy- Oar Foied Bsttos is aiso a nice aeat sSse.

R. 403 atid -503 Weai Third 3te aveose. "Kathieea of flTill new by JOJCf. P. DOCGKCKTT, -2i VTesi Tkird ESHEUKAS, Expert ID shirts, K3iove5 to U03 CNsssrai street, Ph enulce, boilers and rnme and bounded oy ii Carey Turn- pit" (watch nitis the prooertr.

tun mill aad n.ost or tbe KOBS-S Trent mcreon', By Ltlper'a by laod late of Thomas Had- Uoclc, by lar.fl or Isaac yalan, by land SiTjDi, by lisa IzW: or Jarob Worrall, by cint K. Jtntter, and by Iar.d of cob rontalntnp 24 acres, 3 roods psrch'S, "fl reS'irvIBS a strip of s. it.) etoaa rnllL J4 bj 2 lilca, with OEO sTorr bilcsc aidiuon, about i By 130 on r-om. a row of stone souses, 2 storied, 16 by is ft et. its tKcJnns; two and d-w-Mllng, a 31 feet, a 20 by 30 a r.

By 50 fftft, and trro brick rica or 14 2 siort'i high. SiichsBS T-B 12 by It rc-et, and a stose oise, 36 tiy 21 TBe 53 Is all atw, rni'j 3M orl'i? ksjls-; Wilier, watorif siiilt- rranw-, ascl.) 3 Irxioes-i r.jj; tsr.yc.-s on oi'Hr tu- boxes JK SAljC --A Ilrst new, OvVsnr HAS iMtat 1C. T. UUanum'a Llvarr Stable. 'JR Cattail buds, pillows and bolsters, atSLBJ sst; also catr-aiia ovtaa pound.

TiKQDOAB LiAMPLpaj. Marcus Hook. OH SAL'S (JIISAP Tne stoclr and or a store djlnf good muamesa. Good reason for selling Tiia house, store. stablB ana carrlasca house to lee.

Good chanca loratamlly. Aprly Tiaas omco. rilO i hato money to loss on real tutu security ac nil times, In BUUI.I ruuglcg in amouat iroin taw to tns loweaf current rates or interest. Apply co i. E.

(JOCHRAJJ, 306 Market street. ADIES' Day Sewed Bkoe-i. all grados anil styles, pair. These arc trTM trofu Taotd, Mails vf ui Tkread to kurt ttio leec. and 405 VV.

i'uird au, aaa tiua Aye. OE 1 nrst-class UTO horae fane 1 cart, wooaea axle; natr; 1 cart, Iron axle; new. Both suitable horses. Adaresa AUBIIOSK S. OTTET, AC the old suops Booth's Del.

Co. Pa. ID. or. Boss Grower and Florist, FLORAL AND ferenth Street aid Edgmont ATcnue, Opposite Bural PORTLAND AN8 ROSENDAU CEME WBOLMAUI Sottomlay Husn, two box.

sill r.zfs co tors roicts. two ori' or r.ce too'j, Jir'C rjn tcics. two 4-5p oc-zsi, as Ixsarss. a. very a in roo-S is-; pnrrcT- It JS a Ol carss, S.

K. property, il lie F- w. jt. R. ir.e B.

Tie er two fcncs wj i oJersi ST-X. a el K70UX 15ae ioasiaoas areSWO OSJJ Uie tie a8 caosey saosi. OE paM ia casa ALBSRT A F.ODP, J. C. QBiT'8 "Inaunnoe JL Agency, Marset Squire, Chester.

Pa. Proapt atteatlon to upplloitloa tor tnsni- ince. Policies wrlttan In tBe office; without hlieclil Insurance no sasessruaait notes takes, the Uinr- ed becoiacs ti; payer. Kates Iowa- Ma- rnal Companies. A call at rte due will and Ittotuelr adTasta'-a to Insure The COKpamles repTMeE- te4byaa.

Allcaa-aot rlsS laiea. FiCllines (or llnei or ica-n-aiice. D. R. GAMBLE, Formerly Mtsslcfc.

TpliolsVrcr ot PaTlor SaltOT and Lounges, Cnaln and PerroraMs-l pm la, aid Kurmltun repalrco. aawea .5 csats a ya.7d- 1938 KEIII.IS STREET. log, Marg THS its tairt aprtes n4 A- Clester, wlU a aw seeri of Jasiaa C. Oliver U- JO e3 1SCIt i Tar pa ucilioa, Dvrti jear, r- Wca. K.

Cobras. Having Connected Myself Tstfes Ox, SLKX aaa I wm aai Xeraa sateta. Oeeter. 31. IN EV SPA PERI IN EV SPA PERI.

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