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McKinney Weekly Democrat-Gazette from Mckinney, Texas • Page 11

Mckinney, Texas
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NOV. ji, Tnn WELK LY LLMOCEAT-GAZETTK FfVE Checking On Your Own Progress Ymir chcrkinR balance is the financial indicator (hat tells you whether you are getting ahead or standing still. What do vour latest figures show? We invite checking and account.s. Collin County National Bank McKinney A I) I) A SHHmiAN PASTOR EAST SIDE-WEST GIVES FORCEFUL SIDE FEUD WILL TALK TO LIONS BE RENEWED RETUUNEi) MISSIONARY, DR. ANOTHER WIIJ.

BE WHARTON, TEI.I.S OF EXPERIENCES HIS PLAYED TO HARITY will llKii mori he hiiM 41 Inyiiiiin frfou IH UI In th'm rifv fo o' I ir Ar.ordiriKly on nos? tiL'n'loy, 'o- Vf-mbcr 1T, lion. H. H. on hiiroh liiy Icrtih-r Iho odi.I rhiuili, Hit! Talbot .11 (Irovo. layif-n from liiirch will jiT' ach for iif Hondiiy iit I' 8 Kir I.

on rO'. Aid In Every Time of Need Let Us Help You WITH YOUR BlTLDINti OR REPAIRING? We have the plans and materials for every need. Dupont in I Duco For renewing Beds, Picture Tables, Chair Vases, Many colors. Dl easy to apply, gives a fine, durable finish and is not expensive. WILCOX LUMBER COMPANY F.

E. WILCOX, Pres. W. F. COOK, Mgr.

MCKINNEY Princeton Melissa Ijffrird'd by flub ono Ihi'ir oiiiisifijjdintr i of w.iH thr i iijoynbl rn ttir l.innn dub tlu ir Wndrii wlsiy )i- fon, rv- in 4ho dininf; room ilhf chiirdi. i n.VV. lh wi jn of l.idii from Woman'- I vocirty, pitad a lorlaOb' hinrhr-on that fhnrotitfh- ly on.joyrd by f-vt In aftonti principal of day il ir. 1 Wharton, ptidor o' I in I who r- t-t ntly la-tnr n.d the hrarl of Africii. whi for Ihliici-n yiarn as a mis- 'i lonary to tha: dark contin nt for nlH diurdi.

WalbT Dfivd I t.h»- pro; 4 rarn 'or the d.ay, llalm il introdue- (HK Kompton fluK'nhy, who, in turn. httrodurod the of the In trinnliiK. r. humorous latlnK to his its nils- to tht- -poke at on ani h'Vi loiirnent of that wortti of cotton had tlure this Kxpcrts sc hat acres of arc Jd.iiiraitly adapted to the Krowin- cotton to say, his was enjoyed it ua.s i ymfitahh- day for all lAons luar: nsr him. ci' the day includctl Dr jr.

T. Whanon of Sherman, jriiest of th duh; 1 s. of minstt cru a of Walkice st on. Th- Kad Sid- W. to -iei' i in Ihf 'l'ibs nO' Kinn il hin io ad tWf two fa-Kons oF iHitU'd v.ifh bui er to a ixoiball played belwi-eu ma ilu jcirt of In: ine di, 1 I and Ih- iiii'u Oi Ih o' bu.sin> aition.

An Side I 'playid Oc A riti I sale iriuntphinf: il fo Ajt ment mad In i-i todav I'nal ii lie ill will tak. pbe out ai l.ioa? Afh- letie park Mithin th. te.Nl I mm ks. Whit is more is an admission 10 ids bt peel a opi- ami jiro- Mil! yo the I'n-i. 1 f'haii- fles to he iiMd tin in Joy in 111 hearts of the ss fortunate aniontf nsiiip.

as to the time of the lineup, III be mad sit a lat Farmersvllle Will Save $7,000 Annua Your Membership makes Red Cross Service Possible. ya On Insurance Cut i Owinjr a nt further lowering of flu prop, rt.v in 1 sv now be in- 'siired at full inste.nd cf value as formerly. A eavinK of njiproyim.nfely jper nnnum to the property owner.s -f rsvillc on insuram-e premlun. JOIN THE RED CROSS Roll Call Nov. TWO WOMEN LEADERS STATE FEDERATION i.s the rfsnlt of lliis cut in th- rnfe.

The most reeent reduction in th key was three 'which cn the buildinii 1 im ordinance by the city counciV HOnu Hix month.s The reduction of the key rale to 38 cents i.s the culmination of very and efficient Mork on the part of Mayor Hildreth and the eonncil. than year aFfo the rate Miis d.3 iits, with property beinir insured at value. The reduction of cents in the rate secured throuKh a number of im- proxamenfs hy the couneil. amonc them beins: the hirinpr of an ali-tinie i fireman, the purchase of a new fire truck, sciuipnient cf hose truck and placing- a. nttach- on the pumper.

The First National Bank McKinnev', Texa.s at Bank Since passi that all three xvere In all, twenty-nine M' re com-'to set th Some Mere Mork. eMra train a larji' her of ns brought about 4ud r- man i i here for game. xvas life of M'hile tin. and Howard standina in the line. iiollLs and tlrin- nell shared in tlie vlsitorT while Pierce, 11 Owcn.s groat in the line.


(DOAK) KERR RECENTLY VISITED OLD HOME HERE o' NEW TOLL LEAD WILL BE lUTLT.HERE; WORK TO START AT ONCE taml Mary rmloii Mhom dh il re J.c.-e Ah Ingram, father of In- grant and grandfather of the de- cta.s«‘d soldi r. ho was buried lu re l-hxl'moivc costlna ThurKilay. came to AieKinney in more which will ITtS from ('adiz. Trigg county, Ky, made here la the future, have Alex Ingram in McKinney for- i been announced by SEYMOCR MAN'S WIFE DIED AHOCT TWO EEKS A(R) A. D.

(Doaki rr of 8. ymour, Texas, ha.s turned home a brief vi.sit to thu of W. Kerr, and his Mrs. F. Iioih here in Mr.

Kerr bei'U a 3 of S' vniour. P.aylor county, for fifiy rs. a till than one. half of tha- has county smv yor.ttf He hud til tuLsforiune of lo.sing his wife hy two ago. in Kerr was reared in this county lanil conununity, being a son of the late Maj.

W. Kerr. Mr. Kerr tuo living hrothcr.x, W. At.

K- rr, of this city, A. AV Kerr. 24 lit Tr.tvLs t. Hovuston Te.xtt.s. J.

1.4LM-.son Kerr, who died a xv iit Xashvillc. 4 of his brothers, late Kerr, a nationally Known Sherman nuns ryinan and agrioultural wa.s anotlier brother. Mr. Kt'rr thiee ehil- xvho, with him. juourn the Tta.sslug ol their dear xvife jund molh- Tim chlhh't are: Alr.s.

Stanley Al. of Iktlla.s, Mr.s. Otho AleDanI I o' II. Ki'rr Airs. 1 husband ha.s been superintendent of groumis of Soutliern university for the l-ist ten or twelvi' His brotlu'r-in-laM.

Aloxiuid H. Kerr, is his in that jiosition. ar.H Ht.s XX ife, Mary Herndon, xvas a of ITieU' Herndon, on o' our living pioneer Ah-x xvif.x wa.s i .1. W. (AVe.s) Morris of this eity.

Geoige Ingram two full Itrothers living -John J. Jn- gr.un of Dallas, Mho has ht'en ai- totally for five from paralysis and Ingram o. P.rOMn eounty. Texa.s. has a Mrs.

Pearl llugheM. efflelt'Ht man- of the lb'll Telephone Iti this eity. 'Fhe toll lead goin'g through Alc- y. ero.s.s'ng east o' the public incbnling Ih- msmy telephoiie lines and the larg poh will be ami a neu- i Wells h.a«l built, which will he laktn o'f to 11 the 'y, thus in the beauH yinu of the MeKinney district. are ghul to co- 0 the iiiinual o' Fi of Texa.s, held Alineral Wells, ,1.

1,. l.ove- joy of MeKinney Friday at an luemori that was lu'hl honoring the 'u morles o. about thirty former nu rs xvho p.ass« iixvay. Mrs. i-.

Weaver of AlcKinney ve the in- v'oeation Jind Mrs. H. o. Waxahachie gave address. Airs.

I.Qvrjoy is on of the most influential elub women irs of Mrs. We.aver Is al.s«3 rei ognizeil an a hor o- a num- ht'r o' books a wnter of note. Both vMrs. joy jiud cr on our eity in its tip' Federation. Mrs.

F. I.indsey of Ple.ns- ant was eleet. pr- xvilhout opposition. xv.i.s tite form, vice- A for the first which po- Mrs. J.

1.. Youn.g of Mineral M-Jis by a vote of 157 cast for Mrs. It. T. iskiles of Dallas.

DENTON DOWNS BEARCATS CREW BY 13-7 COUNT TAX REDUaiON TO BE TAKEN UP AHER TARIFF There were strong indications that no opposition would he lodged hy the IJemoerats or ans in view fhe of Secretary of the Tre.isury Mellon the Tre.nsury eouhl the re- ducticn and also of the heni'- fielal effect it generally thought fhe announcement would have on fulling prices and bu.slness generally. bk crowd sees flashy AERIAL BATTLE ON FIELD Denton. Texa.s, Nox'. of the eroxvds to xxafc.i a high football here the Denton P.ronrhos defi'ai the High P.earcat.s. 13 7.

Friday in on of the pectacular grid conte.sts seer, here in year.s. The xietory Denton to maintain it.s leadership in the .5 championship race. Neither team could make nnich ht'-adway the lin and early in the contest both turned to the air. It wa.s a result of SECY. MELIX)N THINKS TREAvSURY CAN STAND 8160,000,000 DECREASE Quality Grocers PHONE US anil that walk lo town.

You can I that will not be late. Grocery W. n. Shaw, Mgr, Phone 81 -SS AVashingtcn. Xov.

administration recommendation for a $160,000.000 tax reduction xvill be taken up in Fongress as soon the I tariff bill Ls out of the xvay and probably xvill be pa.s.sed before the next income tax payments are due 15, of both parties in both xvere apparently agreed A general unanimity of opinion that the project shouUI be carried out a.s speedily a.s possi- CROUCH UNDERTAKING CO. FUNERAL DIRECTORS Ambulance Service Day and Night Phone 123 living in Worth a half-l do in r. N'oel Ingniu. i ing the busiacbs of tlte l.izzi«' l.oekrldge, both o' Miss Htighos s.aid, in speaking of Dallas. first xvife, t'or- merly xvas born am! in AleKlnney dic.l 41 bout twenty ye.ans ago.

One cf her I roth rs, Jes.s«' is still living in AleKlnney. old Ingram honic.stead in Ale- was located 4if of South Kentucky and West Dax i.s streets, ju.l the from th I'hnerson cottage. Doing Well in D.alhis. Oeorgi' Ingram has for five of Olmdlah night grammar IniihUng in Dalla-'. h.ivtiig 41 position.

His Mr.s. K. Ingram, is one of the proprietors of J.ov*'il4«U» Manrtiactur- ing company, manufueturers of tOM- I)iigs, xvrll knoMii Ditllas hu.sim'ss improvi jnent.i to he with in the xt fexv ju XV mc buUd, will begin north of the limits, through the and on to underp4i.Hs. in lies wiil city city tM of she j-nid. wiU mls.s puhli INGRAM FAMILY PIONEER ONE GEORGE INGRAM NOW OF DALLAS VLSITS OLD HOME ON SAD MISSION Ox'orgx' Ingram, uom- living pt Sa.i*:! Modt'l Dalla.s, ha.s bemt in AleKinnt'y for llu' past 1 ilhree day.s on sad mission o.

J4vnging to bury his Ingram, I io in a gov- ornm nt lio.spiial In last 'llie son was a war casually xvho had he.n veiely wounded and gasst'd teen months' service in various part.s of Nortliern Ft'am'e, An iieeonnt Of fhe life, and funeral tim son has alrt'ady been in this r. Fntlior Kcttli'tl lioi'O in 1848. The Tngram family were'.y in AlcKimuiy. George liti.raui horn 13, l.h‘7. lie the son of tho late Alex'in IVii'UK'i' Fiis'inaii.

Ingram, who spent more thiin forly years of liis in Ale Kinney, toxxn has womb'i'fully since left it seven- yi'ars He seve as a im mlier of the McKinney Flro He ha.s a her of gocHl old friends and ac- qualniances still living here and say. thst MeKinney wiu ulway.s remain (Hstr to his and pUgrtmage i.s ox'er lie to (find a final on this earth ijT Ihh ohl fiunlly Inirial lot with of lovt'd ones in I'aean ct'ineU'ix'. entering Ixouih a block or two south of the ire." This Important by local coaupuny o-'ficiaLs xviU fit in (ulminLbly with tho project by the Fity in beautifying the district, putting in new light.s about the and making other improveiimnts. Alati'riiu is ry Hugh says, and work on project xxill within the next fexv REV. TALBOT IS NOW PASTOR OF FOUR CHARGES LAY MEMBERS OF FIRST METHODIST CHURCH WILL HELP HIM 1 light Dallas, former Alc- Klnuey leal man, hius truth six re.siib'Ue«' lol.s in Northwest Kinney, behmging to 1.

Toibi, for a. nice six-room cott i in Dalits. U. D. Highi Dalims long-4in-o of this a xvell-kuOM'U al estate was in Ali'Klmiey ealied in to us.

Always gkid lo see Friend I ess. Flifton Kmer.soii of AleKlnney has made manager of the tennl.s team liu' unlver.sity. I'lif- tor. is spt'cialixing in bu.sines.s ad- mini.stralion in the ami is one o' brightest young men. He is a All's.

Cliff Kmcrson of this city. Hex'. Filzhugh slmlept in Gnenville. xvhere he is a student, xvas ox'e; one recently x'vslting relatives friends. Mr.

Talbot xxgis given two nexv eharges the receui N'orth Texas Annual Alethodist con- held in this city, making four cliarge.s of xvhich he is pa.stor Honuker Fhapel, Fulleoka Fhapel. iUs new pa.storates are at Fulleok Chapel. FoUo.ving is an announcement of his preaching jir tht'se I'ouv church White's Grove, firat Honaker seeoml Sumhiy. third Sumlay. f'hapel, fourth tlunday.

Air. Talbot has been preaching the third Sunday VALUE QUALITY. With a real cheap unknown battery you invite battery trouble. be safe with a Willard, for Willard Batteries have stood the test for twenty-eijrht years. Buy known quality and be money ahead in the run.

Price $8.50 and up. AUTO TOPS AND GLASS Truck Bodies, Trailers, SHOP food MOTOR CO. Phone 355 McKinney, Texas WE WELD ANYTHING WEI DINQ Bring ns jocur repair inney welding co Pbooe 4 WHY WORRY ABOUT DINNER? When you can get Fresh or Cooked Meats, Vegetables or Groceries, Fish and Oysters, AT Delicatessen And Market Phone 35 Business Directory AUCTIONEER CONTRACTOR From (op to to and out one loaf you can depend on for true, wholesome Bread quality is BREAD Every crumb of jthis splendid Bread is good food. the result of blending of pure ingredients, from flour to sugar. AxSK YOUR GROCER.

Bakery Phono 870. COL. GEORGE APPLE. GENERAL auctioneer at your service for any kind city, farm or llx-estock sale. Phones 346, McKinney or 69F-11 Carrollton, J.

ED MICHAEL, CONTRACTOR and builder, DEPENDABLE SERVICE. Let me figure your job, either Phono 915. PLUMBING CONFECTIONERIES HETTI'R PIA AIBING, BrrTTFAt SFAl- OLYMPIA. TRY OUR drinks sandwiches, better Kervlce." West Phone 104. I--)VICE, CIIK VPF.R PUICLS.

BEST OF utixiAU SATiSFAOriON GUAK- a mtlc J. C. MOOH 1 Square. 11 tkV-W. MATTRESSES We make any kind you may de.siro- or we xvill renovate that old one to your liking.

Xry our oJie day service. McTEE ALUrTRESS CO. Phone 47 CLEANING AND PRESSING FINLEY'S TAILOR better cleaniog and pressing. Call Phone 565 will please you. SHOE REPAIRING boot and shoe repairing a spex'iaUy.

Full line of second-hand JNO. F. SHOE SHOP. BRING US YOUR AUTO REPAIR WORK guarantee to please you. Tires, Gas and Oils.

WALTER COCKRELL Successor to Watkins Cockrell. Phone 827. warren COBB, SHOE rebullder Satisfactory work; cash only. South Tennessee street. FLORIST FOR THE SWEETEST FLOWERS That Son.

Night and Day Phone FAST MOTOR LINE PHONES Dallaa MeBJuuey 2-1514 462 RAY, ROBERTS CO, INSURANCE Fijrp qity mone 817 or 1180-J.

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