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The Daily News from Lebanon, Pennsylvania • 1

The Daily Newsi
Lebanon, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Awl 'IV Daily NVwf i Hah tht-IrjrcHt I'mM ion iu Lelmiioii. Tin? Viigi Tlut NYver Tin NVy Willi! Mi. I For Sale LKHAXOX. TllirnsilAV liVliXIXd, 1IMI7. I'IWKoni: TO THE SUNNYiSOUTH.

HORSE RAN AWAY. REGISTRY LISTS ARE IN. IED. Z. HAZARD I LIQUOR ACEN GOLDEN ROD llellJll Wu IhlOMH (tut Mle l.rl ami Hinlili Are i'nj lint a Trl.

Mumps MtM Moist, of nmr Hurst's ltd 111 ii Mrtile T.liiv riiurii w.ii 1, .1,,, CITY CHURCH RE-OPENIIIG RAni RPiiiQrn of i hii le, Or. A. .1. Jti Igi tlKuicl In on Wi-dm-uLu feei a I I ESCAPE WEDDING unun uhuiulu; Uly lit I bo 1 limin. i liy "I link mill wun film II mil nf Ih.l I'Hily Wltlmut Nilnlumii.K hpiIiiii.I M.ll.

mid SiiiIHi. of MMw.iy. till Iiiip mi Motiil.iy for ru Mended tup tile Millll tl lH Upending tiiiin- 1 1 ikk Wiirliinifiiiii, mhl vWtliiK rrli. ill hiuI relative III HKV-ii a I part of Virginia, will lu tilKr I hi Jhiiihioh mill IVawliii Mil ii mi inn 1 Id imn lii.nli. by Ihe Ittiiliy u( lily Vi.tvr wt.

(nil 1 11 1 flii.illy tl lit 11 lli.i tint, H'tilit: of Hie ln luiifiili. Hciiiir Se Met Willi Aeeiilellt oil llie Cornall Leliaiioii Siieh Was Thai -or hW Sniilliaiil ami Miss Alliert roiillli Street I'rchliyteriali SiriHtiiie Has Hii-h K'l-llioilcliil I 1 1 1 li Tile hori liec.lii'e I ImIiIi tmiM. of Ihe bieaiiliiis of i 4 and bolted at Klmt ami Lehman Mlfi'lH. liinde Wild ibeli Wph( uloiiK l.i-llinuil In Ik alley, I.iIaitii mid Xini It tirii-is, iiinl hIhh luliK In other In iir'si in sight In lliiil vicinity. They r.l.l he absent verely Injured ON READING FLYER ir mIhhii month.

COMMUNION SERVICE WAGON DEMOLISHED CEREMONY AT 2 P. M. FINE EDIFICE NOW HAS SUCCESSFUL CATCH. came to I ho alley be hci veil rapidly aside uilil entered It going far Mi III in street, where wum hi-wnil nuMi oppiHip Sluill'i( biitclier shop. K'i Chain niul Heavy Iron Hurl Through tin Car Wiui low llmnl Wi on I'MiIiik Mr.

a i I Mrs. Soiilliard Are on Weililiii' Trip to Kastern 'ilit-s ilelieatioll Vrclltollie.S Will on Next Sumlav Injured Man is N'ow in tlie ooi I Samaritan Hospital F.dwurd Iliiziii'd, a salesman, Ftueditioii. Fmuier I'olU'tfntf ii lli'iiry Reurd, i i id lu-iiiiitf ni 1..0111, h. Illlllill Sliliibir. H' V.

I', HaliiH, pimtnr, make HlK'e llliliuliiii eineiil far next Silli-day, Sepleiiibei Illtf Itev, H. 1, I'leoiiu I II tun, ti, (ni lowed by I'ominiltiliiii un, of feet tt-hiiig. I'reaihliig at 7 i. m. al IMeasiant WILL COMPLETE A COURSE M.

J. Haugliiiey. of Chicago, Mt'bti Id now employed at lt. jA.baiioii Well known tore Is lit Good Su- Chain Work, spent Wednesday tit Hellalre flHlilug. He retuiiiej the sump evening with a line incs of cut lNi.

well known lliinr agent, whu with William Fdgarton, also of Chicago, a music salesman, mill alao c) Iiiibi-r lino lo Filler Si lllMll of hosulial itiffenr.g with brulse J-MiilaliiMl In ucc Idciii on the Corn Fluborato arrangements are In i ogres for the re-ded lent Ion of the Fourth Street P'enbyterluii church on Sunday next. The ejlilc has been enlarged, remodeled and renovated A enlili-n rod was that of Hoy l. Sonlllard and MIhm Allierta A. Allieil at 2 o'clock this niter-noon at the Koulllnid resldinre, IIS.1 eiiesliiut street. Rev.

William K. Slahler. pastor of lull Liiiherun church, pel formed tho I'hariniic)-, kiiuuii hi tit Li'liunou trade, arrived minnlt' and other of lluiiy trlbi'. the Hill It. Inn.

bv Rev. Haiiis. I he In Lebanon on Tuesday evening- on piimur. end the ocmslon of the rededlcailon Luther liiitt, fornierly einployiHl im a drut clerk Willi Dr. A.

C. ileh, Is visiting relath-PH at l'liuiiilvllle. I In- ui'lutt'd flyer. Inn! the narrowest I will be a lueinorabla una In the his the ring service being from whence he will go to wall and t.e'ivr.011 railroad. A hurry cull sent to lie Good haiiiarltau Iioh-pltal on Wednesday afternoon brought the aiiiliiilame to th(.

Cornwall and Lebanon ie ot for Imn and he was hurried to the i imitmloii without de-' lay. SCLLING Mrnrt'IXKS. Himard, who I tils from Rochester, was driving along the miuth- phln. where he has' finiilov-' "l0 I'o seiice of only lli.i CRUSADE AGAINST iiiterinedlalo fainlliig of the young ment with dnigglut and during DOUBLE BIRTHDAY ANNIVERSARY FETE iN i ruivATi: gpar hours will lake a course in pharmacy. CHICKEN THIEVES tory of tho congregation.

Deliills of the wemonlei and Sunday service In connection therewith will be announced luipr die week and Is given of Interwtlng exercises. EXTENSIVE ALTERATIONS, The alterations main are extensive and Add vry much lo the sift? and beauty of tht edlllre. Two tran escape nf IiIh lift un bin trip hrre. BROKEN PIECES THROWN. Ah announced In the "Xcwh" of Wednesday, tin llyer was late by rea-idii if an accident.

Somewhere fat of Myerstown. the eccentMe of the locomotive broke, unj before It could be stopped all sorts uf Iron partr were thrown against tht car ncx' to Urn Iron monster. MASHED WINDOW PANE. A chain mid other heavy material eaHteru Bectlon of the county selling Will. I.I F.I.

IIK IXNTITITFD IV THIS CITY. medicine tor a linn In Lerov. X. POOR CHILDREN'S ANNUAL OUTING people. Ilu re were no attemlantH.

The bridal pair entered the pinion to the strains of a wedding march. lilayx'L by Miss Nellie Gallagher of tli lit city. The bride wore white. OX A WEOniXO TRIP. Following the ceremony lunch tun us served and ut 44.1 o'clock.

Mr. ami Mrs. Soulliard left on wedding trip to eustem cities. They will be at home after September 11. V.

White driving across the railroad tracks at ttie cut between Colebrook and Mi. Gietna, he seemed to be so sept have been added to thr'sudl-' lorlum, thus Increasing the seutinif I'rliii Ijiali Were Mlsse Cieihart ami hlicillVn SKIcr ami Itroili- was thrown wun greai violence against the smoker ami happened to FOIt SFFdAfi WILL ltK Rl TIIFIR IIICXFIIT. capacity of the main part of the church very materially, probably fifty per cent. An addition has been built In the renr for Sunday school pnr- locate at the window at which 1 laugh iipv was silting. The pane wan splint at 1123 Chestnut street.

erej ami a gash was torn Jn the car IMises, tne annex heitif moderul THE VlltlhE AXI) GROOM. The groom Is the only son of Mr. directly under the sa window Fortunately for tl.t llnuor man. he equipped for the establishment of tf graded syHtem of teaching The suf- ami Mrs. Charles Ron I lin id and Is Tlckes Are Xow lU'lng Dlslilbuteil lo the Worthy Occiirn on Saluriliy.

Announcement Is made that the In spacious and comfortable and manager or the imiwctier book preoccupied that he did not notice the apprnarhlne train, and the two-horse wagon in which he was driving was nil-tick with great force, it was sniaRheil to pieces and the horses attached to it bolted Immediately, the man being thrown violently to the ground. He mostly Internal Injurlfj. liADLV COXTl'SKU. Hazard is well built and Is of middle-age. and bore his suffering with grpar fortitude.

At the hospital ft wai stated that the man was badly contused over hi entire body and was Injured lir.ernally but that unless happened to be talKlng to a friend lie next seat at the and escaped nil injury except for a In tha seating capacity of about Iu 4 nig two large balconies; rue (oin Police and niisliibiilary Will Cd-erat. In trliiKiK Ofrciul. ,4 cm A wholesale crnsmlo against chicken thleveH will likely bo Instituted by the police and constabulary of tho city Iu the near rufnre as Urn result of revelations mude nt the city hall this week. Recently county Detective Sutta-nihn arrested an offender on a charge or chicken steullng. The man when arrested was found to have eight other chickens In his possession and a cull through the "Daily News" for tho owner brought nearly a dozen people, who hud been robbed in Unit manner.

They had not reported tb thefts previously Bnu their stories lo the police show thit chicken stealing Is being curried on in lace. He has traveled nr a good nianv years and In that Urn hna been special train Intended for the poor children's outing on Saturday, will Is also so constrirted as. to. fee adaptable for prayer meetings and cr Fine Dinner There was a double birthday anniversary celebration of twins today at Sheriff Klias (ierhart's private residence at the county Jail. The principals were his daughters.

Misses Carrie K. and Cora J. Gerhart, who recently completed a trip around the world, and his sister, Mrs. Uva t'rich. of Reading', and her twin brother.

Ueorge Gerhart, of Meckville. A dinner, prepared by Mrs. Klias Gerhart, was a feature of the "joyful occuslon, which was marked by the tender of hearty Among those, who participated in the "observance were Mrs. George Gerhart, Meckville: Klifier Sliotiy, Hamlin; Arthur, Miles and Karl Kline, Jonestown; Miss Annie Ituhl, store, on Cumberland street nenr Eighth, lie la also engaged In electrical work. The bride Is a daughter of Asa A.

Albert, of Tenth amf Water Streets, She Is graduate of tho Lebanon High school, class of "0r and Leba In several slight wrecks, bi he said leave the Cornwall and Idinon oilier useg when 1 railroad station at o'clock In the this one was the narrowest for HE WAS NERVOUS. mor-iing. All of the poor children of the city non Valley Conservatory at Annvllle, When he got off the car rnd made for the Valley, House, he ran still iwiiinriiv nprvoiis and it was some something nnlooked for develops, he receiving a diploma for Instrument tal (piano) music. Until Septem win lecover, The room Is fitted with ud other conveniences making It suitable In every way to net the very best results In Suralay school work" well as for sundry, oilier purposes. "It Is handsomely furnished, and belns admirably uiust heerya4 cozy, MAIN AUDITORIUM.

hours before he fully rscove -ed his her i. was In cliargo of the long distance service of the Penn GREENS WILL MEET. The accident delayed the train over are Invited to participate. Every arrangement has been made to give them a good time and all of (hem are urged to come out and enjoy themselves for the day. Mrs.

Conover and the rest of the committee have about completed arrangements. The tickets have been distributed and Mrs. Conover will pylvanla telephone company In lis an hour. and around Lebanon on a scale Harvey Gerberieh and Deputy Harry li. Strupp.

of local exchange. She received a largo number gifts. The main auditorium, in addition to being enlarged, is newty furnish OPERATION AT RAHWAY. never suspected by the because (lie tlicfis were, not report complete the work tomorrow. IN HONOR OF VISITORS.

ed. ed throughout, Snmi-clrcular hench(i have been Installed, and are arranged to make them easily accessible from Those who have provisions to con Several chicks taken from tho BELL-MILLER WEDDING They ill Plan for V. M. C. A.

Membership Campaign. 'Xotlces. were sent out today for a meeting tomorrow evening at tliQ Y. M. C.

A. building of the Greens, who will participate in the membership campaign on Saturday, September 14. Plans wilJ then be mapped out for ah active canvass for new members. tribute to the luncheons should send. prisoner, the other day, have been Social Held at Jacob Kimmcl's to the station before o'clock.

the main entrance as well as Ihe two new doorg provided. While the tickets given to the chil mid identified, and the fact that they do not all belong at the same place, Occurred Ihe Homo of Mr. Home. A party was held on Tuesday eve Six handsome new jciorlal win dren will be good on all trains of the dows have been plneee tran morning, besides the special, the lat Mrs, Faust. Howard Ashton Hell and Elisabeth bus convinced the pollen that the prisoner Is tho leader of a gang of ning at the home of Mr.

and Mrs. septs and nave which 'i ntl ter will carry the provisions. The Jacob Klnimel, at 423 Xorth Seventh only to the beauty of but ALLWEIN FUNERAL street In honor of Misses Genevieve young men, who make a livelihood by stealing chickens and selling also to Its illumination, electri special train will arrive home during the early evening, but the tickets will also be good for passage homeward on fJranil-iiiecp of Mrs. McCaully, of IiCbanon is Patient. Word has been received here by Mrs.

Charlotte McCaully, of 1123 Chestnut street, of nn opesatlon performed at the Uahway, X. hospital on her granil-niece, Mary, the six year old daughter of Robert D. Uhler. of that place. An affected lung, following an attack of pneumonia, was operated on and the little sufferer is expected to recover.

Mr. filler Is very well Jtjiown here and la a son of George IT. I'hlur a former resident here. Eckenroth, Margaret Higgins, of cal Illumination luig aii Li-n alter them. Chester; Mamie Rhine, of Philadel Rev.

P. C. Troll Conducted the Ser Most of the complaints of thiev all the regular trains. ed to produce better rcfluits and to add to, the beauty of the decorutiva phia; Miss Clara Loser, uf Manches ery come from Eust Lebanon and ter, and Jennie Valulee, of vices Today. Rev.

Croll, pastor of Sev tho. outskirts of the city to the south ward, but there are atso many STORK IS BUSY NOW. scheme. The main -auditorium has also been recovered with carpet and the entire interior ha been renovated giving a fresh ties and, enth Street Lutheran church, this af The evening was spent iu social Miller were united In marriage at the home of Mr. and Mrs.

P. E. FauHt, of North Fifth street, on Wednesday at 12 m. The wedding wus strictly private, only one or two close friends being pi'eweiit. Rev.

P. C. Croll, pastor of the Seventh Street Lutheran church, performed the ceremony. Immediately after, a wedding dinner was served, after which Mr. and Mrs.

Bell left on the train for Atlantic City, where they will spend several days before living permanently at Xew Britain, Conn. ternoon conducted funeral services others from the suburbs on all sides. pursuits. Games were indulged In and much enjoyed. Visits Several Homes and ITnppl- over the body of Elizabeth Mary, the little daughter of Mr.

and Mia. aftractive appearance almost new. Paulina Horchnnda, of North Leb Refreshments were served and the anon, made complaint before Alder Christian Allwein, of Hebron. Interment was made at. Kimmerling's party was continued until a lute hour.

ON WESTERN TRIP. lies Reigns There. A bouncing baby girl this week came to brighten the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Snyder, of .110 Xorth Twelflli street.

The little one cemetery. man Miller charging Stepr.en ITor-vich with having stolen several her chickens. The accused was arrested and was held for a hearing. Those present were: Misses Gene vieve Eckenroth, Margaret Higgius, ON VISIT TO HIS MOTHER Mamie Rhine, Clara Loser, Gracensia Klnimel, Irene Kimniel, Myrl Kim- From this arrest, an well as by oth was not lacking a name for It will go -through life under the title of mel, Tillie and Lena Dehm, Agnes er Information received, the police are also of the opinion that the for. Rcv.

JONESTOWN WON GAME. George, Annie Barry, Kate Mahouey, Walter F. Garrett is Here From McConiiellMville. Igners are Implicated in some of the Mamo Conneil, Lucy, and Mary Ar thefts. As many of the chickens nold, May and Lena Kyeanson, Irene Rev.

Walter Garrett, aV Reformed Chief Clerk, Wife and Mother Leate City Today. Tiurton A. Shutts, chief clerk of the Lackawanna Iron and Steel company in this city, with Mrs. Shutts and her mother, Mrs. Meyers, left' today for the west.

Mr. and Mrs. Shutts will proceed to his old home at Joliet, Illinois, and Mrs. Meyer's stop at Canton, her former residence. Mr.

Shutts will return la two weeks, but Mrs. Shutts and her mother will extend their stay a month or more. Worth, Stella Harter, Mabel and are never heard of after they disappear, It would seem that they find minister, fMcDonnellsville, and a former resident of this city, accom Defeat Greenpoiiit Team on Lihor Day at Jonestown. Greenpoint and Jonestown croseed baf8 at Jonestown on Labor Day and the latter team won by a score of 4 panied by his family, is here on a visit place on dinner tables somewhere in or near tho city. BIG- PIPE ORGAN.

Probably the mrt ntable improvement Is the lnstallattou of a hlg Haskell (Philadelphia) pipe organ, it Is by no means one of the largest, but Is particularly adapted to the s1m of the new church, and is of the finest construction. Miss Mabel Walmer, well known in the city ag a music Instructor, who has been the church organist for several years, will continue In that capacity having taken a special Instruction with a view of Uinsf-ing out the best that is In the new instrument. This feature will probably be the most notable to members of the congregation and other people who attend divine services there as the organ previously used was Inadequate and the change Is sure ta be most pleasing. FINE DECORATIONS. The exterior of the church -was not forgotten In the Improvement process The old time light colored coat has changed to a pleasing red.

with Esther Kimniel, Rose Murray, Dora Schiegel, Annie McCabe, Winifred Fair, Kate Troy, Jennie Vaialee, and James and Philip Foster, Adam Hart- Sarah Sabina. a namesake of its aunt and Itg grandmother, Mrs. Snyder, wife of Alderman A. M. Snyder, of the Sixtlf ward.

Miss Snyder was cordially welcomed in the tome. The proud papa Is receiving congratulations from marly friends. Within the same square stork made another visit on the same day presenting Mr. and Mrs. John Dernier, of North Twelfth street, wifli a baby daughter, which wa also made the occasion for sincere felicitations from friends to the happy parents.

to his mother, Mrs. Simon Garrett, of 111!) Chestnut street, and also to Mrs. man, James Murray, Rapheal Rich ards, Charlie Barry, Charlie McCon- Garrett's mother, Mrs. Solomon Strohm, on Chestnut street, at Church, alley. to r.

The Greenpointers were siunj disappointed for the game looked like easy picking with added players from nell, Paul Allwein, Charlie Kimmel, Michael Haggerty, Henry Schiegel, Rev, Garrett is enjoying his va Lykens, but the newcomers could not make good, especially on the slab. cation and took this opportunity fa Charlie Schreiber, William Ganster. Joe Klein, William Kimniel, and visit his former home. and the twirler had to be replaced WILLIAM ABELE BORNE TO TOMB Mrs. Edward Kimmel and children.

by talent from Lebanon. Harry Gerberieh, who did the slab work for PARTY FOR MISS LOEB. Jonestown struck out. seventeen men Wayne, Genevieve, Raymond; Mr. and Mrs.

John Kimniel and Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Kimmel. NEW WATCH BOX. of the opposing side, and he was ably supported by the men back of him.

The mountaineers also put up a brisk monious variations for appropriate dec RECEIVED NINETY CARDS Placed at I'rtridge Avenue Railroad Crossing. The roadway force of the Philadel game, but were unable to recover the oration, and the frame work painted dark green, making a very pleasing effect. Worn portions have Held in Honor of Her Birthday Anniversary. A party of young people assembled at the residence of Mrs. Isaac Loeb; Wednesday, evening, the occasion being 'the birthday anniversary of her daughter, Sadie.

Excellent music was furnished by the-Tabor League orchestra 'and Miss Ida Kutz, an accom phia and Reading railway company lead of the Swatara bunch. It was an exciting game from start to finish and was eagerly witnessed by a large throng of rooters. PARTY AT MT. GRETNA. Social Event is Given In Visiting Guests' Honor.

A party of ladies left for Mt. Gretna this morning, where they upent today in social pursuits and a euchre at the Kerper cottage in the Chautauqua grounds. The party Is composed of the following: Mrs. Benjamin. F.

Ward, Mrs. Milton Mrs. Jacob Wortz, Mrs. Allen Ward, Mrs. George Shif-ller, Mrs.

J. Herbert Manbeck, Mrs. Stephen ReiTly, Mrs. Harper Blyler, Mrs. Benjamin Allen, Mrs.

Edward H. Gingrich. Mrs. William Yake, Mrs. Norman Shirk, Mrs.

Edward Giess, Mrs. Harry Shugars, Miss Thekla Ehrgood, Miss Agnes Bowman. The party was given in honor of Mis. Lloyd of York; Misses Florence Smith, of Shenandoah. Iowa: and Margaret Miller, of Reading, each of whom is a guest of one of the members.

Funeral services over the body or the late William AbeTe, of Leadvllle. t'olorado, were neld this afternoon at the home or his parents Mr. and Willlim G.s Abele, of 436 7Torth Si ah strtet, In charge of Dr. T.

B. Schniauk, pastor of Salem Kr Lutheran church. Purial followed at Mt. Lebanon cemetery. Members of Lebanon lodge of Clks acted as pallbearers.

D. A. Frantz was the undertaker. also been tonnehed up, and the whn'e outside and the interior, looks q.iita -new. It Is said that something like today placed a new watchbox at the Partridge aWenue crossing.

Under tha terms of an ordinance recently passed by councils the company Is required to have a watchman on duty there Bearing Greetings and Well' Wishes ob Mr. Faulier's Birthday. Xinety cards, bearing appropriate greetings on the occasion of his tttd birthday anniversary, were received by C. G. Fauber, of Gloninger, from relatives and friends.

The shower came as a surorise to Mr. Fauber A NEW THEATORIUM (HM has been expended to improve lh plished Violinist, of Mahanoy City. on market mornings and the box has Miflg Loeb was the recipient of many been placed there for the shelter of the watchman during the winter. and was participated in by residents edifice. Improvements will also fce made to the lawn and surroundings as opportunity offers.

PASTOR KEPT BUSY. Rev. J. Leonard Hynson, pastor of The body arrived here at 6 o'clock ine ooi mu ol this city, Shenandoah, Pottsville. this morning in charge of the widow) Orwigsburg, Ailentown, Xew York Pottstown.

Manheitn, Lancaster. My- REFUNDING TAX. the church, and an' efficient building erstown, Middletown and Harrisburg. committee -have been at work for many weeks getting the church In readiness for the re-opening and the MARRIAGE LICENSE. and a representative of Lodge o.

Lodge Xo. 230 also sent a fine floral tribute and so did Lodge Xo. of this city. The pall bearers Charles S. Havard, P.

E. R-. A. S. Craumer, Frank E.

Kraus.e Alvin and Sydney Johnson, O. G. Frantz and John E. Hartman. A quartette of Salem church choir sang at the funeral services.

occasion will be made memorable Nearly Completed at Seventh and Lehman Streets. George II. Hain. of 520 Mifflin street, has nearly completed a new theatorium at Seventh and Lehman streets. He intends to have a first-class entertainment and has engaged views from the largest moving picture films in the country.

A raised platform gradually sloii-ing. as It nears the front, will eradicate the necessity of neck-craning The stage is 12x9 feet and is set off by electric lights. A skilled operator has been secured from Lancaster and by next week the management exacts to be ready to entertain the public. tlanrtsomp gifts. After the usual season of attention to games, a collation was served and the evening throughout was much Miss Loeb proved to be a most clever hosier and her entertainment added much to the pleasure of the evening.

Among those present, were: Misses Ida and Emily Kutz. of Mahanoy City: Grace Tice, Cora Bucher. Sarah Darkes. Emily Loeb. Mabel Brightbill, Sadie Mann, VIrgie Loeb, Helen Miller, Messrs Claude Gruber, Wltmer Pfeiffer.

George Tyrrell, Robert Blei-stine, Ray Loeb, Chirk Miller, Frank Kachman. John Bleistine, Irwin Loeb and William Loeb. Clerk Kochenderfer h.i3 issued with appropriate services. marriage licenses to the following RETURNED HOME. Helm, a telegraph operator couples: Collector Hersh is Busy Waiting on Calls Today.

This was a busy day for Dr. A. C. Hersh. collector of state and county tax for the city of Lebanon.

Owing to the decision of the county commissioners not to enforce the provisions of the dog tax legislation at this time Dr. Hersh is refunding to owners of dogs the amount of tax which bad already been paid to hint. for the Philadelphia and Reading road at the Philadelphia offices, re AT MANSION HOUSE NOW. Cyrus Zimmerman, formerly bar clerk at the Willow and Central hotels, this morning assumed a position at the Mansion House at Ninth and Guilford streets, and is receiving th hearty wishes of hla many friends. George Hissner aD Miss High, daughter of Watson High, both of this city.

Roy D. Soulliard and Miss Alberta A. Albert, daughter of Asa Albert, both, of this city. The successful author's train of thought is a pay train. The saloon bar la generally barr-i 4 out of the Mloon parlor.

turned to his place of business on Wednesday, after spending several days with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Helm, of -Spruce street..

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