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The South Bend Tribune from South Bend, Indiana • 2

South Bend, Indiana
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

5 i I 1 i THE SOUTH BEND TBIBUNE, SATURDAY jEVENING, OCTOBER 28, 1921 Also they feel thai war has not REPUBLICANS COLLECTED MIJCAflS CERTAIN TO IN THE TRIBUNE SUNDAY) $720,738 FOR CAMPAIGN 1 1 TitieHmiti2 Trip Proves Disuppointiiiff to I Mrs. Hoffman. ince I CO royal prince or earl POLITICAL ACCOUNTS FILED WITH -CLERK OF 1 i the most violent" bombardments" Silver atar awarded with following citation: -From Oct-' 2 to Oct- 10, 1918, near Moot Blacic, he displayed courage and devotion, evacuating the wounded men under difficult circumstances." Residence, Boonevllle, Ind. Nurse is Honored. Mlsa Mary 111 Bowen.

amy nurse corps, American Bed Cross, Military hospital. No. J. A. E.

F. French Jiedaille IXHonneur Dee Epidlmls. (No specific citation of record). Residence, Indlaanpolis. Hiram 1 Eearas.

colonel U. S. marine corps, attached to 102d ln- fantry. 26th division, French Legion XXIIonneur and French Croix De Guerre, with two palms. Citation with first palm: "A very courageous officer.

He led two battalions to the victorious attack of Marceville and XUvaille on Sept. 2. 191fc During the attack tbeae two villages changed hands four tunes-', and -finally remained in our possession until our troops received orders to withdraw, lie waa the first to enter Marceville, where he directed the operation. He r- ifi I i i Mrs. Charles F.

Hoffman' i Marian, ambitious mama may have to be content with a plain baron for a son-ln-law. Even at that he rill be a nice adition to the family, so the gossips say. 1 'L I Gtraldine Farrax's L6ye Neat Is Kow Only Fond! Memory. OperoJ star's ill4fated omance with; thel handsome Lou Tellegen receives final touchea witt the complete atrtpping of the once beautifully furbished apartmenl In which they spent; their happy honeymoon, i i 1 i i i l. 1 jTrngr Rard Oivea Rise to Mnch Humor.

How his majesty's wh akers have become the object of great ln- I can be found to marry the rich which all England is now; playing; details cf Great Britain's latest What You Really Are? key to your character the way your na lis grow and ones say. Autumn Afternoons tellai all about the tempting 5 July 19 and 20. In Hrtrtir fo wounded under heavy shell dence, Hamlltori. i 1 Willlant. M.

Scott, private, company C. 30tth field sisnal battalkn4 tth division. French Croix DeCuerr wita silver star and following ittin; "On Nov. 7. 191ai near Brabani-Sur Meuse he volunteered to jpo ut iand repair the; telephone LAes! which been cut by the wlent bombard ment" Residence.

ConnersvJUfej hjf John W. ShlCida, aergeanU first class, section 56, ambulance French Mediille ITIIonheur, taEpt' demies. No specific citation record. Residence, Gar. Ambulance Wsm Struck.

I MiUard R. private, i section 59, ambulance service French fCroIx DeGuerre with silver tar and foUow Ing citation: On April 19, 1918 when called upon to go out tor the wounded be accomplished the cvacuatldna over a violently bombarded route i With much calm and coolness. JHia ambu lance was struck ttmess. by shell fire." Residency Anthony Gerald Volz. second llsu tenant, company IV 23Sth infiunctry, 85th division.

Belgian Orders DeLar Oouronne (Chevalier) with folfowjns "In recogntlon of meritoua services rendered to tbe allied Residence, Indianapolis, i William Wallace, CoL Infantry, Italian Order of tSt. Maurice and-St. Iaxarus. No spvtiflc citation of. record.

Entered military servicei: jfrora Indiana. i i Norman JT. ZelL rrivate. ckxnpany 47th Infantry. 4th dlviaiorii Monte negrin Medal lie Pour LABrvoure MllltarL No ape 'iflc citation; of record.

Residence, Indianapolis. jil LOCAL WOMEN GO: 'i TO ST ATE 1 MEET SOUTH BEND TAKE3 PftOMU NENT PART IN PROGRAM Delegates from Six Clubs Reptreaant City at Convention of I ndiafta; Fadarat ion at lndtanapoIi4. I I fi 1 With a program arranged; by Mrs Fred Woodward." of South BenljJnd two assiatantswlth musib furnished by South Bend musicians and with a large delegation from cluba? of -ihls city In attendance, the' 23d annual convention of the Indiana; Feflfrdjion of clubs, held at Indjanapojia 21-26 owes much to South Bend, Mrs. Woodward. Perkins and Mrs.

Phillip JSoercfieii of Indianapolis, waa jreaponslblf Nfor bringing- Medlll McOirtnIck4 tlnltcd States senator from; Illinois, to' speak before the delegation of 600 attended the convention. Other speakers ioz note wno responoa to the invitaUon were i Dr. Earl Barnes. of Philadelphia Fa-i Ralph Ajiles. of the motion picture, industry, ana Dr.

Norman Richardson, of js'orth-. western university. jN I Soloists of the program were Mrs. Julia M. Rode and i lira.

Jphn, I professionally i Known; as TTnrtnnfiA Drummhndi MrsJ FlOvd Gaumer accompanied Mrs; ROde.and Mrs. Charles P. Drummond her daughter.4 Mrs. Itartxer, Mrs. Rode sans at the openinir iea- aioo," a the meeting-1 1 held it the Masonic temple, and during- evening devoted to the' little theater program.

Mrs. HarUer gavel pre -gram of six songs at the I banquet which was riven Thursday evening to delegates. Both soloists were received with entnusiasm, exprcsaea warmly by the delegates. 1 I DelegaUons from the Progress dub, the South Bend Wotparfs club, the Thursday club, the? League ofSWera-en Voters, the Cby artd Harris Heme Economics club and 5 the Portage Home Economics club, frepHseated South Bend at the coiventlorii Tftoae who went as delegates? fj-oin Pmirrfiii club were Woodward, who was also a atatefdelesratf Mrs. lioyd E.

Mrs. I Rode, Mfs. nitiimer. Mrs. F.

fP.t Kicelsl Mrs. John Hunter, and Mra. DrummondJ Representing- the south Jtfena VCnman'i -1llH went GrSSViQe W. aiesler. Mrs.

W. Paxton. Mrs. C. Francla.

Mrs. y. Sherman, John 6. Mrs Probascoi and Mrs. D.

R' McKee Mrs. W. M. Shirley Represented. the Women Votersi Tbe county chairman, Mrs.

Harry Matthews and the district chWrman; Mrs; George Plumps aiso atteuou, league delegatea The! Thursday Club sent as its emissaries Mrs, Ira tjl- lery and Mrs. E. I Mosseyi Delegates from the rural cluts were Miss Maude Gray. who was ent by V. r-To nnrf TT.nrrla Homfi Economics Hub And Mrs.

Dora Millar Itmttton and Mrs. M. wno represent, atatinn Visl tHrM last dW Of the convention, Mrs. 1C D. of the Second district, was chosen: first vice-president tnf State, federation: Mrs.

TS Jl" Brook sV of i. the- Third district was; elected treasurer: and' Mrs. John Fi tle Fourth district was named trustee. Zii- FOUR SPEEDERS i Muffler Costa On Motoriet $5 'I and Coste iea City Court, Four speeders, Frank Di; Kemp, age 24. of La ported Walter TH-irger.

age 19. 810 East ap street, Albert Iio-er, as 10t stipeeC MUhawaka, and ta to hj Kaiser, iis-e 18. of Niles. Mk-h were fined $51 and costs in the city court hi uSorngi Patricx: Ruccan0w Igi. farm, county, charged with operating-a commercial vehivlejwlthou'a rfar4; view mirror, will lb tried Monday.

W. D. Bland, age if, 184 North Francla street, charred with operating hla motor with an open muffler, was fined 15 and costs, 5 a i i ii in i i i. Showcra Next I 1 Woaihet outlook for the weck'beginnitiff Monday la aa follows: Ohio vaUeyianJI region of the great: lakes Showers with temperature above normal 'first parti generally f1 temperature near normal thereafter. i ii i j- i Probe Fire; Cause.

1 Cr Anwtet4PrtM. I EVANSVlLXIi Oct. sAi investigation washctun Friday; into the fire which destoed A ffjho, building- in Knight townphlp, here, causing damage; estimated at IZO.C0O. I 1 yet ibeen banished to the realm or never-to-be. Some of tjhem, polntim; out that, we still ha-ve husky navy and will continue to eed armor plate, hint darkly that -fcteel inter -which always "bled" blyd Uncle Bam for armor plate, ai determined to renew their pilfrring practicea, Charleston bought ihe j300 aore plot of river ground oa wjiich the plant stands and presented the; United States.

The city Is sore ail thi way through about its abolition and may vent its indignation by defeating Representative Leonard E. Echols. Charleston, republican for re-election. Mr. lie hols, democratic opponent J.

A- faylor.rls Jeaid to be pandering to the radical and labor vote and making! much of hla own opposition in the legislature; to the law creating the state; police force. The other republican thourht to bein peril. Ben jamin Rosenbloom. at Wheeling, 1 acalnst a nere- tical charge of being wyt. Women Minor Consideration, Women are not conspicuously to the fore In West Virginia politic.

The state voted heavily axalhst local suffrage and was one bf thof-last to ratify the federal suffrage amend ment. Mrs. Izetta Jewfell Brown, the beauty of the democratic party, who nearly "vamped" the San Ftanciaco national convention fdr West Virginia's favorite son, John W. Davis in 1920, made a poor ahowlng in this year's primary for the? United States senatorial Nor Is the bonus stlrriwr the hearts and women of thla electorate. Senator Suther land voted for the bonus and to enact It over the president's veto.

Only the mrvrtita nr maklnr an issue on that score, but not ostentatiously, for fear of the legion vote. West Virginia always has' been a high tariff state. This campaign nnas xwo tvesi vinsinB ucmuvmi. Ktkts and national renown. Gray SU- rver, of Martlnsburg, boss of the American farm bureau; and splritus rector of the farm bloc In congress.

and Prof. T. E. Atkeson. leader of tKa Nnttnnal aransre.

'both advocat ing the Fordney McCumber tariff. They say It la a- pro-farmer tariff, thev sav if the present republican regime at Washington had done nothing elae to merit the support bf -Weat Virginia the new tariff law would suffer. Mingo Haa Local Fight. A survev of the atate at this wit ch ine hour reveals the roost excitement over In Wayne county, adjacent to the Ohio river ana no iar xrem "bloodv Minao." There the voters are tearing at one another's hair and throat, not over the, tariff, the Donus, tho shin aubsldv. the Harding admin istration or Senator Sutherland's rec ord, but whether the town ol Wayne continue to be the county; seat or whether the town pf Ceredo shall arhiPve that dlsUnction.

They al ready had two elections to decide the issue, but the law requires a three fifths majority. The! "removallsts," the verv newest thine In poliucal nomenclature think they will dp the trick on Nov. 7. Meantime, nrtns' the onlv honest to good ness election excitement discoverable In the whole panhandle state. ROOSEVELT PHOTO ON CERTIFICATES RECOMMEND 8AYINQ AS, SLO GAN TO BOOM SALES.1 "If You Are Sure YoU Are Baginning Right, Begin to Save," Taken as Worth While Motto, ij The TTlbone's 8pclal 8rrlc.

WASHINGTON, Oct. of the savings division of the treasury department, on the eve of the anniversary of the birth of Theodore "Roosevelt, pointed to his famous utterance, "If you are sure you are beginning right, begin to save," as a worthy slogan to Ebe used in the sale of treasury savings certlflcatea. The annlveraary I of Rooaevelt's birth again bringa to the; attention of the public the imbortant part be played in making tl)e people sof the United States more Because of his efforts to instill economy and to create a desire onf the part-of the public to save, the government has used Col. Rooseyelf picture on Its 125 treasury savings'-certlflcatea A IV. in discussing me 191s War savings stamps tne latter part of thla year, treasury department offlciala atate? that they are very deslrious that jthe public reinvest this money in treasury savings certificates with the Idea that the gigantic sum to be jreturned to th people will not fall? Into the hands of unscrupulous salesmen of securities of doubtful valwe.

The new $25 Roosevelt certificates may be purchased at or through any postofflce, at $20.50 Similar certificates of $10 and $1,000 denominations may be bought at $12 and $S20 each, respectively, ROD CAUSES INJURY. Falls and Cuts Deep, Gash in Face of Elevator Erector, ij Neal Earl. 613 East St Vincent street will probablyj think; twice before he walks under a ladder; again, on Friday if he ia lauperstltfoua. Yesterday. EarL an employe of C.

C. Taylok elevator I contractor, who is making an. installation In the of fice building of the Northern Indiana Gas and Electric company. North Michigan street, did 'so and later was raising two roda briund together by a small wire, when bne of them fell, cutting a deep gash in his face, miraculously missing hla left eye. Seven stitches wer taken i to close" the wound by a physician at police station.

REPORT ISilSSUED. Children Deposit S1JM7 en School Banking Oay. The report of school banMpg day on Oct. 17 has just been; tesued byi Thrift, showinjr children enrolled and balance, on deposit of JI1.07S.7J. "Depvitor4 for vi-k numerel 4,3.

tho? 8 mount dr xited was th4 'ntimtr of i withdrawals 4 74 nni tho amount withdrawn was WIN DEMOCRATS HALF HEARTED IN PREDICTION BOURBONS SAY COLLUSION Hint That Fact Finding Commission Might Find Some Real Facta by Probing Deeply Into Coal Affairs of HI I KtUllKIC HUIXtM ILK. tCoprrls-ht, lltl. br Public Co CHARLESTON, W. Va, Oct 2S. West Virginia.

the battleground of coal," la considered Invulnerably safe, for the republican party on JCoy. 1 7. Repnbtlcacs avow It and democrats only half heartedly disavow it- The stats IS normally republican! when internecine strife does not divide; vh'e G. Q. P.

vote. This year there i is neither schism nor faction, with; the result that Senator Howard Suther land's re-election Is conadently foreshadowed. In 1916, when there was republican disruption, he won by 5, 658. In 1922. with republicans a band of brothers and the women voting.

Sutherland enthusiasts talk about rolling up for him a majority of 35,000 over; hla democratic adversary. Matthew W. Neeley. former congressman from the Fairmont district. All six of West Virginia's delegation In the house are republicans.

Only two of them are. considered In danger on local issuesRepresentative Echols In Charleston and Representative Rosenbloom In Wheeling. There is no gubernatorial election this time and only three or four state; offices are to be filled. Such Interest and Issues aa exist in the campaign are confined to the senatorial race. Democrata Preeent Alibi.

Democrats say that if President Harding's coal fact-finding commis sion could have rolled up Its sleeves in West Virginia before' Nov. 7th. Senator Sutherlanda prospects would- not appear nearly so rosy. If the commission really digs for the truth In state and reveals democratic partisans assert. It can a tale unfold linking up one of the unholiest alliances on record between the republican I party and the state's "big Interests" of coal, natural gas, ion ind railroads.

His enemies Insinuate that Senator Sutherland's campaign for re-election is chiefly aided and abetted by the "interests while democrats In the same breath la ment the relatively impoverished state of their own They say their candidate. Xeely, I hasn't spent, or had spent, upon his canvass from primary time to this hour, a nickel more than They would have you believe six figure funds always are at the disposal or republican candidates in West Virginia. Sutherland la Popular Senator Sutherland, with 10 suc cessive years In 'congress, house and senate to his credit, enjoys high standing and popularity in West Virginia. When he aspired to the ire-publican nomination in 1920 he won the atate handa down over Leonard Wood, ails capacity aa a vote-getter was demonstrated- In 1914 when ho h- waa elected to the senate ran several thousand votes ahead of Hughes, who carried the state, Sutherland even outstripped the I democrat. ComweU, who was elected governor.

Tliere was discord In West Virginia republican politics in 191, "too, but Senator Sutherland survived It. Apart from his con structive activities in the his intimacy with President Harding is looked upon as a useful asset fori the atate. He la a member of the presi dent's senatorial golfing cabinet. Which includes Messrs. Kellogs and Frelmghuysn.

Labor la Critical, The principal indeed, almost tho only breath of criticism leveled at Senator Sutherland emanates from labor quarters. responsible for the appointment of the new federal judge for the southern district; of the state, George W. McClintic It is held that Judge McClInUc has been over liberal in the of Inductions against working men at the alleged behest of; railroad companies and coal operators. For a period, during the bitter labor turtaoll that surged through the coal fields and; railroad centera of southern West Virginia in 1921 and 1922 federal injunctions are said literally to have rained from Judge McCIlntic'a bench. The law-abiding elements of the community applaud his record Labor; which like unionism elsewhere Is fighting mad over the "Daugfcerty injunction-declares the record is tainted with subservience to 'capital." As Judge McCIlntic'a vponsor, Senator Sutherland ia under fire.

The rancor will cost the republican candidate votes in Logan. Mingo and other) strong union counties which aie normally democratic anyhow, but rot in safflcient number, apparently, to Jeopardize his re-election. i Capital Has Special Grievance. Here atiCharieton the state capital, they have special i grievance against the republican party and Harding adminlstrat'on. The United States government's vast X20.O0O.OOO armour plate plant, a Roosevelt project, designed to ssppiy the navy with armor, at non-trust prices was just about ready to swing into action, a completely equipped Institution, when along came tho armament conference and put; It out or business.

Former Senattf W. E. Chilton, bt Charleston, is' the man who induced congreea to locate the plant here. Incidentally the five-power treaty' put 3.000 or i.QQQ workmen out of work and pu. a corresponding crimp In the commicial Bfe, of this picturesque Intermoontain city, Resent Scrapping Armor Plant.

Charles tonians Jeasze limitation of armament I a national blessing that inevitably Imposes hardships: oh individual but; they are complaining that republican? administration has ecrap -ed the i fSeral armor plate plant rematUrrly. say It might at lii have waited till the five-power naval treaty rati VIRGINIA SPENT) NEARLY $650,000" Harding'a Name Not Liatad Amonj I Contributors to Fund Both Rockefellars Gave Sub- Amounts. Bjr Iutlic Llr Co. Oct. 28.

Repot of the repoolican national committee and the senatorial and congressional committee's of the same party filed with the clerk of the house Friday i I show receipts amounting A '-all to The disbursements wore I Contributions In excess of $100 with many running to 1.000 and furnished by far the largest part 4 -the? campaign funda The of the republican national committee we ni $421,444.43 as aga-nat $80,612.50 shown by the democratic national commit tee in the report fiicd yesterday. The republican national committee: spent $420,821.47 as against spent by the democratic According to the-ather two the republican national senatorial committee recelvtd ontributlons In the amount of Tl56.0Cf.47 and spent. while the Republican congressional committee received and spent $120,514. J5L i I By to-nlKht. the Uut reports on expenditures prellmlnaryto the general election must be filed in ac-r oordance with tho corrupt practloe act The democratic aenatorial com-, mittee.

the antl-ealoon' league, and the association against prohibition are expected, to Tafc reports at that i A fourth statement filed by the re-: publican, organisation covered the 'expenses of the speakers bureau whlcla amounted to All of the 000 received by the bureau was taken out of! the funda of the' other committees, 1 1 1 The largest individual contributor to the national committee waa H. B. Mellon. Of who gave i. ir Harding Not: Listed.

I i While President Hardlngiwas nowhere Hated among the contributdra several members of his cabinet aa well as others In responsible positions in the government gave considerable funds. Secretary Hoover contributed $5,000 to the national committee: Postmaster General Work, $1,000. Eugene Meyer, Jr, managing director of the war finance corporation gave $2,500 to the senatorial committee and $1,250 to the national committee. Charles B. Warren; ambassador to! Japan contributed $1,000 to thef national committee while Commissioner or Internal Revenue Blair gave $500.

Controller of the' Currency Crtaalnger $250 and Solicitor General Beck $300. Ahother contributor who has frequent! been menUoned for position was R. Croager, of Brownsville. Texas; one of the president's close friendaj Both of the Rockefellers contributed liberallyi John D. Rockefefler gave $15,000 to the national committee and I John D.

Rockefeller. Jr $10,000. i To the senatorial committee they each gave an additional $750. WOMAN IS RELEASED. I.

Man Held to Face 1 Charges; of Attempting to Dafraud HotaL i Mrs. Jean Lewis, of Chicago, ar-rested several days ago wih Edward Lewis, her husband df ut jit fw weeks, while they wer attempting-to leavo the Jefferson hotel Without pay-, ing: their bill, has been released but her! husband Is being held to faco thel charge' of attempting to defraud a hotel. 1 An investigation conducted by the local and federal authorities with a view to possibly filing serious charges against the man based on his Interstate relationship with the hast been dropped when it was foand that conviction would be unobtaln-; able. Read The South Bend Tribune. I Societies HaTirio; tttrrcrs i Should.


JI2. tor 8ooh Bend TribfUMw Alt rights irrll COLTlMBUS. Oct. 28.4-OhIo, tike Indiana, shows symptoms of proteat cot against Harding- the man. so much as the administration which bas! failed to approximate the tJto-pla dreamed of by anj impatient lec-t orate as It threw Off the shackles of eight years of democracy In 19lo and galled for a.

change Ijir' I The traversed 1 northern Ohio a month ago and noted evidence PC la forthcoming- reduction in the republican majority of 400.000 but did; cot gain the impression that a turnover sufficient to elect the demo cratic ticket' was in the cards at all. To-day the situation is pljilnly different. 'The Washington admin istration confessed its; worry by send ing; the cabinet here some of these cabinet members have help ed but some have Iburfcij It was jvery for instance; I for the post master-general to that which in effect; said liWlison ana tne kaiser had dictatorship 5 Instincts in common. I Still Respect Witaon. I 1 politically.

It was unwise, however convinced Dr. Work may have ibeen of accuracy Of hla comparison. For when One i penetrates Ohio? one finds the republican party filled Jwlth former democrats who bolted Some of them have been disillusioned and are going back, Many of hem would stay, in the republican party if not driven into the arms of the democratic workers, Typical among these are the former democrats who; still hate a deep respect for Woodrow Wilson and who are)iriled, whenjthey hear of a speech 1 mentioning 'In the same breath 1 one fnah who countenanced submarine' warfare and Zeppelin raids on i Innocent people and another whose -political maneuvers may have been overxealousl jr. executed: but iwho! cannotf be charged with the crimes 1 thatj the kaiser wrought, 't 1 Mil I Davie Not popular." i The cabinet offlcerii Iwho lnfaded Ohio might better jnave been kept atthpme. They cannot overturn impressions formed by-r the voters! after two years of observation; from day to The situation Jniiomb would have been local If the cabinet had not intervened.

It Is essentially locl because the administration of Gov. Harry; Davla, republican, is hardly popular and It took a strong man like Carmi Thompaon, irepublican nom- lnee In the primaries, to overcome the handicap i of fela Left Mr. Tbompion Uwould i have fought it out aa well, ilf not petter than he could do wlt waamngron assistance. And which ever way the governorship goes ao; will tho Sena- tarlal ticket go. Carmi nompson will null Simeon Feaa I for senator alona: with hin if he wins and.

con versely 1 Vie iDonaheyit wUl carry Senator Pomerene along If this is to be a democratic Tear. Papers Show, Democratic Victory, Two polls being conducted by nwsraiers of importance in! Ohio cannot be overlooked In calculating the result. One Is being- carried on by the Cincinnati Enquirer, jpwned vby E. B. McLean, one ot the lnti-matea of the white house clrcl, and the other by the Dispatch, an Independent i newspapers Both polls show about the same namely al democratic victory all along the line.

Reckoning on a per centaee basis and Ji taking- Into ac-t count the registration I of this and other years the Columbus Dispatch figures would seem to idlcate a democratic victory) by about 200.000 votes. Both newspapers have con-f ducted polls other years using th same menoa oi iuiu mcjr have been vindicalied by returns on election day. p' these atrawi votes are? taken ta republican experts for comment they I Invariably say It' a a reflex of the wetj and dry fight In this- state. Contrary to expectations the refer endum 1 light i wines and i beer Is cutting-1 a1" figure this canrpalgn which will make the final result oa the governorship ad senatorial con teats difficult to arjalyie. Here as; ln 1 one annot overlook: the sentlnieot of those more or; less neutral dr-a who think law enforcement on prohibition Is; often carried to extremes! and that a modification of the A'dUtead act would da no harm to the fcundamenta prin prohibltionp I i Should the proposed amendment to the state constitution be carried, it would of course bej' an open question whether the act df, Ohio conflicted; with the federal coostltuupn and with the Volstead Jtw4 1 But; Its algW nlficance would thai that.

Ast matters stand W'W Ohio ha state laws for the enforcement of pfohlbl-; uoa, An victory fof the beer amendment would be In terpreted as a mandate from the people on the prohibition question as a whole and a weakain of the state enforcement tc.achiryi a situation which would be parallel to that of Sew- Jii'ji' I Prehijbitien Irjyolvea Fiah. The wet and la pbtnplii eating- the party fights, The jdemoH ciats win benetu by tte wet neit. id the samei of "Beaver" forms humorous reading. jGet the diversion. 5 1 Do Hands Reveal A new science which ability in the shape of other easily read signs.

finds the four ab the wis The Correct Garb For Millgrl m. 4 fashion i Sally new things, designed, for November i Among' Us Some; of the Funniest tstnn Richard page of Vincent Culter depicts cartoons, i i national lssijieslhad not beem Injected, the state i would I have given Carmi Thonjpson a good sised vic tory. The republicans win do iucay to win by io.000. No matter what the result, the democrats (will be nnirlr to sav the Harding adminis tration haspeen repudiated for there tm ntti iikilhood of a 400.000, easily won victory lor anything like it Had the federal administration stayea nut an it did." in the primaries, it would havep been easier to dismiss the. matter frith a wave of the hand and a coramerit on "local isauea" i Now the chances are that the Ohio will! be used hot merely by tHrtnsr to discover a trend toward theni for the 1924 election but republicans In various parts or tne miintrv wh have friends they wish to groom for the presidential nomj- nation, xney wui fsu TTAtttine'a allmlnlstratlbn isn't' strong In his own jstate and they will con-- i atantly rerer to ine tigurs ui nmn Them is In-the Ohio sit uation questionable strategy on the part of the jrepublican' managers ana t)i win hnvo much exDlainlng to do even If the governorship and sen atorial fight "-re won ty tne repuo-llcan nominees.

SCHOOLS MENACE HEALTH) OF 3,000 STUDENTS Hcnt ContEnned from Pas On. feet into the ground. third floor rooms robbed of natural light by overhanging eav. or the portables, no more or leas than large garages, all of which ire existent in such unfortunate profusion in( the city. While the i facta so forcefully brought, tof the realization of the board -of s4hoql trustees may not be pleasant ofj consideration to the parents of South Bend youth.

Dr. Engel-hardt was I Instructed' by the school trustees and W. W. Borden, superin tendent of schools, to deliver his ultimatum without hesitation or reservation. Drj, Kngelhardt.

who Is a national authority on school building programs, as brought to the city at the suggestion of Mr. Borden who. with members of the school board, felt the nef of expert advice in the solution of school problems, not alone for the iie4ds of to-day but to meet future srowth of population and- city expansion: While it ''may be impossible to correct many mistakes of the far past years, the school -trustees and Mr. Borden feel that their future action and) that of succeeding school boarda will be helpfully guided by the analysis of Dr. Bngelhardt and that gradually a school system will be evolved which will become a credit to jthe clty iwill be placed among the; foremost educational units In the country and will look to the safe guarding and proper educational development of the children of South Bend.

i I After completing i his survey Df. Engelhard tj liberally commended the method adopted by the present school board and Mr, Borden and hlghl) praised the possibilities for future educational development in such buildings as the John F. Nuner, now under construction, the J. D. Oliveir.

Linden and Washington buildings, Borden Will Make Survey. Upon lekving the city to-day Dr, Engelhardt la entrusting to Mr, Borden's direction an intensive survey of population trends and educational needs which, when completed in two mqnths time, will present such facts; as will permit the outline o'f a future building program. Dr. Fngelhardt computes that In the course of from 10 to 15 years South Bend will reach a population Census of 125,000 to and that the educational plan proposed will be so scientifically prepared as to meet every exigency of population growth and consequent school city extension. He is emphatic in the stand that the school authorities must be furnished with sufficient funds to.

successfully promote tjbe proposed building program as well as to 'maintain the old buildings on a high standard. Dr. Engielhardt. believes that the outstanding problems requiring early solution in South Bend are those problems Connected jwlth the housing of children in basement, third floor and portable I building rooms. He makea it ilear that a moat advanced building program will be necessary to accomplish the task of making adequate provision if for children unfortunately housed.

He points out that not only do such conditions hamper the educational program but they also Interfere with the program of health protection! which the school trustees ind Mr. Borden are endeavoring; to Dr. Engelhardt coiled jto the fact that per; cent of the ele mentary class roc-as cf the city were built previous to which means that a Mrp jpercen'age or eiemen tary rooms dot not conform to stand arda for lighting, alx-. ventilation and ease of exit of children. According, to Dri Engelhardt, alihough South Bend has experienced a most rapid growth since 190, It has net begun to develop Its sch4ol pla-'t to keep pace with the; nerda of this exceedlngiy rapid groktb, m- Citizen Unaware' of Conditions.

declvred Dr. Eagel- authority, find his men having- been surrounaeo. he defended himself with his pistol nd hand grenades." The additional palm waa awarded with a citation for the entire first battalion of the 10 2d Infantry, 26th division. Col. Bears was "also awarded the Italian Croice Di Geurra, with no speciflo citation of record Residence, Peru.

Silenced Two Machine Guna. Robert W. Cook, aergeant company A. 111st Infantry, aid division. French Croix IeGuerre, with palm with following: citation: "On Oct.

10, 191 8, to the east of the Meus he single "handed put two machine guns out of action. ADOUl 10 oe a prrauncu front of the lines he succeeded in i extricating' himself by opportunely ttinwlnsp miiffnfatlnr mndM. He constantly patrolled. the front of his i company encouraging the men by his example." Residence, Kay uawson, corponu, cumpiuif -m K8th infantry, American forces In Germany. Italian Croice DiGuerra.

(No specific citation of record). Residence, Noblesville. I. Henri C. Ernest, private, first class, company M.

28th infantry, first -division. French Croix DeGuerre, with bronze star, the citation reading-: "Placed at the disposition of tank 'group 'No. 6 during- the combat of May JS, ,191. he displayed the most brilliant qualities of coolness and courage and rendered very great ser-. vice." Residence, 207 Nation avenue.

West Terrc Haute. Placed Guna Under Fire. Robert Greer, sergeant, com-pany II, 48th machine gun battalion, second division French Croix. DeGuerre, with bronxe star, citation reading-: "On Oct 1918. In the battle of Blanc Mont he displayed the greatest courage in successfully mak-tnjr hand to hand fighting, under a run fire In order to select positions for his machine gTinai Residence, JJt Vernon.

I lUiam Iiun, uruciiu, I2d division. French Legion PTEIohi neur with this citation: 1He commanded the 2d division tn; remark able manner aunns xne; operation which tended In the retaking? of; the Chemind-DeaDames i j. Laon. i Thanks to hla tactical! sepae his strategical skill, to' bis indomitable tenacity, and to the magnificent, spirit of his troops who had: an ab- er. be advanced several kU6raeters and captured the Important position of Juvigny which the enemy; waa de fending- wun oesperaie resistance cin Hun waa also awarded the Italian Order of the.

Crown with no specific citation of record. He entered the West Point Military academy from Indiana. -j Garner Herron, Infantry. American Polish relief expedition. Polish commemorative cross.

No speciflo citation 'pf, record. Residence, Hope. I Harell Iu Jennings, private, com-, pany A. seventh machine gun battalion, third division, French Croix De Guerre with, silver with this citation: "Was conaplcuoua by hla 3reat bravery In the defense of Chateau Thierry and was gloriously 5 wounded at his post or xtes- idence, French Lick. Edward Wilton Legier.

first lieutenant SlOth engineers; 85 th division. British, military cross, no -apeclflc citation of record. I Russian Order of Anne, second class. No speciflo citation of Residence, Angola. I infantry brigade, second division.

French Croix De Guerre witht palm under the collective citation the action of his brigade of the Uarne, Entered military academy Indiana. f- Raymond Luts. sergeant; troop i provisional cavalry squad ran Ameri- ixn forces In Germany. Italian 'Croce DiGuerra. No specific citation: of rec-ird.

Residence. Bedford, i Indifferent to Danger, headquarters detachment, first en-; fiaeers, first division. French jCroix Oe Guerre with silver star, with this atatidxu. "During- the attack May 1918, he dUUngulshed himself by lis calmness and Indifference to dan-rer In continuing to observe the novements or tne enemy: in spite or. violent bombardment In the course which three shells struck his ob-lervation.

post. He. furnished the wmmand Interesting and accurate nf ormation." Residence. Ernest Mosle. private, company H.

Vth infantry, second division French 'rolx De Guerre with silver star with he, citation: "He assisted near Vaux a ilia capiurc vi sn toriu? uwiuius run and transported to the objective his company and there utilized if itectivelv to renulae a counter at- ack," Residence, Indianapolis. Robert "Todd Oitver colonel dental rps. chief dental surgeon, A. E. tench Xegrvsn D'ilonneurf No specl-ic citation, of record.

French Ordero '-e8 Palmes universal lo. Nq specific itation of record. Entered military ervice from Indiana, Repaired Six Hod 'Phohea. Cart L- Pitts, p.ivate, first claasi ttery B. 147th field arUUeryi A.

E. French Croix witSt Hponxe star and the following cita- "A very courageous cannoneer. 3e diatinguuhed himself daring the iffensive. period from Sept. 3 to f.

1908, when his battery was subjected 9 nuUvvvUOT ii uuh ilia fc'j itv snemy artiilary. i Under many cir mmstances he repaired the telephone that had ben ui by the shells." Marion. Glenn D. Ram son. medical corps.

V. S. attached to Fifth bal- iallon. Cameron lieisnt Andres; Brit isa Military citation for knpicueus gallantly at Meroken, teal parties, Mortals. hannen at breakfast.

some of the most laughable In bis hardt, "the. average eitlien of South Bend is unaware of the tremendously overcrowded i conditions prevailing In the school outings. Practically no square foot of even the basements is not being utilised for class room pur poses. South Bend has reacned tne point where there is no further possi bility oft taking care of more children in the present plants. Approximately 1,509 children were i added to thla years enrollment, the burden Of school bousing to the point of intolerable congestion.

"In order rto meet the present aa well as tho future needs, no ard or Indefinite iutare program should be acceptable to the city. Be fore: South? Bend builds another school bulld'ng very-Intensive popu lation studies should be made and very serious attention given to those standards according to which a school plant should be developed These standards should lrclude standards for sited, for distance the children Should ne required to travel from home to school. provisions which should be made In buildings as -well as materials and elements of constructionj TJnfortunately for South Bend the elementary buildings in the majority ot arel not properly located so as to form part of the future school Plant. Also most of the elementary buildings are on sites woefully Inade quate for building extension and play program. For the future school plant every elementary school should have from foir t4 six acres of land, every junior high school plant from six to 10 acres, and for a city the size of South Bend every senior high school should have from 15 to 20 acres ot land." Urgfe Removal of Fountains.

Dr. Enirelhardt particularly urged the removal of all drinking fountains from basement toilets, the displacement of insanitary 'and antiquated toilet facilities, the 'b installation of adequate artificial lighting equipment, and the renovation and restoration of fresh air chambers to a point where they will be mad aa sanitary as Is possible'. He spoke in condemnation 6f third floor auditoriums ln volying ks they do a hazard to human life in case: of fire. "South Bend Is distinctly a city of declared Mr. Engelhardt.

In traveling about the city I was given a most favorable Impression because of the character of the homes and the splendid layout of the streets. 1 have vliited no other city which has left me With a more favorable general In studying the school houses i of the city; however, I gained the 1m presston that school planning has not received the same attentlonas has tree and home planning. In general the schools of the, city are as well maintained and are kept as clean as are school buildings over the country. There are few school systems? In the country? where results In -upkeep and renovation are as satisfactory as those found here. I am of the firm conviction that the school -authorities have used as wisely as possible the moneys given them for the upkeep Of the present plant.

i Only Five Modern Buildings. 'There are 21 schools in the city including the High- school and in spite oC the progressive program of upkeep repair It has been im possible! for the school authorities to make of the old school plant a mod ern plant to meet, modern school needs. South Bend is unfortunate in having i so many small buildings which are Inadequate to meet the future program of educational ad vancemfnt. It is also deplorable that thd old buildings are so planned as to prevent necessary; additions except it a prohibitive cost. Of the 21 buildings only five may be considered as strictly modern and sufficiently! adequate for the educa tional advancement of a progressive city.

Of these five buildings, the Washington. Linden. John F. Nuner land three have, been built three years. J.i D.

tDliver, High school. iwithin the last ITponlthe completioh of Mr. Bor- den's survey. Dr. Engelhardt will re turn to South Bend to further analyze; conditions and to Instruct as to the method of procedure In the development of the school building program, K- i MRS.

ERSKINE CHOSEN. Will Direct Activities of! South Bend Symphony Oreheatra. Mrs. R. Erakine vu elected preaident of the South Bend Sym phony Orchestra association at an organization meeting held by the directors in the Robertson tea room Friday i Fred- A.

Bryan was nakned vice-preaideet; Mrs. Eii Seebtrt. secoftd -vice-president; Mrs. Victor F. i Jones, i secretary? George 5 Robertson, treasurer, and Frederick H.

Ingeraoll director. Mrs. Frank EJ Hertng Was ichosen itb hfad the ticket sale committee. first concert by the orchestra will on a Sunday' afternoon late i In Xo-cmbr, jto be followed by four otaer concerts on suo-ceeding Sundays. A second series of five concerts win be! presented be-gnningf th early part of February.

Hi i i fl If I 3 i jtr I i if. 'I Mt I 1 Ii 1 4 1 1 '(j 1.

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