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Adams County Free Press from Corning, Iowa • Page 6

Corning, Iowa
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DO YOU GET i WITH A LAME BACK Kidney TrouBle -Makes You Miserable. Almost everybody who the newspapers is sure to know of ilia cures'2 l-y Dr. Kilmer's Swarnc-Rost. the great kidney, liver and bladder remedy. It is ins grent cal triumph of ihe nineteenth century; discovered a ci ill scientific research by Dr.

Kilmer, the eminent kidney and bladder specialist, and is wonderfully successful in promptly curing lame back, kidney, bladder, uric acid troubles and Bright's Disease, which is. the worst form of kidney trouble. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp.Root is not'rec- ommended for every thing but if you havekid- ney, Kver or bladder trouble it will be found just the remedy you need. 11 has been tested inso many ways, in hospital work, in private practice, among the helpless too poor to purchase relief and has proved so successful in Every case that a special arrangement has been made by all readers of this paper who have not already tried it, may havi a sample bottle sent free by mail.

a book telling more about Swamp-Root and how to find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble. When writing mention reading this generous offer in this paper and send your address to Dr. Kilmer hamtorj, N. -Y. The regular fifty cent-and Home of dollar sizes are sold by all good Don'tmakeanyniistaKo, out remember the name, Swamp-Hoot, Dr.

Kilmer's Swamp-Ron I and tlieaddress.RinliiimptoH.N. on bottle. Largest Printing and Book Rinding merit in Western Iowa Write Us about anything that is too large or too difficult for your printer to handle. Blank Books Catalogues Publications Books, etc. COUNTY AND CITY SUPPLIES -1 Halftone and Color Work The Monarch Printing Co, Council Iowa National Corn Exposition.

The attention of the entire middle west is now attracted, toward the great National Corn Exposition to be held in Omaha, Nebraska, December 9 to 19 inclusive. This coming "Carnival of Geres," which has already gained such wide popularity, is unique in its distinction from the ordinary exposition. Its purpose is the "Betterment of Agriculture," and its aim is to promote this feature in an attractive and entertaining way. A few facts, about this groat show will no doubt interest all our readers. Buildings cover three blacks.

Prixes aggregate over 850,000. A complete model Alfalfa palace. A full line of experiments by the United States Department of Agri culture. Lectures every day. An exhibition of corn, wheat, oats and alfalfa never equalled.

A complete moving picture entertainment showing scenes all over the United States. -Bands, orchestras, parades. Every one in this county who can should attend this great as nothing like it has ever been-seen before and it will be of a vast amount ot good, and consequently needs the encouragement of all. A of exhibitors from this eoutity will be there to show a can be done iu the county. Get in line and help.

TAFT IS IN CONNECTICUT. New Haven, Oct. only way Bryan ever influenced the return of prosperity was by being beaten. That is the way he has brought on prosperity every time. I liope the same method will be continued." This was TaCt's first message to Connecticut today and it was delivered to a crowd which greet ed his train at Stamford.

The candidate was met at the station here and was escorted by several marching clubs to the Second Regiment armory where he delivered an address. Rings Little Liver Tills for biliousness, sick headache. They keep you well. 25c. Try them.

Sold by 13 Ankeny. Sidestepping a moral issue is evidence not of intellectual agility but of moral obliquity. ManZaii CARSON. Miss Sylvia Rodman spent Sunday i her cousin, Mrs. Minna Ilouck.

Mrs. "Hiriim George, of Prescott, visited iv it-h the home folks over last week. Mrs. Jarvis and sons returned i a from i visit to Fontanelle. aid society i meet i Mrs.

Martha Stone this week, to finish i plans for i bazaar and dinner on the third of November. Mrs. Will Rose was a Corning- business visitor Friday. Miss Inez Wheeler has closed her labors at ihe Clyde Giougie home and is at home again. Miss Leona Lang-lass spent three days with her sister, Mrs.

Bean, in Nod aw ay the past week on account ot the illness of her niece, little Jessie Bean. Mrs. 'Hope and Miss TillieHope are expecting-a visit this week from their son and brother, Will Hope, of Washington, D. C. DMr.

and Mrs. Waters, who have visiting- at Havelock, Nebraska, the weeks, returned last week, Miss Leona with Miss Jessie Teagarden. Mrs. Henry Urown and family moved to the Ben house property, just west of the M. E.

church. The teachers are preparing- a program to be g-iven at the school house next Saturday evening-, which will be followed by a box social for the'benefit of the school. All are cordially invited to attend and bring- a box. Victor Dick and family, of Briscoe, visited relatives over Saturday night and Sunday last week. Mrs.

Mary Drake is visiting- her daughter, Mrs. Nellie George, near RHEUMATISM RECIPE. Directions to Prepare Simple, Yet Remarkable Harris Mixture. A welt luUho'rity on i givc-a tho i vahia'nb, though sirrpitj ami harmless, tiorj, whii'h L-ny can easily at Fluid a i ounce; Coraponiid one. Compound Syrup i Mix by a i wall in a bottle, an1 take a terispoonful a mei! a-d at bedtime.

He states that the ingredients be obtained zuy good prescription pharmacy at small cost, and, being of vegetable Extraction, are harmless to take. This ploasant nurture, if taken rw- ularly for a few days, is said to over come almost any case of Rheumatism. The puin end swelling, if any, ishes with each dose, uatil permaaenc results eie obtained, and i iu jurinf tbe stomach. While there are many EO called Rheumatism remedies', patent medicines, some of which do give relief, few really give permanent results, and the above will, no doubt, be appreciated by many sufferers hera at i time. Inquiry at the drug stores of this neighborhood elicits the information that.these drugs, are harrnjess and can be bought separately, or the druggists here will mix the prescription for our readers if asked to.

i STATE NEWS. i M. M. Tnimer, station agent at the I Northwestern depot at Carnarvon, i has brought suit against George I Alien for damages to the sum of for an assiilt committed on October 190S, causing tho plaintiff I "pain, suffering, humiliation and mental ansnish." Trainer's attorney i is B. MeCrary Lake City.

The officers at Ft. Des Moines will j' take steps to secure a chapel for fort. Cant. J. A.

T. Hull is preparing a bill which he expects to introduce in the coming congress aslcing for an appropriation sufficient to build a chapel. The original plans of the fort included a cliapel, but the money wJtli which to build it was never appropriated. W. I.

Denton, a fish peddler of who, on July 30 was struck by an Iowa Central passenger train at the Third street crossing and injured, haas withdrawn an action against the company for $1,000 damages, ana filed stipulations of a settlement. Denton accepts from the railroad company and pay the costs of his suit. The work of promoting the exten sion of the Atlantic. North western fi outhern from Atlantic to Villisca STATE NEWS. the spot.

Stops pain. The Great Pile Remedy. Put up In witK rectal nozzle, SO Prescott. Mrs. Brown, of Minden, Nebraska, and daughter, Mrs.

Abbie Williams, with her daughters Misses Blanch and Eeva, took dinner with Mrs. and Miss Hope Sunday. Mr. McElheney, carrier on route 1 at Carbon, had the misfortune to upset one night last week and bruised his arm quite badly. Neil Smith, Charles Jarvis and Will Burris went coon hunting- Thursday night.

One coon and three opossums were their reward for going-. The superintendent of the M. E. church will preach Thursday evening of tKis week and hold the business session Friday morning, if the weather will permit. The meeting's i be held everj' evening- i over Sunday.

Quite a severe storm for the 'beg-inning- of winter was experienced the past week. Walter Gould and niece, Miss Annie Barker, returned Saturday evening- from Colorado, whither they had been called by the serious illness of Mr. Gould's sister, Mrs. Mertie Turner, who died last Tuesday and was buried Thursday, Mr. Turner and a three days old infant preceded her a few weeks in death.

Mr. Gould brought the other three children home with him. Thecommunity extend their sympathy in this great affliction. CONTINUE TRIP AROUND WORLD Yokohama, Oct. Atlantic battleship fleet sailed out of Yokohama harbor promptly at o'clock yesterday morning to continue its voyage around the world.

The sendoff accorded the Americans as the put to sea, was such a'cele- bration as has never before been heard or seen in a Japan harbor. The harbor was thronged with crowd ed excursion boats that accompanied the fleet out (o deep water. At 7:30 a launch bearing Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs Nacy and other Japanese officials steamed alongside the Connecticut. The Japanese dignitaries were received with a salute from the guns of the Connecticut and the usual marine guard turned out for them when they reach ed the deck Minister Nacy was the bearer of the farewell of the nation to Admiral Sperry. The Japanese of.

ficials returned to Ihei rvesscls and immediately thereafter the Connecticut weighed anclior and heading a long line of American ships in single rank formation, steamed down the past the breakwater harbor and out as the guns of the Japanese fleet thundered the last farewell ot the nation. Wood's Liver Medicine in liquid form for malaria, chills and regulates the liver, kidneys and bladder, brines quick relief to biliousness, sieK headache, constipation. Pleasant to take The $1.00 bottle contains iy, time quantity of tho 50c, size. First dose brings relief. Sold by B.

Ankeny, Pessimism Is the power of entertaining all the aches without eating any of the apples. To those afflicted 'with kidney and bladder trouble, backache, rheumatism- Pinenloa for the Kidneys brings relief in the first dose. Hundreds of people today testify to their remarkable heal Ing and jonic properties. 30 days' trig) $1.00. They i the blood.

Sold by W. Ankeny. Clinton sent some men to Red Oal last week to buy their fine fire team Pac and Pac. They offffered for the team and -would probably gone still higher, but were informed that Pac and Pac were not on the market. Clarence Ohnesorge, 15 years old one of two Dubuque boys -who were frightfully burued by a charge of powder placed in a hollow tree and ignited, in an attempt to blow up the tree, is dead.

His companion has a slight chance for recovery. By a fall on the stairs of the hospital at Hampton, Miss Eva Gibbs, a nurse, and a resident of Mason City, broke her shoulder. She was taken to her home from there and to the hospital at Mason City, where she. is being treated. Governor A.

B. Cummings has notified Dr. C. W. Wassam of the Statf university school of economics that he has appointed the latter to represent this state in the meeting American Prison association at Rpoh- ruond, November 14 to 18.

James French Brannen, one of the oldest residents of East Des Moines died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Rose Huff, at 704 River View avenue, Mr. Brannen was born in Indiana eighty-three years ago, coming to Iowa when still a young man. George Adkins fatally injured in the Williams coal mine, ceven miles'southwest of He had put in two blasts, and only one going off he returned, and -while on the spot the second explosion OCCUK- ed, mutilating him in a terrible manner. The people of Clarinda have the interurban fever and are projecting a line from that city to Tarkio, via College Springs, an inland town of SOO inhabitants, located In the south- Nearly 1,000 feet of eight-men casern part of Page county, about threo miles from the Missouri state line, ing has been received at Herndon for use in the gas well now being put down there.

The manager of the company, C. H. Baker, says that as soon a the caasing is put in place', shutting off the flow of water, the work will proceed rapidly. John Walsh, the champion long distance walker of the United States army, who reached DCS Moines en route to San Francisco, his object point in a. walking contest, was permitted to resume his journey by Judge Stewart.

Walsh was picked up intoxicated. The First Voters' club has induced fhe college authorities at Ames to grant a vacation for the Monday and Tuesday of election week in order that the students may go home to vote. Political sentiment is strong here, and it i likely that many will avail themselves of the opportunity. Messrs. Ridgill and Burns.

Thousands of people have stomach trouble, constipation, indigestion, sink headache, etc and don'c know what to do for it. Perhaps the experience of Mr. Ridgil), postmaster at Bruceville, Texas, and Mr. 'Rams, Wabaah K. R.

engineer, Hemsnt, Illinois, will suggest a method. Both of these men take pleasure in saying that they cured themselves with Dr. Caldwell's Syrup L'epsin. It is absolutely guaranteed to do what is claimed, and if you want to try it before buying, send your address for a free sample bottle to Pepsin Syrup 11!) Caldwell Monti has been so successful in Montgom cry county Hi at the work up to th line of Cass couity i practically- coin pletecl. The work is n'ovs about" to be Jin, in Cass county, first in Noble township and later all along the pro posed line.

Mrs. Ella Reilly las started sui. in district court for damages of $1,000 against Christiansen and Putzler saloon keepers'at Mapleton. tvers in the original notice filed with Sheriff Loper, that the, defendants sold her husband liquor, that the same made him drunk and that lie was forty days in jail at Onawa as a direct result. C.

K. Kennedy, formerly for many years publisher of the Villisca Review, is now publishing the Standard at Fairview, to which place Mrs. Kennedy recently moved from Atlantic. Fairview is a town of about 500 population in an agricul tural, fruit, dairy and sugar beet region about thirty-five miles'southeast of Spokane. The first step in the farmer's war against the alleged farm implement has been taken at Iowa Falls.

The agent of the farmers' combine to. the implement trust at Alden, has just received a carload as- iorted inpendent prices to be stockholders; in the independent factory at lano. Twins have been born to Mr. and Airs. Thomas Chambers of Ft.

Dodge, making five pairs of twins that have. ee born 'to them. The new horn twins, a boy and a girl, are strong and -vigorous, but not so were three preceding pair, who have suffered early death. Twelve children in all have been born to Mr. and Mrs.

Chambers. The new city library at Grinnell been officially named and hereafter it will be known in the archives of the city as the Stewart library The name has been chosen to honor Joel Stewart and to Miss Anna M. Stewart, who not only gave the city building in which is ocated, but have added repairs and mprovements and enlarged the scope of the library itself. At a meeting of the Grinnoll Reail Merchants and Manufacturers' association of Grinne'll, it was decided hold the corn contest January 11. This is a decidedly important event and of a pretentious character.

The business men expect to have In addi- ion a harvest festival and an agrt- cultural short course with lectures by members of the Iowa State Agricul- ural college faculty at Ames. A stray cat jumping the face of Mrs, Gene Standard of Nora Springs likely to blind one of her eyes for ife. Hearing a strange noise in the woodshed, she lighted a lamp and went to ascertain the trouble As he opened the door the cat jumped quarely in her face, the claws of one her feet hitting her squarely in the eye, ripping it so badly that a stream of blood flowed down her face. cello, lllinoin. It la sold by all gists at 50c and $1 a bottle.

drug- Admtfaeln tho UNION-REPUBLICAS The rrreat dilTerfinco hptwaon is mnre likplv ro be in perspiration than inspiration. There may he morn religion in nrninpr an though yrm liked it than in 'raying as though it you. Men will bother little over the readth of your opinions unless you iave, too, depth of convictions. ws tlia Sigr.atnro m' Kind You Have Always BoujjM It's a strange delusion of many that Sod can have no new thoughts when nee they have spoken. FOH YOUWG OB OLD THZ BE4T PJlt BOLD Kings Little Liver Fills F.

M. Widner, Pres. NO. 2 9 3 B. Newcomb, Cash, CORNING, IOWA, A Quarter of a Century of Successful Banking- U.

a. DEPOSITARY. We have placed more Farm Loans southwest Iowa. than any other agency in L. P.

ROLLINS GENERAL BLACKSMITH Wagon, Plow Work; and: Repair Work of all kinds. Steel Gates made iu any leugtb. Give'me a call when iu ueed of in 'my. liue. Satisfaction gaaianteed.

Remember the place, the old W. L. Church stand. DO YOU WANT TO BUY-SELL OR EXCHANGE ANYTHING IN THE WAY OF Real Estate? Kindly call at my office with Meyerhoff Gibson up stairs on the west side of Main street. p.

M. MCCLELLAND CORNING, IOWA. KAMI International Live Stock Show Chicago, November 28 to December 10 The Live Stock event of the year. New and strikingly interesting features. i National Corn Exposition Omaha, December 9 to lp One of thegreatest exposition with a purpose." Every farmer interested iu improving the yield and quality of his farm products should attend this exposition.

Ask nie for pamphlet giving reasons why you should go. Ask for railroad rates and information. J. STRANAD, Agent C. B.

Q. R. R. 1 Hit By Lightning but Unhurt. Struck by lightning, yet alive to- ay to tell of Iter.

terrifying and niir- culoiis experience is the wonderful ccurrence that happened to the 9- daughter of David Shifflett, iving southeast of Afton. The indent occurred Sunday afternoon dur- ng a vain storm, in her uncle's ham vhere a numher of the ShiCflett chil- had gathered to play during tho ain. The lightning struck the roof jf the barn and descended to the- ground splitting massive timbers on ts way. The little Shifflett girl was landing, or rather stooping in the doorway, holding an open piirapTcin aut under ttio eaves to catch the rain hat rolled off tho roof. The lightning apparently struck her at the lips, for every shred of the garments ihe wore below that point was strip- cr from her body.

Her stockings and slcirts were torn into shreda and iei- shoes were slit wide open and erlced off her feet. The ntrolce left her unconscious, but after a few minutes she revived and was unhurt, not even being burned bad enough to be Sentinel. Judge Emil McCIain of the supreme court and his son, Donald McCIain, attorney, have returned from their' European trip, sailing from New York July 4, Donald McCIain ha returned to Des Moines to resume his practice of law. Judge McCIain will return in time-to sit with the supremo court. $1000.00 Given for any mbstance jurious lo health found in food ruulting from the use of Calumet Baking Powder i.

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